View Full Version : Fear Stacking Bard

2011-09-04, 08:05 PM
I've got a back up character I'm working on right now who is a fear focused bard. how I was going to do this was use phantasmal song from the gnome bard level 6 sub level, combined with haunting melody (from heroes of horror) and Inspire awe from dragon magic. This way I can have people panicked in a 30 foot area around me if they fail three decently hard will saves one DC equal to my perform check result and two equal to 10+cha modifier+ half my bard levels. depending on however many they fail is what level of fear effect the get. I thought this was a pretty solid build. Then I realized I think I need two standard actions to set of this combo but I'm not sure if I can start all those effects with one standard action costing either 2 or 3 bardic musics.

TL;DR: Can I use haunting melody, phantasmal song and inspire awe all in the same action or round? And if not... Anyone know any good ways to get more standard actions? :smalltongue:

2011-09-05, 02:59 AM
For extra actions....

Belt of Battle, page 73 of MIC is the best bet I think. Costs 12000 gp.

There's always Factotum 8 of course :P