View Full Version : So, I just died in age of worms. What next?

2011-08-28, 03:28 PM
So. I was a level 3 bard going through Age of Worms. Just got gored to death by a dire boar for more damage than I had max HP.

What next? Got a druid that wandered off for the session because the player was stuck babysitting, a pathfindery paladin, a warlock, and a melee-build artificer.

I'm open to suggestions for now, as I'm currently brainstorming what to do next while the DM considers where I can re-enter the game.

2011-08-28, 03:30 PM
So. I was a level 3 bard going through Age of Worms. Just got gored to death by a dire boar for more damage than I had max HP.

What next? Got a druid that wandered off for the session because the player was stuck babysitting, a pathfindery paladin, a warlock, and a melee-build artificer.

I'm open to suggestions for now, as I'm currently brainstorming what to do next.

Complete Warrior Samurai.

But you probably want at least a Tier 3 character. What interests you? A Warblade or Psionic Warrior would fill a decent role if you are thinking melee. Dread Necromancer/Factotum would work if you want something a little stranger and more exotic.

2011-08-28, 03:31 PM
Needs moar beguiler.

2011-08-28, 03:33 PM

Had a melee artificer.

2011-08-28, 04:22 PM
Yeah... do you want melee, casting, something exotic?
Lets us know

2011-08-28, 04:27 PM
Well, the rolls have allowed them to be reincarnated...the bard has come back as a forest gnome, and the artificier as a dwarf. Now stupid things are happening, so this DM is gonna get back to the game and stop this foolishness.

2011-08-28, 05:41 PM
Well, the rolls have allowed them to be reincarnated...the bard has come back as a forest gnome, and the artificier as a dwarf. Now stupid things are happening, so this DM is gonna get back to the game and stop this foolishness.

No, no. Plan Let's Do Something Stupid! was scrapped in favor of Plan Let's Pretend We're Solid Snake!

I figure Grigori is even more likely to die now and doesn't have enough gold to afford another reincarnate, even if everything was pawned for it, so getting a backup character ready regardless is prudent.

2011-08-28, 06:19 PM
No, no. Plan Let's Do Something Stupid! was scrapped in favor of Plan Let's Pretend We're Solid Snake!
Has cardboard even been invented yet? :smallconfused:

2011-08-28, 07:20 PM
Has cardboard even been invented yet? :smallconfused:

<_< I'm going to go with yes here. But more to the point, we used invisibility to facilitate a sneaking mission into the mine. Their regular timing enabled us to just saunter on in without bumping into anyone until we encountered a wall of bodies blocking the barricade we broke.

As it is, I'm currently tumbling around a statue of Hextor while being chased by a mob of zombies and an underpriest of Hextor. So I'm probably going to end up needing this new character as I had suspected.

...Zombies are surprisingly vulnerable to tumble shenanigans.

2011-08-28, 08:00 PM
Wow. Just wow. This whole fight...what an interesting journal this shall be, heh. And hey, you didn't die!

2011-08-29, 05:53 AM
...Zombies are surprisingly vulnerable to tumble shenanigans.

This sentence alone made me highly interested in your campaign.

2011-08-29, 06:33 AM
As it is, I'm currently tumbling around a statue of Hextor while being chased by a mob of zombies and an underpriest of Hextor. So I'm probably going to end up needing this new character as I had suspected.

...Zombies are surprisingly vulnerable to tumble shenanigans.

Maestro? If you please? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg)

On a more related note... Perhaps a Factotum? It seems most of the bases are covered. You don't have a Wizard or Rogue, but Artificer handles arcane and trapfinding pretty well. Personally I'd like to have a Warblade with the Paladin for some White Raven fun.

2011-08-29, 07:46 AM
Cleric sounds like a good idea to me, turn undead to deal with zombies, and revivify to help with your party's future dead.

Note : Not played Age o' Worms, so if there's some reason Clerics aren't allowed/similar for that campaign. Please ignore the above.

2011-08-29, 08:33 AM
It's age of worms... A cleric will seriously find much work around, together with the paladin.

How much I would love to play a radiant servant of pelor (very radiant on the rp too!) on this campaign!

2011-08-29, 11:06 AM
Cleric sounds like a good idea to me, turn undead to deal with zombies, and revivify to help with your party's future dead.

It's age of worms... A cleric will seriously find much work around, together with the paladin.

How much I would love to play a radiant servant of pelor (very radiant on the rp too!) on this campaign!

What's funny is that Coid normally plays Clerics of Pelor...or at least has a bad habit of always doing so, heh.

Having the paladin (especially since she's of Heironeous) is nice...but for a campaign like AoW, it is kind of sad to not have a cleric in the party for story purposes.

On a more related note... Perhaps a Factotum? It seems most of the bases are covered. You don't have a Wizard or Rogue, but Artificer handles arcane and trapfinding pretty well. Personally I'd like to have a Warblade with the Paladin for some White Raven fun.

With the artificier merely attempting to be somewhat melee-oriented, and the paladin suffering slightly from low damage output and kinda standard AC (which I fully expect to be fixed once the party has access to more funds and better items), another good melee-er would be fantastic (though the full blasty capabilities of a wizard wouldn't be bad either)....just nothing ToB, as I don't allow the book.

2011-08-29, 11:10 AM
You don't have a Conjurer yet. Go nuts.

2011-08-29, 06:53 PM
What's next? You're playing AOW, you're probably going to die some more -- can get really difficult

2011-08-29, 06:59 PM
Skill monkey of some sort. I'd go Rogue, but remember to have a way to sneak-attack undead. Factotum, possibly. Nothing wrong with another bard. Favored Soul would allow for something cleric-y without the higher power level of the cleric...

Ehh, you know, whatever catches your fancy, really. It seems like your current group is doing OK as-is.

2011-08-29, 09:52 PM
Ehh, you know, whatever catches your fancy, really. It seems like your current group is doing OK as-is.

Err... not quite. Having half the party wipe (as well as the rest of the party almost getting ganked... well, aside from the spider-climbing warlock who was unable to be targeted by most of the enemy) when short one member already isn't really "doing OK," nor is having the very next combat last almost 20 rounds and kill a party member again.

Though I think most of our issues are in playstyle, as the DM and half the group hate it when we stop to actually discuss our options and plan, especially as it's so outside of our usual game-progression and the DM is running a module which is designed to screw you over if you don't plan.

2011-08-29, 10:04 PM
Err... not quite. Having half the party wipe (as well as the rest of the party almost getting ganked... well, aside from the spider-climbing warlock who was unable to be targeted by most of the enemy) when short one member already isn't really "doing OK," nor is having the very next combat last almost 20 rounds and kill a party member again.

Though I think most of our issues are in playstyle, as the DM and half the group hate it when we stop to actually discuss our options and plan, especially as it's so outside of our usual game-progression and the DM is running a module which is designed to screw you over if you don't plan.

You need a Conjurer.

2011-08-29, 10:20 PM
You need a Conjurer.

I must admit, the thought is a tempting one. Which bannned schools you thinking?

2011-08-29, 10:32 PM
I must admit, the thought is a tempting one. Which bannned schools you thinking?

Evo/Enchantment or Evo/Necro. Good Evos are still ways away (not to mention, you'll live; you miss out on some cool Force-effects and all that but you should be fine) and you can cover for Enc a bit with Illusion (though obviously, you'll lack Charm Person, Charm Monster, Dominate Person and Dominate Monster, though later on you can bind Outsiders to do those jobs for you). Necro has few good things but nothing you can't survive without.

I'd rather access to have Necro tho 'cause Command Undead & False Life are pretty darn useful (Command Undead has no save for mindless so perfect scrolls) and for the living contingent, you get Ray of Enfeeblement, Ray of Exhaustion, Enervation and other good no-save/partial save stuff that carry you before Conjuration and Transmutation pick up the "hurt people"-portfolio later.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-08-29, 10:33 PM
Evocation and Enchantment (Necromancy if going Focuses Specialist) are the best schools to ban.

2011-08-30, 06:01 PM
Though I think most of our issues are in playstyle, as the DM and half the group hate it when we stop to actually discuss our options and plan, especially as it's so outside of our usual game-progression and the DM is running a module which is designed to screw you over if you don't plan.

*bolded and bigged*

*raised eyebrow* Since when? Did you completely miss the fact that I let you guys go on for about an hour to try and plan, when I could have easily cracked down and got things moving far quicker?

edit: I guess I will tell everyone to have a backup character idea or two...can't always just have a rez/rein available.

2011-08-30, 06:27 PM
*bolded and bigged*

*raised eyebrow* Since when? Did you completely miss the fact that I let you guys go on for about an hour to try and plan, when I could have easily cracked down and got things moving far quicker?

Well, it certainly seemed like you were getting cheesed off. Then again, it seemed a lot more squashed and frantic than an hour, so that might've also played into things.

2011-08-30, 07:34 PM
Well, it certainly seemed like you were getting cheesed off. Then again, it seemed a lot more squashed and frantic than an hour, so that might've also played into things.

It's just...it's not the first time I just let you guys go this round. usually you guys are a little bit quicker to the point, and not doing dumb things like killing every lead.

And I don't want to tell you guys where to go or railroad you....it hasn't been necessary, and I feel bad if I have to do such things.

2011-08-30, 08:21 PM
Don't fight guys, don't fight.

2011-08-30, 08:31 PM
Hehe, no, Dibast, this is fun. It is why I won't ever point a player of mine to the GitP forums without a very good reason!

2011-08-30, 08:36 PM
Hehe, no, Dibast, this is fun. It is why I won't ever point a player of mine to the GitP forums without a very good reason!

Well, you've got it backwards then. :smallwink:

2011-08-30, 08:40 PM
Why not stay a bard and play a half-elf diplomancer/skillmonkey? Nymph's Kiss + Words of Creation would give the party some serious buffs and help a lot in an AoW campaign. Obtain Familiar feat would also work wonders. You also double up just fine as the party healer.

- J.

2011-08-30, 08:42 PM
Go cerebremancer with an erudite base. Go with a small race and optimize hide (Compression, Chameleon).

Stay in the shadows while suppressing your manifesting.

2011-08-30, 09:30 PM
Don't fight guys, don't fight.

Meh, we're not fighting, trust me.

Well, you've got it backwards then. :smallwink:

Heh, I was gonna say much the same.