View Full Version : What do I make out of this?

Titanium Fox
2011-09-04, 12:13 AM
So, I'm creating a themed character that I want to be at least viable in the campaign I'm playing it in. The problem is that the character has essentially four useless levels; and an inability to hold anything in its hands. Because it's an awakened Pony. Yes, I'm making an awakened pony with class levels.

So, as it stands, I'm sitting with:

ECL 4 Pony
13 Strength
13 Dexterity
12 Constitution
12 Intelligence
11 Wisdom
7 Charisma

Hooves @ +1/+1 (1d3+1)

17 HP (d8 Hit Die)
13 AC
4 Fortitude
4 Reflex
0 Will

He needs to be ECL 10 for the campaign I'm in. What in the ever loving heck do I do with that garbage stat array and being down essentially four levels? Does anyone have any ideas as to how to make this admittedly terrible base for a character into something useful?

I'm solving the carrying capacity issue with Saddlebags (priced as two backpacks), but he can't be any melee character except a monk for the fact that he can't carry anything, and his stats do NOT lend him to any type of caster. There is an OOC reason this has to be the base. (Working in the lulz is always a worthy cause.)

So yeah. What do I do?

2011-09-04, 12:22 AM
Let's see. A ToB class could turn half of those RHD into initiator levels, so that's something. Unarmed Swordsage, maybe? A Crusader would be fun. If you could find a way to actually hit, I think Crusader would be the best bet, but that's rough. If you're a Crusader, your cutie mark should be a shield.

Warlocks are your typical "pfft, who needs stats?" class, of course, though the loss of four levels really, really hurts. Still, you might actually hit with Eldritch Blast, since it's at least a touch attack. Damn shame about that CHA, because I'd say that you could also have a LOT of fun as a Bard, since they can at least use Inspire Courage and other Bardic Music effects without strictly requiring stats. You still could, of course, and with enough skill points you can make up for the lack of CHA when you're being social, but you couldn't cast spells. A Warlock would probably have a bolt of some kind as a cutie mark, and a Bard would have an instrument or a music note.

2011-09-04, 12:31 AM
Unarmed swordsage would probably be better for this, considering the lack of useable appendages that can hold a weapon.

In much the same way, Totemists from MoI would do well, simply because they do well with just a bit of CON - no thumbs required.

Another one you can sort of do is druid. While you won't be able to cast spells for a bit, you can sneak in 6 levels of druid and just do wildshape shenanigans. Plus you have an Animal companion to back you up (another pony?).

Titanium Fox
2011-09-04, 12:47 AM
So I was given a re-roll on the 3d6 for Int, and now I have 17 Int. So, I'm just considering a Wizard at this point.

2011-09-04, 12:52 AM

See if you can get the warbeast template (MM2) applied to retroactively be before the awakening, I don't think there are rules for losing it if you don't qualify.

As an alternate to Warlock, try Dragonfire Adapt, as it allows you to base your offense off con instead of dex, plus it makes you a fire breathing pony that breaths fire that entangles people.

edit: Started writing before your INT boost.

17 int is neat, but RHD hurts bad. You should go skill monkey (where total ranks is based on hit die instead of class level, but the lack of x4 hurts) and work your way into Dread Commando (Boost your parties initiative, at least then you aren't a load). Alternately, Daring Outlaw pony.

2011-09-04, 12:52 AM
So I was given a re-roll on the 3d6 for Int, and now I have 17 Int. So, I'm just considering a Wizard at this point.

Just make sure that your familiar can manipulate your spellbook for you. Oh, and that your GM is cool with you using hooves for somatic components. And that you just don't think too hard about material components.

If you're willing to handwave all that away, Wizard's a fine choice. If not, might I suggest a Psion?

Also, take Practiced Caster (or better, Practiced Manifester). It's not as good as 4 extra levels in your actual class, but it'll make those RHD sting a LOT less.

2011-09-04, 12:56 AM
Actually... By RAW it doesn't say racial hit die is gained by Awaken, just "hit die". See if the DM is willing to let you make them class levels.

I still stand by "warbeast" though.

2011-09-04, 12:56 AM
I'm making an awakened pony with class levels.

So yeah. What do I do?

Aberrant Heritage. Add tentacles. Lots of tentacles...

( for serious power gaming, add hands at the end of the tentacles. This is guaranteed to move you up from tier π to tier e )

2011-09-04, 12:58 AM
Alright another one that doesn't require much in the way of stats is...a Binder. You can draw the seals just fine by using you hoof or grabbing a stick and using your mouth. Some might include additional conditions. Granted you will likely be influenced almost the entire time, but you can still use quite a few of the abilities. Some Vestiges will have various benefits for you. The ones that have an armor or weapon proficiency are pretty much out since they are the focus.

Here is a list of usable vestiges just from ToM.

Acererak, Agares, Amon, Andromalius?, Balam, Buer, Chupoclops, Dahlver-Nar, Dantalion, Eligor, Focalor, Geryon, Halphax, Haures, Ipos, Karsus, Malphas, Marchosias, Naberius, Orthos, Otiax, Ronove, Shax, Tenebrous, and Zagan

That amounts to about 25 vestiges you can still bound with little issue. Grab Ignore Special Requirements to get rid of the requirements. The Improved Binding basically helps by making you able to bind the same as a lvl 8 Binder. So you can still be viable.

2011-09-04, 01:13 AM
Any chance you can move that 17 to wisdom? As I read through this thread I envisioned a person being generally angry for being a horse, and becoming an ur-priest.

2011-09-04, 01:15 AM
Any chance you can move that 17 to wisdom?If you could do that, you could go for Ardent, losing only a few PP.

Elric VIII
2011-09-04, 01:25 AM
If you could do that, you could go for Ardent, losing only a few PP.

There would also be a slight gap in the powers you could take. You would have to take at least 2 first level powers at level 5 (not really a big deal, because there are a bunch of good ones), since you will not have been able to take Practiced Manifester yet.

I could be misremembering, but you may also have to take a first level power at level 6, as well. IIRC, you gain class features first, then feats in a level-up.

2011-09-04, 01:41 AM
Int 17? I'm saying Factotum. It's an inspirational tail!

2011-09-04, 01:42 AM
I'm thinking Wildshape Ranger into MoMF. Assuming no LA, just the 4 HD, you would start as MoMF1 which gives you Humanoid shape. <_<

2011-09-04, 09:45 AM
I'd say put the 17 in Charisma and go with Bard or Warlock. The four RHD are a bit much of a penalty for other casters. As a bard you wouldn't need hand to perform since you could just sing or dance, plus the idea of a pony as the party's face is amusing to me. You could score a lot of cool points for the pony warlock though "My dad was a Nightmare."

2011-09-04, 09:49 AM
Ardent with Practiced Manifester would do the trick if you could move that 17 Int into 18 Wis. Can you honestly say that Twilight Sparkle's "magic" isn't psionics?

2011-09-04, 09:58 AM
Middle aged Pony would get you 18Int, 12Wis and 8 Cha without serious loss to your physical stats. You're a quadruped anyway, so 12 over 13 Str shouldn't make too much difference, whilst the odd-lvl dexterity isn't useful unless you were going to buff it anyway.

The only thing you'd lose out on would be a point of constitution per lvl, but Ponys have decent hit dice, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

2011-09-04, 11:04 AM
You might want to use the LA 0 ponies for pathfinder.

2011-09-04, 12:19 PM
So I was given a re-roll on the 3d6 for Int, and now I have 17 Int. So, I'm just considering a Wizard at this point.

Or a psion, since a lack of hands can be a serious detriment for wizards. Practiced manifester would be good feat to make up for the pony HD.

2011-09-04, 08:42 PM
I know you say there's a reason, but do you really need to specifically be an Awakened Pony? What if you were a Paladin's Mount Pony?

A Supermount build can give a Paladin a Pony that's more powerful than they are, perfectly suitable for the main character. Basically, your "master" will be a Paladin 5/Beastmaster 1/Halfling Outrider 4 or so (with perhaps some levels tossed around depending on what you need to qualify) with the Devoted Tracker feat. You'll play the pony, which will be treated as both the mount of a 9th level Paladin and the animal companion of an 8-10th level Druid (depending on whether you can squeeze Natural Bond in there). That's 8-10 bonus hit dice and some decent stat boosts, more than you would have gotten from levels (though admittedly we're talking animal hit dice, so not stellar. Still, it's more than viable. As a variant, Paladin 6 can get you the Celestial template from an ACF in Planar Handbook.

2011-09-04, 09:18 PM
1. Start with a Magebred Warpony. Warpony gets an extra +2 Str and Con, and costs you nothing. Magebred, from ECS, gives you +2 natural armor, +4 to either Str, Dex, or Con and +2 to the other two, either +10 ft. movement or another +2 natural armor, and a bonus feat from Alertness, Athletic, Endurance, Improved Natural Attack, or Multiattack, and also costs you nothing.
2. Warbeast, as others have said.
3. Awaken can be cast with a Metamagic Rod of Maximize, so you would automatically get Int 18 and +3 Cha. An epic Druid could cast it with Intensify Spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#intensifySpell) so you would instead get Int 36 and +6 Cha, that's a bit over the top but no harm in asking.
4. From what I gather, with the above you would start with two racial HD and another +3 HD of whatever you could gain, i.e. either more racial HD or they could be class levels, from Awaken and Warbeast.
5. Get a Hand of the Mage (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#handoftheMage), problem solved.
6. Get Leadership (or Thrallherd) and a small size cohort with Mounted Combat and max ranks in Ride, Warbeast gives him another +2 to Ride checks even. He should have a tower shield and always use the shield to grant total cover to both of you from one direction. Alternatively another PC could get have Mounted Combat and max Ride.

I'd say Wizard is the way to go, unless you want to pick another Int-based caster or perhaps go with a gish build. Alter Self can be used to turn into something with hands when necessary, and Warbeast grants you proficiency with light through heavy armor. For 10,000 gp you can get the Feathered Wings graft from Fiend Folio (under fiendish grafts) to gain a fly speed and a special wing buffet ability.

2011-09-04, 09:30 PM
Here is my little pony:

He uses the mouthpick weapon enhancement from Lords of Madness pg. 46
Awakened Pony 4/Barbarian (Lion Totem of course) 1/Conjurer 1 (Abrupt Jaunt)/Crusader of Cthulul 4

1: Willing Deformity
3: Deformity (Teeth)
6: Imperious Command
9: Intimidating Rage
12: Extra Rage

15 Strength (+1 4 HD, +1 8 HD)
13 Dexterity
12 Constitution
17 Intelligence
11 Wisdom
7 Charisma