View Full Version : And Now I Have a Mummified Astral Deva...

Elric VIII
2011-08-29, 08:48 AM
So, my DM has allowed my character to acquire an Astral Deva with the Mummified template (LM) applied to it. I would like to use it for support, so I was wondering what I can do to build upon its natural abilities and have a few related questions.

Other than those in LM, are there any undead-specific feats?

Does the template convert the Outsider HD to Undead HD, or just increase them to d12?

If it does convert the HD, can feats and skills be reassigned?

The corpse had mangled/destroyed wings. Are there any ways to restore these on an undead?

Is there any way to expand its list of SLAs?

Also, any other information and tactics would be apreciated. Thank you.

Elric VIII
2011-08-29, 05:29 PM
No one has any ideas, huh?

Well, there must be some rule referencing #2, at least. Does HD type retroactively chage or do they just become d12s, with subsequent HD becoming undead type?

2011-08-29, 06:16 PM
According to the rules of the template, you can't actually apply Mummified to an Astral Deva. So there really aren't any rules referencing #2 beyond "you can't".

#3- If the previous method of flight was Su (I think), the Undead retains that method regardless of the state the wings were in.

Elric VIII
2011-08-29, 06:25 PM
According to the rules of the template, you can't actually apply Mummified to an Astral Deva. So there really aren't any rules referencing #2 beyond "you can't".

Huh, you are correct.

I also actually read over the entire template and, for a valid creature type, it says the HD type change but nothing is recalculated. Thank you, though.

Would making the creature a skeleton, then awakening it restore its SLAs? Nevermind, the spell specifies that it only gains back Ex, and I assume SLAs are Su.

Claudius Maximus
2011-08-29, 06:36 PM
SLAs are not Su, they're Sp, which is a its own category.

2011-08-29, 06:54 PM
I feel obligated to also point out that unless your DM is offering you free LA for a game, level adjustment and RHD are ALWAYS inferior to class levels. If this is a high-level game, go LA +0 and rock out as an epic-level whatever-class-you-want.

2011-08-29, 08:14 PM
I've never heard of this, but it sounds interesting. How did you manage to get the corpse of an Outsider?

Elric VIII
2011-08-29, 08:21 PM
I feel obligated to also point out that unless your DM is offering you free LA for a game, level adjustment and RHD are ALWAYS inferior to class levels. If this is a high-level game, go LA +0 and rock out as an epic-level whatever-class-you-want.

This is for a cohort for my 17th level cleric PC. After I had a small army of undead minions he requested that I restrict myself to one or two powerful undead followers, rather than an army. I mostly want someone to help me heal and generally safeguard my allies.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not too picky about the method, but I need something that can take some of the combat medic burden off of me, since a large amount of my spell slots are doing that already. I can't use Leadership, so this seemed like a good idea. Although I would be open to any suggestions of ways to attain a cohort that meshes well with a necromancer.

I've never heard of this, but it sounds interesting. How did you manage to get the corpse of an Outsider?

The outsider text implies that they leave corpses, just that they cannot be revived. From what my Google-fu has found me, the restriction of Raise Dead/resurrection does not apply to animating undead, since that is powering a corpse via negative energy, rather than returning a soul to a body (outsiders' bodies are not separate from their souls, as you may know).

From what I can tell, the general consensus is that with the exception of fiends and devils returning to their respective hells (this is outlined in the Fiendish Codicies) outsiders do, in fact, leave a corpse.

2011-08-29, 10:07 PM
For maximum necropunk awesomeness, manufacture some articulated metal wings and bolt those suckers onto your mummy. Fabricate + moment of prescience should handle the necessary skill check and get the job done in a jiffy. I recommend adamantine for the construction material, both because black is cool on a dead mummy angel and because hardness 20 means the new wings should last longer than the old ones.

You should put black sunglasses on this mummy.

Elric VIII
2011-08-30, 11:58 AM
For maximum necropunk awesomeness, manufacture some articulated metal wings and bolt those suckers onto your mummy. Fabricate + moment of prescience should handle the necessary skill check and get the job done in a jiffy. I recommend adamantine for the construction material, both because black is cool on a dead mummy angel and because hardness 20 means the new wings should last longer than the old ones.

You should put black sunglasses on this mummy.

I think you deserve a cookie for this.

2011-08-30, 01:49 PM
So, my DM has allowed my character to acquire an Astral Deva with the Mummified template (LM) applied to it. I would like to use it for support, so I was wondering what I can do to build upon its natural abilities and have a few related questions.

Other than those in LM, are there any undead-specific feats?

Does the template convert the Outsider HD to Undead HD, or just increase them to d12?

If it does convert the HD, can feats and skills be reassigned?

The corpse had mangled/destroyed wings. Are there any ways to restore these on an undead?

Is there any way to expand its list of SLAs?

Also, any other information and tactics would be apreciated. Thank you.

1. Here's all feats with "undead" somewhere in the description (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/search/search.pl?Match=1&Realm=Realm3&Terms=undead&search.x=0&search.y=0). I will let you figure out which ones are relevant.

2. The Outsider is no longer an Outsider; it's type is now Undead, though it could still possible count as [Extraplanar], as you are houseruling the mummified creature template. All hit dice become d12s; HP is recalculated.

3. Nope. Feats and skills are unchanged, unfortunately. Embrace/Shun the Dark Chaos (Chaos Shuffle) will let you change feats. Psychic Reformation won't work on it, due to Undead immunities, though arguably a Miracle imitating the effects of psychic reformation would let you repick both skills and feats, as Miracle is an evocation.

4. I'm not sure about any spells in particular, but it should be within the limits of limited wish, etc. You could also use the rules for grafting wings (feathered wing graft) to just spend gold and get a new set of wings.

5. Complete Arcane lets you Spellstitch a creature. You give it a whole mess of SLAs based on its wisdom. Just make sure to throw a +wisdom item on it before you spellstitch to hit the 19+ wisdom limit.