View Full Version : [PF] Trick for Rope Trick?!

Gandolfi Feesh
2011-09-01, 03:26 PM
The spell description states for Rope Trick that it cannot be removed or hidden. I assume this means you would be unable to untie the rope once you are inside the space.

However, surely you should be able to cast invisibility on it??
Dare I even say permanently?!

G x

2011-09-01, 03:29 PM
Depends on how your DM reads "cannot be hidden." I'd personally allow it, because anything with See Invisibility is going to see the portal itself anyway.

2011-09-01, 04:30 PM
You could cast Sphere of Invisibility on the rope and leave a small bit of it out of the dimensional pocket which would make it invisible. The terminology "can't be hidden" means it can't be put into a place that would make it not visible, and more importantly it can't be hidden from the people inside the pocket. It's a strange spell.

However, ironically, you can tie the rope to an animal like a bird and the rope trick pocket dimension will move along with the bird. It's also useful as a make shift wagon. The rope trick dimensional pocket moves according to the objects in it's surroundings for the duration of the spell.

The Glyphstone
2011-09-01, 04:53 PM
You could cast Sphere of Invisibility on the rope and leave a small bit of it out of the dimensional pocket which would make it invisible. The terminology "can't be hidden" means it can't be put into a place that would make it not visible, and more importantly it can't be hidden from the people inside the pocket. It's a strange spell.

However, ironically, you can tie the rope to an animal like a bird and the rope trick pocket dimension will move along with the bird. It's also useful as a make shift wagon. The rope trick dimensional pocket moves according to the objects in it's surroundings for the duration of the spell.

So if you had something that didn't need to sleep and could fly, you could have it tow the pocket up to the mid-stratosphere for most of the night in complete safety?

2011-09-01, 05:13 PM
*Looks up Rope Trick in Pathfinder*

*blinks, re-reads*

The rope cannot be removed or hidden. The rope can support up to 16,000 pounds. A weight greater than that can pull the rope free. (emphasis added)

Err... the spell directly contradicts itself....

2011-09-01, 05:57 PM
*Looks up Rope Trick in Pathfinder*

*blinks, re-reads*

(emphasis added)

Err... the spell directly contradicts itself....

I read this to mean that if a fatty climbs the rope, the spell risks being ended prematurely :smalltongue:

2011-09-01, 10:54 PM
I read this to mean that if a fatty climbs the rope, the spell risks being ended prematurely :smalltongue:
Or trap everyone in the extradimensional space for the duration...

2011-09-02, 05:06 AM
Well the spell reads as though no one his holding the rope on the interior of the space. Further you no one would be trapped because the spell ends after 24 hours and anyone inside is shunted out. Of course they did change it a bit from the 3.5 version which is where the towing method that I suggested comes from. (Might have been changed to fix that functionality.)

That said the PF version still has to move relative to the space it's been created in. So get a tarp or tent or blanket make a balloon out of it, cast rope trick inside of the balloon space and then tie it off to a creature or something to move the entire dimensional pocket by pulling on the balloon. Since you're really just moving the opening there is no weight and thus even the smallest animal could drag it along.

So to answer the question yes you could in fact have an animal that didn't need to rest pull you up several hundred feet and keep you more or less safe, there is the catch of the spell ending or being dispelled and you and your fellow mates plummeting to the ground and dying.

2011-09-02, 08:20 AM
I always wondered, with the pathfinder version... Depending on your reading of "the rope can't be hidden," that could include both making it invisble and the old trick of simply pulling the rope up into the space with you, leaving a tiny knot of rope floating at the entrance. This would seem to make it VASTLY less safe, as you're not really resting invisibly - there's a magically floating rope sitting there like a giant arrow, announcing your presence.

Just doesn't seem that safe to me, in PF. Which may well be intended.

2011-09-02, 09:48 AM
I always wondered, with the pathfinder version... Depending on your reading of "the rope can't be hidden," that could include both making it invisble and the old trick of simply pulling the rope up into the space with you, leaving a tiny knot of rope floating at the entrance. This would seem to make it VASTLY less safe, as you're not really resting invisibly - there's a magically floating rope sitting there like a giant arrow, announcing your presence.

Just doesn't seem that safe to me, in PF. Which may well be intended.
Well, my reading on the hidden part is that the rope can't be hidden inside the extradimensional space, but further methods of hiding it work, such as Invis on the rope (safe? yeah, but you're burning an extra 2nd level spell for that safety, so it's cool); likewise you can hide it via mundane means, such as inside a wardrobe, a hard to see corner, put a blanket over it so it looks like a goofy ghost, etc.

2011-09-02, 10:03 AM
I always wondered, with the pathfinder version... Depending on your reading of "the rope can't be hidden," that could include both making it invisble and the old trick of simply pulling the rope up into the space with you, leaving a tiny knot of rope floating at the entrance. This would seem to make it VASTLY less safe, as you're not really resting invisibly - there's a magically floating rope sitting there like a giant arrow, announcing your presence.

Just doesn't seem that safe to me, in PF. Which may well be intended.

It is clearly intended. They even omitted the line about the rope taking up the same space as one of the occupants, because now it's impossible to pull the rope up.

The idea being that you have to find a dim corner to build your treehouse in, rather than simply snoozing in the middle of the dungeon hallway. In other words, the players have to put in some effort when finding a resting place. Sounds great to me.

2011-09-02, 10:04 AM
This would seem to make it VASTLY less safe, as you're not really resting invisibly - there's a magically floating rope sitting there like a giant arrow, announcing your presence.

Could enemies technically climb up the rope and follow you into your extradimensional space?

2011-09-02, 10:05 AM
Could enemies technically climb up the rope and follow you into your extradimensional space?

So long as it's not full, yes. They could also lay an ambush surrounding the rope to catch your bleary-eyed party as they climb out, though they would need big guns to take on a group that has finished resting in most cases.

2011-09-02, 12:06 PM
So what happens if some enterprising monster just sets the rope on fire?

2011-09-02, 12:15 PM
So what happens if some enterprising monster just sets the rope on fire?

One of two things will happen, depending on how you interpret the description. The options are "you may not remove the rope and maintain the spell" or "the rope is indestructible for the duration of the spell".

Option 1
Destroying the rope with fire will terminate the spell.

Option 2
The rope will burn at full intensity, but will not be consumed by the fire.

2011-09-02, 12:21 PM
So what happens if some enterprising monster just sets the rope on fire?
I think it triggers a similar effect to something too heavy climbing the rope, so it either instantly dispells it or traps everyone until the duration expires/is dispelled (I guess the window disappears since it's centered on the rope), my take is that it can be read as either "the rope is a necessary and vital part of the space" or "the rope is just a means to get in and out of the space".

2011-09-02, 12:44 PM
I think it triggers a similar effect to something too heavy climbing the rope, so it either instantly dispells it or traps everyone until the duration expires/is dispelled (I guess the window disappears since it's centered on the rope), my take is that it can be read as either "the rope is a necessary and vital part of the space" or "the rope is just a means to get in and out of the space".

Rope trick targets the rope. If the rope is no longer there than there's no longer a valid target, and hence the spell cannot be sustained.

The Random NPC
2011-09-02, 03:57 PM
Rope trick targets the rope. If the rope is no longer there than there's no longer a valid target, and hence the spell cannot be sustained.

Yes, but the issue is the effects of the spell is a window to a pocket dimension. If the spell is disrupted, the widow goes away, but the dimension is still there. Or at least it could be read that way.

2011-09-02, 04:03 PM
When the spell ends everyone drops out.

Invisibility seems like it would work. Permanent invisibility is rather expensive anyway. Either way at best you're boosting rope trick to 3.5 rope trick, where detect magic still finds it. And usually something else finds it too. Here it's see invisibility or feeling around or tracking footprints until they stop or etc.