View Full Version : Juggling the Universe - Finding Baby Shmup

Morph Bark
2011-09-08, 01:54 PM
So after seeing this (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19873078/Hulking_Hurler_build&post_num=963#338560114) for the umpteenth time, I started to wonder... where are all those templates from?

In case of the half-dragons and Troodon, where are the monsters from?

If they are in multiple sources and only one is listed below, please tell me anyway!

Symbiotic: SS
Paragon: EPL
Savage Vampire: LM
Ankholian: ???
Ravenous: ???
Nether Hound: ???
Fleshvigor: ???
Evolved: LM
Favored Spawn of Kyuss: ???
Cauldron Spawn Bodak: ???
Gravetouched: ???
Web Mummy: MMIV
Mummified: SS
Living Wall: ???
Juju Zombie: ???
Shadowslain: ???
Scion of Kyuss: ???
Corpse: BoVD
Bone: BoVD
Ghoulish: ???
Ghastly: ???
Dry Lich: Sandstorm
Greenbound: Lost Empires of Faerûn
Half-Lemorian Fiend: Dungeon 146
Half-Air Elemental: Manual of the Planes
Half-Earth Elemental: Manual of the Planes
Half-Fire Elemental: Manual of the Planes
Half-Water Elemental: Manual of the Planes
Half-Celestial: MM
Epic Pseudonatural: EPL
Half-Farspawn: LoM
Wood Element: ???
Gelatinous: SS
Blightspawned: ???
Thomil: ???
Demonically Fused: ???
Magma Element: ???
Spellwarped: MMIII
Corrupted by the Abyss: ???
Half-Illithid: FF
Woodling: MMIII
Half-Machine: ???
Twenty-nine-Headed: SS (must be Colossal)
Half-Dragon (Adamantine): ???
Half-Dragon (Amethyst): MMII
Half-Dragon (Arboreal): ???
Half-Dragon (Battle): Drac
Half-Dragon (Beast): ???
Half-Dragon (Black): MM
Half-Dragon (Blue): MM
Half-Dragon (Brass): MM
Half-Dragon (Bronze): MM
Half-Dragon (Brown): MoF
Half-Dragon (Chaos): Drac
Half-Dragon (Copper): MM
Half-Dragon (Chromium): ???
Half-Dragon (Cobalt): ???
Half-Dragon (Concordant): ???
Half-Dragon (Crystal): MMII
Half-Dragon (Deep): ???
Half-Dragon (Emerald): MMII
Half-Dragon (Ethereal): Drac
Half-Dragon (Fang): Drac / MoF
Half-Dragon (Force): EPL
Half-Dragon (Gold): MM
Half-Dragon (Green): MM
Half-Dragon (Howling): Drac
Half-Dragon (Iron): ???
Half-Dragon (Nickel): ???
Half-Dragon (Oceanus): Drac
Half-Dragon (Prismatic): EPL
Half-Dragon (Pyroclastic): Drac
Half-Dragon (Radiant): Drac
Half-Dragon (Red): MM
Half-Dragon (Rust): Drac
Half-Dragon (Sapphire): MMII
Half-Dragon (Shadow): Drac / MoF
Half-Dragon (Silver): MM
Half-Dragon (Song): ??
Half-Dragon (Steel): Dragon's of Faerûn
Half-Dragon (Styx): Drac
Half-Dragon (Tarterian): Drac
Half-Dragon (Topaz): MMII
Half-Dragon (Tungsten): ???
Half-Dragon (White): MM
Half-Dragon (Chiang Lung): OA
Half-Dragon (Li Lung): OA
Half-Dragon (Lung Wang): OA
Half-Dragon (Pan Lung): OA
Half-Dragon (Shen Lung): OA
Half-Dragon (T’ien Lung): OA
Half-Dragon (Tun Mi Lung): OA
Half-Dragon (Yu Lung): OA
Were-Forestmaster: OA
Paragon: EPL
Savage: ???
Mineral Warrior: Underdark
Stonebone: ???
Remade: ???
Lolth-touched: MMIV
Half-Iron Golem: MMII
Warbeast: ???
Dungeonbred: Dungeonscape
Titanic: MMII
Blood Ghoul: LM
Ka-Tainted: ???
Madborn: ???
Reptilian: ???
Dark Thrall of Onysablet: ???
Hooded Pupil: MMIII
Katane Ghul: ???
Genden: ???
Fetch: ???
Half-Satyr: ???
Half-Ogre: ???
Half-Minotaur: ???
Dragon Vassal (Yellow): ???
Half-Scrag: ???
Skorenoi: ???
Taint-blood: ???
Wendigo: ???
Lost: ???
Tarterian (Shator): ???
Proto: ???
Draconic: Drac
Corrupted: BoVD
Beast of Xvim: ???
Voidmind: MMIII
Chimeric (Black): MMII
Bloodrager: ???
Quorbound: ???
Kaiju: ???
Forestmaster: ???
Spirit of the Woods: ???
Magebred: ECS
Half-Brass Golem: web enhancement for MMII
Tauric: SS
Blightspawned: ???
Woodling: MMIII
Cave Dinosaur: ???
Troodon: ???

2011-09-08, 02:46 PM
Symbiotic is savage species
Web mummy and lolth-touched is MMIV
Titanic is MMII
Greenbound is Lost empires of Faerun

Dusk Eclipse
2011-09-08, 02:53 PM
All the half dragons are in RotD
Gravetouched ghoul is from LM
Half lemorian fiend is a variant from a web article
juju zombie is from MoI
half farspawn is LoM
Gelatinius is from SS
half illithid from FF
Mineral warrior is in underdark and a web prebiew

Morph Bark
2011-09-08, 04:11 PM
All the half dragons are in RotD

For half-dragons, I'm actually looking for where the dragon parents are in. Like, for half-battle dragon, that would be the Draconomicon.

Thanks for the others so far!

2011-09-08, 04:18 PM
All of the half-golems are from MM2, and from the web enhancement for it.
Flesh, clay, stone and iron are from MM2. Brass, stained glass, and dragonflesh half golems are from the web enhancement for MM2.

Mercury, Steel, and Mist dragons are in Dragon's of Faerun.
All of the Lung dragons are from OA
Magebred is from Eberron Campaign Setting

Morph Bark
2011-09-09, 01:32 AM
Added those as well. Thanks. :smallsmile:

2011-09-09, 01:49 AM
Adamantine, Arboreal, Concordant, and Beast dragons are in Dragon Issue #321
Chromium, Cobalt, Nickel, Iron, and Tungsten dragons are in Issue #356
Stoneboned is in Issue #350, as is Corrupted
Spirit of the Woods is in issue #303

according to this (http://www.aeolia.net/dragondex/monsters.html) list of dragon magazine monsters.

there's probably more in there as well. A lot of those templates look unfamiliar so a good bet is Dragon Magazine.

2011-09-09, 02:03 AM
Cave dinosaur is a set of creatures from the miniature handbook, it's a bunch of mini dinosaurs with a table for mutations(such as fast healing or flight).
Lost is from MoI, Wendigo is from Fiend Folio.
Half Ogre is from savage species or races of destiny.
By ghastly & ghoulish do you mean templates to turn creatures into ghouls(I know there are ones for that in the d20 modern srd)?, or do you mean something such as the graveborn ghoul template?
For scion of kyuss do you mean spawn of kyuss(from either fiendfolio or mm2, I can't remember which of the two)?, or do you mean a specific template called that?
For Juju zombie do you mean a template called Juju zombie(there’s one called that in pathfinder) or do you mean the(mentioned above) incarnum zombie?
I'm not quite sure where the elemental template are from, but I remember something like them in the mnual of the planes, so it could be worth checking there for some of them.

2011-09-09, 02:39 AM
Here's all the ones I was able to find from your list not completed. Slightly ninja'd by the previous poster :3

Ankholian: Bestiary of Kyrnn
Ravenous: Dragon #319
Nether Hound: Dragon #322
Fleshvigor: Dragon #315
Favored Spawn of Kyuss: Dragon #336
Cauldron Spawn Bodak: Dragon #340
Gravetouched: Libris Mortis
Living Wall: Dragon #343
Juju Zombie: Unapproachable East [Faerun]
Shadowslain: Shadowdale: the Scouring of the Land [Published Adventure for Forgotten Realms]
Scion of Kyuss: Dragon 307
Ghoulish: Dragon 307
Ghastly: Dragon 307
Half-Lemorian Fiend: Dungeon 143 [I think :S]
Wood Element: Manual of the Planes
Blightspawned: Unapproachable East
Thomil: Unapproachable East
Demonically Fused: Dragon #285 and Dungeon Compendium Vol. 1
Magma Element: Manual of the Planes [Paraelemental]
Corrupted by the Abyss: Expedition to the Demonweb Pits [Update of Corrupted Creature from Book of Vile Darkness]
Half-Machine: Dungeon #91
Half-Dragon (Adamantine): Dragon 321
Half-Dragon (Arboreal): Dragon 321
Half-Dragon (Beast): ???
Half-Dragon (Chromium): Dragon 356
Half-Dragon (Cobalt): Dragon 356
Half-Dragon (Concordant): Draconomicon
Half-Dragon (Deep): Drow of the Underdark
Half-Dragon (Iron): Dragon 356
Half-Dragon (Nickel): Dragon 356
Half-Dragon (Song): Monsters of Faerun
Half-Dragon (Tungsten): Dragon 356
Savage: ???
Stonebone: Dragon 350
Remade: ???
Warbeast: MM II
Ka-Tainted: Dragon 315
Madborn: Five Nations
Reptilian: Savage Species
Dark Thrall of Onysablet: Bestiary of Krynn
Katane Ghul: The katane and the ghul are two seperate templates, both from Dragon 313.
Genden: Dragon 313
Fetch: Dragon 313
Half-Satyr: Dragon 313
Half-Ogre: Dragon 313
Half-Minotaur: Dragon 313
Dragon Vassal (Yellow): Monstrous Manual [1993]
Half-Scrag: Fiend Folio [I think]
Skorenoi: Bestiary of Krynn
Taint-blood: ???
Wendigo: Fiend Folio
Lost: ???
Tarterian (Shator): Dragon 111
Proto: ???
Beast of Xvim: Monsters of Faerun
Bloodrager: ???
Quorbound: Eberron - Dreams of Xen'drik
Kaiju: Dragon 289
Forestmaster: Faiths & Pantheons
Spirit of the Woods: Dragon 303
Blightspawned: Unapproachable East
Cave Dinosaur: Miniatures Handbook
Troodon: Dragon 318

Morph Bark
2011-09-09, 09:39 AM
Holy goodberries on a squirrel's nuts! Thanks Vamp, that's a lot!

That just leaves:

Half-Dragon (Beast): ???
Savage: ???
Remade: ???
Taint-blood: ???
Lost: ???
Proto: ???
Bloodrager: ???

Togath: I meant the juju zombie, not the incarnum zombie, as Dusk Eclipse apparently assumed, noted of course by the "juju" instead of the "incarnum" in front of the "zombie". :smalltongue:

As for your other questions, I don't know about the other templates, I simply copied them from the link in the first post and split them apart myself by the names I thought they referred to. Hence why I was wondering if Proto was perhaps a part of the others and the original poster forgot to include a - between the two words. At any rate, Vampire already answered those and they were all in Dragon magazines, so I can see why you thought there was confusion over them.

2011-09-09, 09:49 AM
Found Beast Dragon in Dragon #321.

Still can't find the others.


Found the 'Lost' in a Ravenloft thingy called Dark Tales and Disturbing Legends. But it seems to be a creature rather than a template... so... maybe the person below me is correct.

EDIT2: Savage is in Dungeon #140

EDIT3 : Remade is in Dragon 352.

EDIT4 : Taint-blood is in the Revised Bestiary of Krynn, so is the Proto-creature Template, and the Bloodrager template.

And we're done. Time for a cup of tea, I think. Anyone want to write up the sheet for that character?

2011-09-09, 09:52 AM
Lost are in Magic of Incarnum.

Savage- is that another name for Feral?

Morph Bark
2011-09-09, 11:11 AM
And we're done. Time for a cup of tea, I think. Anyone want to write up the sheet for that character?

Cheers. :smallbiggrin:

I actually planned on making some encounters with some of the things in there, but Baby Shmup itself is apparently not a legal character as presented a few pages later in that thread I linked. The original creator kept the type pyramid in mind, but thought Woodling made you both your original type AND Plant type and that Half-Ogre made you both your original type AND Giant type.

I already have a super-lycanthrope anyway.

Savage- is that another name for Feral?

As far as I know, no.

2011-09-09, 12:20 PM
One minor thing - Forest Master is a Prestige Class from Faiths and Pantheons. Forestmaster is a Template from Bestiary of Krynn.

2011-09-09, 03:17 PM
For the juju zombie I only added the question as someone else had said they were from MoI, which only has incarnum zombies, sorry about causing any confusion.