View Full Version : Dread Necro gestalt

2011-09-01, 05:31 PM
I may be playing as a solo gestalt character in an upcoming adventure written for 4 people. Because of that, I've been given license to powergame considerably more than I normally do (which tickles me to no end). One of the things I've realized is that to be successful, I'll need to have someone besides just myself fighting, or else the action economy will eat me alive. One of the classes I've considered is dread necro, since an undead horde will fit the bill nicely.

Only question is, what would I gestalt it with? I thought maybe cleric? Hopefully some of you have some better ideas.

2011-09-01, 06:25 PM
Cleric wouldn't be so bad, but I'd personally advise against a second casting class, even though Dread Necromancer isn't particularly versatile. For that reason, I also might suggest going a slightly necro focused cleric instead of Dread Necromancer, in order to best cover a wide range of roles. A necromancer cleric is hardly a bad choice, after all.

That said, Dread Necro does have a fair bit of appeal. Mass minions would definitely solve some problems, and if you pick an undead race (Necropolitan is the usual suspect), or the tomb tainted soul feat, you have an infinite supply of healing for yourself and your minions, too.

However, this leaves you lacking in a few ways- you need to be able to fend for yourself a bit, add on to your durability and be able to handle skills. To an extent you can just toss minions at things until they're solved, but sometimes that isn't the most efficient. Therefore, I might suggest Incarnate- it can allow you to become a pretty fair melee monster, but can also boost skills as needed (gaining you such things as trapfinding, good social bonuses, spot, hide, move silently, so on), and could also shore up your low reflex, and in general give you seem really good defense and utility options, while not sucking up actions like Cleric might, nor using up any limited resources.

Factotum could also be pretty awesome, and in general, a Tome of Battle class would always be a strong choice in gestalt.

2011-09-01, 06:29 PM
Crusader//Dread Necromancer makes a good combo.

2011-09-01, 06:34 PM
Crusader//Dread Necromancer makes a good combo.

Hmmm, hadn't thought of that one. A crusader's juicy ally-boosting maneuvers are pretty nice when combined with an undead horde.

2011-09-01, 06:40 PM
Something that gets a spell list, and use Versatile Spellcaster to use Dread Necro spell slots to cast from that list all you want.

Ranger (mix Urban/Planar Ranger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rangerVariantPlanarRan ger), Wild Shape Ranger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#ranger), and Mystic Ranger to taste) is a good gestalt for saves, BAB, and skills, plus you'll have the Ranger spell list and a (weak) animal companion. In this case, I'd recommend getting the feat Obtain Familiar, trading either that or your class-granted familiar for the Animal Companion substitution (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#sorcererWizard), so with two one-half progressions you would count your full character level for the Animal Companion's benefits. Definitely get Natural Bond and pick up a 'level -3' companion such as a Fleshraker dinosaur and still count your full level. Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) is also highly recommended, especially if you can dismiss it and add the benefits to your existing animal companion. Still get a familiar, which should definitely be a Ghostly Visage which always possesses you and manifests over your face in combat for the paralyzing gaze attack.

Factotum is a good gestalt for anyone, it gets spectacular skills, breaks action economy, and is extremely versatile in general.

Consider dipping Unarmed Swordsage and taking Ascetic Mage to add your Cha bonus to AC while still wearing light armor. You should also dip Chameleon for the floating feat, to get Corpsecrafter or one of that feat chain while making minions, use any item creation feat during downtime, and have a metamagic feat like Split Ray when adventuring.

If you dip one level of Wizard (Martial Wizard (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wizard) for Improved Toughness or Improved Initiative or Point Blank/Precise Shot; pick Conjurer and get Abrupt Jaunt) you can use Spellcraft to learn as many spells as you can find, and regardless of whether or not you copy them into your book you'd be able to use Versatile Spellcaster to cast them. For a greater investment you could dip one Wizard level (Necromancer), and use your DN spellcasting to qualify for Master Specialist 4 so your minions gain +4 Turn Resistance and +4 to saves for four rounds every time you cast a necromancy spell.

Definitely get Desecrate, most likely via Arcane Disciple for the Evil domain, and definitely get Awaken Undead, most likely via Advanced Learning. Animate Dread Warrior in Unapproachable East is also highly recommended. Try to get at least one Awakened Cave Troll Skeleton, and at least one Awakened Arrow Demon Skeleton. Also get a Slaymate, probably controlled via Rebuke Undead.

Item Familiar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/itemFamiliars.htm) is overpowered and you should get it if possible.

2011-09-01, 07:05 PM
I also think Crusader/Dread Necro would make a nice gestalt.

If was to gestalt using DN, that's exactly what I'd use.

- J.

2011-09-01, 07:12 PM
If they allow you to up the level of cheese a bit...

Crusader/Divine Crusader/RKV//Dread Necromancer.

Take Spell domain for Divine Crusader for the Anyspell slots. RKV advances divine crusader spellcasting (which gets to 9th level spells in very short time) and keys off of DN Rebuke Undead.

RKV can break the action economy a little bit, which is more important in gestalt.

2011-09-01, 07:16 PM
I'm going to second either Incarnate or Factotum. They aren't as cheesy or powerful as some options, but the sheer versatility you gain from it would make the difference I think. Especially in a solo campaign, having the extra skills and such would help a lot.

2011-09-01, 07:21 PM
Oh, yeah, dump constitution and go necropolitan, every time

2011-09-01, 07:22 PM
Would be interesting to do a build focused around buffing one's undead minions gained from Dread Necro.

Something like:

Dread Necromancer // Crusader / Bard / Ruby Knight Vindicator - Perhaps? I forget if Dread Necro is Arcane or Divine casting, an am away from books. See if you can swing Ebon Phoenix Mage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99636&highlight=ebon+phoenix+mage) [Evil Version of the Jade Phoenix Mage] by your DM.

Have fun, Dread Necros are awesome.

2011-09-01, 07:33 PM
For gestalting with a pure caster class, you need something to complement this. So something with full BAB.

As others have said, Crusader works wonderfully, although it isn't your only option. Paladin of Tyranny/Slaughter is always a lot of fun to start off with. Go four levels of that for twice the turn attempts if you want to go the Southern Magician/DMM route, otherwise hit full stop at level 2 for your Charisma to all saves.

Duskblade is a surprisingly powerful class to combo here. With Arcane Channeling, you can cast your spells through your attacks, which is all kinds of fun when you're channeling negative levels on every swing.

And hey, look! Shivering touch made it to the party, being a Necromancy spell, and being able to be picked up through Advanced Learning. So let's start tossing around 3d6 dex damage, a negative level, AND shaken on every swing. Then we follow that up with 1d4+1 negative levels from Fell Drain Enervation. Again, on every swing.

Honestly, this build doesn't need any PrC's... Dusblade20/Dread Necro20. If you want to bust immunities, you can go with Duskblade15/Dread Witch5/Dread Necro 20.

Another option is Dusblade 13/Sandshaper2/Dread Witch5/Dread Necro 20. Sandshaper gives a whole PILE of fun spells to use.

Another option would be Bard/Crusader/War Chanter//Dread Necro. Nothing says 'up yours' like +12d6 Sonic damage on every single one of your pet's attacks...

2011-09-01, 07:34 PM
Sadly, DN is arcane, and so is bard. You could work it out with divine bard, i guess. I prefer Divine Crusader to bard for this because you get very rapid spellcasting advancement.

I built one of these once... didn't end up with a chance to use it, but i liked the idea.

2011-09-01, 08:15 PM
As Schneeky suggested to me,I'd go DN15/Dread Witch 5//Duskblade 20. Dread Witch advances spellcasting and you want full BAB with Duskblade.

- J.

Fouredged Sword
2011-09-01, 08:56 PM
If you want someone else in the party, then get one.

Go domination focused thralherd. Make yourself a party. Zombie meattank. Goul thief, Dominated wizard.

2011-09-01, 09:02 PM
Binder never hurts in gestalt due to their wide range of defensive abilities. Dread Necro is Charisma-based, right?

2011-09-01, 09:38 PM
What alignment are you?
if you are neutral i would go cleric1 something1/ cleric lots/ dread necro 8
so you can take turn undead and then get rebuke from the necro and go dmm cheese.

2011-09-01, 10:27 PM
I mentioned this in another gestalt question, but Dragon Disciple does staff to look viable during gestalt (and only gestalt). You get medium BAB, d12 hit die, two good saves, bonus spells, and ability boosts.

Duskblade is good too.

2011-09-01, 10:37 PM
As Schneeky suggested to me,I'd go DN15/Dread Witch 5//Duskblade 20. Dread Witch advances spellcasting and you want full BAB with Duskblade.

- J.

Dread Witch advances casting 4/5, and losing one BAB is not worth the template you get at capstone. You also run into Advanced Learning logjams because of the lost caster level. Best to stick it over by Duskblade.

2011-09-02, 05:37 AM
Dread Necro/Arcane Swordsage/Swordsage.

Here's why, strategically speaking a swordsage can give you attack maneuvers and a better BAB and Reflex while the DN will give you the higher will save. You'll have a plethora of skills available as well and for the standard Swordsage class levels taken you get a d8 HD.

The Arcane Swordsage swap for maneuvers that allow you to do immediate action casting and swift action casting (based on casting time of the spell; standard casting time is a swift action, full round becomes immediate). True Strike is good, summon undead, dispel magic, etc. Basically it gives you access to spells not otherwise available to you and allows you to swap between a normal swordsage and arcane swordsage as you progress. Taking permanency and Wall of Force together is way too useful (both of which are swift actions and can be done in one standard action). Another one is Spell Fusion allowing you to use your Supernatural maneuver to cast two spells lower than fifth level at the same time without taking up spell slots.

2011-09-02, 05:43 AM
Silverbrow Necropolitan Human Dread Necromancer/Bard with DFI and Melodic Casting should work extremely well to demolish obstacles. Note this depends entirely on how well hordes of glass cannons are able to solve problems in the campaign, but I am imagining a campaign built for four being played by a single gestalt to permit brute force success.

2011-09-02, 06:12 AM
I'm a fan of non full-bab for this.

If you're necropolitan:
HD don't matter.

BAB? Difference between full BAB and 3/4 BAB is rather minor, in the scheme of things. In this case, I'd shore up weakness.

First: Fort Save. Whatever class you choose will need solid Fort saves. Many suggested classes have this, but I'd like to forward another.

Druid. Undead Wildshape (Book of Bad Latin), various buffs, and summoning to complement the undead army.

Cleric would work, too... If you did, I'd recommend being neutral, so you can snag turn undead AND rebuke undead, for Divine Feat fun.