View Full Version : Quick question about binders

2011-08-27, 02:39 AM
Hello all,

When I roll to see wether the pact is a good or bad one, is it really just my binder level + cha bonus vs binding DC. At first level that means that I have to roll a 10 or even 15 to succeed. Is that not a bit harsch? I mean, to get a bad pact once in a while is hilarious, but like this it will happen too often I think.

It feels like I'll never get to play the character like she really is, and only play her under the inlfuence of some vestige. Is that really how it is meant to be? Or am I thinking about this wrong? :smallsmile:

2011-08-27, 02:49 AM
Well, it's not like you have to sit at home that day just because you made a bad pact (unless you're in some kind of really sensitive social situation where having goat horns would be kind of a turn-off, but that's kinda your own fault). Think of it like a side effect of a drug. Yeah, you're not usually quite so sleepy as you are when you take that cough syrup, but it's not like anyone would mistake you for someone else. You're still clearly you. You just have something else influencing you. You don't become a slave to the vestige, and it's not like you have to obsess over their influences. Most of them are very specific about when they trigger, and when that trigger isn't present, the only way you're worse off is that you can't suppress the sign.

So yeah, the point is, you're going to fail quite a few pact checks at the start of your career, but that's OK, and it really isn't much of a setback. It's not like you can't still roleplay who your character really is just because you're under a funny compulsion to give coins to dwarves after learning their names.

2011-08-27, 03:08 AM
I dont mind the quirks, those are just fun. :smallcool:

It's the personality change that I find a bit harsch. But you are right, I don't need to focus on them so much. It's still her as you say. Thanks! :smallsmile:

2011-08-27, 03:25 AM
I think there are feats to mitigate the effect though, right? (like Supress Sign?)

2011-08-27, 08:49 AM
Suppress Sign (a class feature) only lets you hide the signs if you make a good pact.

There is one feat which helps on binding checks (Skilled Pact Making), though as a pure binder you can't take it before level 4 due to the will save requirement.

There are also a few items you can use. Chime of suppression lets you turn off a vestige for one minute three times per day, losing abilities, influence and sign. Implements of binding grant you a bonus on the binding check, at the cost of 1 point of damage.