View Full Version : The Eye of Destruction[IC]

2011-09-04, 06:26 AM
There was very little warning. A few minor shakes, barely perceptible, were all that even hinted at what was to come. Suddenly, a distant crack was heard, and another slight shiver of the earth turned into a force that shook the room as if it had been struck by a giant. In a split second, one of the walls and half of the room was gone-pushed down and crushed by a massive block of stone. The crash that followed its descent, as it smashed the gatehouse, caused less sturdy items to fall. Shouts were heard, but after a moment these were drowned out by more crashes-the largest stalactites were crashing down onto the fortress, followed by massive slabs of rock formerly thought to be completely stable.

The room you're in was formerly small, without windows or any light source-although, it's not like light was needed apart from places where color was required-a desk with an overstuffed chair sat opposite you, now covered by a fallen shelf and pile of books. One wall, opposite of the one now missing, had the (formerly only) exit, a well-fortified door. However, after the first impact of stone onto the fortress, the room is now small, barely an outcropping on the edge of the fortress overlooking a huge stone spike which had obliterated the former main entrance of the fortress, as well as what was quickly becoming something looking like a one-sided battle; drow ran across the courtyard hundreds of feet below, occasionally scattering to avoid more rock falling from above or simply being crushed before they could escape.

Suddenly, an ear-splitting crack fills the chamber (chosen as the place for the fortress precisely because of its massive size, allowing for an otherwise impossible display of power via the huge construction) and the sound of breaking stone comes from above, moments before a short rain of rocks, from pebbles to deadly drow-sized projectiles, falls on the room. Luckily, the ceiling holds despite this barrage, although the door is damaged enough that, after a bit of coaxing, one way or the other, it opens and allows you to slip out of the room.

The halls are full of chaos. Quite a few drow of various stations are trying to bring order to the fortress, but every time one is able to mobilize enough underlings to make a difference, another piece of stone smashes through the ceiling wipes out the entire group. Despite the sudden collapses and ever-present threat of death by massive falling stone, you are able to get deeper into the fortress, where the damage done by the attack is less extreme. Armed guards sweep through the halls, ignoring you and heading for the courtyard. After their departure, this area of the fortress is empty-the only sounds apart from those made by you and your spur-of-the-moment 'allies' are the distant, thunderous crashes of the deadly rain of stone outside.

Taking advantage of the sudden emptiness of the inner sanctum of the fortress, you make your way to the vault, finding that instead of guards, wards and walls you are opposed only by corpses and stone scorched by magical flame. From the vault you find a secret passage going downwards, eventually coming to a seemingly fortified room with lavishly decorated chairs and tables.

Now the crashes of falling stone and chaos of the Nerrarach drow are far away-only the former is even still audible, but only as a muffled vestige of its former ear-splitting volume. Behind you, the stairs and thick doors extends upwards to the fortress innards, before you is what appears to be some sort of dining room, with several doors leading off to other chambers.

OOC Link. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11774581#post11774581)

2011-09-04, 07:51 AM
"As I have promised," proclaimed Jhael'dril, first daughter of the very House that had been crashing down upon their heads just a little while ago. Triumph, combined with exhilaration at once again being free of her chains, were clear in her voice as a cruel smile played upon her lips. Before them lay the vault of House Nerrarach, ripe for the plunder.

"Take what you will. My own possessions should still be here, locked in a box only I can open." Her expression was fevered, as the prospect of being reunited with her rightful weapon gave her slight goosebumps. And her armor, which she hadn't worn in so many years -- form-fitted and crafted for her and her alone. Never once had she allowed her peak condition to wane, even in slavery, even in her humiliation, so that she might once again bear down the vengeance of Lolth upon her enemies.

And there, behind a curtain of purple velvet, she found the chest, the magical chest with the crest of House Nerrarach, in which her mother had locked her former possessions when she had been reduced to slave-hood. She gasped as she touched the cool metal, tracing the arcane symbols until she found the one that would activate the spell. Her finger gently pushed against it as she felt the magic wash over Jhael'dril, recognizing her as its owner. The chest had opened, revealing its precious contents.

Behind the purple curtain, she carelessly discarded the rags she had worn, together with the burden of slavery she had now shed in her act of rebellion. As Lolth clearly had intended, for why else would the very Underdark apparently turn against House Nerrarach and free its true, first-born daughter on the process?

A word in Abyssal, whispered by her quietly, and her naked form was suddenly clad in her armor of blackened mythral, her weapon in her hand. She couldn't help but chuckle, feelings its familiar weight in her hand. "Lolth be praised," Jhael'dril said, this time aloud, as the drow priestess reached into the chest proper to take ownership of the remaining items which she could not simply summon upon her own person, now that they had been released.

Still, once she had properly attired herself, she stepped forward, cutting through the curtain that had so far hidden her in one quick swipe of her Voidblade. With a cruel smirk, she stepped forward, returning the weapon to its sheath on her back. "Well, Lolth willing, I hope you were able to find what you needed. We need to move, others may get similar ideas. There should be a secret passage over there."

The former priestess, though now perhaps re-instated on her own initiative, pointed towards an alcove.


" ... a dining room?" Jhael'dril called out in surprise once they had walked so far into the secret passage that they had arrived, sounding somewhat baffled, though she quickly quietened herself. There had never been a need for her to go down that secret passage before, so she was as unfamiliar with it as the others.

2011-09-04, 08:28 AM

Let this place drown in rocks... Ceu'ra thinks as she rushes through the fortress with her makeshift allies. To her they were necessary, at least for the moment. Their current treatment from the rocks was better than her own enslavement tenfold. The rocks didn't hit them for malice, they were not heretics of Lolth. If anything they were instruments, played by her mistress to destroy this insult to her name.

They had become corrupt over the years, and she watched them as they became just so. The corruption in her bloodline that could never be removed, except for unwavering faith. Maybe if she proved she was useful she could be made pure by Lolth herself. But that was nothing, a mistake, the fault of something other than herself, and she did strive through it. This city fell to its own corruption. The House Nerrerarch should never have became as powerful as it had.

Especially not so much to rule over the Church of Lolth, spitting in the eye of the Queen of Spiders herself. Just the thought of it made rage pulse through Ceu'ra's veins, brought to the forefront by the divine justice falling upon them all. Her fists clenched and eyes blazed as she watched the raining destruction, avoiding it herself through a combination of training and fury, the fire elemental vitae strengthening her muscles, improving her reflexes if only for the moment.

As they came across the vault, she took everything she knew would be useful to her. A holy symbol of Lolth, to replace the one she had taken from her. A black silk vestment with golden trim that would cover just enough of her skin to not be considered indecent but still allow for easy movement. But her favorite was the soft silky black cloak that shifted into a veil of sparkling stars around her, slowly fading as they touch the ground in a gentle fall, light and somehow comforting.

Ceu'ra leaves the vault sated, at least a little thanks to the gifts she took from the vault that Jhael'Dril had taken them to. The feel of the cascading cloak on her shoulders, the wind of the Underdark brushing against her bared stomach, and the pulsing of Lolth's holy symbol around her neck all telling her that this was the right way to go. By the will of Lolth.

Her amber eyes surveyed the dining room carefully, her feet stepping back to reach the stairs. "We need to leave quickly. It is not Lolth's will that we gawk at silverware." She knew the dining rooms of House Nerrerarch too well, even if not this one in particular. "Or at the giant rock that might crush us if we stand still for too long." With those firm words from her sharp tones, she turns and walks through the nearest door. No doubt in her mind that the male would be trouble.

Pre-emptive rolling for the top of the stairs!

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

In case a rock falls: Tumble: [roll2]

I like rolling. Don't tell anyone. :smalltongue:

2011-09-04, 08:59 AM
For the first time you have ever heard this male speak, you hear him whisper "Icefang". he calmly walks over to the display stand and armory racks his equipment is foolishly placed upon, and strips in plain sight. He does not look rushed or embarrassed at all, merely anxious. As he slips on his perfect shining black carapace, with it's matching shield and sword that seems to cool the air, he sighs. Suddenly, an aura seems to flow out from him in a wave, giving a great feel of pain. It slowly recedes from your bodies, singling you out, but some insects writhe in pain before splattering in a small shower of ichor.

"I am Drey'zol, of House V'ton."

"I am Drey'zol, Blackguard of Nerull."

"I am Dreyzol, Cleric of Death."

"I am Drey'zol, Wielder of Icefang."

"I am Drey'zol, and those who captured me are dead."

"I have won."
"Yes, a dining room. Stay back, girl, let me go first. Light armor doesn't help you in close quarters."

He moves in to go down the stairs first.

2011-09-04, 09:45 AM
Tali dodges a falling rock and follows her companions and temporary allies. This, she thinks, is my chance. Praise Zinzerena. For the first time in a bit more than a decade, the slave girl feels her thoughts can be her own, not muddled in the barbaric croaking of frogmen or pushed to the side and half-forgotten.

She takes little- a belt ringed with pouches, the silvery javelins leaning on a wall, a holy symbol of Lolth to perpetrate her deception, a clearly magical choker of slightly unknown function, a thin reddish cloak and a plain shortsword, a thin silver diadem that feels the tiniest bit ostentanious but already seems to boost her confidence. Real pants, which is nice. The embroidery is perhaps a bit much but at least it won't restrict her movements or provide convenient ribbons to trip on.

The belt, it turns out, has things stored within its pockets- a fist-sized diamond, a black rod, a pair of rings which she slips on at once.

"We know your name already now," Tali snaps at the male. She does not even flinch at the sudden burst of pain. Of course the male would turn to a surface god for his power. She skids down the passage, moving up to them and past them. "Less gawking, more decisions," she says, following Ceu'ra down the stairs. At least that one knew better than to stand around and argue.


What is there here?

2011-09-04, 09:52 AM
"Well, since we have no way of knowing where any of these doors lead, we might as well choose this one."

he moves towards the leftmost and closest door there is.
he looks unfazed at the sharp comment, but replies

"Well, you didn't have to listen. Unless you were cursed to always try your hardest to hear whispers?"

he smiles a cruel smile, drawing his sword, and advancing towards the nearest door, shield out.

2011-09-04, 10:20 AM
"Oh my, a male with an attitude." Ceu'ra exclaims with a snort after continuing her investigation of beyond the doorway of her chosen door. "Just another cancer of this aberration." She says without fear of a response. She had seen enough of the city in her time and nothing would surprise her if it had originated here. Her thoughts on it were calm. The cancer would destroy itself, in the end. And lordly assumptions were its own.

She moves on to the next door in the line at the sight of the male approaching the door as if it were a worthy opponent. What an insult to the door. "Jhaed'Dril, do you know of the quickest way out of the city once we get to the surface? Your experience with the city is far greater than mine." She admits, but does not bow. She was not humble to another slave, but like any other she knew the right moments to swallow pride.

2011-09-04, 12:35 PM
The former head priestess of House Nerrerach stepped forward with a dashing smile on her face, laying a hand on Drey'zol's shoulder if he didn't shy away. She hadn't cast any spells she might be trying to deliver, so at least there was no danger of that. Backing away might be mistaken for a lack of courage or sign of inferiority, though.

"Drey'zol," she offered, her husky voice like velvet. "Please, do go on ahead. You are quite correct in your judgement that your armor will better protect you. You are very thoughtful." As she stood there, gentle, almost caring, her eyes suddenly narrowed to slits as her beautiful face turned into a terrifying grimace of anger. "And speak so to a female again, male, and I'll personally cut off that which marks you as such."

As if to emphasize, her sword, the Voidblade, was suddenly in her hand -- so fast, there wasn't even a tiny hint to give away that she had drawn it. She smirked cruelly as she took a step back, lazily, eyes still fixated on the Drow male. "And if you speak of your heretic god again, Lolth' punishment will be far greater than any of my own devising. And now, step into that corridor, far better you suffer any damage and poison any traps or magical guards may inflict than one of us, male."

With an afterthought, for she had barely registered Ceu'ra's question when the anger over Drey'zol's audaciousness had gripped her heart with cold fury, she addressed her fellow priestess. "I should be able to get us out, yes. While I would relish the chance to slay my accursed sister, as I'm sure you yourself would, it seems more prudent to retreat now, see if she even survived the wrath of the Spider Queen, and then deliver our vengeance." She offered a grim, humorless smile to Ceu'ra, then shouldered her blade.

2011-09-04, 12:35 PM
Tali, Ce'ura
It seems like some parts of the walls were cut out and then put back in-quite well, too, you can only barely see the seams.

There are four such places on the ceiling, as well as eight on the walls, all close to the middle point between the ceiling a floor. Each is rectangular, about one foot long and four inches wide. (For our metric users, that's about 30 cm long and 10 wide.)

The room directly to the left is dark, and the walls are hidden by floor-to-ceiling cabinets. Upon closer examination, you find that they contain food-all in all, enough to keep a handful of drow alive for weeks.

In the other rooms are(going to the right from the one you just checked) a micro-barracks, presumably for a few slaves or servants, two lavishly appointed bedrooms, each fit with several magical defenses waiting to be activated, followed by a kitchen and a room which is sectioned off into several easily-defended portions. In the back is a thick door made of adamantine, behind which is a tunnel cut into the stone. The tunnel is lightless and extends well beyond the range of your darkvision.

2011-09-04, 12:54 PM
Ceu'ra nods at the response of Jhaed'dril. It was much more prudent to get out of the falling city, instead of more plundering, whether it be for targets or more items to loot from other Drow. She takes particular interest in the dark tunnel somehow hidden. "This seems to be the best escape route." She says, as she picks up some silverware or other small item and throws it down the tunnel. It could lead to anywhere.

She waits for the result of her thrown item before contemplating the idea some more. She racks her mind for knowledge of these kinds of tunnels; whether they were used before in Religious history or otherwise related. It was not worth wasting any of her Lolth-given spells for what might soon be worse. "Does anyone else have any knowledge of where this tunnel may lead?"

Knowledge: Religion: [roll0]

I'll also roll Listen specifically for this tunnel. [roll1]

2011-09-04, 12:55 PM
"And what if you do? But no matter, I will go first."

"Hmm, this tunnel intrigues me. Might it be an escape route? Or a vault of some kind?"
Drey'zol cautiously advances towards the tunnel.

2011-09-04, 01:43 PM
Tali grabs some of the food and sticks it in the voluminous pockets of her belt- enough to support herself and each of her allies for the next ten days, at least. That done, she turns her attention to the hair-thin seams in the walls. "Someone removed these blocks of stone from the wall, before." Realizing that her companions likely cannot see the outlines of the blocks, she marks the sides with her fingers. "Do you see now? What would they have been for?"

2011-09-04, 02:03 PM
You didn't hear anything about these sorts of tunnels, apart from a passing comment one of the priestesses made about hearing about some House making escape tunnels under all of their fortresses, and how she thought it was a sign of a lack of faith.

The silverware flies through the air for a short distance, then hits the floor of the tunnel.

You retroactively think the hall is about 10'(little under 3 m) tall and 5'(around 1.6 m) wide, and that it seems to have been carved fairly roughly, rather than with attention to detail or aesthetics.

2011-09-04, 02:15 PM
"We needn't worry about the quirks of House Nerrerarch." Ceu'ra tells Tali from in front of the tunnel. "I suggest we continue into this tunnel, it seems safe enough, and I've heard about them before." Her curious nature was striving to reach the top of her mind, and to investigate what was behind the seams. Maybe secret objects the House didn't want others to find...but no, they needed to get out.

2011-09-04, 03:08 PM
"Nerrarach," Tali corrects absentmindedly. It's more of a reflex than anything else, born of a certain amount of neuroses and a general annoyance at people who misspoke. She turns away from the seams on the walls and peers down the tunnel. "Mmm. An escape tunnel? Drey'zol, you may have the honor of taking the lead," she says. Her tone doesn't suggest so much as state that taking the lead is a slightly more cordial substitute for being felled by the traps and/or enemies ahead.

2011-09-04, 03:14 PM
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He strides forward easily and without fear.

some spot/listen checks:
spot:[roll0] listen: [roll1]
spot:[roll2] listen: [roll3]
spot:[roll4] listen: [roll5]
spot:[roll6] listen: [roll7]
spot:[roll8] listen: [roll9]

2011-09-05, 12:36 AM
The tunnel extends further than you may have originally thought-you aren't sure of the exact distance, but it seems like you go about 200 feet(~66 m) before you see stairs going up.

You see at least 58 spiders, and hear close to 98 insects, mostly centipedes.

Apart from that, nothing but spiderwebs, dust, rocks and your fellow drow.

2011-09-05, 02:21 AM
"This male lacks respect," Jhael'dril said quietly to her fellow Drow women, her expression cold, her eyes filled with steel, once Drey'zol had entered the tunnel. "One would have thought my sister would have had him broken in properly already. Just one more reason she deserves whatever dark fate Lolth has intended for her."

A smirk played around her full lips as she briefly looked upon her erstwhile, and potentially permanent, allies. "Well, let's get going. It wouldn't do to let him get away while we're standing around. I would like to see it if a trap cleaves him in twain."

As the priestess was just about to enter the tunnel, she briefly turned her head around. "Ah, yes. Should I be injured, please do not attempt to heal me. It would be a wasted effort, I do not respond to ordinary healing magics." The beautiful follower of Lolth didn't say more as she turned around quickly, sending her ponytail spinning for a moment before she began venturing into the secret tunnel, after the male, giving no explanation for this curious trait -- or perhaps weakness? -- of hers.

2011-09-05, 07:53 AM
"This tunnel extends for a good 200 feet, but I can see stairs at the end."
He continues to stride easily.

2011-09-05, 09:47 AM
"Then head up them. Wait at the top," Tali says to Drey'zol. She follows Jhael'dril in to the tunnel, remaining aware of her allies' actions. Only a fool would trust such newfound allies, and besides, Zinzerena and Lolth were hardly on the best of terms. In her mind, she smirks, but her expression, outwardly, remains wary.

2011-09-05, 10:56 AM
Ceu'ra follows behind Jhael'Dril in the walk through the tunnel, not minding if she's at the very back of the group. Unless there were others escaping through the same route as them, and didn't take anything from the vast wealth of the vault. And nobody could resist such a bounty. The other people with her would gain nothing from betraying each other at the moment. Only when they gained something would she put up her full guard.

2011-09-05, 01:24 PM
The stairs are fairly steep, going up for what you think is about 10'(~3m) before you reach a landing. The stairs turn back towards the tunnel but continue upwards. All in all, you go about 50'(~16 m) up before reaching what seems to be a trapdoor, designed to be opened from the inside. There is also some sort of glass to look through, but it has been covered or otherwise made opaque.

2011-09-05, 01:35 PM
Drey'zol calls "I've found a hatch. I'm going to try to open it, I suggest you stand back." perfectly courteously, if with a slight hint of disdain.

strenght check if needed. [roll0]

2011-09-05, 03:39 PM
Tali raises one of the silver-tipped javelins, ready to throw it if something hazardous falls through the trapdoor. She'd trained rather extensively with javelins, and could aim with the ease of a much better warrior. She noticed the little things, the things no one else paid attention to, and used that knowledge to improve her aim and dodge their blows. Right now, she heard the breathing of her companions, tasted the slightly stale air that permeated all the Underdark, felt the rough floor through her thin sandals, saw Drey'zol reaching up to open the trapdoor. Her senses had been so keen ever since she had turned away from Lolth, and she regretted nothing.

Ready action to throw a javelin if a soldier drops through.

2011-09-06, 09:40 AM
Drey'zol pushes the trapdoor and it begins to lift up, abeit slowly-it's obviously either quite heavy, or...

No, after a moment something becomes visible-a pair of legs, to be precise. As the armored drow forces the thick door up, the legs withdraw and the weight suddenly disappears, allowing the trapdoor to be opened easily. The tunnel opens out onto a ledge, looking over the fortress from a good distance away. Oddly enough, the fortress seems to be quite a bit further away than it should be and after a moment you realize that it, and the rock it sits on, have sunk noticeably downwards. The fortress, and area around it, are well-lit(that is, by drow standards, which means that most other beings would call it barely light-just enough to allow for low-light vision instead of darkvision), making chaotic movements visible. It seems like a battle between red-wearing and black-wearing groups, with the red greatly outnumbering the black.

On the outcropping that the trapdoor was a part of are two other beings-both humanoid. They each seem to be elves, although after a moment it becomes clear that they aren't. Their ears are too round, and their faces are built differently...no, these are humans, not elves.

One of the two humans is wearing light armor, inscribed with various symbols that none of you recognize. It seems to be a thick, dark leather reinforced with bands of steel. She, you recognize both of them as female, seems to be focused on the fortress, a mixture of impatience and excitement on her face, as if she was waiting for something. Her ambiguously brown(it's too dark to really tell) hair reaches her shoulders, and two clips with odd shapes on them keep is from hanging in front of her face. Her eyes are brown, although you can't tell if they're light or dark, due to the bad lighting. The other is wearing a traveler's clothing and has pure black eyes with no visible white, iris or pupil-they're just a pure black, although unlike Tali's they seem to reflect a degree of light, as if they're normal eyes that are simply covered in black. Her hair, unlike the other human's, is incredibly long and straight, almost reaching her feet, although it seems to have been roughly cut in the front. Each of them have skin that's quite pale, even for humans, which almost makes it seem like they're glowing in the dark of the underdark.

The second human regards you with obvious awe, unabashedly staring at each of you in turn as soon as you come into view.

"Ooooh...Pretty dark people." She murmurs.

Ceu'Ra, Tali and Jhael'Dril understand her.

2011-09-06, 09:46 AM
Drey'zol gets up out of the trapdoor and points his sword to the two.

"Who are you and why are you here, humans?" He puts a heavy accent of disdain on his voice and makes it clear that he is no friends with overlanders.

2011-09-06, 09:54 AM
Ceu'ra follows Drey'Zol out of the trapdoor, a small smile playing on her lips as she sees the humans just a short move away from the door. The smile simply grows as Drey'Zol greets them with disdain. He, a male, daring to be prejudiced at all. "Don't treat them so harshly, male. To everyone else you are just as worthless and you would do well to remember it." She announces with a confident swinging of her hips, approaching the humans. "Humans, I kindly offer you the rights to kill the worthless male."

2011-09-06, 02:52 PM
"Provided, of course, that you tell us why you're here," Tali cuts in. The words she speaks are not familiar to your ears, but you understand anyways. "And how many more of your kind you bring." You'd think that the youngest ex-slave, in her ragged top, old cloak, and slightly baggy pants, would look like an idiot next to the others. Yet she really is quite imposing.

2011-09-07, 09:28 AM
The long-haired human blinks, seems confused, and turns to the other human.

Everyone but Drey'Zol
"Hey, the dark people want to know stuff." She says.

After a moment, the other human smiles and turns to you, raising her eyebrows slightly.

Everyone but Drey'Zol
"Ah, hello there. As you seem to speak Common, I won't bother switching to another language, and my accent is thick enough that it probably wouldn't help much anyways. Well, my friend and I are here as part of a contract." She explains. "We're the ones who gave the Terrin-whatevers the magic they used to bring down those rocks. Well, I was. She isn't all that into magic of that sort. I'm also the one who organized what will momentarily come into view." The human adds."As far as I know, we're the only human agents who were hired, but you never know. We're here to fulfill our contract. At the moment, that means helping these people take the fortress. As to who we are personally, I'm Cerina Nightweaver and this is K'nell. Well, that's my nickname for her, because her real name is ridiculously long and all but impossible to pronounce."
She finishes.

2011-09-07, 12:10 PM
Tali frowns, confused. Zinzerena works in mysterious ways. But for humans to be the harbingers of this house's fall.... But she was free, which was the primary concern. "I do not believe it is mentally possible for me to care less about this wreck of a fortress," she comments, mouth twisting into a mockery of a grin. "Now, tell me, Cerina, what did you organize?"

2011-09-07, 02:23 PM
"House Terrinis," Jhael'dril suddenly said aloud, her use of Common crisp and surprisingly clear. Until this moment she had hung back, letting her fellow Drow speak rather than interfere herself. Her arms crossed beneath her chest, she had studied these two female individuals, intent on finding out if they were a threat or not.

They had barely reacted to the sword Drey'zol had stuck right in front of their faces and apparently weren't intimidated in the slightest by their presence, even if they outnumbered them four to two. And if their claims of machinating, or at least facilitating the attack on House Nerrarach that they currently witnessed from the sidelines.

"So you claim to be behind this attack?" The priestess of Lolth stepped forward, her ancestral sword still in its sheath, a lopsided smirk on her lips as she moved closer to the two strangers. "Then you would know if they have any particular designs for the Matron Mother of House Nerrarach. She and I have unfinished business."

Naturally, bringing down the very ceiling in such a manner, and such a scale for that matter, required an impressive amount of magical energy. However, if these two truly were mere contractors hired to bring down the Drow House they had been imprisoned by, they had no reason to be enemies -- provided they didn't find out that Jhael'dril was a legitimate heir and could theoretically accuse House Terrinis before the High Priestess of Lolth. After all, the Spider Queen only approved of hostile takeovers if they were clean and absolute.

2011-09-08, 10:27 AM
Cerina smiles at the question.
"You'll see in a moment. As for the Matron Mother...well, I believe my employer wanted her or her heiress to escape the attack, but I was told that it would be taken care of by others-so either she's going to escape, or her daughter is. Or has. It's not really my business, and I don't like to poke my nose into a client's work more than I have to. It's not good for a first impression, you see. Repeat customers are very important."
She says. The ground shudders for a moment, and both humans look over to the fortress.
"Well, it looks like things are almost ready. I call it the Pyre of Gods-oh, and you might want to, you know, cover your eyes. It's pretty bright."
Cerina advises as flames become visible in the fortress. A moment later, a massive explosion tears the entire construction apart and impossibly bright fire spreads outwards, swallowing up the combat near the fortress in an instant and coming to a halt not too far from your location. The light seems like a living creature trying to tear its way into your eyes, and even the humans shield their faces from the blast-clearly, the explosion is so bright than even without the drow weakness to light it's painful to look at. Even after the first blast of flame, the remains of the fortress and the surrounding area are ablaze. The tremors wracking the cavern grow stronger, and a dozen or so smaller explosions rip through the ceiling.

"What you're seeing now is a substance known as Blazepowder. It's an alchemical material that burns and explodes well on its own, but has a sort of resonating effect when combined with explosions caused by spells."
Cerina says, obviously proud of the scene playing itself out before you. Just as the fires began she had turned to get a good look at the explosion, but now she turns back to you, although she keeps the fire in her field of view, and it doesn't take long for you to see why. Seconds after the explosions in the ceiling, a massive piece of stone begins to grind downwards. Orders of magnitude larger than any of the rock that fell onto the fortress earlier, it descends slowly and it becomes clear that it alone could have smashed the fortress. As it moves downwards, caves and tunnels become visible in it, many with humanoid shapes in them-quite possibly Terrinis wondering how they were now falling from their safe place in the rock above their target.

2011-09-09, 01:31 PM
Tali covers her eyes with one bony arm an instant before the explosion. She hisses at the sudden light. "Gods! Couldn't you have used a little less of that stuff?" She blinks a few times to clear her vision. "So, you've destroyed House Nerrarach, or at least the fort that it resides in." She frowns at Cerina. "You weren't really employed by House Terrinis, were you?" she asks, frowning. "Tell us, who do you serve in truth. I will know if you lie."

She switches back to the drow tongue - speaking the universal language took rather more concentration than she thought she could muster at the moment. "We need to get out of here soon. What should we do with these?" she asks, subtly gesturing towards the two humans.

[roll0] Preemptive Sense Motive, to see if Cerina lies.

2011-09-09, 01:59 PM
Ceu'ra licks her lips at the sight of the explosion, ignoring the pain it was causing in her eyes. She certainly liked fire; just the sight of such an explosion sent a pulse through her veins and a tightening of her muscles. Whoever these humans were, they were not an enemy of hers, not for the moment anyway. She looks Tali over briefly, taking her eyes away from the flames, and the fairly disturbing rock. "Leave them be. Or get them to come with us, in exchange for the male." She replies, speaking in the language she knows best.

2011-09-10, 03:23 PM
The Priestess of Lolth hissed as the lights suddenly flared, holding an her dusky blue hand in front of her eyes in an impudent attempt to shield them. As it grew more and more bright, the Drowess finally opted to rely on the innate gifts of her noble dark elf blood, summoning forth a globule of darkness to shield the four of them together -- at least briefly, for even the magical darkness would likely not hold up for long against such a flare. But, to her reprieve, she found that the brightness died down quickly. With a sigh, she allowed the darkness to once again dissipate so that only the natural lack of light found in the Underdark remained.

"Daughter?", she gasped, surprised. If her sister truly had conceived while Jhael'dril herself had been a slave, her child could be nothing more than a mere pup! Still, better to keep quiet about it, lest these two humans get ideas that would force a confrontation she would rather avoid.

When Ceu'ra spoke up, Jhael'dril suddenly turned around to look her right in the eyes. "Too rash," she interjected, in their own tongue. "What use have they for a Drow male? Don't be too eager to give away things that may still prove to be of use, even if they are an annoyance. At the moment, he would not even serve as an example to others." The eldest of the Drow foursome stepped towards the unarmored form of her fellow Lolth-devotee, allowing a self-satisfied smirk to show. "Our time will come -- Lolth has seen it fit to ensure our freedom. There will be plenty of time for the little pleasantries in life later." Her expression made it clear what pleasantries she was talking about -- those that involved an unruly male and a Drow tentacle rod, amongst others.

"Having completed your assignment," she then continued, in the common tongue the surfacers used, "would you be interested in further work, or have you no designs to remain in the Underdark? We've no quarrel with you. The destruction of House Nerrarach and thus the loss of our revenge also eliminate any debt we might owe you for our freedom. But we could certainly make use of your talents."

2011-09-10, 04:47 PM
Cerina listens to the differing opinions and reactions of you all with a sort of detached interest, while K'nell continues to simply stare at several of you, obviously not understanding what you're saying and simply opting to shamelessly watch your every movement, an expression halfway between that of a gawking child and that of a perverted adult on her face.

"Well, our contract with Lord Eeie isn't up yet-currently we'll be working with him for about 4 more months. Presumably this work will happen in the Underdark, but you never know where work might lead. As far as hiring is concerned, you should be able to find us fairly easily if you ask around in Sigil."
Cerina says. As she speaks, the massive stone grinds to a halt and the tremors still shuddering the cavern stop for a moment, before continuing. In the distance you see what appears to be a small cave collapsing as the tremors grow more numerous.

"Well then, I think we'll be going now. I prefer to report back to my clients within a few hours of completing a job, and there won't be much time let unless we hurry. It was nice to meet you all, but business must come before pleasure, as they say."
The human says, nodding to you all and turning towards the nearest road, her colleague following after a last moment of staring. In the distance a rumbling can be heard as a shallower part of the cavern begins to cave in as further quakes rock the area.

The cavern is massive, but mostly empty. A fairly important trade route, vital for the cities along the shore of the nearby Great Undersea, as well as all those who benefit from trade with the "mushroom garden"* of the continent, runs through the cavern. The primary road of this route bends towards the fortress which until recently was the seat of Nerrarach power in the region, continuing along towards some of the largest cities(and, of course, largest temples) of the continent. However, dozens of other small roads and paths crisscross the cavern-many of these are trails from often-used camping sites to some of the nearby wells, or old paths used by treasure hunters a century or so before the construction of the fortress.

*AKA "breadbasket", as in "main supplier of food", but I though the drow would have their own term for it, seeing as they wouldn't really have all that much bread or anything.

2011-09-13, 03:58 PM
"Let's depart, before those paleskins decide to drop rocks on our skulls," Tali says, taking the lead. It didn't seem like the others were going to move. "We should disguise ourselves and take the main road. It's the best way to the other cities."

2011-09-22, 02:09 AM
The road is fairly straight, extending through the cavern and into a tunnel leading away from it. The ceiling is fairly low, only about 10'(approx. 3 m) high. The tunnel is 30'(approx. 9 m) wide and extends for far longer than your darkvision. From what you know of the surrounding area, this tunnel connects this cavern with the one in which the Great Sea and coastal cities sit and is at least 30 miles(approx. 48 km) long, with small stations for camping every 10 miles(~16 km).

2011-09-22, 08:09 AM
Drey'zol has stood motionless during these happenings, barely bothering to watch the entire time. Completely unfazed by the unintelligible language the others are speaking, and barely bothering to bring up a hand from the blast, he simply sheathes his sword and waits patiently. When the tunnel opens up however, he immediately moves to the front with sword drawn, setting an easy pace. He says nothing, as there is no need for more words.