View Full Version : weapon materials 3.5

2011-08-28, 06:41 PM
hello.someone says that if a weapon has a material for example(star metal or adamantine)you can add another material that normally you couldn't.anyone remembers how?

2011-08-28, 06:53 PM
Its based on the material that's 2nd. Dragonbone (+some elemental damage) only needs to be incorperated into the design (which may let you get away with mixing), and the templates in DMG2 are seperate from material.

I think there are like TWO special materials that can be combined on top of that. Have to look them up.

2011-08-28, 06:55 PM
If you make a suit of armor or weapon out of more than one special material, you get the benefit of only the most prevalent material. However, you can build a double weapon with each head made of a different special material from here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialMaterials.htm). It's possible that there is a special material which breaks this rule but I don't know of it. Star Metal from Complete Arcane is basically adamantine+. You could use silversheen on a weapon to make it temporarily count as silver, and there are various weapon special abilities which help against multiple kinds of DR. I recall them having a +3 effective enhancement bonus cost thought, so a golf bag might be more cost effective.

2011-08-28, 06:57 PM
where i can read that dragonbone thing?

2011-08-29, 03:38 AM
One of the 3.5 Dragonbooks.

edit: Use this guide. (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=12837.0) It has a section of the various materials. The 2 alloys are Dragon (lots of DMs don't allow)

It's dragon fang and in the draconomicon.

Keld Denar
2011-08-29, 09:52 AM
I remember a weapon property in a 3rd party book called Laminated. That would allow you to essentially "fold" together two metals for a significant upcharge. Don't remember where it's from though, just that it exists. You could have an Adamantine Cold Iron weapon, for example, with the DR overcoming ability of each.

2011-08-29, 03:41 PM
Ring of Adamantine Touch (MiC 121). Your melee attacks (natural or weapon) count as Adamantine for DR purposes.

Silversheen (DMG) lets you temporarially switch your weapon to Alchemical Silver.

Grab yourself an Abyssal Bloodiron (PlHB 69, +4 to confirm crits, counts as Cold Iron) Executioner's Mace (Dungeon 135, p 61, counts as B/S/P), a Ring of Admantine Touch and a sack of vials of Silversheen and go have fun.

For added fun, see Dragon 345 (p23) for the Truebane weapon enchant for a bane ability that changes to match the last thing you hit with it.

2011-08-29, 03:43 PM
Ring of Adamantine Touch (MiC 121). Your melee attacks (natural or weapon) count as Adamantine for DR purposes.There's also Gauntlets of Weaponry Arcana in MIC, which make all your attacks count as silver and magic.

2011-08-29, 06:03 PM
Mercenaries. More specifically, Mercenaries pg. 91...

"Benefits of a Laminated Steel Weapon: A laminated steel weapon gains +1 to all its damage rolls and its critical hit multiplier goes up by one as well. For example, a laminated steel longsword deals 1d8+1 damage and has a X3 critical hit multiplier. Furthermore, the weapon gains +5 to its normal hardness."

..and pg. 92...

"Benefits of a Serrated Weapon: A serrated weapon has its critical hit threat range increased by +1. For example, a serrated longsword has a critical threat range of 18-20, instead of 19-20."

The "laminated" property is 900gp, the "serrated" property is 300gp. Weirdly, the weapon doesn't have to be masterwork in order to have either property, although a weapon can be masterwork as well. Adding more than one property is expensive: you add the cost of each property and then multiply by the number of properties involved. So if you wanted a masterwork, serrated, laminated steel scimitar as the basis for an enchanted weapon, it would cost:

[300gp (masterwork) + 300 (serrated) + 900 (laminated steel)] x3 = 4,500gp. Plus, of course, the 15gp base cost of the scimitar: musn't forget that

The end result would be a scimitar with a critical threat range of 17-20, a critical hit multiplier of x3, hardness of 15 and 1d6+1 base damage.

is that you said before Keld?

2011-08-30, 11:11 AM
There's also Gauntlets of Weaponry Arcana in MIC, which make all your attacks count as silver and magic.

That'll teach me to give up on reading each and every one of the gauntlet descriptions. I thought there was a glove or gauntlet for Silver to go with the ring for Adamantine.

Gauntlets of Weaponry Arcana, Ring of Adadmantine Touch, and an Abyssal Bloodiron Executioner's Mace. Have fun!

2011-08-30, 11:56 AM
That'll teach me to give up on reading each and every one of the gauntlet descriptions. I thought there was a glove or gauntlet for Silver to go with the ring for Adamantine.

Gauntlets of Weaponry Arcana, Ring of Adadmantine Touch, and an Abyssal Bloodiron Executioner's Mace. Have fun!I've a bunch of TWFers and a totemist either in planning or in actual campaigns, so I've been looking for ways to pierce DR without needing multiples of expensive weapons. :smalltongue: