View Full Version : Interesting Things to do with Survival

A Ladder
2011-09-01, 12:23 AM
So, in my research into Barbarians I found the Trapkiller variant from Dungeonscape (use Survival to search for traps) and it got me thinking: what other useful things can one do with survival? I know you can grab the feat Track and find bad guys, there are various rules for providing your party members with victuals in the wild, and other various things. What else can one do with Survival?

Also, what are some good items to boost a Survival check? (beside MW kit)
The -5 penalty on Survival for Trapkiller stinks....

2011-09-01, 02:05 AM
You can predict the weather. For days at a time. Potentially useful if you want to do something with control winds but have to wait for the conditions to change and want to know how long that would be. Or... not really, as that stuff is pretty much up to the DM entirely anyway.

You can act as a compass, which can help with mapping out mazes you might get stuck in.

I think there's some skill tricks, but none really come to mind.

2011-09-01, 02:32 AM
You can survive (!) in harsh terrains.
You can find shelter, know how to move around and avoid natural dangers

2011-09-01, 02:34 AM
You can leave and interpret path signs, as detailed in Comp. Adventurer (or somewhere else).