View Full Version : A plane where munchkins, pun-puns, and rule abusers are sent

2011-08-27, 10:40 PM
Hi there.
Since my players are soon gonna visit Sigil and enter Planescape, i thought of introducing them (partly as a joke) to a plane where all rule-abusers are sent.

It will be a small, destroyed plane of existance. Inevitables flying in the skies, keeping watch. A grey waste where most things are destroyed.

They shall arrive in a big crater. On top of a pillar, they shall find a ruined building; inside are scrolls of "Locate City" and notes about creating the "Locate City bomb" exploit.
Next, they shall find a line of a thousand commoners turned to stone. One in the process of firing a bow and one that just dropped it. This will be the "commoner railgun" exploit.

My players know 3.5 quite well and will recognize at least those two.

Can anyone suggest more things? Mostly exploits that might be nice to "see" (or actually, see the results of) and also well-known enough to let them understand, or that can be explained easily by ingame facts.

If you can find a nice way to present it to the players, bonus cookies!

2011-08-28, 12:33 AM
A bunch of strange reptilian creatures might be a good sign of Sarrukh presence, and a giant pile of chicken bones can be a sign of several exploits.

2011-08-28, 01:21 AM
A giant statue of Pun-Pun.
A dedication

2011-08-28, 01:29 AM
A Psion stuck in a "Save Game" trick loop.

A Tainted Scholar with ~80 Depravity.

A d2 Crusader that can't break the infinite damage loop.

2011-08-28, 01:34 AM
Two portable holes suspended in the air with a length of rope stretched between them.

2011-08-28, 01:35 AM
and a giant pile of chicken bones can be a sign of several exploits.

Along this line- everything that needs to be cushioned or padded is filled with chicken feathers. Eggs and chicken meat are the staple diet of basically everybody, except for the one corner of the plane where they have a working Trap of Create Food and Water; they're going to war against the neighboring zone that has a functioning Trap of Prestidigitation, because they're getting reeaaaallly tired of nutritious magic gruel.

Two portable holes suspended in the air with a length of rope stretched between them.

A pair of ring-gates set up in a Portal loop, from which emanate a weird buzzing sound. A nigh-invisible object loops between them- if a character dares to touch it, their hand is obliterated by a Shrink Item'd boulder both suddenly expanding to full size and impacting at an appreciable fraction of lightspeed.

Olo Demonsbane
2011-08-28, 01:38 AM
A vacuum with 2 infinite use ring gates.

Masses of Wights (assuming they're high enough level that it won't significantly endanger them).

A bucket of water marked "For emergency healing purposes only".

2011-08-28, 01:44 AM
Piles of paralyzed dragons, and some nice scrolls of Spectral Hand and Shivering Touch.

Psionic Artificers, full stop.

2011-08-28, 01:58 AM
The real world, where they are tormented daily by the laws of physics.

2011-08-28, 02:38 AM
A giant statue of Pun-Pun.
A dedication

Make it a tomb or an altar with an an inscription reading something along the lines of: "May this monument serve as the sole reminder of Pun-Pun. Woe be to those who would disrupt the seal upon his distant prison, for his return heralds the end of everything."

2011-08-28, 02:40 AM
A bucket of water marked "For emergency healing purposes only".
I don't get this one.

Piles of paralyzed dragons, and some nice scrolls of Spectral Hand and Shivering Touch.

Psionic Artificers, full stop.

I don't get these 2 either.

2011-08-28, 02:48 AM
I don't get this one.

Drowning brings you to 0, then -1 HP. So you can, if you're at -5 HP, be healed by drowning.

Unless you have Stormwrack, it's also impossible to stop drowning.

I don't get these 2 either.

Shivering touch does Dex damage, enough to one-shot dragons by paralyzing them.

2011-08-28, 02:49 AM
I don't get this one.
Drowning technically resets your HP to zero (at the beginning). Think about it.

II don't get these 2 either.

1) Dragons have low Dex and Touch AC. Shivering Touch is a touch attack which targets Dex.
2) Psionic Artificers are a fairly... broken class as they can craft anything. As in anything anything, including 'magic' items.

2011-08-28, 02:56 AM
3 kobolds playing a card game called "Pun-pun (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Munchkin_%28card_game%29)," a wizard, a paladin, and one of which is actually just Pazuzu.

They're not actually being kept there, but having multiple pun-puns simultaneously got a bit boring so they just decided to come up with some contest that was actually meaningful.

2011-08-28, 03:34 AM
Make it a tomb or an altar with an an inscription reading something along the lines of: "May this monument serve as the sole reminder of Pun-Pun. Woe be to those who would disrupt the seal upon his distant prison, for his return heralds the end of everything."
For the love of all things holy, the hatred of all things unholy, and the ambivalence of all things in-between, why, why, I ask, would you put such a tomb with such a an inscription in a plane where the dregs of the multiverse, the kind that would push a button marked "Don't Push, Will End World" before the paint is dry, the kind that try for the lulz to gain any advantage they can get their cheetoes encrusted mitts on, the plane where these fiends of creation are sent to rot, why would you put such an encasement on such plane?
It would be smashed open before the first 'm'.

2011-08-28, 03:42 AM
What I think would be amusing is a deluded-looking psion or magician who "refluffed" all his abilities and equipment. He refers to his magic rod as a sword, etc.

2011-08-28, 03:46 AM
A ladder.

blah blah message length

2011-08-28, 03:51 AM
The welcoming party is a sandwitch. All who enter the plane are greeted by this sandwitch, who informs them of who to avoid for fear of death. The sandwitch "himself" is on this list.

2011-08-28, 03:59 AM
What I think would be amusing is a deluded-looking psion or magician who "refluffed" all his abilities and equipment. He refers to his magic rod as a sword, etc.
Must . . . resist . . . innuendo.:smalleek:

2011-08-28, 04:10 AM
Drowning technically resets your HP to zero (at the beginning). Think about it.

But is there a way to stop drowning? I think I remember an arguement about it, by RAW once you start drowning there no stopping it.

2011-08-28, 04:24 AM
But is there a way to stop drowning? I think I remember an arguement about it, by RAW once you start drowning there no stopping it.


2011-08-28, 04:28 AM

I don't understand the answer, but I guessing I'm wrong.

2011-08-28, 04:34 AM
A row of tombstones litter this area. The following are some descriptions:

The painful sorcerer famoused for blast,
After a thousand victories once foiled,
By a reflection which caused him to eat his last,
And all the rest forgot for which he toiled:

Batman Wizard
Who was prepared for every situation
Who even had his bat-shark-repellant
Who neglected his Protection from Rocks Fall

Takahashi no Onisan
Scariest Samurai Alive
Wasn't scary enough...

Joker Bard
By losing, he won
By dying, he achieved victory
By forcing the most powerful wizard alive
Dance to his tune

Hive Mind Mage
Ha! whare ye gaun, ye crowlin ferlie!
Your impudence protects you sairly:
I canna say but ye strunt rarely,
Owre all th' land;
Tho' faith! I fear, ye met yer fate
By th' AMDRO Man

Twice Betrayer of Shar
For all the power that you've gained
The gods themselves, their patience strained
Betrayed by the magic you betrayed to gain
A fitting fate

2011-08-28, 04:35 AM
Stormwrack is a splatbook (one of a series of three, along with Frostburn and Sandstorm, about various environments) that deals with ships, oceans, and the like. In it, there are rules for how to stop drowning.

2011-08-28, 04:43 AM
AKA "It's Wet Outside", "It's Cold Outside", and "It's Hot Outside".

2011-08-28, 04:43 AM
Things one might find in the Land of Carnage:

Creatures bulging with massive muscles stored in lines, each one under a Temporal Stasis spell, in a 'Festering Hate' emergency clinic.

Hulking Hurlers boredly playing catch with a castle or small moon.

A pair of diplomancers of opposite alignment shackled together, engaged in heated debate. They will casually use their powers on the PCs if they hang around to listen, but will only use the support to emphasize one of the points of their argument before releasing the PC to do what they want.


An oiled, shirtless Rogue with optimized Escape Artist that can consistently make DC80 checks.

2011-08-28, 04:51 AM
An Ikea tarrasque petting zoo! Yay emerald legion!

2011-08-28, 05:44 AM
Add a jumplomancer to the diplomancer duo. Every time one makes a point, he counters with "yea, but look what I can do", and the diplomancers nod approvingly.

2011-08-28, 05:52 AM
A farm, but instead of crops Efreeti are chained up. All the 'farmers' are trapped in unbreakable bubbles of pain where the farmer 'can't die' floating above the players heads. A couple Solars float around aimlessly nearby looking at the trapped farmers disaprovingly.

2011-08-28, 05:57 AM
There's a guy trying to sell Tarrasque meat to the two trap countries, maybe? He has the Tarrasque chained up and is carving pieces off of it to sell...

A guy with a Perpetual Motion Machine shop? Like, he sells perpetual motion machines, of a huge varieties of designs, for CHEAP CHEAP prices?

2011-08-28, 05:57 AM
You see a bunch of people wearing nipple clamps staring at a wall with weird symbols on it, with the biggest smiles on their faces you've ever seen.

2011-08-28, 06:04 AM
What I think would be amusing is a deluded-looking psion or magician who "refluffed" all his abilities and equipment. He refers to his magic rod as a sword, etc.

That's not being a munchkin, certainly not pun-pun and I can't really see it as rule abuse. Maybe they got sent their by mistake and is mocked by the other inhabitance for not being hardcore enough.

2011-08-28, 09:36 AM
I just thought of another :P

A room containing thousands of burned out candles.
The next room will of course contain thousands of rings of three wishes.

2011-08-28, 10:07 AM
The d2 Crusader infinitely attacking a half-black dragon war troll with levels in ... I think Crimson Guard, it's called?

2011-08-28, 10:54 AM
If you have a "psionic wing" of some kind:

- The aforementioned save-game psion, constantly appearing out of nowhere and saying "my plan must not have worked, but which one did I try?" before vanishing again. (Save Game Trick)

- Another psion, wielding a sword, performing what seems to be a complicated martial kata in circles around the room. Though his movements are precise, they also appear jerky, as though he is being tugged around on invisible strings - a living marionette rather than moving under his own power. His movements are in time with the pulsing of his psicrystal sitting on a pedestal, and a horrified expression is frozen on his face; his eyes are constantly darting around as though searching for escape, but his mouth seems unable to open. (Control Body Trick)

- A psychic warrior stuck in a paroxysm of pain. Light is pouring from his wide eyes and gaping mouth as a large quiver of glowing arrows has spilled at his feet, coming into contact with his leg. Detect Magic or Detect Psionics should show him near deific levels of power despite his seeming inability to move or even notice his surroundings. (+1 Manifester Arrows Trick)

- A wilder chained down in a wall of lightning. Electrodes are hooked up to her ears and she appears to be powering a large generator. Just getting close to the entire configuration should make the PCs hair stand on end. (Energy Wall/Energy Conversion/Energy Ray loop)

2011-08-28, 11:08 AM
^: And just for the heck of it, a community of psion sandwiches. And their king is a psion roll of sushi.
AKA "It's Wet Outside", "It's Cold Outside", and "It's Hot Outside".

Don't forget, "It's NOT Outside!" :smallbiggrin:

You see a bunch of people wearing nipple clamps staring at a wall with weird symbols on it, with the biggest smiles on their faces you've ever seen.

Needs more ominiously humming and churning machinery hooked up to them that serves no readily discernible purpose.

The Glyphstone
2011-08-28, 11:08 AM
Don't forget, "It's NOT Outside!" :smallbiggrin:

And "It's Still Not Outside/It's Dark Inside".

2011-08-28, 11:15 AM
It will be a small, destroyed plane of existance. Inevitables flying in the skies, keeping watch. A grey waste where most things are destroyed.

I'd recommend to lose the inevitables. This premise works much better as an australia/dark sun than as an alcatraz.

2011-08-28, 12:27 PM
An clearing that opens to reveal a permanent force cage filled with water and the drowned Tarrasque.

2011-08-28, 12:56 PM
An clearing that opens to reveal a permanent force cage filled with water and the drowned Tarrasque.
A regular Forcecage (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/forcecage.htm) is too small to contain Mr. T (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/tarrasque.htm), as he's Colossal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm#bigandLittleCreatu resInCombat), which makes him take up a 30 foot space, so the spell "automatically fails" when used to contain him directly.

Now, you could use several copies of the Windowless Cell Forcecage (or rather, four regular Walls of Force, plus Permanency, to make the walls, and Windowless Cell Forcecages to build the ceiling and floor) and fill *that* with water, drowning Mr. T.

Oh yes, and don't forget the anti-osmium bomb (scrolls of major creation... just make sure you've got Death Pact up when you set it off)

2011-08-28, 01:03 PM
An clearing that opens to reveal a permanent force cage filled with water and the drowned Tarrasque.

I love that, great image. Bonus points if he keeps reviving, futilely slamming into the enclosure, then drowning again.

No brains
2011-08-28, 01:21 PM
Another watcher of the Home For Infinite Losers could be a creature with a no-roll annihilation gaze attack... but you need pun-pun to levels of skill boosts actually Spot it.

2011-08-28, 01:23 PM
I love that, great image. Bonus points if he keeps reviving, futilely slamming into the enclosure, then drowning again.
Oh, there's other ways. If, for instance, you deal *enough* damage to Mr. T, then he'll stay down long enough to fail enough Con checks vs. Thirst (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#starvationAndThirst) that his nonlethal exceeds his max HP, and he's permanently unconscious (damage from thirst is not affected by regeneration, you see, so it never heals... until the next spring rain... but hopefully by then he'll have failed enough Con checks vs. Hunger to do the same thing... as long as nobody force feeds Mr. T).

2011-08-28, 01:27 PM
Oh, there's other ways. If, for instance, you deal *enough* damage to Mr. T, then he'll stay down long enough to fail enough Con checks vs. Thirst (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#starvationAndThirst) that his nonlethal exceeds his max HP, and he's permanently unconscious (damage from thirst is not affected by regeneration, you see, so it never heals... until the next spring rain... but hopefully by then he'll have failed enough Con checks vs. Hunger to do the same thing... as long as nobody force feeds Mr. T).

You could feed Mr. T to Mr. T, keeping him awake and making the laws of thermodynamics cry themselves to sleep.

2011-08-28, 01:51 PM
You could feed Mr. T to Mr. T, keeping him awake and making the laws of thermodynamics cry themselves to sleep.
Again.That's OK. D&D has a *lot* of ways to make the laws of thermodynamics sit down and shut up.

For instance: Energy Substitution(Cold) Wall of Fire + Permanency, combined with Wall of Fire + Permanency. You now have a permanent hot well, and a permanent cold well. Make any heat engine you want.

Another: Decanter of Endless Water: Anchor it somewhere, set it to gyser, pointing at a water wheel.

Another: Animate Dead on a riding dog, mule, or other four-legged animal, to get a skeleton. Put it in a wheel in a harness, and tell it to start walking forward.

Another: Periodic, self-resetting trap of Reverse Gravity, for a continuous antigravity field. Put a wheel halfway in it. Attach whatever you like to the wheel.

2011-08-28, 01:56 PM
That's OK. D&D has a *lot* of ways to make the laws of thermodynamics sit down and shut up.

*good ideas*

Hence the "Again.":smallbiggrin:
For the last one I would have a piston with heavy weight at the end of the shaft. Then use crankshaft to turn that into rotary motion, or use the reciprocating motion as is.

2011-08-28, 02:12 PM
Hence the "Again.":smallbiggrin:
For the last one I would have a piston with heavy weight at the end of the shaft. Then use crankshaft to turn that into rotary motion, or use the reciprocating motion as is.
You want a wheel halfway through the reverse gravity well; partly for the more consistent motion (left side goes up, right side goes down - constant force spin, based on the amount of weight in the wheel and the local gravity well), partly for the reduced amount of vibration (A piston bobbing causes a lot of that, which must be accounted for; a good wheel produces a lot less). Additionally, if you have an Antigravity field that is constantly turning on and off, you've got a cycle rate (one per iteration), vs. a wheel (which has a constant force applied); as a result, the wheel is much more useful for most engineering tasks.

Further, if anything goes wrong with the wheel (Dispel Magic to suppress the trap?), all that happens is that you lose your source of force for a few rounds. If something goes wrong with the bobber, you might brute-force smash your trap, depending on how much labor you've been trying to get out of it.

2011-08-28, 02:30 PM
Another watcher of the Home For Infinite Losers could be a creature with a no-roll annihilation gaze attack... but you need pun-pun to levels of skill boosts actually Spot it.

Nah, that's less tongue-in-cheek reference and gives a message more like you've got a bone to pick with someone online. Also, not amusing to use due to the whole party not actually being able to see it and not really making sense to observe its effects.

2011-08-28, 02:35 PM
You also need a long row of horses, lined side by side, stretching as far as the eye can see (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=204572).

2011-08-28, 03:26 PM
A line of commoners passing....something...all the way around the world at faster than the speed of light.

A d2 Crusader stuck in time attacking a Frenzied Bezerker.

I think I could do this all day...

2011-08-28, 03:37 PM
It should definitely smell of cheese. Toss in an arena where a level 20 monk and a CW Samurai take on all comers and inexplicably win each time.

2011-08-28, 03:38 PM
But a d2 Crusader wouldn't be stuck in time. This is because his initiative spot in that round does not end until the damage is done being calculated. Effectively, as soon as he hits one of two things happens:
A) Time freezes permanantly
B) The universe realizes that the damage is infinite, and kills whoever was hit, then goes on as normal

2011-08-28, 03:50 PM
Another one, A large cliff with two men on top, and at the bottom an Artificer who had jumped. They are locked in a cycle of infinite pain.

2011-08-28, 04:02 PM
Among all the ruins they find a massive, thriving empire/nation populated with countless people and undead....ruled by one high-cha tier 1 caster....the catch? Said caster has leadership and undead leadership, his cohorts have leadership...and their cohorts have leadership and cohorts with leadership...who have cohorts with leadership that have cohorts with leadership. All of them also have undead leadership, and every undead cohort is a spawn creating undead who has 10,000+ spawn under their command, and the caster has just as many, if not more spawn that he created himself via abuse of shapechange.

2011-08-28, 04:03 PM
A cackling necromancer with a horde of summoned shadows.

2011-08-28, 04:18 PM
Another one, A large cliff with two men on top, and at the bottom an Artificer who had jumped. They are locked in a cycle of infinite pain.

Again, any infinite loops that still resolve during one round COULD NOT be found, frozen, by other characters. The loop would continually take up that moment, and either freeze time forever "while the dice are rolled", or be determined as Infinite, be resolved as such, and the world (including those in the loop) would proceed as normally immediately afterward.

NOTE: This statement is not against you, it's info for all the people to mention people found frozen in infinite loops.

2011-08-28, 04:25 PM
Again, any infinite loops that still resolve during one round COULD NOT be found, frozen, by other characters. The loop would continually take up that moment, and either freeze time forever "while the dice are rolled", or be determined as Infinite, be resolved as such, and the world (including those in the loop) would proceed as normally immediately afterward.

NOTE: This statement is not against you, it's info for all the people to mention people found frozen in infinite loops.

But this one isn't part of an initiative order. :smalltongue: Or But it's more fun that way.

Though being frozen as a kind of anti-infinite-loop protection makes a kind of sense. It allows them to be sent here as an example.

2011-08-28, 04:38 PM
But a d2 Crusader wouldn't be stuck in time. This is because his initiative spot in that round does not end until the damage is done being calculated. Effectively, as soon as he hits one of two things happens:
A) Time freezes permanantly
B) The universe realizes that the damage is infinite, and kills whoever was hit, then goes on as normal
That's why the d2 Crusader hit the Frenzied Berserker.

The d2 Crusader just keeps rolling the dice until the Frenzied Berserker dies due to HP damage.
The Frenzied Berserker can't die due to HP damage.
Neither gives up. The DM halted the game for those two until it could be resolved.

2011-08-28, 04:38 PM
Inside a small building is an Efreeti bound inside a Magic Circle via Planar Binding. Nearbye, there is a scroll of Simulacrum.

2011-08-28, 05:25 PM
Again, any infinite loops that still resolve during one round COULD NOT be found, frozen, by other characters. The loop would continually take up that moment, and either freeze time forever "while the dice are rolled", or be determined as Infinite, be resolved as such, and the world (including those in the loop) would proceed as normally immediately afterward.

NOTE: This statement is not against you, it's info for all the people to mention people found frozen in infinite loops.

Who says? You? You're talking to a DM, here.

This plane has what is called "relative time." All beings within the plane perceive time based on where they stand within their own initiative order. It is possible for one to walk around without ever being on anything's initiative order, as long as you don't join the encounter. Therefore, the crusader and berzerker are essentially frozen in time because their own initiative is stuck in place forever. Those not a part of the encounter do not care, and therefore can proceed as normal.

Remember, we're making up a whole new plane. It does not have to conform to the rules that you perceive to be those of reality.

2011-08-28, 05:49 PM
I have a question, what's stopping some of this lot escaping the plane and running amok across the multiverse?

2011-08-28, 06:03 PM
Or people taking the things out of the plane, even?

What if the PC's try to loot things??

2011-08-28, 06:09 PM
Or people taking the things out of the plane, even?

What if the PC's try to loot things??

It's like the cave in Alladin. You are warned- by trying to loot from the Munchkin plane, you become trapped in the Munchking plane yourself...

2011-08-28, 06:14 PM
OK, probably my last suggestion.

Have a yellow-brick road, with a village of halflings living along it urging the players to follow it.

Have it one of the later ones they see, so after seeing all the rules abuse, subject them to a pun. :smalltongue:

2011-08-28, 06:16 PM
The plane is dark because of the Warblade drow who used Ironheart Surge to end the sun.

There's a tomb, old even by this plane's standards, dedicated to a warrior who liked to carry a bag of rats.

2011-08-28, 06:18 PM
The plane is dark because of the Warblade drow who used Ironheart Surge to end the sun.

I think it would be more fun if the light came and went every 12 seconds as a drow and human warblade fought, every other round using IHS.

2011-08-28, 06:19 PM
It's a Genesis-created demiplane with rather weird properties. You can enter and exit freely.. but the plane is very jealous of its possessions. If you are carrying anything that belongs to the plane, you can't leave unless you have explicit permission from the Wizard That Did It. He's around somewhere, maybe. (Also, there is only one point of entry/exit; if you planeshift in, you always arrive at this gate, where you are warned about the bizarre properties of the plane. If you try to leave magically, you are transported to the gate and must physically walk through it before you can actually planeshift/teleport/whatever anywhere else.) The actual denizens of the plane have been living on items that belong to the plane (trap-made items, regenerating monsterflesh, infinite chickens, whatever) for so long that they are now considered 'possessions' of the plane as well.

2011-08-28, 06:23 PM
I have a question, what's stopping some of this lot escaping the plane and running amok across the multiverse?

Mirrors of Opposition at the exits.

2011-08-28, 06:31 PM
Mirrors of Opposition at the exits.

We all know that this wouldn't work on these entities... They have to not WANT to leave!

2011-08-28, 06:38 PM
We all know that this wouldn't work on these entities... They have to not WANT to leave!

....Why not? Mirrors of Opposition don't grant saves, and however broken they are, the mirror makes a copy of them that can do everything they do. It's the old DM counter to broken abilities: Everything you can do, I can also do.

2011-08-28, 06:58 PM
....Why not? Mirrors of Opposition don't grant saves, and however broken they are, the mirror makes a copy of them that can do everything they do. It's the old DM counter to broken abilities: Everything you can do, I can also do.

well, due to infinte knowledge, one would know of the mirror. Then you just have to make sure you dont see your reflection in the mirror to make it not work. Thats not something that would stop a resident in that plane.

I kinda fancy the idea of them all being simulacrums controlled by one mad person or object :)

Id name him "the broken collecter" or some like that..

2011-08-28, 07:03 PM
well, due to infinte knowledge,

Infinite knowledge is only one particular flavor of broken-ness, though. Specifically I think only Pun Pun and that pain trick that gives you omniscience have that. Everyone but those two wouldn't have this excuse.

2011-08-28, 07:09 PM
I have a question, what's stopping some of this lot escaping the plane and running amok across the multiverse?

The plane is called The Dungeon. They're all held in place by the unknowable, rules-transcending powers of the Omnipotent Awesome Master of the Dungeon.

"Visit him? Why... he's sitting right across the table..."

2011-08-28, 07:17 PM
Infinite knowledge is only one particular flavor of broken-ness, though. Specifically I think only Pun Pun and that pain trick that gives you omniscience have that. Everyone but those two wouldn't have this excuse.

I agree on that its not to many that can have the knowlege of mirrors, but those that do have the knowledge are the guys you do want to keep locked in there. So one would need some better than mirrors.

Then again, it might be the research lab of pun pun or the omniscifier.

But you cant forget the h.i.v.e. thingy either,a corner of the plane exspanding as fast as the hive expands so that it can never move out of the plane. After all one can set traits of the plane.

The Cube\borg thing would also fit nice in this plane.

Jumplomancer :) or his crazy brother the arseplomancer

And what about the wish and the word, cant forget them at all

and the killer gnome and cheater of mystra, i feel they fit in to a degree.

2011-08-28, 07:27 PM
....Why not? Mirrors of Opposition don't grant saves, and however broken they are, the mirror makes a copy of them that can do everything they do. It's the old DM counter to broken abilities: Everything you can do, I can also do.

Pun-pun has the ability to make it so that mirrors of opposition result in creatures that are his best friend.

And since they're equally matched anyway, see my earlier reference to Pun-Pun playing himself and Pun-Pazuzu at cards.

I have a question, what's stopping some of this lot escaping the plane and running amok across the multiverse?

The same reason you can't leave Dark Sun. The great wall of "Just Cuz."

Or possibly Bellisario's Maxim.

Or it's all a dream.

2011-08-28, 07:54 PM
What if the PC's try to loot things??

This is a plane filled with the most min-maxed, rule-abusing, power-focused beings in the multiverse, with all their creations. They could break the multiverse, or conquer it all, they could kill gods and any other being that gets in their way with minimal effort.

And you want try and loot things from them, to take their powerful items? Good luck with that. I'll just be standing over there. Far, far away.

2011-08-28, 08:14 PM
This is a plane filled with the most min-maxed, rule-abusing, power-focused beings in the multiverse, with all their creations. They could break the multiverse, or conquer it all, they could kill gods and any other being that gets in their way with minimal effort.

And you want try and loot things from them, to take their powerful items? Good luck with that. I'll just be standing over there. Far, far away.

So true. And if you even manage to steal something and manage to survive the assault of the proprietor, it means you are so strong you are somehow abusing the rules MORE than they are, and are now a permanent denizen of this plane.

2011-08-28, 09:53 PM
And in all of this no one has mentioned template stacking yet...?

2011-08-28, 10:03 PM
And in all of this no one has mentioned template stacking yet...?

The Ikea Tarrasques were one reference, but there should be a disproportionate number of Water Orcs, and there should be Dragonborn everywhere.

2011-08-28, 10:54 PM
The Ikea Tarrasques were one reference, but there should be a disproportionate number of Water Orcs, and there should be Dragonborn everywhere.

There's not a whole lot you can do with dragonborn that's really munchkinery from what I recall.

Now, a warforged that's eternally getting turned into an incarnate construct and then dustform'd, on the other hand...

2011-08-28, 11:09 PM
I think everything on the plane should be of things that don't actually function. Like a ham sandwich that has gone bad, or a kobold paladin muttering "Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu" over again until the end of time.

Must . . . resist . . . innuendo.:smalleek:

Well he's psionically endowed, capable of greater power penetration....

No brains
2011-08-28, 11:45 PM
A bloody abattoir, so slick with gore that even standing in place demands a balance check. Upon careful examination of the giblets that cake every surface and even float in air like dust, the players find these creatures were... catgirls.

2011-08-29, 04:09 AM
This magical chamber was created such that is always just as large as it needs to be. The room is the special hell that Frenzied Berserkers who have caused a TPK go to when they die. Looking across the room, the countless ranks of berserkers just stand, nearly motionless, frothing at one another.

Any such berserker stands in a square, 5 feet further away from the next closest berserker than they can reach, brandish cursed weapons that can not be dropped or thrown, benefit from a permanent improved sustenance effect and do not need to breath, eat, or drink, and lastly the berserkers in this room are permanently under the effects of Frenzy.

The floor is under the effects of a permanent grease spell.

2011-08-29, 06:21 AM
What's so good about Water Orcs, Dragonborn, and Dragonwrought Kobolds anyway? Am I missing something?

2011-08-29, 06:24 AM
What's so good about Water Orcs, Dragonborn,

Large con and strength bonuses for an LA: 0 race. Powergamerish, but not munchkinery.

and Dragonwrought Kobolds anyway?

No age penalties, just the bonuses. Plus options to boost sorceror level by 4 I think via feats.

2011-08-29, 06:33 AM
No age penalties, just the bonuses. Plus options to boost sorceror level by 4 I think via feats.

There are also various shenanigans you can pull with the dragon type, iirc.

2011-08-29, 06:36 AM
As for escaping... unless I'm mistaken, this fits a few areas on Carceri, if a bit over-exaggerated. You can not escape Carceri.

2011-08-29, 08:13 AM
A level one commoner carrying a pig, cackling manically.

Two squirrels in a cloak of levitation, with a rod of flaying :smallwink: (hey, they're going to Sigil, right?)

Things one might find in the Land of Carnage:

Some REALLY scary penguins?

2011-08-29, 11:45 AM
The easy way to keep it under control; the whole thing is a museum Pun-Pun created himself when he got bored with repeatedly annihilating and restoring the universe. You can even have him deign to lead the PCs between attractions. Naturally, he can smack down any attempt to leverage an exploit with ease.

Circle of Life
2011-08-29, 11:50 AM
Two squirrels in a cloak of levitation, with a rod of flaying :smallwink: (hey, they're going to Sigil, right?)

Okay, I thought I knew all the 3.5 jokes there were, but this one has me completely baffled. What?

2011-08-29, 12:17 PM
Its not a D&D 3.5 joke, but a Planescape joke. Some say the Lady of Mary Sue Pain is really just three squirrels standing on each other with a cloak and some means of flying.

Circle of Life
2011-08-29, 12:21 PM
Ah. I figured it had something to do with that, what with the rod of flaying and all... never heard that one though. The more you know!

2011-08-29, 12:35 PM
Don't forget That Damn Crab...

2011-08-29, 01:05 PM
Well he's psionically endowed, capable of greater power penetration....

2011-08-29, 01:14 PM
Its not a D&D 3.5 joke, but a Planescape joke. Some say the Lady of Mary Sue Pain is really just three squirrels standing on each other with a cloak and some means of flying.

I'm not sure how the Lady would fit any of the Mary Sue archetypes. She's more in the Cthulhu realms, trope-wise. Regardless (and to avoid this thread devolving into a pedantic semantics debate), I've heard two squirrels and I've heard three squirrels, so... yeah.

Also: something showing abuse of swarms and hive minds. Perhaps just a vast field of normal, non-hive minded worms?

2011-08-29, 01:49 PM
Have several hundred large jars next to each other. Half of them are filled with what appears to be golden honey, the other with a black substance. Next to the black jars, you see some machines (pain extractors), and a symbol of neberius written (drawn?) on the ground.Next to the yellow jars, you see some small peices of paper and some wierd device. If you read the papers, you are wracked with intense pain (the only thing on the papers is a symbol of pain), unless you wear the odd devices, in which case reading the papers makes you incredibly happy. You have now found an ambrosia and agony farm. You could take some, but keep in mind whoever is making all of this stuff is probably using it to mitigate xp costs, so has a lot of powerful magic items.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-08-29, 01:52 PM
A Dragonborn (Heart Aspect) Dragonfire Adept who will never be able to use his breath weapon, cause he stacked enough lingering, extended metabreath feats to cover the plane in flames for eternity.

2011-08-29, 03:39 PM
A man running incredibly fast, leaving a blaze of fire behind him.

2011-08-29, 03:44 PM
A man anthropomorphic mouse running incredibly fast, leaving a blaze of fire behind him.

Fixed that for ya. Also, he must be delivering pizza.

2011-08-29, 07:03 PM
I think it would be more fun if the light came and went every 12 seconds as a drow and human warblade fought, every other round using IHS.



No brains
2011-08-30, 12:41 AM
There are no toilets to be found anywhere (or conversely, they are curiously abundant). There are no beds anywhere because there is no mechanical penalty for lack of sleep.

2011-08-30, 12:54 AM
There are no toilets to be found anywhere (or conversely, they are curiously abundant). There are no beds anywhere because there is no mechanical penalty for lack of sleep.

Sort of; you do take penalties for not sleeping if you spend the day moving. You can technically stand still without sleeping forever, but if you're walking anywhere you eventually have to stop, or invoke the Forced March (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/movement.htm#forcedMarch) rules and become fatigued/exhausted as appropriate.

The bigger hole in the rules refers to how you can sleep. So long as you protect yourself from bad weather, you can be just as rested after a night in a muddy ditch as you can in a 5-star hotel.

2011-08-30, 05:27 AM
Tuckers Kobolts
But they have all been drowned in their caves by a guy with a Decanter of Endless Water

2011-08-30, 05:34 AM
Have wanted posters for Pun-Pun offering an obscenly high (infinte?) amount of gold for his capture

2011-08-30, 06:28 AM
There are no toilets to be found anywhere (or conversely, they are curiously abundant).

An entire field of toilets, being fought over by a horde of adventurers trying to get roleplaying XP. (http://www.goblinscomic.com/01202007/)

2011-08-30, 07:08 AM
All sleeping accommodations are just dangling ropes, leading up to thin air.

2011-08-30, 10:46 AM
A beacon of light shining straight up into the heavens surrounded by an ever increasing pile of black rods. Upon closer examination it is a cleric using DMM Persist and constantly casting more and more spells using an infinite amount of Nightsticks. He would be stronger than Pun-Pun if he could ever stop casting spells.

2011-08-30, 05:24 PM
A man holding a pot of boiling oil walking the plane searching for the anthill that will never be.

2011-08-30, 05:57 PM
A wizard that plays tennis with his familiar - Both got Spellblades (PGtF) with the same spell chosen and like 200 times the spell (preferably Magic Missles) bounce between them.

Also include a fabric of low level wizards, who rest all the time and write an Explosive Runes spell every 8 hours on a paper, just to rest again. And include there a box with the letters "don't touch".

2011-08-31, 12:53 AM
From the tree of thorns
hang, impaled, that fool
the wise omnimancer
and his pain-shared slaves.
Their delay death rings --
their protection, they thought --
neither friend nor foe
has a hope to remove.
They say he knows all,
but he teaches none.
He cannot stop screaming.

I know he's supposed to remove the share pain ring once he knows what he needs. You try manipulating a small object while in infinite pain.

As for the poetry, it seemed appropriate.

2011-08-31, 01:18 AM
Some REALLY scary penguins?

It's a dimension full of absurdly powerful creatures. Disgaea analogs seemed appropriate. :smallsmile:

2011-08-31, 01:27 AM
A row of tombstones litter this area. The following are some descriptions:

The painful sorcerer famoused for blast,
After a thousand victories once foiled,
By a reflection which caused him to eat his last,
And all the rest forgot for which he toiled:

Batman Wizard
Who was prepared for every situation
Who even had his bat-shark-repellant
Who neglected his Protection from Rocks Fall

Takahashi no Onisan
Scariest Samurai Alive
Wasn't scary enough...

Joker Bard
By losing, he won
By dying, he achieved victory
By forcing the most powerful wizard alive
Dance to his tune

Hive Mind Mage
Ha! whare ye gaun, ye crowlin ferlie!
Your impudence protects you sairly:
I canna say but ye strunt rarely,
Owre all th' land;
Tho' faith! I fear, ye met yer fate
By th' AMDRO Man

Twice Betrayer of Shar
For all the power that you've gained
The gods themselves, their patience strained
Betrayed by the magic you betrayed to gain
A fitting fate

Epic! (And I rarely use that word to mean anything but "past level 20.")

I have a few more:

The Wish

You probably didn't try
to wish you were dead.


The Word

That'sssssss a very nice
set of vocal chords
you used to have there...

EDIT: nowhere near as good as your's

2011-08-31, 02:51 AM
The plane is desolated but by a canyon that runs from one end of infinity of it to the other, in the middle is a city whiter than Gondor's Tree, surrounded by walls as thick as Osmium is dense. On the surroundings numerous caves. A number of homunculi trawl around, in silent contemplation, occasionally exploding and reforming centimetres away. They do not speak, but mumble incoherent words into the wind, of these, when their eyes are lit a magnificent explosion is witnessed and it travels into the air upon hitting the upper sky's vault it bounce back, promptly destroying him, but upon this act a purple light emanates from the caves and the homunculi is reformed instantly and returns to its utterings.

A search check reveals an empty cave, from where a stairway leads to an underground labyrinth this labyrinth is filled with utter madness, the walls are curved, and there is not a single straight line, there are doors in the walls and a half-ogre looms in it, it dares not open the doors or attack the walls. His ball and chain trawling behind him he looks for the Minotaur that goes by the name of Asterion, long gone from his prison. At the other end of the labyrinth is a white staircase that constantly pushes up, and upon reaching the top starts again at the bottom. This staircase leads to what seems like an empty room.

The empty room contains only a white door, which upon opening reveals one to be inside the city. Filled with Majestic palaces and Houses but lacking any life, it has traces of ice and this traces simultaneously reveal a splatter pattern similar to high speed liquid impacting a solid at an angle different from a multiple of 90. A careful study through spot checks and knowledge (physics/nature/arcana) checks will reveal the patterns suggest a common origin point at the center of the city. The exteriors look perfectly coherent, but inspection of the windows will reveal that they are in fact perfectly crafted paintings of the interior of a house filled with weaved baskets and water.

Shall the visitor want to inspect a house, he will find a rune on the door and an inscription reading: "O human race born to fly upward, wherefore at a little wind dost thou fall." Inside each house there are only two traps and an oblique being with eyes opened wide and an empty stare, only moving to eat the contents that spring from the trap. All of this happens on a white room with no windows, and whose only source of lighting is from holes in the ceiling. The being will refuse any external stimuli to its routine, and any sort of interruption will prompt a sudden attack of madness with time going back to the moment before the interruption.

If the passer-by still wishes to explore, the palaces are opened as well. What seems ordered and perfect from the exterior is a sharp contrast of the raving madness of the interior, twisted like RAW. The stairs run into the ceiling, hundreds of empty rooms that if measured or guesstimated through the Knowledge (architecture) or the Tracking skill will reveal the interior is bigger than the exterior by exactly one inch. Twisting walls, floors become walls, windows are doors, beds are armchairs. Nothing is right, and as one travels through this madness it is recommended a sanity check is enforced. At the core of the horror is merely a Kobold and a Man both playing chess with one another, the man sings at intervals to entertain the Kobold which in turn makes an impossible move only for the man to flip the board and talk the Kobold into accepting the new positioning. But this game is not scheduled to end for the very illegal move of the Kobold forms a circle which leave both forever at a standstill.

At the center stands an ivory tower as tall as the canyon. Upon its flight of stairs are a number of individuals from the top to the bottom passing along a single bucket which is thrown by the last individual into a hole in the ground, this hole goes through the plane bottom to the plane sky's vault which strikes the first individual again completing the circle. At the top of the tower lies a wizards and his apprentice both throwing each other a ball of light. The wizard with a beard as long as time and the apprentice with his eyes darker than black shall they notice any interruption the ball is flanged toward the intruder, which is suddenly destroyed but restored at the base of the tower by a lightning strike which falls on the wizard.

Upon the feet of the tower is a man slouched over the tower. Wearing only a torn robe and a backpack that seems to glow and gives of energy he rambles on and on about the persistence of persistence while trying to remain awake. Any intent of inspection of the backpack will incite a deathly explosion of oneself. From the tower to the walls is a canal filled with water that different from rain water, the natural water dependant on weather and condensation, and as such different from a river, is always of uniform volume and density, the water upon reaching the wall disappears. Knowledge (Engineering) will reveal that the water is entering the wall but not coming out anywhere. Knowledge (Arcana) will reveal the water in fact is not even there, it's just an illusion.

Leaving the city is only possible through the original method of entry, findable through a Track Check. The city however shifts every hour and 6 and a third minutes, the palaces stay in their same place while the houses simply shift interiors, the entry place however shifts as if it were a house, and requires a search check of DC 20 taking an hour and 6 minutes to find.
Tl:Dr - The Borgesian Allegory of Munchkinery in a conveniently built plane.

No brains
2011-08-31, 09:25 PM
Every once in a while it rains rocks.

2011-08-31, 09:34 PM
Every once in a while it rains rocks.

I like this one!

2011-09-01, 02:38 AM
a beholder and a lich in a stareing contest.