View Full Version : this needs to be stronger

2011-09-06, 08:44 AM
guys im writing my own campagin, and i feel like putting a really crappy monster as one of the bosses but i want him to be an advanced something with like 10 different templates. so my question is, is there a hnadbook with just templates in it.

Jair Barik
2011-09-06, 08:48 AM
I'd recommend against this. Whilst there are many templates that up a creatures stats a CR15 kobold without any extra Hit dice will die pretty fast regardless of how high its stats are. At best it might have a very high constitution and some regeneration plus a decent DR and some miss chances (blur or invisible) but you will be hard pressed to make it actually threatening.

2011-09-06, 09:26 AM
You do realize that as the DM you are able to just make stuff up, right? You don't have to use templates, you can just say 'This particular kobold can turn invisible at will, just like a pixie.'

2011-09-06, 10:16 AM
My DM in high school thre "The Kobold" (I'm guessing it's the same trick out of Dungeon Mag where you put an insanely powerful Kobold in there) His twist was that it was a normal kobold, with normal HD AC etc... and about 4k HP (which I don't know why he thought that would have been fun to fight through if we didn't do what we did)

We ended up harming it.

2011-09-06, 10:32 AM
if you want to advance something, do it with class levels.

eg. kobold sorceror 20
or, if you feel like being nice, kobold fighter 20

2011-09-06, 11:16 AM
You could just take a monster with good stats and abilities that you like and re-fluff it. Mechanically it's a dragon, fluff wise that dragon is now a kobold with a limp and a bad attitude.

But really templates isn't the way to go to make a weak monster stronger, at the most it's the way to go to make a strong, common monster slightly more unique. (Also template stacking is a sin when done by players, a DM caught doing it should be forced to eat his DMG. If he asks nicely he may have salt and pepper to go with it.)

2011-09-07, 06:56 PM
As a general rule of thumb, I don't recommend anything with more than 2 templates (likely way more abilities than you can use/keep track of), or the final cr to be higher than the total HD of the monster (then it is likely too fragile relative to what the party can dish out damagewise).

As with the earlier posters, I recommend 1 solid template, and class lvs to make your monster more powerful than it would initially seem. What do you have in mind? :smallsmile: