View Full Version : [PF] Cpt. Eberron?

2011-09-01, 07:54 AM
Hello again folks.

With the thought about DMing I came to a conclusion in making an totally Stupid LG NPC called Captain Eberron (the Cpt. America pendant). But I need a bit of your help to get some things straight. I want him to be build like a PC. PointBuy 20, Only classes from core (but archetypes are ok from APG, UC and UM) like Paladin or Fighter. But what skills would he have? What sort of feats would he choose? Should the Shieldthrowbashing made via magic Items/Gishing?

For the start I would likely tend to make the Two-Shield-Fighting fighter and as a magical enchantment a +1spiked shield of returned throwing.

Another question I've got. Is the Ninja now truly stronger than the Rogue? And has anyone already found a Guide to the Shadowry Craft of an Ninja?

I hope you can help me.

Have a nice Day,

2011-09-01, 10:18 AM

To get it back, stick a weapon augment crystal (p65 MIC) in it: Greater Crystal of Return (4000gp is cheaper than +1 bonus for Returning)

Also Called (p9 MIC).

From the movie, mostly what Capt America uses the shield for is deflecting bullets. Now apparently I am a doodoo-head for wanting to ignore damage from ranged attackers... but there's an Armor augment crystal for that too (well, not bullets, but the medieval equivalent anyway).

There is also the Collision property (+2 bonus), to make it do more damage (5 more) when it hits.

And for something that alternates between offence and defence there is the classic Defending weapon attribute (I think I might have seen a shield specific version of this somewhere)

So for your 20th level super - a +5 shield with defending and collision plus a few extras is certainly in the realm of equipment he can realistically afford.

2011-09-01, 01:20 PM
Hey, did they take the Ninja down from the PFSRD? :smallconfused:

Tome of Battle can be used to make an awesome Captain America.

2011-09-01, 02:52 PM
Hey, did they take the Ninja down from the PFSRD? :smallconfused:

Tome of Battle can be used to make an awesome Captain America.

Don't think so. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/playtests/paizo---ultimate-combat/ninja) Two of 'em up. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/alternate-classes/ninja)

With a third, dead link that thinks Ninja = base class rather than alternate class.

Only one I've seen so far, really, has been an Epic Warblade > feat grabbing classes > master thrower > Bloodstorm Blade build on Brilliant Gameologists myself.

2011-09-01, 03:16 PM
Hello again folks.

With the thought about DMing I came to a conclusion in making an totally Stupid LG NPC called Captain Eberron (the Cpt. America pendant). But I need a bit of your help to get some things straight. I want him to be build like a PC. PointBuy 20, Only classes from core (but archetypes are ok from APG, UC and UM) like Paladin or Fighter. But what skills would he have? What sort of feats would he choose? Should the Shieldthrowbashing made via magic Items/Gishing?

Hmm... Well first off with a point buy of 20 you're going to have a hard time imitating Captain Steve Rogers (what with him being perfect and all that jazz...) but we can move on from there. If I can offer a different approach from pure melee making him a Cleric offers him a lot of strong options and a thematic element. Have him, rather than a deity, worship a nation's ideals & core values. When he gives up on his nation or loses faith in it he loses his abilities, eh? But cleric offers some quality buffs that can work towards making him seem as if his body is fighting off certain attacks. Here is a build I did a while back on these boards inspired by Captain America.

Captain Roy Valiant
“General Klando has said that wars are fought with magic but are won by men. Our goal is to create the greatest army in history. But every army begins with one man. He will be the first in a new breed of super-soldier. We are going to win this war because we have the best men. And they, personally, will escort Lord Garxon to the ninth gate of Baator.”

Captain Roy Valiant: Male Human Male Cleric 1/Human Paragon 3/Marshal 1; CR 5; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 5d8+20; hp 49; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 22 (10 +4 dex +5 armor bonus +3 shield bonus ), touch 17 (10 +4 dex +3 shield bonus), flat-footed 18 (10 +5 armor bonus +3 shield bonus); Base Atk +2; Grp +7; Atk +7 melee (1d4+5/x2; heavy shield); SQ Turn Undead (7/day; +2 to turns), Domains (Courage & Strength), Adaptive Learning (Diplomacy), Motivate Intelligence; AL LG; SV Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +10; Str 20, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18.
Skills, Skill Tricks and Feats: Concentration +11 (7 ranks +4 con), Craft (Armorsmithing) +14 (6 ranks +4 int +4 cha), Diplomacy +18 (7 ranks +4 cha +2 synergy +3 skill focus +1 honest +1 polite), Heal +6 (2 ranks +4 wis), Knowledge (Arcana) +16 (8 ranks +4 int +4 cha), Knowledge (History) +9 (1 rank +4 int +4 cha), Knowledge (Local) +16 (8 ranks +4 int +4 cha), Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) +9 (1 rank +4 int +4 cha), Knowledge (Religion) +16 (8 ranks +4 int +4 cha), Knowledge (the Planes) +16 (8 ranks +4 int +4 cha) and Sense Motive +8 (5 rank +4 wis -1 honest); Collector of Stories; Ancestral Relic, Improved Shield Bash, Knowledge Devotion, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Shield), Shield Specialization (Heavy Shield), Shield Ward, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Strength Devotion and Tireless.
Traits and Flaws: Honest & Polite; Inattentive & Shaky
Spells per Day (CL 3): 4 0-level spells (DC 14), 3+1[D] 1st-level spells (DC 15), 2+1[D] 2nd-level spells (DC 16)
Spells Typically Prepared: 0-level: Cure Minor Wounds, Guidance (2) and Resistance; 1st-level: Endure Elements, Entropic Shield, Protection from Evil and Remove Fear [D]; 2nd-level: Aid [D], Enthrall and Resist Energy.
Equipment: Heavy Steel Shield and Mithral Chainmail.

Cure Minor Wounds: Cures one point of damage.
Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw or skill check.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments.
Entropic Shield: Ranged attacks against you have 20% miss chance.
Protection from Evil: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind-control, hedge out elementals & outsiders.
Remove Fear [Domain]: Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear for one subject + one per 4 levels.
Aid [Domain]: +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max 10).
Enthrall: Captivates all creatures within 100 ft. + 10ft. /level.
Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.

The Shield: Not only does your shield provide you a hefty protection towards AC (normal & touch) but it also grants such protection to resisting bull-rushes, disarms, grapples, over-runs and trip attacks.
Courage Domain: You radiate an aura of courage that grants all allies within 10 ft. (including yourself) a +4 moral bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions only while you are conscious.
Strength Devotion: Upwards of seven times per day as a swift action, you can bypass hardness with your melee attacks for 1 minute. In addition, you gain a slam attack (1d6) as a natural weapon, and all your melee attacks (natural or not) gain the adamantine property for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
As a natural weapon, your slam attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Knowledge Devotion: Captain Roy Valiant should be achieving anywhere from a +3 to +4 on attack & damage rolls, in addition to gaining anywhere from two to three useful pieces of information related to combat, against such creatures: constructs, dragons, magical beasts, humanoids, undead, outsiders and elementals.

For a re-shift of the characters melee strengths into more versatility try switching out Shield Ward & Shield Specialization for Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow) and Rapid Reload, this is properly done by taking Skill Focus (Diplomacy) early in the build as to shift it out later for the exotic weapon proficiency.

2011-09-01, 03:24 PM
Two of 'em up. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/alternate-classes/ninja)

That's the one I was looking for. No idea why it suddenly vanished, but thanks for finding it again.

As for whether its better than the Rogue... ehhhhhhh. I think its a little better in a fight, but no evasion or trapfinding? Really, paizo? And the Rogue Talents tend to have much broader application than the Ninja Tricks.

2011-09-01, 03:29 PM
Since this is PF you can use an item from the Adventurer's Armory, the Throwing Shield (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/armor/shield-throwing). It's listed as armor so I'm not really sure if you need an exotic WP for it... I think it's just an ability of the shield so, I'd say as long as you're proficent with the shield you can use it's throwing property no problem.

2011-09-01, 03:39 PM
That's the one I was looking for. No idea why it suddenly vanished, but thanks for finding it again.

If you try to google it, the ninja result you get is the dead link to the one it thinks is a base class, so if you tried to reach it through google, that'd probably explain it.

2011-09-01, 04:01 PM
Ehhh, at first I would like to thank you for these Ideas, but...yeah but, as stated in the starting post, I mentioned that I wanted to have him be Pathfinder Core (APG, UM, UC) as that are the books I have avaible.
This should be an NPC, and I like to build my NPC's. And yes he should annoy the hell out of the party. But as I know my players I think they will tend towards killing him so... I wanted something thats not that highly equipped.

Have a nice Day Krazzman

2011-09-02, 09:04 AM
To get it back, stick a weapon augment crystal (p65 MIC) in it: Greater Crystal of Return (4000gp is cheaper than +1 bonus for Returning)+3 weapon and 4000 gp is cheaper than +2 weapon? :smallconfused:

2011-09-02, 09:53 AM
Shouldn't you call him Captain Khorvaire, or maybe Captain Breland?

2011-09-02, 09:56 AM
For a thrown shield, you can save a lot of money with the Ranged (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/psionic-armor-and-shields#TOC-Ranged) property. It's basically Throwing + Returning for only a +1 cost, but the shield always does 1d8 damage, no matter your size (which means it doesn't work with Improved Shield Bash, which is a shame), but it does add Str and the shield's enhancement bonus (i.e. the one that usually goes to AC) to its attacks.

It's unclear if/how any enhancements the shield has as a weapon apply to the attack.

2011-09-02, 10:02 AM
Shouldn't you call him Captain Khorvaire, or maybe Captain Breland?Maybe he's a champion of the Dragon in the Middle.

2011-09-03, 01:11 PM
No it should be Cpt. Khorvaire, but for christ's sake couldn't remember the name.

Thanks, so it is only a +1 Enhancement bonus. That will be sufficient.

Have a nice Day

Hiro Protagonest
2011-09-03, 01:13 PM
Since it sounds like he's lawful stupid, I'd call him Captain Practice Target.

2011-09-03, 01:18 PM
Maybe he's a champion of the Dragon in the Middle.

See, then he wouldn't throw his shield, he'd be green and the party would need to summon him by putting their rings together.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-09-03, 01:24 PM
See, then he wouldn't throw his shield, he'd be green and the party would need to summon him by putting their rings together.

Captain Planet?

*looks on wikipedia*

Captain Planet.

I think Captain America is starting to become a meme. He's brought up every time someone mentions shield bashing.

2011-09-03, 01:24 PM
It's not Captain Eberron or Captain Khorvaire.

It's Captain Breland.

2011-09-03, 02:21 PM
It's not Captain Eberron or Captain Khorvaire.

It's Captain Breland.

Also, the Winter Solider is totally from Karrnath.

2011-09-03, 02:37 PM
Also, the Winter Solider is totally from Karrnath.

Most definitely. In fact, any Cold War plots can be safely transplanted into Eberron.

Karrnath: Russia.
Aundair: France.
Cyre: Italy.
Breland: America and England.
Thrane: Germany and the Vatican.

2011-09-03, 03:38 PM
Breland? Sounds interesting, I think I will read myself into that one ;D

But I thought Cpt. Khorvaire because the continent is called this. But again I forgot about different Nations...^^

Have a nice Day,