View Full Version : Looking for personal experience.

2011-09-05, 04:24 PM
I am going to be running a game soon but I can't decide between one of two modules/adventures. The two in question are "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil" and "City of the Spider Queen". What are the strong points of the two and what classes/combos should be avoided so as to not just destroy everything. Also if you guys have other good modules that are really fun would you please suggest them. (As long as it isn't Red Hand of Doom, I have a friend running that already.)

2011-09-05, 06:39 PM
Dungeon Magazine?

I understand most don't have it, but it's great material. For a lifetime.

Also, the incredible Bastion of Broken Souls, however, it's a bit high level...

2011-09-05, 06:48 PM
For CoTSQ, it is your typical dungeon grinder. Combat is pretty heavy and can be quite brutal at times, so I kinda got tired of it after the 2nd act.

It's biggest issue is that it is 3.0, so some work may need to be done updating it to 3.5, especially some of the monsters' crs (which have changed in 3.5) and appropriateness of encounters. In general, I found the drow npcs weren't really that strong for their cr, so you may want to restat/optimise them a little.

For this, the players can afford to just optimise, though I felt that rogues are somewhat marginalised. There aren't really that many traps, and undead feature quite prominently in the last part of the game. You will want a steady source of healing, since towns are practically non-existent, and probably 2 beatsticks to really lay down the hurt.:smallsmile:

2011-09-06, 03:35 PM
Big fan of RttToEE, and unless it's been shut down, there was a whole forum dedicated to it over on Monte Cook's website, with 3.5 conversions of just about everything (and handouts, notes, advice, etc.).