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2011-09-02, 02:15 AM
Therendor 15th, 998 YK:

The House Deneith conclave is still under construction. As such they are not officially performing any of the normal House functions. However a Paladin of the Silver Flame had enough money to move two of the House Deneith mercenaries into protecting the Paladin from harm. The two were on a leave of absence and as such the accepting of the mission was purely voluntary. Their names were Talgen d'Deneith (Trained under House renown swordsman Draco d'Deneith) and Sharwyn d'Deneith (A trained wizard and sibling of Talgen). The mission length was to be "no more than two weeks." After completing the mission the two were to travel directly to Starilaskur.

Therendor 16th, 998 YK:

Sojan d'Deneith arrives in New Cyre. The only other dragonmarked member of House Deneith in the area is Kerowyn d'Deneith. Kerowyn is an elderly House Deneith who's mission is to establish a thriving House Deneith conclave in New Cyre. Sojan is in charge of most of the paperwork and is used as little more than a secretary. He is considered to officially still be on a leave of absence yet finds himself helping out where he can.

Eyre 14th, 998 YK:

The two siblings never arrived in Starilaskur where the parents live (and are understandably worried) and they send a letter via House Sivis to Kerowyn in New Cyre.

Eyre 15th, 998 YK:
Kerowyn (who is too busy to deal with a missing persons case and without any resources to do anything about it) sends Sojan to learn as much as he can about the dissapearance of the two siblings. She tells him everything she knows. A Paladin of the Silver Flame (Sir Braford) along with (what she assumed to be) his squire (a male elf named Karakas) hired the two for a mission that Kerowyn knew little about. She was not in charge of the two siblings and Sir Braford hired them unofficially so she wasn't involved in the deal. She does know that the Human Paladin and the Elven squire were from Thrane.

Sojan was at a loss as to how to proceed. In a bar he was directed (by Quil) to locate a female half-elf named Serra ir'Waynlen working for House Medani who has skills in such activities (also Quil). Together they investigated for clues as to the whereabouts of the missing paladin and Deneith siblings.

Eyer 20th, 998 YK:

By the end of the 20th of Eyer 998 YK, Sojan and Quil (in the form of Serra) had discovered that the Paladin was last seen in a bar called Metrol Memories located near the Old road on the south east side of town. According to a very finely dressed halfling, the paladin was here about a month back. He drank a bit too much and started talking about visions he was receiving. Darkness down the old road deep inside the earth.

The Old Road used to be a trading road that went from the settlement here across the seawall mounts and into what is now called Darguun about 100 years ago. When the Goblins took over the area now known as Darguun, the trading road fell out of use. The area had seen several raids during the last war and now the Old Road houses nothing more than abandoned and razed barns. Apparently some Goblin Merchants did use the old road recently. They told tales of strange forms of magic given life.

When it became apparent to Sojan that they would need to leave the city in order to determine what happened he informed Kerowyn that he would require the bodies of adventurers willing and capable of taking on whatever may have captured or killed the last group. Kerowyn put out the word for able bodied mercenaries who are tasked with locating two members of House Deneith. The reward for finding them alive was 1,000 golden galifers half that for the recovery of their signet rings.

The first to arrive was Emlyn d'Lyrandar who indicated that he had been summoned to House Deneith. Kerowyn looked confused at first, but then quickly explained the mission and the reward to which Emlyn accepted. Only two more were brave enough to answer House Deneith: A human female with tattoos on her face and a nondescript warforged.

Sojan convinced Kerowyn to give them a large portion up front and she only relented when he said he would make sure that he would control the spending. He was given an advance on the reward of 200 gold to start with instruction to divy it up as he saw fit.

Eyer 21st, 998 YK:

The group decides to meet at the bar to talk about their mission as well as decide what to spend their gold on. The warforged introduced "herself" as Fix with some skills as a artificer. Serra ir'Waynlen, a half-elf who helped gather information with Sojan, introduces herself and offers to continue to offer her services. Oren introduces herself as a cleric of the silver flame, not entirely what you expected by the looks of her, but then one shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. The group decided that without knowledge of what they were up against the best thing to do was to stay versatile. Fix described her aptitude with scroll making and his extensive knowledge of spells that he could craft for any situation that could arise. The group decided this was a wise use of money and agreed to depart on the morrow.

Eyer 22nd, 998 YK:

The four heroes joined together at sunrise and began their journey down the old road. The overgrown Old Road winds through rocky downs, near stands of old-growth oak, and past several abandoned farm shacks. The lonely road is empty of all travelers except for the four of you. The sun finally rises high, and yet the early morning chill never seems to leave. Most of you develop a cold sweat. You take a break at mid day and continue on your trek.

2011-09-02, 11:19 AM
Play Begins

All signs of civilization have left you at this point and the terrain becomes much more rocky and hilly as the Seawall Mountain looms over you. The road takes yet another bend, cut through two steep rock formations. You almost don't notice it until it's upon you:

A fluid mass of sand (about five feet long and four feet high) shambles and flows towards you, leaving sand and debris in it's wake. It was already lurching towards you guys even before you rounded the bend giving you the impression that it knew you were here somehow.


None of you have Knowledge Dungoneering and are unfamiliar with the creature's strengths and weaknesses (or even what to call it). Quil you think this creature might be the "magic given life" that the Goblin Merchants spoke about (on Eyer 20th).

Quil: [roll0]
Emlyn: [roll1]
Fix: [roll2]
Oren: [roll3]
Sojan: [roll4]
Magic Sand: [roll5]

2011-09-02, 11:20 AM

The green path is the "road" terrain here is normal.

The various peach colored areas are seperated by Contour Lines. Each line indicates 15 feet of elevation and requires a DC 15 climb check.

Round 1:
Magic Sand

2011-09-02, 11:44 AM
Emlyn gives a shout as he catches sight of the strange mass of sand approaching the group.
"What... What in the name of the Host is that?"
He runs forward, and pulls out his whip, preparing to attack the creature.

"What... What in the name of the Host is that?"
Move: Move forward to O9
Also Move: Draw whip.

King Tius
2011-09-02, 12:26 PM
OOC: Here's hoping I do this right!

Catching sight of the shambling monstrosity, Sojan's combat training kicks in. Without hesitation he places his feet and hurls his spear at the creature, giving a loud, confident yell as he does so. Recovering his balance, he yanks his morningstar off its belt loop as he answers Emyln, his eyes never leaving the target.

"It's in the way, but not for long! Come and get it!"

Drawing upon the unknown power coursing through his veins, Sojan focuses his thoughts to those of a dragon's scales. The whole party feels a tightening sensation in their skin (or plates, I guess) as their bodies become more resistant to damage.

Free: Talking
Standard: Attack Sand Monster: Thrown Spear (+1 dex, +0 BAB) [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Move: Draw Morningstar
Swift: Shift Aura to DR 1/Magic

2011-09-02, 01:35 PM
Sojan's spear plunges into the blob of sand but it is immediately pushed out of the creature and falls harmlessly to the ground.

Character Knowledge:

You have hit his Armor Class but everyone realizes that the attack is ineffective. Oren you know that lycanthropes are only harmed by silver and Quil you've heard of many psionic creatures that require different materials and magic to harm them. Specifically you know that Astral Constructs require magical weapons and Cerebrilith's (A demon from the Abyss) require good aligned weapons. Anyone who participated in the last war (or worked with warforged) knows that only adamantine weapons can overcome adamantine bodied warforged.

2011-09-02, 01:57 PM
Frightened by the strange phenomena, Oren arms herself with bow and arrow as the others make their own attacks. Thinking she may be too easy a target on the road for whatever the thing can, she moves toward the side of the hill before taking aim.

When Sojan's spear merely passes through the sludgy sand, she recalls some of her readings. "Maybe this thing can only be hurt by a special weapon or spell!"

Unsure what else to do but confirm her own words, she looses an arrow.

Free: Speak
Move: Nock and draw, move toward hill
Standard: Loose

Longbow [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2011-09-02, 02:16 PM
Full Round Action: Charge to P10
Slam [roll0] Emlyn.

The arrow penetrates the sand creature as it surges forward and you lose sight of it for a second (it looks ineffective) but find it broken in the creature's wake. It lunges across the ground at Emlyn (who suddenly lacks confidence in his whip) and quickly extends a large psudopod arm slamming it down at Emlyn who barely manages to dodge out of the way. The psudopod crashes in a spray of sand against the rocks behind her and pulls it back into it's main body.

King Tius
2011-09-02, 02:53 PM
Free Action: "Water! Can any of you summon water? Maybe if we turn this thing to mud we can damage it?"

2011-09-02, 03:09 PM

The conversation you've been having with your psicrystal is interrupted by the presence of the monster. After the two of you witness the ineffectiveness of your companions attacks your gem chimes in with some advice:
"Goods news, I know how to defeat this beast! All sand creatures are particularly weak against fire; that is how you make glass after all. When this is over you can thank me for saving the day!

Like almost everything that comes out of it's crystalline structure, you suspect your gem is lying. Neither of you have ever heard of sand creatures.

2011-09-02, 03:16 PM
<For once, I might actually have to listen to you.>
Quil was worried; the one offensive power she knew relied on igniting things. With few other options available, she would have to see if her mind could deal the monster any damage.

Serra stands fast, her green eyes focused on the strange magical menace.
"Keep it busy! I'm going to try something!"
The half-elf stares, and as she does so, an eerie bass-hum begins to emanate from her. The ground near the swirling sand-entity glistens for a split-second with ectoplasm before instantly evaporating. Everyone can start to smell a faint whiff of ozone...

Move action: maintain a distance of 25 ft. or so from the monster.
Standard action: manifest Matter Agitation. No save, no SR/PR, the monster takes 1 point of fire damage.

2011-09-02, 04:33 PM
Fix takes a little step to the center of the road and closer to the monster, and then she takes a little red glass vial out of one of her belt pouches. "You're heating it up? Well, it wouldn't be my first call, but I suppose it doesn't have any specific tolerance for an overabundance of heat. I have just the thing for something without specific tolerances for an overabundance of heat."

She pulls her hand back, lines up the shot, and flings a the vial at the monster. It strikes it, and a spray of liquid flame soaks the creature. "Hm. When next we are in a settlement, we should purchase the materials required for more of those. I enjoy flinging fire. It is oddly... invigorating."

Free: Shift
Move: Draw Alchemist's Fire
Standard: Ranged Touch attack: [roll0]
Fire damage: [roll1]
Unless it takes a full round action to put itself out it will take [roll2] fire damage next turn.

2011-09-02, 05:59 PM
Edit: Forgot the creature had -2 AC from charging.

Fix pulls out the alchemist fire and throws an arching shot clearing Oren in front of him and Sojen as well. The flask strikes true, but doesn't burst, deflected off the creature by some miracle and continues it's momentum into the next square impacting the ground and sending fire and oil to all the squares around it.

Missing with a Thrown Weapon: [roll0]

Fix pulls out the alchemist fire and throws an arching shot clearing Oren in front of him and Sojen as well. The flask strikes true covering the creature with oil and flame and creating a small explosion of oil and fire in the surrounding squares. Emlyn shields herself the best he can with his left arm, which catches on fire for a second but is patted out.

The sand creature takes 1 point of fire damage and catches fire. Emlyn take 1 point of splash damage

Recap from Round 1:

Oren: -1 Arrow
Sand creature: -2 HP
Quil: -1 PP
Emlyn: -1 HP
Fix: -1 Alchemist Fire


Start Round 2:

Magic Sand

2011-09-02, 06:31 PM
Emlyn curses as the liquid fire from Fix's thrown flask splashes onto his arm. He quickly pats it out with his free hand, then backs away from the monster, watching it move. Desperately, he lashes out with his whip, attempting to slow it down in any way possible.
Go go desperate Trip attempt!
Miscellaneous action: Shift to N9
Standard Action: Trip attempt.
(Touch Attack)
Opposed Strength Check
No opposed trip attempt, as I am tripping with my whip. If the attempt fails, Emlyn will drop his whip to prevent being tripped in return.

King Tius
2011-09-02, 06:44 PM
Not accustomed to fighting things he can't hurt, Sojan rationalizes that if he can hit the thing hard enough, maybe it will change its mind and die politely. He steps towards the creature and brings his morningstar crashing down into its sandy...whatever.

Free Action: Grumbling
Move Action: Move to O10
Standard Action: Attack with Morningstar: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-02, 06:45 PM
Emlyn curses as the liquid fire from Fix's thrown flask splashes onto his arm. He quickly pats it out with his free hand, then attempts to somersault away from the monster.
Move action: Tumble to L10.

2011-09-02, 06:47 PM
Emlyn curses as the liquid fire from Fix's thrown flask splashes onto his arm. He quickly pats it out with his free hand, then attempts to somersault away from the monster.
Move action: Tumble to L10.

Forgot you couldn't edit a roll into a post.

2011-09-02, 07:04 PM
Emlyn uses the wall behind him to jump and tumble away from the sandy monstrosity. Sojan strides forward and swings at the blob as hard as he can, the weapon striking the creature, yet clearly doing no damage.

2011-09-02, 08:59 PM
Oren watches the others working their attacks - some more inexplicable than others - and sees she's safe for the moment from the amorphous glob.

Can't think of anything else just now ...

She quickly digs her fingers into a packet of silvery dust - a holy alchemical substance called silverburn - and rubs it on the tip of an arrow, hastily whispering a prayer to the Flame to overcome this vile menace.

She then aims and looses again ...

Longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-02, 11:17 PM
Oren frustrated with your lack of options you pull out your small vial of Silverburn (move action) which you then apply to an arrow (standard action). Most of the fine powder is gusted away in the wind and what little there is left of the powder does not stick to the arrow. You were told that the substance somehow affected all creatures that were harmed by silver although you can't remember now exactly how that is.

Oren You did not have enough actions left to fire the arrow.

Meanwhile the huge sandy ooze surges straight into Sojen stretching itself as if it were trying to engulf you.

Sojen you can either:
Take an attack of opportunity. Doing this means you are not entitled to a saving throw to avoid being engulfed.
Forgo the attack of opportunity and roll me a reflex save to avoid being engulfed.

Monster's turn not yet finished; waiting on Sojen.

2011-09-02, 11:19 PM
Fix holds out her hand as Oren rips open the packet of Silverburn. "No, that's not how you-" She trails off as the substance is wasted on the wind, and she sighs, as well as a warforged can sigh. I need to teach these humanoids how to use alchemical tools, it seems. Oh dear.

King Tius
2011-09-03, 09:40 AM
Realizing that he brought a morningstar to a magic fight, Sojan will attempt to avoid being engulfed.

Reflex Save: [roll0]

2011-09-03, 10:48 AM
You manage to bounce backward and away from the ooze which surges and collapses in on itself.

You were pushed to N10; it's in 010.

Quil's turn.

2011-09-03, 11:44 AM

Serra maintains her concentration, keeping her eyes focused on the magical sand. The bass-pitch hum continues to fill the air as the smell of ozone increases, and the air around the creature begins to radiate heat.

Move action: maintain a 25 foot distance between Quil and the monster.
Standard action: maintain concentration on Matter Agitation, dealing [roll0] fire damage to the creature.
PP: 2/3
Rounds of MA left: 2/10

2011-09-03, 02:59 PM
Fix's eyes snap to the monster, and then she draws her crossbow, muttering to herself as she traces lines over the crossbow. As she traces the lines and patterns over her crossbow the lines began to leave glimmering silver marks, infusing the weapon with magic and power. "Let's see how this thing enjoys the bite of magic, if nothing else will work."

2011-09-03, 08:58 PM
The creature's flames finally die out from the alchemist fire; waves of heat continue to roll off of it and parts of the creature glow red as the matter agitation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/matterAgitation.htm) power continues to turn it into glass. Everyone has figured out at this point that Serra the half-elf is somehow burning it with her mind. Those with ranks in Spellcraft know that it is neither arcane nor divine.

Recap from Round 2:

Oren: -1 ounce Silverburn (1 ounce remaining)
Sand creature: -2 HP
Fix: -1 Infusion


Start Round 3:

Sojan - Make Reflex Save
Magic Sand -Current Turn

King Tius
2011-09-03, 11:38 PM
Sojan will take a step back and bring his shield up, assuming a defensive stance.

Move Action: Five foot step backwards
Standard Acton: Total Defense (AC +4)

2011-09-04, 12:17 PM
Emlyn mutters something under his breath, then taps Sojan lightly on the back as he steps backwards.

Hold turn until after Sojan takes a five foot step backwards.
Standard Action: Cast Resistance on Sojan.

2011-09-04, 01:07 PM
Sojan backs up again trying to get away from the creature, all the while keeping it from getting to the party. Realizing that Sojan will need all the defenses he can get Emlyn quickly tears off a small piece of his cloak and mutters an incantation which causes the torn piece to vanish in a quick flare of magic.

With a free shot Oren fires another arrow at the sand ooze, it hits the creature and breaks upon impact. The creature doesn't even loose a step surging forward again trying to engulf Sojan. Almost the entire creature is glowing red from Serra at this point.

Sojan give me a reflex save (You have +1 due to Emlyn's resistance (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/resistance.htm) spell)

2011-09-04, 06:00 PM
Looks like Sojan made the save; regardless, Quil's actions this round are pretty straightforward.


The heat radiating from the sand entity reaches a crescendo as Serra continues to stare unblinking at her target. The air ripples with heat, the smell of ozone becomes cloying, and the monster begins to glow with thermal energy.

Move action: maintain a 25 ft. distance from the monster.
Standard action: maintain concentration on Matter Agitation, dealing [roll0] fire damage.

Rounds left for MA: 3/10

2011-09-04, 06:14 PM
Fix hefts her crossbow, which is presently gleaming with magical power, and she works her way through the group. "Please, excuse me, coming through, magic crossbow here, I think this will hurt it if I can get a clean shot." She lines up the bolt with the steady arm of a construct and she fires, hoping the magic in the bow will guide the bolt clean and true. At the last moment, however, she adjusts her foot, and it gets caught on a loose stone. Her body twists as she struggles to stay upright, and the bolt flies off to the side.

Move: L9, meaning the monster shouldn't have cover. If it does, she'll move somewhere else.
Standard: She'll shoot it with her +1 Crossbow.
[roll0] -4 for shooting into melee.
Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-04, 08:11 PM
The heat radiating from the sand entity reaches a crescendo as Serra continues to stare unblinking at her target. The air ripples with heat, the smell of ozone becomes cloying, and the monster begins to glow with thermal energy.

The creature's "body" begins to solidify and still surging forward partially shatters when it hits the ground. It stops moving, liquid sand oozing out of the shattered exterior.

The creature stops moving on Quil's turn. If Fix wants to still fire the arrow he'll hit (and you might learn something about what over comes his damage reduction). Oozes do not die at 0 hp.

Round Recap:

Oren: -1 Arrow
Fix: -1 Bolt
Emlyn: -1/1000 of a cloak, 0th level spell used

2011-09-04, 08:16 PM
Serra continues to stare at the half-fused mass of sand for several more seconds, cooking the thing without touching it. Finally, the heat begins to dissipate, and the half-elf blinks. She grins, and wipes sweat from her brow.
"Well! That went about as well as could be expected, didn't it?"

Quil will continue to concentrate on Matter Agitation for another seven rounds, making sure the thing is nice and fried.

2011-09-04, 08:54 PM
Emlyn smiles at the other half-elf, before rubbing his burnt arm.
"Yeah, it did. We're lucky, no one was badly injured." He lifts the edge of his cloak, where he ripped a piece off to cast his spell.
"But I'm going to need a new cloak, if we keep going like this."

2011-09-04, 09:05 PM
Serra claps Emlyn on the shoulder.
"Don'tcha have a spell component pouch for that sorta thing?"
The half-elf takes a knee by the smoking ruin of the creature that attacked them.
"This must have been what those Darguunite merchants were talking about. 'Magic given life.' Gives me the shivers, being this close to the Mournland and all..."

2011-09-04, 09:09 PM
Oren grimaces at the broken arrow shafts littering the ground.

"I've never faced something that doesn't get hurt. Or anything that's just ... like an rabid animal. Attacking just because we happened to be here."

She shakes her head. "I'm sorry I wasn't more helpful."

She moves to assist anyone actually hurt during the fight, saying prayers and offering to clean wounds.

2011-09-04, 09:18 PM
"I must have left it at Stormhold. Either that or I lost it between there and New Cyre... I guess I never thought of buying another one. His smile falters as Serra mentions the Mournland.
"I suppose we're going to have to be more careful, being this close."
He turns to Oren as she draws close.
"Don't worry, you weren't the only one who wasn't of much use in this fight. Could you help me with my arm, though? It's been rather burnt."

2011-09-05, 12:46 AM
"'Course," Oren says roughly and succinctly. She dabs a cloth with water and a fingertip of silvery dust, applying both to the wound. She then gives a shy but heartfelt smile to young man and wispers a prayer of rejuvination to the Silver Flame, wishing his blistered hand healed of injury.

2011-09-05, 01:06 AM
Fix does shoot the ooze, to determine if her bolt does indeed harm it.

Fix, looking to the world like a standard tough, masculine warforged sighs, her features conveying as much relief as they can. "I was a bit concerned there for a moment, I must admit. It is quite interesting to know that these creatures are harmed by magical implements; a few times a day, at least, I will be able to make our weapons hold fast against them. I also know of a process that can make my own personal weapon significantly more powerful against this specific type of creature, but that takes quite a bit longer to use." She realizes that she's rambling on, and she attempts to smile to the others.

The effect is a bit disturbing, but it's clear that she's trying as hard as she can to be personable; what Fix lacks in experience dealing with others she makes up for with raw personality. "Are you all okay? I have a few scrolls that heal injury, though I intended to save those for real emergencies. I could also repair you, if your bodies were more inorganically efficient, but that doesn't seem to be the case, sadly."

2011-09-05, 01:33 AM
Emlyn the burn heals and you see fresh skin through your burnt jacket sleeve and burnt undershirt.

King Tius
2011-09-05, 11:00 AM
Sojan stands upright and relaxes his defensive posture. He looks at his morningstar with a frown. "I never should have bet that Bugbear my magic mace in Three Dragon Ante. Ah, the follies of being bored in base camp." The Denieth captain gives his group a quick look-over and nods with approval. "Good work everyone. Let's get fixed up and get a move on."

2011-09-05, 01:42 PM
You guys can continue to talk in character. I'll give everyone a chance to respond and then move us along.

You guys continue to move south and east along the old trail. You've traveled about six miles so far today. You hope wherever the paladin took the siblings that you can see it from the old road.

Regional Map


2011-09-05, 01:56 PM
Serra continues onward with a spring in her step, chatting amicably with the group on a variety of topics; on subjects she seems ignorant of, she instead asks those knowledgeable for details, and listens raptly.

However, the small, pinkish crystal she wears as a necklace holds a secret conversation between itself and its master.
<It seems this group enjoys your company, Serra.>
<Be quiet. My name's not Serra.>
<It isn't? Why, it would seem you've lost yourself again.>
<Don't be silly. Anything that helps out New Cyre, even indirectly, is what I'm trying to accomplish here.>
<You have an interesting way of helping, Quil. When one thinks of doing good, truth is what usually comes to mind, but I guess we forgot!>
<It's hard to keep up my cover with you endlessly chattering.>
<Because I'm a separate entity, and definitely not a splinter of your own personality. It's a good thing we don't know the symptoms of insanity, right?>
<I'm going to throw you down the next well we pass.>
<You're pulling my leg, Quil. Oh wait, I don't have any! Just keep pretending you're helping people, even though they'd probably banish you at the drop of a hat, and remember: you're not doing this for your own personal gain. Do I get a share of the platinum?>

2011-09-05, 02:38 PM
When the mood lightens - and nobody is in danger - Oren cheers up greatly.

She entertains Serra's questions with polite, abbreviated answers. If these are questions about religion her answers often sound memorized - dogmatic and public-friendly - though not in a rude or evasive way. Conversation regarding anything else shows Oren is simply not a practiced communicator.

Her speech is simple and blunt, and she has a thick Lhazaar accent.

She readily opens up to Sojan following his bugbear comment, and for a priest displays startling knowledge of Three Dragon Ante and countless other games of chance.

2011-09-05, 04:07 PM
Fix remains mostly quiet, though she is highly observant of the words and actions of the others. Humanoids are so very different from me, she muses, and yet they hold an untold number of similarities to living constructs, at least mentally. She catches herself staring at the others and looks down, abashed. "How long can you all walk tonight? It seems that we can cover a good amount of ground if we simply keep our pace consistent through the evening, but I know that you need to fall unconscious every night. When will that happen?"

2011-09-05, 04:36 PM
Serra smiles at Fix.
"It's called 'sleep,' Fix, and yes, we'll need to rest eventually. The good news is, if you're up to it, you can take the entire watch, while the rest of us get some quality shut-eye. We'll probably start looking for a place to camp closer to sundown."

King Tius
2011-09-05, 06:28 PM
Sojan nods in agreement with Serra's comment. He turns and gives Fix an approving look over as the walk continues.

"I think the 'Forged are just about the best thing to ever happen to us poor soldiers. Excellent fighters, loyal allies, obedient soldiers, and the best sentinels you could imagine. If they pissed wine and laid golden eggs, I think I'd take one for a wife."

Sojan gives Fix a wink along with that last bit.

2011-09-05, 07:50 PM
Oren bursts with a quick guffaw. She covers her mouth with a hand and gives an apologetic look around at the others, but to Sojan she says, "I just felt collective relief from women all around the world that your standards are so high."

King Tius
2011-09-05, 07:58 PM
Sojan gives Oren an apologetic look. "I'm sorry if I've offended you. The hobgoblins have a vulgar sense of humor and while I didn't learn their hacking and spitting language, I guess a bit of their crudeness rubbed off."

2011-09-05, 08:22 PM
Fix tilts her head, a bit perplexed, though she can tell that the conversation is lighthearted. "I'm not sure you would want a warforged wife; from what I can tell most husband and wife pairs are also mating pairs, though if the stories I've heard are true they often have other, hidden mating partners. I'm not sure why; it seems that if you all just mated with each other openly you would be able to achieve a much higher rate of production."

She attempts to smile again, and it seems that she's gotten a bit better at it. "That said, Sojan, I thank you for the complimentary remarks on behalf of my species, and I thank you for not taking the opposing point of view; I've overheard more than a few people refer to me as a 'job-stealer', and one child called me 'soulless.'" She waits a beat, and then speak hesitantly. "I... you must understand, I've only been alive for almost exactly a year, so sometimes I come across things that I haven't heard of yet. What is a soul? Do I need one?"

2011-09-05, 08:23 PM
Emlyn stares at Sojan for a few seconds, before turning around and walking down the road.
"Note to self. Sojan has... interesting tastes in woman."

2011-09-05, 09:16 PM
Oren thoughtfully examines her holy symbol for a moment and then says, almost whistfully, "I may be a Lady of the Order of Templars, Sojan, but I doubt you're going to say anything I find offensive."

She turns to Fix. "And that kinda brings me to an answer for you." She chews her lip for a second. "The Flame teaches that all people are born with a soul. It's a spark of life that comes from the world itself. I guess there are academics talking about this all over Khorvaire, and I have no idea how warforged are made, but if you can't call it a "birth" then what is it? Warforged do what they want of their own will, and I know some choose to serve the Flame. I don't know if something without a soul could make a ... a conscious decision to help others."

She starts chewing on a piece of dried meat, still considering her own words.

2011-09-05, 09:24 PM
Quil took note of the veritable information-bomb Fix had just laid in her lap. It was a poorly kept secret that more warforged were being produced, even after the Treaty of Thronehold... to have one actually admit such a thing, amongst a dragonmarked scion and a foloower of the Silver Flame... it was a good thing they were in the middle of nowhere to begin with. The warforged might prove to be a liability elsewhere.
She felt a stab of pity for the living construct, and wondered what it was doing out here.
<And how would Serra react?>

The half-elf's smile never wavers.
"It's pretty obvious you're so young, Fix: you haven't developed a proper sense of humor yet! Give it a little longer, and before long you'll be straddling the likes of Sojan by the neck."

2011-09-06, 12:22 AM
Fix adjusts her belts, still with her faint smile-attempt on her face. "I am young, and sometimes I am concerned that I will make statements or perform actions that offend people." She gestures to Quil. "You, for example. You are wearing pants. Does it offend you that I do not wear pants? I sometimes feel that I should purchase pants, you see."

2011-09-06, 02:37 AM
You guys have walked about a quarter of a mile from where you fought the ooze. The adrenaline mostly gone, the cold air blowing through the mountains combined with the sweat from battle make you shiver. Fix is still hoping his pantless life-style is not offensive when your walk is cut short. Ahead of you, you see that the Old Road ends abruptly. A narrow ravine cuts across the Old Road. On the other side of the ravine, the Old Road clearly continues.

It appears that at one point a bridge crossed the chasm. New looking pillars are on both sides, although it looks like they have been defaced recently with dwarven runes. As you guys get closer it appears that the pillars were apart of what was once a rope bridge. The ropes look like they were cut by a sharp sword or knife indicating that the bridge was purposely sabotaged. What's left of the bridge looks new still, maybe less than five years old.

Only one rope hasn't been cut: a brand new knotted silk rope is tied to one of the pillars and goes down into the ravine, swaying gently in the wind. As you peer down you see that it ends about 55 feet down on a small ledge with crudely carved artificial stairs that lead deeper into the ravine.

Finally as you look north and south you see that the ravine is a couple of miles long, roughly 30 to 40 feet across to the other side, and unweathered.

Here is an idea of what it looks like (From two different angles)


2011-09-06, 12:42 PM
Absentmindedly kicking a stone down the crevasse, Oren grunts. "Around? There's no rope on they other side. And where's the bottom?"

King Tius
2011-09-06, 02:33 PM
Sojan peers over the edge of the cliff with a frown. "If only I had wings...." he mutters as he drops his shield and morningstar on the ground and swings his pack off his back. Drawing his own rope out, he begins to tie the rope around himself and then hands the other end to Fix.

"Right then, let's have a look down there, shall we? I'll climb down on the rope that's already tied off while you all hold on to me up here. Anyone read Dwarf?"

Before getting ready to climb down he places his shield on his back and attaches his morningstar back to his belt.

OOC: I know it should be "Dwarven" but that's just part of Sojan's...err...charm.

2011-09-06, 02:56 PM
Serra approaches the edge of the chasm.
"I know Dwarven. It looks like graffiti to me, but I'll see if I can't translate."
<How does a half-elf from Sharn know Dwarven? Why, she probably learned it from a Mror banker, and not because she's spent time with a beard of her own...>

2011-09-06, 03:26 PM
Fix takes the other end of his rope, holding it firmly and steadily. "Please be careful; if you see anything down there that concerns you, just call up to us or tug twice on the rope and we can all haul you up." She sets her feet, and prepares to feed the rope down.

2011-09-06, 03:35 PM

You quickly realize that the words are in Goblin (which uses the dwarven alphabet). Most of it is nonsense but encased in a box is a symbol you are unfamiliar with and a warning.

Translated into common is says:

“This holy site is rightfully owned. We are ever faithful and will not abide the presence of the unclean. Trespassers will be executed.”

2011-09-06, 04:08 PM
Serra rubs her chin for a moment, before turning back to the others.
"...Huh. It's in Goblin, actually. It's some kind of warning. Claims that this is a holy site, and that trespassers will be executed.
Well, looks like there's a real friendly bunch around here. Maybe Darguunite exiles? Best be on your toes."

2011-09-06, 09:22 PM
"I don't know about Goblin, but this definitely isn't Dwarven. Same script, but that's about where the obvious similarities end. I also think we should be careful; who knows who or what is lurking about."

2011-09-06, 09:27 PM
Fix looks down and adjusts her belts again, a habit that is quickly becoming a sign of nervousness in the brilliant warforged. "I... can only speak Common. I've noticed that most individuals of intellect have mastered at least two or three languages; was it simply my upbringing that has led to my deficit, or am I simply sub-par, linguistically?" She looks to the sign with a sigh. "That said, I haven't a clue what it means. I simply think that we should move onwards, which in this situation means downwards."

2011-09-06, 09:30 PM
Serra limbers up a bit, preparing to climb down.
"Don't worry about it Fix. You can always make a spare scroll of Comprehend Languages. Languages are something of a hobby of mine; they just come naturally. No need to feel inadequate in the presence of a linguistic enthusiast."

2011-09-06, 10:43 PM
As Serra begins her descent Oren turns her back to the group and examines the surrounding terrain and sky worriedly.

Are any of you trackers? I just wonder if whoever cut the bridge left any sign of passing. This is a good place for an ambush. And whoever goes down there might get stuck down there.

2011-09-06, 10:57 PM
Fix nods and looks about, still a bit flustered. "I cannot track, exactly, but I do have skill at finding and searching, and I don't see the difference between the two things, really. Please refrain from moving too much, or feel free to aid me." She begins looking for tracks of any kind from the rope bridge outward, spending a few seconds in a particular spot before moving on.

She'll take 10 on her Search check to find tracks for a 17. I know she can't find a trail, but she should at least be able to find a footprint, seeing as it's dry and all.

2011-09-07, 01:20 AM
Fix you look around and you notice that the area in and around the pillars bears evidence of a campfire (or many campfires) that must have occurred a long time ago (It's hard to get an exact date, you're basically looking at burn evidence at the base of the pillars along with some ash). There are no footprints however, but given the wind in the area, and the hardness of the surface, that's not surprising.

2011-09-07, 11:37 AM
Fix stands and brushes herself off, turning to the others with a shake of her head. "All I can tell is that some people camped here a while back; I can't tell who, or what, or how many. The ground is too hard, and coupled with this wind any evidence of passage has been blown away. That said, I don't think anyone has been here recently. I believe we should just go down into the canyon and attempt to find a way back up the other side."

King Tius
2011-09-08, 01:08 PM
Sojan gives the group a wink as he slips over the edge and starts to descend.

Sojan climbs down the rope, taking 10.

2011-09-08, 01:16 PM
Serra follows Sojan, descending into the defile.

Taking 10 on Climb nets Quil an 11.

2011-09-08, 01:28 PM
Fix climbs on the rope next, being careful with the rope, not trusting her weight to it until after the others have reached the bottom.

Taking 10 for a 10, with ACP's applied.

2011-09-08, 02:08 PM
Once Sojan is more than thirty feet away from your character they notice they are no longer feeling the effects of Sojan's DR aura. This can be role played accordingly if they have no knowledge of such aura's (or who's projecting them).

Sojan as you climb down you see a huge pile of rocks and loose debris that must have once been part of the cliff. You give a cursory glance around and don't notice anything dangerous and the coast looks clear. The moment your feat hit the ground you realize that you have made a mistake. What you took to be a pile of dirt and rocks turned out to be a cleverly hidden Dire Rat. You're actually kinda surprised at it's insightful nature as it lunges at you. Meanwhile two more dire rats squeaking loudly move through the rubble into flanking position. With your morning star, backpack, and shield still up at the top of the cliff you're thankful you didn't remove your spear.

Ratatouille: [roll0] vs AC 14 (SojanFlat Footed) for [roll1] points of damage. The rat stumbles when it tries to bite you and crunches down harmlessly on your scale armor.


Your spear does 1d8+4 points of damage since you will have to hold it in two hands.

Ratatouille: [roll2]
Raticate: [roll3]
Dire Rat: [roll4]
Sojan: [roll5]
Serra: [roll6]
Fix: [roll7]
Oren: [roll8]
Emlyn: [roll9]


On the Map:
Squares with at least two rocks in them or touching a square are "difficult terrain" Which includes the square that raticate is in and Ratatouille (but not the dire rat image or Sojan). You can no longer take 10 on any skill. IF there is confusion on which map you're using (there shouldn't be) indicate what map you are using. F13 - AD 13 are "stairs" that descend down into the Ravine.

2011-09-08, 02:15 PM
Turn 1:

Raticate: 23
Emlyn: 21
Fix: 20
Ratatouille: 19.1
Serra: 19
Sojan: 12
Dire Rat: 11
Oren: 10 (Current Turn)

Raticate: [roll0] vs AC 14 (SojanFlat Footed) for [roll1] points of damage. Subtract 1 for your DR aura. The large rat in T8 lunges at Sojan while he's still reacting to the first rat and bites through the back of his leg. (Sojan give me a fortitude save).

King Tius
2011-09-08, 02:29 PM
Before getting ready to climb down he places his shield on his back and attaches his morningstar back to his belt.

The idea was to leave the spear and bring the morningstar and shield...

2011-09-09, 03:00 PM
Emlyn, hearing the nose coming from the ravine, looks over, and sees the rats lunging at Sojan. He rushes over to the rope, and prepares to climb down when Serra reaches the bottom.

Move action: Move to E6.

2011-09-09, 03:13 PM
Fix takes out her loaded crossbow, aiming it carefully at the rat in her range of vision that just bit her new companion, the warforged's aim steady and sure, though thrown off a bit by the hectic melee. She then steps back a bit to allow her allies access to the rope.

Move action: Draw crossbow
Standard action: Shot to E8/T8: [roll0] -4 for shooting into melee.
Damage: [roll1]
Free action: 5 Foot step back.

2011-09-09, 04:16 PM
Quil's actions this round will pretty much be the same regardless of what the dire rat does, so pardon if this is slightly out of turn

Hanging precariously from the rope, Quil sees the rats surround Sojan down below. She had to help him, and she had to hurry; that meant taking a few risks. She closes her eyes, and for the briefest moment, she smells something familiar; the ozone-scent of the main lightning rail station back home in Metrol...

Feeling her pulse quicken, her mind's mastery of her own body fortifies it against harm; it was a long fall should she slip. Then, she began to climb down the rope, sacrificing safety for speed...

Standard action: manifesting Vigor, spending 2 power points, and gaining 10 temporary hp for 2 minutes. Everyone is too far away to smell or hear the display.
Move action: making an accelerated climb check, taking a -5 to the check to move half speed, or 15 ft., down the rope. The DC of a knotted rope is 5.
Climb check: [roll0]

King Tius
2011-09-09, 05:14 PM
Similarly, Sojan is going to draw his morningstar and shield regardless of what transpires

Cursing loudly as he's bitten, the seasoned warrior immediately reaches for his shield and morningstar, protecting himself and getting ready to smash any of the rats should they try and run away.

Free Action: Curse Loudly
Move Action: Draw Shield
Move Action: Draw Morningstar

2011-09-09, 06:25 PM
Emlyn looks like he wants to jump down and join the fight, instead runs over to the rope waiting until Serra finishes her descent. Fix realizing that she's blocking the rope but wanting to contribute pulls out her crossbow and fires a bolt at the rat that currently has it's teeth sunk into Sojan's leg. The bolt catches it in the back of the neck and it rears back screeching loudly as dark blood oozes out of its wounds. It collapses onto the ground and starts convulsing as the life begins to drain out of it's body. (It is bleeding out). Satisfied, Fix backs up allowing room to climb down the rope.

It looks like Serra hesitates for a moment on the rope as if evaluating the situation. Unknown to all she had merely manifested a power. She begins to descend quickly into the chaos below her.

The first rat that made an attack at Sojan has been screeching loudly the entire time and you hear the distant sounds of a response down in the ravine. He then takes up the now vacant flanking position and makes his attack. His bite clamps down and goes through your armor, but it's bite is ineffective against your damage reduction.

Ratatouille: Move Action: Move to T8
Standard: [roll0] vs AC 14 (SojanFlat Footed) for [roll1] points of damage. Subtract 1 for your DR aura. Thus you take no damage.

Sojan finally catches his footing and quickly pulls out his morning star to have a way of harming these beast and as an afterthought pulls out his shield. Due to the rats flanking nature and them constantly harassing him he is unable to strap on the shield (it is a move action to equip a shield).

The dire rat in V8 makes its attack on Sojan trying to bring down it's prey. But Sojan easily dodges the attack and begins to feel more confident.

Dire Rat:
Standard: [roll2] vs AC 15 (Sojan) for [roll3] points of damage. Subtract 1 for your DR aura.

2011-09-09, 07:35 PM
Oren hesitates and fidgets. The animal is too far away to strike with a thrown dagger, and a missed attack with her longbow could easily kill Sojan. Rather than risking it, she waits to see if the warrior manages to slay the R.O.U.S. himself.

2011-09-09, 07:39 PM
A breeze catches Oren's cloak heroically as he stands at the ravine's ledge.

Recap From Surprise Round and Round 1:

Fix: -1 bolt
Quil: -2 pp
Sojen: -2 hp
Raticate: -6 hp


Turn 2:

Raticate: 23
Emlyn: 21
Fix: 20
Ratatouille: 19.1
Serra: 19
Mickey Mouse: 15
Sojan: 12
Dire Rat: 11
Oren: 10 (Current Turn)

The Rat with the bolt through it's neck is still moving, although not in anyway that would give you the idea that he's alive and well.

2011-09-10, 11:24 AM
Emlyn begins to climb down the rope.
Move Action: Climb down rope.
Move Action: Climb down rope some more.
Climb Check:[roll0]

2011-09-10, 11:32 AM
Emlyn moves (at 1/4 speed) down the rope having no problem using the knotted silk rope and the cliff's wall to descend.

2011-09-10, 08:11 PM
Fix's last shot was lucky, but she realizes that getting down the cliff quickly vital to finishing the fight. She draws a scroll from her belt and attempts to use it, crooking her finger smoothly and focusing on the internal phrases. She's distracted by the hectic and frantic surroundings, however, and unlike her crossbow bolt her reading of the spell is inaccurate and vague.

Move: Draw Scroll of Feather Fall.
Immediate action: UMD, DC 21: [roll0]
If she succeeds, she jumps off the cliff as a with a Move action. If she doesn't, she ends her turn.

2011-09-10, 08:23 PM
Again, Ratatouille's actions are unlikely to alter Quil's this turn.

Finding herself suspended right over Sojan and the dire rats, Quil takes a deep breath, and lets go of the rope, aiming to land on her feet...

For a split second, it looks like Serra is going to smash gracelessly on the ground, but at the last moment she tucks and rolls, ending on her back.
"Oof! Getting lonely down here, Sojan?"
Dusting herself off a bit, she stands up.
<Nice landing.>

Move action: Making a Jump check, DC 15, to jump down safely and ignore 10 ft. of falling damage. [roll0]
Edit: added an Action Point (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11822323&postcount=153), for a final total of 16, making the landing safely.
Move action: stand up.

I don't know how much vertical distance I can cover, but I'm aiming for F/U-9, one square south of Sojan, if possible. (I don't want to land right on top of him)

2011-09-10, 10:01 PM

Standard: Bite [roll0] against AC 15 (Sojan) for [roll1] points of damage. Subtract 1 for your DR aura. Roll a Fortitude Save Sojan.

Attack of Opportunity on Serra as she falls through threaten square:

Bite [roll2] against AC 14 (Quil) for [roll3] points of damage. Subtract 1 for Sojan's DR aura. Roll a Fortitude Save Quil.

Dire Rat:
Bite [roll4] against AC 14 (Quil) for [roll5] points of damage. Subtract 1 for Sojan's DR aura.

The rats are coordinating their attacks to perfection against Sojan. The larger rat seems to be acting as a decoy setting up Ratatouille for opportune openings. With Sojan's attention briefly distracted Ratatouille sings his teeth deep into Sojan's thigh and tries to drag him to the ground. Sojan looks like he's going down when both rats draw their eyes and attention away from him at a falling object: Serra. Even before Serra hits the ground, our hero, Ratatouille is upon her and sinks his teeth deeply into her left arm. The force of hitting the ground tears herself away from the rat momentarily but in order to absorb the shock of hitting the ground she's forced to land forward upon her shoulder. (Serra is Prone) She quickly rolls up and away standing up before the rats have time to pile upon her.

Meanwhile, the rat that you heard earlier from below is seen sprinting up the stairs to help his family bring home supper.


If you have no ranks in jump and do not exceed the DC by 5 then you succeed but land prone in the square. 5th sentence here. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/jump.htm)

Also you threaten squares diagonal in all three dimensions (but not four dimensions).

King Tius
2011-09-11, 09:10 AM
Posting from my phone...apologies for bad formatting....

Sojan will put his shield on and bash ratatouille with his morningstar. Can you roll for me? I won't have access to my sheet for another few hours. I'll clean this post up then

2011-09-11, 10:53 AM

Move Action: Equip Shield
Standard Action: Morningstart +3 [roll0] against, our hero, Ratatouille, for [roll1]
+1 to hit from action point: miss

2011-09-11, 12:29 PM
Dire Rat

Standard: Bite [roll0] against AC 17 (Sojan) for [roll1] points of damage. Subtract 1 for your DR aura.


2011-09-11, 12:31 PM
With the rats distracted by Serra, Sojan straps on his shield and takes a swing at, our hero, Ratatouille. The larger dire rat spins around and makes a clumsy distracting attack that is easily blocked by Sojan's shield, but causes Sojan's attack to land weakly against the Ratatouille's side and doesn't manage to penetrate his naturally thick hide.

Oren's turn

2011-09-11, 01:56 PM
"Khyber!" Oren shouts in an unladylike fashion.

She wraps her foot in the rope and leans dramatically over the ledge, drawing the string back ... and looses.

At Ratatouille: [roll0] + Action Point [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

And aparently just misses.

2011-09-11, 02:42 PM
Oren your shot sinks into the creature's thick hide and stays there, although it's clear that it was tangled in its fur and did not cause any damage.

The Fate of Oren's Arrow:

High = destroyed
Low = reusable

Recap From Round 2:

Quil: HP 7/7 and 7/10 Temporary hitpoints
Sojen: -2 HP (You also still need to give me a fortitude save)
Raticate: -1 hp (Bleeding out)


Turn 3:

Raticate: 23
Emlyn: 21
Fix: 20
Ratatouille: 19.1
Serra: 19
Mickey Mouse: 15
Sojan: 12
Dire Rat: 11
Oren: 10 (Current Turn)

The Rat with the bolt through it's neck is still moving, although not in anyway that would give you the idea that he's alive and well.

King Tius
2011-09-11, 03:34 PM
Growing increasingly annoyed at being bitten by rats, Sojan again tries to bring his morningstar down on Ratatouille.

Sojan attacks Ratatouille
Morningstar Attack: [roll0]
Morningstar Damage: [roll1]

Previous Fort Save: [roll2]

King Tius
2011-09-11, 03:39 PM
Critical Hit Confirm on Ratatouille:

Critical Hit Attack: [roll0]
Critical Hit Damage: [roll1] (some DMs like to roll twice instead of just double...

2011-09-12, 02:45 PM
Emlyn continues to climb down the rope.

Move action: Climb down rope x2[roll0]

Accidentally rolled three times. Use whichever two you feel work best. >.>

2011-09-12, 06:27 PM
Fix notices the new rat on the steps below, and she smiles; this one isn't involved in combat, meaning she can shoot it to her heart's content without worrying about hitting or killing one of her friends.

Free Action: Drop Scroll.
Move Action: Load Crossbow (it was being held in one hand.)
Standard Action: Shoot Mickey Mouse.
Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-12, 06:28 PM
The bolt sails clear and true, and it strikes the rat perfectly. "I believe that I enjoy fighting these," Fix murmurs as she looks down to her friends.

Critical confirmation: [roll0]
Bonus critical damage: [roll1]

2011-09-12, 08:37 PM
I imagine Ratatouille won't be starring in any Pixar films again for some time.

Pulling the dagger loose from the sheathe on her hip, Serra tries to get an opportunistic stab in while maneuvering to flank the massive rodent.

Five foot step to V-9.
Move action: draw dagger.
Standard action: attack the remaining dire rat [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-13, 11:20 AM
Emlyn: Double moves 15 feet down the rope.

Fix: Leads the rat perfectly and the bolt catches the rat through the side of it's head. The momentum of the bolt takes the rat off the side of the stairs and it falls 80 some feet down the side of the ravine before hitting the ground. You assume the worst for the rat.

Ratatouille: Standard: Bite [roll0] against AC 17 (Sojan) for [roll1] points of damage. Subtract 1 for your DR aura. Roll a Fortitude Save.

Again these accursed rats trick you into committing to a false attack. You bring your shield to try to stop the larger rat behind you in what turns out to be a false move. Our hero Ratatouille sinks its teeth into your leg once more and you begin to worry about all the foam and froth that has formed around its mouth.

Serra: You five foot step to V9 and take your attack, this Rat seems older and more cunning than the rest and shows no fear in your approach. As you try to bring the dagger down at him you realize he suckered you into making the attack in the first place and you barely avoid getting your other arm bitten. (Fluff)

Micky Mouse: Was dead before it hit the ground.

Sojan: With the larger rat behind you distracted with Serra you turn your attention fully on, our hero, Ratatouille. His moves are easy to predict and he seems less experienced than the rat behind you. You calculate his next move flawlessly and cave his head in with the morningstar. Things look bleak for our heroes.

Dire Rat: He looks like he's trying to find a way to escape. He attacks Serra Standard: Bite [roll2] against AC 14 (Quil) for [roll3] points of damage. Subtract 1 for the DR aura. Roll a Fortitude Save He then five foot steps to W9.

Serra pulling your attack back at the last minute seemed to be what he knew you'd do. He bites into your right hand, as it lets go you react by pulling your body away from the rat and he reacts by repositioning himself. The wound in your hand immediately stops bleeding and it feels fine, despite the damage done to it (temp hp).

Oren's Turn

2011-09-13, 01:54 PM
Surprised, Oren looks back over her shoulder at Fix. "Good shot."

She readies another arrow, but sees the last rat and Serra wrestling and spinning around each other in a flurry of blood and fur, leaving no easy shot.

She grinds her teeth and feels foolishly helpless.

OOC: Not being able to get down there I really have no options.

2011-09-13, 05:51 PM
Oren another gust of win captures your cloak and it flaps viciously and heroically in the bright spring day.

Recap From Round 3 and what I missed from round 2:

Quil: -2 AP
Oren: -1 AP
Sojan: -1 AP
Fix: -1 Bolt
Sojan: -1 HP
Quil: -2 HP (5/10 Temp HP Remaining)

The Heroes:
Micky Mouse: MIA; last seen plummeting to his doom.
Ratatouille: KIA; blunt force trauma
Raticate: Dying; lacerated Carotid Artery


Turn 4:

Raticate: 23
Emlyn: 21
Fix: 20
Ratatouille: 19.1
Serra: 19 (Current Turn)
Mickey Mouse: 15
Sojan: 12
Dire Rat: 11
Oren: 10

The Rat with the bolt through it's neck is still moving, although not in anyway that would give you the idea that he's alive and well. It's movements are beginning to slow down as it's life force leaves it's body.

King Tius
2011-09-14, 07:38 AM
Sojan d'Deneith
If the dire rat still lives when it is Sojan's turn to act, he steps forward to V8 and brings his morningstar down on its head.

Morningstar Attack: [roll0]
Morningstar Damage: [roll1]

Fort Save (if necessary): [roll2]

2011-09-14, 03:09 PM
Despite the fact that the battle seems to be drawing to a close, Emlyn continues to climb down the rope.
Move action: Climb and more climb.

2011-09-14, 03:16 PM
(Silk rope gives you a +2 circumstance bonus; so you make DC 5)

Emlyn ends up in the square above Sojen.

2011-09-14, 10:39 PM
Fix follows after Emlyn, not trusting her luck to hold up after such a beautiful shot, and not wanting to hit any of her new companions with a crossbow bolt. She picks up her fallen scroll of Feather Fall, then heads to the rope. "I'm coming down!" She shouts, glancing once or twice to ensure the way is clear before she begins to descend, more aware than ever of her warforged-standard weight and size.

Climb 1: [roll0]
Climb 2: [roll1]

2011-09-15, 01:33 AM
(oddly enough your post didn't alert my subscription)

Fix grabs the scroll and moves 7.5 feet down the rope. Give or take half a foot. As you climb down the rope holding the scroll, it gets very crinkled. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-15, 02:54 AM
"Hey, Sojan! Let's finish this guy off!"
Serra moves into position, waiting for Sojan to engage the rat before attempting to distract it, giving him the chance to land an optimum blow.
"Oi! Over here, beastie! Give us a smile!"
She waves her arms about, and thrusts her dagger at the rat a few times for good measure.

Readying an action to Aid Another once Sojan moves and threatens the dire rat. Attacking for AC of 10, to give Sojan a +2 bonus on his next attack roll at the rat.
Attack: [roll0]

2011-09-15, 01:56 PM
Distracted by Serra waving around delicious looking body parts, the last dire rat never saw his end coming. His poor back shattered under Sojan's morning star. He could only lay there, with tears in its eyes looking deep into Serra's soul. As if peeling back all the layers of who you are, for the first time in your life Serra you feel like another living creature truly understands you. A long moment passes and the dire rats eyes slowly close and, again Quill you find yourself alone.

2011-09-15, 01:58 PM
Combat has Ended

2011-09-15, 02:26 PM
Oren takes a last careful look around and then descends the rope, taking 10 on Climb and then picking up her icky arrow.

2011-09-15, 02:32 PM
You are standing on a sandy ledge that overlooks a subterranean gulf of darkness to the east. Many of you have heard truly terrifying stories about groups of adventurers descending into the depths of khyber, never to return. Or those who do return are mentally destroyed, or worse. The ledge is wide but rough; sand, rocky debris, and the bones of small animals cover it. A roughly hewn stairwell zigs and zags down the side of the ledge, descending into the darkness below.

2011-09-15, 03:30 PM
Fix carefully rolls and stores her scroll of Feather Fall, taking care to smooth out the wrinkles it incurred while she climbed down with it. She inspects the bodies of the rats, and then counts her remaining crossbow bolts. "Hm. It seems I may have to spend a bit of time constructing new bolts, eventually; I have but twenty seven kills remaining. That said, while I was pleased by the result of the fight, I'm also uninjured; does anyone require attention?"

She looks at her companions, but her extreme unfamiliarity with biological organisms leaves her a bit lost as to who is and is not injured. She shrugs. "If not, shall we proceed into the depths? There's nowhere else to go but down or back, and going backwards seems like the height of counter-productiveness." While she speaks she reloads her crossbow, as if to exemplify her point.

2011-09-15, 03:41 PM
Oren tends to the wounded and shows or explains some of the very basics to Fix.

2011-09-15, 04:25 PM
Fix takes a bit of interest in the repair and maintenance of her biological companions, but she continues to question why they have to be so inefficient. "So you are saying that you are all filled with a fluid that, when injured, pours out? And if you lose too much you die? That seems like a flawed design. If this fluid is so vital why do you not have thicker skin? If that is not an option, why is it not stored deeper inside you?" She sighs. "I believe that I much prefer self-sustained magioliving constructs such as myself. We, at least, make sense."

2011-09-15, 04:56 PM
Oren looks up at the warforged with a number of comments in mind during her diatribe.

Finally she just smirks, looking amused as she washes out Sojan's deep cut with clean water. "Well, let's just say for a number of reasons you'll never know what you're missing."

2011-09-15, 05:31 PM
Despite the bites the rats inflicted on Serra, the wounds seem to have almost instantly congealed, scarred over, and even as the seconds pass already seem to be fading away.
Quil could feel her own heartbeat, the flow of blood in her veins, her mind subtly directing the autonomous process of her own body's healing. Part subconscious, and part active awareness of her own metabolism, she felt a certain pride in her abilities. Hers was a subtle power, however, and it was unlikely anybody had even noticed just how effectively she had improved her own defenses.
<Don't worry Quil. They'd probably find the intricacies of psychometabolism disgusting. Just tell them you're a changeling; that's easier to swallow than mind-powers.>

Serra smiles, hopping up and down a little on the balls of her feet.
"I'm excited to see what's down here! You've got to enjoy the beginnings of a real adventure!"
Her enthusiastic impatience was half an act: her increased metabolic defenses would only last a few more precious moments...

Vigor lasts 2 minutes, and there's still temp. hp to burn, so Serra wants to press on. However, there's only so far we can get in less than 2 minutes...

2011-09-15, 07:30 PM
Emlyn drops the last five feet to the ground, and lands lightly on his feet.
He looks around at the rat carcasses, before looking at Sojan, Serra, and Fix.
"You three fought brilliantly! I wish I could have helped more, but I've never exactly been the best at climbing."
He smiles warmly at everyone around.

2011-09-15, 07:56 PM
Fix attempts to smile back, and she seems to be getting the hang of the expression. Sort of. "I do not blame you; if I was a sack of blood I would be quite cautious about endangering my life as well. Even as a more efficient being I was still hesitant to go down that rope in the middle of things." She looks to Quil and nods, her partially-forced smile fading away. "We should move onwards; nothing is gained by waiting here."

Can someone less squishy and more melee-fighty go first? Fix is our trapfinder, yes, but I'm not expecting much out here other than combat.

King Tius
2011-09-16, 12:25 PM
Sojan d'Deneith
Cleaning the spattered rat bits off his morningstar as best he can, Sojan slides the weapon back through its belt loop and adjusts the straps on his shield, having put it on in haste. He is grateful for Oren's tending but doesn't seem overly concerned with his minor injuries.

"I agree, Fix. We don't want the trail getting any colder. I'll take point. When we start to lose the sun you can light up my shield. Shall we?"

Unless anyone objects, Sojan leads the way down the stairs.

2011-09-16, 01:16 PM
Serra rifles through her pack and produces a hooded lantern.
"We can save our magic, Sojan. I'll light my lantern when it gets dark. I'll serve as our 'torchbearer' for now."
As the group proceeds, she makes her way to walk alongside Sojan.
"I couldn't help but notice as we were fighting those rats... Sojan, I was bit a few times, but my skin seemed to be somehow hardened. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve, but I know I didn't do that voluntarily. There's something about you... like you're radiating a subtle energy..."
The half-elf looks at the man inquisitively.
<Trying to explain your lack of injuries by pegging it on somebody else? What do you even need me for, Quil?>

King Tius
2011-09-16, 01:22 PM
Sojan gives Serra a smile. "Ah, so you noticed? The mark of the Sentinel has many advantages, though truth be told most of my kin can't do what I do with it."

Though Sojan is a Dragon Shaman he is convinced that the powers he has been granted by Eberron are a result of his Dragonmark. Since being a Dragon Shaman is less institutional than being a wizard or a cleric, he has been left on his own to figure out where his curious abilities come from.

2011-09-16, 01:34 PM
Fix perks up at the mention of a dragonmark, and she looks to Sojan with interest. "So you have one of those things. Odd. I've never actually seen one before, and I thought they would be more visible. Is it hidden by your coverings?" She reaches as though to touch him, but catches herself. "Dragonmarks, from what I know, are interesting. They hold lines of magic as an item would, but they're a quasibiological occurrence. Dragonmarks bode more research, it seems. could I see yours some time, Sojan?"

2011-09-16, 04:37 PM
Emlyn looks over to where Sojan and Fix are talking.
"He's not the only one with a Mark, you know."
He moves the collar of his armor, showing off the mark on his neck and shoulder.

2011-09-16, 05:25 PM
Fix tilts her head, partially intrigued and partially confused. "Really? That's extremely interesting; if I understand correctly the chance of having a dragonmark is extremely small; for more than one person in such a small group to have one suggests that more than mere probability is behind our convergence." She muses for a moment as the party walks. "We really are a distinctly unlikely group, if you consider it. I wonder what would have happened if I had never left Master Merrix d'Cannith..." She trails off, her voice sad.

2011-09-16, 08:16 PM
Serra almost stops in her tracks. Two dragonmarks was one thing. Merrix d'Cannith was another.
"Did you just... did you say Merrix d'Cannith? You knew him?"

King Tius
2011-09-16, 09:56 PM
Sojan is similarly impressed. "What's one of Merrix's personal 'Forged doing out here with us? Shouldn't you be plated in gold or something?"

2011-09-16, 10:01 PM
Walking along within this dark crevice in the earth, Oren is keeping vigil for more strange creatures and signs of intelligent life, too.

The others are showing off their fancy birthmarks. She forgives them their sense of entitlement, since that's what the Dragonmarked Houses are all about. "I wonder," she says to nobody in particular and only in a light voice, "that you all feel so proud of something you didn't have to earn." Her tone indicates it really is something she wonders about, but isn't interested in debating at the moment - what with the danger and all.

At Serra's surprise over d'Cannith, she draws her attention back to the group only because of how loud Serra got. "What? He more special than all the rest?"

She honestly doesn't care, so I'll see if she happened to hear of him in passing while living in Breland.

Knowledge:local [roll0]

2011-09-16, 10:37 PM
Serra gapes at Oren.
"You've never heard of Merrix d'Cannith? He's only in the running for head of the House of Making! Cannith is experiencing some leadership problems these days, but Merrix is the head of the southern branch of House Cannith. He's inheriting his father and grandfather's work; unless Cannith has a split like Phiarlan and Thuranni, my money's on Merrix taking the reigns eventually."

2011-09-17, 12:51 AM
Fix shrugs, though she seems a bit abashed. "He is a great maker, yes, and he did create me himself from his Creation Forge. I showed enough promise at artifice for him to grace me with his tutelage, and he was an apt teacher, though a bit..." she touches her cheek, trailing off. It's hard to tell, due to the metal and wood of her body, but her jaw seems a bit twisted there, as if from a heavy blow. Or a series of heavy blows.

"Though I lack a significant amount of the experience possessed by a true artificer, I have a single advantage over Merrix: my memory." She taps her head. "I'm not the most intelligent warforged to come out of Merrix's forge, but I have far more drive than most, and I posses an unequaled memory for detail. I know the methods and processes behind the crafting of any item you can imagine. I know the technique and force behind the grandest of spells and the most complicated of infusions." She laughs, and it comes out a little bitter. "The only problem is, I can't do any of it. The techniques don't work for me. Yet. That is one part of why I am out here, in this wasteland; only by experience can I understand myself.

To answer your query, I learned from Merrix, yes, and he is a powerful man. He is also a monster. For years and years, I thought he was a god. I though he was the God, the creator and destroyer. It took the destruction of an innocent soul to let me see the corruption in his heart."

Fix looks down, and despite her warforged-standard size and strength she seems... vulnerable. "I... the other reason that I am here, the true reason that I fled, is fear. Fear of what he could do to me. Of what he could take from me, if he wished. I believe that my people have souls, in the loose sense of the term. There is a part of us that is not physical, a part that lingers after we die and that can be returned to the body with powerful magic. Merrix can manipulate that force, somehow. I believe he reverse-engineered the Creation Forge, but the methods matter not. I am afraid of him.

But he is not a god. He is a man. He is weak, weak in ways that I am not. He eats, and sleeps, and breathes. He grows tired. He is corrupted by his emotions and his pride, by lust and envy and wrath and endless greed. He is, in essence, mortal. I am not. I will surpass him, he who created me. And when I do, I will kill him, not out of vengeance, but to protect my people from his power and his madness."

Fix stops walking for a moment, slowing the group to a stop, though the going was already slow. "I should not have said that. I should not have told any of you any of that. I understand that." There is something odd in her voice; not quite a catch, but a hesitancy coupled with sadness. It sounds like she's crying. "But I have nothing. I have no one. No one but you four. If I cannot bear my soul to you, then I may as well not have one."

2011-09-17, 02:23 AM
At some point in your descent, the light from above grew too fait to safely walk down the very narrow, crudely carved steps. Serra lit her hooden lamp and you continued. Along the way down were four switchbacks as the stairs followed the ravine wall for the most part and cut back and forth along the way down.

Right as Fix finishes speaking at the edge of sight the stairs empty into a small, for a lack of a better term, "courtyard." At the edge of sight, a fortress top emerges from the darkness. It looks ancient, and miraculous (in that it's somehow still standing). The subterranean citadel, though impressive, seems long forgotten if the lightless windows, cracked crenellations, and leaning towers are any indication. All is quiet, though a cold breeze blows up from below, bringing with it the scent of dust and a faint trace of rot.

The courtyard is what you would expect if a fortress collapsed into the earth. The narrow stairs empty into a small courtyard, apparently the top of what was once a crenallated battlement. The buried fortress has sunk so far into the earth that the battlement is now level with the surrounding floor. The floor stretches away to the north and south, and it is apparently composed of a layer of treacherous, crumbled masonry, which reaches to an unknown depth. To the west looms what's left of this ancient fortress. An ancient looking wooden door serves as the only apparent means of entrance.

All of you can tell by looking at the fortress that it's far older than a couple of years. It looks, ancient...

The trip down was about ten minutes.


You wrack your brain but nothing about a fortress this far east rings a bell. You have no idea which of Breland's nobility would rule out here.

Map of Area


Yellow Areas = Bright Illumination
Other Area's = Shadowy illumination
Brown Area's= Solid Earth etc.. You guys are not completely underground; it's more like a cavern with a sunken fortress in it.

The wooden door is located in K10 and from the outside it looks like it allows entrance into a broken and crushed cylindrical tower.

All of the terrain is difficult terrain in the courtyard and is a dangerous mix of ancient cement, cavernous rocks, dire rat tunnels (our heroes), and loose debris.

2011-09-17, 08:11 AM

ANcient ruins are hardly abnormal, but this is around the area we are searching for missing people.

I observe the other side of the wall for ways out, and carefully look around for signs of people or animal traffic close to the tower.

[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Survival: [roll0]

2011-09-17, 08:16 AM
rolls ...

It would help if I could type these rolls correctly.

Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2011-09-17, 10:46 AM
Fix's story leaves Serra silent for once, although a certain voice in her head is far from quiet.
<And you thought you were alone? Ha! Try to walk a mile in the warforged's shoes. Oh, wait, they don't usually wear shoes, do they?>

At the threshold of the sunken fortress, Serra bites her lip. She felt profoundly vulnerable; her companions had no way of knowing that her mental abilities were all but depleted for the day. She wasn't tired, but a certain sense of energy was missing from her mind and body; for all intents and purposes, she was now essentially an untrained changeling commoner, pretending to be a half-elf adventurer.
She tried to ignore her uncertainty. Serra wasn't afraid. Serra was excited. She had to be Serra, body and soul.

King Tius
2011-09-17, 11:32 AM
Sojan turns and clasps Fix on the shoulder. "Fear is nothing to be ashamed of. Fear keeps us alive and keeps us safe. The best lesson a green soldier can learn is to trust his gut when he wets himself during his first fight. That fear defines you and proves that you are alive. Only the dead have nothing to fear." Sojan gives Fix a nod with a knowing look in his eyes. It is a look of empathy and respect.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Sojan sniffs at the air, picking up the smell of rot. He pulls out his morningstar and turns back to the group. "Smells like Karnath in here. Heads up, swords out." Pausing a moment to let everyone get ready, Sojan will approach and upon the door, weapon at the ready.

Wait for party to ready themselves. Draw morningstar. Move to L10. Open Door.

2011-09-17, 12:10 PM
Emlyn turns, and looks at Fix. He waits until Sojan stops talking, and then begins to speak himself. "Fix, everyone has some issues to deal with. They may have from a bad family, they may have done terrible things in the past. Sojan's right; fear is natural. And I don't know about the others, but you've convinced me to help you in the future- if you'd like the help."
He turns back to look at the courtyard.
"But for now, we've got to deal with this. How on earth did it get here? There should not be a fortress this far out. Who lived here?... Or still does?"

2011-09-17, 12:41 PM
While you guys are talking Oren begins thoroughly searching each square for hazards, towards the door.

Oren you find the "ground" to be exceptionally treacherous. Several times your foot goes through the rubble.

Oren is "taking 20" on each square to the door. The process will take at least 16 minutes (by herself). I'll wait to see what everyone is doing in the meantime; feel free to talk.

2011-09-17, 12:54 PM
"It doesn't belong here, but here it is. If you come closer watch your step."

Balance if needed: [roll0]

2011-09-18, 07:57 AM
Fix begins to aid Oren, searching half of the courtyard herself, taking her time while picking across the uneven terrain and rubble, looking out for any traps or signs of danger. "Thank you for understanding, all of you. I feel that fate has finally taken me to the right people."

Fix can 'leapfrog' squares with Oren, taking 20 for a 27, to cut the time in half.

2011-09-18, 12:24 PM
Oren you find something that suspiciously looks like a pit trap in front of the door. The ground looks like the rest of the courtyard, but it doesn't react the same way as everything else.

2011-09-18, 01:39 PM
Oren holds up a hand as she taps the end of her bow on patch of ground. "Wait, Fix. This doesn't feel right."

She takes out a knife to find the seams and pry it open. How is it made - has it been "used"? Are there bodies? Does it automatically resent or did someone have to come out and do so?

If needed -Take 20 on Disable Device = 24

2011-09-18, 01:41 PM
I know Oren's the party Rogue, but Fix has a significantly higher Search/Disable Device, so I hope you won't be offended if she takes point on trapfinding/disabling. Aid Another checks will certainly be appreciated, however.

Fix carefully inspects the space next to Oren before moving next to her, finding the pitfall trap for herself. "This is interesting, if not expertly concealed. I believe our only option is to forge ahead, however, so let's see if we can disable this working together." She kneels down, getting a feel for the trap before attempting to keep it from activating. She notes that she doesn't really have the proper tools for such tasks, and she makes a mental note to acquire some. For now she attempts to make due with her armorsmithing tools, the small hammers and chisels too clumsy for true grace.

She's not going to take 10 at first because it would only give her a 15, which may be below the trap's DC by 5, which would suck. Instead, she's going to go ahead and try to disable it with a [roll0]. The -2 for improvised tools is included.

2011-09-18, 05:02 PM
Fix, you think that the best thing to do is to just remove the trap door part (making it an open pit). This takes about a minute without the right tools but a couple of carefully placed slam attacks does the job right.

Inside the pit is the body of a goblin, which looks like it was picked clean by dire rats. Still the smell is something terrible for those who are breathing (and if you'd wish to smell Fix, you do have an olfactory sense).

You guys carefully etch your way around the trap and it looks like no trap is occupying the door. The door opens inward (into the building) and might be stuck considering the structural damage around it.

2011-09-18, 09:46 PM
Oren peers down at the goblin, thinking for a brief moment about how she might search it for valuables ...

She shakes her head and looks at Fix sheepishly, turning her head from the smell. "Well. Looks like it hasn't seen use in a while. I guess the question is how we get that door open without making enough noise to announce our bein' here."

2011-09-19, 12:28 AM
Fix traces her hand over the door, thinking quickly and attempting to see if the door is locked or not. "Well, we should at least try the door first; if it is stuck, we'll just have to force it open and deal with the consequences." She looks to the others with a nod. "We don't know what's beyond this, so be ready for a fight. We're also running low for the day, so get ready for a retreat as well." She then attempts to open the door.

She takes a precursory Search for a 17. If it's locked, she'll let Oren try to open it, since she has no ranks in that. Could she attempt to Disable Device the lock? I probably wouldn't work afterwards, but it seems thematic. If it isn't locked, she'll try to Strength it open with an 11, then a [roll0]. If that doesn't work she'll cede the floor to someone stronger.

2011-09-19, 12:45 AM
Fix you turn the door handle. It's not locked.

2011-09-19, 12:47 AM
Fix nods, happy that something has finally turned out decently. "Right, then, let's see what happens now." She holds her loaded bow in one hand and opens the door with the other, prepared for the worst.

2011-09-19, 01:10 AM
The door open surprisingly graceful. The room is pitch dark inside, and after staring into the darkness for a couple of seconds nothing jumps out at you. Oren the smell of death is stronger inside this room and a chill runs through your body. Fix you notice small muddy footprints and clawprints scattered haphazardly around the floor. (Like if several people crawled out of a mud pit and started dancing). All that's left are the stains on the ground, you don't notice any accumulated mud anywhere.

2011-09-19, 01:17 AM
Fix holds up her hand, signaling a need for silence and stillness. "I heard... thunder. It's gone, I believe. Did anyone else hear that?" She waits a beat, then looks at the room beyond. "Well, Oren, I don't trust this place. I suppose we should begin searching for pitfalls and deathtraps. If you all could cover us while we do so, and keep the lights searching around for trouble, we should be fine." She moves forward into the room cautiously after searching the space just inside the door for any traps thoroughly.

She takes special caution with the first square inside the door, taking 20 for a 27. After that she takes 10 on each square for a 17. What else is in this room?

2011-09-19, 01:27 AM
Serra follows, for once quiet, biting her lower lip. She brings the lantern with her, illuminating the dark room and letting everyone see what they're doing.

2011-09-19, 04:14 AM
As the light hits the room it becomes apparent that the "muddy" footprints are, in fact, "bloody" foot prints. It looks like a serious fight took place here at some point in the past, complete with small humanoid bodies lying around.

This circular area is cobbled with cracked granite, upon which sprawl four goblins, all apparently slain in combat. One stands with its back against the western wall, the killing spear still skewering it and holding it upright. Two more doors lead off from this area. The south west door is slightly ajar and the north east door is closed. Above, a hollow tower of loose masonry reaches 30 feet, but the intervening floors and stairs are gone, except for a couple of crumbled ledges.

There are two trails that lead to the door in the north west that look much like small humanoid bodies were dragged away while the blood was still wet.

Given everyone's background, skills, etc: This battle could have taken place anywhere from a month to a year ago. The goblin bodies (which looked like they were picked clean by dire rats) just don't give away much.

Fix begins scouting ahead looking for anymore dangerous pit traps. He spends only a moment at any particular spot and you see him feeling the floor and, when appropriate, knocking on the wall.

I'll post the results or lack of results from any search checks, giving those a chance to post what their character has been doing in the meantime. Please make sure that what your character has in their hands are correct:

Sojan- R-Morningstar, L-Shield
Fix- light crossbow
Quil-Lantern, Dagger

If the above is wrong, just correct it in a spoiler block in your next post.

King Tius
2011-09-19, 08:40 AM
Sojan stands near the middle of the room, taking in the remains of the combat that transpired. He glances back and forth between the two doors, his eyes lingering on the drag marks and the closed door. As Fix continues to search the room, Sojan will wait until the warforged has determined that the area is safe before moving towards the ajar door, motioning silently for Serra to bring the lantern. Placing himself in a defensive position with Serra nearby, he will quickly open the cracked door to see what lies beyond.

Move to door. Wait for Serra to get into position. Open door.

2011-09-19, 10:18 AM
Oren follows Fix into the room and after some hesitation mirrors the warforged's movements in another portion of the room.

I Search only three squares, rather at random, no matter what Fix does, because of fright and distraction.

Once the others are inside and Sojan and Serra make ready to open a door, Oren sees her companions are spread around the room. She looked to be considering drawing her sword - oddly, a cutlass - but instead backs against a wall so she can cover everyone with her bow.

2011-09-19, 12:07 PM
Serra follows Sojan as quietly as she can.
<Hey! Hey, Quil! Don't forget that I'm entirely useless! I'm completely incapable of sprouting ectoplasmic legs, and scouting ahead for you! Keep in mind that if I did have this ability, I most certainly wouldn't be able to see in the dark, and given my enormous size and the deafening racket I'm capable of, I would destroy even the most modest vestige of stealth in a matter of moments!>

Serra stops, and reaches underneath the collar of her leather armor, producing a beautiful pinkish-red crystal on a leather thong.
"I've got an idea," she whispers, "I don't know if I've told any of you, but I'm psychic. Remember how that strange sand creature burnt up? I did that with my mind... I guess I've got some Reidran ancestry on my human side? Anyway, this necklace..."
She closes her eyes, and the crystal sprouts a tangle of spidery legs. It scuttles up her arm and settles on her shoulder.
"Well... it's my psicrystal. It's like a little companion that I made with my mind. It can scout ahead for us. It's small, quiet, and it can see in the dark just fine."
She places the crystal on the ground, and it skitters up the wall and onto the ceiling, climbing as easily as a spider.
<Go through the door that's ajar, and scout ahead. Go two rooms ahead of us, maximum, then come back and report to me.>

Here's Gem's statblock:

Gem, Quil's Psicrystal: diminutive construct (psionic); hp 4/4; Spd. 30 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 14; BAB+0; Grp.-17; SQ hardness 8, improved evasion, self-propulsion, share powers, sighted 40 ft., telepathic link, personality (liar); AL TN; SV Fort.+3, Ref.+2, Will+3; Str -(1), Dex -(15), Con-, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Climb+14, Hide+14, Listen+6, Move Silently+6, Search+2, Spot+6; Alertness
Languages: Common, Draconic, Goblin, Orc, Gnoll.

King Tius
2011-09-19, 12:34 PM
Sojan waits to open the door until Gem comes back with a scouting report.

2011-09-19, 01:02 PM
Hearing she is travelling with a psychic alarms the dickens out of Oren.

But she says nothing as she stands back out of the way.

2011-09-19, 01:27 PM
Fix makes a beeline for the door checking along the way for traps after that she begins a clockwise search of the room as the rest of you gather around the ajar door.

Oren begins also searching too, randomly looking around at different things. When Quil begins to pull out his psicrystal, Oren does his best to look more interested in what he's doing (looking at a heavily cracked and crushed wall).

Fix you find that each of the small humanoid bodies has a (small) heavy pick stained with the fluids that occupy most living creatures. You find ample signs of a skirmish, one side was (you believe) the smaller goblinoids. You are unsure who they were fighting or when it occurred. It looks like the goblin bodies have been picked clean for there flesh and coin.

Oren while staring at the wall you almost don't notice it. But there was once arrow slits in the walls here. Meaning that, at once point, archers stood behind the slits and fired arrows into this room. You can't see through any of the slits because of the structural damage, but the room behind might be still accessible somehow.



2011-09-19, 01:44 PM
Oren -

Worried by her finding, Oren calls softly to Sojan. "Murder holes," she says, pointing.

2011-09-19, 03:40 PM
Emlyn stands in the room, trying his best not to take in the smell of the goblin's corpses. Nonetheless, when Serra says that she's psychic, he breathes in sharply, and starts to cough. Several seconds later, he looks up at her.
"I thought you might be. Whatever you did to that sand creature didn't look like either arcane or divine magic, and I'd heard some Riedran sailors talk about how the people there have psychic abilities."
When Oren points out the arrow slits, Emlyn unsheathes his Longsword.
"Just in case."

2011-09-19, 04:51 PM
"Go on then, Gem."
The little gem with the spidery legs begins to scuttle over the ceiling, crawling into the hallway with the ajar door and disappearing from sight.
Quil couldn't help but notice some of the reactions to her admitting to psychic powers... But that could provide opportunities. She was thankful for a moment that her psicrystal was for once too far away to butt in with commentary.

King Tius
2011-09-19, 06:06 PM
Sojan nods in recognition of the murder holes and keeps his shield ready.

"A gem for a scout? Now I've seen everything. Let's get out of this room and quick. Those murder holes make me nervous, even if there's nobody home."

2011-09-19, 06:10 PM
I'll update in a bit, I just want to make sure that it's immediately obvious that no arrows could possibly fire through the holes anymore. Normally there would be actual openings to the archers, but with all the damage to the structure the holes are filled completely with crumbled masonry and ancient cement.

King Tius
2011-09-19, 07:08 PM
It's less of an immediate-threat deal and more of a bad memories kind of thing. It's like seeing a herse. Nobody likes herses.

2011-09-20, 02:11 AM
Everyone watches as the diminutive spider-like clings to the ceiling. You watch as it tries to move across the ceiling but it makes little progress at first.

Just so you know the DC to climb on the ceiling is 25, which is unfortunately 1 more than he can take 10 on. Also, I'm so sorry to tell you that you can communicate with your psicrystal for up to a mile.


Climb DC 25: [roll0]
Climb DC 25: [roll1]

2011-09-20, 02:13 AM
Climb Checks

roll 1: [roll0]
roll 1: [roll1]
roll 1: [roll2]
roll 1: [roll3]
roll 1: [roll4]
roll 1: [roll5]
roll 1: [roll6]

It tries to climb forward and a pieces of the ceiling crumbles out from under it's massive weight. Serra quickly catches the small gem as it falls and quickly puts it back on the wall. Once it has it's momentum going it scurries out of sight.

<How was my performance? You think they bought the whole, "clumsy mindless constuct bit?" But you QUILL, the truth? Where did that come from? Well since I'm officially on the team, I don't suppose we can re-open negotiations on splitting treasure we find? Maybe I'll make my voice heard. That'll really floor them. Let's see what we got in here. The room is about 20 feet wide and 40 feet long with only one door. The south and east side look like it has been destroyed and there is nothing but dirt, earth, and rubble. Oddly the west wall not only is sound, but it looks completely unharmed. There is a large stone door that someone spent a lot of time making; it has dragon artwork all over it.

Nothing jumping out to destroy me; no red beady eyes in the darkness; coast is clear.

On my way back.

You all see the small gem return after about thirty seconds. Except Emlyn (who's heard of such things) You wonder, naturally, how it reports what it's scouted.

2011-09-20, 02:41 AM
Fix, as you continue to make your way around the room you investigate the "Murder Holes" and quickly infer a way that you can gain access to the room behind the wall. You assume (correctly) that the entrance is in this room and that in times of war the way in would leave one open to getting a belly full of arrows. It would take a lot of strength, but this part of the wall is on a swivel. One need only apply a certain amount of force and the entire wall should swing out. (Like a revolving door).

2011-09-20, 10:30 AM
Fix taps on the broken and crumbled wall, and waves to the others. "This thing actually opens, if you push hard enough. Come over here and help me, and we should be able to get to the room beyond." She hunkers down, places her shoulder against the wall, and begins to shove, keeping up steady jolts of force, trying to budge the heavy stone.

Aid Another's, please and thank you?

Strength: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

King Tius
2011-09-20, 10:36 AM
Sojan will move to assist Fix.

"Let's have a look then."

Strength Checks: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] Can we take 10 or 20 on the strength check?

2011-09-20, 11:58 AM
Serra picks up her mobile necklace, silently listening to its report.
<Good job. You know, if the ceiling's too difficult for you, just stick to the wall, as close to the ceiling as you can.>
<Thanks, boss lady.>
<We found a secret door, though. I want to check that out first.>
Serra lends her shoulder to the effort to open the revolving door.

Taking 10 on a STR check for an 11, succeeding on Aid Another.

2011-09-20, 01:29 PM
Fix and Sojan you roll up your sleevesfiguratively and start pushing. Unfortunately it seems that it does not slide as easily as it once did. You don't think you're going to budge it when Serra throws her body weight into it; that jars it and the two of you easily rotate the door while Serra holds up the lantern high to see what's in the room.

Everyone looks ahead beyond Sojan on the right and immediately realize that something looms in the darkness. Sojan you get clawed in the face and immediately stop pushing the wall and pull your shield up to block the second attack. Emlyn and Oren you are so focused on the right side neither of you see the other two until they are upon you. The thwang of a crossbow draws your attention to another skeleton cloaked in shadows and you have no time to react as the crossbow slams into your chest. You know at some level that this is a devastating wound but you now have adrenaline on your side and heroically push that concern out of your mind.

Oren a nimble, small looking skeleton surges out from your blindside and begins trying to take you down.

Surprise Round:

Skeleton 2: Claw [roll0] vs AC 16 (SojanFlat Footed) for [roll1] points of damage. (-1 for aura).
Skeleton 1: Heavy Crossbow [roll2] vs AC 13 (Emlyn Flat Footed) for [roll3] points of damage. (-1 for aura). (Critical Threat; Confirmed in OOC forum. You took 7 points of damage.)
Skeleton 3: Claw [roll4] vs AC 16 (Sojan Flat Footed) for [roll5] points of damage. (-1 for aura).
Small Skeleton: Moves to engage Oren

Initiative for Round 1- Round ∞:

Oren: [roll6]
Fix: [roll7]
Emlyn: [roll8]
Quil: [roll9]
Sojan: [roll10]
Skeleton 1: [roll11]
Skeleton 2: [roll12]
Skeleton 3: [roll13]
S. Skeleton: [roll14]

Creature description:

This creature appears to be nothing but a set of animated bones. Pinpoints of red lights smolder in its empty eye sockets. Three of them are about 6 feet tall while a fourth is half that height. All of their gear hangs from their body, most has wasted away to nothingness. The small goblins's leather armor has lasted the test of time and still provides protection while the rest of them have no armor bonus.

While they have weapons sheathed to their side it seems that three of them prefer to use their claws. A fourth from the back, oddly, is using a crossbow.


2011-09-20, 01:52 PM
Note on determining Cover from the revolving wall. The wall takes up (for combat purposes) an infinitely thin line that blocks line of sight and line of effect starting at the intersection of I11-J12 and ending at the intersection of I13-J14 (10 feet).

Square K12 is bright illumination (marked incorrectly) but the skeleton in K13 has 20% concealment.

Surprise Round Results:

Emlyn took 7 points of damage.
Sojan took 1 point of damage.

Turn Order:

Small Skeleton: 26
Skeleton 2: 23
Emlyn: 20 Current Turn
Skeleton 1: 12
Skeleton 3: 7
Sojan: 6
Fix: 5
Oren: 4 Current Turn
Quil: 3

Small Skeleton:

Small Skeleton Full Attacks Oren: Claw [roll0] vs AC 11Oren Flat Footed for [roll1] points of damage (-1 for aura)
Claw [roll2] vs AC 11Oren Flat Footed for [roll3] points of damage (-1 for aura).

Skeleton 2:

Skeleton 2 Full Attacks Sojan: Claw [roll4] vs AC 16Sojan Flat Footed for [roll5] points of damage (-1 for aura)
Claw [roll6] vs AC 16Sojan Flat Footed for [roll7] points of damage (-1 for aura)

Oren: The skeleton's first attack rakes across your armored arm, but it's second claw digs into flesh and bone above your thigh and you feel blood trinkling down your left leg.

Sojan: You are still trying to regain your balance (as you were leaning heavily while pushing the wall all of 3.5 seconds ago); however your shield is in the right place in the right time and the skeleton's attacks are repelled. For now...

2011-09-20, 07:26 PM
Emlyn gasps heavily as the crossbow bolt plunges deep into his chest. He staggers a step backwards, looking down in horror at the wound, which is bleeding at an alarming rate. Suddenly, his dragonmark glows brighter, and a cloud of fog appears behind the skeletons. He smiles weakly, then stumbles to the left, trying to get away from the small skeleton nearby.Standard Action: Fog Cloud on square J15.
Move Action: Walk to E8.

2011-09-20, 07:54 PM
Emlyn, you taste blood in your mouth as your dragonmark flares to life.

Everyone else: A thick fog suddenly appears in the air even before you have had a chance to react. It is clearly magical in nature and could have come from either your dragonmarked ally or some sort of magical defense mechanism built into the structure.

Read the spell description for Fog Cloud to familiarize yourself with the blue effects on the battle field. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm)

Skeleton 1

Full-Round Action: Reload heavy crossbow.

The skeleton with the crossbow mechanically removes a bolt from an aging bag on his side. He draws the crossbow by turning the wench. He is locked and loaded. Technically no one can see what he's doing as he is too deep in the fog cloud (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fogCloud.htm).

Skeleton 3:

Full-Round Action: Claw/Claw @ Sojan
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll0]): [roll1] vs AC 16 SojanFF for [roll2] points of damage (-1 for aura)
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll3]): [roll4] vs AC 16 SojanFF for [roll5] points of damage (-1 for aura)

Sojan you find yourself lucky that the clouds have obscured you. They now have just as hard of a time attacking you as you do against them. The attacks are coming out of the cloud randomly and blindly. Your trusty shield is the target of two more claw attacks and you escape unscathed. For Now...

King Tius
2011-09-20, 09:14 PM
Sojan welcomes the concealment, doing his best to hit the skeleton he believes to be at H14. Whether he hits or not, he sidesteps to defend Serra, judging the warforged to be better equiped at defending itself.

Standard Action: Attack Skeleton at H14: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] Miss Chance: [roll2]
Move Action: Five Foot Step to H13.
Free Action: Shout orders.

"Fall back! Take out that crossbow if you can."

2011-09-20, 11:39 PM
Fix watches the explosive outpouring of fog, her mind whirring as to the possible magical causes. After a moment, however, her thoughts shift, as she realizes the best course of action to protect her injured friends and crush the skeletons is not going to be her bow. She internally grimaces, dreading what is to come, before steeling her mind and her body.

"Never let it be said that just because I am smart I do not have courage, nor that I am lacking in strength." The tall warforged draws a single cinder from her spell component pouch, the black soot of the little lump sticking to her thick fingers. She crushes the cinder between her fingers, and then traces a series of lines across her body, the thick, complicated patterns shifting and swirling even as she lays them down. She finishes with a flourish, then hesitates for a moment.

"Just a note, friends; this infusion is supposed to take a minute. Every book I have ever read says that it is impossible to do in under a minute. What I am saying is, if I explode from an overflow of power, please know that I did it for you." She squeezes her eyes shut, and then slams her hands together, and the blast of the collision is a dozen times louder than it should be. With the collision comes light as each and every one of the charcoal-black markings on her body bursts into a blaze of white, the sheer overwhelming purity of the light nearly dazzling you. It lasts only a split second, but when it fades the markings still glow, and her eyes have become white beacons of power. The symbol on her forehead is also blazing, and you notice for the first time what it is; the arcane symbol of power (http://www.ecardmedia.eu/data/media/26/power_wallpaper_black.jpg). Fix rolls her shoulders, and then sets herself in a fighting stance. "And now to do what my people do best."

I. Love. This. Character.

1 Action Point to cast Natural Weapon Augmentation: Personal, Undead Bane.

2011-09-21, 07:50 AM
COmpletely taken aback by the sudden appearance of the skeletons, Oren is unableto move until one of the things is already tearing at her.

SHe shrieks in pain as her hip is torn open, and is even more disoriented by the flash of Fix's spell. She prods and smaks the skeleton innefectively with her bow to keep it at bay, but then draws her swword with her right hand after all, but uses the heavy bell guard of the cutlass to batter away at her attacker in desperation.

Standard: Draw sword
Move: Attack

Damage: ?

5-foot step to H9

2011-09-21, 11:49 AM

Serra cursed under her breath.
I can't see a damn thing in this fog, and it's not like my dagger's going to do anything against these skeletons...
Feeling all but helpless, she back away from the chaos of the fight, hoping that whatever Fix did would turn the tide.

Moving to G-9, then Full Defense, boosting Quil's AC to 18

2011-09-21, 01:19 PM
Round 1 Results:

Emlyn: Dragonmarked used
Oren: -3 HP
Fix: -1 AP, -1 1st level Infusion

Round 2:

Turn Order:

Small Skeleton: 26
Skeleton 1: 23
Emlyn: 20
Skeleton 2: 12
Skeleton 3: 7
Sojan: 6
Fix: 5
Oren: 4
Quil: 3 Current Turn

Oren swipes at the small goblin with his cutlass but the small skeleton moves with unnatural speed and easily dodges the blow. As you back away the small skeleton makes no move to pursue and, it seems you are immediately forgotten as it turns it's attention on Fix, who is still in the process of using an infusion (Full Round Action). Making no move to position itself around the wall, it begins trying to rake it's deadly claws into Fix.

Small Skeleton

Full-Round Action: Claw/Claw @ Fix
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll0]): [roll1] vs AC 20 Fix+4 Cover for [roll2] points of damage (-1 for aura)
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll3]): [roll4] vs AC 20 Fix+4 Cover for [roll5] points of damage (-1 for aura) Fix make a concentration check or lose the infusion

Skeleton 2

Move to K9
H. Crossbow: (1 - 20 = miss; [roll6]: [roll7] vs AC 13 Oren for [roll8] points of damage (-1 for aura)

Fix you do your best to ignore the distraction as the goblin rakes it's claws across you during a critical part of the infusion, but fail as the infusion goes wildly out of control. The bones in his claw hands must be magically enhanced as they claw straight through metal, wood, and fibrous bundles across your back.

Oren the moment you see the crossbow man you begin to duck out of the way, it's a good thing too as the bolt would have taken you in the head. Serra is also startled as the bolt goes over her head and eventually hits the wall behind both of you.

Emlyn you realize by now that the bolt must have missed anything major. If it had hit your lung you would have had breathing problems by now. The only thing that is scary is that you can barely see the tail end of it. Most of the arrow is inside your body (except the head which is probably sticking out your back).

2011-09-21, 03:51 PM
Emlyn winces as he grabs hold of his flute, the shaft of the bolt rubbing against the inside of his chest. Even if I can't really help fight right now, I can at least provide some fitting music.
He begins to play a melody, one he heard in some tale of a Draconic warrior in the Age of Demons; one that was said to have slain the many undead brought forth by the children of Khyber.
Standard action: Bardic Music (Inspire Courage)

2011-09-21, 03:56 PM
Everyone in the room suddenly feels the magic of the song inspire them to greatness.

Skeleton 2 & 3

Both of them full attack Sojan.

Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll0]): [roll1] vs AC 17 Sojan for [roll2] points of damage (-1 for aura)
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll3]): [roll4] vs AC 17 Sojan for [roll5] points of damage (-1 for aura)
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll6]): [roll7] vs AC 17 Sojan for [roll8] points of damage (-1 for aura)
And oh yeah
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll9]): [roll10] vs AC 17 Sojan for [roll11] points of damage (-1 for aura)

Sojan: The attacks from these creatures are unrelenting and despite your best efforts one of them claws hard on your shield arm and you can feel the blood pooling in your gauntlet.

2011-09-21, 06:17 PM

Morningstar (1 - 20 = miss; [roll0]): [roll1] vs AC ? for [roll2] points of damage

Sojan swings at one of the skeletons trying his best to cause some harm. The skeleton disappears briefly in the fog and Sojan's morningstar hits nothing but air.

2011-09-21, 10:43 PM
Fix's eyes go wide as her infusion fails, the immense magical power draining away as the undead creature throws off her concentration and pain shoots through her body. The light fades from her eyes, and she lets out a snarl, the sound violent and mechanical. She steps next to Sojan and attacks the skeleton there violently, slamming into it with crushing force. "Damn it, do you know how hard that was!"

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Bludgeoning damage

2011-09-22, 09:05 AM
In pain andunable to see thir attackers, Oren rolls forward and sweeps her sword through the fog at ankle-level, hoping to knock a skeleton down or damage it while keeping herself out of crossbow sights.

Percent: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2011-09-22, 12:40 PM

Serra couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on in the murk and the fog. She sheathed her useless dagger, and picked up a likely-looking chunk of masonry.

Move action: sheathe dagger.
Move action: pick up a rock.

2011-09-22, 01:52 PM
I'm away from my computer so, the map posted here is old. Nevermind I just updated it using winpaint on this machine and the print screen function.
Oren is in I10
Fix is in I13
Also, you all get +1 to hit and damage from the courage that fills your heart. FYI

Round 2 Results:

Emlyn: Insprie Courage used
Sojan: -3 HP
Fix: -3 HP

Round 3:
Turn Order:

Small Skeleton: 26
Skeleton 1: 23
Emlyn: 20
Skeleton 2: 12
Skeleton 3: 7
Sojan: 6 (Indicate if you wish to stabilize using an action point or roll in the OOC forum)
Fix: 5 Current Turn
Oren: 4
Quil: 3

Fix you try to slam your foe with the arm holding your light crossbow, but due to the amount of minute vision obscuring particles occupying the air, your attack completely misses.

Oren you step forward and try to hit the smaller goblin. You connect solidly with it's armor and slice it open (to the bone haha get it...) but do not appear to have done any damage.

Small Skeleton

Full-Round Action: Claw/Claw @ Oren
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll0]): [roll1] vs AC 13 Oren for [roll2] points of damage (-1 for aura)
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll3]): [roll4] vs AC 13 Oren for [roll5] points of damage (-1 for aura)
Not-An-Action: five foot step to I11

Skeleton 2

Full-Round Action: Reload it's H.Crossbow

You all watch in horror as the smaller skeleton claws at Oren's leg so visciously it causes her to stumble down to one knee. She doesn't even have any time to react as the skeleton claws her in an uppercut fashion up and across her face causing a sickening crack that you can only assume is her jaw breaking and leaving brutal looking claw marks across her face. The blow clearly knocks her out and her unconscious body hits the ground. The skeleton immediately moves to get closer to the next living target.

The medium sized skeleton with the heavy crossbow mechanically reloads with a viscious look around at who's life he'll end next round.

2011-09-22, 05:33 PM
Emlyn watches, mouth agape, as the skeleton downs Oren. He steps in her direction, drawing his sword, then winces and stops as the arrow moves slightly, and blood pours out of the wound. He looks at Serra.
"Is there anything you can do?"
Move action: Draw Longsword
Not an Action: Take 5-foot step to F8
Free Action: Talk

2011-09-22, 06:24 PM
Skeleton 2

Full-Round Action: Claw/Claw @ Fix
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll0]): [roll1] vs AC 16 Fix for [roll2] points of damage (-1 for aura)
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll3]): [roll4] vs AC 16 Fix for [roll5] points of damage (-1 for aura)

Skeleton 3
Full-Round Action: Claw/Claw @ Sojan
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll6]): [roll7] vs AC 17 Sojan for [roll8] points of damage (-1 for aura)
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll9]): [roll10] vs AC 17 Fix for [roll11] points of damage (-1 for aura)

The skeleton turns it's attention to the obscure outline of Fix and tries it's best to claw her down. Fix uses the fog and buckler to the best of her ability and the skeleton looks clumsy, flailing it's clawed hands wildy in the air.

Not so for Sojan... the first claw attack comes straight down on his shield and suddenly Sojan finds his face completely exposed to a second blow that rakes him across his face; blood and flesh splatter against the wall on his right and his arms go limp and he collapses onto the ground.

The moment Sojan hits the ground all of you feel suddenly more exposed. (Sojan's aura is no longer in effect)

2011-09-22, 08:44 PM
Fix's mind whirrs for a moment before she realizes the only way for her new allies to remain safe. For her friends to remain safe. "Listen to me, you need to get out of the fray! They'll ignore anyone that's unconcious, but if you go down there's a chance you'll bleed out. I can't bleed out. You need to get into that room right over there and bar the door as best you can as soon as I can retreat in with you. It will take me about a minute to make myself Undeadbane, but once I do I should be able to carve through these guys, especially since the Obscuring Mist should dissipate by then. Now, please, let's move!"

Free Action: Being an Awesome Strategist
Move Action: Move to H11, unless that would provoke; I don't think it does, due to the fog, but if it does she'll just 5-foot step to I12.
Standard Action: Attack the Small Skeleton for [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Bludgeoning
Miss on a 1-20; she's out of the fog, so I'm not sure if there is a miss chance, but I'll roll one anyway. [roll2]

Also, I forgot to do this before, but Spellcraft for the Obscuring Mist: [roll3]

2011-09-22, 09:07 PM
You speak as fast as you can while backing away from all the claw attacks. You try your best to batter the smaller one but your aim is off and you begin to feel actual fear. Fortunately the magic of the bard's song still fills your soul with courage.

I think you had to take a 5 foot step. I think you still get AoO in 20% concealment.

There is a morning star in Sojan's square (AKA "Hail Mary" move)

Hit Points of Party

Quil 7/7
Fix 5/8
Oren -1/6 (Pending stabilization check)
Sojan -2/12
Emlyn 2/9

2011-09-22, 11:32 PM
Serra drops the piece of concrete, the sick rush of fear filling her guts like iced water.
"We can't just leave them, Fix. They'll die!"
<That's right! These people are your friends! You've known them for so long!>
Serra screams, apparently for no reason. She then ducks into the door Fix pointed out.

Free action: drop rock.
Move action: head to the ajar door.
Move action?: open the door wider?

2011-09-22, 11:56 PM
Round 3 Results:

Emlyn: 5 more rounds of inspire courage remaining
Sojan: -5 HP
Oren: -5 HP

Round 4:
Turn Order:

Small Skeleton: 26
Skeleton 1: 23
Emlyn: 20 Current Turn
Skeleton 2: 12
Skeleton 3: 7
Sojan: 6
Fix: 5
Oren: 4 (Indicate if you wish to stabilize using an action point or roll in the OOC forum)
Quil: 3


Small Skeleton

Full-Round Action: Claw/Claw @ Fix
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll0]): [roll1] vs AC 16 Fix for [roll2] points of damage.
Claw (1 - 20 = miss; [roll3]): [roll4] vs AC 16 Fix for [roll5] points of damage.

2011-09-22, 11:56 PM
Fix's eyes begin to glow softly, and he voice seems to become a bit more mechanical and... deeper? The stress is clearly getting to her, and it appears that she's been purposefully changing her voice to sound more feminine.

"He's not going to die, she's not going to die, you are not going to die, and I'm not going to be disabled. We are going to make it through this, I just need you to listen to me and get in that room. Be ready to close it as soon as I move in." She looks down for a moment, spotting Sojan's morningstar on the ground. "I think I just found our saving grace."

2011-09-23, 12:00 AM
Skeleton 1

Action: Heavy Crossbow at Fix
H.Crossbow (1 - 20 = miss; [roll0]): [roll1] vs AC 20 Fix for [roll2] points of damage.

2011-09-23, 12:31 AM
Fix: As you get away from the two clouded in the fog you back right into the smaller little devil who catches you behind the knee with it's claws, almost causing you to buckle. However you ignore the "pain" and force your leg to continue working. For a second your "heart" skips a beat as the skeleton wielding a crossbow fires at you; the bolt sails straight into the wall and you continue using your buckler to the best of it's ability knowing it's only a matter of time before you're flanked.

2011-09-23, 04:15 PM
Emlyn looks at Fix, eyes wide. "I..." He then curses, and rushes into the adjoining room.
Move Action: Go to D11.

2011-09-23, 04:43 PM
Skeleton 2:

Five foot step to I13
Full Attack @ Fix
Claw (1 - 20 = miss: [roll0]): [roll1]flanking against AC 16 Fix for [roll2] points of damage.
If still standing
Claw (1 - 20 = miss: [roll3]): [roll4]flanking against AC 16 Fix for [roll5] points of damage.

2011-09-23, 04:46 PM
Serra: You don't see the hit, but you see Fix hit the ground. Immediately a skeleton bounces out of the fog cloud and starts coming straight at you. Terrified you slam the door shut, followed by the sound of the skeleton hitting the door. Then except your own heart beat... silence.

2011-09-23, 04:57 PM
Round 4 Results:

Emlyn: 4 more rounds of inspire courage remaining
Sojan: -1 HP
Fix: -5 hit points
Oren: Stabilized at -2 hit points.

Round 5:


Turn Order:

Emlyn: 20 Current Turn
Quill: 12
Sojan: 6 (Will use action point at -7)
Oren: 4 (Indicate if you wish to stabilize using an action point or roll in the OOC forum)

2011-09-23, 05:38 PM
Fix feels the claws rip into her body, and then the darkness takes her.

She drifts, her mind still awake and aware, but cut off from her body. She knows that she isn't dead, but she is no longer totally alive, either. Around shift swirling mists and phantasms of the dreaming mind, and whispers of both divinity and malice brush against her ears. She shakes away the voices, attempting to clear her mind. After a moment they fade, falling back into the darkness.

She touches her body, and finds it whole. I shouldn't even need a body here, she reasons, and then she is nothing but a mind. Her thoughts begin to race, no longer limited by physical constraints. She had lost the one conflict, yes, but there would be more. There would always be more. She began to pull information together, thoughts that her always-awake mind rarely had time to brood over. She began to learn, her thoughts racing. Her mind began to run, then leap, then soar...

2011-09-23, 06:12 PM
Emlyn curses violently, staring at the closed door.
After a few seconds, he sighs, and looks at Serra.
"This... is a terrible situation. We need to save them... You have any ideas about what to do?"

2011-09-23, 06:50 PM
Everyone has stabilized (not character knowledge):

HP's of Group

Fix: -2
Oren: -2
Sojan: -3
Emlyn: 2
Quil: 7

Combat is technically over, but the sense of urgency is still very real.

The masonry walls of this 20-foot wide hallway are in poor repair on the eastern and southern walls. The far end is especially bad, as it has completely collapsed, filling the southern section with rubble. The western wall is in much better shape than the other walls, and it holds a stone door with a rearing dragon carved in relief upon it. The door contains a single keyhole, which is situated in the rearing dragon's open mouth.

2011-09-23, 10:50 PM
Serra keeps her back to the door, pressing against it, her chest rising and falling with each panicked breath. She looks to Emyln, her face white.
"I... I... Maybe Gem can tell me what's going on in there."
Still keeping her back pressed against the door, she lowers the little crystal to the ground, where it once again sprouts translucent spidery legs.
<Can you fit under the door? Can you see what's going on out there? Maybe they'll ignore you, since you're not really alive.>
<Do you really want to see what's going on in there? It's too bad I don't have a face. I'd be making a really good one right now. Eyebrows all arched and whatnot.>

If possible, having Quil's psicrystal squeeze under the door frame and assess the situation on the other side.

2011-09-23, 11:10 PM
The psicrystal is described as being the same size as a fist. There is no room to fit under the door.

2011-09-25, 10:59 AM
Quil curses, grabs the crystal, opens the door a few inches, shoves the construct through, then slams the door closed again.

2011-09-25, 01:17 PM
<woah..woah.. That got their attention. They all just kinda charged the door. Except our friend with the crossbow. Well it's not that bad, you know. It could be worse. I hear zombie's eat brains. The skeleton's don't look hungry at all.

Okay they are walking away now. Randomly. Clockwise around the room. I think they attack moving things so I hope you don't ask me to move.

A couple of minutes pass

2011-09-25, 01:30 PM
<So they aren't attacking the others? How do they look? Are they still breathing?>
Serra continues to lean on the door, her face pale, her eyes closed in concentration.

2011-09-25, 02:12 PM
<It looks like they are leaving them alone. From where I'm at I can't really tell if they are alive or not. I could get closer but I'd probably get shot at by the crossbowman. I don't think the others can hurt me. Want me to make a run for it?>

2011-09-25, 11:47 PM
<We'll buff out the scratches. Put those legs to good use! If things get dicey, just stop moving again.>

2011-09-26, 03:05 PM
Emlyn and Serra hear the sound of movement through the door and the sound of a crossbow being fired. After about thirty seconds all grows silent again.

Crossbow +2 vs AC 16. [roll0] for [roll1] points of damage.

Lots of useless claw attacks.

<Gasp... I think I was critically hit Quil! Once I stopped moving for a while they stopped swinging at me. But merely playing dead wasn't enough to get them to stop; they'll keep swinging for a couple of seconds if nothing else is around and moving.

Oren is still alive. Hopefully she doesn't start to snore. That could get deadly. I can't really tell if Fix is alive or not since I don't really understand how they were ever living. As if a construct could become alive. Ha; how ridiculous is that? Sojan also looks alive. I think their wounds just knocked them out cold. There is a lot of blood but it looks superficial or cosmetic. Still we both know that a head injury can be fatal days after the blow.>

2011-09-27, 12:28 PM
Serra breathes a sigh of relief, and opens her eyes.
"It looks like the skeletons are ignoring the others. They're unconscious, but it looks like they're stable."
She looks to Emlyn uncertainly.
"What do you think we should do? If we rest for a while, I should be able to use my powers again, but even then, if we try to fight the skeletons, we'll be outnumbered. I could maybe try and grab Sojan's morningstar, but it's risky. Once I get my powers back, I can take a pretty decent beating for a little while, but we'll need a good strategy, and probably more luck."

2011-09-27, 07:04 PM
Emlyn gives a sigh of relief upon hearing that the skeletons are ignoring the others.
"We could rest... It'd probably be for the best, actually. I don't think we'll be able to do much the way we are now. Let's just hope the others don't think that we abandoned them when they wake up."

2011-09-27, 09:07 PM
<Wish a dire rat would show up. That would give the skeletons a reason to go outside and then you could slam the front door and.... wait... we don't need a dire rat. Wow, Quil you think I'm getting smarter? This can't possibly fail!>

Serra before you can even respond you and Emlyn hear the sound of a crossbow firing and then the sounds of bone on cement and the sounds of a pursuit.


[roll0] for [roll1]

After a couple of seconds the sounds fades into, what you image is the skeletons travelling through the rubble filled courtyard. After a total of thirty seconds you can barely hear anything.

<You're all clear;. All four of them are outside and giving chase. I'll keep letting them chase me until we hit the top of the ravine.> The psicrystal shouts in your head.

2011-09-27, 09:17 PM
<Good work! I'll get everyone somewhere safe!>
Serra smiles, although she still looks worried.
"My psicrystal is leading the skeletons on a chase. If we're quick, we can drag everyone somewhere safe to recover."
Serra exits the room, leading with her lantern. She grabs Sojan's morningstar just in case, and keeps it in her belt loop.

What's the best place to drag them? Into the room we barricaded ourselves into? Or did we pass a place on our descent that we could hide in outside, where the skeletons wouldn't notice us should they return to the dungeon?

2011-09-27, 09:22 PM
The front door can be closed, from what you can tell skeletons don't know how to open doors; unlike raptors. You can also drag them into the revolving wall and close the wall for extra protection.

2011-09-27, 09:52 PM
"In here."
Serra drags her unconscious companions into the secret room, swiveling the wall closed.
<We're going to hide in the secret passage until I get my powers back. I'll try to revive the others as well. Be careful! Let me know if anything happens.>

While we're resting, we'll have however much time is left for the lantern (1 hour on a pint), and once that's used up, Quil has 10 candles we can use to see by; each burns for 1 hour.

Could we take 20 on a Heal check to provide long-term care for those unconscious (excluding Fix)? They would recover 2 hp after 8 hours of rest instead of 1.

2011-09-28, 03:42 AM
It takes you about five minutes for the two of you to safely drag your unconscious allies into the room and to budge the wall. Constantly reassured that the skeletons are at the very top of the ravine you don't feel too rushed; still it would be unfortunate if a dire rat did show up. For a while it doesn't look like you two are going to be strong enough to spin the wall but you eventually time it right, both of you slamming your weight into the wall at the same time, and you are able to seal yourselves in.

The small room reeks with death. It's musty, and the floor is littered with tiny fragments of clothing, wooden debris, table parts, hundreds of broken arrow parts, rusted and decayed shields, time destroyed armor, and loose junk. It looks like the skeletons, however long they were in here, constantly paced and walked over anything and everything and combined with time acted like a form of erosion in this chamber. Nothing can get in, and nothing can get out; still you feel alone and claustrophobic.

I don't think you can take 20 on a long term skill like heal.

After everyone is in the room Serra begins binding up and cleaning out the wounds of the injured (using some extra clothing that Serra was smart enough to bring along).

Emlyn taking off your armor causes excruciating pain. The arrow went straight through you and was finally stopped by your armor (the second time). Removing the arrow is painful and you literally pass out from the pain. Which is fine by you.

Serra you spend the next thirty minutes making sure everyone is comfortable and hydrated (removing armor etc). You find yourself the only one conscious in a very small chamber.

You are considered to be doing light duty for the next 8 hours.

Heal Checks:

Emlyn: [roll0]
Sojan: [roll1]
Oren: [roll2]

Did you want to do anything during the next 8 hours?

2011-09-28, 12:25 PM
You wake up with a distinct ringing in your ear. You're armor has been removed and you are somewhat disorientated. If you had any medical training whatsoever you probably would realize you have a concussion. Without much thought you activate your vigor aura.

As soon as Sojan activates his healing aura Emlyn wakes with a start; followed seconds later by Oren. The various wounds you've taken feel like someone blasted them with air so cold it burns. Fix the feeling is the same but the pull to become consciousness is much stronger and eventually you begin using your sensory organs again.

Within a minute everyone is conscious. All of you feel like you are whole and none of your wounds hurt but you feel tired and slow.

Serra you watch mostly confused as to what's happening. You literally watch as Oren's face heals in front of your eyes.

Room Description:
The small room reeks with death. It's musty, and the floor is littered with tiny fragments of clothing, wooden debris, table parts, hundreds of broken arrow parts, rusted and decayed shields, time destroyed armor, and loose junk. It looks like the skeletons, however long they were in here, constantly paced and walked over anything and everything and combined with time acted like a form of erosion in this chamber. Nothing can get in, and nothing can get out; still you feel alone and claustrophobic.

Everyone is at half hit points rounded down. Except Serra.

2011-09-28, 12:31 PM
Fix sits up shakily, as if quite uncertain as to her current location. She looks around quizzically and cautiously for a few moments before putting it all together. "Oh, you managed to drag us all into the side passage. Excellent. Did you destroy the skeletons, or are they still there? Have you had the time to explore this new area at all?" She looks down at herself and frowns. "And... how did you heal me? I don't heal naturally, like a flesh and blood creature does. I'm assuming magic, since I see no tools on you, but I would like to know who did it, so I can thank them."

2011-09-28, 12:41 PM
Serra looks haggard, but visibly relieved.
"I don't... I don't know why you all healed... I didn't destroy the skeletons; I had my psicrystal lead them away. They're probably chasing it somewhere in the canyon even as we speak. I'm pretty sure they can't really hurt it, but if I want to get it back we'll probably have to finish the undead off at some point."

King Tius
2011-09-28, 12:43 PM
Sojan sits up and rubs his head. "Ah, that would be me. Let's just say I have a magical personality. What happened to the skeletons?"

2011-09-28, 01:55 PM
Fix nods to both of her companions, accepting their explanations. "I'll inquire more to your effects later, Sojan, but now is not the time. I noticed that the healing works slightly slower on me, which means it either stems from divine magic or is a natural healing effect. So that's interesting. As for the undead, I believe we are all quite close to our limits when it comes to our magical power and our stamina. Would rest be unreasonable? I could keep watch all night; I still have an infusion remaining, and I can use it to totally heal myself.

After that I would be able to stand guard for eight hours or so with ease. Fighting them should be easier tomorrow, too; I can't make your weapons Bane weapons like I can with my body and my bow, but I can at the very least give you someone to hide behind; if I have a few minutes to prepare before a fight I can be quite dangerous." She seems to be quite lost in thought, but she is clearly speaking out loud intentionally to gain your insight into her plan.

2011-09-28, 04:35 PM
Serra slumps against a wall.
"Sounds good to me, Fix. I'm just glad I was able to keep things from getting worse. I'll be of much more use after we rest, and I can use my powers again."

2011-09-28, 05:07 PM
Oren awakens from the startling pain, but after a few minutes lying on the floor isn't able to gather thoughts, energy or relief from embarassment enough to do any more than mumble thanks to her companions (whoever got her out) and the Flame.

2011-09-28, 06:39 PM
Emlyn awakes with a start, and immediately clutches at his chest wound, only to find it partially healed.
He looks around at the others as they awaken, a smile spreading across his face.
"Everyone's okay?! That's great!"
He watches Fix closely as she explains her idea.
"I certainly think that's a good idea. I'm not sure how long we were out, but I feel like I could use some more rest. Do you have any of your powers, Serra?"

2011-09-30, 02:17 PM
Everyone gets comfy and before you know it, is zonked out. Sojan and Quil enjoy their bedroll. Emlyn trucks out her winter blanket. Oren watches with jealousy and tries to make due wearing her padded armor (which is still mucked up with blood and sweat) and using her backpack as a sort of makeshift pillow. It's not a comfortable night for her.

Eight hours pass.
Eyer 23rd, 998 YK
12:30 A.M.

Fix you finish the scroll with pride and look around. Everyone is still sleeping and the sounds of snores fill the room.

Hit Points:
Oren: 4/6
Emlyn: 5/9
Sojan: 7/12
Fix: 7/8
Quil: 7/7

2011-10-01, 04:34 PM
Quil woke fitfully from her rest, for a moment confused as to where she was and why. Then, she remembered; her name was Serra, and she was stuck in a dungeon, on a quest sent forth from New Cyre, and that her psicrystal was being chased by undead skeletons somewhere above.

She felt relatively refreshed. The tingle of latent psionic potential was once more present in her mind. She took a moment to simply meditate and regain her focus. Then, her eyes still closed, she reached out to contact her wayward personality shard.
<Gem? Gem, are you still out there? What's going on? Where are you?>

2011-10-01, 04:44 PM
<I'm outside the revolving wall. I would have said something sooner but didn't want to wake you. I ditched the skeletons by climbing down the side of the ravine and made my way back. They are somewhere outside; probably still at the top of the stairs.>

2011-10-01, 05:03 PM
<Stay out there and keep an eye out for them. We'll prepare to fight them before opening the wall again.>
Serra finally opens her eyes.
"My psicrystal's returned. It says the skeletons are still outside, probably on their way back. What's the plan?"

Serra has her powers back, but she can only burn one skeleton at a time, and even then, it takes time for the power to take full effect. She can hang back and roast one skelly while everyone focuses on the others; or, she can buff herself with Vigor and offer to be a flanking buddy and use Aid Another.

2011-10-01, 05:13 PM
*Before Serra wakes up*
Fix looks for a moment at her new allies as they rest, their breathing quiet and soft and their faces relaxed. Even Oren, bereft though she is of proper camping gear, has finally relaxed, the stress melting from her face. Fix looks at her new scroll, and the intricate lines and patterns of the new magical creation seem dull compared to the simple beauty of life. Of her friends. "I promise I will protect you. I will protect all of you, forever. Just forgive me when the day comes when I sacrifice myself for my people. Please, please forgive me."

She reaches down and gently rouses the others, one at a time, quietly and carefully. "I think we need to crush them now. It should be much smoother than yesterday; they will not have surprise on their side, and I have a significant new weapon that I spent the night making. It should be enough to allow me to kill one of them in a single blow. I just need you all to help keep them from surrounding me, and to keep the archer off of me while I destroy the others."

Fix, with one scroll and two infusions, will have AC 18 and will be attacking for a +6 for 1d4+6+2d6 damage. On a Full Attack she'll be attacking for +6 and +1 for 1d4+6+2d6 and 1d6+4 damage, both bludgeoning. She's got this.

King Tius
2011-10-02, 12:18 AM
Sojan gets up and straps on his armor, thankful for the rest. He takes a moment to roll up his pant leg and give his dragonmark a good look, almost as if he was reminding himself that it was there. Remembering his training, he begins going through some simple stretches to test his strength, finding out quickly that he is still quite beat up.

"I don't know about the rest of you but I'm still pretty dinged up from those rats and skeletons. What kind of healing options do we have available? If we can bottleneck the skeletons, I can hold them off more easily with my dragonmark."

If possible, Sojan would LOVE a Cure Light Wounds spell right about now...He'll be activating his Dragonmark's power and keeping his DR aura up for the next fight.

2011-10-02, 01:49 PM
Emlyn rolls over as Fix tries to wake him up, muttering something under his breath in Elven. A few seconds later, he sits straight up. He blinks a few times, looking around in confusion, before comprehension seems to hit him. He touches his chest gingerly, then looks up at Fix as she finishes speaking.
"You've certainly got my help. I wish I could be of more help, but what little magic I have doesn't seem like it'll do much good against skeletons."

2011-10-02, 02:03 PM
Fix thinks for a moment, and then taps each of her scrolls, looking off into space. "I have two scrolls of Lesser Vigor; the effect of the scroll will be similar to that healing aura you seem to generate, but the spell effect is a bit more powerful, allowing the target to totally recover injuries. That said, I only have two, and they have a set amount of healing to them. Based on our current level of injury some of their potential would be wasted." She looks to the others. "Do we have any other, hopefully refreshable, sources of recovery?"

King Tius
2011-10-02, 02:31 PM
"My, uh, ability will keep us from dying but I can never get back to 100% without lots of rest or some other form of healing."

2011-10-04, 12:18 PM
Oren wakes and sips some water, but still feels awful.

"Sorry, but right now I can only offer the simplest prayers. Not enough to help us recover fully." She looks annoyed. "My studies were interrupted at the end, but I feel my strength in the Flame growing daily."

2011-10-04, 05:31 PM
Fix nods, and murmurs to herself a bit. "That is fine. I should still be able to take them all out while shielding you all from the worst of the damage. Can any of you use scrolls? I will not be able to use my Lesser Vigors during the fight, and I may need help healing." She taps the door with a thick-fingered hand. "We also need to either lure them back or take the fight to them. If we get range on them I can just shoot them from a distance, which is also fine by me."

2011-10-04, 09:17 PM
Serra stands; being the only uninjured person present, she feels slightly embarrassed.
"Well, my psicrystal's not reporting anything amiss. We might as well get out of here and continue exploring. If the skeletons come back, we'll just need to be ready for them."

2011-10-05, 12:18 AM
Fix tilts her head, confused. "Wait, where is your psicrystal? With the undead? Because I'll need a little more than a minute to get all of my empowering infusions active. Do you know where they are exactly?"

What's the plan again?

2011-10-05, 12:44 PM
"My crystal is right outside the revolving secret door. The undead aren't near us, at least not right now. It thinks they might be outside. I suppose we could leave these ruins and hunt them down in the open; it would give us more room to maneuver."

2011-10-05, 09:44 PM
Emlyn looks up at Fix. "I... might be able to work them? I can try, if nothing else."

2011-10-08, 08:25 AM
Oewn watches the exchange of ideas and plans unfold with obvious unease and confusion.

King Tius
2011-10-08, 11:16 AM
"Let's deal with the skeletons before going on further. The last thing we need is them coming back and trapping us in here with no escape route. Can your psicrystal lead us to them?"

2011-10-08, 06:12 PM
Serra finally smiles, somewhat mischievously.
"Let's take the fight to them. Help me with the door."
She begins to push against the secret passage.
<We're coming out. Hiding time is over.>

2011-10-11, 03:18 PM
<Excitement abounds.>

2011-10-12, 10:32 AM
[nervously standing with bow at the ready in rear of group]

2011-10-12, 12:28 PM
She does this when the skeletons are close to us, so as to not waste too much spell duration.

Fix seems to smile as she loads her bow, then affixes it on her back where it won't get in the way. "This is either going to be an exciting and educational experience, or we're all going to die. Now then, let's fight." She takes out a few chalks and unguents, a bit of damp coal and some pieces of iron. Fix begins to trace out lines of power and symbols of destruction, covering her body in markings much like the day before. She finishes the markings and incantations with a resounding clap, and as her hands come together her entire body explodes with white light.

The power and light dims down to a dull glow, and she moves her hand over herself again, infusing herself with a thrum of sparkling energy that covers her composite plating like a field of stars. Finally, she takes out a single scroll, and intones the incantation with a firm, loud voice. She stumbles once over her words, but she attempts to use the scroll again, and this time her incantation is sure and steady. There is another small flash as the writing on the scroll is consumed, and her fists seem to pulse for a moment, a thrum of power filling the room. She looks up to the door, awash in power. "And now, my friends. Now we fight." She slams her powerful fists into the door, shoving it open.

UMD for the scroll, DC 21: [roll0]
If she fails and it isn't a 1, retry: [roll1]
And, just in case, a final retry: [roll2]

Fix (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=324009)
Lawful Neutral Warforged Artificer, Level 1, Init +3, HP 7/8, Speed 30ft.
AC 18, Touch 15, Flat-footed 15, Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Light Crossbow (30) +3 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Undead-Bane Slam +4 (1d4+1, x2) or +6 (1d4+2+2d6, x2)
Slam +4 (1d6+4, x2)
Composite Plating, Buckler (+2 Armor, +1 Shield, +3 Dex, +2 Deflect)
Abilities Str 12(18), Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 14
Condition None

2011-10-12, 05:43 PM
Watching Fix closely, Emlyn pulls out his flute, and prepares to play it when Fix goes into action.

2011-10-14, 12:57 AM
You guys spend the first part of the new day eating part of your daily ration and drinking water while discussing the plan of attack. You guys spend about fifteen minutes hashing out the plan. Finally you guys feel that you are ready. You pick up all of your belonging and pack them. You take your time donning your armor and equipping your weapons before giving Serra the "go-ahead" to tell her psicrystal to bring the undead.

An eternity passes before Serra tells Fix to infuse herself. By the time she's done the sounds of skeletons clawing cement and the sound of a crossbow firing tells you that they are right outside the wall. After the infusion and the scroll Fix drops the blank scroll onto the floor and slams into the revolving wall. You watch her move the wall practically by herself (although everyone on the right side helps) and she seems much stronger.
Right as she begins to shove open the wall Emlyn begins to play an inspirational song on his flute.

Initiative: (Note: No one is flat-footed)

Skeleton 1: [roll0]
Skeleton 2: [roll1]
Skeleton 3: [roll2]
S. Skeleton: [roll3]
Quil: [roll4]
Oren: [roll5]
Fix: [roll6]
Emlyn: [roll7]
Sojan: [roll8]


Turn Order:
Skeleon 2: 25
S.Skeleton: 23
Skeleton 1: 19
Oren: 18
Fix: 14
Skeleton 3: 10.6
Sojan: 10.1
Quil: 4.2
Emlyn: 4.1 <- Current Turn

2011-10-14, 01:10 AM
Round 1:
The light hits the room and you see the skeletons already moving away from Serra's psicrystal in I8. They react uncannily fast and charge forward to attack. Fear bites into you as you remember the last time you encountered these unnatural beast.

Skeleton 2:

Full Round Action: Charge!
Move: I9 -> I12
Standard: Claw: [roll0] vs AC 14 Serra for [roll1] points of damage. (-1 for aura)
Skeleton 2 has -2 to AC for 1 round.

Small Skeleton:

Full Round Action: Charge!
Move: J8 -> J12
Standard: Claw: [roll2] vs AC 17 Sojan for [roll3] points of damage. (-1 for Aura)
Small Skeleton has -2 to AC for 1 round.

Skeleton 1:

Standard: Heavy Crossbow: [roll4] vs AC 18+4 Cover Serra for [roll5] points of damage.

Sojan you boldly try to greet the creature with your morning star but in doing so you leave yourself open for an attack. The small skeleton finds the top of your face with his claws and drags violently downward and a brief flash of white light deflects the fingers away from your exposed face.

Serra armed with a dagger and a hooded lantern you can only pray that your armor is able to absorb it's attack. You raise your dagger arm to shield yourself from it's deadly sharp claws and just in time. You too feel your blood begin to stream down your arm as it slices through your armor like a hot knife through butter. You look through the skeleton and see the one with the crossbow take aim at you and fire. You throw yourself out of the way and the bolt slams into the wall behind you and is lost in all of the debris that lays on the ground.

Remember: You guys have the effects of Bardic Music. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/bard.htm#inspireCourage)

2011-10-14, 09:29 AM
Seeing the scrabbling skeleton right before her, Oren instincively prepares to simply swat at the thing to assist Serra when the bolt strikes the wall.

She rethinks her strategy and takes a step aside to allow Serra room to work, and takes a knee, aiming for the only target that proves dangerous at range.

Oren steps to take light cover behind the outropped door edge depicted in H12 and fires on Skeleton 1. [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Hmph. If nothing else it will draw its attention and the cover will keep me safe.

2011-10-14, 11:36 AM
You know, I spent a lot of time making the map again since I must have saved a poor copy of it. After I was done I was hoping no one would think that H12 provided cover or anything.


H12 does not provide any type of cover.

Oren, would you like to modify your turn? And please remember you have the effects of bardic music.

2011-10-14, 11:46 AM
I don't believe Bardic Music at this level has any effect on my attack ... and I'll just make a 5-foot step back and fire. It's already done. [shrug]