View Full Version : Help Choosing Gear for Pelorite NPC

2011-08-31, 05:52 PM
So, as an NPC for my characters to meet I have made a man who is supposed to be one of Pelor's greatest living Paladins. He is a Paladin 10/ Kensai 5 (he has more levels in paladin then in Kensai because I thought that giving him a weapon with a +10 total enchantment that the PCs have no chance of looting was just mean). So far he has +2 Mithral Fullplate, a Masterwork Greatsword (his Kensai weapon), a masterwork buckler, a Sacred Scabbard, The Shard of the Sun, an Angelhelm and a Belt of Preistly Might. He has about 9,000 to 10,000 gp of stuff left that he can get. What do you suggest? Any leftover money will be in a moneypouch as platinum peices. Remember, he is supposed to be one of Pelor's greatest mortal champions, so stuff that is Pelor themed or like it are good. If it is a Relic thats fine.

2011-08-31, 06:02 PM
Since he's an NPC (and not a roving murderous hobo like PCs), it seems likely he would have some of his wealth tied down in something other than his combat gear.

That said, where's his animated shield, his cloak of resistance and stat boosters for Cha and Con?

Also, look through list of necessary magic items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851), if he's made it to level 15 and is such a great paladin, he would probably have something from each category. Then add some of Shax's (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148101) haversack stuff to taste.

2011-08-31, 08:06 PM
Hmm... if he were more castery, I'd say use the Dungeonscape rules to allow his armor and shield to count as holy symbols so that he would be resistant to the trick of people stealing his holy symbol in order to prevent him from casting or from turning undead.

And, well, Pelorites and Paladins seem to both typically be portrayed as the types to festoon themselves with holy symbols and representations thereof anyway.

As it is... Beyond the standard "I can do my job now" items, I'm blanking...

edit: What's his role in the game? Seems like you might be able to use him as a way to get a non-fungible artifact into the party's possession... Especially something evil he had on his person while he was questing for a way to destroy it.

Say, the head of vecna (http://www.blindpanic.com/humor/vecna.htm)if you want a little in-joke there.

2011-08-31, 08:23 PM
A devotee of Pelor, huh? I recommend the Inquisitor Bracers, from MIC pg. 113. They have the right holy symbol on there (there's even a picture!), and you never know when your NPC will need to brutally punch kindly old Grandma Sue in the teeth to see if she's a vampire. (It's OK, it heals her afterwards! Praise Pelor!)

2011-08-31, 08:38 PM
His role requires me to explain the adventure the PC's are in right now, so here goes.
Basicly in The Worm Desert the Necropolis of The Scarab Lord has been uncovered. This is quite literally the biggest acheological find of the age. Anyone has been given open acess to it, as it is on neutral grounds and the empire that created it is long dead. So any adventurer who is anyone (including the PC's, as they are decently leveled) are flocking to the site to loot it to the bone. The PC's are assigned a campsite, and have the misfortune to be put directly between a group from The Pelorite Church and a infamous cabal of necromancers. The Paladin is the leader of the Pelorite group. He basicly tries to get the PC's help in spying on the necromancers, as he suspects them of murdering other adventures for parts (actually it is someone else causing the dissaperences, they are just "lucky" enough to find the corpses first). He is supposed to be friendly and a good ally to the PC's, getting close to them. He shall then die without any warning in the Necropolis, as they open what the adventures think is a main treasure vault. The mountains of gold scarab coins inside then turn out to be Hoard Scarab Swarms, that proceede to kill anyone not fast enough to get out of the chamber. His corpse is then turned into a Mummy Lord, who the PC's are asked to kill by the remainder of the Pelorites, as they want to lay him to rest. They also want to reclaim his gear and relics, as he is being considered for Sainthood after his death, making any thing he has thats not already a relic into one. Mostly they want The Shard and his Kensai Greatsword, but they should try to get everything possible.

As for the list of neccesary stuff (thanks for that btw, it was helpful) he has fear immunity, many of the things he relies on the Clerics he travels with to provide (food, water, enchants). I am thinking either the battle bridle or dragonscale cloak for fly.

2011-08-31, 10:56 PM

Bouncyball (Dungeonscape) with a symbol of pain on it :)