View Full Version : Can you help me with a Manipulative ******* Archivist

2011-08-28, 03:25 PM
As the title says, I am making an archivist character who takes advantage of the wide spell selection of that class to be a manipulative *******. With acces to Glibness, Guidance of the Avatar, Modify Memory, Monsterous Thrall, True Dominate ect.. the archivist makes a far better mind-slaver then the wizard in most cases, and I want to play up that theme. Since Archivist gets Diplomacy as a class skill I was looking to abuse this to the maximum with enchantment spells. Since I'll be using Academic Priest to make my archivist Int-SAD I can afford to have an above average charisma on this character, though the main thing I am looking to do is abuse the archivist's vast spell selection....

So that's what I am coming to you for...what are some good spells to pick up for an archivist who plans on manipulating a lot of people through both magical and mundane means? I'm looking for cha buffs as well as buffs to social skills, and other useful enchantment-type effects. Likewise, I am looking for feats and items to help my character be manipulative, so suggestions on these fronts would be nice as well. Also, if you know any PrCs that can boost charisma and/or help with my diplomancy that would be nice too.(Thinking Human Paragon here, going for Human Paragon 1/Archivist 1/Human Paragon 2/Archivist X and taking able learner to get my manipulative skills(such as bluff and sense motive).)

2011-08-28, 04:01 PM
Remember that there are a TON of skills that give various different sorts of bonuses to skills. Divine Insight, Wieldskill, Guidance of the Avatar, Loresong, Skillful Moment, Insidious Insight, Friendly Face, Fleeting Fame, etc. etc. etc.

2011-08-28, 04:08 PM
Yeah, and that's exactly why I am taking archivist. The have access to so many lists that they have the most potential to buff their social skills and cha to ridiculous levels, and with DMM: Persist(Get turn or rebuke via PrCs or dragon mag feats) some of these buffs can last all day, meaning that my character can just wake up, put on a crapton of buffs and suddenly be more convincing then even the most charismatic bards and sorcerers....all day long. Skill Focus: (Insert X social skill here) can make this even worse.

However, there are just so many buffs that I don't know them all off-hand, and thus was seeking some people who know some of the more obscure ones, as well as other general build advice.

2011-08-28, 04:11 PM
No need for skill focus. Not at all with an archivist.

You will need stuff to generate wealth for the rare inks and paying people to cast spells into scrolls and such. Archivists often pay a very large amount when buying spells!

2011-08-28, 04:19 PM
Until level 6 you just use the good old fashion abuseable spells. At level 6 you can take leadership...which if used right can rake you in a lot of cash(I usually use leadership to start a business, academy or wing of a faith/church...all of which can bring you significant wealth and and power without having to take over anything.)

2011-08-29, 01:33 AM
You're already an archivist, the manipulative **** is redundant. :D

Like an ATM machine.