View Full Version : Some quick tips for my mid-level magic-archer?

2011-09-08, 05:41 PM
Hey, I'm trying to build a decent character around the Arcane Archer class, and I wonder if you could throw me a bone.

My DM was in the nice corner and let me modify duskblade to fit ranged combat instead of melee. Might be a bit powerful, but it's a way to make archery viable, and to be frank, we need it. It will make me able to place both touch and area spells with a bow, that's neat.

I've looked through the similar build in the duskblade handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=525.20), and I like the Abjurant Champion. My problem is that it's a level 20 build, and I'm making mine level 9. What items and enhancements should I go for?

I've set it up as Duskblade 5/Abjurant Champion 2/Arcane Archer 2.
It's the capstone of Abjurant Champion that makes it good, but is it really worth it? Would I be better off with another 5 levels of Duskblade?

What do you think about the whole project? I think the flavor is awesome, and I'm pretty set on playing a character with the gimmick of enchanting his arrows.

2011-09-10, 05:39 PM
Nobody cares? :P

2011-09-10, 05:46 PM
Are you sure you want a Duskblade base? AA's only worthwhile class feature is Imbue Arrow which really wants spells the Duskblade list doesn't allow. Arcane Archer's capstone is ****. It's DC 20 Fort-save; you can do 10 times more with a simple [Quickened] Finger of Death (which has no one-of restriction and is easily DC 25-26 without Spell Foci), Disintegrate, Baleful Polymorph or something.

If I had to use Arcane Archer, I'd make:
Bard 8/Arcane Archer 2/Sublime Chord 2/Abjurant Champion 4/Sacred Exorcist 4


Wizard 6/Eldritch Knight + Abjurant Champion 12/Arcane Archer 2

Duskblade-base for AA just doesn't give you very much, and AA doesn't have much in terms of worthwhile stuff outside Imbue Arrow. The rest of the class

2011-09-10, 05:48 PM
Same as almost any archer build this is what you want: Hank's Bow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20061227a)