View Full Version : HELP....plz

lao tzu
2011-08-29, 09:14 AM
hi i am playing D&D after a long while and whant to play a warblade based off of samurai with no intention of presteaging so i can get there lvl 20 abilitys based in the iorn hard and dimon mined stilys but i am stuck on the feets we are open to all book as long as it is not erabon or psionic it has to be 3.5 thogh

it is the feets i am stuck on i am not meta gameing or any ting but i am trying to get the feeling of a samurai which i keep missing i am not keen on dule wilding but it is a option

i will be human so 8 normal feets and the 4 warblade feets

2011-08-29, 09:23 AM
Gonna help you get help

*cast tongues*

Hi, I am playing D&D after a long while and want to play a Warblade based off of on a samurai with no intention of getting a prestige class, so I can get to level 20 and its abilities based on Iron Heart and Diamond Mind styles but I am stuck on feats. My group is open to all books a slong its not Eberon or Psionic and it has to be 3.5 too

I am stuck in chosing feats and just trying to get the feeling of a samurai which I keep missing. not actively trying to optimize. Also not a fan of dual wielding but its a option.

I will be Human so 8 normal feats and 4 warblade feats

Wow, I tried my best.

If I understand correct.
A Warblade 20 with focus on Iron Heart/Diamond Mind
With feat choices (and other stuff too) to feel like a Samurai.

I dunno exactly what is to feel like a samurai, so let's go with the basics.
Orientall weaponry (katanas and things like), Be honored, Maybe some oriental stuff like Iajutsu focus (if it's possible to make it happen).

2011-08-29, 09:26 AM
Ow, that was painful to read. Thank you FireJustice for translating - it was too late for me but I'm sure it will help others.

I'm just going to post this here and come back with answers in a minute.

Right, I've got some suggestions.

First place to look for good warblade feats is always Tome of Battle. As a 'samurai', you're going to want to wield the Bastard Sword (aka Katana). So to start with, you'll need Exotic Weapon Prof (BS). Add to that Blade Meditation (Diamond Mind), which will give you +2 on concentration checks, and +1 damage while wielding your chosen weapon.

Unnerving Calm is very nice for simulating a samurai's intimidation abilities, although it's not a terribly good feat.

Vital Recovery is very nice as a 'second wind' style ability - in the midst of a fight you take a calming breath (recovering your manevuers) and display your resolve to continue fighting - and you heal 23 HP.

Perfect Clarity of Mind and Body is very in-keeping with a samurai theme. And another good reason to take the Unnerving Calm feat.

I'm also going to recommend Combat Expertise and Improved Trip as it will help with several of your maneuvers.

Fouredged Sword
2011-08-29, 09:29 AM
I am afraid to think of the BOEF based homebrew that came up with the Iron Hard path:smalleek:

More on focus.

Take the TWF line, Mix focus between tiger claw and iron heart, with dimond mind boosts.

Really any style will do you. Dimond mind is a technical fighter who disarms and uses jujustsu combat philosophy. Tiger claw is a twfing reckless samurai not afraid of death. Stone dragon is a samurai who stands solid and makes every stroke count. Dimond mind is the samurai who focuses on the spirit of the blade and the perfect zen stroke that splits a second in twain.

Warblade is hard to do wronge out of the box, so just have fun with it. Pick your style and go down swinging.

Keld Denar
2011-08-29, 10:08 AM
I'd say go with a reach weapon like a Glaive and possibly Mage Slayer + Pierce Magical Concealment. Samurai used Glaives, right, not just Katanas? What was that really big poleaxey thingy...I seem to remember something.

Say that your PMC is some kinda "spirit sight", that is your ancestors guiding your blade past the foul trickery of magic users.

Also pick up Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, and maybe something like Steadfast Determination (PHBII) or Quick Recovery (Lords of Madness).

2011-08-29, 11:04 AM
I'd say go with a reach weapon like a Glaive and possibly Mage Slayer + Pierce Magical Concealment. Samurai used Glaives, right, not just Katanas? What was that really big poleaxey thingy...I seem to remember something.

You're probably thinking of naginata. In D&D, they probably just come out as masterwork glaives.

2011-08-29, 11:19 AM
There's no sense getting Exotic Weapon Proficiency in bastard sword unless you intend to go TWF—it counts as martial when used two-handed. Historically, samurai didn't usually swing both blades at once; Miyamoto Musashi was the only well-known TWFer from history (that I can remember, anyway).

2011-08-29, 11:33 AM
Ok, get Power attack, it's good for Diamond Mind maneuvers like Emerald Razor Blade and Sapphire Nightmare Blade. Combat Reflexes and Robilars Gambit aren't a bad combo for resetting maneuvers off turn. I like Improved Initiative. I also like Adaptive style.

If your DM allows it, get an Item Familiar and use it to pump Balance and Concentration for when you've gotta make those checks.

2011-08-29, 11:52 AM
There's no sense getting Exotic Weapon Proficiency in bastard sword unless you intend to go TWF—it counts as martial when used two-handed. Historically, samurai didn't usually swing both blades at once; Miyamoto Musashi was the only well-known TWFer from history (that I can remember, anyway).

Oh yes, I keep forgetting that.

And on that note, I've just remembered an excellent fighter-only (which you qualify for thanks to Warblade) feat tree:
Slashing Flurry (from PHB2) lets you make 2 attacks as a standard action, or an additional attack when full-attacking. These extra attacks stack with other abilities that give you more attacks (like Haste or speed weapon enhancements), which is very nice when you use the Iron Heart capstone strike (2 full attacks). The pre-requisites for this feat are weapon focus, weapon specialization and melee weapon mastery (all for a slashing weapon) - but thanks to Warblade, again, you can choose to change which slashing weapon they apply to on an hour's notice.

For the same reason, other weapon specific abilities like Improved Critical, Greater Weapon Focus/Specialization and even Weapon Supremacy (if you've got all the pre-requisites, it's not a bad feat).

Also, Samurai were very big on mounted combat, so taking various feats from that area is also very much in style.