View Full Version : Quick and easy Paladin Fix [3.5]

2011-08-29, 08:40 PM
I'm working on a campaign setting in which magic will be somewhat more restricted than in standard 3ed. I'm still fleshing out the basics for now, but one of my first decisions is that tier 1 is out. However, I'd still like to retain the archetype of the cleric/warrior-priest, but Paladins as they stand are just too lacking in that aspect.

So what do you think of these changes to the Paladin?

- Lose the code of conduct and alignment requirement, replace with the rules for clerics. Where appropriate change class features to those of the Paladin variants (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#paladinVariantsFreedom SlaughterAndTyranny).
I like the paladin archetype, but I feel that if a player wants to play the knight in shining armour, he can just as well roleplay such a character without being bound to specific mechanic.

-Gain Turn Undead at first level.

- Gain spellcasting based on Charisma, with spell slots equal to the Mystic Ranger(Drg#336), combining the spell lists of the Paladin and the Adept, and adding the Vigor line.
This is the most important change, giving the class more options and making those earlier available.

I'd like the opinion of the playground on this. I'm also wondering if there are certain Paladin spells that might be too powerful an option if they're gained at a lower level.

Thanks in advance.

2011-08-29, 08:53 PM
I like it.


There's a prestige class in Complete Divine called the Holy Liberator that is similar to this and is a somewhat watered down Paladin with the sourness removed.

I think there is value is setting up some kind of very basic code of conduct, but I would set a single type of limitation to it rather than the complex restrictions that were imposed on the Paladin and it's UA variants in the past. The Holy Liberator, for instance, has the code of conduct that says, "Holy liberators must be of chaotic good alignment and lose all special class abilities if they ever willingly commit an act of evil."

An evil Paladin might have a relaxed code of conduct like the Blackguard.

I would also set the limitation that a paladin has to not have a neutral aspect to their alignment. At the very least they should have the Crusader restriction of not being True Neutral.


I might reconsider adding the full spell list from the Adept class. Adepts get several offensive spells that wouldn't really mesh well with the paladin class. Paladins really have no business casting scorching ray, wall of fire, and lightning bolt. Maybe some spells from the Healer list would be more appropriate? Or one of the domain spell lists out there?

The Mystic Ranger also progresses a bit too quickly into it's spell list. Spreading it out a bit could be nice. I think that it is appropriate for the progression to be faster than it currently is for Paladins and Rangers, but the Mystic Ranger has a very fast progression for only 4 spell levels.


Scratch that last part. Mystic Rangers get 5 spell levels and their progression is completely appropriate in my mind. I just looked at their spell progression again and had remembered it wrong.

2011-08-29, 10:05 PM
I would suggest using the Pathfinder Paladin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin) as a base, and do the following.
-Increase Paladin spellcasting to a Bard-like progression, so they end up with 6h level spells. Boom, tier 3.

2011-08-29, 10:16 PM
I've done something similar with Bard advancement, and it worked fine.

The only reason I'd hesitate to implement this is that MR advancement is just wonky - if you use Battle Blessing, the Paladin will outcast specialized casters until level 10, then just peter off. I'd second HoJ's suggestion to space it out.

2011-08-29, 11:05 PM
I've done something similar with Bard advancement, and it worked fine.

The only reason I'd hesitate to implement this is that MR advancement is just wonky - if you use Battle Blessing, the Paladin will outcast specialized casters until level 10, then just peter off. I'd second HoJ's suggestion to space it out.

Or disallow Battle Blessing.