View Full Version : D20 Modern

2011-09-05, 12:53 AM
I'm hoping that this is a good spot to post this, i'm thinking about doing a modern d20 game were the players are like police detectives or something similar were they have a crime to solve and was wondering how best to go about doing this

2011-09-05, 12:57 AM
Write some notes, decide which books you'll allow and what technology level. (If you go for modern day (PL 5) keep in mind that the books are about 10'ish years old and some stuff might need price adjustments and some PL6 stuff is available in todays society.) Find players and go for it?

But seriously, what are you having problems with? The rules? Writing a campaign, what? It's not THAT different from D&D.

2011-09-05, 01:00 AM
mainly rules and good books to look through to get info

2011-09-05, 01:09 AM
Well a decent SRD can be found here: http://www.scratchfactory.com/ModernSRD/Home.php mind you I think it only covers players guide, dmg, menace manual (monster manual really) and possibly urban arcana for modern.

D20 Future is a good supplement same on Future Tech. Weapons Locker is also quite good to have. The other's I'd consider neat but very optional.

Sadly I'm on the wrong computer right now so I can't give you a full list or anything but here's a wiki article that lists the official books. (Possibly missing one or two menace manuals.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D20_Modern

Just keep in mind that unless you use urban arcana (it's what it says, modern magic) you do need to keep an eye on your hit points. Also note that most feats from D&D 3.X will translate over but be careful with doing it, quite a few things will break the game.

Other than that you''ll probably recognize most stuff, just make sure to read up on character creation rules and get familiar with the wealth system. :)