View Full Version : Shayllan - Bird of a Feather

2011-09-11, 12:15 AM
Latro Fareyes is settled inside a small vendor's wagon inside the city walls of Langrasse, a wealthier and more well-established city of the barony of Vanug Belturak III, who indeed rules from his throne-seat located within the very same walls. Little was present in Langrasse that spoke of slums or beggars - the poorest seemed to be of the more widely established middle class. The wagon, nestled in an alleyway and allowing Latro to face out onto the city streets, carries with it a recent supply of scrolls that Latro was asked to pawn off to anyone willing to buy them - in bulk, at that, with lowered acceptable prices to encourage a quick move of the unneeded magic scripts. The day is drifting by slowly, but a single customer has been poking at this or that scroll, not seeming intent on buying any. The visitor finally pulls down their large, draping hood, revealing a slender, curved-back pair of gnarled horns and a beard that threatens to overrun the entire lower half of his elf-like face.
"Latro Fareyes, isn't it? Finally, I seem to have tracked you down. I.. b-blaaaraaahm!"
He bleats loudly, too much like a sheep or goat to be an imitation. His cheeks flush and he looks away in embarrassment for a moment.
"M-my apology. I ah.. I've been looking for you for some time. You can be difficult to locate if you want to be. A good credit to you, in the least, considering..."

Harriet Mayweather was trudging through another of Pyshek's limitless sandy hills, following after what had seemed at first to be a mirage, but was looking more and more like reality, despite how it shimmered and flickered out of range with perplexing ease. It was an image of childhood friends she remembered only well enough to know they should be ancient and venerable by now. But no, they were just as young as they were in the days when she was young herself. Finally, her plodding and tramping through the dusty sand brought her to the ruined foundation of an altar-house, the likes of which were usually long buried by the shifting dunes. A sleek, slender young woman with a body like fine, carved and polished wood gleaming in the sun leans back while seated on the altar, her literally leafy hair dancing in the warm breezes. Her voice is like silk and running water.
"Such an uncomfortable place to make a life, isn't this...? I can't see why you flesh beings CHOOSE to struggle to survive here... I can't stay much longer, so I'll have to be quick about this, miss Mayweather."

Orpheus is out among the Jiastan seas, enjoying a beautiful sunny summer season with the sun beating down on the waves, his ship striding him proudly across the water's surface. A few dolphins catch his sight as the hull of his vessel cuts through the sea, seagulls sailing through their own cloudy "waters" above him. Suddenly, however, a rogue, unexpected wind blows onto the deck from starboard, swirling past the netting and slowly coalescing into a humanoid form... Silver-white hair the color of a lightning strike whips about this poised elf-like archer, his eyes swirling with vibrant colors. He speaks with a graceful, polite, but confident tone.
"The skilled sailor Orpheus. Beautiful day, isn't it? The sky, the sea, the sky... Did I mention the sky?"
He smirks slightly, not drawing his bow.
"My name is... well, unpronounceable in mortal tongues. But I come from the Forest of Revelry. Surely you know of it, yes?"

The nobility was interested in Andrew's abilities for the longest time, but he never really took to their offers. The realms beyond this one were more interesting, even if he never bothered learning about them. No, he was content with bonding with and shaping the spirit of an outsider. The six-legged, white-furred mystery never failed to excite his senses when it took him for his frequent rides through the Nydale countrysides. One such day, as he's out relaxing atop his unusual steed, he notices several large shadows swooping over him. A trio of giant eagles land and squawk as their riders dismount, just a few feet before the summoner. The riders seem to be elven folk, except that their size is prodigious - roughly equal that of ogres. They bear little in the way of clothing except for finely kept thick leather kilts, tattoos of vines and berries inked onto their flesh. A somewhat relaxing but heavy smell of dirt surrounds them. One of them calls to him in Sylvan, the language of the woods and natural mysteries.
"r'Dakis... We mean you no harm. We wish only to converse a short while. Something of a reputation for being a potent invoker of the outer realms' energies has led us to believe you can... help us, at least enough for us to extend to you this... offer."

Kel Cetar is seated in the tavern of Owor's Stoneheart district known only as the Bruisehand Alehall, going over some of the bills he's received lately for his yearly taxes. More new taxes this year - no surprise there. Taxes have been on the rise to pay for the War of Rattled Snakes for nearly a decade. Sipping the last of the stiff beer he was given, complimentary for how long he's been a regular, a beautiful young woman with flowing golden hair and a dangerously clingy blue silken dress seats herself across from him at his table, leaning forward and resting her chin in her palm. Her voice is incredibly melodic.
"Excuse me sir~ I was looking for a human named Kel Cetar and was told I might find him here~ Maybe you've seen him or know where I might find him if he's not actually here at the moment?~ I hear he's rather well-known for the strange weapons he uses~"

2011-09-11, 02:52 AM
Harriet raises an eyebrow at the phantom woman, a look more of bored impatience than wonder. She'd seen too much weirdness in this desert for this sort of thing to faze her. Still, the thing got into her head without her noticing - that was a bit unsettling.

"Hmph. Survival is always a struggle, my dear. Death doesn't care where you live. Now what's your business with me? I have places to be."

2011-09-11, 08:36 AM
"I presume, then, that you are interested in something other than scrolls. You seem to have the advantage of me. What is your name and what business do you have with me?" Latro stands, staff in hand, neither welcoming or hostile, weighing his visitor.

what knowledge to identify this guys race?

Piper watches invisibly from his perch on the wagon-top, the tiny outsider enjoying his return to the plane, people-watching in the crowded streets.

2011-09-11, 11:09 AM
The nobility was interested in Andrew's abilities for the longest time, but he never really took to their offers. The realms beyond this one were more interesting, even if he never bothered learning about them. No, he was content with bonding with and shaping the spirit of an outsider living out his life in calm. The six-legged, white-furred mystery never failed to excite his senses when it took him for his frequent rides through He took frequent walks through the Nydale countrysides, sometimes sketching this or that. One such day, as he's out relaxing atop his unusual steed a rock by a lake, he notices several large shadows swooping over him. A trio of giant eagles land and squawk as their riders dismount, just a few feet before the summoner. The riders seem to be elven folk, except that their size is prodigious prestigious - roughly equal that of ogres. They bear little in the way of clothing except for finely kept thick leather kilts, tattoos of vines and berries inked onto their flesh. A somewhat relaxing but heavy smell of dirt surrounds them. One of them calls to hiim in Sylvan, the language of the woods and natural mysteries.
"r'Darkis... We mean you no harm. We wish only to converse a short while. Something of a reputation for being a potent invoker of the outer realms' energies has led us to believe you can... help us, at least enough for us to extend to you this... offer."

I hope you don't mind this slight edit, but what you said won't consolidate with what I've already decided about my character's personality. With any luck, background goes up today.

"I hope you don't mind" Andrew says calmly and evenly, without looking up "but I would prefer to know what it is I'm agreeing to before I decide on this... offer".

2011-09-11, 12:52 PM
A thin smile was painted across his face, eyes locked on the sea. Out here, there was freedom. The rush of the unknown. Even after however many years he'd been out on the sea, it took a fool to think he knew an inkling of it. His shield was strewn across his back, while his left held a majestic looking stave, a brilliant aquamarine sphere ontop that seemed to course with psionic energy.

His reverie was broken by the sudden appearance of a visitor. He did his best not to look startled, turning to respond as if it was an ordinary occurence. The two shared similar hair, although the visitor's was more metallic than his snow-white hair. "You did, Sir. Sky, Sea, Sky again", and he took a moment to look the man up and down. Seemingly out of nowhere, a voice came from the sphere, talking a million miles a second. "Nope! He's never heard of it. Not once! Not now, not then, not ever!". He chuckled, briefly, before seemingly ignoring the disembodied voice and continuing, "Say I have, then what of it? You've come quite a ways for a sales pitch, I can listen".

2011-09-12, 04:06 PM
DungeonMonkey: Most of the editing is fine with me. I only mentioned that he didn't bother learning about the outer planes since he has no ranks in Knowledge (planes), and I was basing the description of the creature on what you yourself seemed to have said. Other than that, I'd rather you don't edit descriptions relevant to NPCs, especially when there's nothing wrong with the word(s) used.

I'll post continuation of the responses when Major adds in his post.

2011-09-12, 04:13 PM
Kel Cetar looks up from his paper at the woman and is surprised by her beauty. However, he hadn't made it this long by being a sucker for a pretty face. Quickly putting on a straight face so as to hide his initial surprise at the woman's good looks he focuses on the woman's face resisting the urge to look lower.

Calmly he sets the papers down and while keeping his left hand on his beer mug he causally lowers his right hand to rest on his thigh next to the pistol beneath the table and out of sight.

"I would be Kel. Why do you ask?" He ask calmly.

I guess sleight of hand to casually rest my hand next to my gun under the table without it being obvious he is making sure he is prepared? If I can do is stealthfully without don't worry about the roll.

Sleight of hand: [roll0]
...well it isn't a one at least...

2011-09-13, 08:53 PM
The wood-fleshed woman nods in agreement, sliding off the half-ruined altar and gliding through the sand - not walking in it - towards her.
"Yes, you do have places to be, but exactly where, I'm not sure. You see, I've been sent from the Forest of Revelry to beseech your assistance. The eyes of the outer realms keep their watch on mortals like you, who have triumphed over dangers and trials that this world would call legendary. But the outer realms have seen this world from its infant stages, and there is much more going on in the multiverse at large than you might realize. I serve the goddess Dessi, the Euphoric. While currently I do not speak with her authority, I speak on her behalf. We, her servants, have need of your assistance."

The bearded, horned, human-like creature before Latro bows in a way that suggests something awkward about his legs. He clears his throat, standing upright again.
"My name is Youtralou Berries-In-His-Teeth. I'm here because I and several of my fellow associates have been searching for, among others, you, Latro Fareyes. Have never you heard of the Forest of Revelry, or perhaps the goddess Dessi, among other names? We are here because we serve both the Forest and the Goddess, and the latter is in a dire peril, considering her passionate passions. Is there maybe somewhere we could chat that is less public? For I have an offer that you may not want others to overhear, both for its import and its nature..."

The three elf-like individuals seem to wordlessly confer among themselves before speaking to r'Dakis again, their voices seeming to creak like ancient wood in a heavy wind.
"We don't assume that you've agreed to anything, though we hope you'll appreciate the severity of the request. We three are very close servants of the goddess Dessi, the feaster and drinker of wine, the dancer-at-parties and laugher-at-pranks."
They look around cautiously as if scanning for any additional presences.
"Something of great value has been taken from the goddess during the most recent of her feasts. The goddess herself is in a slumber from having drank too much of her favorite wine, and has not yet awoken. Should she awaken and find her prize gone, her anger will be dreadful. We are here on the world Shayllan because our divinations have concluded that this is where the thief of her prize has fled."
Again they glance around, as if overly suspicious.
"We've come to ask for your assistance in the matter. Other servants of the goddess are searching for others as well, so that you all may be brought together to the cause."

"A sales pitch? Hah! Now there's a man that's right to the business end. I like it. No waiting around at all, hm?"
The elvish figure leans his head back, laughing as his hair blows back in a wind that must be much heavier than the current one Orpheus himself feels.
"Well, to be blunt and upfront, I serve a very special lady. One that likes to have her fun whenever the mood strikes her. Seems this special lady of ours got a little too drunk, though, and while she was sleeping it off someone stole something of hers. It's the job of myself and others that serve our special lady to get back what was stolen. And by that, I mean we're out looking for talented individuals like yourselves to hire on. We're doing all we can to keep our lady sedated in slumber while the work goes on. If she awakens and finds out what's missing, well... It'd be bad news for all of you, since our information leads us to believe that this world is where to which the b... the prize was run off with."

The beautiful young woman shrugs faintly, going on in her sing-song voice.
"Well~ I just heard that you were an expert with strange weapons, and that you've had your share of adventurous conduct here on this world~ I was wondering if I could convince you to take up such a task, for the benefit of a very special friend of mine~ She's been robbed, you see, and I was hoping you would be willing to find what was taken from her~ If a reward would help convince you, I'm sure I have enough to pay the price~ And it's not good to upset my very special friend, because when she gets a temper, it's a very bad temper~"
The young woman scatters a handful of gems and jewels on the table, sweeping them up just as quickly. From what Kel can see, they were entirely composed of gleaming emeralds, blood-red rubies, dark sapphires, and shining gold topaz. Where the woman tucks them away, he can't be sure.

2011-09-13, 09:35 PM
Latro nods to the odd man. "Very well, give me a moment to gather this merchandise, then we can retire to a more suitable setting." He begins packing scrolls into his case. Piper, stay invisible and close.

counting on the empathic link to send the gist of the message, even though the words won't go.

2011-09-14, 01:01 AM
Harriet shoots a questioning glance at Jack on her shoulder. He flaps his wings slightly, a crow's equivalent of a shrug.

"So be it then. Far be it from me to question a goddess in need."

She takes a seat on her flying carpet, wanting to seem as comfortable in these harsh sands as the wooden woman. "Lead the way, spirit."

2011-09-14, 01:11 AM
Kel keeps his hand next to his weapon as he listens.

"Sounds interesting. What information do you have." Kel ask. "I assume you know something other than items are missing." He ask.

2011-09-14, 06:48 PM
He shifts his weight from one side to the other, his head tilting quizzically to the side. "You say you speak bluntly and plainly and then name neither your patron nor the object in question. And your hair blows strangely. And you've hinted you're an extra planar traveler".

He glanced to the sky that the creature had repeatedly been mentioning, and starts to pace back and forth on the deck, tapping the stave rhythmically. He stops and raises three fingers. "I have three conditions. One, these men are hired help, and did not sign up for any kind of adventuring past what the sea decides to bring out. They're not to be part of this. Two, if I have to leave behind my ship, I expect a better one as part of my fee. Three, I would know who I'm serving, what I'm finding, and where you came from."

2011-09-15, 09:39 PM
"Actually, if you don't mind a bit of a secluded nature hike, I have a perfect place in mind already."
The satyr bows to Latro, grinning to himself.
"I'll handle the trip there and back, of course. No expense on your part."
The satr allows Latro time to gather up his things, before drawing his pipe and playing a strange, unearthly but pleasing tune.

The spirit-woman nods, grandly waving an arm in a full circle.
"Be prepared, Ms. Mayweather. This realm and my own are rather... different."

The strange, attractive young woman nods in reply.
"Oh, I do know more than I'm letting on, but it's not for speaking of here. Perhaps we could take this... outside?~"
She smiles plainly, running a few fingers along the surface of the table.

"Well, sadly, your fee isn't really in the cards until we get moving forward with this, hm? I can answer all those questions of yours, but I'd rather do it where we don't have to worry about prying eyes or ears. Even out here, there are those that might be watching us. So, if you'll come along, I can provide a more appropriate setting to discuss in greater detail the offer we're extending your way."
The sky-minded elf bows lowly, courteously, awaiting Orpheus' response.

2011-09-15, 10:02 PM
He spun the staff around, bringing his arms around behind his back, and stretching out his shoulder with a barely audible 'crack'. "One moment".

"Oi! Percy! Captain leaving the deck. You're in charge until I return. Keep to the course 'till I'm back". One of the sailors on the ship saluted back to him, and his head returned to the elf. "Whenever you're ready"

2011-09-15, 10:12 PM
Kel is quiet for a moment. After that comment a flag raised in his head that something was up. However, he let a smile cross his face. "Alright." He said getting up. "Ladies first." Sure he was a gentleman, but his reason for urging her first had a second reason. It meant she'd have her back to him giving him an extra moment if he needed it.

2011-09-15, 11:00 PM
Harriet, unperturbed by the woman's warning, reclines on the floating carpet and makes a twirling motion with her fingers. Jack squawks something resembling a chuckle.

2011-09-16, 08:53 AM
Piper flits invisibly to Latro's shoulder as he steps forward, nodding to the satyr when he was ready. "Down the rabbit hole." What am I doing? But...maybe this will be worthwhile...an adventure, a real adventure, after all these years.

Piper smiles with lips unseen, glad that his friend would again be heading into the dangerous unknown. It makes for the best stories.

2011-09-23, 11:30 PM
OOC: Kesuke got in contact with me to let you all know that he is experiencing technical problems with his computer, and is going to be a bit late in posting.

Sorry for the delays, folks. He should be back relatively soon.

2011-09-28, 07:03 PM
All of the strange characters nod to each of the aged adventurers, gesturing their arms in wide circles. Flushes of air surround them all, a split in space parting wide to reveal a deep, lush forest canopy that smells of all sorts of enticing, primal and natural things. From far off within the break into another reality, there seems to be heavenly, riotous music and laughter.

The agents look to each of you, all speaking the same introduction as they hold out a hand in your direction.
"Come take my hand, into the Forest of Revelry."

2011-09-28, 09:35 PM
Latro scans the area, looking for anything to help him know the nature of his location. He pointedly does not take the guide's hand until he has satisfied himself that there are no immediate threats. Piper rests invisibly on his shoulder.

knowledge planes: [roll0]
knowledge nature: [roll1]

2011-09-28, 09:51 PM
Harriet hesitates a moment, her eyes darting between the strange portal and the woman's hand. You couldn't be too careful with the creatures in this desert.

Seeing if I recognize anything about the forest and the portal, and if I sense any malicious intent from the woman.

If nothing bad is revealed, I'll take her hand and follow her into the forest.


2011-09-29, 08:59 PM
Orpheus's eyes surge with a wild power for but a moment, before his eyes come alight with an unearthly glow, and he takes a moment to recenter himself. His vision seems to be more attuned to any tricks this place may take.

"My apologies if that offended you" is all he says to explain himself, before taking the man's hand with the one not holding his psicrystal stave.

Activating Pierce the Veil with the Extend Power ability, using Orpheus's psionic focus. He'll take a move action to regain it as soon as he gets the chance. It'll last for the next 22 minutes, which will hopefully be enough for this scene.

Power Points Remaining: 146

Glad to see you're back, Kesuke!

2011-10-06, 01:08 AM
Kel Cetar

"And what would be in this forest?" He ask raising an eyebrow as he glances around.

Perception: [roll0]
Sense motive: [roll1]

Is this still going, I mean loads of time passes between each post. After one took two weeks I thought it was done...

I'm really only posting in case people are waiting on me this time.

2011-10-10, 01:12 PM
As the gates are passed through, Harriet, Orpheus, Latro and Kel Cetar find themselves entering a cleared glade of woodlands half-way caught between deciduous and tropical. The glade's clearing is home to a large stone altar that is rather unremarkable and nondescript, save for the dark purple stains and crushed grapes ground to a pulp atop it.
The barkskinned woman, the satyr, nymph, and the tempest of an elf look between each other as they arrive, nodding quietly. They then turn back to you all in turn.
"Welcome to one of our Lady's shrines. You've four been brought, and now we can discuss the matter which brought you here a bit more.. openly."
The four fey-creatures start to approach each other, their visages melting into a whirl of color and energies. Uniting and binding, a female creature the size of an ogre but with the facial features of a dwarf steps out, dressed in nothing but vines, leaves, and a lion's fur covering her muscular body. Though it seems to be contradictory for her to be so, she's quite attractive, her lips the same dark purple color as the stains of the altar. All four present feel compelled to bow before her, though the feeling quickly recedes as she wills it away. They are aware that this woman is the most commonly accepted depiction of Dessi in the mortal realm.
"I'm sure you have questions. You may ask."

2011-10-13, 11:27 AM
Orpheus takes a moment to suppress his pierce the veil spell before he's blinded by some cosmic revelation or other by trying to stare at an avatar with it. "Many, not all relevant", and he takes a moment to look around at the others that've been gathered with him, before his head turns back. "Simply, what purpose have you gathered us for?"

2011-10-17, 03:38 PM
OOC: I'll need a little bit to figure out how I'm going to handle this and get it back on track, but I'm still up for continuing.

2011-10-17, 06:25 PM
(( OOC: I'm up for continuing too, although maybe recruiting again might be in order. ))