View Full Version : Tristalt build help?

2011-09-07, 07:33 PM
I'm playing in a game on the playground, 24th level, tristalt game, if you don't know what that means, it's basically gestalt with 3 instead of 2 classes at a time.

All 3.5 books are open I'm pretty sure. There is a lot of homebrew going on as well. 200,000 starting gold.

I want to be all cool and junk and be different. So I decided on Truenamer//Factotum//Something else, don't know yet.

I know I'll need to optimize truespeak as much as possible, and epic only makes it easier. What do you guys think the third class should be. I want to play this character, but I'd be open to something better if it interests me sufficiently.

I'm thinking Illumian starting race. Maybe I can use the third class as sort of a LA thing to boost or supplement my abilities. The only problem is the DM says I have to be able to describe my character in 5 words or less, so no Tauric/vampire/venerable dragonwrought kobold/lolth touched/etc. template stacking crazy stuff. But with up to 24 levels to work with I can build something that is effective hopefully.

I come asking help from you, the best optimizers on the internet that I know of. Please, playground, help?

2011-09-07, 07:41 PM
Truename is terrible, don't ever try to use it, ever.

Instead, be a spellpoint Wizard//Warblade//Factotum.

Take Faerie Mysteries Initiate for Int to HP, maybe a monk dip for Carmendine Monk (Int to AC), and get Font of Inspiration a lot. There, a totally Int based build that is going to rock the worlds of anybody else in the party unless they are an even higher level Wizard.

2011-09-07, 07:46 PM
Truename is terrible, don't ever try to use it, ever.

Instead, be a spellpoint Wizard//Warblade//Factotum.

Take Faerie Mysteries Initiate for Int to HP, maybe a monk dip for Carmendine Monk (Int to AC), and get Font of Inspiration a lot. There, a totally Int based build that is going to rock the worlds of anybody else in the party unless they are an even higher level Wizard.

Yes, it's completely int focused, but I don't really like using wizard, too much book keeping even in tristalt.

2011-09-07, 07:50 PM
Yes, it's completely int focused, but I don't really like using wizard, too much book keeping even in tristalt.

Alright, ask your DM if some limited Pathfinder material can be accepted. If so, use the Sage Bloodline (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer/archetypes/paizo---sorcerer-archetypes/wildblooded/sage) Sorceror in place of Wizard. Sage bloodline switchs Sorc casting to Int-based rather than Cha-based, so you retain synergy and power while still drastically reducing book keeping.

Elric VIII
2011-09-07, 07:50 PM
Yes, it's completely int focused, but I don't really like using wizard, too much book keeping even in tristalt.

Wu Jen is an Int-Based caster that is less complicated than the Wizard. Also, consider Beguiler.

2011-09-07, 07:55 PM
Okay, so truenamer is completely off the table.

I mostly wanted to play it for flavorish reasons, but if it sucks so badly, I can play something else. I just want something fun to play, not to broken, can deal decent damage/heal well/buff and debuff. Just something focused on something and can do it really well.

2011-09-07, 08:29 PM
The feat Lost Tradition can swap casting stats from whatever to whatever. From a 3.0 bastards & bloodlines book. So you could be an int-focused cloistered cleric if you wanted.

2011-09-07, 08:44 PM
It could be a bit much of bookkeeping, but psion/warblade/factotum is probably the best you can do.. Warblade gets you full BAB and d12 HD, while factotum does what it does best which is be good at everything. Psion does everything well as well. No matter what you spec in, your still set. Use some feats to pick up the golden powers your spec doesn't have such as energy missile and astral construct. Oh and lastly you can manifest in full plate. So, spend an action to summon a construct that is awesome, then use factotum to grab an extra standard with which you can use any melee strike you want, or you can shoot missiles of electricity at your foes.

2011-09-07, 08:52 PM
If you optimize a truenamer rigorously it can be decent. An item familiar in this case would be extra useful, since you've got 4 more skill points per level to invest than the average truenamer. Illumian is also one of the better races for truenaming. (Check one of the truenamer optimization threads.)
Optimized truenamers can make decent healers.

The only classes I know of other than truenamer and factotum that make any use of int are wizard, beguiler, wu-jen, shadowcaster, warblade, swashbuckler, duskblade and warmage (for warmage edge).

A fun build for a nature oriented super-druid is:
druid 24//
Barbarian 6/ master of many forms 10/warshaper 5/beast heart adept 3//
Any class 6/ beast heart adept 7/ beast master 10/Same class or Barbarian 2

This way you've got full druid casting, lots of better-than-normal wildshape and lots of animal companions. (It doesn't really need to be barbarian. That class just seems to fit best, other than ranger.)

2011-09-07, 08:54 PM
BTW, I'm also making a character for that campaign and we're starting with 2,000,000 gold, not 200,000. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-07, 09:04 PM
Only 1 PrC is allowed at a time, just to let you guys know.

2011-09-07, 09:12 PM
It could be a bit much of bookkeeping, but psion/warblade/factotum is probably the best you can do.. Warblade gets you full BAB and d12 HD, while factotum does what it does best which is be good at everything. Psion does everything well as well. No matter what you spec in, your still set. Use some feats to pick up the golden powers your spec doesn't have such as energy missile and astral construct. Oh and lastly you can manifest in full plate. So, spend an action to summon a construct that is awesome, then use factotum to grab an extra standard with which you can use any melee strike you want, or you can shoot missiles of electricity at your foes.

That sounds fun. I would love to do something like that. I get good everything, manifesting, double standard actions, other things. I'll be unhittable for the most part, high AC as I'm in full plate, able to attack when manifesting runs out.

2011-09-07, 09:22 PM
Silverbrow human would be my race of choice.

Bard20/dragonsong lyricist4 (Draconomicon)//Sorcerer5/mindbender10 (Complete Arcane)/Virtuoso9 (Complete Adventurer)//marshall5 (Miniatures Handbook)/dirgesinger5 (Libra Mortis)/sublime chord10 (Complete Arcane)/archmage4

Mindbender and dirgesinger have an alignment requirement of any non-good, dragonsong lyricist has a non-evil requirement, and bard has a non-lawful requirement.

Gets 22nd level bard casting, 18th level sorcerer casting, and epic sublime chord spellcasting. I used archmage to advance sublime chord past 10, but you can use anything pretty much. No fiddly spell preparation, just lots of spontaneous casting. More levels of marshall was tempting, but dirgesinger is way cool, and you'll get better buffing out of the sublime chord than marshall. Though if your DM is a stickler about only having 1 prestige class at a time then it would be easy to just increase your marshall levels at the expense of anything else.

edit: just to be able to get some numbers in there, you'll be able to spontaneously cast 11 different level 1 spells, 11 2nd level spells, 11 3rd level spells, 15 4th level spells, 15 5th level spells, 14 6th level spells, 10 7th level spells, 8 8th level spells, and 5 9th level spells.

2011-09-07, 11:16 PM
huh, an idea for that....

Try going Crusader/swordsage/warblade, if you have the stats to pull it off.

Have every useful manuever from any school you can think of. Crusader gives you the least, so swap out crusader levels for PrCs like Master of the Nine.

Oh, and all good saves too.

hum, Mindblade24//psychic warrior24//Fighter4/[20 levels of +1 BaB PrCs]

going back to casters, warblade24//warlock24//sorcerer5/[your casting PrC of choice 2]/Abjurant Champion 5/Argent Savant5/[7 more levels of other PrCs]

A single feat will bring your casting power back up to 24, and your total spells per day/known should be at 20 for sorcerer

A shield spell would be +11 bonus, and depending on DM, your mage armor might be as well. 3rd level or lower abjurations are swift actions to cast, and all abjurations are extended.

your force effects rock every one's world, especially abjuration ones. And you have a warlock's utility of spells (constant fly, infinite shatters. Good stuff), a warblade's arsenal of destroy-everything spells, and you balance it with your sorcerer selection's of spells (I can not recommended Shade enough BTW)

hmmm, a monk24//druid24//Barbarian X/shape-changing specialty PrCs (Master of Many Forms, Warshaper) as soon as you can. Multi-attack, improved multi-attack. Full round attack option: Flurry of blows followed by ALL your natural attacks. If you don't find enough shape-changing classes, I recommended Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries. Grants increase dice sizes to unarmed attacks, but it is NOT monk's progression, so stacks. there are other classes that do the same.

Ohhh, Beguiler/warlock/sorcerer. All Cha casting.

Mmm, duskblade24//warmage24//monk 3/enlightened fist10/monk11 (or PrCs)

Full BaB Monk delivering disintegrate or Polar Ray with every hit during a flurry of blows (Hold Ray, EF 7 ability, + Dusk Blades arcane channeling, + warmage's spells...)

Warblade can be swapped for another arcane caster if you like. Divine attack spells tend to not be rays.

2011-09-08, 10:43 AM
I had some more time so I decided to take another crack at this, though this turned into a goody two shoes character. There's a crap ton of different class abilities in all those classes, but at its core you're one hell of a spontaneous caster.

If you want to go crazy with level adjustment, and assuming it only fits into one column, be a saint (Book of Exalted Deeds, +2 LA) phrenic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/phrenicCreature.htm) (SRD, +2 LA) draconic lesser assimar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/planetouched.htm). That's 5 words >_> Note that lesser aasimar are exactly the same as regular aasimar, but they are humanoids and not outsiders. Being an outsider grants you darkvision, makes you not need to eat or sleep, and other nifty stuff that other lesser aasimars miss out on, but you you'll get anyway since you'll be a saint, which grants you the outsider type anyway.

Also, in addition to other awesome abilities saints and phrenic creatures get, the total racial charisma bonus here is +12. Every 4th level you get a stat bump, so by level 24 you'll have another +6. Point buy your way to 18 base charisma, and there's an easy 36 to your primary casting stat right there. I'd stick with a +6 charisma item, epic ones (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#cloakofEpicCharisma) are too expensive to justify. Add the risen martyr's +2 charisma bump and you'll be sitting pretty at 44 charisma. This will give you a modest amount (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm#abilitiesAndSpellcasters) of bonus spells per day, and the combo of prestige paladin and risen martyr will put that +17 charisma toward both AC and saves.

However, being a saint makes you need to be good, which potentially nixes mindbender and dirgesinger. Here's an alternative build suggestion:

bard 20***/dragonsong lyricist 4//sorcerer 5/virtuoso 9/celestial mystic 10*** (Book of Exalted Deeds) //LA5/emissary of Barachiel 5*** (Book of Exalted Deeds)/sublime chord 2/sacred exorcist 8 (Complete Divine)/prestige paladin (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/prestigiousCharacterClasses.htm#prestigePaladin) 3/risen martyr 1 (Book of Exalted Deeds)

***Celestial mystic and emissary of Barachiel require lawful good, which conflicts with the bard's [unbelievably stupid] non-lawful requirement. Ask your DM to make an exception to the bard's requirement.

Emissary of Barachiel requires the feats servant of the heavens and words of creation to qualify. Celestial mystic requires servant of the heavens, sacred vow, and vow of abstinence. Risen martry requires nimbus of light and any exalted feat. Since you need 3 exalted feats to be a saint anyway, perhaps you could negotiate with your DM to ease the collective requirements to being to servant of the heavens (which is crap), nymph's kiss, and words of creation.

1: Nymph's kiss (+1 skill point per level and bonuses on charisma related checks)
3: Servant of the heavens (+1 luck bonus to a single roll per day - crap, but required for 2 of the prcs)
6: Dragonsong (required for dragonsong lyricist, boost DC of bard abilities, pretty good feat for a pre req)
9: Melodic spellcasting (make perform checks instead of concentration checks when distracted from spellcasting, most importantly, you can cast spells and activate magical items that require spell completion or command word while using bardic music.)
12: Words of creation (pure awesome, DOUBLES lots of bard stuff, +8 for inspire courage, +4 HD for inspire greatness, etc.)
15: Eschew materials (required for ignore material components)
18: Mounted combat (required for prestige paladin)
21: Epic spellcasting
24: Ignore material components (no material components needed for spells ever again, but you still need focus/divine focus items if applicable)

-Charisma modifier to saves (prestige paladin) AND to AC (risen martyr)
-Special paladin mount (the reason I went prestige instead of regular paladin)
-22nd level sorcerer casting, 22nd level bard casting, 7th level emissary of Barachiel casting, and all 10 levels of sublime chord, whose caster level is nebulous in a gestalt situation, but 9th level casting from 2 classes is nice either way. Plus lots of psi-like abilities from phrenic with charisma based saves!
-All classes casting classes are spontaneous and charisma based
-All d12 hit die, a host of immunities (crits, nonlethal damage, fatigue, and more) and no con score thanks to risen martyr
-Undead turning from sacred exorcist and paladin (11 turning levels total, and a whole lot of attempts thanks to your charisma)
-More buffing and debuffing than can readily be mentioned.
-Though single ability dependent (only charisma will matter), your net stats from race and templates would be +2 str, +0 dex, +4 con, +2 int, +6 wis, +12 cha - though remember con doesn't matter unless you drop the level of risen martyr

2011-09-08, 12:22 PM
Since it is tristalt, I'd work some Dragon Disciple in there as well for the d12 hit die, stat boosts, natural armor....

Duskblade 5/Factotum 5/Spellthief 5
Duskblade 3/Dragon Disciple 3/Factotum 3
Duskblade 3/Dragon Disciple 3/Swashbuckler 3
Duskblade 2/Dragon Disciple 2/Spellthief 2
Duskblade 3/Arcane Trickster 3 (impromtu sneak attack=free stolen spell)/Half-Dragon Paragon 3
Duskblade 4/Swiftblade 4/Spellthief 4
Epic Duskblade (if you can figure that out!) 3/Swiftblade 3/Epic Dragon Disciple 3
Epic Duskblade 1/Epic Dragon Disciple 1/Spellthief 1

You'll have full BAB, many d12s, and have great INT synergy.

I'd allow Daring Outlaw to stack Swashbuckler and Spellthief for Sneak Attack, Grace, Dodge Bonus and Spellgrace.

You'd have to work out the epic Duskblade Probably a bonus epic feat every 4 levels would be my guess.

2011-09-08, 01:28 PM
Why not use the Truenaming fix that can be found on these boards that actually works, instead of giving up on the concept entirely?

2011-09-08, 02:25 PM
Truenamer/Sorcerer/Arcane Swordsage

Reasoning: Truenamer is brilliant when stacked with other spell casters and you have a great deal of options with it at high levels. Don't listen to these other people who say "Truenamer is terrible" it's not.

With the Sorcerer you can take truename spells and with the Arcane Sword sage the Spell Fusion and Greater Spell Fusion and Improved Spell Fusion spells as maneuvers are brilliant because you can use them as immediate actions to cast most of your spells without using up spell slots.

Other people have argued that the Truenamer can't do certain things (the Truenamer guide on this site and it's writer will adamantly disagree with what I'm going to tell you, but) Truenamers have near total carte blanche when it comes to learning truenames of Everything, this includes spells, creatures, gods, and anything in the universe. This means you can gain greater control over spells and even use them without having spell slots. At 24th level you can control nearly any extraplanar creature, angels, solars, demons, and seal them away for later use, you can unname people and remove them from existence. It's a brilliant class to use it just has low incentives for early class levels and for low level campaigns.

Another route would be to go Warlock/Artificer/Arcane Swordsage if you want to be REALLY broken.

There are some fun loopholes surrounding the number of mundane tattoos one can have and the Warlock Imbue ability and the combination of the Imbue ability, the Artificer's item creation abilities, and what you can do with Arcane Swordsage maneuvers you'd be a diabolical character.

If you want to go into Munchkinland be a Divine Minion 1 with Alter Reality (level Adjustment of 1: make it of a dead or forgotten god) Rogue/Fighter/Arcane Swordsage. Because you have access to ALL spells with alter reality and you can apply any number of metamagic feats without the worry of spell slots (you just have to rest a number of rounds per level of level slot that would have been taken up instead) you can do massive buffing to your character with the Persistant spell, Enduring spell combination and the Heighten Spell combination.

You can also do massive damage with low level spells. See spoiler for more details:Uber Damage
Spell fusion: Lesser Orb of Acid (1d6/level-> 9d6)
Metamagic applied: Energy Substitution-> force
Braid spell + Twin Spell + Dual Spell (base spell X 16)
Heighten Spell (goes from level 1 to level 9)
Elemental Lattice (ES-> force) 9d8 + Acid Lattice (ES-> Force) 9d6 + Lightning Lattice (ES-> force) 9d6 + Thunder Lattice (ES-> force) 9d6 + Unholy Lattice 9d8 (targeted creature(s) that are good take -2 on saving throws against this spell) + Ice Lattice (ES-> force) 9d6 + Chaos Lattice 9d8 (-2 to lawful creatures) (72 dice base)
Empower + Enervate + Exaggerate: multiply total damage dice by 1.5 two times, +3 targets, +3 damage/die. (162 after EEE base) after total spell multipliers (162*16) 2592 total dice of damage which through exaggerate grants a bonus of 7776 damage in first casting.
Base Damage: (27d8 + 30d6)*1.5*1.5=> 61d8+67d6=>590, after all multipliers (890*16)=14240
Maximize + Corrupt + Violate + Forceful + Quicken Spell (Half the damage is negative energy, half vile, all forceful)
Repeat Spell + Echo Spell*
Initial round damage=22016 vile unholy force damage. Forceful metamagic feat causes the affected creature to be knocked prone if failing the DC of the spell (29).
Repeat spell recasts the spell in whole automatically (including all applied metamagic feats), Echo spell stores a recasting of the entire spell to be recast later without usage of a higher spell level.
Total damage from one casting is 44032, each casting grants two echoes of the spell. Each echo cast grants two new echoes.
Initial usage’s total rounds to rest 8 mins. There after none for all subsequent uses through Echo Spell. Because the spell is quickened it is a free action to cast with the Echo spell.


Buffing (persistent enduring on all):
Complete Divine ->Lesser Visage of the Deity (+4 cha, 10 resistance to Cold and Fire) ,Vigor (heal 2 hp/round), Blessing of Bahamut (dr 10/magic), Barkskin (+5 nat ar), Flame Blade 4d8+4 fire damage, Flame of Faith (on bluewood sword) +1 flaming sword +1d6 normal damage +2d10 on critical,
PHB-> Magic Circle against Good & Law, Protection from Arrows, Protection from Energy & resist energy (Cold, Fire, Electricity, Acid, & Sonic), See Invisibility, Blindsight, Tremorsense, Bear’s Endurance (+4 con), Bull’s Strength (+4 to strength), Cat’s Grace (+4 to dex), Eagle’s Splendor (+4 to cha), Fox’s Cunning (+4 int), Owl’s Wisdom (+4 wis), Heroism (+2 to attacks, saves, and skill checks), Displacement, Blink, Haste (+1 to dodge, +1 attack, +30 ft to move speed). Expeditious Retreat (+30 feet to move speed), Jump (+30 to jump check (see Magic of Faerun)), Prayer (+1 luck to all rolls), Scare (creatures of 6 hd or less are frieghtened), Shield of Faith (gain +3 deflection bonus), Sleep (creatures of 4 hd or less fall asleep),
(Dragon Magic ->)Primal: Hunter, Instinct, Senses, Speed (+5 to Climb Jump and Swim, Initiative and Survival, Listen and Spot, Reflex save, and +10 to speed). Soul of: anarchy & shadow (+5 escape artist and grapple checks, +15 negative energy damage to good creatures, 3 dr/good), Wreath of Flames, (spell compendium ->) Find the gap (ignore AC and Shield bonus, treat each first attack as a touch attack), wraithstrike (all melee attacks are touch attacks, Fell the Greatest Foe (+1d6 /size category larger), Veil of Shadows (20% miss chance, concealment), Accelerated Movement, Mantle of Evil (SR 12+Caster Level against spells with good descriptor), Foundation of Stone (+2 ac, +6 against bull rush), Protection from Positive Energy, Mantle of Chaos (SR (20) against lawful spells), Ram’s Might (+2 str), righteous fury (+4 str and temp hp 5/caster level 35), Towering Oak (+10 intimidate +2 to str), Armor of Darkness (Shadowy shroud provides +4 deflection bonus +1/three levels (max +8) to AC and +2 bonus on saves against holy good, or light effects), Belkar Claws, Dragonskin (white) (Electricity Resistance 10, Nat Armor +4), Complete Arcane-> Fist of Stone (+6 to str, natural slam attack),
Complete Mage -> Heart of Air (+10 to jump)
Lords of Madness -> Arms of Plenty, Undulant Innards,
PHBII-> Sonic Shield (+4 deflection bonus to ac, 1d8 sonic push back damage against melee attacks), Crown of: Protection, Might, Smiting, Grave (+2 str (discharge +8 for 1 round), +2 to dmg, +1 deflection bonus to AC, +1 resistance bonus on saves; discharge to gain +4 for 1 round. Command undead, discharge for +4 to rebuke), Animalistic Power (+2 to str dex and con), Invest moderate protection (heal 3d4+1/2lvl grant DR 3/evil), Channeled Divine Shield (if cast for 2 rounds gain DR 10/evil)
Draconimicon-> Scintillating scales (Deflection bonus to ac= con modifier)
Sandstorm -> Halo of Sand +1 deflection bonus/3 levels
Drow of the Underdark-> Combat Readiness (+1 per 3 levels to initiative, flanking foes gain no bonus),
Unapproachable East -> Bladebane (+2, +2d6 damage to a bane target), Improved Mage Armor (+7 ac)
Heroes of Battle-> Battlemagic Perception,
Lost Empires of Faerun: Storm Shield (absorb 20 points of electricity dmg/ caster level)
Oriental Adventures: Invisibility to Enemies, Mental Strength (+4 to will), know the shadows (+20 hide in shadowed areas), Endurance (1d4+1 con bonus), Warning (+4 to spot and listen, retains dex bonus to ac when flat-footed), Scales of the Lizard (+2 to nat armor).
Book of Vile Darkness-> Masochism and Sadism (for every 10 points of damage given caster gains +1 to attacks, saves and checks, for every 10 points taken “”), corrupt weapon (automatically confirms crits against good aligned foes),
Distort weapon (), Devil’s Eyes (see through magical darkness), Demon Wings (gain demon wings fly at base land speed at average maneuverability). Unheavened (+4 profane bonus to saving throws against good aligned spells), Fiendish Quickening (all teleport abilities are quickened/free action), Devil’s Tongue (gain 15 foot grapple with tongue), Vampire’s Fangs (gain bite and drain ability of a vampire)
Book of Eldritch Might 1: Enhance Magical Flow (+1 spell DC), Foil Tracer (Teleport spells can’t be traced).
BoEM 2: Quick Boost (+2 con), Disdane the Devine (+1/4 levels against Divine Magic), Invigorate Item (+1 to weapon).
Book of Hallowed Might 1: Godspeed (+60 to speed, +2 to AC)
Abyssal Might (+2 to Str, Con, Dex and SR), Hell’s Power (+2 to AC, +1 to ALL DR), Claws of the Savage (gain su claws 1d6 dmg), resonating resistance (spellcasters casting spells against you must check SR twice to succeed),
Tome of Magic: Bane of the Archrival (+4 to ac, counter mind affecting spells, force selected person to stay away), True Prayer of the Chosen (+3 ac bonus and reflex save), Bulwark of Reality (+4 to AC), Augment Truefriend (self)(+2 str dex and con).
Villain Design Handbook-> Tail (grow prehensile tail +1 to Dex, +4 to balance climb and tumble), Rear View (gain 360 degree vision), Spell Haste (cast two spells per round), Elongation (+1 ac to bludgeoning, can extend reach by 1 foot per round, retract as free action instantaneously.), Initiative (always go first),
Eberron Secrets of Salorna
Flexform: Gain +10 to tumble and escape artist, can move freely through opponent’s square without AoO.
Fortify Metal and Stone: Double hardness of weapon and/or armor and gain DR as per Adamantine.
Miniatures Handbook: Lightfoot, movement doesn’t attack AoO, Conviction: +2 to all saving throws to a max of +5 at level 18.
Quick march: +30 to speed, Lion’s Charge: Grant’s Pounce

Total bonuses to ability scores: Str: +26 Dex: +9 Con: +10 Int: +4 Will: +8 Cha: +12 AC: +61+ new con modifier
Damage Reductions: 11/magic, 14/evil, 4/good, Resistances: Acid, Fire, Water, Sonic, Electricity: resist 10, Protection from Energy 48: Electricity, cold, fire resistance 10 (as per DR).Absorb 70 points of electric damage before applying resistances,
Skills: Bonus to all skills and saves: +3 specific(already includes the general bonus): Jump +143, Climb +12, Balance+12, Bluff +3, Tumble +12, Swim+8, Survival+8 Listen +12, spot +12 Escape Artist: +8 Hide +23 (shadowed areas), (because of the spell Initiative, character always go first anyways…)
Speed: +160 Initiative +14 Attack: +1 Grapple: +5 (move at full speed when climbing, flying, or swimming), temporary HP 35 (permanent until used up by damage or until 7 days have passed.)
Damage: Spells +15 negative energy to good aligned creatures, +2 to melee dmg
Saves Reflex: +12 Will: +8 Con: +4: +2 against good aligned affects, immune to sneak attack and critical hits. Persisted Enduring Vigor constantly is replenishing 2hp/round
SR 20/good or lawful aligned spells, immune to positive energy,
Flaws: Take: heartless, merciless, wartorn, gain 3 feats, Ambidexterity, Multiweapon fighting, extra readied maneuver.

Note these are all 5th level or lower spells at 24th level you could access far higher level spells. Greater Visage of the Deity gives you resistance 10 to acid cold and electricity, wings, +1 to natural armor, low light vision (again), immunity to disease, +4 against poison, DR 10/magic (stacks with your other DR/magic), SR 25, +4 to STR, CON, WIS and CHA, +2 to DEX and INT.

Switch out lesser vigor for greater vigor and you'll have a week of fast healing 5. Add Greater Wings of Air and get Good maneuverability for your flight.

If your character starts out as a Quickling your total speed goes from 120 (base) to 180 (before buffing), to 340 after buffing.

Enjoy superb over kill.

It should also be noted that as a Demi-god your magic isn't subject to mortal means of anti-magic or dispelling.

2011-09-08, 04:48 PM
Only 1 PrC is allowed at a time, just to let you guys know.

I used this rule in my build :smallcool:

2011-09-08, 06:23 PM
I took this idea from one of the previous "Triple Gestalt" threads that popped up, and the second from a recent Iron Chef.
Props to Lateral for the Feat farm Idea, Props to Piggy Knowles for the Arcane Archer on a Divine Chassis idea.

Make one side of the gestalt for Feat Farming:
UA (martial) Wizard 1/Monk 2/Fighter 2/Psycic warrior 2/Feat Rogue 2/Generic warrior 2/Cloistered Cleric 1/Ranger 2/Psion 1/Generic Expert 2/Generic Spellcaster 1/Bear totem barbarian 3/Soul Knife 1/Fighter +2

There's probably a better ORDER to put them in, and it uses a lot of UA, but there's nothing currently in it that' not on the SRD.
You get 13 bonus feats from the fighter list, or any at all. You get one more feat of choice, but limited to psionic feats. By taking a monk variant, you get almost any two feats from that class. You get three devotion feats from cleric, and 6 more feats without the choice to them.
That's 25 BONUS feats over 24 levels. If you're allowed Dark Chaos Shuffle, possibly from another side of the tristalt, you could get basically any feat you wanted.
I'm going to add the race Desert (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/environmentalRacialVariants.htm#desertElves) Fire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/elementalRacialVariants.htm#fireElves) Elves (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/races.htm#elves), stacking variants, for a red/black-skinned nomadic elf. It does not state the adjustments in the variants are replacements, so this results in:
+6 dex, +2 int, -4 con, -2 str, -2 cha
+ some other nice things.
And, if we're using DCS, it has 4 weapon proficiencies as bonus feats. :smallamused:

That side gives you your sweet bonus feats, without use of prestige classes.
It also gives the ability to cast first level arcane spells. And I've chosen an elf race (Not the race for what you're doing, but if you're willing to switch up...)

Now, on one side, we want mostly martial classes/abilities, With a focus on Archery (hence Ranger in the feat farm), and a two level dip in Arcane Archer. And on the other, we want a full divine casting class, or something else tasty with casting. Thing is, it has to be full casting (If you're going to be able to cast DCS, this is the side to do it from).

Arcane archer has arcane casting as a prerequisite, but not required for Imbue arrow. Which, no matter the spell's casting time, uses a standard action, shortening the casting time significantly. So you can apply your full casting class (and full prestige classes if you took any before/after the dip on the other side) to your arrows.

You can spend your feats from levels/the feat farm side on almost anything you want, but I'd recommend starting with your prereqs for Arcane Archer, feats to improve your archery in general, and feats to improve your casting side.

I call it the "F*** you, I cast a super-long-to-cast-area 9th level spell each round by shooting you, REALLY WELL" Tristalt build. Better names would be appreciated.

2011-09-08, 07:35 PM
I had some more time so I decided to take another crack at this, though this turned into a goody two shoes character. There's a crap ton of different class abilities in all those classes, but at its core you're one hell of a spontaneous caster.

If you want to go crazy with level adjustment, and assuming it only fits into one column, be a saint (Book of Exalted Deeds, +2 LA) phrenic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/phrenicCreature.htm) (SRD, +2 LA) draconic lesser assimar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/planetouched.htm). That's 5 words >_> Note that lesser aasimar are exactly the same as regular aasimar, but they are humanoids and not outsiders. Being an outsider grants you darkvision, makes you not need to eat or sleep, and other nifty stuff that other lesser aasimars miss out on, but you you'll get anyway since you'll be a saint, which grants you the outsider type anyway.

Also, in addition to other awesome abilities saints and phrenic creatures get, the total racial charisma bonus here is +12. Every 4th level you get a stat bump, so by level 24 you'll have another +6. Point buy your way to 18 base charisma, and there's an easy 36 to your primary casting stat right there. I'd stick with a +6 charisma item, epic ones (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#cloakofEpicCharisma) are too expensive to justify. Add the risen martyr's +2 charisma bump and you'll be sitting pretty at 44 charisma. This will give you a modest amount (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/theBasics.htm#abilitiesAndSpellcasters) of bonus spells per day, and the combo of prestige paladin and risen martyr will put that +17 charisma toward both AC and saves.

However, being a saint makes you need to be good, which potentially nixes mindbender and dirgesinger. Here's an alternative build suggestion:

bard 20***/dragonsong lyricist 4//sorcerer 5/virtuoso 9/celestial mystic 10*** (Book of Exalted Deeds) //LA5/emissary of Barachiel 5*** (Book of Exalted Deeds)/sublime chord 2/sacred exorcist 8 (Complete Divine)/prestige paladin (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/prestigiousCharacterClasses.htm#prestigePaladin) 3/risen martyr 1 (Book of Exalted Deeds)

***Celestial mystic and emissary of Barachiel require lawful good, which conflicts with the bard's [unbelievably stupid] non-lawful requirement. Ask your DM to make an exception to the bard's requirement.

Emissary of Barachiel requires the feats servant of the heavens and words of creation to qualify. Celestial mystic requires servant of the heavens, sacred vow, and vow of abstinence. Risen martry requires nimbus of light and any exalted feat. Since you need 3 exalted feats to be a saint anyway, perhaps you could negotiate with your DM to ease the collective requirements to being to servant of the heavens (which is crap), nymph's kiss, and words of creation.

1: Nymph's kiss (+1 skill point per level and bonuses on charisma related checks)
3: Servant of the heavens (+1 luck bonus to a single roll per day - crap, but required for 2 of the prcs)
6: Dragonsong (required for dragonsong lyricist, boost DC of bard abilities, pretty good feat for a pre req)
9: Melodic spellcasting (make perform checks instead of concentration checks when distracted from spellcasting, most importantly, you can cast spells and activate magical items that require spell completion or command word while using bardic music.)
12: Words of creation (pure awesome, DOUBLES lots of bard stuff, +8 for inspire courage, +4 HD for inspire greatness, etc.)
15: Eschew materials (required for ignore material components)
18: Mounted combat (required for prestige paladin)
21: Epic spellcasting
24: Ignore material components (no material components needed for spells ever again, but you still need focus/divine focus items if applicable)

-Charisma modifier to saves (prestige paladin) AND to AC (risen martyr)
-Special paladin mount (the reason I went prestige instead of regular paladin)
-22nd level sorcerer casting, 22nd level bard casting, 7th level emissary of Barachiel casting, and all 10 levels of sublime chord, whose caster level is nebulous in a gestalt situation, but 9th level casting from 2 classes is nice either way. Plus lots of psi-like abilities from phrenic with charisma based saves!
-All classes casting classes are spontaneous and charisma based
-All d12 hit die, a host of immunities (crits, nonlethal damage, fatigue, and more) and no con score thanks to risen martyr
-Undead turning from sacred exorcist and paladin (11 turning levels total, and a whole lot of attempts thanks to your charisma)
-More buffing and debuffing than can readily be mentioned.
-Though single ability dependent (only charisma will matter), your net stats from race and templates would be +2 str, +0 dex, +4 con, +2 int, +6 wis, +12 cha - though remember con doesn't matter unless you drop the level of risen martyr

I like this build. Very crazy tho.

2011-09-08, 10:26 PM
I just wish to say, that my build while not functioning on perhaps as high of a level, is quite a bit more simple. And also doesn't use things that some DM's won't approve of. It also requires no PrC's to be very effective. It is effective just be playing all the base classes straight.

2011-09-08, 10:32 PM
I like this build. Very crazy tho.

Is this an evil and/or monstrous campaign? Or do you allow racial hd to be gestalted? I did a tristalt drider build too that was a rage mage that boosts CON to boost the DC of the poison bite :smallwink:

2011-09-08, 10:44 PM
I just wish to say, that my build while not functioning on perhaps as high of a level, is quite a bit more simple. And also doesn't use things that some DM's won't approve of. It also requires no PrC's to be very effective. It is effective just be playing all the base classes straight.

Ditto for my build. Only one PRC at a time and only 4 base classes and 4 prestige classes. Duskblade is the main spell list and spellthief and Factotum add a little fluff. +8 str, +2 con, int, and cha are always welcome with no level adjustment! My build: fly around really fast and blast the crap out of people (preferably with their own spells).

I suggest Dragon Disciple 10 for any tristalt build!!!

2011-09-09, 12:08 AM
One other possibility if you want to keep it simpler would be to go straight through sorcerer and bard all the way to 24, since that would get you 2 more epic feats. I'd keep LA5/emissary of Barachiel 5/sublime chord 2/sacred exorcist 8/prestige paladin 3/risen martyr 1 the same though, turn undead, charisma to AC and saves, and a whole 'nother set of level 9 spellcasting is too much to pass up. Emissary of Barachiel's abilities are pretty cool too, plus more spells.

IMPORTANT! Take the metamagic specialist variant from PHB 2 for sorcerer, to allow you to quicken spells at the cost of your familiar

1: Nymph's kiss (+1 skill point per level and bonuses on charisma related checks)
3: Servant of the heavens
6: Quicken spell
9: Melodic spellcasting (make perform checks instead of concentration checks when distracted from spellcasting, most importantly, you can cast spells and activate magical items that require spell completion or command word while using bardic music.)
12: Words of creation (pure awesome, DOUBLES lots of bard stuff, +8 for inspire courage, +4 HD for inspire greatness, etc.)
15: Mounted combat (required for prestige paladin)
18: Eschew matierals (required for ignore material components)
21: Epic spellcasting (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#epicSpellcasting)
23 (bard): improved metamagic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#improvedMetamagic) (drop cost of all metamagic feats by 1, to a minimum of +1 - probably the best thing on the bard's list of available feats, mercifully this can be taken multiple times)
23 (sorcerer): multispell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#multispell)(you may cast a second quickened spell per round, can be taken multiple times)
24: Ignore material components (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#ignoreMaterialComponents) (no material components needed for spells ever again, but you still need focus/divine focus items if applicable)

You might even drop ignore material components for multispell again, so you can cast 3 quickened spells in a round. As a spontaneous caster with a boatload of spells, you'll be able to afford to. If you're not interested in developing epic spells you could drop that and be able to take multispell yet again for 4 quickened spells in a round. If you want to dispense buffs and debuffs, it's hard to beat being able to cast 4 quickened spells, and then start up bardic music. Once you get to level 27 look into automatic quicken (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#automaticQuickenSpell), too.

Alternatively, you could take improved spell capacity (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#improvedSpellCapacity) for tenth level spell slots. If you were to take improved metamagic 3 times this would mean you could quicken level 9 spells, though if you're sure you're going to play to level 27 or otherwise can get the 30 spellcraft ranks for automatic quicken, it's definitely better.

Assuming you stay at level 24 though, here's what I think the best alternative is if you don't want ignore material components:
6: quicken spell
18: maximize spell
21: improved metamagic
23 (bard): improved metamagic
23 (sorcerer): multispell
24: multispell
This would cause maximize and quicken to be a combined +3 to spell level, meaning you could fling 3 maximized disintegrates at something in one turn. Or, if you wanted to be a pyromaniac, ditch one multispell and get another improved metamagic, to make max and quicken +2 together. Then using time stop (with celerity if you really wanted) you could dump a ton of delayed blast fireballs. Alternatively, if you take improved metamagic 3 times, switch maximize spell to twin spell.

2011-09-09, 12:19 AM
My suggestion is Wizard/Swiftblade//Factotum//Totemist for extra actions and access to a wide variety of abilities. Swiftblade gives you an extra standard action every turn, which is amazing.

2011-09-09, 11:21 AM
One other possibility if you want to keep it simpler would be to go straight through sorcerer and bard all the way to 24, since that would get you 2 more epic feats. I'd keep LA5/emissary of Barachiel 5/sublime chord 2/sacred exorcist 8/prestige paladin 3/risen martyr 1 the same though, turn undead, charisma to AC and saves, and a whole 'nother set of level 9 spellcasting is too much to pass up. Emissary of Barachiel's abilities are pretty cool too, plus more spells.

IMPORTANT! Take the metamagic specialist variant from PHB 2 for sorcerer, to allow you to quicken spells at the cost of your familiar

1: Nymph's kiss (+1 skill point per level and bonuses on charisma related checks)
3: Servant of the heavens
6: Quicken spell
9: Melodic spellcasting (make perform checks instead of concentration checks when distracted from spellcasting, most importantly, you can cast spells and activate magical items that require spell completion or command word while using bardic music.)
12: Words of creation (pure awesome, DOUBLES lots of bard stuff, +8 for inspire courage, +4 HD for inspire greatness, etc.)
15: Mounted combat (required for prestige paladin)
18: Eschew matierals (required for ignore material components)
21: Epic spellcasting (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#epicSpellcasting)
23 (bard): improved metamagic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#improvedMetamagic) (drop cost of all metamagic feats by 1, to a minimum of +1 - probably the best thing on the bard's list of available feats, mercifully this can be taken multiple times)
23 (sorcerer): multispell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#multispell)(you may cast a second quickened spell per round, can be taken multiple times)
24: Ignore material components (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#ignoreMaterialComponents) (no material components needed for spells ever again, but you still need focus/divine focus items if applicable)

You might even drop ignore material components for multispell again, so you can cast 3 quickened spells in a round. As a spontaneous caster with a boatload of spells, you'll be able to afford to. If you're not interested in developing epic spells you could drop that and be able to take multispell yet again for 4 quickened spells in a round. If you want to dispense buffs and debuffs, it's hard to beat being able to cast 4 quickened spells, and then start up bardic music. Once you get to level 27 look into automatic quicken (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#automaticQuickenSpell), too.

Alternatively, you could take improved spell capacity (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#improvedSpellCapacity) for tenth level spell slots. If you were to take improved metamagic 3 times this would mean you could quicken level 9 spells, though if you're sure you're going to play to level 27 or otherwise can get the 30 spellcraft ranks for automatic quicken, it's definitely better.

Assuming you stay at level 24 though, here's what I think the best alternative is if you don't want ignore material components:
6: quicken spell
18: maximize spell
21: improved metamagic
23 (bard): improved metamagic
23 (sorcerer): multispell
24: multispell
This would cause maximize and quicken to be a combined +3 to spell level, meaning you could fling 3 maximized disintegrates at something in one turn. Or, if you wanted to be a pyromaniac, ditch one multispell and get another improved metamagic, to make max and quicken +2 together. Then using time stop (with celerity if you really wanted) you could dump a ton of delayed blast fireballs. Alternatively, if you take improved metamagic 3 times, switch maximize spell to twin spell.

Sound good, thanks a lot.

2011-09-09, 11:36 AM
Okay, so truenamer is completely off the table.

I mostly wanted to play it for flavorish reasons, but if it sucks so badly, I can play something else. I just want something fun to play, not to broken, can deal decent damage/heal well/buff and debuff. Just something focused on something and can do it really well.

It can be made competent. You'll just need to pump your truenaming check. Do that solidly, and truenamer is quite reasonable. The good news is, if you're gestalted with a caster, that makes skill buffs more accessible.

I suggest the Generic Spellcaster class as a cross between wiz and sorc, if it's allowed. It's an int based spont caster. Perfect.

Get as much int/as many int boosters as you can. Not only will this help your truenaming side, it'll be fantastic for your casting side.Then, full ranks into truenaming, and some items/feats to buff the check. Done deal. I suggest skill focus, a masterwork tool, and an amulet of the silver tongue for starters, but spells are awesome too.

2011-09-09, 08:19 PM
For int-based casting without a ton of bookkeeping I recommend psion.

For a third with psion//factotum I generally recommend warblade. It fills in your hit die and fort save, and you can fill your maneuvers known with counters to make yourself especially hard to kill (plus sudden leap and white raven tactics, which everyone loves).

2011-09-09, 08:30 PM
For int-based casting without a ton of bookkeeping I recommend psion.


Also a nice choice I had not considered. Thats why I suggested duskblade. simplicity...