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2011-09-08, 02:22 AM
The Star Dragon

Star dragons are a rarer sight than even the tarrasque, and far more deadly. Most star dragons are as old as the stars themselves. The eldest of these dragons are truly ancient beyond the comprehension of any but the gods and have seen more of the universe and the planes than most mortals can ever dream.

They have no wings, and no permanent physical form beyond what they wish to look like. All star dragons have a true form, which has been, on the rare instances they have been seen, been compared to that of a multicolored snake with a great mane and two long lines of flowing hair along the sides of their backs like thick membranes. They range in size according to their will.

Though they are a rare sight, there as as many of these dragons as there are stars in the sky. It is said that when one of these ancient beasts dies, its star disappears from the heavens. Whether or not this is true is unknown, however what is known was written down by the star dragon known as "Sol."
It is this: they have spent more time wandering the heavens and the planes than even most gods.

Star dragons generally care little for the lives of others, having spent countless millennia trying to teach other 'lesser' races the rules and ways of civilization. They have long since given up on this course of action, since it has led to only disaster after disaster.

Star dragons generally feed off of the energy within the stars themselves, or failing that, the raw energy of the elemental planes.

They do not generally have goals, or plans that can be categorized in such limited context. Where others make plans that span centuries, theirs generally unfold over a much longer period of time.

Though they do not generally take heed of the younger races, there are some cases in which some mortal impressed them in the past with some act, be it driving devotion, unmeasurable kindness, achieving some seemingly impossible goal, or implacable world shaking fury. Such undying and indefatigable drives are at the heart of what it means to be truly immortal, and such things are what give those with forever to ponder and learn a reason to exist.

Appearance: A star dragon may appear in any form it wishes, though it possesses a true form.

In its true form, a star dragon four sets of legs, two near the base of the neck, two near the end of its body, and two sets, divided equidistantly between them. Along their backs is a double set of scale ridges running on opposite sides of their backs. They otherwise appear very similar to the river dragons of the Oriental planes.

Around the base of their skulls they have a mane of hair that extends along the top to cover the crown as well. Their eyes generally give off light equivalent to a torch, or a lamp. Though this too can brighten or diminish at their will. Their eyes are as varied in color as the stars in the sky. As are the color of their manes and scales.

Type: Dragon (Extraplanar)
Environment: Any; star dragons live where and when they wish.
Organization: Mating pair, or Solitary.
Challenge Ratings: CR 15+
Treasure: Triple magic; non-magical items often lack the qualities required in order to survive many of the otherwise inhospitable places a star dragon may wish to go.
Alignment: Often Neutral
Advancement:All Age categories are by their standards.

Star Dragons by Age:{table]Age Category|Hit Dice (HP)|Size|CR|Age|Str|Dex|Con|Int|Wis|Cha|CL|SR|DR
Wyrmling|12d12+36 (180)|Medium|15|up to 2000|21|13|17|15|16|15|1*|20|3
Very Young|18D12+X (288)|Large|19|2000~5000|24|13|19|16|18|16|3*|25|6
Young|26d12+X (442)|Huge|24|5000~9000|27|14|21|17|20|17|6*|30|12
Juvenile|38d12+X (722)|Gargantuan|30|14000~20000|30|14|24|19|22|19| 10*|35|24
Young Adult|56d12+X (1075)|Colossal|38|20000~27000|35|15|27|21|24|21|1 5*|40|48
Adult|84d12+X (1848)|Colossal+|49|27000~35000|40|16|30|24|27|24| 21*|45|96
Mature Adult|126d12+X (3024)|Colossal+|62|35000~45000|50|17|35|27|30|27| 28*|50|192
Old|188d12+X (5076)|Colossal+|D0|45000~56000|65|19|40|30|35|30| 36*|55|384
Very Old|282d12+X (9024)|Colossal+|D1|56000~70000|85|21|50|35|40|35| 45*|60|768
Ancient|422d12+X (16458)|Colossal+|D2|70000~93000|110|24|65|40|50|4 0|55*|65|1536
Wyrm|634d12+X (31066)|Colossal+|D3|93000~200000|140|27|85|50|65| 50|66*|70|3072
Great Wyrm|950d12+X (58900)|Colossal+|D4|200000+|180|30|110|65|85|65|7 8*|75|6104[/table]

Special Notes:

D0-D4 under CR: This signifies the dragon's Divine Rank. No mortal could hope to subdue one so old. Star Dragons cannot die of old age, and take no penalties for aging. They may continue to advance beyond what is shown above.

Caster Level: All Star Dragons are able to cast spells. Their Total Caster level may be treated as levels in spell casting classes for the purposes of spells per day, known, etc.

Colossal+: This is the limits of size, beyond this one ceases being an entity and becomes a world or planetoid unto ones self. Colossal+ is roughly the size of a hurricane in surface area from above.

Recovery: All Star Dragons have limited regeneration (meaning they can be killed by mundane means, however they heal lost limbs, body parts, and organs in 1d4 days each. If their head is removed, or their heart is punctured, they die (assuming that enough damage has been done). They also have Fast Healing equal to their hit dice.

Movement types and speeds: A wyrmling star dragon has a base movement of 45 feet. This increases by 15 feet to 60 feet for very young star dragons, and by 30 feet for each age category after that. They always fly at twice their base speed, and have perfect maneuverability. Otherwise they always move at their base speed, whether burrowing, swimming, or walking.

Combat: A star dragon will generally attempt to negotiate before lowering itself to such depths as a physical struggle, not that it could ever come to that of course. If a star dragon is ever pushed into combat it will have ready a plethora of spells and abilities at its disposal.

Energy Immunity: Star Dragons are naturally immune to all forms of energy.

Breath Weapon: The star dragon may use the breath weapon of any other form of dragon (at it's own equivalent age category). Alternatively, it may chose to use its own breath weapon which is a spread effect of Arcane Fire which bypasses half of any immunities, and all resistances. This breath weapon deals half of its hit dice in damage. The Fortitude DC against this breath weapon is equal to its HD+Con Mod.

Alternate Forms: As an Adult a star dragon may assume any form it desires, at any time, and gains the special, supernatural, and innate abilities of these forms. There are no practical limits upon this. However, even wyrmling star dragons can assume humanoid forms.

Breathless: A star dragon does not require air to breath.

Flight: A star dragon does not need wings to fly, nor does it apparently truly use any form of locomotion in the air, as it is also capable of flight in places where there is no air. A star dragon has perfect maneuverability, and may even appear to levitate.

Spell-Like Abilities:A star dragon may use any spell like, exceptional or supernatural abilities possessed by any form of dragon as their own Abilities. (Must be proper age category.)

Supreme Planar Shifting: A star dragon of the category Old or older may chose to move between the planes, from one plane to another, or to any demiplane in existence; at the moment this ability is used, the dragon instantly knows which planes are available, what the current environmental conditions of those planes are, and which locations are populated/unpopulated. The star dragon then instantly moves to either the space between the planes (a great place to relax) or to another plane, be is a prime material plane, a transient plane, a demiplane, or any other location in all of the wide range of choices, thus a star dragon may go from one Greyhawk to another Greyhawk, or perhaps to ancient Ravenloft, or brave the perils of the realms of Dragonlance. The star dragon may also chose to take any others with it. a star dragon may also decide to move a distance as though teleporting without error. A star dragon always appears exactly where it means to.

Supreme Divination: A star dragon of age category Wyrm or older may use any divination spell it knows without planar limitations. It can peer to the farthest planes in existence from its current location, to see the weather, or what the locals are doing. As a Great Wyrm, physical distance becomes meaningless, as there are after all, countless worlds aside from this one, or that one, scattered throughout the planes, and the heavens. The star dragon may view any of them.

2011-09-08, 06:54 AM
Since this isn't following the rules of true dragons and isn't following the rules regarding divine rank, it's really hard to say much about it other than it makes me really miss the Planescape setting. I appreciate the hard work that went into making these. Even so, I see a few errors have crept in.

I think your hit points are wrong. You didn't add the Con modifier for the bonus hit points. In addition, you should mention that they have maximum hit points for their hit dice since that's what you are using.

There isn't a "Native Outsider" Subtype; I think you mean Extraplanar Subtype.

You should probably mention that Star Dragons do not need to breathe. Most areas they live probably lack air.


2011-09-08, 10:37 AM
It already said they don't need to breath when I posted it.

2011-09-08, 02:16 PM
Your Challenge Rating states CR 23+, but a wyrmling star dragon is listed as CR 21.

Also, you may want to reconsider the challenge ratings of the younger dragons. For example, With 12HD, CL 1, SR 20, fairly modest stats, and a limited selection of special abilities, a wyrmling is definitely not a CR 21 challenge, even with the energy immunities it leeches off other draconic types. It might be CR 14, at best.

The monster entry lacks movement speeds. I'm surprised to see no damage reduction, since dragons usually have it.

Since "spread" is a nonstandard breath weapon shape, you'll need to specify the size of the spread for various sizes of dragon.

The alternate form entry should probably mention that even wyrmling star dragons can assume humanoid form (since wyrmling gold and silver dragons can do so).

+1 to what Debihuman said about hit points.

2011-09-08, 02:25 PM
Forgive me if I don't particularly care to calculate their HP bonus from con.
Thanks for the rest though.

2011-09-08, 02:37 PM
Word of advice: expressing lack of motivation about the quality of your homebrew tends to discourage people from donating their time to help you improve the quality of your homebrew. Which would defeat the purpose of posting it, by and large. Just putting that out there.

2011-09-08, 02:44 PM
Oh, I had it wrong, here I thought the entire purpose of posting it was sharing. I fixed their HP totals, calculating for Con Mods x HD. 58k HP Dragon!

2011-09-08, 07:10 PM
Oh, I had it wrong, here I thought the entire purpose of posting it was sharing. I fixed their HP totals, calculating for Con Mods x HD. 58k HP Dragon!

Sharing goes both ways. When you put 3.5 in the title, it would be expected that the creature would follow the standard 3.5 rules. When you create a homebrewed creature using your personal variation of those rules, it difficult for others to tell whether you're making a mistake or if it is something that you simply changed on purpose.

Some of the changes you mentioned, but others you didn't. I missed the breathless special quality because I was so focused on the oddities of the stat block.

Here are the changes I would make (including spacing for readability).
The Star Dragon

Star dragons are a rarer sight than even the tarrasque, and far more deadly. Most star dragons are as old as the stars themselves. The eldest of these dragons are truly ancient beyond the comprehension of any but the gods and have seen more of the universe and the planes than most mortals can ever dream.

They have no wings, and no permanent physical form beyond what they wish to look like. All star dragons have a true form, which has been, on the rare instances they have been seen, been compared to that of a multicolored snake with a great mane and two long lines of flowing hair along the sides of their backs like thick membranes. They range in size according to their will.

Though they are a rare sight, there as as many of these dragons as there are stars in the sky. It is said that when one of these ancient beasts dies, its star disappears from the heavens. Whether or not this is true is unknown, however what is known was written down by the star dragon known as "Sol."
It is this: they have spent more time wandering the heavens and the planes than even most gods.

Star dragons generally care little for the lives of others, having spent countless millennia trying to teach other 'lesser' races the rules and ways of civilization. They have long since given up on this course of action, since it has led to only disaster after disaster.

Star dragons generally feed off of the energy within the stars themselves, or failing that, the raw energy of the elemental planes.

They do not generally have goals, or plans that can be categorized in such limited context. Where others make plans that span centuries, theirs generally unfold over a much longer period of time.

Though they do not generally take heed of the younger races, there are some cases in which some mortal impressed them in the past with some act, be it driving devotion, unmeasurable kindness, achieving some seemingly impossible goal, or implacable world shaking fury. Such undying and indefatigable drives are at the heart of what it means to be truly immortal, and such things are what give those with forever to ponder and learn a reason to exist.

Appearance: A star dragon may appear in any form it wishes, though it possesses a true form.

In its true form, a star dragon four sets of legs, two near the base of the neck, two near the end of its body, and two sets, divided equidistantly between them. Along their backs is a double set of scale ridges running on opposite sides of their backs. They otherwise appear very similar to the river dragons of the Oriental planes.

Around the base of their skulls they have a mane of hair that extends along the top to cover the crown as well. Their eyes generally give off light equivalent to a torch, or a lamp. Though this too can brighten or diminish at their will. Their eyes are as varied in color as the stars in the sky. As are the color of their manes and scales.

Type: Dragon (Extraplanar)
Environment: Any; star dragons live where and when they wish.
Organization: Mating pair, or Solitary.
Challenge Ratings: CR 15+ (depending on age of dragon)
Treasure: Triple magic; non-magical items often lack the qualities required in order to survive many of the otherwise inhospitable places a star dragon may wish to go.
Alignment: Often Neutral
Advancement:All Age categories are by their standards.

Star Dragons by Age:{table]Age Category|Hit Dice (HP)|Size|CR|Age|Str|Dex|Con|Int|Wis|Cha|CL|SR|DR
Wyrmling|12d12+36 (180)|Medium|15|up to 2000|21|13|17|15|16|15|1*|20|3
Very Young|18D12+X (288)|Large|19|2000~5000|24|13|19|16|18|16|3*|25|6
Young|26d12+X (442)|Huge|24|5000~9000|27|14|21|17|20|17|6*|30|12
Juvenile|38d12+X (722)|Gargantuan|30|14000~20000|30|14|24|19|22|19| 10*|35|24
Young Adult|56d12+X (1075)|Colossal|38|20000~27000|35|15|27|21|24|21|1 5*|40|48
Adult|84d12+X (1848)|Colossal+|49|27000~35000|40|16|30|24|27|24| 21*|45|96
Mature Adult|126d12+X (3024)|Colossal+|62|35000~45000|50|17|35|27|30|27| 28*|50|192
Old|188d12+X (5076)|Colossal+|D0|45000~56000|65|19|40|30|35|30| 36*|55|384
Very Old|282d12+X (9024)|Colossal+|D1|56000~70000|85|21|50|35|40|35| 45*|60|768
Ancient|422d12+X (16458)|Colossal+|D2|70000~93000|110|24|65|40|50|4 0|55*|65|1536
Wyrm|634d12+X (31066)|Colossal+|D3|93000~200000|140|27|85|50|65| 50|66*|70|3072
Great Wyrm|950d12+X (58900)|Colossal+|D4|200000+|180|30|110|65|85|65|7 8*|75|6104[/table]

Special Notes:

D0-D4 under CR: This signifies the dragon's Divine Rank. No mortal could hope to subdue one so old. Star Dragons cannot die of old age, and take no penalties for aging. They may continue to advance beyond what is shown above.

Caster Level: All Star Dragons are able to cast spells. Their Total Caster level may be treated as levels in spell casting classes for the purposes of spells per day, known, etc.

Colossal+: This is the limits of size, beyond this one ceases being an entity and becomes a world or planetoid unto ones self. Colossal+ is roughly the size of a hurricane in surface area from above.

Recovery: All Star Dragons have limited regeneration (meaning they can be killed by mundane means, however they heal lost limbs, body parts, and organs in 1d4 days each. If their head is removed, or their heart is punctured, they die (assuming that enough damage has been done). They also have Fast Healing equal to their hit dice.

Movement types and speeds: A wyrmling star dragon has a base movement of 45 feet. This increases by 15 feet to 60 feet for very young star dragons, and by 30 feet for each age category after that. They always fly at twice their base speed, and have perfect maneuverability. Otherwise they always move at their base speed, whether burrowing, swimming, or walking.

Combat: A star dragon will generally attempt to negotiate before lowering itself to such depths as a physical struggle, not that it could ever come to that of course. If a star dragon is ever pushed into combat it will have ready a plethora of spells and abilities at its disposal.

Energy Immunity: Star dragons are naturally immune to all forms of energy.

Breath Weapon: The star dragon may use the breath weapon of any other form of dragon (at it's own equivalent age category). Alternatively, it may chose to use its own breath weapon which is a spread effect of Arcane Fire which bypasses half of any immunities, and all resistances. This breath weapon deals half of its hit dice in damage. The Fortitude DC against this breath weapon is equal to its HD+Con Mod.

Alternate Forms: As an Adult a star dragon may assume any form it desires, at any time, and gains the special, supernatural, and innate abilities of these forms. There are no practical limits upon this. However, even wyrmling star dragons can assume humanoid forms.

Breathless: A star dragon does not require air to breath.

Flight: A star dragon does not need wings to fly, nor does it apparently truly use any form of locomotion in the air, as it is also capable of flight in places where there is no air. A star dragon has perfect maneuverability, and may even appear to levitate.

Spell-Like Abilities:A star dragon may use any spell like, exceptional or supernatural abilities possessed by any form of dragon as their own Abilities. (Must be proper age category.)

Supreme Planar Shifting: A star dragon of the category Old or older may chose to move between the planes, from one plane to another, or to any demiplane in existence; at the moment this ability is used, the dragon instantly knows which planes are available, what the current environmental conditions of those planes are, and which locations are populated/unpopulated. The star dragon then instantly moves to either the space between the planes (a great place to relax) or to another plane, be is a prime material plane, a transient plane, a demiplane, or any other location in all of the wide range of choices, thus a star dragon may go from one Greyhawk to another Greyhawk, or perhaps to ancient Ravenloft, or brave the perils of the realms of Dragonlance. The star dragon may also chose to take any others with it. a star dragon may also decide to move a distance as though teleporting without error. A star dragon always appears exactly where it means to.

Supreme Divination: A star dragon of age category Wyrm or older may use any divination spell it knows without planar limitations. It can peer to the farthest planes in existence from its current location, to see the weather, or what the locals are doing. As a Great Wyrm, physical distance becomes meaningless, as there are after all, countless worlds aside from this one, or that one, scattered throughout the planes, and the heavens. The star dragon may view any of them.

2011-09-08, 07:16 PM
Thank you very much.:smallsmile:

Sharing goes both ways. When you put 3.5 in the title, it would be expected that the creature would follow the standard 3.5 rules. When you create a homebrewed creature using your personal variation of those rules, it difficult for others to tell whether you're making a mistake or if it is something that you simply changed on purpose.

Some of the changes you mentioned, but others you didn't. I missed the breathless special quality because I was so focused on the oddities of the stat block.

Here are the changes I would make (including spacing for readability).
The Star Dragon

Star dragons are a rarer sight than even the tarrasque, and far more deadly. Most star dragons are as old as the stars themselves. The eldest of these dragons are truly ancient beyond the comprehension of any but the gods and have seen more of the universe and the planes than most mortals can ever dream.

They have no wings, and no permanent physical form beyond what they wish to look like. All star dragons have a true form, which has been, on the rare instances they have been seen, been compared to that of a multicolored snake with a great mane and two long lines of flowing hair along the sides of their backs like thick membranes. They range in size according to their will.

Though they are a rare sight, there as as many of these dragons as there are stars in the sky. It is said that when one of these ancient beasts dies, its star disappears from the heavens. Whether or not this is true is unknown, however what is known was written down by the star dragon known as "Sol."
It is this: they have spent more time wandering the heavens and the planes than even most gods.

Star dragons generally care little for the lives of others, having spent countless millennia trying to teach other 'lesser' races the rules and ways of civilization. They have long since given up on this course of action, since it has led to only disaster after disaster.

Star dragons generally feed off of the energy within the stars themselves, or failing that, the raw energy of the elemental planes.

They do not generally have goals, or plans that can be categorized in such limited context. Where others make plans that span centuries, theirs generally unfold over a much longer period of time.

Though they do not generally take heed of the younger races, there are some cases in which some mortal impressed them in the past with some act, be it driving devotion, unmeasurable kindness, achieving some seemingly impossible goal, or implacable world shaking fury. Such undying and indefatigable drives are at the heart of what it means to be truly immortal, and such things are what give those with forever to ponder and learn a reason to exist.

Appearance: A star dragon may appear in any form it wishes, though it possesses a true form.

In its true form, a star dragon four sets of legs, two near the base of the neck, two near the end of its body, and two sets, divided equidistantly between them. Along their backs is a double set of scale ridges running on opposite sides of their backs. They otherwise appear very similar to the river dragons of the Oriental planes.

Around the base of their skulls they have a mane of hair that extends along the top to cover the crown as well. Their eyes generally give off light equivalent to a torch, or a lamp. Though this too can brighten or diminish at their will. Their eyes are as varied in color as the stars in the sky. As are the color of their manes and scales.

Type: Dragon (Extraplanar)
Environment: Any; star dragons live where and when they wish.
Organization: Mating pair, or Solitary.
Challenge Ratings: CR 21+
Treasure: Triple magic; non-magical items often lack the qualities required in order to survive many of the otherwise inhospitable places a star dragon may wish to go.
Alignment: Often Neutral
Advancement:All Age categories are by their standards.

Star Dragons by Age:{table]Age Category|Hit Dice (HP)|Size|CR|Age|Str|Dex|Con|Int|Wis|Cha|CL|SR|DR
Wyrmling|12d12+36 (180)|Medium|15|up to 2000|21|13|17|15|16|15|1*|20|3
Very Young|18D12+X (288)|Large|19|2000~5000|24|13|19|16|18|16|3*|25|6
Young|26d12+X (442)|Huge|24|5000~9000|27|14|21|17|20|17|6*|30|12
Juvenile|38d12+X (722)|Gargantuan|30|14000~20000|30|14|24|19|22|19| 10*|35|24
Young Adult|56d12+X (1075)|Colossal|38|20000~27000|35|15|27|21|24|21|1 5*|40|48
Adult|84d12+X (1848)|Colossal+|49|27000~35000|40|16|30|24|27|24| 21*|45|96
Mature Adult|126d12+X (3024)|Colossal+|62|35000~45000|50|17|35|27|30|27| 28*|50|192
Old|188d12+X (5076)|Colossal+|D0|45000~56000|65|19|40|30|35|30| 36*|55|384
Very Old|282d12+X (9024)|Colossal+|D1|56000~70000|85|21|50|35|40|35| 45*|60|768
Ancient|422d12+X (16458)|Colossal+|D2|70000~93000|110|24|65|40|50|4 0|55*|65|1536
Wyrm|634d12+X (31066)|Colossal+|D3|93000~200000|140|27|85|50|65| 50|66*|70|3072
Great Wyrm|950d12+X (58900)|Colossal+|D4|200000+|180|30|110|65|85|65|7 8*|75|6104[/table]

Special Notes:

D0-D4 under CR: This signifies the dragon's Divine Rank. No mortal could hope to subdue one so old. Star Dragons cannot die of old age, and take no penalties for aging. They may continue to advance beyond what is shown above.

Caster Level: All Star Dragons are able to cast spells. Their Total Caster level may be treated as levels in spell casting classes for the purposes of spells per day, known, etc.

Colossal+: This is the limits of size, beyond this one ceases being an entity and becomes a world or planetoid unto ones self. Colossal+ is roughly the size of a hurricane in surface area from above.

Recovery: All Star Dragons have limited regeneration (meaning they can be killed by mundane means, however they heal lost limbs, body parts, and organs in 1d4 days each. If their head is removed, or their heart is punctured, they die (assuming that enough damage has been done). They also have Fast Healing equal to their hit dice.

Movement types and speeds: A wyrmling star dragon has a base movement of 45 feet. This increases by 15 feet to 60 feet for very young star dragons, and by 30 feet for each age category after that. They always fly at twice their base speed, and have perfect maneuverability. Otherwise they always move at their base speed, whether burrowing, swimming, or walking.

Combat: A star dragon will generally attempt to negotiate before lowering itself to such depths as a physical struggle, not that it could ever come to that of course. If a star dragon is ever pushed into combat it will have ready a plethora of spells and abilities at its disposal.

Energy Immunity: Star Dragons are naturally immune to all forms of energy.

Breath Weapon: The star dragon may use the breath weapon of any other form of dragon (at it's own equivalent age category). Alternatively, it may chose to use its own breath weapon which is a spread effect of Arcane Fire which bypasses half of any immunities, and all resistances. This breath weapon deals half of its hit dice in damage. The Fortitude DC against this breath weapon is equal to its HD+Con Mod.

Alternate Forms: As an Adult a star dragon may assume any form it desires, at any time, and gains the special, supernatural, and innate abilities of these forms. There are no practical limits upon this. However, even wyrmling star dragons can assume humanoid forms.

Breathless: A star dragon does not require air to breath.

Flight: A star dragon does not need wings to fly, nor does it apparently truly use any form of locomotion in the air, as it is also capable of flight in places where there is no air. A star dragon has perfect maneuverability, and may even appear to levitate.

Spell-Like Abilities:A star dragon may use any spell like, exceptional or supernatural abilities possessed by any form of dragon as their own Abilities. (Must be proper age category.)

Supreme Planar Shifting: A star dragon of the category Old or older may chose to move between the planes, from one plane to another, or to any demiplane in existence; at the moment this ability is used, the dragon instantly knows which planes are available, what the current environmental conditions of those planes are, and which locations are populated/unpopulated. The star dragon then instantly moves to either the space between the planes (a great place to relax) or to another plane, be is a prime material plane, a transient plane, a demiplane, or any other location in all of the wide range of choices, thus a star dragon may go from one Greyhawk to another Greyhawk, or perhaps to ancient Ravenloft, or brave the perils of the realms of Dragonlance. The star dragon may also chose to take any others with it. a star dragon may also decide to move a distance as though teleporting without error. A star dragon always appears exactly where it means to.

Supreme Divination: A star dragon of age category Wyrm or older may use any divination spell it knows without planar limitations. It can peer to the farthest planes in existence from its current location, to see the weather, or what the locals are doing. As a Great Wyrm, physical distance becomes meaningless, as there are after all, countless worlds aside from this one, or that one, scattered throughout the planes, and the heavens. The star dragon may view any of them.

2011-09-08, 07:25 PM
You're welcome. :smallbiggrin:

P.S. I just can't help but edit in American even though you were writing in British English. Hence some of the changes were simply cosmetic.

[Edit] You should still mention that these dragons get maximum hit points at all levels and you should identify all special abilities as Ex, Sp or Su.

2011-09-21, 08:55 PM
I think I have all of those things, done?