View Full Version : Spelljammer: The Next Generation-Here There Be (Space) Dragons

2011-09-05, 09:50 PM
The Party (Minus Dost):

186 Days Ago.


The Half-Scro hands over the scroll, and Estrii gleefully snatches it from his hands. The entire party leans over the Gnome as she carefully opens the parchment.

This was it. A genuine starchart leading to the mouth of the Arcane passage. The coordinates are right there in front of you, like dangling keys, offering an escape from the hustle and bustle of Knownspace, and the constant fear of attack. It looks too good to be true, but after a few minutes of comparing it to your knowledge of navigation and the other charts you brought along, you are sure of its veracity.

“I want my money,” the Half-Scro scowls impatiently. His hand has come to rest on his oversized revolver.

One of the party tosses him a sizeable bag. Still scowling, the merchant dumps its contents out onto his scale. Gold and platinum coins pour of the pouch. The Half-Scro weighs the gold, and then the platinum on his scale.
His scowl fades, replaced by a smile.

“Glad to do business with you.”

179 Days Ago

The spelljammer is tethered to the dock, fully prepared and stocked. A decent size, not too small or big, it looks ready for the mission. With a sleek, rounded hull and gentle rigging fins and rudder, it looks like it could outmaneuver any ship such as this it encounters. Armed with a formidable array of weapons, the ship is fearsome enough to be able to take on any challenger. Embossed upon the hull in golden letters are the words "Made In Voyage". A fine name, for a fine spelljammer. A small bit of cabin is elevated on level with the deck. If it was extended, the boat would look more like a giant seed pod. 6 small hatches sit flush with the hull, and one larger cargo bay door in the rear. The wood has been freshly polished, gleaming in the dim light of the stars. Having one of the crew enter your room, you walk up the boarding ramp to look at the inside of your ship with your friends. The crew is strong, and eager to set off. You slowly tour the ship, inspecting the cabins you would be staying in (mighty fine indeed!). Estrii goes to look at her kitchen, to converse with the 2 cooks who would run the galley and lounge when she was piloting. The cargo hold is checked to make sure that the essentials are kept in order, the weapons are given a final inspection, and then...you soar off. Off into the great void…


The Made In Journey slips through the portal, traveling from the Phlogiston into a crystal sphere. The map you bought was accurate. This sphere was marked on it, along with a few other rest stops. The trip was more than 6 months long, a very long time for a spelljammer voyage, and although were able to keep a good supply of food, air and water, you’re starting to get low on all three. This sphere, however, will be the first inhabited sphere you’ve been in for months, assuming the chart is right.

It takes a while for the ship to exit the sphere’s gravity well, allowing the ship to return to starspeed, but it soon slows down again. You have come across a small planetoid, which is around, maybe, fifteen to twenty minutes away. It’s a bit hard to make out clearly, there’s plenty of gas and dust clouds, but you are able to realize that a massive chunk of the planet is missing. A large asteroid floats above the crater, and, is that the port?
Well, it’ll be a few minutes until you’re close enough to get a clear view, what do you do until then?

Your voyage, unlike the party’s, was a short one. The trip from Shardspace to Amoshispace takes only about three weeks. The Flight of the Firebird sets down, hovering by the dock, while its riggers hop out to fasten it.

"Here we are," the captain says to you. Both Mussan and you are standing on the deck. The older man has taken a liking to you over the trip, and treats you as a brother. A younger, inexperienced one, of course.

"Amoshi Station. It’s a small town, but it’s not bad, once you get used to the Republic breathing down your back. I assume you’re used to it."

The two of you walk down the gangway, and then out of the dock, into the square. The square is large, and sparsely occupied, and is overshadowed by the lighthouse at its north end. You see a few people bustling around, but not many. There are no merchants hawking their wares, no children playing. Amoshi isn’t a trading center; it’s a frontier town, on the edge of Republic space.

"Amigo!" a dwarf cries out. Not to you, but to the Captain.

"Cal! Good to see you man!"

The dwarf, who wears fine clothes and appears to be in the prime of his life, walks up to to the captain.

"Muchacho, it’s good to see you back from Ebberron. He glances at you. And it seems you picked a new recruit."

"Nie, I’ve already maxed my quota, unfortunately. Just helping him find work."

"Ahh, he’s Shardspacer then?"


"Si." He turns to you. "Sorry for not introducing myself. I am Kalven Baledric, leader of the Baledric Clan and the Master of Baledric Mining Incorporated. My office is, well, up there."

He points to something above and behind you, and you turn your head. Tethered to the asteroid, floating somewhere around 200 yards above you, is a massive Spelljammer. It looks like a fortress carved from an inverted mountain.

"But my landside office is up Mine Street. Can’t miss it. I’d love to show you our operation myself, but right now-" he turns again to Mussan"-I need to have a little chat with you."

"I keep telling you. My men have nothing to do with it."

"I’m not asking much. Just let me show you the reports."

"Fine." Mussan turns to you. "The company’s quartered up at the Black Griffon. Talk to Lacey, and she’ll set you up with something. You may have to bunk, though."

The Captain and the Dwarf walk off, heading north up the street. You are left alone, there in the square. What do you do?

2011-09-06, 02:02 PM

I will follow along behind the captain as his friend. Not trying to listen in, but not wanting to get lost in such an unfamiliar place. If I do happen to overhear anything interesting so much the better.

2011-09-06, 07:41 PM

Elena took in the view of land and then got dressed. Afterwards she reported to where ever the Ship Master is suppose to report. ((I'm guessing that there is an office of some sort.)) She sits behind her desk and relaxes, waiting a moment before sorting through papers, making calculations and what not. She just needs to finish some invoices before they dock at the port.

2011-09-07, 02:33 PM
Vitaren flexed his sore muscles. It had been a long trip, and his people were never ones for staying in the same place for any real length of time. That's why Vitaren had decided on captaining a spelljammer in the first place.

If only I'd known how long the trips would be...

He shook his head and grinned. Time for some fireworks.

bindin garoth
2011-09-07, 04:37 PM

Maz rushes up to a nearby window, with BIS close-by. A clear look of joy is on his face, somehow space always fascinates him, even the most simple stuff like this port here.

Truth be told, although he enjoys space travels, he was glad to be able to get off. Finally able to strech his legs, maybe go running for a bit? 'Yeah, a run sounds great.....' he thinks to himself, the his psycrystal next to him seems to shake in agreement.

2011-09-08, 08:12 AM

Estrii smiles in delight as she looks out a porthole at the station.

"Ah...It's been a while, hasn't it, Arkam?"

a crystal about twice the size of an outstretched hand floats in the air next to her, bobbing on the end of a silver chain.

"A long while since we've been on a ship we've owned, Estrii." the harmonious male voice seems to resonate throughout the room, and yet has no sound.

The room they sit in is adorned with maps and festooned with sphere diagrams. The chair the gnome sits upon is nothing special, a simple wooden chair with comfortable padding and bolted to the deck.

There are several heavy wooden tables throughout the room, covered with more charts and scrolls. Also present are several portholes, this being the front of the ship, running along the sides and even set into the floor.

This is the piloting room and astrogating lab of the Made In Voyage.

2011-09-08, 08:18 AM

After finishing some paperwork, Elena piles the rest of the papers up and leaves her office. She locks the door behind her and heads to the piloting room. When she gets there, she quietly slips in and views space through the portholes. After a moment she says, "So Estrii, how long until we dock?"

2011-09-08, 08:25 AM
"Hmm...I'd say half an hour, depending on how busy they are. They'll probably have to send out a patrol ship to inspect our cargo if they get a lot of smuggling out here. Or it may take up to a day to get in if there's heavy traffic."

Or, we could manage to get in immediately, seeing as how this is the edge of the Quarter.

you notice that when nobody talks, Arkam keeps up a constant low, but pleasing, hum.

2011-09-08, 08:32 AM
"Smuggling? Nah, all the paperwork is in order. We got nothing extra on this ship. But if they want to search, they are free to do so." Elena walks next to a table and starts looking at a chart. She mumbles, "Interesting." She looks up and finds a seat to sit in. She opens her folder and says, "I just got to finish these papers then everything will be in order for us to dock." She starts working on the paperwork.

2011-09-08, 05:43 PM
Vitaren entered the piloting room grinning, one hand absently twirling a revolver on his index finger.

We're finally close, he said with a laugh. So how are the two of you doing? Is everything in order for docking? We can never tell how strict the port authorities are going to be... He shook his head in apparent frustration, but his gray eyes flashed with amusement.

2011-09-08, 05:49 PM
"I just got to finish... done." Elena says holding up the last document. "Now we should have access to the docks. Now, I can relax." Elena sits back in her chair, skimming over the paperwork, checking for faults with her paperwork.

bindin garoth
2011-09-09, 04:15 PM
Maz decides to enter the piloting room and see what everyone's up to, with BIS in tow. As they enter, its quite apparent that BIS is aggrivated. Glowing a slight red instead of his usual blue, and moving back and forth, it's clear that BIS is ready to land.

"Them stupid port authorities better not hold us up too long, we wanna get off!" He says, ready to rush out and set foot on land again. He had caught wind of the last part of the conversation apparently.

2011-09-09, 04:20 PM

"Calm down, Maz. All the papers are in order. The port authorities should have no reason to hold us up." Elena smiles then she goes back to shuffling through her papers.

bindin garoth
2011-09-09, 04:27 PM

"Good. I mean I love space, but it has been wayyyyy to long since we've been on land. First stop: the tavern!" He says the last part with a wide grin, hoping to get in a few drink.

BIS, on the other hand, rams him in the head, trying to set his priorities straight. "Owwww...... Do yah have to hit me every time you don't agree with me?" he says to his psycrystal.

2011-09-09, 05:47 PM
Vitaren's mouth quirks in what looks like the ghost of a smile, then holsters his pistol. Cut it out you two, he says in a disapproving tone of voice. His eyes belie his words however, and show hints of amusement.

Just remember Maz, we didn't come here for a vacation.

With a shake of his head, Vitaren exits the chamber into the narrow hallway, and turns to the right, entering the central Command Deck. He looks through the large window, admiring the simple beauty of space. For a moment, he glances at the helm. He sighs, then chuckles hollowly. He'll drive some other day. It's just about time to land.

2011-09-09, 08:46 PM

"Spoil-sport. Who says we can't take a break. I'm with you. As soon as everything is straightened out with customs and port authority, I'm going to the tavern." Elena laughs, setting the folder on the table next to her. "I could use a drink."

2011-09-09, 09:56 PM
Dost: Dost follows the pair, walking up past the light house. As he progresses, he notice a greater number of dwarves on the street, many dressed in working garb.

His walk ends in front a imposing building. It is unmistakably dwarven, its squat structure gives that much away, but the three story buidling looks like its about to pounce, its wings flanking the road.

The dwarf shoots a look at Dost, and then turns to Mussan.

"You know what? My assistant can show you the reports, I'd like to take the shardspacer on a tour."

"Alright then."

The dwarf turns to the Crusader, and grins.

"I think you'll be interested in what were doing here. Follow me."

The Party:
It takes about fifteen minutes for the asteroid to come into full view. It's relatively small, compared to the Rock of Bral, but it's still pretty big. The only visible structures on the asteroid are a lighthouse, which seems to be around 6 stories tall, and a large Dwarven Fortrees floating above the asteroid. There seems to be a bit of Spelljammer movement, a few ships are buzzing around the docks...

And it looks like there's a contingent headed right toward you. A ship, about as large as the Made In Voyage leads it, and several fighters dart around it. The closest thing the larger ship looks like is a bull, a sharp ram extends out of each of the ship's side, and the ship itself is somewhat boxy. The fighters look more like birds of some sort, with their wings folded in. All the ships bear an unfamiliar flag, a red hawk upon a field of green.

Estrii: A small buzzing enters Estrii's mind. Maybe not her mind, per say, but the helm itself. The static rotatesthrough a series of tones, and then disappears.

"This is Inspector General Kadra of the Unified Republic of Galifar."

The voice bursts into Estrii's head.

"You have entered Republic territorial space. Direct all crew members to the deck for inspection. Prepare for boarding."

2011-09-09, 09:59 PM
"That's an inspector of the Republic of Galifar, and he wants us to prepare for boarding and inspection. I would suggest we follow his orders."

Estrii does not seem fazed in the slightest.

2011-09-09, 10:04 PM

"Of course, we knew this would happen. Could I please speak with him?" Elena said standing up, and walking over to Estrii.

2011-09-09, 10:45 PM
Vitaren saw the massive spell jammer approaching and knew it signified an inspection. How boring, he thought.

Still, protocol was protocol, and he knew this was the only way things could be done without constant conflict. He grinned darkly, then strode out of the main command deck, past the piloting room.

Hurry up. It's best we not keep the Inspector waiting. Vitaren's gray eyes flashed, though what emotion they signified was unknowable. He gestured again to Estrii and Elena. Let's move.

Without waiting for a response, he started off for the boarding deck with all speed, knowing it was important he be there to greet the inspection crew.

2011-09-10, 06:04 AM
A tour would be great! I keep looking around seeing things that remind me of home, then I catch of glimpse of the small floating mountin in the sky. Pardon my asking, but are you and your fellow dwarves here from my world of Eberron? There the dwarven homelands were overrun in the war.

2011-09-10, 07:55 AM

Elena picks up the folders and walks off. "I'll just speak with him when he boards." Then she walks off to the boarding deck.

2011-09-12, 10:46 PM
As the crew rushes up onto the deck, the bull-like ship comes in closer, then wheels around, broadsiding the Made In Voyage, so that the other ship is only 15ft away. The fighters dart around the two ships, their intent unkown.

A couple of golem-like humanoids on the bullship pull out the retracted boarding ramp from a slot in the ship's side. The ramp then swiftly slides out, hit the party's ship with a satisfying thunk. Claw-like mechanisms on both corners of the ramp automatically lock down onto the ship, securing the boarding way.

A man walks from the bullship. He's very well dressed, wearing some sort of military uniform, and although he seems human, something seems, off, but not in a bad way. The man is escorted by two more of the golemlike creatures, and each is armed with a shotgun.

"I am Inspector General Kada."

The man speaks softly, yet forcefully, and show nothing but disdain for the crew and the ship.

He is silent for a moment, gathering his focus, then his eyes burst into silver light. A thin wave of pyschedelic color washes over the deck. A faint sound, like that of a bass chorus, rings in your ears. The sailors, having seen things like this before in their long careers, are silent, but many still look uneasy.

The man begins to pace, acting like he's sniffing the air.


He points to Estrii


Then to Maz

"And You"

Finally pointing to a younger rigger.

"All of you are initiates of the mind. Therefore, it is imperative that I must determine-"

"I don't know what you're talking about." The sailor stammers. "I can't do anything special, I'm-I'm not-"

"You are most certainly a psychic of some sort, and I must determine that your psychic ability is not an affect of Quori influence or possesion. If you do not cooperate, I will detain you for a full-scale interregation!" He has grown visibly frustrated.

"And you two! What is the origin of your capabilities? Answer me!"


"No. The clan hails from Casaspace, I'm a Braler myself." The dwarf leads Dost around the building, and the sight is something to behold.

A hole, several hundred feet in diameter, pierces the asteroid. The crusader look over the edge, careful to maintain his balance, and sees that the pit goes all the way through the rock. From here, you can see the planet itself.

"Impressive, no? Suprisingly enough, this was pretty hard to pull of. The rock isn't actually that stable."

He leads Dost to a set a stairs, which apparently wind their way to the bottom of the hole, to the other side of the rock. There, at the bottom, dozens of dwarves are at work, moving crates, bringing down tools, and other mining related tasks.

"The asteroid itself has little mineral value, but the planet below is rich in Anderite, one of the two components of Smokepowder. It's rather expensive to haul it up by a spelljammer, so I came up with a different solution."

The warrior hears a rattle, and watches a cage come into view at the bottom, rising slightly above the platform. The moment it stops, dwarves rush into it, quickly hauling away crates and then replacing them with empty ones. After a minute of this, they all step away, and the cage descends, disappearing from view.

"I had always been interested in a space elevator. The elves, the Imperial Navy, have their own. Theirs are probably a great deal more fancy. This setup is just a little pulley system I came up with, but it works like a charm."

He focuses on Dost, his voice becoming a bit softer.

"We have however, been having problems. The bookeeping isn't matching up. The taskmasters report a hundred tons mined in a day, and we only have ninety-eight come up. I've done thorough examanations of all my clan members, and nothing seems amiss, yet there is still a major discrepency. Two tons isn't a rounding error, and it definitely doesn't disappear."

He looks at Dost intently.

"What I'm asking is that you ask a few question, maybe do a little investigation of the mercenaries. Mussan is a good man, but he doesn't like people nosing in on his business. It's just that I hired the Eagle-eyes to guard the operation, every step of the process, and to be honest, I'm not that sur of the captain judgement when it comes to recruiting. If you find anything, just let me know, and we'll see if we can get to the bottom of this."

2011-09-13, 04:28 AM

Elena stepped in front of the General. "Sir, I assure you, there is no Quori influence on this ship. These two..." She looks at the younger rigger. "These three, I suppose, are not an danger to this voyage."

2011-09-13, 06:51 AM
"I have never seen a Quori in my life", Estrii stated, a bit annoyed, "and I've been trained by my clan of tinker gnomes to be a psion since I was six! I'm not a wilder, as you can see by my psicrystal."

"Oh, really? some psychic power you say? hmm...I may have to investigate myself!"
she smiles wholeheartedly in the most friendly way you can think of.

2011-09-13, 06:53 AM

Certainly! We would not want that much of such a dangerous and valuable commodity to fall into the wrong hands. I will see if I can find anything out for you. Is there anyone in particular you do think I should talk with? Is something missing out of each and every shipment? If not, are the same people on duty whenever something does turn up missing?

2011-09-13, 01:39 PM
Sir, I assure you that neither Estrii nor Elena are under Quori influence. As captain of this spelljammer, you have my word. Vitaren spoke solemnly and with the utmost respect.

Do as you must, but I promise you will find no Quori influence here.

bindin garoth
2011-09-13, 04:27 PM

He was clearly annoyed. First, this guuy comes and barges onto the ship, and then demands answers! And singles them out just because of their powers! If there wouldn't of been consequences, Maz......... Well lets just say he can be quite the prankster at times.

Calming himself down, and hold BIS as to not let him preform his now famous ram on the inspector, he takes a deep breath and answers "Sir, I am Maz, and have had psychic abilities ever since I was young. I assure you I have not gained it from the Quori."

2011-09-13, 05:51 PM

"See sir, no Quori influence. Now, here are our docking paperwork." She said, holding out her folder of papers.

2011-09-13, 07:44 PM
"And who went and made you captain, Vit?" Estrii flashes a cheeky little grin at him.

2011-09-13, 10:00 PM
"Can we stop arguing. Your not helping your cause." Elena says to Estrii.

2011-09-13, 10:07 PM
"This isn't the time Estrii." Vitaren turned back to the inspector. "Elena here has our paperwork. The ship is at your disposal for a search should you so desire."

2011-09-13, 10:10 PM

"I believe that is my line." Elena says to Vit. "I am ship master." She also turns to the inspector. "Yeah, go ahead. I believe you will find that everything is in order."

2011-09-14, 11:39 PM
The Party:

Kada waits as the party chatters.

"You grind away my patience."

The officer snatches the papers from Elena's hands. After glancing over them, nodding hishead a bit while reading them, he turns back to the party's psychics.

"I must request to probe your minds, in order to confirm your claims."


"What's odd is that I have a hard time placing connections myself. Since the first incident, the guard schedules have been as random as possible, and yet there is no correlation. As for quantity, generally a cask or two seemingly disappears once in while, but with dozens of elevator runs a day, we lose an average of a ton per fortnight. The missing cask always seems to be on the periphery, but the cages are well designedto prevent a cask or a crate from falling out."

2011-09-15, 12:20 AM
Vitaren grimaced but knew he had to acquiesce. Very well. You may probe my mind.

He clenched his teeth, despising the neccessity.

2011-09-15, 05:17 AM
"Go ahead. My psicrystal doesn't object either, if you desire." Estrii puts on a grin that looks close to real, and Arkam bobs around.

bindin garoth
2011-09-15, 07:56 AM

Maz's patience was wearing thin. How much was this guy gonna question. Still, he knew it was procedure and said"Go ahead."

2011-09-15, 07:13 PM

"Okay, commence with the mind probing and I'll help your associates start searching the ship." Elena says, looking at the shotgun armed golems.

2011-09-15, 07:34 PM

Is it possible that someone or something is taking it as it is traveling on the elevator? Is it monitored as it travels?

2011-09-19, 10:30 PM
The Party:

"Thank you for your, cooperation."

The inspector scowls, but he no longer appears to be visibly angry. His attention is focused inward, and soon, you precieve the results. A soft ringing, like that of faraway windchimes, reverberates in your ears.

For Estrii and Maz, the ringing is accompanied by a proding, like something is pressing against your mind. The force is blunt, but very swift and effecient, and rather precise, groping exactly which areas are relevant.

If you wish, you may make a will save to attempt to fend off the inquisition.

One of the golem-esques turns to Elena, in reponse to her commenting.

"I am Sergeant Hearth. If you would, please lead me to your cargo bay. I am unfamiliar with your ship's layout."



The dwarf sighs, and gathers his thoughts

"We don't guard the cages. Not anymore. Too many accidents, too many complaints. It seemed that for a while, everybody was falling out of those dang things. But to re-forge the cages would force us to untether the entire system. I'd like to monitor it, but the clan has no wizards of its own, and the Republic has a tendancy to confisacte anything magical 'for the war effort.' Seriously. Any magic item that they can use to fuel their spelljamming furnaces is up for grabs. Save the Vodoni's. Nobody messes with those bastards."

Noticing that he has begun to shout, Cal stops, and then sighs again.

"Back on subject, the cages are very rickety. It wasn't a problem at first, we sent up men with every shipment, but I guess the cables have gotten loose over months. Still, I'm sure that we aren't loosing anything that way. When something falls out of the elevator, it hits planetside hard, and usually not too far away from the digsites."

2011-09-20, 04:35 AM

Elena nods, "Right this way sergeant." Elena says , walking towards the cargo bay.

2011-09-20, 06:56 AM
"Thank you for the information Cal. I will head over to the Black Griffon and see what I can find for you,"with that Dost shakes hands with the dwarf and heads towards the in where the company is staying.

2011-09-20, 07:42 AM
"Unh, that gave me headache. Excuse me for a moment."
Estrii closes her eyes for a moment, then opens them again, while her voice seems to ring with a new clarity.
"Very well, inspector, Is there anything else you would like to know about?"

Grabbing psionic focus.

2011-09-20, 08:35 AM
Vitaren feels the ringing in his forehead and is glad when it vanishes. He waits near the captain to see if anything else is required.

2011-09-22, 09:59 PM
The Party:

The inspector has ceased to focus on either Estrii or Maz, but still seems entranced. After a few more moments he snaps out of it.

"You are right, you do not know how you recieved your powers."

He states to the younger crewman.

"And neither do I. You will come with me, and my associates will determine their origion."

"But I don't have any powers! I'm normal!" the sailor insists.

"You are lying! You will come with me, and you will submit to a thorough mental inspection. Even if the Quoir did not corrupt you, there are many others that could have, powers that I am unfamiliar with."


"Thank you, miss. Lead on."

The sergeant follow Elena into the ship. As he moves through it, he carefully scans his surroundings, making careful note of the layout.

After asking for directions, you finally return to the docks. The Black Griffon has little decoration, aside from a sign emblazoned with its namesake.

2011-09-23, 04:44 AM

Elena finally reaches the cargo bay with the Sergeant. "Okay, here we are sergeant. The cargo bay. I believe you will find that everything is in order. If you have any questions, I will be right here." she says as she leans against the wall right next to the door way inside the cargo bay.

2011-09-23, 06:51 AM
Dost enters the Black Griffon and attempts to find Lacey.

bindin garoth
2011-09-24, 07:57 AM

Maz takes a seat after having his mind read. He hated it whenever they did that, it use to be that he would run and hide just to try and excape it. Of course it didn't work, but he tried anyway.

Letting out a deep sigh, he says "Can we get out yet?

2011-09-28, 11:34 PM
The Party:

The inspector's soldiers escort the crewman onto the Bullship.

"If you want to retrieve your crewmate, you'll need to talk to the Governor. Your paperwork looks fine. You may dock at any vacant spot."

While the events transpire on the deck, Hearth inspects the cargo bay. He is more interested in the bay's structure than what cargo you have.

"Well, it looks like everything is dandy. That you for your compliance, ma'am."

Another golem-esque, peaks his head into the bay.

"Seargent, the Inspector is ordering a regroup. We're heading out."

"Fine, then."

Back to the Party:
Two of the golem-likes emerge from the ship's interior, quickly crossing the deck. They head for their boarding ramp, and soon, the Bullship heads off, followed by its darting escorts.

There is a pause before the ship returns to activity. The remainder of the journey passes quickly as you follow the suprisingly faster Bullship. As you get closer to the rock, you can more easily make out the structures that mount it. There are several large buildings on the asteroid. One is the lighthouse, another appears to be a palace or administrative building. in addition, there are two squat buildings that look like forts or stockades.

There is plenty of room to dock. A few old-fashioned galleons are docked, along with other terran-style ships. Only a few stand out. A Bird-of-Prey is docked on the far side of the dock, its bright orange and red paintjob placing it apart. On the other end of the dock, there are two infamously styled ships. One is obviously a Nautiloid, the most common ship of the Illithid empire, its structure resembling its namesake. The other is a Vodoni daggership, its adamatine plating gleeming in the light of the dim sun. It's almost ironic to see ships from two of the greatest rivals in all of Knownspace, the domineering Illithids and the godless Vodoni, docked so close together.

The riggers prepare the ship for docking. What do you do?


Dost swings open the door of the Black Griffion. His entrance goes unnoticed, as the bar is packed. About two dozen men and a half dozen women occupy the room, and although the tavern is relatively large, it's still packed. Representatives from all races occupy the room, and on the onset, nobody stands out.

Dost walks up the bar table, and is greeted by a young human female, maybe in her late twenties or early thirties. Her hair is raven black, and her petticoat accentuates her figure. She is working the bar, and addresses Dost with a smile.

"I'm Lacey. What can I get you to drink?"

2011-09-29, 12:17 AM
Vitaren, satisfied that they will now be able to dock at last, smiles at the others. After a moment however, his eyes turn serious.

"Now that we're here, anyone have a course of action? Information is my bet. We should find out local conditions, maybe look for anything interesting."

2011-09-29, 05:33 AM

Elena return with the golems, but stays with the party. When Vitaren makes a comment, Elena replies sort of sarcastically, "Which brings us back to the tavern idea."

2011-09-29, 09:11 AM
"A tavern might be nice, and i can go around and try and stock up on alchemy ingredients...I still need to make a scale, maybe some ale dust for the crew...anybody want something specific? If you know of it, I can make it."

Arkam lets out a low hum after the boarders leave and sighs "Well at least that's over. I hate it when I can't talk. Even more so when there's those...what are they called? Warforged? in such a large group...give me the willies..."

bindin garoth
2011-09-30, 05:33 AM

A wide grin spreads over Maz's face as soon as the word 'Tavern' is uttered from Estrii's and Elena's mouthes. "Forget about that stuff tomorrow! We need to drin...... Er, I mean to find info on what's happening here!" He says in a way too excited work, especially since he's known to skip his first mate duties for drinking and pranks. BIS starts turning red, seemingly aggitated, but then reverts back to its normal blue hue, as if giving up on Maz.

2011-09-30, 06:38 AM

Hello Lacey, I am Dost. I will take an ale please. Also, would you be able to direct me to the crew of the Firebird under Captain Mussan? I came in with them and was told I could bunk with them for the night.

2011-09-30, 07:19 PM

Elena pats Maz on the shoulder. "Of course, information. Thats why you want to go to the tavern," she says in a sarcastic voice. "Its obviously not your obsession with alcohol. So, since that is the case, you can wait outside, asking people things on the street."

2011-09-30, 07:21 PM

Vitaren simply laughs and shakes his head. With a thought, he opens a small glowing portal, through which he sticks his hand, drawing forth a well crafted pistol, twin to the one currently on his belt.

"Should be interesting," he says, holstering the pistol. "Interesting indeed."

bindin garoth
2011-10-01, 08:33 AM

With a sly look upon his face, he turns around and answers Elena with"Of course its for information, the tavern's always the best place for it! And since information is best found inside a tavern, I should be staying inside of it to ask around, not outside. And what obsession of alcohol are you talking about?" The last part is said with a laugh.

Upon seeing Vitaren pull out his pistol from a portal, however, he is immediatly reminded of something. "Vita, you need to teach me how you do that! That way I have a place for my papperwork and alcohol!"

2011-10-01, 09:05 AM

"No, we wouldn't want to tempt you. I think I'll be inside the tavern and you can be outside. Plus, I have my way with people. And what paperwork are you referring to?" Elena said, continuing the conversation, her voice still having amusement in it.

2011-10-01, 10:11 AM
"Oh, stop teasing him, 'Lena, I haven't made Ale Dust for weeks now, and we all want a drink. Even Arkam does, and he can't even drink!"

the crystal bobs up and down in agreement.

bindin garoth
2011-10-01, 10:39 AM

"Ok ok...... But you're forgetting one thing......" He says, clearly amused himself. The psicrystal, already knowing what he will do, tries to stop him, but its too late.

Elena, who was originally facing Maz, suddenly finds herself facing a walls as Maz suddenly appears behind her.

"You couldn't keep me out of a tavern if you wanted." He says, a wide grin on his mouth. "Besides, I was refering to the first mate's paperwork that I might start handing off to someone to do."

2011-10-01, 11:38 AM

"Good luck getting someone to do that." Elena thought about it for a second. "Wait a second, people usually hand me paperwork to do." She sighs. "We will talk more after a couple of drinks. Now, to find a tavern." She seems ready to leave, with her satchel already slung across her shoulder.

Are we docked yet, or are we still in space.

2011-10-01, 12:11 PM

He grins. "Once you're done chatting, let's get out of here.

2011-10-03, 09:33 PM

"I am ready for land. Lets go." Elena says, still ready to go.

2011-10-03, 09:52 PM
The party:

"All clear!"

Shouts one of the riggers. Two more place the ganplank into position, fastening it to the dock. The Made In Voyage has landed.

The wharf is at a low point, with only a few bustling around, and those who do go about their business quickly. Time is iffy from sphere to sphere, but you all can tell that it must be business hours for most people.

Inns and taverns form a semi-circle around the wharf square, a ring broken by the lighthouse and the thoroughfares that go past it. The names of the establishment are varied. Names ranged from neutral monkiers such as the Black Griffon and the Owl and Cat, to the interestingly named Tooth of Time, to the strongly named Bloody Gorgon and the Slug on the Pike.

The lady smiles.

"Give me a second."

She grabs a mug from under the counter, and puts it under the tap. The beverage flows swiftly into the glass, foaming above the rim. Lacey places the mug in front of Dost.

"If he didn't tell you, Mussan has a tab set up for the Eagle-Eyes. The managment thinks it's easier to manage a big one than a few dozen. It will come out of your paycheck, though, hon."

She, turns again, scribbling something on a piece of paper.

"Your name and rank?"

2011-10-04, 07:47 AM
"I like the name Owl and Cat, but the Tooth of Time intrigues me..."

Estrii stays with the party to hear the others' opinions.

2011-10-04, 08:42 AM

"I like the sound of the Black Griffon myself, but the Tooth of Time has it's own charm," Vitaren says.

2011-10-04, 03:36 PM

"Tooth of Time is fine by me. Shall we?" Elena asked the others, gesturing towards the Tooth of Time.

bindin garoth
2011-10-10, 10:10 AM

Grinning, he turns to the others. "Any of them sound great to me!"

2011-10-10, 12:06 PM

Actually I am not a member of his crew, I was a passenger on his ship up to this place. I can pay for my own stuff it it's easier.

2011-10-14, 09:23 PM
The Party:

The party heads down the gangplank, leaving the ship in the capable hands of the crew. The Tooth of Time is but a half minute walk away from the dock. The single door is easily opened, and reveals a dark purple curtain. The sound of mournful music resonates from the other side.

Parting the veil, the party walks into the common room. It is dimly light, its shadows blending with the decor, which, above all, is rather depressing. Dark banners hang from the ceiling, the symbol they bare, if any, blurred with the cloth. The walls are a tad brighter, but are still a dark purple.

On one end of the tavern, a string quartet, plays upon a stage. Its music is slow and soft, and produces a sorrowful tone.

The clientle are sitting at tables haphazardly scattered throughout the tavern. Most are alone with their heads bent, and many are sobbing. The bartender, a hooded figure of indeterminable race and gender, rest its head on its hands. Another hooded figure sits in the far corner of the inn, the tentacles emerge from the hood half-heartedly grasping a mug of ale.


"My bad. I just assumed. In that case, it'll be 5 coppers. As for Mussan, he's not in, but he rented out one of the dinning rooms as his office. As for a room..."

She pulls out a different sheet of paper from under the counter.

"Not many rooms are open. Mister Caflar is the only man bunking solo at the moment. He's over there if you'd like to talk to him about it."

Lacey points to one of the men in the tavern. He's human, and wears a mariner's garb and a full black bear. In addition, his right eye is covered by an eyepatch.

2011-10-14, 09:35 PM
Eyes suddenly wide, Estrii suddenly walks out of the tavern, saying "No. I am NOT going in there!"

2011-10-15, 11:22 AM

Elena follows Estrii out, grabbing her shoulder. "Hey, I can see why you don't want to be in there. Lets go somewhere else, like the Black Griffon. How does that sound?"

bindin garoth
2011-10-15, 11:33 AM

Maz walk in, his eyes going wide at the sight before him. Shuddering, Maz slowly turns around, very ridgely, and proceeds to walk out.

"Not here!" He says, eyes still wide.

"That........ Will hopefully be much better."

2011-10-15, 02:15 PM

Throughout, Vitaren says not a word, but the tight expression on his face leaves little doubt as to his feelings on the subject. He silently follows the others out into the main thoroughfare.

His hand had never left his gun.

2011-10-17, 07:52 PM

"So, we all agree to stay out of there."

2011-10-17, 08:08 PM
"Black Griffon, Black Griffon, Black Griffon, Black Griffon..."

Estrii seems to be mildly panicking at the depressing scene she just evacuated.

2011-10-17, 08:28 PM

"Calm down, Estrii. We are going to the Black Griffon. Just breathe." Elena said, trying to avoid any panicking.

2011-10-19, 07:59 AM

Thank you maam," says Dost, tossing Lacey a gold piece. "That should cover my drinks for the night."

He then heads over to Caflars table. Hello good sir! My name is Dost and I just came into town on a ship with Captain Mussan. I was looking for a bed in this inn and I understand that you have one available. Would you be willing to let me use the empy bed please?