View Full Version : PC Class

2011-09-05, 11:29 PM
Wanted some advice from seasoned players. My buddy is running a fairly hard campaign that im gonna join. Alignment is restricted to neutral to good starting at lvl 5. Now the main question is is there a class I could play as an ithillid that isn't gonna be broken. If not can you guys throw me some suggestions as pcs that I could use only thing is he doesn't like psynoics or anything like half celestials stuff like that. Any help is much appericated along with your suhgestions

2011-09-05, 11:37 PM
A level five non-evil Ithillid, no psionics?

I thought Mind Flayers and Pisonics went together like dragons and piles shiny things. :smallconfused:

2011-09-05, 11:53 PM
Iknow they are psionics but they don't use the psy points like other classes do they? If they do then nevermind about them any suggestions though?

2011-09-06, 12:12 AM
Since the party is 5th level and an illithid is an ECL 15 character, you really only have one choice: play the mind flayer monster class in Savage Species.

a 5th-level mind flayer only really has a couple of tricks, so use what you've got.
You've got telepathy, so take the Mindsight feat from Lords of Madness (a book all about aberrations). Mindsight auto-detects almost any sort of creature within your telepathy range, which is hella useful at foiling ambushes and tracking invisible foes. Your party will appreciate it when you telepathically point out to them where hidden enemies are.
You also have at-will suggestion, which is pretty neat for combat. Use it every round, and telepathically give your enemies terrible combat advice (wizards and archers should use melee, melee combatants should switch to bows, rogues should try frontal assaults, wounded foes should just run and hide, etc). Optimize the save DC as best you can with a high Charisma, a Charisma-boosting magic item, and maybe the Ability Focus feat.
At 7th level you get at-will charm monster. This rocks so hard. Charm everything, and then charm it again 50 more times just to make sure your charm doesn't get dispelled. Your DM will get sick of your charm-o-mania. If it's not immune to mind-affecting spells, make it your pet.
Ignore your tentacle attacks. They're worthless until you get Extract at 12th level.
At 15th level you get at-will astral projection and plane shift. This is fantastically, game-breakingly good. Work with your DM in advance to flesh out extraplanar locations to which you can travel. Places where magical goods are for sale. Places where treasure and adventure are ripe for the picking. Places where all sorts of magic will be maximized or empowred for free, so the party spellcasters can pull off all sorts of broken tricks. Oh, and astral projection? You can be immortal. As in, nothing ever gets to kill you.

Assuming you live to reach 16th level and can actually start taking levels in PC classes, avoid spellcasting base classes; they're worthless to you. Aim for skill-monkey prestige classes with a broad array of class skills and unique features, like examplar, shadowdancer, or thief-acrobat. This capitalizes on your stealthy, elusive nature and high Intelligence score. If you MUST cast, pick a prestige class that grants an accelerated casting progression like suel arcanamach or trapsmith. Continue abusing your at-will spell-like abilities until they're black and blue - they're your best feature.

Oh, and always stay out of melee unless the target is helpless.

2011-09-06, 12:24 AM
Wow thanks man that's a ton of help. I haven't played in so long I feel like such a nun cake what class do you reccomend?

Didn't see the last part do you remember what that class is???