View Full Version : [PF] Wand Query

Gandolfi Feesh
2011-09-01, 03:23 PM
A wand can be any spell of 4th level or lower, correct?

When creating a wand, is it possible to inject metamagic enhanced spells into it (for example creating an empowered scorching ray would effectively be level 4)?

Also, will the caster level and save DC be governed by my feat choice and ability scores?

Thanks for the Help,

G x

2011-09-01, 03:41 PM
Yes and no, respectively. Making an item of a metamagic'd spell works exactly like you think it does; just use the adjusted spell level in the pricing formula.

Caster level is whatever you set it at when you make the wand. If you have feats that would allow you to cast a particular spell at a higher CL.. well, ask your DM. I'd say it's permissible, since part of making the item is ..casting? discharging? using, in some way.. the spell yourself. DCs, no; the DC of a wand is determined only by the 10+spell level+stat formula, and the stat is whatever the minimum required to cast the spell is.

2011-09-01, 04:18 PM
Well, wands are made using the formula Spell Level x Caster Level x 750 gold, so if you made the wand yourself, you could raise that caster level to 11 in the case of scorching ray, so if it was empowered, the formula would be 4 x 11 x 750, which equals 33000. It would still assume a relevant ability score of 14, the minimum required for a 4th level spell, but that doesn't matter with scorching ray, though the price is kinda steep. Basically, you're paying 12k to bring the caster level from 7 to 11, for the extra rays.

Gandolfi Feesh
2011-09-01, 05:28 PM
Hmm, seems a little expensive.

I'm obtaining the wand through the Bonded Item Wizard ability, do I still need to pay the relevant costs?

Flimsy, but for 30k I'll ask

2011-09-01, 06:46 PM
There are ways to use your CL in place of a wand's CL though. You could always craft a staff (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items#TOC-Creating-Staves) instead, but they have a minimum CL of 8.

2011-09-01, 07:56 PM
There are ways to use your CL in place of a wand's CL though.

Really? I've been looking around for exactly that. Other than prestige classes, how can this be done? (caveat: pre-epic please)

Addendum: I found Residual Magic. You cast the spell, then you use the same spell from the wand or scroll and it uses your caster level.

Are there any others?

2011-09-02, 10:10 AM
Are there any others?

Reckless Wand Wielder (Complete Arcane) and Wand Mastery (Eberron Campaign Setting) both provide a CL and save boost, though you have to have Craft Wand to use either.