View Full Version : All that gold...

2011-08-30, 10:18 PM
I am pretty sure it wont hold long without being stolen by someone. No doubt the guards watching the fight saw the kobold opening the bag. Someone will collect the gold...and if that happen, will harley loose speech again?

2011-08-30, 10:25 PM
I am pretty sure it wont hold long without being stolen by someone. No doubt the guards watching the fight saw the kobold opening the bag. Someone will collect the gold...and if that happen, will harley loose speech again?

No, she will just use the presumption that the guards stole it to justify looting the Empress of Blood's treasury. (:

2011-08-30, 10:26 PM
They should melt it down to make a statue of Zz'dtri.

Mutant Sheep
2011-08-30, 10:34 PM
When did Harley Quinn ever lose speech? Haley lost the ability to communicate with language verbally, so I guess she lost speech, kinda. (Why did she not just write some stuff down and do the classic mute things anyway?)

:elan:I some want money

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/Tarquin.pngO.K. favorite son of mine, have this bag of gold and items! Oh, and have a dinosaur mount too!

:elan: YAY!

2011-08-30, 11:23 PM
They should melt it down to make a statue of Zz'dtri.

ooh, nice callback!

2011-08-31, 12:11 AM
They should melt it down to make a statue of Zz'dtri.

Out of gratitude! And fear!

2011-08-31, 12:22 AM
Out of gratitude! And fear!

And treasure!

The gold is going to be gone by the time Haley gets restored to fleshy flesh. It was just one of her Bags of Holding, so while it's a loss, it's not as big a loss as it looks. I'd be more worried about the magic items.

2011-08-31, 12:29 AM
No, Haley won't lose speach. It's different this time around; She knows where her father is and she's there, she's got a boyfriend to support her and her party leader will probably support her as well.

I'm more worried about Roy's and Belkar's magic items which supposedly were in that bag. At least Roy's stuff was.

2011-08-31, 12:57 AM
I don't fear for the gold. Blackwing and Mr. Scruffy are nearby it.

2011-08-31, 04:35 AM
No, she will just use the presumption that the guards stole it to justify looting the Empress of Blood's treasury. (:

She needs a justification for that???

2011-08-31, 06:48 AM
No, she will just use the presumption that the guards stole it to justify looting the Empress of Blood's treasury. (:

She doesn't need any justification. Where do you think that gold came from?

2011-08-31, 09:06 AM
harley - wait, who?

I doubt it, since A) Hayley has 8 bags of holding, loosing 1 probably won't have the same effect as her loosing everything. B) She's in an empire wher they let her wander into the tresurey because of her and Elan's relationship C) She's probably going to rob the linear guild blind, and that pile, though large, wouldn;t be all that many gold pieces (nowehrre near the WbL value of even one of them)

also, it;s been done.

2011-08-31, 10:28 AM

- wait, who?

2011-08-31, 10:31 AM
- wait, who?



Honestly, I think Tarquin would compensate them for any losses they endure during this fight. It's not the Order's fault that he has allowed the Linear Guild to completely infest his government and if Haley gets robbed by them he would probably feel responsible (since she is almost his daughter-in-law now) to help.

2011-08-31, 10:43 AM
Yea and Tarquin is such a nice guy...

2011-08-31, 12:44 PM
I am pretty sure it wont hold long without being stolen by someone. No doubt the guards watching the fight saw the kobold opening the bag. Someone will collect the gold...and if that happen, will harley loose speech again?

You mean Harley Quinn? No, she's not in this comic.:smallwink:

Also, given the Order's level, I'm sure they can make back that amount of gold in no time.

2011-08-31, 12:55 PM
No no, Halley!

If Tarquin feels obligated to give the Order a rusty copper piece, I'll be surprised. He might give things to Elan because he wants to, but it will backfire in the Order's face if any of them suggest Tarquin is obligated to do anything he doesn't want to to.

2011-08-31, 01:06 PM
She doesn't need any justification. Where do you think that gold came from?

Yea, she does!
But she already has it: The empire is evil, so I can steal from it:smallwink:

2011-08-31, 01:33 PM
Haley lost the ability to communicate with language verbally, so I guess she lost speech, kinda. (Why did she not just write some stuff down and do the classic mute things anyway?)

There's no reason to assume she didn't do that off panel. If you look through the strips, the only instances where her inability to speak common was an issue, it was also inconvenient to write anything down. It never really became a hindrance on panel. She could easily convey the necessary information through non verbal cues in most instances.

2011-08-31, 02:22 PM
No no, Halley!


2011-08-31, 02:55 PM
No no, Halley!

If Tarquin feels obligated to give the Order a rusty copper piece, I'll be surprised. He might give things to Elan because he wants to, but it will backfire in the Order's face if any of them suggest Tarquin is obligated to do anything he doesn't want to to.

I agree that they shouldn't tell him that he's obligated to do it, but Elan could definitely try and lay a guilt trip on him. Yes, I know Tarquin is not a nice person but he seems like one of those parents who makes up for his personality deficits by extremely indulgent (see the whole 'throw a massive game in honor of a son I haven't seen since he was a baby' thing). It wouldn't be too hard to winkle one bag of gold from him for his baby boy, right?


Van Halen!

2011-08-31, 03:07 PM
There definitely won't be a loss of speech although I have been wondering since the bag first dropped if anyone would run off with some (or all) of its contents. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough though. (Soon enough, to me, is by the end of this plot arc :smallwink:)

Van Halen!

I feel like that took the whole mistaken name thing into a completely different territory.

2011-08-31, 03:11 PM
In the empire of blood is sitting in a bank in middle of the treasury in somebody else name.

So if your dreamin' about the empires gold it doesn't matter where you played before the empire is a brand new game.

Pointless post if you know the song bonus points. below.

All the gold in California is sitting in a bank in the middle of Bervery Hills in somebody else name. So if your dreamin' about California, it don't matter where you played before California is a brand new game.

2011-08-31, 03:34 PM
No, there won't be a loss of speech. She isn't concealing everything in her head anymore.

As for who will end up with it, probably a nameless character. It's not enough gold to effect the plot, so it wouldn't do anything if an important character got it.

2011-08-31, 03:38 PM
No, there won't be a loss of speech. She isn't concealing everything in her head anymore.

As for who will end up with it, probably a nameless character. It's not enough gold to effect the plot, so it wouldn't do anything if an important character got it.
Taking a pile of gold without the proper paperwork may have consequences. This may be an empire of Evil, but it's an empire of LAWFUL Evil dadgummit!

2011-08-31, 05:28 PM
Hei Lee will get what she want and need. Rich never do something stupid like that. :smallannoyed:

2011-09-01, 04:34 PM
I find it doubtful Tarquin would give them money, but he might try to compensate them with magic items (after all, he's already tried to give Elan a ring of regeneration). Remember, it is in his best interests for the group to save the world.

2011-09-01, 06:02 PM
Remember, it is in his best interests for the group to save the world.

Does he know that they are trying to save the world? I might be mistaken, but I don't think he's ever been told that.

2011-09-01, 07:06 PM
Does he know that they are trying to save the world? I might be mistaken, but I don't think he's ever been told that.

He hasn't, but Tarquin's knowledge (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0762.html) isn't limited to what other people tell him.

2011-09-02, 06:47 PM
Haley couldn't write anything down because the comic panels aren't big enough for anyone to see anything.

2011-09-03, 04:05 PM
No no, Halley!


I spelt it wrong, didn't I?

2011-09-03, 05:51 PM

I spelt it wrong, didn't I?

You spelt it right. I hail ye for that.