View Full Version : Visit Sunny Banoi! [DEAD ISLAND]

Deth Muncher
2011-09-06, 11:55 PM
So. This game. THIIIIIS GAME. Ho man. I've been waiting for a good long time for this to come out, and I am not in the LEAST bit disappointed. Well, yet. I've heard there are some stupid bugs out there, but I've not run across them yet.

So, what is this game? Well, despite how it may first appear, it is not, in fact, Left 4 Dead. At all. There are similar elements, of course, because there have to be - it is a shooter, in which there are zombies, and you kill them. Also there are a few special zombies. But that's where the similarities end - and the resemblance to Fallout/Borderlands begins. I say Fallout/Borderlands, because while many features are reminiscent of Borderlands, like the quest system in parts and the scaling zombie levels in multiplayer (more on that in a sec), it's very much like Fallout (or even Metro 2033, I suppose) in that ammo is supposed to be limited, money is somewhat scarce, there are weapon upgrade benches periodically that you use blueprints to make awesome weapons or repair current ones, and there truly is the horror aspect of not every zombie being announced on the HUD (though it seems like they are if they're attacking an NPC).

So what's that about multiplayer? Apparently, multiplayer works just like Borderlands -more people, more zombies, and tougher zombies. Apparently a full team of guys leaves you with zeds at double health (for reference, unless you're scoring headshots every time, most Walkers, which are the base class of Z's, take threeish hits to fell in single player). The other thing - overabundance of melee weapons due to scarce guns. I love it. I love not being like "Man, which of my 500 guns am I going to use today?" I love the horror of "Crap! My rusty pipe just broke! Now I either run or go fisticuffs on these zombies."

If you like zombies, get this game. If you like gore/horror, get this game. If you like Fan Disservice (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FanDisservice), you're a terrible person but you should probably get this game.

2011-09-06, 11:58 PM
The blokes from the Yogscast just put out a video on this that makes it look fairly interesting.

2011-09-07, 12:11 AM
Is there a demo for the PC version? And what kind of DRM are we looking at here? Because I'm certainly interested.

Deth Muncher
2011-09-07, 12:12 AM
Is there a demo for the PC version? And what kind of DRM are we looking at here? Because I'm certainly interested.

I know you can download the game right from their site - I'm sure there's also a Steam version with all of the normal Steam related blah.

EDIT: Here's a link (http://us-deepsilver.gamesplanet.com/shop/dead-island/) to the download, no mention of DRM.

2011-09-07, 12:23 AM
No mention of DRM? That just makes me more suspicious!

Eh, well, I'm broke now anyway. Guess I'll have to wait anyway until I can get a new job. Lousy economy.

Wilhelm Scream
2011-09-07, 12:25 AM
"A Steam account, registration with enclosed serial code and internet connection are required to play. "

Right at the top of the page...

2011-09-07, 12:27 AM
"A Steam account, registration with enclosed serial code and internet connection are required to play. "

Right at the top of the page...

Steam only? Consarn it!

(How did I miss that? Talk about a failed spot check.)

Deth Muncher
2011-09-07, 01:03 AM
Steam only? Consarn it!

(How did I miss that? Talk about a failed spot check.)

You think YOU failed that spot check, just look at me! At this point I may as well be asking "What gate?"

EDIT: Let's get back to some gamplay, nu?

One thing I cannot recommend you do enough is SPARTA KICK. That is correct - with the 360 version it's LB, I'm sure every other version has it too, but dear mother of Raptor Jesus does it feel good to boot one of those filthy Walkers in the head. Furthermore, your crits do preposterous damage, so there's always that.

tl;dr - Protip: Kick things.

Another thing I highly recommend you do, when you have a chance, is look at the bar taps - they've done some HIGHLY amusing things to make you think that major brands are advertised in the game, only to bait and switch you at the last second for an extra lol or two.

Also - I find it highly amusing that energy drinks are a health-restore in this game. Don't they know that drinking too many of those in one day is bad for you? :P

With regards to weapons - keep track of your weapon degradation. There are only a few work benches around (at least in the first area) which means if you upgrade a weapon, you're gonna need to keep it sharp or switch it out when it's not in order to make sure it doesn't break entirely - wasting cash is bad, especially when it's just an arbitrary number used to fix weapons.

2011-09-07, 08:25 AM
Sounds pretty interesting, I'll definitely look into it.

Giggling Ghast
2011-09-07, 11:01 AM
Guess there was a bit of sticky wicket with the release. :smalltongue:


Neon Knight
2011-09-07, 01:30 PM
My opinion differs from the OP's albeit slightly.

First, remember that trailer that everyone (except me, apparently) liked? The backwards forward narrative thing, zombie little girl, etc.? Lies and deception, just like I thought. The actual game has balls all to do with stuff like that. It's purely a beat-em'-up, slash them down, kill maim burn ultra-violence fest. If you're expecting plot, drama, tension (other than what arises from being involved in the gameplay) or even just slightly enjoyable characters.... look elsewhere. The cast of Left 4 Dead or TF2 has much, much more character than anyone in this game. The only thing you get out of this game is lots of zombie murder.

But it is rather good at said zombie murder. Yes, Dead Island is an enjoyable game. It does melee combat well, and the RPG elements work pretty darn nice. It is very, very Borderlands esque, in terms of its multiplayer style, it's leveling up, and its item system, with the added bonus of being able to modify and upgrade weapons (although said mods and upgrades are fairly shallow. Still, it works.). The gameplay is more Dark Messiah of Might and Magic than Fallout 3, I feel, but that might just be the mighty kick of doom talking. Melee combat is visceral, if just a tad hectic and chaotic at times.

In terms of tone and mood, the game's not very scary. It tries a couple of jump scares, but the overall mood is definitely action. The zombie voice acting is good, and the models are good, but the only thing to do in the game is kill zombies. That's what you're supposed to do. Something that you routinely slaughter to the accompaniment of one liners will never be that frightening.

The game is fairly challenging, but resource scarcity (so far) isn't the reason. There are health items, weapons, and cash galore all over the damn place. Good thing too, because you do burn through all three fast. Weapons break a little too quickly, IMO. What's the point of modding and upgrading a weapon if it'll break 1/4 to halfway through the mission, and you'll end up using whatever crap the zombies drop?

This only makes you further abuse the already good, ridiculously useful boot of doom. The kick move is free, has good range, does decent damage, does good knockback, is fast, and costs no stamina. Why wouldn't you use it? It's really probably a bit too good, but oh well. The game's fun anyway.

So, final thoughts:

Ultraviolence? Yes!
Fun melee combat? Yeah, sure.
Good multiplayer? Yup.

Good plot? No.
Good characters? Nooo.
Good horror? Very no.
Anything to do with that trailer? Hell no!

2011-09-07, 02:31 PM
"A Steam account, registration with enclosed serial code and internet connection are required to play. "

Right at the top of the page...


Sigh :-(. I've been looking forward to this game since I first heard about it, but if it's Steam only, that leaves me out in the cold :-(. Le'Sigh.

Deth Muncher
2011-09-07, 04:40 PM
Re: Neon Knight - I will admit that if you go balls-to-the-wall completing missions and not interacting at all, you don't get much story, but I've at least found a few audio logs from poking around that start hinting at a story. Now, whether that actually rounds it out to be a full, good story I can't say. Also, I too was disappointed that it had nothing to do with that trailer.

Also, re: characters - yes, I will agree on the failure. That is the least asian asian person I have ever seen. >_<

2011-09-07, 11:58 PM
Anything to do with that trailer? Hell no!

Well, they both feature zombies. It's not like the actual game features yetis as villains.

2011-09-08, 01:07 AM
Went and bought it, because it looks like my kinda game (action RPG with exploration and scavenging sounds great to me) and the price is (barely) within what I'm willing pay for a game ($50 on steam. Compare to $90 for Space Marine in AU). Can't play 'til tomorrow, which is fine as I shouldn't be downloading it on my peak quota anyway (that can barely keep up with my Youtube binges).

Deth Muncher
2011-09-08, 02:58 PM
So, playing yesterday I ran into my first big bad zombie. Spoilers to follow to tell you where he is.

This guy shows up when you're investigating/clearing out the Lifeguard Station to relocate your home base from the beach.

So, this guy is known as a Thug. Why? Because he's a no-good tough-as-nails melee kind of guy. Really, he kind of just flails his beefy arms at you, which SOUNDS highly ineffective but in fact is not. I was inches from death most of the fight. (Thankfully, if you get knocked in the red you heal back up a slight amount, effectively always giving you a Last Stand kind of thing, but not exactly. More importantly, it means that you aren't likely to be one-shotted by a zombie, which is a nice touch. Insta death is dumb.) What quite literally scared me was that we would. Not. Die. At all. I think I went through at least one crowbar before I whipped out a knife. Problem was, getting too close means you get hit into the red, so it was a "run around, kill all the Walkers and then do hit and run" on him kind of fight. It was actually very frightening, so kudos to the dev team.

2011-09-09, 03:45 AM
So, playing yesterday I ran into my first big bad zombie. Spoilers to follow to tell you where he is.

This guy shows up when you're investigating/clearing out the Lifeguard Station to relocate your home base from the beach.

So, this guy is known as a Thug. Why? Because he's a no-good tough-as-nails melee kind of guy. Really, he kind of just flails his beefy arms at you, which SOUNDS highly ineffective but in fact is not. I was inches from death most of the fight. (Thankfully, if you get knocked in the red you heal back up a slight amount, effectively always giving you a Last Stand kind of thing, but not exactly. More importantly, it means that you aren't likely to be one-shotted by a zombie, which is a nice touch. Insta death is dumb.) What quite literally scared me was that we would. Not. Die. At all. I think I went through at least one crowbar before I whipped out a knife. Problem was, getting too close means you get hit into the red, so it was a "run around, kill all the Walkers and then do hit and run" on him kind of fight. It was actually very frightening, so kudos to the dev team.

Thugs are a pain, but as they're really slow they're easily dealt with using propane canisters. And there happens to be one right there.

Neon Knight
2011-09-09, 08:08 AM
I detest Thugs. If you try to take them down melee, they're a waiting game damage soak enemy; you dash in, get a few hits in, and then pull out before he does his hilarious flaily attack animations, then dash in once he's done making a fool of himself. It really does get rather tedious.

Thugs are slow, though, and there are much better ways to deal with them. Emptying an entire inventory of throwing weapons into one is a viable strategy; they're so gosh darn slow you'll be able to keep your distance and recover your weapons easily. Gas canisters, like Ogremindes suggested, do work, although I just kept throwing the gas canister at him rather than exploding it. If you can get it to hit right, you can wrack up obscene damage with thrown physics objects, at not cost to you. Molotovs, grenades, and guns also work.

In general, special infected are a monstrous pain to deal with melee. I suppose if you're playing co-op a lot of that pain might be alleviated, but I, playing mostly single player, have found that special equipment and ranged techniques are required for dealing with most of the specials effectively.

I read a review that stated that the game was rather front loaded, and that the first resort Act was the best part of the game. I'm starting to find that rather true, having progressed to Act II. I'll avoid spoilers, but let's just say that level design takes a turn for the worse, and the enemies start to get significantly more annoying.

2011-09-09, 12:33 PM
First, remember that trailer that everyone (except me, apparently) liked?

To be fair, unless a trailer for a game shows me actual gameplay, I assume the trailer has absolutely nothing to do with the game and is only there to cause hype. I don't care one bit for CGI trailers; I do care about the occasional 10-20min gameplay videos that come out and use THOSE to determine whether or not I like a game.

As far as story goes, you can't really make a huge and epic story in a zombie game, as people will already know all the plot twists: Spoilering this just in case my made up scenario actually "spoils" something in a movie, other game, etc. (person you're with since the beginning gets bit, doesn't tell you, turns into a zombie, and you're forced to fight your friend in a "shocking" conclusion which is suppose to be sad and emotional, but really isn't because you knew it was going to happen since the beginning. Made all this up off the top of my head, by the way, I should totally be a game developer!)

If they really wanted to make the game a survival type, they'd do away with the Your character is immune to the disease! deal, but then you'd be no better off than the NPCs in game: cowering in a building too afraid to go outside.

2011-09-09, 09:12 PM
I've been playing as Sword Gal, and been going all right after one false start. For skills I started by making a beeline for lockpick 3 via vampire 3, and I've just picked up the first skill of the weapons tree. Which sadly meant it was time to retire my ripper modded bat.

Otherworld Odd
2011-09-11, 04:05 AM
Loving this game right now. However, I am finding quite the opposite of what developers said: "You will be running from zombies early on in the game and able to kill them later on."

Well ****, when I was playing the game early on I could kill them easily. But now there's mobs of them chasing me through the city-streets! And the Infected pummel the hell out of me, especially when there's two or three of them swinging their damned arms around at me like they're in a mosh pit!

Funny glitch story time: I was trying to get into a gas station and I encountered a Thug on the roof. Well this particular Thug, you see, he didn't like me. So he smacked me in my face of course and I FALL THROUGH THE ROOF. Thanks bro.

Also, some of the quests I've been on are a little glitchy. I play on the xbox.

I also can't stand selling items. When I try to sell them, it seems to highlight a random item in my inventory. So I'll sell a weapon and then it'll take me almost to the bottom of my inventory and I'll have to scroll all the way back up. Quite annoying, does this happen to anyone else?

Also, I'm playing as Logan going for a more jack-of-all-trades type of character. I've improved blunt weapons, sharp weapons, lockpicking up the 3, throwing, etc etc. Also guns since I'm finding pistols all the damn time now.

@ Eliirae: About the second spoiler. I really think that would kind of ruin the point of the game a little. Well at least make it excruciatingly difficult. Not being able to get hit once and then getting infected would suuuuuuuuck. I know they're doing that with the new Resident Evil umbrella chronicles or w/e it's called but you'll only turn if they succeed in grappling you and then biting you. And even then you just die. But what I really enjoy about their concept is 'bleeding out' meaning if you get damaged, zombies will be more attracted to you. That's awesome.

Edit: I thought of something else I really don't like about this game and that's the respawn mechanic. It really ruins the immersion when you die and just respawn ten feet away after a few seconds with full health and just lose a fraction of your money. It kinda says to me "Here's a zombie game that's actually a little difficult but we're going to give you a freaking easy button so if you die, no big deal right?" Ugh.

Neon Knight
2011-09-11, 07:28 AM
Loving this game right now. However, I am finding quite the opposite of what developers said: "You will be running from zombies early on in the game and able to kill them later on."

Well ****, when I was playing the game early on I could kill them easily. But now there's mobs of them chasing me through the city-streets! And the Infected pummel the hell out of me, especially when there's two or three of them swinging their damned arms around at me like they're in a mosh pit!

I noticed that too. The early parts of the game are much easier (and more fun) than the mid and later sections of the game. Not that I don't mind a challenge, but the difficulty spike does get a little extreme, and the city's map design does not help things. It also gets annoying when regular Walkers and Infected start getting the ability to tackle you and to knock you on your tea kettle with regular melee blows. Why have Rams and Thugs when you give their signature abilities to regular enemies? Now, they're just obnoxious damage sponges (which they were before, but at least they had gimmicks before.)

Infected are particularly annoying. A tendency to spawn and acquire you while still out of line of sight, to close so quickly as to give no warning, being able to tackle you, and doing ridiculous damage with that flaily arm combo move of theirs... the only saving grace is their poor HP, which makes pistols and thrown weapons capable of downing them with relative ease.

I also can't stand selling items. When I try to sell them, it seems to highlight a random item in my inventory. So I'll sell a weapon and then it'll take me almost to the bottom of my inventory and I'll have to scroll all the way back up. Quite annoying, does this happen to anyone else?

Yup. I play PC, and I have to tell you, the inventory screen is just plain screwy.

Also, I'm playing as Logan going for a more jack-of-all-trades type of character. I've improved blunt weapons, sharp weapons, lockpicking up the 3, throwing, etc etc. Also guns since I'm finding pistols all the damn time now.

I'm playing as Xian, pointy weapons lady, or as I prefer to call her, flying bicycle kick lady (from the most effective maneuver I've found in the game so far.) I'm focusing on crits, bleed on crits, and other sharp weapon related goodness.

Edit: I thought of something else I really don't like about this game and that's the respawn mechanic. It really ruins the immersion when you die and just respawn ten feet away after a few seconds with full health and just lose a fraction of your money. It kinda says to me "Here's a zombie game that's actually a little difficult but we're going to give you a freaking easy button so if you die, no big deal right?" Ugh.

It's a Borderlands inspired touch (or possibly Bioshock), but in Borderlands, you spawn back at the hub and all the enemies tend to respawn and get all their health back. Here, you can literally kill anything just by recklessly rushing it, respawning, and doing it over again.

Otherworld Odd
2011-09-11, 03:41 PM
Yeah, I'm hoping the inventory is fixed in a patch. It's really a pain on xbox pads. The infected can tackle you later on? Damn, I haven't gotten to that part yet but I'm definitely not looking forward to it. I know that they can knock you down but that's only when your stamina is completely drained I believe. And I definitely wouldn't mind the respawning if the enemies got their health back. But as you said, you can just rush, die, rush, die, rush, die, rush and kill it finally. And yeah, I agree with the Infected being able to get you out of line of sight. That's particularly annoying and removes any stealth aspect from it and pretty much boils the plan down to run as fast as you can. Lol.

Also, the rate at which weapons degrade. What the hell. It's ridiculous. And it costs so much to fix them (which why should you be paying money in a post apocalyptic game anyways? I think it would be better if you just had to upgrade a skill to do it.) And the gun damage is really low for me. I had to shoot a punk in the head with a whole clip and that didn't even kill him, so I can see some issues there.

2011-09-12, 12:02 PM
Its very possible to melee the Thugs, i tend to circle them as best as possible and take out their arms. Once the Thugs arms are useless he really is just a big kitten from that point on. I keep a purple mace on me that i use soley for fighting the thugs and it works wonders.

Overall i really enjoy the game but i do feel teh Act 2 taking a turn away from what made act 1 so fun. Not far enough in for any sort of conclusion, but definately a fun game if not a perfect one. Hopefully their 2nd outing will fix any minor problems this game has.

2011-09-12, 09:49 PM
Just FYI, throwing a weapon doesn't degrade it at all, so you can pitch weapons to your heart's content and not have to pay to repair them. However, I've found that the best way to kill zombies without unnecessary repair costs is to kick them. Kick them, kick them, kick them. Then, when they fall down? Curbstomp 'em!

Seriously, kicking them to the ground and then using the curbstomp ability - an instant kill - works wonders.

Otherworld Odd
2011-09-12, 11:53 PM
Just FYI, throwing a weapon doesn't degrade it at all, so you can pitch weapons to your heart's content and not have to pay to repair them. However, I've found that the best way to kill zombies without unnecessary repair costs is to kick them. Kick them, kick them, kick them. Then, when they fall down? Curbstomp 'em!

Seriously, kicking them to the ground and then using the curbstomp ability - an instant kill - works wonders.

Idk if I'm the only one but once I got the Act II, it really seemed like kicking was less effective. When I kick them they hardly ever fall down anymore. Lol.

I feel the same as you, Goose. It was everything it was broadcast to be in Act I, but they failed to mention that after the short, original, romp through the beautiful yet zombie infested resort we would be going to Generic Zombie infested city number 121840 after we got done with the resort. I haven't gotten to Act III yet though so hopefully it changes.

2011-09-16, 01:45 AM
Idk if I'm the only one but once I got the Act II, it really seemed like kicking was less effective. When I kick them they hardly ever fall down anymore. Lol.

You've got to kick them until their stamina's low. Then the kick will knock them down. Alternatively, use a jump kick, or use some weapons with a high force. My favorite way to deal with lone enemies is to hurl my heaviest weapon (currently a mace) at them, usually knocking them down. Then, just sprint over, give 'em a kick for good measure, and curbstomp 'em :smallamused: . Quick, effective, and damages your weapons not at all.

Or you can play as Sam B and shoulder tackle them to the floor. Sam's tackle also works great on Suiciders, as you hit them as you charge past, triggering their explosion.

My biggest problem is with infected, especially in groups. I hate them passionately. They sprint in and hit me 3 times before I can even get oriented for a kick to get some space, and they're back on the attack almost instantly, making it hard to keep groups at a distance without some of them getting through. :smallannoyed:

2011-09-16, 09:30 AM
My biggest problem is with infected, especially in groups. I hate them passionately. They sprint in and hit me 3 times before I can even get oriented for a kick to get some space, and they're back on the attack almost instantly, making it hard to keep groups at a distance without some of them getting through. :smallannoyed:

I hear ya on the infected. I'm not sure if my game just hates me specifically or if anyone else has had this happen, but when I run into infected I see one right in front of me, manage to get them knocked down, and then the rest of the groups usually spawns behind me at that point, and before I can do anything, I'm dead.:smalleek: Can't really complain though, cause I'm impressed that this game can cause Dwarf Fortress types and ammounts of fun :smallamused:

2011-09-17, 01:34 AM
So, I restarted because I missed the Molotov Mod in the hotel (it's in the server rooms), as Sam B (Tackle and Regeneration are damn nice.). Got into the town and found the game stops being fun the minute someone starts shooting at you.

Shame, as I was hoping it would keep me entertained 'til Lonesome Road came out and I started a New Vegas playthrough for real.

2011-09-17, 06:12 AM
Watching a Let's Play of this, and the very beginning (when you're first getting to survivors), did anyone else have flashbacks to Bioshock?

2011-09-17, 08:26 PM
So, I restarted because I missed the Molotov Mod in the hotel (it's in the server rooms), as Sam B (Tackle and Regeneration are damn nice.). Got into the town and found the game stops being fun the minute someone starts shooting at you.

Shame, as I was hoping it would keep me entertained 'til Lonesome Road came out and I started a New Vegas playthrough for real.

I actually really enjoy the change of pace fighting other humans brings on. Also, if you just keep a decent distance, their aim is pretty terrible. In addition to that, a headshot on a human opponent is an instant kill with any firearm. And molotovs/deo-bombs/propane tanks, as always, work wonders.

If you're playing as Sam B, you can also shoulder tackle them to the ground and do the head stomp on 'em. :smallamused:

I enjoy head stomping human opponents way too much to be healthy.

2011-09-19, 09:57 AM
My thoughts on Dead Island after having beat it this weekend with my brother:

1. I still cannot tell that a zombie is an exploder until I have pressed the kick button, hilarity and FUN ensues.

2. Torso ball is more fun than it should be.

3. Bowling for zombies is great fun, particularly when the person riding shotgun is also carrying and using one.

4. Even after beating the game, zombies are not to be taken lightly on a new game +

So anyone on here up for getting together for some multiplayer madness?

Deth Muncher
2011-09-19, 10:27 AM
I take sadistic glee in the fact that this game is practically sold out in Virginia.

Also, has anyone found Jason Voorhees yet?

2011-09-19, 11:09 AM
Has anybody else found any of the skulls yet? You have to find the skull, then find the dropoff point, and it gives you a mod recipe. Making the mods is way expensive, requiring $10,000, 5 diamonds, and often another crafting item. The items cost a fortune to repair, but some of them are bloody great.

My personal favorite is the poison knife. Just throw it instead of swinging it and you never have to repair. Its effect works 100% of the time, and will incapacitate everything from a walker all the way up to a ram!

2011-09-19, 11:40 AM
Found Jason and the green skull so far, my brother showed me where to put the red one, but not find it.

Neon Knight
2011-09-20, 07:43 AM
Finished the game late yesterday. It really is a better game during the first chapter and at early levels. In then end though, even at its worst, it's still an okay game, if a bit high on the cheap deaths.

Some thoughts:

* All hail the jump kick.

* Weapon bearing zombies are the most dangerous enemies in the game, weapon bearing infected in particular.

* Infected are a poorly designed enemy. They're glitchy in the extreme, not fun to fight, they acquire you from out of line of sight, and they're the one enemy in the game that can one shot you (if they have a weapon). Worse, they tend to swarm in packs of up to 4-6. I really, really think this enemy design should have been re-thought.

* Leveling doesn't really change the gameplay that much; numbers go up, your weapons fall behind, you get new weapons, rinse, repeat. The only real difference is in later levels guns become more abundant, and there are one or two time saving moves like the head stomp series. There are things like Sam B's tackle and Xian's jump attack, and they're nice and useful to have, but they're not vital or utterly game changing. In comparison, your build in Borderlands has a much more powerful effect on your playstyle.

* Axes, machetes, and katanas are pretty clearly the best sharp weapons. high reach, damage, and durability (katanas are a bit fragile, though) make trying to use knives a dubious choice, and sickles/cane knives/etc are rarely damaging enough to make up for their very, very poor durability.

* Weapon mods aren't too interesting. There just aren't that many choices, and being specialized in either Blunt or Sharp limits the kind of mods you'll get. Most of the mods are just better versions of older types of mod that you've already got. Also, Electric and Poison are the best elements. Bleed is maybe a little better than Fire. (Also, wtf is up with there being no Bleed damage mods for Sharp weapons?)

* Is it just me, or is the game a biiiiiiit racist? It could really stand to gain some cultural relativism. Particularly in Chapter III.

* For a game not about the guns, they sure do come in handy. Particularly in Chapter IV, where they hand out ammo like candy. Even as a character that had no bonuses with them, guns were an essential part of my arsenal. Guns have no durability issues, the longest range in the game, and even relatively unaugmented have decent firepower. Throw on weapon mods and upgrades and they can be nice killers. And shotguns don't even really care about how much damage they do; you just have to gib a limb, preferably the head, which seems more dependent on just how many pellets hit the limb.

* Butchers are a very lazy and weak enemy design.

* Infected, Suiciders, and Floaters are all best dealt with when using ranged weaponry. In a melee focused game, I find this questionable (even with the option to throw your melee weapons).

* The final confrontation/boss fight was poorly designed, lazy, and weak.

* There was no plot, only Zuul. I mean, Zed.

* The storytelling was very, very poor.

* I want my zombie orangutang. :smallfrown: Game, you can't tease me with such epic, cheesy, hilarious awesome and then not come through.


That being said, I found the blue skull, but never delivered it and never learned the purpose of the skulls. I also never found Jason Vorhees, but I did find Hannibal Lector.

Deth Muncher
2011-09-20, 09:09 AM
This. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoLadZotBuE&feature=player_embedded) Just...this.

Ricky S
2011-09-20, 11:04 PM
This. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoLadZotBuE&feature=player_embedded) Just...this.

That looks like chuck norris to me :smallwink:

2011-09-22, 10:29 PM
Man, the chick with the gun is so broken by the time you level her up.

2011-09-23, 12:23 AM
I'll just leave this (http://domochevsky.deviantart.com/art/Dead-Island-Observation-1-259068970) here (http://domochevsky.deviantart.com/art/Dead-Island-Observation-2-259709524). >_>

Other observations: The game in itself is pretty fun (if highly flawed), running around and slashing things up, but whenever a cutscene hits these other three idiots (Who are not Mei) show up out of nowhere and open their stupid mouths.

Seriously, "joykill" and "immersion breaking" doesn't begin to describe them. And i'm only halfway through the jungle so far. :smallannoyed:

(Also: human enemies with melee weapons are the most dangerous as of yet, as you can't get them off of you with a kick. They'll just lay into you. :smallsigh: )

2011-09-23, 03:48 AM
I didn't get the game, on account of the DRM, but my sister has it and has been telling me about it. And I've been watching a Let's Play on youtube. And my impressions so far, is much like DA2, it was rushed and unpolished.

I see a lot of potential there. And like DA2, it doesn't seem like a terrible game. Just unfinished. If they put a little more work into it, it may well have been a great game.

(Also, it just bugs me that most of the NPCs don't actually look at you when they are talking to you. It feels like the whole island has some kind of social anxiety disorder.)

2011-09-23, 11:51 AM
(Also, it just bugs me that most of the NPCs don't actually look at you when they are talking to you. It feels like the whole island has some kind of social anxiety disorder.)

I think I would too though, if you consider that your friends and loved ones have turned to zombies and are trying to eat you. Not to mention the number of people asking you to put family members out of their undead misery because they can't bring themselves to do it themselves. I was rather suprised by the number of not-crazy NPCs myself, yes there are some, but I think more would be going through some form or another of PTSD, but thats just my take on it.