View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 109: Goodbad & Overnight vs. Unnamed & eldon winterfrost

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2011-09-07, 03:44 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 109: Goodbad the Happysad & Overnight vs. Unnamed & eldon winterfrost


XP Award: 300 XP to each non-DQd member of winning team
GP Award: 300 GP to each non-DQd member of winning team

Goodbad (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=321090) - candycorn
Overnight (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=323417) - Jopustopin
Unnamed (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=306307) - Mysterious_A
eldon winterfrost (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=307520) - darkillini

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare any final purchases

Prior to the match start you may privately plan by spoiler or PM with your partner, but after the start any communications will need to be done in character inside the arena as rules allow.

2011-09-07, 04:04 PM
Druid member A checking in.
initiative [roll0]
Purchases once conversation done
ok time to put away the animosity for a round ehh? I think we can kill candy easy enough with frost beasts, summon one that uses the frost breath each and send it sprinting at her.

As for the bigun, blinding him is probably for the best, I can negate his rage claws, but id rather not risk wasting my cannon, whith him at high life.

Or should I go for candy with the cannon? With only 6 hp, its possible to insta drop her with fair relience.
Either way if we need to talk during the round shout in druidic. They can't understand it :smallcool:

2011-09-07, 05:23 PM
Druid member B reporting for duty!

Initiative: [roll0]


Oh, we can pick up the animosity any time. I believe current count's at 2-1? (factoring in the beating you're about to give Skewer :smalltongue: )

Anyway, blinding the barb is probably the way to go, yeah. I can keep him off us with a couple o' minions (thinking Joey and Max?)

But Goodbad...is a tricky one. What I'm worried about is Animal Devotion. If she leaves the ground we'll have a hard time doing anything about it for 10 rounds. Your idea with the summons is pretty brilliant as an opener, though (it would be bordering on epic if we could make ice beasts fly, but still, for the first few rounds she'll be at low altitude, and might not suspect the charging beasts can do anything about it, which is just what we can take advantage of, cooling her down with simultaneous ice breaths) :smallamused:

Candycorn's smart, though. She might see it coming, she might avoid it. If there was any way you could reach her before she took flight, and take her down with the death's touch, that would be ideal. Too dangerous, though, with Overnight right beside her at start...

The death's touch is a huge asset. If you see an opportunity, take it, but only if you're fairly certain you can keep your prey down.

Candycorn will use Overnight like a meat shield, of that I am certain. But the shield is much easier to sunder when the shield-bearer's hacked dead. She's the most dangerous target, but will be expecting us to focus on the most obvious one. I will not be quite so loath to disappoint.

The hunt begins. Go Team Druid. :smalltongue:

2011-09-07, 05:27 PM
Not a fantastic arena for this character... Ah well.


Team Talk:One of the tougher teams off the bat. They've got one with 2 round summons, and one with 1 round summons, but vermin.

They'll have an animal companion, a wild cohort, and a mount, in addition to the two players.

One high speed direct combatant, with a 3d6 death touch.

I'll be buying a mount, which will hopefully screen me long enough to get the elementals out. After that, it's only a matter of fearing them, and killing them.

I'd like to see if you can scatter the planks near us after we cross them. That'll hopefully slow the enemy up a bit reaching us. I'll try to keep minions blocking things up, to keep them occupied.

Starting purchase (just to try to keep up in the 'starting minion' category):
Magebred Mule... We'll call it Manny. (-16gp)

Add on a Smokestick (-20gp)
and a Tindertwig (-1gp)

2011-09-07, 06:18 PM
team chatter
ok, candycorn in the air i don't mind, i can sling stone her to death fairly easily. what we can't forget is that while we have your animals, and my summons+ your summons, she has access to tons of fear spells as a dread necro, and with this horse she bought possible cover at the start. what i don't get on her char is the reason for having water devotion, which gives her a water elemental for 1 minute. I debated just hucking stones at her from the start location, however that seems moot with the mount now.

another thing to remember is that while your summons last 2 rounds, mine only get the 1. so if were gonna do the summon route i say we advance as far as we can first turn, keeping in mind the barbarians 60 ft land speed while shifted. and star summoning with standard actions (full round for you since it seems that you have a mount to carry you where you will go) then on next round we summon them hopefully close enough to use 40 ft speed +30 ft ice breath on her. sound good? if she gets off a summon and takes to the air i say we kill the barb (which will probably charge us) and wait out her two devotions slinging stones at her?

hmm probably bringing more then my normal 10 loaded slings/100 I own haha. undecided yet.

candy your just trying to make this any ref's nightmare to control non pcs aren't you :smallwink:

how does it work btw if we have so many companions/ mounts that we don't fit in the starting 4 squares?

2011-09-07, 07:24 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Team Chat:

What type of action is scattering the planks? Standard? Full Round?

Yeah, we're clearly up against two tough opponents. They'll probably try to make it hard for us to get to them and rain sling stones at us. If we do get close we'll have an army to fight through. I made this guy as a 1v1 build and it looks like they have pretty much one-up'd me. Still, I can get around the map pretty easily what with my base speed and my huge jump modifier (which only gets larger if I shift).

Thunderstone (-30 gp)

2011-09-07, 07:58 PM
If you don't fit, just cluster as close as you can to the starting area, players closest, then companions/mounts/etc.

(Also, this is naught for LoS compared to the druid team on Temple. :smalltongue:)

2011-09-07, 08:04 PM
sallera you just made this a challenge :smallbiggrin: time to buy a mount and start summoning things hehehe, oh and summon things with random sensory types as well just in case of losing los.

2011-09-07, 08:07 PM
Heh, doesn't matter what the numbers are, it was the terrain that made the difference.

2011-09-07, 08:14 PM
I think I count a potential of 12 combatants out? :smalltongue: That's as much as I've ever seen.


Sounds like a good plan to me. Let's make it happen.

The Water Devotion thing... well, she has a ton of rebuke dead, so she can have them out for quite a while. Don't know what she intends to do with them, though.

Do be sure to bring that mount, by the way. Even if you don't ride it, Unnamed can command it to great effect.

2011-09-07, 08:21 PM
i just had a scary thought, our druid team vrs that druid team... on clouds.
think it would ever get a los check :smallamused:

2011-09-07, 08:27 PM

You know, there really should be an exhibition round where each character gets to control a small army (a certain ammount of HD to buy troops with, no troop costing more than a set ammount?).

It would need slightly bigger maps though. :smalltongue:

2011-09-07, 08:33 PM
purchasing a mage bread mule named mr. kickum -16g
more purchases in a bit.

2011-09-07, 08:37 PM
No purchases.

2011-09-07, 09:46 PM
lets go 2 alchemist fires as well to finish things off for eldon

2011-09-08, 12:40 AM
scratch that add on a club as well for free
eldon will start in B10 carrying a loaded sling, another loaded sling in his mouth.
shield on his arm armor on, 98 stashed loaded, his club stowed, and the alch fires all stowed for now
mr kickum will be placed after mysterious places his far more numerous people.

2011-09-08, 12:59 AM

Overnight starts in Y10 with his Tower Shield (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/armor.htm#shieldTower) equipped. He is forgoing the shield bonus to his tower shield and instead using it for total cover. In his other hand he has a scimitar.

2011-09-08, 01:25 AM
Purchase: Tent. -10gp.

Starting disposition: Mount in Y11-Z12.
Tent in Z9-Z10, opening facing south.

Side note: Mule trained for combat riding.

Not visible:I'm in Z9, prone. In 1 hand are 8 water flasks, a smokestick, and a tindertwig. In the other hand is 1 water flask.

Team Chat (Team Scary):I'm gonna be pulling a small army out to aid you. If you can afford a magebred mule, you can park it and use it as a roadblock. Also, I'll offer to train it for combat riding, which will mean if you're attacked, the mount will move to assist you.

It'll be one more minion we have, to slow up the enemy, long enough to maneuver for a decisive strike.

2011-09-08, 02:02 AM

Postal Service the Magebread mule (trained for Combat Riding by Goodbad the Happysad). He is in square: x10-x11. [-16 gp]

2011-09-08, 04:23 AM
Unnamed starts with sling in hand riding Mr. Carrots and occupying the A-11/B-12 squares.

Spitting Joey starts on the B-13 square, and Sidearm Max starts on A-10.

2011-09-08, 12:30 PM
mr kickum is in A8/B9

also Jopustopin your mule needs to take up 4 squares, not just 2.

last team comment (i think)
im planning on going double move north over near that pole on their side. and will summon on the following turn sound good? for the intial turn they should have no los to us due to his total cover, and her apparently being in the tent. if we can get behind that pole, they wont have any idea of where we are, and in that case if you send the critters down south towards them they might guess we went that way.

2011-09-08, 01:19 PM
Mule is in x12-w13

2011-09-08, 01:24 PM
Ok, well, no more purchases, so let's kick this thing off, if team druid is ready.

2011-09-08, 02:13 PM
Team Druid:

His total cover doesn't mean he can't see us, I think (it's a line of effect thing, not line of sight).

North is a good a place to summon creatures from, though. Right now I'm thinking I'll use spur mount to follow you there, and bring Max and Kickum up with us as a rearguard. I'll send Joey down on a little mission of stealth though (just realized the poison if fort-based, so Goodbad would be more prone to getting blinded). Add to that the fact that I don't think the mule would work to block the poison spray, and that Goodbad wouldn't actually be able to see him until he got close enough for his try... :smallamused:

Anyway, I assume it'll be me controlling Kickum? If so, does he act on my turn or yours?

Just need a confirmation from my teammate that we're set and we'll start.

2011-09-08, 02:47 PM
ya you've got control over my mount, though i feel that it may act on my turn following your orders.

al right ready to go, i pass the starting mvoe to mysterious (tied roll, and we've got same modifier)

2011-09-08, 03:50 PM
Unnamed, 1st Commander of the Armies of the Wild by power and wisdom of the Druidic Council, Round 1


Free action to shift.

Free direct creatures:


Double move to L-17.


Double move to J-1.

Mr. Kickum

Double move to J-2/K-3.

Back to Unnamed:

Mount double move to H-2/I-3.

Free to drop down and use mount as cover (Ride DC 15): [roll0]

Standard total defense.


11/11 HP; 23/23/15 AC

Dreamsight (8 rounds)

Mr. Carrots: 25/25 HP; 16/11/14 AC
Spitting Joey: 11/11 HP; 20/18/15 AC
Sidearm Max: 13/13 HP; 16/12/14 AC


Level 1:

Conjure Ice Beast I
Conjure Ice Beast I

Level 0:



2011-09-08, 04:19 PM
Eldon the dude playin a dude that shifts forms into another dude, round 1

gotta love both of you chosing to obscure los to yourselves on round one:smallsmile:

swift action: shift forms to pred form
Double move to N3

ac 19/15/15

summon ice beast 1 x2
all cure minor wounds

2011-09-08, 06:13 PM
If you can see my portable opaque wall (Tower Shield):

Five foot step to X9.
Move Action: Scatter Bridge

If you can see me behind the portable opaque wall:


If you can hear me speaking to Happysad:

Common: They are all coming from the north; the spitting creature is comming towards us from the south. Handle the animals.


hp: 14/14
ac: 12/10/12 (Currently have total cover)
Postal Service the Mule
hp: 25/25
AC: 19/12/16


2011-09-09, 12:41 AM
Hey, I'll take no LOS in exchange for not being shootable round 1. Tower shield makes Overnight practically untouchable... It's a fair trade for ceding the majority of the board to you, initially. And Why? Well, you shall see.

Goodbad the Happysad, Round 1, First to Act:

Refs/LOS:Standard: Pour waterskin into J-10, activating Water Devotion. Water Elemental Appears.

Free: Command it (per Water Devotion) to exit the tent, and move to Y9 and ready action to block the passage of any creature that tries to cross the river.

Free: Drop Waterskin.
Free: Shift Waterskin 2 to hand.

If you have LOS to the Tent: A small water elemental leaves it, moves to Y9, and readies an action:Move if any creature attempts to move by any means, to a square on this side of the river, within 20 feet of the elemental.

I will likely not be able to see the elemental when this happens. The movement should be directly in the path of the movement.


Stats:Me: Location: Z9, Prone, In tent
AC: 13 (FF 12, Touch 11)
HP: 6/6
Spells/Day: 4/4 Remaining

Elemental 1: Location: Y9, Readied action.
HP: 11/11
AC: 17 (11, 17)
Speed: 20 (Swim 90)
Abilities: Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex
Traits: Darkvision 60, Elemental Traits
Effects: Summoned 1/10

2011-09-09, 11:48 AM
Erm, that should be "last to act".

2011-09-09, 12:00 PM
Hm, hold up a moment.

Overnight:Were you viewing your opponents' LoS spoilers? You can't see out when using a Tower Shield for total cover.

2011-09-09, 12:15 PM
Well, a character with a ton of waterskins and a feat that lets him summon elementals fueled by turn uses (of which he also has a ton), is bundled up inside a tent with all that water just to himself... I don't think we need to see to know. :smallwink:

Unnamed, Round 2



Double move to S-19.


Mount double move to Q-4/R-5.

Free drop down to use mount as cover (DC 15 Ride): [roll0]

Standard action total defense.


Double move to S-5


Double move to R-2/S-3.


11/11 HP; 25/25/17 AC

Dreamsight (7 rounds)

Mr. Carrots: 25/25 HP; 16/11/14 AC
Spitting Joey: 11/11 HP; 20/18/15 AC
Sidearm Max: 13/13 HP; 16/12/14 AC


Level 1:

Conjure Ice Beast I
Conjure Ice Beast I

Level 0:



Edit: Apologies, did not see the above. Standing by.

2011-09-09, 01:00 PM

To answer your question: Yes, I did. Because I think that I can see them (not because I'm a bad cheater).

The tower shield provides me with total cover. It does not say that it blocks line of effect or blocks line of sight.

Here are two arguments against the idea that it does.

1: If your argument is true, that it does somehow block line of sight merely because I have total cover, then I can somehow automatically see creatures that cast spells at me because it doesn't provide total cover against that. But that's absurd.

2: Rules Compendium states the following:
Total Cover
A) If you don't have line of effect to your target, that target is considered to have total cover from you.
B) You can't make an attack against a target that has total cover.
C) A spread might still affect a creature that has total cover, if the spread's area allows the effect to cover the distance.

(A) is merely a rule for determining when a creature has cover. Another time when a creature has total cover is when he's using a tower shield.

(B) You can't make an attack against a target that has total cover is clearly not the case with a tower shield. Spellcasters can make ray attacks. Which means they have line of sight and line of effect towards me. D&D Is an exception based game. The tower shield is an exception to the normal total cover rules. In the description of tower shield it tells you that you have total cover. Thus we can skip step A for determining if I have cover. (B) is modified for tower shields since you can still make some attacks at me.

Everyone can see me, and I can see everyone. Otherwise how could a shield provide total cover against melee attacks if I'm surrounded if I couldn't see them to position my shield correctly.

2011-09-09, 07:53 PM

To answer your question: Yes, I did. Because I think that I can see them (not because I'm a bad cheater).

The tower shield provides me with total cover. It does not say that it blocks line of effect or blocks line of sight.

Here are two arguments against the idea that it does.

1: If your argument is true, that it does somehow block line of sight merely because I have total cover, then I can somehow automatically see creatures that cast spells at me because it doesn't provide total cover against that. But that's absurd.
The tower shield does provide cover against spells; the only spells this does not apply for are targeted spells, which are explicitly called out as being targeted at the shield itself (with a specific exception to the rules allowing them to affect the character this way). If the caster could see you, this exception would be unnecessary.

2: Rules Compendium states the following:
Total Cover
A) If you don't have line of effect to your target, that target is considered to have total cover from you.
B) You can't make an attack against a target that has total cover.
C) A spread might still affect a creature that has total cover, if the spread's area allows the effect to cover the distance.

(A) is merely a rule for determining when a creature has cover. Another time when a creature has total cover is when he's using a tower shield.

(B) You can't make an attack against a target that has total cover is clearly not the case with a tower shield. Spellcasters can make ray attacks. Which means they have line of sight and line of effect towards me. D&D Is an exception based game. The tower shield is an exception to the normal total cover rules. In the description of tower shield it tells you that you have total cover. Thus we can skip step A for determining if I have cover. (B) is modified for tower shields since you can still make some attacks at me.
Again, the only spells that can be used are targeted spells. You cannot use a ray against a target with any form of total cover, tower shield-provided or otherwise. The sole effect allowed to bypass the shield is a targeted spell, which is not an attack (in the 'attack roll' definition that's being used here, not the 'hostile action' definition that matters for Invisibility.) The rules are indeed exception-based, but the exception here is allowing a spell targeted at the shield to affect the character when it otherwise wouldn't, nothing more.

Everyone can see me, and I can see everyone. Otherwise how could a shield provide total cover against melee attacks if I'm surrounded if I couldn't see them to position my shield correctly.
There's a necessary compromise here; either the cover provided by the shield is single-directional (the realistic interpretation), and thus you have limited sight, but flanking, movement, etc. could bypass it, or it is omnidirectional (the strict RAW interpretation). We chose the latter for the Arena, since it's the closest to the RAW, and if the cover is omnidirectional, then so is the blocking of LoS.

Anyway, it seems that your argument was based mostly on the misconception that ray spells could be used on someone behind a tower shield; with that corrected, do you have any further objections to the ruling?

2011-09-09, 08:08 PM

I used google to find an official ruling. This is from WotC D&D 3.5 FAQ (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20030221a).

Total cover prevents any attack against you. You can use a tower shield to get total cover if you give up all your attacks. What does “give up all your attacks” mean? Can you move while getting total cover from the shield? Can you cast a spell? Also, do you get total cover from all directions or from just one side of your square? Will the total cover from a tower shield negate spell effects? Will it negate attacks of opportunity from movement or from other actions such as spellcasting? Will it prevent charge attacks against you? What about bull rush attacks? Can it prevent grapple attacks or snatch attacks? Will it stop fear effects, gaze attacks, or clouds of poison gas? Will it defeat traps?

To claim total cover from a tower shield, you must use a standard action. The tower shield rules don’t say that, but that’s what they mean. Since you can take only one standard action each round, you cannot also attack, cast a spell, activate a magic item (except for some use-activated items), use a special ability, use total defense, or start or complete a full-round action during the same round you claim total cover from the shield. You can, however, take a move action before or after you claim cover from the shield.
Like other kinds of cover, the shield has to have a location relative to you on the battlefield. When you use the shield for cover, choose one edge of your space (not a corner). You have total cover against any attack’s line of effect that passes through that side of your space. If an attack’s line of effect goes
through the corner of the side of your space that the shield blocks, you get cover from the shield (+4 AC, +2 on Reflex saves) instead of total cover. If an attack’s line of effect passes through a side of your space that the shield does not block, you get no cover from the shield at all. To determine where the line of effect enters your space, draw a line from the attacker’s center to your center. Or, in the case of a magical effect, from the effect’s point of origin and your center. Once you claim cover from the shield, the shield keeps
blocking the side of your space that you chose until the beginning of your next turn, when you can again decide whether you’ll use the shield for cover. Once you choose the side of your space that the shield blocks, you cannot change it until your next turn. You continue to threaten the area around you while you use the shield for cover; however, it provides your opponents with
the same benefits you get. You cannot make attacks through the side of your space that the shield blocks, and should you attack through the corners of that space, your foe gets cover against your attack. Since cover of any kind prevents attacks of opportunity (see page 151 in the Player’s Handbook), the
shield keeps you from making attacks of opportunity in a pretty wide swath.
Total cover or cover from a tower shield has the following effects in different situations:
Magical Attacks: A tower shield’s effects on magical attacks depend on the kind of magical attack. Any attack aimed at your equipment is aimed at you. If a magical attack has you as a specific target (that is it does not merely affect the area that contains you but is aimed right at you), the shield has no effect. All rays fall into this category, as does any spell that has a Target entry in its header and any spell that has an Effect entry and affects creatures (provided, of course, that the attacker can and does choose the
shield user as a target). Magical attacks that fill areas (bursts, cones, cylinders, lines, emanations, and spreads) are subject to all the rules for cover on page 151 of the Player’s Handbook. Such attacks are completely blocked if line of effect between you and the attack’s point of origin passes through the side of your space the shield blocks. You get cover (+4 AC,
+2 on Reflex saves) if the magical attack’s line of effect passes through the corner of the blocked side. Spread effects reach around the shield if they normally would extend into your space, but you still get a Reflex save bonus for cover when they do. A gaze attack is blocked if the shield would give you
total cover against attacks from the creature with the gaze attack. If the shield gives you cover only, you’re still subject to the gaze attack (although you could avert or close your eyes to avoid the attack).
Attacks of Opportunity: As noted earlier, cover or total cover prevents attacks of opportunity. So you could, for example, hunker down behind a tower shield and pick up a weapon or rummage around in a backpack and avoid attacks of opportunity against you. If you’re moving while using the shield for cover, things get a little more complicated. You must determine whether the shield gives you cover (or total cover) at the point during your movement when you’d normally provoke an attack of opportunity. Remember that attacks of opportunity are usually resolved before the actions that provoke them. In many cases, the shield won’t be positioned correctly to protect you during your whole move.
Charging and Bull Rushing: Opponents can chargeyou while you claim cover from the shield. An opponent moves as normal when charging you, moving to the closest square from which a melee attack normally would be possible. If the shield gives you total cover from the attack, the attack automatically fails. Foes can bull rush you normally, moving right into your space in spite of the shield. You normally get an attack of opportunity against
someone entering your space, but not if the shield gives your foe cover or total cover.
Grapple and Snatch Attacks: Total cover from a tower shield blocks such attacks (the foe just can’t get hold of you). The foe could, however grab the shield. Conduct such attacks just like any other grapple or snatch attack. Your foe can’t damage you unless he pins you first. You can escape the foe’s hold simply by dropping the shield (a standard action since it’s strapped.
Traps: Cover or total cover from a tower shield is just as effective against a trap as it is against any other attack.

I suppose that you are mostly right.

2011-09-09, 08:55 PM
Overnight:That is a realistic interpretation, aye. The FAQ isn't official errata, though, and that bit even directly contradicts RAW on the targeted-spell issue (RAW as late as RC makes a specific distinction between rays and targeted spells, but the FAQ says they're the same thing), so we'll stick with our current precedent.

Rewind to Unnamed, Round 1, due to misinterpretation of tower shield effects on LoS.

2011-09-09, 09:57 PM
Unnamed, Round 1 (revised)


Free action to shift.

Free direct creatures:


Double move to L-17.


Double move to K-3.

Mr. Kickum

Double move to J-1/K-2.

Back to Unnamed:

Move action to spur mount (Ride DC 15): [roll0]

Mount double move to L-2/M-3 if spur successful.

Free to drop down and use mount as cover (Ride DC 15), using previous roll of 27.

Standard total defense.


11/11 HP; 25/25/17 AC

Dreamsight (8 rounds)

Mr. Carrots: 24/25 HP; 16/11/14 AC
Spitting Joey: 11/11 HP; 20/18/15 AC
Sidearm Max: 13/13 HP; 16/12/14 AC


Level 1:

Conjure Ice Beast I
Conjure Ice Beast I

Level 0:



2011-09-10, 01:42 PM
Eldon round 1 (revise)
swift shift forms
full round double move to S4

hp 9/9
ac 19/15/15

conjure ice beast 1
conjure ice beast 1
all cure minor wounds (3)

2011-09-11, 12:14 AM

Postal Service the Magebread mule (trained for Combat Riding by Goodbad the Happysad). He is in square: x10-x11. [-16 gp]

Hold on a second. I'm pretty sure you can't have another character make skill checks for you. You want to train a mount, you have to be able to beat the DC yourself. Same as with crafting.

2011-09-11, 12:25 AM
Hold on a second. I'm pretty sure you can't have another character make skill checks for you. You want to train a mount, you have to be able to beat the DC yourself. Same as with crafting.

I was viewing it as an extension of one of the lesser used rules in the arena:

•Items may be traded, sold, or purchased from other characters of another player. Transactions must be of equal value in gold piece cost. Value is defined as the normal market price of such an item.

The full working solution is: Purchase a mount. Train it. Sell it to his character. Training has no listed value for the mount in question, therefore it should not increase the cost.

2011-09-11, 02:29 PM
Assuming I have a mule:

Round 1 - The good, the bad and the rule breaker

If you can see what I'm doing behind the tower shield. I suppose even I can't look in this spoiler.

Overnight Sneezes (he's allergic to mules).
He also shifts (Free Action):
Duration is 8 rounds
Effect: +2 Dexterity, +20 bonus to base land speed

LOS to the opaque spherical thing I call a shield

Free: Switch shield from total cover to +4 shield bonus

LOS Needed; not done

2011-09-12, 08:16 PM
Goodbad:You need to use the starting area if at all possible, so you should begin in Z10 rather than Z9. Does this affect the starting disposition of your tent?

2011-09-12, 08:18 PM
@Refs:No. I'll start in Z10, and use a move action to go to Z9. Note: The Z9 side of the tent is closed. Only the z10 side is open.

2011-09-12, 08:52 PM

Goodbad:Joey is in L17. Unnamed rides north out of LoS.

Overnight:Joey is in L17. Mr. Kickum is in J1/K2. Unnamed is in L2/M3, wielding sling, using mount as cover and in total defense. Eldon is shapeshifted in S4.

Unnamed:Overnight is in Y10, shifted and wielding tower shield and scimitar. Prior to your movement, you saw Goodbad prone in Z10, holding a smokestick, tindertwig, and 9 waterskins. Postal Service is in X10/X11. Manny is in Y11/Z12. Eldon is in S4. Mr. Kickum is in J1/K2.

Eldon:Joey is in L17. Max is in K3. Mr. Kickum is in J1/K2. Unnamed is in L2/M3. Overnight is in Y10, shifted and wielding tower shield and scimitar. Postal Service is in X10/X11. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

2011-09-12, 08:57 PM
thanks sallera, i know its probably annoying with all the lines to draw :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-13, 11:46 AM

Five foot step to X9
Move Action: Scatter Bridge
Free Action: Give up attacks this round to give myself total cover.

Speak (Listen DC -5)

They are taking the north route. The dinosaur is coming from the south. I scattered the bridge.


Shifting 8/8 rounds
Total Cover.
Full HP

2011-09-13, 11:57 AM
Goodbad the Happysad, Round 1, Last to Act:

Speech (Shout, DC -10, any with LOS can hear, any without LOS can hear with Listen check (DC Modifiers handled by refs):If the shifter tries to get to the tent, flank him and spank him! I'll have our army soon!"
Refs/LOS:Move: Move from Z-10 to Z9
Standard: Pour waterskin into Z-10, activating Water Devotion. Water Elemental Appears.

Free: Command it (per Water Devotion) to exit the tent, and move to Y9 and ready action to block the passage of any creature that tries to cross the river.

Free: Drop Waterskin.
Free: Shift Waterskin 2 to hand.

If you have LOS to the Tent: A small water elemental leaves it, moves to Y9, and readies an action:Move if any creature attempts to move by any means, to a square on this side of the river, within 20 feet of the elemental.

I will likely not be able to see the elemental when this happens. The movement should be directly in the path of the movement.


Stats:Me: Location: Z9, Prone, In tent
AC: 13 (FF 12, Touch 11)
HP: 6/6
Spells/Day: 4/4 Remaining

Elemental 1: Location: Y9, Readied action.
HP: 11/11
AC: 17 (11, 17)
Speed: 20 (Swim 90)
Abilities: Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex
Traits: Darkvision 60, Elemental Traits
Effects: Summoned 1/10

2011-09-13, 12:07 PM
I have finished my turn. (Sorry, just wanted to make sure it was obvious).

2011-09-13, 01:57 PM
Unnamed the Not-Named, Round 2



Double move to S-19.


Double move to S-10.


Mount double move to Q-10/R-11.

Full-round action to begin casting a spell (DC 16 Spellcraft):

Conjure Ice Beast I

Concentration check due to mount movement (DC 11): [roll0]

Mr. Kickum

Double move to Q-3/R-4.


11/11 HP; 19/19/14 AC

Dreamsight (7 rounds)

Mr. Carrots: 24/25 HP; 18/13/16 AC
Spitting Joey: 11/11 HP; 20/18/15 AC
Sidearm Max: 13/13 HP; 16/12/14 AC


Level 1:

Conjure Ice Beast I
Conjure Ice Beast I

Level 0:



2011-09-13, 02:06 PM
eldon round 2

move to R12
swift shift forms to normal form
standard activate dragon mark shield power

hp 8/8
ac 21/15/17
shield 1/10

2011-09-13, 05:40 PM

Can I get a listen check to: Locate people and/or hear spellcasting?

2011-09-15, 09:50 PM
Refs:Listen for Goodbad: [roll0]
Listen for Overnight: [roll1]
Listen for Unnamed: [roll2]
Listen for eldon: [roll3]

Goodbad:Overnight says "They are taking the north route. The dinosaur is coming from the south. I scattered the bridge." Joey is in S19. You hear movement approach from the northwest to the west, and then speech you do not recognize. You also hear other sources of movement approaching from the west-northwest and ending to the northwest, west, and west.

Overnight:You hear Goodbad shout "If the shifter tries to get to the tent, flank him and spank him! I'll have our army soon!" from Z10. You hear movement approach from the southeast and end to the east. You hear movement to the southwest. You hear movement approach from the northwest and end to the west, then speech you do not recognize. You also hear other sources of movement to the west, west and northwest.

Unnamed:Overnight is in X9, using tower shield as cover, and says "They are taking the north route. The dinosaur is coming from the south. I scattered the bridge;" the U7/W8 bridge is scattered. You hear a shout of "If the shifter tries to get to the tent, flank him and spank him! I'll have our army soon!" from the southeast. A water elemental moves from inside the tent to Y9, and readies an action. Eldon moves to R12, shifts back, and uses an SLA. Postal Service is in X10/X11. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

Eldon:Overnight is in X9, using tower shield as cover; the U7/W8 bridge is scattered. A water elemental moves from inside the tent to Y9, and readies an action. Joey is in S19. Max is in S10. Unnamed is in Q10/R11, casting a spell. Postal Service is in X10/X11. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

2011-09-16, 02:09 AM
LOS to my actual character (nobody)

Standard Action: Ready an action to switch my tower shield from a shield bonus to total cover if someone makes a ranged attack on me.

LOS to my Tower Shield

Free Action: Switch from total cover to shield bonus. You would gain LOS on me at this point.

I'm so sorry but I'm not done yet. Need LOS now. I love you guys (especially our hard working ref) =)

2011-09-16, 05:41 AM
@Non-participants only::smallsigh: :smallsigh: :smallsigh:
He still has the tower shield.

Did my teammate just decide, instead of playing to his twin strengths of speed and beating.... To literally throw me to the wolves while he huddles behind a shield he doesn't even need?

Well, I know what I'm doing next turn... Gotta see if I can stay alive long enough for my berserker to get his fighting spirit.

:smallsigh: :smallsigh:

2011-09-17, 10:02 AM
Lol im about to suggest we switch to freindly los mode(no spoilers, just don't act on what you don't actually see), since several of the normal los providers are in this match lol, and it seems sir tower shield wont be getting a los check for a while, since nothings really changed since the last los..

2011-09-17, 12:45 PM
Or we could just tell him. I mean, not like there's any of us he can't actually see.

From our end:

Joey is in S-19, Max is in S-10, Unnamed is in Q-10/R-11 casting spell, Kickum is in Q-3/R-4 and Eldon is in R-12, halfling-form.

Think that's everything.

2011-09-17, 12:57 PM
Turn Done:


Shifting 7/8 rounds
+4 Shield bonus to AC
Full HP

2011-09-17, 01:25 PM
Goodbad, Round 2

LOS:Standard: Summon Elemental 2 in Z10.
Free: Shout (-10): Put down the ruttin' Shield! They can barely scratch you with their Pea shooters! What on EARTH are you afraid of? Get MAD and get to hitting!"
Free: Command Elementals: Move towards the enemy, and ready to move in the path of anything that approaches or casts within your movement range. (translation: take a move action to get closer to enemy, then ready to move if an enemy moves or casts within their movement range.)

Done, But need ref to handle my elementals, as I cannot see them, but they've got commands.

Stats:Me: Location: Z9, Prone, In tent
AC: 13 (FF 12, Touch 11)
HP: 6/6
Spells/Day: 4/4 Remaining

Elemental 1: Location: Y9, Needs to act.
HP: 11/11
AC: 17 (11, 17)
Speed: 20 (Swim 90)
Abilities: Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex
Traits: Darkvision 60, Elemental Traits
Effects: Summoned 2/10

Elemental 2: Location: Z10, Needs to act.
HP: 11/11
AC: 17 (11, 17)
Speed: 20 (Swim 90)
Abilities: Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex
Traits: Darkvision 60, Elemental Traits
Effects: Summoned 1/10

2011-09-17, 02:03 PM
Couple'a ref questions for whoever decides to handle candycorn's elementals, while they're at it:

First, would a cone-shaped effect with a range of 20ft, if cast from the north-east corner of Y-13, be able to reach and affect both the X-9 and Z-9 squares? (the direction of the quarter-circle properly arranged for it, of course)

And second, with an area-of-effect effect that deals damage, is the damage resolved individually for each affected creature or rolled once for them all?

Thank you.

2011-09-17, 05:12 PM
Refs:Listen for Overnight: [roll0]
Listen for Unnamed: [roll1]
Listen for eldon: [roll2]

Goodbad:Joey is in S19.

Overnight:You hear Goodbad shout "Put down the ruttin' Shield! They can barely scratch you with their Pea shooters! What on EARTH are you afraid of? Get MAD and get to hitting!" Joey is in S19. Max is in S10. Unnamed is in Q10/R11. Eldon is in R12. Mr. Kickum is in Q3/R4. The water elementals move to U10 and W11 and ready actions.

Note that taking another action (free speech excluded) after readying an action causes you to lose the readied action.

Unnamed:Overnight is in X9. You hear another shout from the east, but can't make out the words. The water elementals move to U10 and W11 and ready actions. Eldon is in R12. Postal Service is in W12/X13. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

A 20ft cone effect from Y13/NE can reach Z9, but not X9, as X9/NW is 25ft from Y13/NE. Damage from area effects is rolled once for all targets.

Eldon:Overnight is in X9. You hear a shout from the east, but can't make out the words. The water elementals move to U10 and W11 and ready actions. Joey is in S19. Max is in S10. Unnamed is in Q10/R11. Postal Service is in W12/X13. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

2011-09-17, 06:24 PM
Thanks Sallera.

And now this is going to be a fun one. :smalltongue:

Unnamed, he whose Not-name must not be Not-spoken, Round 3


Unnamed finishes casting spell and Frosty the Ice Wolf appears on W-13.


Move to W-15 and ready:

Attack if attacked.


Standard ready:

Attack any hostile that comes within range.

Mr. Kickum

Double move to go O-5/P-6 and then S-5/R-6, leaping as far as possible over the water (Jump: [roll0])


Standard total defense.

Free attempt cover riding (Ride DC 15): [roll1]


Move to Y-13.

Standard use ice breath in a 30ft cone extending from Y-13/NE to affect Postal Service, Manny, Goodbad, Overnight and one of the water elementals.

Damage: [roll2] cold (DC 11 reflex for half)


11/11 HP; 27/27/18 AC

Dreamsight (6 rounds)

Mr. Carrots: 24/25 HP; 18/13/16 AC
Spitting Joey: 11/11 HP; 18/16/13 AC
Sidearm Max: 13/13 HP; 16/12/14 AC
Frosty: 31/31 HP; 16/12/14 AC (Ice Breath)


Level 1:

Conjure Ice Beast I
Conjure Ice Beast I

Level 0:



2011-09-17, 06:53 PM
Unnamed/Overnight/eldon:Water elemental 1 moves to W6 during Mr. Kickum's jump, taking an AoO for the mule's movement as it lands in U5/V6.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Water elemental 2 moves to V15 as Joey attempts to move to W15, taking an AoO for the movement, which Goodbad can roll.

Manny gets an AoO on the ice wolf Frosty as it moves to Y13; after that, a 30ft cone of ice deals 5 damage to Goodbad, Overnight, Postal Service, and Manny, Reflex DC11 half.

Unnamed:You can revise Joey and Mr. Kickum's further orders in light of the readied actions, if you wish. Also, don't forget to roll for the breath recharge for Frosty.

2011-09-17, 07:05 PM

Where is the rule located that you can't take any actions after readying an action?

Overnight Reflex Save: [roll0]
Postal Service Reflex Save: [roll1]

2011-09-17, 07:56 PM

Joey will turn his move into a double move, continuing to W-11.

Mr. Kickum will stay where he is.

Frosty breath recharge (go for low...): [roll0]

Edit: Oh yeah. :smallamused:

Edit: Now just need candycorn's AoOs and reflex save/expression of astonishment, and then it will be dark's turn, aye? :smalltongue:

2011-09-17, 10:31 PM
eldon round 3 (irregardless of what actually happens with that stuff)

los (unanmed, overnight, and myself i believe)
full round : begin casting spell
dc 16 spell craft
conjure ice beast 1


hp 8/8
ac 21/15/17
shield 2/10

2011-09-17, 11:08 PM
Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-17, 11:22 PM
Manny AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Reflex (self): [roll2]
Reflex (Manny): [roll3]

(Overnight/Postal Service still need saves)

2011-09-17, 11:25 PM
Well, that was a pretty abysmal set of rolls.

2011-09-17, 11:40 PM
Not from our point of view :smallbiggrin:

Do please keep sitting in that tent :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-17, 11:59 PM
In a quartet of d20 rolls, I averaged a 4.25. With that, it frankly doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing. :smallannoyed:

2011-09-18, 08:01 AM
Yeah, and oddly enough my rolls for that round were pretty good. Guess the dice just like us for this one?

Jopus is up.

2011-09-18, 01:40 PM

Where is the rule located that you can't take any actions after readying an action?

Overnight Reflex Save: [roll0]
Postal Service Reflex Save: [roll1]

Jopustin, Refs: PHB page 60 with the rest of the readied action stuff. "...Then, anytime before your next action, you may take the readied action in responce to that condition..." You can still take actions after readying, you just can't take the readied action after those.

2011-09-19, 12:12 PM
Mule is in x12-w13

[SPOILER]Unnamed finishes casting spell and Frosty the Ice Wolf appears on W-13.

Move to Y-13.

Standard use ice breath in a 30ft cone extending from Y-13/NE to affect Postal Service, Manny, Goodbad, Overnight and one of the water elementals.

Can you summon a creature inside of a square occupied by someone else? Or did my mule move when I had my tower shield up?

2011-09-19, 12:26 PM
nope :smallbiggrin: problem came when we got a los check that said it was in x10/x11 just now. which was the original post you had for location of the mule, before i said it was the wrong size square for a mule, and you then adjusted to that square.

i think sallera just missed the updated location when scanning through for los.
honest mistake on a refs part, thats all.

mysterious is gonna have to change that location.

we may need just an accounting of where every thing is lol.
i think there may have been a few more illegal movements, based on the actual location of the mule now that i look at myseterius's turn

end result can be the same of the final location of the frost wolf/ breath, but diffent summon location is necessitated.

2011-09-19, 12:31 PM
I failed my saving throw and my mule made his (FYI, it was in the ref spoiler). I've been avoiding posting because of how difficult it is for me to figure out where everyone is and what everyone is doing (so I feel the ref's pain). I only caught it because I started from the beginning moving everyone around turn by turn.

The arena should seriously consider further limiting the amount of people we can bring in. There really is no need for us all to have mounts.

2011-09-19, 12:33 PM
I failed my saving throw and my mule made his (FYI, it was in the ref spoiler). I've been avoiding posting because of how difficult it is for me to figure out where everyone is and what everyone is doing (so I feel the ref's pain). I only caught it because I started from the beginning moving everyone around turn by turn.

The arena should seriously consider further limiting the amount of people we can bring in. There really is no need for us all to have mounts.

i have a mount because i origionally built my guy for mounted casting as well.
however in this instance its being used as an attacked by mysterius.

you having a mount is a little more questionable, but hey more meat shields while candy makes an army is always good yes?

2011-09-19, 12:34 PM
our main issue here is there are 2 druids, and a water elemental conjuring maniac here. so summons/ animal friends galor. haha

2011-09-19, 12:35 PM
i have a mount because i origionally built my guy for mounted casting as well.
however in this instance its being used as an attacked by mysterius.

you having a mount is a little more questionable, but hey more meat shields while candy makes an army is always good yes?

No. I take the mule back! This fight hasn't been very fun for me. I should have been a dragon shaman and just sat back with cold resistance aura and fast healing for allllll my allies.

2011-09-19, 12:37 PM
*sigh* Yes, sorry, should have noticed that, if only because the position is the wrong size. I'll have a look through and see if anything else needs changing.

Edit: Alright, seems Joey's movement needs revising again, but aside from that, just the summon. In retrospect, I really should have kept a PS file for this match.

2011-09-19, 12:38 PM
No. I take the mule back! This fight hasn't been very fun for me. I should have been a dragon shaman and just sat back with cold resistance aura and fast healing for allllll my allies.

well you've been sitting behind a shield the whole time..

2011-09-19, 12:40 PM
The minionmaster thing I added as an afterthought to the character, as a way to force enemies who were running scared to cower. In retrospect, I may have gone with a different divine feat, such as Travel devotion.

If I wasn't relegated to the tent, I could control all my pets directly, but, sadly, the tactical situation right now isn't quite what I'd hoped for.

2011-09-19, 04:13 PM
Well, doesn't change much. I'll summon it in V-14, and it will move to Y-13, provoking an AoO from Postal (but not the elemental's as it already took one), then ice breathing as before, no change to that.

Joey's second move, though, will be altered to a standard action poison spray on Postal's direction (assuming I can as I only took the move because I thought that particular square was free).

DC 12 Fort or blinded for [roll0] minutes. If blinded won't get AoO from Frosty's movement.

Recharge in [roll1] rounds.

2011-09-19, 05:51 PM
Postal Service Fort: DC 12 [roll0]

2011-09-19, 06:01 PM
Can I just move my mount at will on my turn? Or are there some rules concerning what it will and will not do while blind.

2011-09-19, 06:05 PM
Blinded (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Blinded).

I'm pretty sure you need handle animal checks to make your mount do something when you're not actually riding it. Probably DC 10 for movement (a trick it knows), at a speed of 20ft due to it being blinded.

But anyway, this match has been awesome for me. Everything I do seems to work. :smallbiggrin:

Edit: So. Now that everything appears to be in order, it is your turn, yes? Eagerly looking forward to it.

2011-09-19, 06:08 PM
But it'll attack the ice wolf on my turn without my guidance correct?

2011-09-19, 06:10 PM
That I do not know (haven't been in the arena long enough to see how it works here).

Perhaps candycorn can tell us?

2011-09-19, 06:22 PM
Postal would need to be Pushed (DC 25 Handle Animal) to attack Frosty, unless it has training to "Attack All creatures". Standard combat riding only includes attack, which allows a mount to "attack only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, or other animals." Since Frosty is a construct, Postal will not attack it.

Postal can, and probably would, try to attack Joey (an animal), as Joey did an attack form on it. It's generally assumed that animals trained for combat can automatically attack anything that attacks either them or their owner.

This is likely better anyway, since the animal saw Joey move and then spit, so knows where Joey is.

2011-09-19, 06:32 PM
And suddenly I get why the MM says swindlespitters run from the creatures they blind. :smalltongue:

Hoping Joey won't be killed too nastily. He's my favorite minion, he is.

2011-09-19, 06:36 PM
Here we go:

(Yoshimi) LOS

Yoshimi drops her scimitar (Free), pulls out her thunderstone (move) and throws it targeting the intersection of R10-S11 (Standard).

Thunderstone against AC 5: [roll0] (+4 Dex, -10 ACP, -2 R.I.)

She then five foot steps to X8 (not an action)

If I do not hit AC 5:

Everyone can clearly hear the sound of a thunderstone (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#thunderstone)going off.
(Anyone riding a horse should get bucked off... ahh but if there were only rules for that).

Through Rain, Sleet, or Blind; LOS to Postal Service

Five foot step to W13-X14 and attack Joey.
Miss A1%: (51 - 100 = success) [roll2]
Miss A2%: (51 - 100 = success) [roll3]

Attack 1: Hoof [roll4] for [roll5]
Attack 2: Hoof [roll6] for [roll7]

Almost done.

2011-09-19, 06:44 PM
Forgot I had +1 to hit from shifting. So... yeah..

End Round 3:


Armor Class: 17 (+2 Armor, +4 Shield, +1 Dex)
Hit Points: 9/14

Shifting: 6/8

Postal Service the Mule (He's Blind)

Hit Dice: 3d8+12 (23/25 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 15 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, -2 Blind, +7 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+10
Attack: Hoof +5 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +5 melee (1d6+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: No vision, scent, Excellent Learner, Thick skin breed
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Improved Natural Attack (Hoof)
Trained: Combat Riding

Waiting on fortitude saves.

2011-09-19, 06:52 PM
Sounds good to me.

Unnamed: [roll0]
Mr. Carrots: [roll1]
Sidearm Max: [roll2]

Edit: Well, that's a marginally good result. I'll take it! :smallwink:

Candycorn up next.

2011-09-19, 06:57 PM
Any chance that a thunderstone is potentially distracting (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/concentration.htm)?

2011-09-19, 07:02 PM
Goodbad the Semi-Chilly, Round 3

LOS:Command elemental 1 and 2 to attack the nearest foe that's casting. If not possible, or nobody's casting, flank the dinosaur and kill it.

Standard: water devotion again, into Z10.
Command elemental 3 to ready action to close the tent if any frost wolves try to use their cold cones.
Move: Stand up (I'm aware I've gotta hunch a bit).

Need Ref handling of 2 of my elementals, before I declare done.

2011-09-19, 07:34 PM
Any chance that a thunderstone is potentially distracting (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/concentration.htm)?

Not in the rules so probably not. Either way, though, Unnamed isn't casting. If you were refering to it distracting Eldon, he's way outside the affected zone, so it would be like suggesting that talking could break someone's focus...

2011-09-19, 07:37 PM
Sallera told me Eldon was in R12; and thus in the area. Wait, I think you're right one sec.

Edit: Damn I messed up by having him in the wrong location on my map. I would have aimed lower as he was the one I cared about, still one square away from the blast is hardly "way outside the area"

2011-09-19, 08:03 PM
Ah, oh, hey, he moved. Wonder when he did that (and why, it does leave us awfully clumped up together). :smalltongue:

2011-09-20, 01:20 AM
im getting so lost by the number of moving creatures i actually just went abck and made a key for what marks are what type of animals lol :smallconfused:
and im about to make it worse on my turn :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-20, 01:40 AM
Deaf animals cannot hear any of the commands you give them. According to Handle Animal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/handleAnimal.htm) "This task involves commanding an animal to perform a task or trick that it knows."


2011-09-20, 01:46 AM
yup so, right now unnamed can only command, mr. kickum and joey using his speak to animals shifting trick.
however he can make ride checks to control mr. carrots still if i recall correctly.

2011-09-20, 01:49 AM
yup so, right now unnamed can only command, mr. kickum and joey using his speak to animals shifting trick.
however he can make ride checks to control mr. carrots still if i recall correctly.

Speak with animals allows him to comprehend and communicate with animals. It specifically states that you "ask the creature questions" indicating that it is, in all effects, exactly like communicating with any being. As the animals are deaf, he can comprehend and understand them, but they cannot hear him.

2011-09-20, 01:52 AM
Which is why he can't vocally order mr. Carrots, and max around now.

Joey(the dinosaur)
And mr kickum (the mule in the water) were not defened however, and can thus still be ordered around.

2011-09-20, 01:54 AM
K, I'm just tired and read too fast. My bad.

2011-09-20, 02:02 AM
I understand compleatly, like I said I was drawing pictures on my mini map of this round and was chuckling because I made the water elementals stars (I don't know why, don't ask, I've been up for 20 something hours straight) im goin to sleep, il get my turn up once a ref control s candies elemntals.

*forget that last part im not up next* :smalleek:

2011-09-20, 04:15 AM
I'm wondering though if it's fair to assume that just as Postal instantly attacked Joey for attacking him, Max would be able to as well? (in which case whatever ref comes to handle candycorn's elementals can go ahead and handle max as well).

2011-09-20, 12:04 PM
I believe that if Max or his designated owner have been attacked, the clause in the "Defend (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/handleAnimal.htm)" trick should activate, and allow the animal to fight. If the creature attacked was not Max or his owner, but rather an ally or another minion, then it would not, unless Max had already been Handled to defend that specific creature.

Not official, as I am involved with the match... But then, I don't know the situation outside my little tent.

2011-09-20, 01:33 PM
It falls under the former, aye (and doubly so).

If you'd like to come out and assess things for yourself, though, you're more than welcome. :smalltongue:

2011-09-20, 01:51 PM
It falls under the former, aye (and doubly so).

If you'd like to come out and assess things for yourself, though, you're more than welcome. :smalltongue:

I'll come out if both of you go swimming, deal?

2011-09-20, 01:55 PM
Il wait till after this next round for that haha.

2011-09-20, 02:04 PM
I'll come out if both of you go swimming, deal?

Well, I'll wager we can have Jopus down by next round. So a little dip in the river seems like just the thing to wash off all the blood. By that time we won't really need you to come out anyway, though, so yeah... :smalltongue:

2011-09-21, 12:14 AM
Just need one thing first before I take care of the elementals.

Not Goodbad:Due to the scatter roll, looks like the thunderstone would land in Q11/R12, thus hitting Unnamed, Carrots, and eldon, but not Max. Need a save from eldon, and a spell failure check due to deafness if the save fails. (It was ruled in a previous match that thunderstones do not count as a distraction on their own.)

2011-09-21, 12:17 AM
correct me if im wrong, but it jumps to the nw one grid point yes; that puts eldon 15 ft from its center, beyond the 10square ft burst.

2011-09-21, 12:19 AM
The dispute arises because the SRD and the PHB have different answers as to what happens on a miss.

2011-09-21, 12:29 AM
Depending on final ruleing il roll anyway since im goin to sleep and don't wanna hold things up.

If fail
[roll1] 20 and lower=fail

2011-09-21, 12:37 AM
The dispute arises because the SRD and the PHB have different answers as to what happens on a miss.

Actually I'm wrong; there is no contradiction and the ref is right.

2011-09-21, 01:35 AM

Goodbad:Joey is in W15. Frosty is in Y13. Your elemental in V15 moves northwest out of LoS. Postal Service moves to W13/X14.

Overnight:Joey is in W15. Frosty is in Y13. Max is in S10, and readies an action. Unnamed is in Q10/R11. Eldon is in R12. Mr. Kickum is in U5/V6.

Postal Service can't take a 5ft step due to being blind, so that's a move action instead, and only one attack.

Unnamed:Overnight is in X8. A third water elemental appears in Z10 and readies an action. Eldon is in R12. Postal Service moves to W13/X14 and attacks Joey, missing; Frosty gets an AoO. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

eldon:Overnight is in X8. A third water elemental appears in Z10 and readies an action. Joey is in W15. Max is in S10. Unnamed is in Q10/R11. Postal Service is in W13/X14. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

Not Goodbad:Water elementals 1 and 2 move to S12-5/S13-5, respectively, and attempt to accelerated climb out to S12/R13, respectively. Regardless of success, they then attack eldon. Mr. Kickum gets an AoO on elemental 1; Joey gets an AoO on elemental 2.
Elemental 1 Climb, DC10: [roll0]
Elemental 2 Climb, DC10: [roll1]
Elementals remain in S12-5 and S13-5, then.

Elemental 1 attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Elemental 2 attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2011-09-21, 04:46 AM
Not Goodbad:

Kickum: [roll]1d20+6[/rolll]
Damage: [roll0]

Joey: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2011-09-21, 01:34 PM
Candy you done now? Theve been handled

2011-09-21, 01:38 PM
Botched roll:


2011-09-21, 02:13 PM
Yeppers, go ahead.

2011-09-21, 02:35 PM
Hang on, forgot an AoO...

Frosty: [roll0] (+2 unssen attacker)
Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-21, 03:16 PM
Alright then, time to see what's what. :smallwink:

Unnamed, Round 4



Move action to go V-15, V-12 (assuming possible since there's a slight stretch of land there), then W-11.

Standard ready:

Move if Overnight moves.


Move to S-13, provoking AoOs from the elementals.

Standard attack the S-13 one (high ground bonus): [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Mr. Kickum

Move to X-6/Y-7, provoking an AoO from Overnight.

Standard attack Overnight: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]


Standard ready:

Use ice breath if the tent elemental readies, moves or ends turn.


Mount full attack on S-12 elemental.

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

"Eldon! If this goes according to plan, the elementals will take their AoOs on Max. Meaning you can move without provoking them. So, say, if you were to send your wolf to take a shot at Overnight (Goodbad's using the tent and eles for protection, so he's no good just yet), and then shift, you could take a few steps away from the river, and then get a running start towards it, landing right in front of Overnight, and in a flanking position with Kickum! The death's touch should take Over down right away. And then it's just a matter of killing the necromancer. What do you think?"

Full-round action to begin casting spell (Spellcraft DC 16):

Conjure Ice Beast I


11/11 HP; 19/19/15 AC

Dreamsight (5 rounds)

Mr. Carrots: 24/25 HP; 18/13/16 AC
Spitting Joey: 11/11 HP; 18/16/13 AC
Sidearm Max: 13/13 HP; 16/12/14 AC
Frosty: 31/31 HP; 16/12/14 AC (Ice Breath) 1 round left...


Level 1:

Conjure Ice Beast I
Conjure Ice Beast I

Level 0:



2011-09-21, 03:41 PM
Mysterious can you put the speech in a los block, some people are def and it would be unfair if they read it. Like your ally.

2011-09-21, 03:42 PM
Oh, yeah, he got deafened. I suppose there's not that much point to it then. Los spoiler coming. :smalltongue:

2011-09-21, 03:45 PM
Forgive me, I just don't want him to do what you told him to do; lol.

2011-09-21, 03:47 PM
Oh, I think he'll figure it out for himself. Dark's as good a teammate as there is, as far as teammates go. :smalltongue:

2011-09-21, 04:06 PM
Mysterius were gonna chat about something that happened there I think before the next match.

not candycorn
did any of those attacks on you hit overnight?

2011-09-21, 04:25 PM
Not candycorn:

Also, Jopus, do you take your AoO from Kickum's movement?

We'll need a ref to handle candycorn's elementals I'm thinking (to see wether they take the AoOs or not).

2011-09-21, 04:30 PM
not candy corn

I think there is something wrong with max's movement. He ends up moving through two squares occupied by an opponent I think.

Also does the horse not have to make a swim check?

2011-09-21, 04:35 PM
Not candycorn:

The elementals are at -5 altitude, while Max is at +0.

As for Kickum, he's a large creature, so 10 feet tall in a river that's 10 feet deep. I assumed he can just walk along the bottom, yes?

When the ref comes to handle the elementals he can rule on these for us as needed.

2011-09-21, 04:41 PM
Not Candycorn:

I think the horse not only has to make a swim check to move (as per the swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)skill) but also has to climb out of the river too.

2011-09-21, 04:46 PM
Not candycorn:

It's not swimming, it's walking. It's different.

You might be right about the climb thing, though, just realized. If so, Climb: [roll0]

2011-09-21, 05:35 PM
Not Candycorn:

Read the swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)skill. The first round the horse was in the water he should have immediately made a swim check. If he failed by 5 or more he should have gone underwater.

The second round, he's still in the water and needs to make another swim check. If he succeeds he can swim at up to x speed. If he fails by 4 or less, "You make no progress through the water."

2011-09-21, 06:04 PM
Not candycorn:

I know what it says, but I don't see how swim rules apply to a character that's not actually swimming (or even trying to swim for that matter).

There is land at the bottom of the river, yes? So unless characters in the water suddenly lose their ability to walk, I don't see what's the problem here. :smallconfused:

2011-09-21, 08:11 PM
not candy
the issue is that if its not making swim checks its not on the surface.when you enter the water your at XY(+0) if you fail swim check you go under, the two possible underwater locations are -5,-10 depths

2011-09-21, 08:22 PM
Not Candycorn:
This (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/wilderness.htm#underwaterCombat) might be important here if you are trying to walk along the bottom: "Creatures have firm footing when walking along the bottom, braced against a ship’s hull, or the like. A creature can only walk along the bottom if it wears or carries enough gear to weigh itself down—at least 16 pounds for Medium creatures, twice that for each size category larger than Medium, and half that for each size category smaller than Medium."

2011-09-21, 08:35 PM
Edit: Hang on, ninjad, reading...

2011-09-21, 08:39 PM
I'm not going to argue anymore and just wait for a ref to make a ruling.

2011-09-21, 08:51 PM
Not candycorn:

Ehhh, obscure rule. The things you said still make no sense whatsoever, because as you can see, it is possible to sink to the bottom and walk, but apparently my kingdom for a saddle, and all that...

As my movement was illegal, I'll redo it.

Swim: [roll0] (DC 10 to swim to use half movement for the round swimming to V-6/W-7)

Then I'll take my previous climb roll of 22 to accelerated climb into W-6/X-7 (the other half of my move), provoking AoO and attacking as before.

Standing by for roll result and confirmation of legality.

Edit: Also, thanks, jvluso, that was really helpful. :smallsmile:

2011-09-21, 10:30 PM
So what are we waiting for right now before I can go? let's make a list
1. several aoos (including water elementals?)
2. Wheter the mule has drowned or not, the swiming disscusion (thanks for killing my pet if it has mysterius haha)
3. Wether unamed got hit or not?
4. Just a los check?

Am I missing anything?

2011-09-22, 10:59 PM
I'm strongly certain that that movement is a double move is all and thus he does not get to attack me.

2011-09-23, 01:41 AM
Not Goodbad:Max's movement needs correction; up to S12 is fine, but S13 doesn't have land to stand on and is currently occupied, so he'll have to either end in S12 or move elsewhere from there. Likewise, Joey's movement needs revision; in order to stand on a beach square, it needs to be approximately half land, at least (e.g. S12, V14 are fine, V12, S13 are not).

Kickum's movement appears to be legal, but he does not provoke an AoO due to melee cover. Max also does not provoke AoOs (at least up to S12) for the same reason.

2011-09-23, 04:36 AM
Not Goodbad:

Hmmm, aye then. Max will end turn in S-12. And Joey's move will be altered into a move to X-9 using a standard along the way to overrun the blind mule.

Strength check (if it chooses to block): [roll0]

Kickum remains as is. Thanks Sallera.

2011-09-23, 12:30 PM
Sallera (and everyone but Goodbad)

Mr. Kickum's movement speed is 30.
A quarter of 30 is 7.5 (as per the swim (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/swim.htm)skill)

Here is a side view of Mr.Kickum's starting position before he took his movement this round:

Is it not a double move to get out of the water? If he moves (2) five foot squares through the water he has exceeded a quarter of his movement speed through the water. His movement is legal as long as he doesn't make an attack at the end of it correct?

2011-09-23, 01:39 PM
not goodbad
trouble is there since hes walking along the bottom, he gets half movment, and since hes tall he can reach the edge already, so it never has to swim

2011-09-23, 01:45 PM
Not Goodbad:Away from my books at the moment, but as I recall, the Magebred template (or at least the variant everyone seems to take) grants +10ft speed. Mr. Kickum needs move only 5ft by swimming to reach the other side of the river, taking up half his movement; the remaining 10ft is an accelerated climb, which at half speed takes up the other half of his movement.

2011-09-23, 01:47 PM
Not Goodbad:Away from my books at the moment, but as I recall, the Magebred template (or at least the variant everyone seems to take) grants +10ft speed. Mr. Kickum needs move only 5ft by swimming to reach the other side of the river, taking up half his movement; the remaining 10ft is an accelerated climb, which at half speed takes up the other half of his movement.

no mr kickums a thick skined

2011-09-23, 01:48 PM
not goodbad

I'm starting to feel like a crazy person here. First of all, even if it was the case that he's moving at 1/2 speed, it's still a double move. But that's not the case because he can't walk along the bottom. He's not carrying any equipment.

A creature can only walk along the bottom if it wears or carries enough gear to weigh itself down—at least 16 pounds for Medium creatures, twice that for each size category larger than Medium, and half that for each size category smaller than Medium.

No matter how you look at it, it takes more than 30 feet of movement to move where he's trying to end up.

2011-09-23, 01:49 PM
yup jops right. takes a double move.

so now for the aoos, and i can take my turn yes?

*edit, forgot i didnt have a saddle on him any more sorry

2011-09-23, 01:51 PM
Not Goodbad:Ah, missed the different breed. Is indeed a double move, then.

2011-09-23, 01:54 PM
Redemption! Awesome. I suddenly feel like it is possible to win an argument here in the arena. That's like 1 for me and 87 for you guys.

2011-09-23, 02:18 PM
Well, to be fair, the first part of argument might have seemed difficult because you were wrong. :smalltongue:

Not Goodbad:

Ahh, damnable damnimity, I didn't know it was a different breed. Probably should have checked that (although it makes virtually no sense to be worried about defending something that costs 16 gp and already has a ton of health for on opponent to go through :smalltongue: )

I think Sallera said no AoOs were provoked, yes? So I'm waiting on Postal's actions regarding overrun (does he block? does he let me by? being blinded, can he choose? and if so who makes that choice?)

2011-09-23, 02:58 PM
Well, to be fair, the first part of argument might have seemed difficult because you were wrong. :smalltongue:

Not Goodbad:

Ahh, damnable damnimity, I didn't know it was a different breed. Probably should have checked that (although it makes virtually no sense to be worried about defending something that costs 16 gp and already has a ton of health for on opponent to go through :smalltongue: )

I think Sallera said no AoOs were provoked, yes? So I'm waiting on Postal's actions regarding overrun (does he block? does he let me by? being blinded, can he choose? and if so who makes that choice?)

not goodbad (feeling left out yet?)
joey can't overrun the blind muel, joey is a small creature, the muel is a large creature. it can't be done per this line

You can only overrun an opponent who is one
size category larger than you, the same size, or smaller.
i swear your whole turn is just falling apart. your losing it man lol

2011-09-23, 03:26 PM
Yes. Yes, I am.

It's almost a whole page of "not me".

2011-09-23, 03:27 PM
well on the plus side.. since i think we ahve figured it all out, i can get on with my turn soon, and kill goodbad by this evening :smallbiggrin: ya know get you included again and all haha.

2011-09-23, 03:31 PM
Not Goodbad:

Oh damn. Everything would work out so tactically awesome if it went as written (and you picked up on my clues, of course).

I'll change Joey's round then. He'll take a standard action to attack the mule and then take a move to Y-14.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


2011-09-23, 03:33 PM
Crit. confirm: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-23, 03:34 PM
lol epic crit there... for 2 damage.

2011-09-23, 04:49 PM
Ah, but I wasn't trying to kill it. I was just trying to make it angry. If something sprayed acid on your eyes and then started pecking you, you'd be pretty angry, eh? :smallbiggrin:

Edit: Your turn, I think, aye Dark?

2011-09-23, 05:08 PM
crud that means i have to figure out where every thing is now :smallannoyed:

2011-09-23, 05:26 PM
eldon round 4 (the action returns)

ok soo more elementals are coming out so goodbads still alive.


the wolf:
finish summoning ice beast
Ice beast appears in U16, with orders to move to Z14 and use its breath weapon northwards(triangle cone vertices at Z8,Z13,U13

every thing in that area (i believe both their mules, a water elemental, (probably goodbad)
take [roll0] frost damage dc12? for half i think.

free speak in druidic softly(hes deaf not silenced)
summon your beast with an ice aura to V10 to hit unanmed, good bad should be gone after this.
swift action shift forms to pred form
move to W7, probably provokes from both elementals I think
standard ready action to death touch overnight after unnamed's new wolf appears and does ice cold aura damage

*what was the final decision on what happens to summons once someone dies? was it mounts and pets stay, summons go poof?

hp 8/8
ac 23/15/19
shield 3/10

2011-09-23, 05:30 PM
need a DC 11 reflex save from anything in the triangle with vertices Z13,U13,Z8. including anything in the tent right now.

4 damage, half with success to every thing there, unless it's immune to frost damage.

2011-09-23, 05:33 PM
Summoned creatures stay around as well. It's only DQs that remove associated combatants.

2011-09-23, 05:45 PM
Not candy

@ Eldon's I removed the bridge, are you swimming there or jumping there? Furthmore your mule is in W7.

2011-09-23, 05:46 PM
Postal Service Reflex Save:


2011-09-23, 06:23 PM
@Refs/anything in or south of the 11 row:The south opening to the tent closes as elemental 3 takes his ready action. This should block LOE to those inside the tent.

Assuming the tent is made of leather or hide, it has a hardness of 2. After halving the cold damage, and applying hardness, the tent should have taken a total of 0 damage.

2011-09-23, 06:47 PM
Knew I forgot something on my map update

not goodbad
change movement to P4
drop readied.

2011-09-23, 07:02 PM
Gahhh, grumble, grumble, my wolf had a readied to take candycorn out, but dark jumped in. :smallsigh: :smallsigh: :smallsigh:

We need to work on our coordination, I think? Frosty melts away without ever getting off that second ice breath.

Edit: Jopus is up, yes?

2011-09-23, 08:09 PM
Round 4:


Overnight Rages
Overnight uses a full-round action to withdraw
Overnight moves to X9 ->(W9-V9) U8 -> Q4
DC 20 Jump Check: [roll0]

Through Rain, Sleet, or Blind; LOS to Postal Service

Die Joey Die!
Miss A1%: (51 - 100 = success) [roll1]
Miss A2%: (51 - 100 = success) [roll2]

Attack 1: Hoof [roll3] for [roll4]
Attack 2: Hoof [roll5] for [roll6]


Shifting: 5/8
Rage: 9/9
HP: 12/17
AC: (+2 Armor, +4 Shield, +1 Dex, -4 Rage)

Postal Service the Mule (He's Blind)

Hit Dice: 3d8+12 (17/25 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 15 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, -2 Blind, +7 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+10
Attack: Hoof +5 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +5 melee (1d6+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: No vision, scent, Excellent Learner, Thick skin breed
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Improved Natural Attack (Hoof)
Trained: Combat Riding


2011-09-23, 11:40 PM
Goodbad, Round 4:

Refs/LOS:Move: Open north side of the tent.

Standard: Pour a skin into Y8, creating an elemental.

Need to know what I see, but don't want it obvious that I've opened the north tent flap to those who aren't seeing it.
Not done, Ref question.

2011-09-24, 02:05 AM
I think we're past due for a LoS update, while I'm here. Bloody page and a half of spoiler text.


Goodbad:Mr. Kickum is in W6/X7. Overnight is in Q4. eldon is in P4, shapeshifted.

Overnight:eldon is in P4. Mr. Kickum is in W6/X7. The north end of the tent opens, and a fourth elemental appears in Y8; Goodbad is in Z9. Unnamed is in Q10/R11. Elemental 2 is in S13-5. Frosty is in Y13. Joey is in Y14. eldon's ice wolf is in Z14. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

Unnamed:eldon is in P4. Overnight is in Q4. A fourth elemental appears in Y8. Elementals 1/2 are in S12-5/S13-5. Postal Service is in W13/X14. eldon's ice wolf is in Z14. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

eldon:Overnight is in Q4. The north end of the tent opens, and a fourth elemental appears in Y8; Goodbad is in Z9. Unnamed is in Q10/R11. Max is in S12. Elementals 1/2 are in S12-5/S13-5. Manny is in Y11/Z12. Mr. Kickum is in W6/X7.

2011-09-24, 02:47 AM
Thanks Sallera.

@LOS:Command Elemental 4:Attack Kickum
Command Elemental 3:Move to Z8, close the tent.
Command Elemental 1&2:Attack the nearest hostile biped.

Elemental 4 attacks Mr. Kickum: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.
Elemental 3 enters LOS at Z8, and closes the tent north flap.

Rest of turn:No further actions.

Done, pending resolution of Elemental 1 and 2.

Stats:Tent: Z9-10.
North Flap: Closed.
South Flap: Closed.

Me: Location: Z9, In tent
AC: 13 (FF 12, Touch 11)
HP: 6/6
Spells/Day: 4/4 Remaining
Turn Attempts: 5/8
In Hand: 5 waterskins

Elemental 1: Location: ??
HP: ??/11
AC: 17 (11, 17)
Speed: 20 (Swim 90)
Abilities: Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex
Traits: Darkvision 60, Elemental Traits
Effects: Summoned 4/10

Elemental 2: Location: ??
HP: ??/11
AC: 17 (11, 17)
Speed: 20 (Swim 90)
Abilities: Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex
Traits: Darkvision 60, Elemental Traits
Effects: Summoned 3/10

Elemental 3: Location: Z8
HP: 11/11
AC: 17 (11, 17)
Speed: 20 (Swim 90)
Abilities: Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex
Traits: Darkvision 60, Elemental Traits
Effects: Summoned 2/10

Elemental 4: Location: Y8
HP: 11/11
AC: 17 (11, 17)
Speed: 20 (Swim 90)
Abilities: Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex
Traits: Darkvision 60, Elemental Traits
Effects: Summoned 1/10

On a side note...

well on the plus side.. since i think we ahve figured it all out, i can get on with my turn soon, and kill goodbad by this evening :smallbiggrin: ya know get you included again and all haha.
:smallbiggrin: I'm still pumpin' water out of this tent like it's a leaky boat!

2011-09-24, 02:49 AM
Oh, I do believe my mule needed a save last round for ice: Ref: [roll0]

2011-09-24, 11:54 PM
Refs:Just to simplify things, Elemental 2's accelerated climb check: [roll0]

Goodbad:No LoS.

Overnight:eldon is in P4. Mr. Kickum is in W6/X7. Elemental 2 climbs out to R12 and attacks Unnamed. Elemental 3 moves to Z8 and closes the tent. Elemental 4 is in Y8. Unnamed is in Q10/R11. Frosty is in Y13. Joey is in Y14. eldon's ice wolf is in Z14. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

Unnamed:eldon is in P4. Overnight is in Q4. Elemental 1 is in S12-5, and attacks you. Elemental 2 climbs out to R12 and attacks you. Elemental 3 moves to Z8 and closes the tent. Elemental 4 is in Y8. Postal Service is in W13/X14. eldon's ice wolf is in Z14. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

eldon:Overnight is in Q4. Elemental 3 moves to Z8 and closes the tent. Elemental 4 is in Y8. Unnamed is in Q10/R11. Max is in S12. Elementals 1 is in S12-5, and attacks Unnamed. Elemental 2 climbs out to R12 and attacks Unnamed. Manny is in Y11/Z12. Mr. Kickum is in W6/X7.

2011-09-24, 11:58 PM
And some extra rolls.

Not Goodbad:Elemental 2's attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

eldon/Unnamed:Elemental 1's attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2011-09-25, 01:54 AM
Unnamed, Round 5


In Druidic:

"Dammit, Eldon, next time we do this we're gonna have to decide who kills who beforehand, because otherwise we'll just be stepping on each other's toes all the time! ..Now, in the position you chose, there's no way I can summon the wolf so he hits Overnight without hitting you. But you can handle it, and he can't. So I'll send the wolf and he'll do that and I'll send in all we've got that's on this side of the board, but for both our sakes? Let's see Over cold and numb on the floor before the round's out. Unnamed out."

Unnamed finishes summoning Frosty the II into the Q-6 square.

Frosty the II takes a free action to use his cold aura. Eldon and Overnight each take [roll0] cold damage, no save.

Frosty then takes a move to go S-6 -> S-3 -> R-3, and a standard to attack Overnight.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]


Move to P-5, provoking AoOs, and attack Overnight.

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]


Full-round action to charge Postal, attempting to bull rush him, provoking AoO from Manny.

Strength check: [roll5]


Move action to spur mount (DC 15 Ride): [roll6]


11/11 HP; 17/17/13 AC

Dreamsight (4 rounds)

Mr. Carrots: 23/25 HP; 16/11/14 AC
Spitting Joey: 11/11 HP; 18/16/13 AC
Sidearm Max: 13/13 HP; 16/12/14 AC
Frosty: 31/31 HP; 16/12/14 AC (Ice Aura) 2 rounds left

Not done (need confirmation on a roll and an opposed from Postal).

2011-09-25, 02:02 AM
Unnamed, Round 5 (cont.)



Mount move to R-4/S-5 through the coastline.

Carrots attacks Overnight.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Unnamed takes total defense.

Unnamed attempts cover riding (DC 15 Ride): [roll2]


Move to V-17.

Standard ready:

Move if Postal moves.


2011-09-25, 02:04 AM
Crit. confirm: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: And that's 30 damage total I'm counting? :smalltongue:

2011-09-25, 02:14 AM
Not Goodbad:Elemental 1 AoO on Max: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Unnamed:I believe elemental 2 hit you (attack of 18, no cover), so you would need a concentration check for the spell.

2011-09-25, 02:18 AM
Not Goodbad:Oops, forgot elemental 2's new location.
AoO on Max: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-25, 02:20 AM

With an AC of 17 (which is what's on the sheet plus 1 from the increase in Wisdom and subsequent increase in AC shifting gives me), and then the tree adding 2, that's 19 AC. Unless I'm missing something?

2011-09-25, 02:21 AM
Unnamed:Ah, forgot the tree; I was just looking at your statblock. Ne'er mind, then.

2011-09-25, 02:26 AM
Not Goodbad:

Sooooo... Unnamed aggressively achieves violent victory, through means involving a lot of teeth and hooves and claws?

Now all we need is a celebratory necromancer killing... :smalltongue:

2011-09-26, 12:13 AM
not goodbad
so is overnight down? need to know before my turn. btw again eldon is deaf right now why u talkin to him lol.

2011-09-26, 04:20 AM
Not Goodbad:

Oh, I'm not saying anything important, it's pretty much Unnamed venting.

You're not missing anything. :smalltongue:

2011-09-26, 11:23 AM
Eldon round 5
his frosty wolf melts away
move 5 feet south to P5 then east to Y5 auto succeed on dc 15 jump (4 str, 2 ranks, +12 speed (60 ft)

standard or free?:
gesture towards unnamed opening mouth in imitation of talking (cant talk in pred form) then gesture at himself then the tent flap in an opening fashion


hp 4/9
ac 23/15/19

rage claws
shield: 4/10

2011-09-26, 12:10 PM
Goodbad, Round 5

Refs/LOS:Command Elemental 3: Open the tent flap

Not done, need LOS.

2011-09-26, 02:56 PM
Overnight is alive and well by my calculations.

Oh didn't notice I got critically hit; nm. I'm out.

2011-09-26, 02:58 PM
was gonna say Dang man hes a tank lol.

2011-09-26, 03:33 PM
Not Goodbad:

Still need a bull rush check from Postal, I think?

2011-09-27, 02:33 PM
Strength Check for bull rush (+4 large, +4 four legs, +4 str):

2011-09-27, 02:45 PM
Kickum is pushed back.

Candycorn, if you opened one of the flaps, tell us wich one and we can tell you what you see.

2011-09-27, 02:51 PM
I would prefer to wait for a referee to provide LOS, and resolve any effects that need resolving, such as direction and distance of that Bull Rush, thank you.

No offense intended, but refs exist to provide an impartial and unbiased accounting. If it was just me and you two, I'd be happy to do so. But we've got multiple elementals, mounts, and companions. Heck, I don't know where half of my own team is.

Based on that, I'd really prefer the LOS that I'm given be official.

2011-09-27, 03:11 PM
Yeah, that's fine, of course.

I'm just not a huge fan of the wait LoS checks entail, as you'll likely recall. For that I apologize. :smalltongue:

2011-09-27, 03:14 PM
honestly... though i hate los check waits. in this case i really am fine waiting for one, since after this turn... i think i need to make a new battle map just o know where every thing is haha.

no offense candy but i hope never to fight this army pumping machine you have again.. at least not for a while lol

2011-09-27, 03:15 PM
I understand, but, as someone who actually intends to make you work for any victory you may get, I'd like to afford myself every opportunity to do so.

2011-09-27, 03:18 PM
And we can't fault you that:smallbiggrin:

2011-09-27, 03:31 PM
That said? My army's at half size now. I doubt I'll get more time to get it to full, though. Not without earning it.

That said, one of my elementals did open the north door to the tent.

2011-09-27, 08:02 PM

Goodbad:eldon is in Y5, shapeshifted. Max is in P5. Frosty II the ice wolf is in R3. Your elementals are in Y8 and Z8.

Unnamed:eldon is in Y5. Elemental 1 is in S12-5. Elemental 2 is in R12. Elemental 3 is in Z8, and opens the tent. Elemental 4 is in Y8. Postal Service is in W13/X14. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

eldon:Goodbad is in Z9. Elemental 1 is in S12-5. Elemental 2 is in R12. Elemental 3 is in Z8, and opens the tent. Elemental 4 is in Y8. Postal Service is in W13/X14. Manny is in Y11/Z12. Mr. Kickum is in W11/X12. Frosty II the ice wolf is in R3.

Not Goodbad:Missed a couple things before this check.
Manny's AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Postal Service's attacks, on Mr. Kickum:
Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Concealment: [roll4]

Attack 2: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Concealment: [roll7]

2011-09-27, 08:40 PM
Turn (continued)

Eldon/LOS:Cast a spell (spellcraft DC 16):Cause Fear

I gain a Fear Aura (Dreadful Wrath). All creatures with 1 HD or less, within 20 feet of me, need to make a DC 15 will save, or be Shaken for 1 minute.

Afterwards, Eldon, make a DC 16 will save (if you failed the first, you get a -2 penalty to this save for the Shaken condition).

If you fail the first and the second:you are Panicked for 1 minute.
If you fail the first only:you are frightened for 1 minute.
If you fail the second only:You are Frightened for [roll0] rounds.
If you pass both saves: You are Shaken for 1 round.

Not done, awaiting results from Eldon.

2011-09-27, 09:30 PM
save 1[roll0]
save 2 [roll1]

this is unfortunate..

2011-09-27, 09:32 PM
but not for me :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-27, 10:48 PM
Well, that is, indeed, unfortunate. I can't really consider this a good test of the build, but I'll likely retire it after this match anyway.

Refs/LOS:Move: Close Flap.

Remainder:Instruct elementals 3 and 4 to ready action to move adjacent to Eldon if he attempts any AoO provoking action.

Instruct Elementals 1 and 2 to double move towards eldon.

Done, pending ref handling of my elementals.

2011-09-27, 11:41 PM
Refs:Climb for Elemental 1: [roll0]
Climb for Elemental 2: [roll1]

Goodbad:No LoS.

Unnamed:eldon is in Y5. Elemental 1 moves to Y4. Elemental 2 withdraws to S13 and continues to W5, but fails to climb out. Elemental 3 is in Z8, and readies an action. Elemental 4 is in Y8, and readies an action. Postal Service is in W13/X14. Manny is in Y11/Z12.

eldon:The tent closes. Elemental 1 moves to Y4. Elemental 2 withdraws to W5, but fails to climb out. Elemental 3 is in Z8, and readies an action. Elemental 4 is in Y8, and readies an action. Postal Service is in W13/X14. Manny is in Y11/Z12. Mr. Kickum is in W11/X12. Frosty II the ice wolf is in R3.

2011-09-28, 06:10 PM
Unnamed, Round 6



Move to X-6, attempting to jump across the river (DC 15 Jump): [roll0]

Rest of turn depending on roll.


Move to W-15.

Attack Postal: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]


Move to W-8/X-9.

Attack the ele in Y-8.

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]


Mount move to P-9/Q-10 and then to W-9/X-10 with a DC 15 Jump check: [roll5]

Rest of turn pending roll.


Discharge aura harmlessly into empty space and then wait to die.


11/11 HP; 17/17/13 AC

Dreamsight (3 rounds)

Mr. Carrots: 23/25 HP; 16/11/14 AC
Spitting Joey: 11/11 HP; 18/16/13 AC
Sidearm Max: 13/13 HP; 16/12/14 AC

Not done.

2011-09-28, 07:50 PM
Unnamed, Round 6 (cont.)


Max attacks adjacent elemental.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Unnamed's mount proceeds movement to W-11/X-12.

Unnamed takes total defense and attempts cover riding (DC 15 Ride): [roll2]


11/11 HP; 21/21/13 AC

Dreamsight (3 rounds)

Mr. Carrots: 23/25 HP; 16/11/14 AC
Spitting Joey: 11/11 HP; 18/16/13 AC
Sidearm Max: 13/13 HP; 16/12/14 AC


2011-09-28, 09:17 PM
@Refs:I recently brought it up in the waiting room, but I think it bears checking now.

I've noted that my opponents have been moving a mount without a rider (one LOS I had it, one I didn't).

Could you please verify that my opponents are handling their mounts properly, that their attack choices are legal, given mount training (I believe one of their mounts doesn't list any known tricks... default to Riding only? The other has tricks, but basic combat riding only covers myself and the mounts, not my elemental minions), and that the required move actions are spent and handle checks rolled for their mounts?

2011-09-29, 02:34 PM
should i be waiting for a ref question to be awnsered?

2011-09-29, 03:34 PM
Most likely, yes.

I just want to get a double check on mount handling for your unmounted animals, especially concerning one of them doesn't list any tricks known (which, I assume, means that it's trained to the minimum level necessary to be legal, which is Riding), as well as verify that you guys have been properly spending move actions to handle your mounts, and rolling the required Handle animal checks for any required handling of any of your animals.

My water elementals can be just commanded, per the text of water devotion, but animal intelligence creatures follow the rules in handle animal... and I just want to get some eyes on the match to make sure everything's legit before continuing.

2011-09-29, 03:41 PM
Yeah, but Unnamed's got speak with animals from shifting. He doesn't need to handle them, he can just tell them, aye?

2011-09-29, 04:36 PM
You are able to ask questions of and receive answers from animals, although the spell doesn’t make them any more friendly or cooperative than normal.
Handle animal is the skill which compels obedience from an animal. Communicating what you want is seperate from compelling obedience. Also, animals not trained to attack anything will only attack certain types of creatures.

In other words, it's still a 1 intelligence animal, with no effect compelling obedience. It should still need handling, and nothing in the speak with animals spell seems to have any impact on the action type required for that handling.

2011-09-29, 06:02 PM
Hmmmm, yeah, I suppose I can see that. If prior to battle one was to take Animal Empathy checks to get a mount up to friendly, though, would that do the trick?

I see what you're saying about tricks, and I didn't know he didn't have any. That already pretty much invalidates Kickum's involvement in the match anyway (I seriously should have checked up on eldon's purchase beforehand, but it never occured to me that there would be any reason to :smallsigh: )

That said, though, if obedience is a problem, how are you getting your mounts to attack us? I saw no use of Handle Animal, and see no reason why their attitude towads those of us who didn't attack them would be hostile (or at least no more than I see Kickum's being friendly, which would remove the obedience issue).

You might have set them to defend, I think. Was that it?

2011-09-29, 06:16 PM
Hmmmm, yeah, I suppose I can see that. If prior to battle one was to take Animal Empathy checks to get a mount up to friendly, though, would that do the trick?

I see what you're saying about tricks, and I didn't know he didn't have any. That already pretty much invalidates Kickum's involvement in the match anyway (I seriously should have checked up on eldon's purchase beforehand, but it never occured to me that there would be any reason to :smallsigh: )

That said, though, if obedience is a problem, how are you getting your mounts to attack us? I saw no use of Handle Animal, and see no reason why their attitude towads those of us who didn't attack them would be hostile (or at least no more than I see Kickum's being friendly, which would remove the obedience issue).

You might have set them to defend, I think. Was that it?

Animals are always set to defend. If they are attacked, or their master is, there is no need for a check to have them counterattack. (Source: Handle animal, Defend trick).

The animal defends you (or is ready to defend you if no threat is present), even without any command being given.
No command is needed, for defend.

I believe AoO's are automatic, as well, by precedent.

For example, Manny would never attack your frost wolves, even with the defend trick, because it is a construct. It would respond normally to you, your partner, or any animals. If I tried to Push it, and succeeded, it could. By the same token, your animals would not attack my elementals unless pushed (per the handle animal description), because elemental isn't one of the listed types for attack training.

Quite simply, though: I'm not getting my animals to do anything. I've not rolled a single attack or given a single command to my mount. Heck, I don't even know for sure where it is. My elementals are a different story, but my mount has not once been commanded. It is reacting solely based on what has attacked it, and what hostile forces provoke an AoO near it.

I don't think the animal's attitude towards you would obviate the need for a Handle check either. To deal with an animal intelligence creature, it must be handled or compelled to action, from what I understand.

2011-09-29, 06:44 PM
Yeah, but how can they tell something is hostile if it doesn't attack them? For example, when Kickum did something that provoked an AoO near Manny, it took the AoO even though Kickum had done nothing hostile towards him or his master.

If he does that with ours, doesn't it mean he should with yours? So, say, every time Postal moved near Manny it should take an AoO on it?

Anyway, you say you don't think attitude should remove the need for handle animal checks, but the way I see it when you handle an animal you're doing two things. One, you're getting it to understand what you want ,which is replicated with Speak. And the other is getting it to actually do it, even if it doesn't want to. But if a creature is friendly towards you, they'll be compelled towards doing what you ask anyway. So what you're saying basically is that an animal, an inteligent creature, can understand a request and he can want to do it, but then still need to be forced to do it? How does that make sense?

2011-09-29, 11:21 PM
Yeah, but how can they tell something is hostile if it doesn't attack them? For example, when Kickum did something that provoked an AoO near Manny, it took the AoO even though Kickum had done nothing hostile towards him or his master.

If he does that with ours, doesn't it mean he should with yours? So, say, every time Postal moved near Manny it should take an AoO on it?
I can't comment on specific AoO's, as I'm not familiar with what's going on outside my tent for the most part. That said, I believe animals automatically know friend and foe, by arena precedent. They just don't automatically seek them out and attack without command.

Anyway, you say you don't think attitude should remove the need for handle animal checks, but the way I see it when you handle an animal you're doing two things. One, you're getting it to understand what you want ,which is replicated with Speak. And the other is getting it to actually do it, even if it doesn't want to. But if a creature is friendly towards you, they'll be compelled towards doing what you ask anyway. So what you're saying basically is that an animal, an inteligent creature, can understand a request and he can want to do it, but then still need to be forced to do it? How does that make sense?

When you handle an animal, you are using an ability, granted by the rules, to compel a creature to action.

The bolded text is inaccurate. After all, when someone is Charmed, they treat you as a trusted friend and ally. However, they still cannot be compelled to act. Rule based checks are required to do so.

This is pretty solid ground showing that attitude and understanding alone are not enough to compel a creature to action, without a rulebook effect granting that.

In other words, once we start justifying actions based on attitude, we leave firm rules territory, and get into murky water. Without firm, enforcable rules, impartiality is very difficult to maintain.

Psionic Dog
2011-09-30, 07:49 AM
Master Ref PsiDog

Handle an Animal
This task involves commanding an animal to perform a task or trick that it knows.

“Push” an Animal
To push an animal means to get it to perform a task or trick that it doesn’t know but is physically capable of performing.

You are able to ask questions of and receive answers from animals, although the spell doesn’t make them any more friendly or cooperative than normal.

I'm sorry, but Speak with Animals breaths not a word on getting an animal to perform a task for you. The handle animal skill however, does.

There are a few exceptions or such as with Summon Natures Ally where simply communicating is enough to give detailed orders, but they are exceptions and not the general rule.

Speak with animals does not automaticaly overcome the need for Handle Animal checks.

Hmmmm, yeah, I suppose I can see that. If prior to battle one was to take Animal Empathy checks to get a mount up to friendly, though, would that do the trick?

Not good enough.
'Friendly' = "Chat, advises, offers limited help, advocates"

'Indifferent' or 'friendly' simply implies the animal will make truthful responses rather than inane insults or blatant lies when answering questions.

Active voluntary assistance doesn't start until helpful.
'helpful' = 'Protect, back up, heal, aid'

Asking a creature to use itself as a disposable aggressive minion according to your whims doesn't happen until fanatical.
'fanatic' = 'Will give life to serve you'.

2011-09-30, 04:25 PM
If we have to restart this battle I'm going to coup de grâce myself with my tower shield.

2011-09-30, 04:27 PM
LOL, if you bring that tower shield into a rematch, I will do the same. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-30, 04:32 PM
We would have to go back to the very first turn on Round 1 right? The mount that only has the trick "ride" took a non-handle animal double move action on the first round.

2011-09-30, 04:35 PM
A high ref would have to determine when the very first match-impacting error was, if any, to rewind to that point.

2011-09-30, 04:37 PM
What if the question is, "Will you please do this one thing or the other for me?"

Also, if Fanatical is needed, then perhaps it could be assumed that the characters in question have taken the time and rolls prior to the match to get the animals up there, through the means of animal empathy checks and taking 20?

2011-09-30, 04:55 PM
Taking 20 implies no penalty for failure. Wild empathy functions as Diplomacy.

Getting a 1 would typically lower the category, which is a penalty for failure.

Optional, but not recommended because retries usually do not work. Even if the initial Diplomacy check succeeds, the other character can be persuaded only so far, and a retry may do more harm than good. If the initial check fails, the other character has probably become more firmly committed to his position, and a retry is futile.

If the animal is initially helpful, the DC to reach fanatical is 50. I doubt taking 10 or 20 would get there.

That said, I don't think "will you please" will alter anything.

Hostile creatures act against your interest, sometimes even if it harms them, to the point of open attack.
Unfriendly creatures act against your interest, sometimes even if it hinders them, to the point of hostile words/misinformation/passive aggressive.
Indifferent creatures act in their own interest, and would not go out of their way to help or hinder you.
Friendly creatures act in your interest, but not to the point of jeopardizing themself.
Helpful creatures act in your interest, even if it's at risk to themselves, but not to the point of death for your personal advantage.
Fanatical creatures act in your interest, and will do anything for you.

"Will you please" won't alter the level of risk an action carries.

2011-10-01, 01:15 AM
Post due to 500 error not updating.

2011-10-01, 06:59 AM
Couldn't multiple attempts be taken, each to climb one step of the way?

And also, there is a retry option in diplomacy. Couldn't one keep retrying until he suceeded?

2011-10-01, 08:35 AM
Couldn't multiple attempts be taken, each to climb one step of the way?

And also, there is a retry option in diplomacy. Couldn't one keep retrying until he suceeded?

Diplomacy is "Optional, not recommended" for answering whether retry is allowed. That optional to allow, not optional to do.

Skills like climb show what a retry option is.

In addition, Eldon couldn't get someone to helpful, even if they were friendly, and even if he rolled a natural 20. If he's the one doing the talking, and therefore the communicating with the animals, it's not physically possible, no matter what he rolled. He has a -1 modifier to his wild empathy check.

2011-10-01, 08:53 AM
I don't follow what you're trying to say about the retry. If it's "optional to allow", who decides if it's allowed?

And Eldon's not doing the talking, Unnamed is.

2011-10-01, 09:10 AM
I don't follow what you're trying to say about the retry. If it's "optional to allow", who decides if it's allowed?

And Eldon's not doing the talking, Unnamed is.

The DM, same as all optional rules. For example: Action points are an optional rule. The Arena does not use them. Critical fumbles are an optional rule. The Arena does not use them. Those decisions, however, were made by Master Refs at one point.

Try Again: Any conditions that apply to successive attempts to use the skill successfully. If the skill doesn’t allow you to attempt the same task more than once, or if failure carries an inherent penalty (such as with the Climb skill), you can’t take 20. If this paragraph is omitted, the skill can be retried without any inherent penalty, other than the additional time required.The paragraph is not omitted from Diplomacy. Further, Diplomacy lists retries as optional, and strongly discouraged, as people can only be persuaded so far. If the initial check fails, a retry is futile.

There is a penalty for failure (worsened attitude), so take 20 is out. A failure makes retries futile (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/futile).

2011-10-01, 09:47 AM
Let's quote the entire paragraph, shall we?

Try Again

Optional, but not recommended because retries usually do not work. Even if the initial Diplomacy check succeeds, the other character can be persuaded only so far, and a retry may do more harm than good. If the initial check fails, the other character has probably become more firmly committed to his position, and a retry is futile.

I don't know how you read the last sentence, but the futility of a retry seems to rest upon the character becoming more firmly commited to his position. Which is, read, probable, not certain.

If the Arena doesn't use optional retries, though, there's nothing I can do. I'd appreciate a link to that ruling, though.

2011-10-01, 10:31 AM
Let's quote the entire paragraph, shall we?

I don't know how you read the last sentence, but the futility of a retry seems to rest upon the character becoming more firmly commited to his position. Which is, read, probable, not certain.

If the Arena doesn't use optional retries, though, there's nothing I can do. I'd appreciate a link to that ruling, though.

The arena allows retries for any skill which does not have a "Try again" listing, per the rules text. For abilities with such a listing, it is read, and interpreted.

It is absolutely certain that taking 20 is not allowed, as there is a penalty for failure.

Psionic Dog ruled that handle animal is needed for any creature that is not helpful or better.

If, at any time during the match, you attempted to command an animal without handle animal, who was not at least helpful, except an animal companion, that is a violation of Psionic Dog's ruling, and is the grounds for which I'm requesting a rewind.

Did you?

Mounts must be handled as a move action, per the handle animal skill, and wild cohorts also must be handled as a move action, per the handle animal skill.

Animal companions are free actions, so as long as you have a modifier of -10 or better, eventually, you'll successfully handle it. However, the others have an action cost for failure that was not taken into account.

2011-10-01, 11:19 AM
Yes, I understand taking 20 is not allowed, it is the third time you tell me.

And yes, I did command animals without handle, and I'm not fighting PsiDog's ruling, I expect to see it enforced shortly.

What I'm trying to discuss with you, though, is the "interpretation" of diplomacy's try again, which I believe to be erroneous. You seem to be skimming my arguments for that, though, or perhaps I have not made them clear... :smallconfused:

2011-10-01, 11:49 AM
Yes, I understand taking 20 is not allowed, it is the third time you tell me.

And yes, I did command animals without handle, and I'm not fighting PsiDog's ruling, I expect to see it enforced shortly.

What I'm trying to discuss with you, though, is the "interpretation" of diplomacy's try again, which I believe to be erroneous. You seem to be skimming my arguments for that, though, or perhaps I have not made them clear... :smallconfused:

You made them clear. I just disagree with them. Every optional rule that has come up in the arena that I know of... Every one... has not been used. Action points, critical fumbles, and the like. Since the try again is optional, that's one strike against it. Since the writers explicitly recommended not implementing it, that's two.

A "maybe" and a "might" don't change the above two points. They are irrelevant to those points. It never gets to a "is this one of those "maybe" scenarios that actually works" question, if Try again is not used because it is an optional rule that recommends against using itself.

2011-10-01, 12:17 PM
I see your point.

Let me offer up yet another interpretation, though, as this is a fairly ambiguous paragraph, and I believe open to such.

Try Again

Optional, but not recommended because retries usually do not work. Even if the initial Diplomacy check succeeds, the other character can be persuaded only so far, and a retry may do more harm than good. If the initial check fails, the other character has probably become more firmly committed to his position, and a retry is futile.

What if instead of being optional to implement, as you assume, it means optional to try? The text does not specificy, and no single line after it cannot be read thusly. So it would essentialy mean:

It is not recommended that you try, because it probably won't work, and might actually do more harm than good. It is still an option, however.

Thoughts? If there is anything in the paragraph that contradicts this, I'd like to hear it.

2011-10-01, 12:47 PM
I see your point.

Let me offer up yet another interpretation, though, as this is a fairly ambiguous paragraph, and I believe open to such.

What if instead of being optional to implement, as you assume, it means optional to try? The text does not specificate, and no single line after it cannot be read thusly. So it would essentialy mean:

It is not recommended that you try, because it probably won't work, and might actually do more harm than good. It is still an option, however.

Thoughts? If there is anything in the paragraph that contradicts this, I'd like to hear it.
Debate not directly related to the current match:The inclusion of the Try Again block means that a retry of the skill is either not allowed, or carries a restriction or penalty. (Source (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/skillDescriptions.htm)). There's no definite restriction, so that leaves either penalty or unallowed. Even a -1 penalty makes it impossible to reach Helpful, and unallowed also does. Either way, again, it leads to a dead end.

Regardless, we have both made our case for our interpretation of the rules clear. There is nothing to do but wait for any rewind on the issue. I'm not going to further belabor the point, especially since it has no bearing or relevance on THIS match.

I also feel that the interpretation you are trying to go with unduly overpowers mounted combat. By assigning an action cost to the extra combatant, the rules lessen what the main character can do if the mount is controlled. Attempting to circumvent that with questionable and contrived rules debates that depend on deliberately taking something out of context?

Would put me firmly in the "ban mounts, as they unduly unbalance the structure of the arena" camp. Regardless of the fact that I own a mounted character, and regardless of the fact that my mounted character is my personal favorite character I have. At that point, there's nothing to stop everyone from bringing in 9 animals to the arena, and controlling every one of them for free. (mount, wild cohort, animal companion, animal friends x3, for 6 baboons)

2011-10-01, 01:49 PM
GM Kyeudo

Looks like I'm needed here.

Diplomacy can't be retried. Directing a mount without riding it requires either Handle Animal checks or being able to both communicate with animals and being able to have its attitude be helpful towards you.

It appears that the very first Handle Animal checks are missed in the very first round. Rewind back to here:

Unnamed, 1st Commander of the Armies of the Wild by power and wisdom of the Druidic Council, Round 1

2011-10-02, 12:15 PM
oh joy we begin again lol

2011-10-02, 05:33 PM
soo i think mysterious is up now.

2011-10-04, 02:29 AM
Mysterious's last activity was over an hour after the rewind, so he should have had notice that it's his turn. I typically hate asking for DQ's, but future matches are waiting on this one. I'll wait until after 3pm to make the request, as I want to give him every opportunity to show up.

2011-10-04, 11:03 PM
well this is gonna get hard quick..

2011-10-05, 12:25 AM
GM Kyeudo

Unnamed is disqualified due his lack of posting.

2011-10-05, 03:54 AM
I wonder what happened to him.

2011-10-05, 08:28 PM
gotta ask this, since ive messed it up before.
You can't make sunder attempts with ranged weapons without the specific feat, however attacking something such as a tent, that has a listed(extrapolated) ac and is a large object in and of itself is ok with a ranged weapon at no penalties yes?

2011-10-06, 12:38 AM
Penalties exist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/exploration.htm#rangedWeaponDamage).

Specifically, damage is halved, prior to applying hardness. So, any ranged attack which deals 5 or less damage is halved to 2 (tent is leather/hide, I believe), then hardness reduces it to 0.

2011-10-06, 04:35 PM
hmm well there goes that plan.

alright starting over (hits play on the crystal method song of same title)
significantly more difficult now..

for recap.
i believe all the animals of unnamed's are still in their original starting places, hes just not on the horse any more.

Eldon round 1
]standard manifest dragon mark power shield
free drop sling in hand
move draw alchemist fire to hand
swift shift to predator form


your welcome to do los spoilers yourself, but i would rather this just speed along since im prolly gonna lose, and lose next round without having a partner :smallbiggrin:

hp 9/9
ac 23/15/19

rage claws
shield 1/10

2011-10-06, 05:45 PM
I believe when a player is disqualified, all combatants owned by that player are removed, including those gained by feat or feature.

2011-10-06, 05:59 PM
Correct. All of Unnamed's minions got zapped with him.

2011-10-06, 06:08 PM
Couldn't you just forfeit if you don't want to play for real? Also is he DQ from just this fight or for the rest of this tournament?


Round 1:


Move Action: Remove Shield
Free Action: Drop Shield
Move Action: Move to T7


hp: 14/14
ac: 12/10/12

Postal Service the Mule
hp: 25/25
AC: 19/12/16

2011-10-06, 06:27 PM
Just this match. He'll have the usual waiting period in the next one.

2011-10-06, 06:31 PM
Just this fight. I suppose he could, but most people are here to play, and forfeits don't do that.

Goodbad the Happysad, Round 1, First to Act:

Refs/LOS:Move: Stand.
Free: 5 foot step to J-9.
Standard: Pour waterskin into J-10, activating Water Devotion. Water Elemental Appears.

Free: Command it (per Water Devotion) to exit the tent, and move on land towards Eldon at best available speed.

Free: Drop Waterskin.
Free: Shift Waterskin 2 to hand.

Elemental leaves the tent, double moves to U8.


Stats:Me: Location: Z10, In tent
AC: 13 (FF 12, Touch 11)
HP: 6/6
Spells/Day: 4/4 Remaining

Elemental 1: Location: Y9, Readied action.
HP: 11/11
AC: 17 (11, 17)
Speed: 20 (Swim 90)
Abilities: Water Mastery, Drench, Vortex
Traits: Darkvision 60, Elemental Traits
Effects: Summoned 1/10

2011-10-06, 08:51 PM
eldon round 2 (the world just became very empty, just a lone druid and his horse (who he can't reliably control haha)

move to H9
standard ready action
move if attacked, or over night ends turn, or an elemental moves out of the tent.

prolly need LOS.

and I wont forfeit, because is still think there is a chance i can still beat you both.:smallbiggrin:

hp 9/9
ac 23/15/19

rage claws
shield 2/10

2011-10-06, 08:57 PM
That's the spirit! Let's do this!

By the by, I'm in J9. Basically, I poured out a bottle of water, which left the tent on my turn, under instruction from me. I kept the spoilers because the vast majority of my round 1 was unchanged, and copy/paste seemed more efficient.