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2011-09-08, 06:42 PM
The sun begins to rise over the serene ocean to The East; casting a warm glow across most the island. The cool morning breeze passing through the southern bamboo trees; one of the few remaining periods of calmness remaining for the day.

Up near the top of the mountain that dominates the island. Sunlight begins to pass through the windows of Scarlet Shrine to be filtered heavily through its thick curtains. Inside, candles primarily provide illumination to avoid offending a certain resident. In the sole area that sunlight is able to pass in unfiltered is a large portrait of the shrine's patron, Remillia Scarlet.

Further westward, Onozuka Shrine has yet to receive it's first rays of sunlight on the ground floor, but it is a tall and imposing structure; the second story peaking out over the hills to claim its light. Lanterns hang out from its wavy roof, and from the deep solitary well behind the shrine.

It is too early now for the tourists to really be out and about, and the Miko of the island have a good hour and a half to themselves to make sure the shrine is presentable before the daily mayhem. The island has been getting busier as of late, but with ten shrines on the island it is becoming difficult for any of them to keep in the condition they deserve.

And thus, the solution is to be among the last shrines standing.

Time: 5:45 AM

2011-09-08, 11:05 PM
As the light of dawn breaks gentle across the land, Tia remains in her comfortable bed tucked in the covers. Her room in the shrine is emaculate, not one single speck of dust roams. Her uniform, gold, lays out neatly on her dresser. Every thing in its proper place and a place for everything. From experience, the other miko in the shrine of death will find it hard to wake her, if they must. One thing only lets her sleep later than others. She has an easy time channeling the shrines godess, some would say much to easy a time.

2011-09-09, 12:56 AM
In the dark morning, the Onozuka Shrine is silent as the night it is still under. However, a dark figure walks on the roof. Eyes closed, and face covered in drool, the sleeping Yashuu was wandering around in her pajamas. How she got on the roof, nobody knows. She eventually walks over to the edge, and goes over the edge, landing on her face comically. She still sleeps.

Mono Vertigo
2011-09-09, 04:32 AM
Among these two lazy miko, the slumber of the third one slowly gets disturbed by the warmth of the coming day.
Which is strange, considering that one died quite a while ago, and is barely corporeal. She shouldn't need the sleep, but often mechanically uses the bed in her room. Fortunately, she must be the only one in the shrine to have an easy time waking up.
Hana gets up slowly, still sleepy, and still in her own pajamas, drifts toward the others' rooms to wake them up.

Cyborg Mage
2011-09-09, 12:08 PM
As the early rays pour into the shrine's portrait hall, illuminating the grand image, there is one place they do not reach. To the side of the large painting, a small section of wall, undistinguished from any other bar a single onmyouji seal attached to it, hides a stairway, the shrine's mirror to the basement of it's patron's mansion. A small altar stands here, dedicated to the Devil's Sister, Flandre Scarlet. It is attended solely by a miko in pink, who is currently sweeping the floor of the small room more out of habit than actual need, humming as she does.

2011-09-09, 11:18 PM
On the grounds of the shrine, Rei, in her bright eye-hurting shrine maiden garb, sweeps away fallen leaves and other debris in preparation for the coming day ahead. However, still unused to the cold surroundings, she let out a small cute sneeze and sniffles. She mutters something unintelligible before resuming the sweeping.

Roll: Skill for cleaning

2011-09-10, 12:25 AM
Dreading the coming light, Aki scowls determinedly at the horizon. Unfortunately, this offers her no assistance when the glare strikes her moments later through the drapes causing her to hiss in response. Sunlight always gave her a headache.

Being most active at night had it's advantages as Aki was nearly finished with some Breakfast Treats for her mistress. Some people had to learn the hard way that shrines were not playgrounds. In the dark kitchen she dwelt, cooking a horrible meal gleefully, the red of blood indistinguishable from the red of her uniform.

Cooking!: [roll0]

2011-09-10, 02:03 AM
At Scarlet Shrine any given visitor would see the Magical Girl-turned Shrine Maiden sweeping leaves and loose pebbles at a frankly ridiculous pace. Not that there are many leaves up here on the mountain, but it is quite the accomplishment regardless. Quite quickly the "yard" of the shrine is clean of loose debris.

Inside the magnificent structure, Aki's bloodmeal turns out... OK, the high end of OK, but the vampire's refined palette knows it is by no means the best meal she's made for an offering. Down in her little shrine of a room, Natsuko simply cleans up the little dirt she tracked in herself.

Shrine Onozuka is still quite serene, the lower roof slowly gaining more rays from the sun. Yashuu lies in her pink pajamas out in front, a caterpillar cautiously venturing on to her cheek.

OK, Rei did great cleaning up the outside a bit, so she earns [roll0] favor.

Aki Is getting the first roll (a value of 6) no favor yet though.

...And if it needs specifying Hana made it to a bedroom, go ahead and pick which one; but I have nothing to react to there yet.

Cyborg Mage
2011-09-10, 03:31 AM
Seemingly satisfied with the cleanliness of the basement-shrine, Natsuko turns to light a single ceremonial candle kept on the altar itself, thankfully NOT setting her clothes on fire in the process. She then turns to climb the staircase leading to the portrait room, removing the seal on the door as she pushes it open. As it falls back into the wall, a muffled click confirms it is now locked. That done, she heads outside to check on, and replace, if need be, the onmyouji seals dotted around the outside of the shrine, giving a passing Morning, Rokugami-san. to Rei. These seals were a nessecary measure. The last spirit that got in took weeks to get rid of, not to mention completely clearing out the pantry.

Mono Vertigo
2011-09-10, 04:09 AM
"Tou-chan", says Hana, opening the door to the room, "the sun's rising! It's time to... to..."
Oh. Nobody in bed.
Maybe the girls woke up already.
The ghost shrugged, and went back to put on her uniform and go do some sweeping outside. The surprise came when she tried to get rid of a large pile of leaves. "Is that some animal sleeping underneath? Eek, I hope it's not sick or something!" The cleaning can't resume as long as there's so much mess near the entrance. She pushes it away at once, with as much strength as possible... and with a broom.

Athletics (3) roll for the purpose of cleaning: [roll0]
Sorry, Yashuu. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-10, 10:57 AM
With the help of the broom, Yashuu turns over face up, still with the caterpillar crawling on her face. She sits up and yawns, and opens her eyes. "Good morning Hana-chan! Is it morning alrea...dy?" She looks around, noticing she's outside. "Aww man, I've been sleepwalking again?"

2011-09-10, 08:02 PM


2011-09-11, 07:36 AM
With the last of the vile litter vanquished by the hands of Rei, she had the urge to spout off with cheesy lines regarding the power of love, friendship, and belief. Before she could do so, Natsuko passed by.

"Good Morning, Takasugi-san." Rei politely responded to the greeting. "Are there any other chores that must be done?"

Cyborg Mage
2011-09-11, 08:18 AM
Eh, it might be a good idea to check the candles inside. Most of 'em have been burning since we got them. As for me, I'm going to make sure the seals around the shrine are still working. You remember what happened last time.

Natsuko shudders as these last two words are said. The last spirit that showed up was not exactly the most well-behaved of guests. Another one showing up during this publicity boom would be disatrous.

Mono Vertigo
2011-09-11, 08:28 AM
Hana rolled her eyes. "You scared me! Yes, you were sleepwalking..."
A thoughtful pause.
"... again. How many times this week alone? Look, we're getting late on our schedule. The shrine is not going to tidy up itself." Speaking of schedule, what was the next task? Err... she drew a blank. The sickly girl put the broom against the wall and started going back inside. "I'll go and wake up Tia. If she's not working already, that is", she said, also intending her to remind her her next chore. Maybe it was the cooking? That would sound right.

2011-09-11, 09:38 PM
"Nooooo!" Aki shrieked, dragging her fingers through her hair crazily. This was far from perfect and perfect was what the Mistress enjoyed. Tentatively, she took a bite of a little one off the side before throwing it across the floor in disgust. It wasn't perfect. Still, better than no offering, so she scooped it up and exited the kitchen area before coming across her fellow maidens, Natsuko and Rei.

"Wonderful." She scoffed, like these two appreciated who they serve like Aki did. "Greetings Rei and Natsuko." The vampire princess said through clenched teeth putting on her most charming fake smile, "Would one of you be a dear and bring this tray of treats to our dear patron?" She asked, trying to foster them off on one of the others. "I have much more pressing matters.."

It'd save her the walk.

2011-09-11, 10:06 PM
Yashuu laughs nervously. "Heh heh, I stopped counting after the twelfth time. I'll just go get ready and start sweeping the halls.

2011-09-12, 09:20 PM

Tia rolls over in her sleep and mutters something.

If allowed, Tia mutters "spell card, transversify". Of course Tia is sleeping still and her target is the dirt and dust in the temple and leaves around the shrine area, IE a total cleaning. destination of transversify is anywhere but the shrine.

Mono Vertigo
2011-09-13, 05:18 AM
Abruptly, the ghost appears and floats in the room. "Tiaaa~", says a sweet voice from beyond. "Tia-chan!"
Less otherworldly is the following nagging. "It isn't cool that I have to wake up everyone! I may be ill but I don't spend all day in bed! Please, wake up. Our goddess may punish us if we don't do a satisfying work. You don't want to be punished, right?"

If necessary, a cunning roll: [roll0]x4

2011-09-13, 10:39 AM

Tia sits up at the word "punish". For a moment her face appears haunted by memories. Then she sighs and gets out of bed. Changing out of her nightgown into her miko robes, she says nothing.

Then she heads outside to clean, using her martial arts techniques to help move the leaves.

Athletics to clean [roll0]

2011-09-13, 12:54 PM
After getting dressed in her pink monstrosity of an outfit, Yashuu pulls out a broom, and starts sweeping the halls. *Yawn.* "Let's get this over with."

Skill roll
watch as I make the shrine dirtier then it was before!

2011-09-14, 01:36 AM
The sleepy maidens of shrine death work to clean their shrine. Through unknown means, Tia's martial kata manages to clean the yard. At least most of it, a few leaves remain here or there but overall it looks nice. The trees on the hills upwind shake threateningly in the breeze but give her no more work... yet.

Inside the halls Yashuu can be found attempting the clean the halls. She really does manage to get most the dirt out onto the wrap-around porch outside. Unfortunately, that which is left managed to be spread out along the floor . It looks nicer, but some patches of dirt are visible.

Up on the mountain, the Miko of Scarlet Shrine have had a splendid view of the sunrise, from up here it has fully risen; though still quite low in the sky. Various lights can be seen winking on down at the hotel at the foot of the mountain as Natsuko replaces various Ofuda around the shrine.

Time: 6:15 AM

OK, both Tia and Yashuu gain [roll0] Favor... Since evidently you get the same amount for any success; maybe amazing successes should grant more from here on out.

Any favor Natsuko will get from the Ofuda I think will be from actually warding. I would bet that'll happen pretty quickly. :smalltongue:

Why did you use skill? Yashuu has "no" skill. :smalltongue:

2011-09-15, 12:32 AM
Seeing the relatively small amount of dirt left, Yashuu is not impressed with her work. Looking around and seeing nobody nearby, she begins to sweep the dirt ferociously, becoming a giant dust cloud heading outside.

Athletics [roll0]
Are we using that alternate rolling system that was suggested? if not:

Mono Vertigo
2011-09-15, 09:07 AM
Though she isn't hungry, Hana heads toward the kitchen for a little cooking. The others must want some breakfast! She takes a familiar knife, and starts cutting fruits to make healthy fruit juice. There must also be enough to make everyone broiled eggs and toasts...

Skill roll: [roll0] *2

When she's done with the juice, no matter the result she optimistically pours herself one glass and gulps it down. More vitamines, that should help with her complexion!

Cyborg Mage
2011-09-15, 12:28 PM
Natsuko sighs with relief and slumps against a nearby wall. Another day free from unwanted guests. She stares down at Hotel Aya for a few moments, flickers of light adorning the building's sides as dawn creeps slowly forwards. Bolting upright, she suddenly remembers she still needs to prepare. Running back into the shrine, she soon emerges with a small wooden table and an elaborate red-and-purple cloth, decorated along its edges with small black crosses. Setting all of this beside the shrine entrance, she begins to prepare various ofuda, placing them in neat stacks on either side.

2011-09-16, 01:08 AM
"Alright then Yamazaki-san, I'll take it." Rei leaves the broom leaning on the side of the wall before taking the tray filled with food.

"I will notify our dear patron that you made her an offering." Rei added with a smile, before going back in to give the food.

2011-09-16, 05:28 AM
Hana's juice does not taste good by any means. Somehow it just came out bitter, surely that means it has a great deal of vitamins.

Natsuko's Ofuda come out wrong... Though she's not exactly sure how, as far as anyone can tell, they are normal. Really the only problem seems to be Natsuko's feeling of unease about them.

I think it happens every time there's a failed roll, so Hana and Natsuko take [roll0] stress. Things are in route to be interesting with these though I think...

Mono Vertigo
2011-09-16, 05:36 PM
As soon as she's gulped her share of juice, Hana notices the pungency of the fresh beverage. Extra strong taste, therefore extra healthy! She can already feel herself being... rejuvenated...
... wait, she doesn't feel anything at all beside the taste, actually, and that's pretty confusing.
She stares at her empty glass, then her deathly pale hands, then the wraps covering her arms. Blinks twice. And the realization rushes in. "Oh, right. I'm... dead." How did she manage to forget such a fundamental thing? Nonetheless, she didn't let the reminder put her down (though she couldn't shake the feeling there was another fact, equally important, that she was missing), and proceeded to make broiled eggs. Two portions instead of three, of course.

And another Skill roll for the rest of the cooking: [roll0]*2

2011-09-17, 04:34 AM
The aroma of eggs pleasantly wafts throughout the halls of Shrine Onozuka, letting all in the halls know that at least a better meal has been made.

2011-09-17, 04:38 PM
As soon as Yashuu had finally gotten the rest of the dirt out of the halls, the pleasant smell of breakfast reaches her nose. "Mmm, food." She begins her trek to the kitchen... and promptly falls asleep on the way there.
ahh, sleepwalking. If only I could do that irl.

2011-09-18, 10:14 PM

Tia enters the shrine and heads over for breakfast. She chokes down the juice without comment and eats her portion of eggs, almost to fast. Then she heads in to the alter area to set it up.

athletics to hold down the bitter juice-[roll0]
skill for alter set up-[roll1]

2011-09-21, 05:28 AM
Tia successfully survives the juice before her dash to the altar.


Unfortunately, during her preparations, a bowl of sacred water slipped from her hands, with the floor now slick she falls directly after it. It'd be easy to get more from the well to the underworld out back, only you've been instructed not to look inside.

Yashuu... never makes it to the kitchen, the need for sleep overpowering her need for food.

Up at Scarlet Shrine The wind picks up attempting, yet failing to blow away various ofuda. Being outside, Natsuko easily notices the approach of a brown-haired Miko from Shrine Moriya looking none to happy, not that this one ever has to memory.

Tia takes [roll0] stress... Which I have just remembered immediately activates her stress explosion regardless of amount.

With the pace of these games, I'll take a point off every day instead of minute. Should give you plenty of time to cause mischief.

Cyborg Mage
2011-09-21, 12:28 PM
Natsuko looks up from her work in curiousity, and then drops her eyebrows in disdain. HER again. The Shrines of Scarlet and Moriya had always been in competition, if not for religious reasons, then for being the only other shrine on the mountain. The Scarlet Shrine, however, generally takes the lead, being the closest to the hotel. The Moriyans were never too happy about this. Standing up from her table, grasping her broom tightly, she walks over to the shrine stairs to greet the visitor, using the term lightly.

What do you want, Akai?

2011-09-21, 11:03 PM
Yashuu sleep-wanders around aimlessly, mumbling something about a giant catfish.

2011-09-21, 11:27 PM

favor: 3

Tia sits up from her fall and screams out "HANNA!!!!!" as she stands up carefully. It seems she burned out her stress in calling for Hanna. (I.E. spent 6 favor to reduce stress 6 points)

Mono Vertigo
2011-09-22, 03:44 AM
"Wh-what's going on? Tia?!"
Hana stops guarding Yashuu's breakfast and rushes to help the miko. "Oh my, are you okay? What happened?!", she asked, visibly worried.

2011-09-22, 01:18 PM

Tia looks slightly ashamed "I .... I dropped the sacred water. Could ..... ...... could you please help me set up the altar Hanna?

2011-09-28, 05:29 AM
Natsuko's greeting does nothing to sooth the evident anger bubbling up within Akai. The Earth-Miko sneers, "Natsuko, just who I was looking for. You're warding the road to our shrine aren't you? Our visitors have been going down and you seem to be collecting them."

Hmm, a week to think on a character you randomly put in to give the other group something to do that you introduce as an annoying person... Yeah, probably not the best randomly added NPC I've ever had, especially so early... :smalltongue:

And nothing for anyone else because I don't really have anything... If the three of you who have just wandered off in game are expecting me to directly do something... Well I could come up with something random if you want.

Cyborg Mage
2011-09-28, 12:23 PM
Doing what? Akai, I hardly ever go anywhere near your shrine, and believe me, I wouldn't be warding the roads if I did. For a start, ofuda don't work like that...

Natsuko sighs. Akai was like a brick wall sometimes. Always found some way to blame failure on someone else. Sadly, she had to deal with her right now. Hopefully she could get her to leave before the visitors start to arrive.

Besides, even if I COULD do something like that, there'd be a long list of shrines I would be using it on and yours wouldn't exactly be at the top.