View Full Version : I'm trying to come up with a character idea

2011-08-27, 10:46 AM
So my group is going to start PF/3.5 hybrid game where we play the decendants of our previous characters. The only character that lived at the end of the campaign was my epic level drow wizard(lvl24 who was lawful good but no scimitars!), whom was adopted as an adult by the empress of a human and good kobold nation that had Japanese feel to it except everyone is considered to be part of the military with everyone born into e-1 (to include royal kids). Officers are considered to be the nobles, mayors, governors etc and are only selected from NCO ranks by their commanders based on merit as their reputation is on the line for their candidates (though children of high ranking officers tend to get commissioned more quickly).

At first I was thinking of playing PF ninja but someone else wanted to give it a try and I was also thinking of absent minded wizard but the stats rolled for me were too high for that (I missed last session so I had the dm roll for me and rolled really high). I'm now thinking of playing a charismatic wizard but I was also thinking of someone who is also non violent. I'm fine with battlefield control or disabling effects like sleep, but I want to avoid any spells that give HP damage. I wondering how should I rp one, how much of effect of royal background should effect my character, in a setting where people rarely go above 6 and most people being 3 and under how would much of impact should it bear? Also how would people respond to her drow heritage (drows live under ground and follow Loth with an armistice in place to pause the elven and drow war that has been going on for several thousand years that my former character helped brokered. The drows were using elf as slave labor to prove the superiority of drow with other races only serving a minor slave population) Since it's level 1 I'm more then likely have my character be fresh out of sorcess training.

The reaction to magic varies between nations like in the hobgoblin empire it's outlawed unless you're a hob goblin (hob goblin empire were like the Roman empire but since had their powered faded and are more like Byzantine with their capital no longer in control and their new capital being far west. Other countries they're required to have liscense. In Vorel, the country my character would be from spell casters are much more likely to become officers (yes melee also become officers), though bards, wizards and sorcerers are often called sorceress (reason being when they were still an isolated island nation mostly the women seemed to be the ones have magical abilities and were called sorceress).

For stats I was thinking (lvl1) (before racial mods).

STR: 12
Dex: 17
Con: 15
Int: 18
Wis 15
Cha: 18

Yes I know that second 18 would better off in dex or con but meh. Is 60 years a long enough time for half drow to have a kid old enough for adventuring (I would prefer to be mostly human). What feats and spells should I pick?

P.S. As for why my former character is so much higher then every one else is that our characters stumbled upon an ancient star gate err planegate and we have been trying to get back home (though a large portion of it we were stuck in FR >.>).

2011-08-27, 11:01 AM
I'm not 100% what you mean by hybrid PF/3.5 game, but if you are able to play any class from 3.5, I would suggest Factotum for the absent minded caster. They are an intellect based class that have all skills as class skills, and you would still have some melee abilities, and some magic as well. They are not a caster in the literal sense, but they are just about as good in most cases. It is in the book Dungeonscape, and I would suggest looking into that, if it works for your game that is.

2011-08-27, 11:43 AM
Factotum is good.

However, with the Japanese theme you could go with a Wu Jen / ToB Jade Pheonix Mage. Not the most optimal route, but in most groups probably more than good enough. Flavorful as heck even ignoring JPM's backstory.

2011-08-27, 12:02 PM
I'm not 100% what you mean by hybrid PF/3.5 game, but if you are able to play any class from 3.5, I would suggest Factotum for the absent minded caster. They are an intellect based class that have all skills as class skills, and you would still have some melee abilities, and some magic as well. They are not a caster in the literal sense, but they are just about as good in most cases. It is in the book Dungeonscape, and I would suggest looking into that, if it works for your game that is.

The PF/3.5 hybrid is

Classes: PF
Spells: 3.5
Skill: PF
Feats: Mixture
Grapple/trip: 3.5

Well I know of factotum, it's going to be hard work not stepping on the ninja spot light.

2011-08-27, 12:07 PM
If you have to stick to PF classes, my idea is out. I'd recommend something a bit MAD since your stats are crazy-good.

2011-08-27, 01:02 PM
Just to be clear, were you planning on this new character being a drow, or merely drow-descended somehow? Because if you ended up being taken in by a human/kobold nation, depending on how many generations it has been I reckon the descendant you're playing as might be down to a quarter or eighth of drow blood, unless there are other drow to breed with. Sadly there aren't a lot of good ways to stick an elven bloodline into a human, and half-elves are pretty crappy mechanically.

2011-08-27, 08:58 PM
Hi, a couple of ideas

1st, you character could be a half drow, allowing you an entertaining back story about how your char gained its bastard ancestry (this would also relieve you of yucky LA and Con penalty)

2nd, If your stats are up for switching you could make a "wizard", but instead of being a wizard, your character could be a barbarian who thinks (s)hes a wizard.

3rd, Some type of Gish character, (pally 2/sorcerer 4/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion 5/Sacred Exorcist 8) (http://xkcd.com/859/)

4th, An ultimate magus, you have the stats for it, however, it might be difficult to be effective at the early levels, but your full of flavor. (Don't forget practiced spellcaster for the sorcerer side)


2011-08-27, 10:47 PM
Hi, a couple of ideas

1st, you character could be a half drow, allowing you an entertaining back story about how your char gained its bastard ancestry (this would also relieve you of yucky LA and Con penalty)

2nd, If your stats are up for switching you could make a "wizard", but instead of being a wizard, your character could be a barbarian who thinks (s)hes a wizard.

3rd, Some type of Gish character, (pally 2/sorcerer 4/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion 5/Sacred Exorcist 8) (http://xkcd.com/859/)

4th, An ultimate magus, you have the stats for it, however, it might be difficult to be effective at the early levels, but your full of flavor. (Don't forget practiced spellcaster for the sorcerer side)


Side note: The critical thing about Ultimate Magus is using Practiced Spellcaster at the right time so that you always advance your Wizard spellcasting and attain 9th level spells/ a good caster level. There are handbooks for this.