View Full Version : Say Dnd Was Real IC

The Underlord
2011-09-11, 10:46 AM
Each of you feel very strange bu yours thoughts are interupted when you gets a phone call from Daniel.

Daniels backstory ended with him calling his dnd group, and since we established that you guys are in the same group he would have called all of you.

distant quasar
2011-09-11, 11:06 AM
Daniel called his friends in the DnD group as soon as he was ready. He could only assume this would be affecting them as well. And if all the world was changing this way, they would need to stick together...

After they had all picked up,
"How's it going guys? Anyone else figured it out yet?

Howler Dagger
2011-09-11, 01:28 PM
Yeah, this is weird! I just filled in my own character sheet And i typed it in...
He checks his watch
5 minutes! And do you remeber that weird tacky headband that my Aunt Susan gave me for my birthday? I had an urge to wear it, and it made me smarter. Daniel,...... I thinks its a headband of intellect!
He hears someone coming up the tsairs into his room.
Ill call you back Daniel, i thnk my moms coming up to ask about why i screamed.
He hears his mom enter.

2011-09-11, 01:28 PM
Sean chuckled when he picked up, and heard Daniel's voice on the other side. A smart kid. Made sense that he was the first to figure things out. A pity about his dad. "Sure did, man. Found my sheet. You all Gestalt too?"

The Underlord
2011-09-11, 01:34 PM
Jason: Your mom walks in and says suspiciously "What did you do this time?

Howler Dagger
2011-09-11, 01:45 PM
He pciks up the phone and calls DAniel back.
This is REALLY REALLY weird. Have you called anybody else?

2011-09-11, 03:20 PM
Zack picked up the answered Hello Daniel I'm feeling strange I don't know how to describe it but anyhow yes my sheet's ready

2011-09-11, 04:07 PM
harry fumbles for the phone as he picks it up.

I'm Gestalt too, using a class called Swordmage which I half remember reading somewhere, made by some old banned user on the playground called Dragoonwraith, problem is the only place he posted the whole thing on has a host that doesn't always work, so I don't know all of my class features.

He then decides to try out a spell (Officially my swordmage spells are called Incantations, but IC I'm going to call them spells, it's called cantrip)
A scythe sppears in the air and forcefully twirls and makes a sizable dent in the wall through a curtain in his room.

Apparently these spells of mine are called Incantations and they involve weapons appearing in the air and hitting something.

In other news, I'm a Kalashtar now, with some weird Racial Subsitution levels, so I have a Mind-crystal with 3 personality's thanks to a feat I took.

2011-09-11, 05:34 PM
Adam Young

The athletic teen scoffs into the phone ((Assuming a Conference Call, adjust pronouns if not)), "Ya'll are damned silly, far as I'm concerned. Somehow convince me to go about playing this game of yours, and now you're telling me we've got magical Dungeons and Dragons powers? Any of you been to a shrink lately? Maybe hit your head? They have cat scans for this ****, you know."

However, despite his incredulous attitude, he doesn't hang up.

Howler Dagger
2011-09-11, 05:39 PM
Jason says to Adam: Write your character sheet, adding a touch of psionic power to that suggestion
I use psionic sugestion on adam. will save DC 17

2011-09-11, 05:58 PM

He pulls the phone back from his head and blinks at it for a moment before putting it back, "Right, and what exactly is that intended to prove? I can probably write down a bunch of numbers just as easy as you can."

Unless we're going by Rule of Cool, you'd have to see Adam and be within close range for that.

Though, I'll roll anyway: [roll0]

2011-09-11, 06:23 PM
David thinks as he gets ready. I wonder if anymore are going to awaken. If I have based on what I can do then surely others can…eventually. Probably need to follow more of the "If D&D was real what would you be?" threads on the Playground. HE knows would be Paining the hell out of all the necromancers with their hordes using Opportunistic Piety to mop up the undead. A Factotum//Marshal hehe probably one of the most common might find if people awaken…if spent time if in time military type environment. Well might as well see if any might have awaken yet at the local gaming shop. I hope they are low level. David pulls out his cellphone calls Sean. Hey Sean how is it hanging……?

The Underlord
2011-09-11, 07:13 PM

He pulls the phone back from his head and blinks at it for a moment before putting it back, "Right, and what exactly is that intended to prove? I can probably write down a bunch of numbers just as easy as you can."

Unless we're going by Rule of Cool, you'd have to see Adam and be within close range for that.

Though, I'll roll anyway: [roll0]

Ill just go with rule of cool

2011-09-12, 12:39 AM

He pulls the phone back from his head and blinks at it for a moment before putting it back, "Right, and what exactly is that intended to prove? I can probably write down a bunch of numbers just as easy as you can."

Unless we're going by Rule of Cool, you'd have to see Adam and be within close range for that.

Though, I'll roll anyway: [roll0]
[Result was a 12]

But he continues after a sigh, the suggestion apparently working, "But, whatever, I'll try it. I'd have to get a sheet from one of you. Don't have internet right now to go download a sheet and don't have any blanks."

((Note: Commonly unprepared for game, has none of the books, and doesn't much use a computer. Jock type at 18, he has better stuff to do than be on a computer. Obviously something not similar to myself. XP))

2011-09-12, 12:50 AM
The phone is busy? Great. Well guess should go see if he is at his shop. Could use some sun. David grabs his bag and sets out to Sean's shop.

Switched color to Sea Green Lime was hurting the eyes.

2011-09-12, 04:27 AM
Zack took his cell and went outside and he had a strange feeling he could feel the pulse of the earth and the journal guy threw it to his face and he could see it really slow euh I think I have powers from dnd too I think I'm wu jen/monk gestalt

distant quasar
2011-09-12, 12:08 PM
Daniel laughs lightly at the slight bickering. They'd all get their sheets ready soon enough, and then they could get going. question was where... but surely they'd all agree staying here after this would just be lame.

"Alright guys. as soon as everyone has their sheets done, I think we should meet up someplace. Can you all make it to Sean's place in a half hour?"

2011-09-12, 01:32 PM
ok see you there Zack took his time and went to the meeting point barefoot trying to feel again the earth

He'll arrive 15 minutes late

2011-09-12, 03:15 PM

The jock lets out a sigh, "Whatever. Half hour it is, then. Someone bring me a blank sheet so I can fill the stupid thing out." He then hangs up. He'll arrive about a half hour late, having to take the bus, unless someone offers him a ride or would usually do so on game night.

2011-09-12, 03:18 PM
I can make it, let me get my bike and pump up the tires.

I've also had the idea that we can use bikes for mounted combat.

Howler Dagger
2011-09-12, 04:23 PM
Okay, ill head there. Adam, ill pick you up in my car.
Jason heads down stairs, picks up a blank character sheet, and gets in his car and drives to Adams house.

distant quasar
2011-09-12, 07:26 PM
Daniel nods, even though he can't be seen over the phone.

"Bikes would be great, definitely better than horses given the world today. Problem is, I don't have any mounted combat feats, and even though I can ride a bike I've never tried fencing on one..."

<Daniel has yet to mention that he is a Warlock>

2011-09-13, 03:10 PM
A sleepy voice answer the call on one side.

Sorry guys, I was sleeping and hearing music.

(To any of you, it seems impossible to sleep while hearing the kind of music I hear.)

My sheet is done, yes. Seems like a concert is a good place to discover access to divine spells, except maybe when the musicians are gestalt Bard//cleric of Thor or something like that... It was awesome, except when they call a planar ally with something like "I call you, King Chaos". Hopefully they had some pyrotechnical effects, but it was so fun.

A little pause, like hearing to something or thinking about something.

I know I was right when I decided to go at the concert of Rhapsody. But enough of it, when is the next game?

2011-09-15, 08:05 AM
Great not here yet. David takes a look around. Well guess I'll just take a look around taking in the sights. Looking good. Oh might not want to draw attention with a flag.

Edit: Edit due to player discomfort.

distant quasar
2011-09-15, 12:13 PM
Daniel arrives at the meeting place, having taken the bus.

Anyone there already?

@TurtleKing... perhaps you could keep that line of IC thought to yourself? :smallconfused:

2011-09-15, 01:22 PM
Zack arrived half an hour late with closed eyes and bare foot

2011-09-15, 03:23 PM
As the first three arrived, Sean went to the front, and unlocked the door to his shop. "Sorry. Closed up when I found it. Come on inside. We've got some discussion to do, it looks like." The RPG cave had been cleaned up, and Sean had the shop's computer running, with tabs open to Giant in the Playground, Myth-Weavers, and Brilliant Gameologists. "Anybody who needs to grab a sheet, or fill out one side with homebrew, can use the computer."

2011-09-15, 04:08 PM
Some time later, hearing some loud music, all of you were knowing that Raphael was coming.

(If anyone want to know what I'm hearing, search for Divinefire)

Through the open shirt, you can see a little silver crucifix, hanging on a silver chain.

Hi guys! I brought my sheet, and I have one side homebrew. Warlord if you want to know. And looks like my modern bow is something like a magic compound bow.

Faudra qu'on fasse des simulations tactiques (We'll have to do some tactical simulations...)

2011-09-15, 04:32 PM
Harry soon arrives on his bike, nearly falling off and being hit by several cars.
He chains his bike up outside the shop and soon comes in.

I made it! Didn't get hit by a car either! Not that they should be too lethal to a level 5, how much damage can a car deal anyway?
He then quickly adds.
I somehow made my sheet on mythweavers, best part? I didn't even have to work out equipment myself. My waterproof coat has chainmail in the arms now, giving protection and a way to keep warm, now how will society go now that death isn't a certainty and a gun isn't the safest thing to carry in an area with karate experts.

2011-09-15, 04:33 PM
Hey whats up? I maybe new here, but sounds like about to start up a new campaign. Mind if I join? David pulls out his laptop without waiting for an answer confident that he can join. Thankful for what Wifi he can get in the area so as to connect. After pulling out his dice bag and a few other things David fingers the what would be a holy symbol to a lawful good diety while waiting for the rest to show up. Wait this sounds like notso much in the way of RPing. What are they planning LARPing? No thanks… though that could prove even better since they act it out to a degree. Wonder when my search for other awaken is going to be over? Well lets see what they mean?
Sense Motive: [roll0].

2011-09-15, 04:42 PM
ok here is my sheet guys sorry for being late

distant quasar
2011-09-15, 05:57 PM
Daniel gives the newcomer (David) a once-over, assessing his likely abilities. and alignment.

He felt Sense Motive check being made...
Sense Motive: [roll0]

Assuming that this person wasn't a paladin of some sort, or totally incompetent, he knew what the answer would be. He didn't have to agree with his outlook, but he needed more people in his group.

"Feel free to join. Do you have your sheet, or do you need to type it up online?"

Abesntly, he wondered if this newcomer was aware of the shift yet or not... he would be soon enough though.

2011-09-15, 07:03 PM
Depends what is the campaign? I may need to roll or can just present one of my many premade characters. Opening up his dice bag pulling out the cessary dice thinking... Curious. If did meet any wonder what they would think of me. Probably as a Cleric or Paladin. If Cleric great might give them pause before they do anything stupid.

2011-09-16, 05:53 PM

The powerfully built youth soon arrives in Jason's car... whether he'd killed the man and taken his car or just arrived in the passenger's seat. He heads on inside with a mostly blank sheet. He's fiddled with some numbers that feel right for his skills and such, but his physical ability scores seem off the charts, his natural armor is insane, and his class is left blank. Amusingly enough, and probably in explanation of his silly stats, his race is labeled as Saiyan, not human. He tosses his sheet down onto the gaming table and tosses his hands up, "This **** doesn't make any sense. I can't even figure out my own damn power level from these D&D sheets."

>.> I expected him to post us just arriving at the Cave, and hasn't, so if he's gone, thats why. XP

2011-09-16, 06:16 PM
Wait, are you saying your playing DB-RPG? If that's it, I may have some Anima levels, and you don't want to see how it is, having an high optimized Anima character in the real world... Something like having a super sayan on steroids.

He looks to the others.

So what do we have? I'm the divine spellcaster with nice fighting abilities, we have - I think - the fighter... What we'll be our tactic in case of fight?

2011-09-16, 06:44 PM
Wait what? We doing some kind of crossover game between systems? Also who is the Cleric player and Fighter player? David muses to himself… They refering to themselves as their characters? Not all that strange. Lets see what they really mean? Is it just a campaign or more?
Sense Motive as the situation changes with new people: [roll0]

2011-09-16, 08:22 PM

Yup, cross over between D&D 3.5 and real life... Check this threads to have an idea what it is.

Show the GitP threads related to this.

Wanting to receive some things about it? As we sayed earlier, we are gestalt characters, and I am the Cleric//Warlord, and that seems odd to me. The "fighter" is Adam, although he haven't any foghter level. I suspect something like the Z-fighter and something other, maybe something increasing con to help the Z-fighter side. Right?


Howler Dagger
2011-09-16, 10:03 PM
Sorry i am late. Had to "borrow" a car, like usual. Anyway, turns out im a wizard//psion. Shouldnt there be other PCs, we cant be the only ones?

2011-09-16, 10:16 PM
Mhm sounds like you think you can cast magic and such. Well if that is true then prove it by casting either Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, or manipulating an object with Mage Hand. David leans back with a knowing yet questive smile. Can they… Is the search over?

Howler Dagger
2011-09-16, 10:20 PM
Adam is proof of my power. He wrote his character sheet due to my.............suggestion. A suggestion of the psionic kind!

2011-09-16, 10:25 PM
Thats not good enough. A good diplomacy could get that plus your friends right? It needs to be tangible so can see the effects. Even better getting it caught on camera. That is the reason why I said casting of one of those cantrips.

2011-09-17, 02:14 AM

He glares at Jason before shrugging, "It was my own damn idea to fill out the sheet, thank-you-very-much, if only to get ya'll to shut up about it. Lemme at that computer so I can try and find what else fits on here. See if I can't come up with something."

Assuming no one objects, and even if they do he'd probably muscle his way in anyway, he takes a few minutes poking a the internet. First thing he finds is the Z-Fighter, a homebrew on Giants that seems to match up well enough. He studies it for a moment and then pauses for several moments as he stares at the screen. He then begins to laugh as he turns around, light crackling along his fingertips and through his hair. His laughter quickly begins to form a word, a word of unimaginable power.


And he utterly obliterates a dice bag off the game table. Oddly enough, he had thrust his arms out at a strange angle and the beam of rippling blue-white light curved in midair to strike the dicebag unerringly.

2 ki spent for a Homing Ki Blast. 2d6 damage to someone's dice bag, but not a Crown Royal "dicebag" as that would be blasphemy.

The ki will return in 5 minutes, or when I start pummeling people if someone wants to fight me over a dicebag.

His laughter fades and he looks up from his steaming hands, "That felt amazing."

2011-09-17, 05:52 AM

You just killed some dices! You... you... roleplayer!

He grabs one piece of broken dice.

Zero level spellslot have to be used, right? And we don't have a lot of light, right?

Cast Light on the dice piece, and then throws it gently to Jason.

And... Adam, you're saying suggestion don't work through phone? Or that you made your save?

May I suggest something? No spells or diplomacy rolls between us. If we want to convince someone else, we roleplay it.

He then smiles.

Howler Dagger
2011-09-17, 08:14 AM
Suddenly, you hear the sound of a rocket exploding right ion the shack.
Proof enough? How about you prove your power. We havent seen YOU do anything? Also, thanks for getting me to waste a spell slot. Wait, i cant cast spells on people? I guess enlarge person was a waste then?

I cast ghost sound

2011-09-17, 10:02 AM
Sean was not happy with the recent display of power being thrown around. This was his shop, by the Nine Hells. He had paid a large chunk of cash to set it up. Composing himself, he sat down at the table, and motioned for those present to do the same. "Okay. So, we've figured out that something strange is happening. We all have sheets in D&D 3.5 that appear to correspond to us, in Gestalt. From the threads on Giant, we can safely conclude that the same thing is happening all over the USA, at least. People who have played the game before are getting sheets, and the power that goes along with them. But all of this is irrelevant in the face of one very important question." Sean turned to Adam, and glared angrily at him. "What makes you think it's okay to shoot balls of energy around my shop?"

The Underlord
2011-09-17, 10:13 AM
A passerby walks in and asks"Whats going on in here?

2011-09-17, 10:29 AM
Yes that is why I said to cast a non destructive, non attention grabbing cantrip/orison. As for me the magic I prepared today isn't friendly so no I won't be casting it unless I need to. I won't be telling you my classes yet. We don't know enough about each other for that yet though be nice and friendly and I may. Now this has to be addressed now. What do you plan to do with with your abilities? David picks up his dice bag putting it away along with the his laptop back into his bag. After that he goes back to fingering his holy symbol Great I find other gifted, and one is a candidate for Pain. Problem is this DBZ wannabe is probably a hardy sonafa so Pain may not be enough.
Since a dice bag was not specified I am going to assume it wasn't mine.

The Underlord
2011-09-17, 10:30 AM
uhh what did you say?

2011-09-17, 10:33 AM
Oh sorry we were just roleplaying. You know acting.
Bluff [roll0].

The Underlord
2011-09-17, 10:36 AM
Roleplaying missles? Okay. He leaves the shop.

2011-09-17, 10:42 AM
After the guy is out of range to hear saying in a low tone. Like I said non attention grabbing. Bullets still hurt you know.

2011-09-17, 12:01 PM
I just sayed "between us"... That means, if we want one of us to do something for us, we ask and explain why. Like the good old rule of "no social roll between PCs".

2011-09-17, 12:07 PM

He'd been silent while the passerby was within earshot, but now he looks over to Sean, "He wanted something tangible, and I'd say a bag of exploding dice are fairly tangible. The sound of missiles isn't tangible, but proof well enough, I suppose. Besides, do you have any of this power? Can you feel it burning in your veins? It wants out, and all morning something has been bothering me. Its this power, a building surge of endless destruction pooling at the base of my skull waiting to be unleashed. Be glad I used dice and not people."

2011-09-17, 12:41 PM
Good thing to let off some steam. That however does not tell me what you plan to use those abilities for. So lets hear it folks your plans and your goals. Mine are taking down other gifted with "Stupid" in their alignment such as Chaotic Stupid. In a measure of good faith I am a skill monkey with my lowest modifer for a skill is two while the highest is a thirteen. Social skills being some of the highest.

distant quasar
2011-09-17, 08:06 PM
David smirked slightly at the flashy shows of power and all the arguments going on. He even kept silent when the newcomer entered the shop, preferring to see what the others would do.

So far, he liked this party. Good balance, both power wise and personality. Because he didn't give a about alignment, so long as they could work together. Right now David seemed to be the most sensible in the group... might as well answer his question.

<depending on your wisdom, you might notice Daniel gave no response to the suggestion to not use skills or spells on one another>

"I am what is now NE. Don't even bother asking why, it's none of your business. If I wasn't the first one to figure all this out here, I was certainly the first to find you all and bring you together. Don't bother to thank me," he grins since he knew it was sarcasm. No one here would even think of thanking him for this...
"I'm also definitely the first to get some real hard XP. I liked it a lot. The dead men, not so much. Once more, none of your business.

As for who I am... a very good fencer. And this charming book has added to me even more, at the minor cost of my soul." he lays the tomes out on the table.
"Before anyone cuts in, I'm not insane. I will not try to kill you. You are all my friends, or from what I can tell you look to become them, so no need to fear me.
What is more important at this point is what we want to do. I'm sure we all have different moral outlooks here, and different mental stats as well. But I'd suggest we look at it from all angles before reaching a decision. I'll thow mine down first, cince working with you all was my idea anyway.

I want to be happy. I am and always have been a hedon. And to be happy, I want power, and I want immortality; eternal youth if you will. And I don't care how I get it.

Who's up next?"

2011-09-18, 02:45 AM

The youth, still sitting in the chair meant for the computer, rolls a bit closer to the table and leans forward with a grin one might expect to see on a shark, less the pointed teeth... for now. His hair sparks once and he looks over the tomes, "I have no interest in dark powers or eternal youth. I intend to break every single person on this planet who would enter into physical combat with their fists. Street fighters, martial artists, MMA stars, boxers. All I care is to keep count of how many die from my first strike. Sheet says I'm Chaotic Evil, and I guess that must be true. I don't intend to break any human civilians, and likely won't be trying to punch in any bank vault doors, but I've got my mission and anyone who gets in the way will die." He glances over at David with sparks flickering through his hair, "Am I your vision of Chaotic Stupid?"

2011-09-18, 04:44 AM

He laughs very strong.

Just at the price of your soul? Knowing that I'm near? The Big Bad One is becoming stupid... he think everyone will do the same mistake as himself, I think... But if you want to know why, you will have to ask the chaotic good one why.

If they want to speak theology with me, let's surprise them!

On the "kill commoners" thing, I hope you know it'll bring you no XP really soon? But if you fight those who do this, it'll bring you (maybe) far more XP. And we all need XP, cause we're many to have a goal.

2011-09-18, 05:59 AM

According to my sheet I'm Chaotic Neutral, no I won't use that as an excuse to beat the crap out of people.
I'm some class called a swordmage, I can only half remember the specifics, but I conjure weapons out of magic and hit people with them.
And I'm a Psychic, so I can mess with peoples minds and set stuff on fire.
We won't cast spells on each other unless it's some sort of buff.
Here's an example of what I can do with my abilities.
Cast the Incantation Cantrip (Scythe)
A large scythe appears in the air making a large slash then disappears again.

2011-09-18, 08:39 AM
Ok two more to go. As for the rest of you…

How Warlock or so you will meet Death. Only question is how and when. Though if your quest involves the Fountain of Youth then we may need Johnny Depp and his compass.

For our DBZer sounds like you want to go to the Far East. Until then I recommend going after gangs on the condition when you beat them up is when they doing something shady. While at it skim from the drug money. Shoot might even help.

Big Bad one what? Huh?

And for you Pscythe-y still haven't said your plans yet?

distant quasar
2011-09-18, 10:04 AM
Daniel needed to revise his opinion then. Certainly wasn't as rational as he seemed, if he was still being so rational. ((if that doesn't make sense to you look in the OOC))

"Amazing how willing you are to joke about that. If DnD can suddenly become a reality, I'm willing to bet that anything really is possible. And I know for a fact that Eternal Youth can be achieved theorugh DnD; I've seen homebrew for it, and I'm well aware that some in this room are using a homebrewed class. And there's no doubt in my mind there will be other ways to achieve it as well."

2011-09-18, 05:14 PM

The Big Bad One, the Devil, the Beast, Satan... he has many names. Eternal Youth? That means, you didn't lost your soul...

Seeing some incromprehension, he explains.

If you lost your soul to "gain a way to reach immortality", does it matters that you lost your soul? I mean, you won't even reach Hell. So, the BBO is either stupid, or you didn't lost your soul. Beside, there is only one true sin. But I will speak about it with the ones who care about it.

Howler Dagger
2011-09-18, 05:42 PM
I second the whole quest for immortality thing. It says im CN, and im guessing enternity here would be better then Pandemonium.
He pauses, thinking for a while.
Wait a second. We need to not split the party. Is anybody else in for the quest for immortality?

2011-09-18, 05:49 PM

While the others take a few moments to discuss their goals and outlooks on life the saiyan studies his skin. His sheet marks him as having a whopping six natural armor, and his physical resilience seems as though it would improve it even further. He pokes and prods at his skin a bit and finds that it seems just as flexible as normal skin should be. He ponders for a moment more and then looks to the others, completely interupting and ignoring the current conversation, "Anyone got a baseball bat, knife, or firearm of some sort? I'd consider magic, but I'm not sure what that'd do to me. I know about how well a gunshot can mess someone up, and I'd like to see how my skin takes a good stabbing or jack-the-ripper slashfest. See if anyone can break my bones with a baseball bat. That sort of thing."

2011-09-18, 08:00 PM

You know, without any mean to increase the damage of firearms, they won't deal any damage. At least, they will do less damage than a good old greatsword. I took a bullet yesterday, and that's already over now.

He begins to open the tissues he brought with him, revealing a solid heavy coat.

Yup, that's it, a thick leather coat with nails. You know, I manage to reach a conclusion: if anyone wearing anything in a film is able to evade bullets, this anything is worth it on the protection level. And it appears that it is true, at least with what happens here...

In the tissue sheet appears an other sheet, this one made of leather and metal, holding a greatsword.

Medieval fencing. What? Everyone has his own favorite sport!

He begins to open another big box.

Archery is fine too, but it's hard to take plane with one of these boxes...

2011-09-18, 08:11 PM
Are you ok there? You seem a little off yet not.

2011-09-18, 10:22 PM
Sean looked at his sheet, then looked back at Daniel and Adam. "Says here I'm Neutral Good. Which sounds right." He looked them both up and down, gauging their intent. "Look, I don't care if you have dreams of ever-lasting life, or of destroying the world's martial artists. I don't care if your innermost desire is to kick puppies while drinking the blood of guppies. As long as you can avoid killing innocent people, I can live with it. But I will be watching all of you closly. And if someone steps over a line, no matter what their sheet lists them as, I will make sure it doesn't happen again. Pure and simple." He made eye contact with each person at the table again, making sure his message was recieved. "Which brings me to what I want to do with my power, I suppose. There are going to be people who want to abuse their new-found strength. It's my job to stop them. Someone has to protect those who now can't protect themselves. And it looks like I'm that someone."

2011-09-18, 10:27 PM

He chuckles, "I suppose it depends on the bullet. I figure I could probably take a nine mil without even flinching. Fifty cal depleted uranium? Probably not so much." He looks down to his arms again, "Though I wonder what a tank shell would do..."

He shakes his head and looks up to Sean, "How do you intend to find those who are abusing their power? Go out and patrol the city or wait until some innocent puts up a bat signal?"

2011-09-18, 10:34 PM
Well you have comrade in arms in that regard Sean. Since you just awoke the main thing to do is find other awaken to guide them keeping an ear out for events caused by things found in D&D.

distant quasar
2011-09-19, 12:19 PM
Daniel smiles contently.

"Then we've got something that'll stisfy everyone, at least for now. Let's go kill some bad guys." he looks around.

"One thing though; let's try to keep ourselves undercover. No stupid people, please. When we come to the time when we can achieve immortality (because I can assure you we will; it is spoken of in my tomes), we will see what is to be done."

Now he turns to Raphael. "I doubt the BBO is stupid. But the pact is that 'when' I die, my soul goes to the Hells. heh. Oh, and don't think I don't care about your views of sin. Feel free to discuss them with me. I imagine I can keep up with you."

2011-09-19, 01:00 PM

If you want, we'll try it after level 9, till I get Raise Dead. Do you suggest we take some masks and do the lesser superheroes? Could be fun.

He puts on his hat on his long hair.

I have some auto-buffs ready. With extend spell and DMM, it could be nice ^^

2011-09-19, 01:47 PM
Well if you want I can help you out with the disguises. I have a 13 in that skill.

2011-09-20, 06:58 PM

That may be nice. If we have to fight strong opponents, don't forget, all allies within 5 feet around me will receive a +2 to AC through the homebrew side. Do we have anyone to disarm traps without the barbarian way? I don't think I'll have a lot of heals for it, and I don't have wands of lesser vigor...

2011-09-20, 08:01 PM
Remember when I said I am a skill monkey? Yea I have all skills plus can use most of them. As for buffing I can +3 to AC against AoOs, Relfex saves, or all Dex checks. I can also add +1 to ranged attacks or plus 5ft to land speed. All at if within 60ft of me. So basically name it and good chance I have it.

distant quasar
2011-09-20, 08:06 PM
"This is all very good to know. But I must say, I'm beginning to think we spent enough time here talking about ourselves. As for a nice sounding plan of action: I vote we get ourselves disguises enough to conceal our identity, then take down some morons. Doesn't even matter if they're awakened morons or not, really."

He closes his eyes and leans back in his chair, looking extremely relaxed.

2011-09-21, 01:44 AM

He raises a brow, "What sort of traps are you expecting to find? You intend to walk into a walmart and fall into a pit trap all of a sudden? I highly doubt traps will be an issue, aside from alarms and locks. And god dammit, someone hit me with a chair already. Come on, whoever thinks they're the strongest. Try to beat me to death with something. Don't make me blow up any more dice."

2011-09-21, 08:09 AM

Forget about the thing about the bonus AC around me, wrong class feature. It's just that I'm virtually immune to any physical attack without adamantium, thanks to armor guidance. That's seems logical to me, I have ever been though. Or is it "I have been ever though"?

2011-09-21, 11:08 AM
Are looking for the word "tough" instead of "though"? Tough means strong or resilient while though is used in regards to exceptions. As for the targets lets first do a little research as to the local gang activity so we can plan and be prepared. We also need to lay out our combat abilities so we can have an effective plan of attack. I suggest we wait till tomorrow to be prepared. I have a small pocket knife that go right through airport security withou incident. I also have a rifle and some bullets. As for spells I have all Sorcerer/Wizard spells though can only cast 2/day with one being second level. I also have sneak attack, turn undead, and healing. That was just one side while the other is primarily a party buffer. If we do wait till tomorrow due to planning then we can beat up antsy over here then heal him finishing off with another beating if need be. While we are also at it lets find a costume designing program/ website to plan our disguises.

2011-09-21, 03:20 PM

Yes, it was tough, thank you. Does anyone have Fly or something like that? I don't actually have the "best cleric spell ever" : Wind Walk.

distant quasar
2011-09-21, 03:45 PM
Now Daniel opens his eyes again, keeping his at-ease countenance.

"You sound almost as if you have a target in mind to take down already. I'm fairly certain we don't. So how about we do wait until tommorow, not neccessarily for planning. but for getting ready all the same.

I say we split into two groups for the rest of the day. The group with higher disguise checks make us all disguises. Nothing major, just enough to conceal our idendity.

The other group, with higher Gather Information checks, go out into the big bad world and find out what's going on. Individually, of course. Or if anyone is particularly techno-savvy, they could do it on the Web I'd imagine."

He closes his eyes again.

"Just a suggestion."

2011-09-21, 03:59 PM
Well I can just use Disguise Self or Alter self so that shouldn't be a problem. I don't think I prepared either one today. Would really want them if getting the makeup. Oh disguises are good and all, but if you can't as you as necessary then might as well not be wearing them. Um…my financies are not infinite plus rather sleep in the van so would someone mind taking me in? Or if you know a fairly cheap place that would be nice. Oh what are your ranged capabilities in regards to how often, how far, is it flashy, how accurate, and how many can you hit. Attacking from ranged is just a good disguise as any mask.

2011-09-21, 04:03 PM

The youth gestures to his sheet, "This thing says I can fly, I guess, and also swim like a pro. That about what you mean? As for disguises or gathering information, I'd be about as much use as a bump on a log. Murder at range, well, you saw me blast the dice, so you judge how flashy it is. Seems about 20 yards or so, and if I try I can make sure I don't miss."

distant quasar
2011-09-21, 04:29 PM
A small sigh.
"Sadly I can't fly, or disguise myself with the use of magic.

As for ranged combat, my Eldritch Blast is 60ft, touch attack and +8. 3d6 damage. And if I want I can take away spells with it.

So depending on how flashy you think that is you have an answer."

2011-09-21, 05:51 PM

Not so good at range as you, I fear. Something like +6, through armor, and 1D8+3. Much higher in melee, and with some buffs, but... Your second class has a full BAB, right?

He looks quickly at the sheet.

2011-09-22, 01:47 PM

Yes, it was tough, thank you. Does anyone have Fly or something like that? I don't actually have the "best cleric spell ever" : Wind Walk.

I can make the whole party fly at 60 ft speed at-will for 5 minutes, problem is it takes me a standard action to cast it and then I have to spend a full-round action to do it again. So I can make everyone fly around all do without anyone else using spell-slots.

2011-09-22, 02:50 PM
So sounds like most of us need to be up close. Also sounds like most of your abilities are flashy and can give you away. Also flight is not actually a good idea. One it is a dead giveaway of who caused what ever happened. The dead part is quite a few carry guns. Great most of these are the brute type. They can only go forward. No finesse. Well brute force is necessary at times so oh well. Well if any of them get on my bad side they can expect unseen enemy. Hehe

2011-09-22, 04:06 PM

He stands and claps his hands, and fairly loudly at that, "Alright, so we've got a plan. Lets all reconvene tomorrow to beat the piss out of some gang members. Come on, stand up. Disguises don't make themselves, and lowlifes don't just babble to the news about their plans. Lets go. On your feet. You've all got me excited about cracking heads, and even if I have to wait until tomorrow, sitting around a table isn't going to do a whole lot for reducing any violent tendencies I might have. Might take a swim... see if that helps any. Maybe try out this flying nonsense. Go for a jog... "

2011-09-22, 06:22 PM
Keep your physical exploits to where as few as possible can see. Right lets go. So who is coming with me?

2011-09-22, 07:39 PM
Sean stood up, and stretched. "I'll head out, start asking some questions. See if anything wierd has happened around the city lately. We can't have been the only ones who got power. Don't blow up the shop while I'm gone, if you'd be so kind." He smiled at that, obviously joking. Grabing his surfboard, he gave Adam a nod. "And I might join you in the ocean later, Adam. I haven't been surfing since I got my sheet."

distant quasar
2011-09-22, 08:04 PM
"I'm off to make a Gather Information check then. Wonder how this'll work..."


After the Gather Information check during the day, he spends the evening at home making a disguise sifficient to mask his identity; he doesn't even need to look like someone, just like noone. I mean come on now; a hockey mask would just about do the trick, if we got som other stuff to cover the armor. like a robe maybe? Anyway here goes:


Howler Dagger
2011-09-22, 08:16 PM
Who appointed you leader, Dave? Why cant I use my flashy abilities if i freaking want to? Who would belive some wacko saying that i set them on fire, despite possesing no visible means of doing so? Who would think that a video with someone casting fireball hasnt been edited? I mean honestly.

Anyway, I intend on checking to see if there is an artificer soceity in the making that i could help out to get some free magic items. Cant go wrong with seeking a quest when D&D is real.

Also remember that matter agitation has no save, no attack roll, and sets people i dont like on fire.

distant quasar
2011-09-22, 08:24 PM
Who appointed you leader, Dave? Why cant I use my flashy abilities if i freaking want to? Who would belive some wacko saying that i set them on fire, despite possesing no visible means of doing so? Who would think that a video with someone casting fireball hasnt been edited? I mean honestly.

Anyway, I intend on checking to see if there is an artificer soceity in the making that i could help out to get some free magic items. Cant go wrong with seeking a quest when D&D is real.

Daniel speaks for a moment to Jason. (so in other words, unless you're intentionally eavesdropping on us you don't hear this. It takes place outside we'll say.)

"You do that, buddy.

Or, maybe you can listen to what people say and make your own choices[, and not worry about telling them about it. Telling them you don't appreciate them trying to be your leaders actually shows more respect than just doing what you feel like doing.

And that doesnt mean just leaving the group. You can stay with them, get the benefits of teamwork, and keep the benefits of being an individual, all for the price of a little rationality.

Try it, it feels good. And If you ingore me and make your own choice you've already tried it. HA I win either way. But so do you."
he smiles as he walks off.

Howler Dagger
2011-09-22, 08:29 PM
He whipsers back to Daniel:
You cant win if your on fire
Jason then walks about 35 feat away, then waves his hand, which is accompanied by a small bang and light being shed on daniel

I then manifest matter agitation. I spend 1 power point

The Underlord
2011-09-22, 08:33 PM
If you have left the shop you see the following
A poster that has a picture of a bald man with a goatee with a caption saying Miracle Worker. Can raise things from the dead! Attend the seminar at 9:30 A.M Tommorow at the Kingwood University for more information.
You find that a grubby looking man posted the posters all over the place.

2011-09-22, 10:07 PM
No one though someone needs to take the initiative to guide this merry band.

As for the video camera and editing I understand all too well what you mean due to my time at Full Sail University. The problem though is some people have more credibility than others. Another is if it is caught on a "live" news feed that is seen by many then it is hard to say the effect was CG.

Why do I feel that I was just threatened? With just one word I can make a peson die a slow painful death… David finally looks around seeing who he was talking to is gone. Great didn't hear a word I said. Fine. After that David leaves taking in his surroundings. I feel somewhat important somewhat in charge and no one to bask in my glory. Damn.

2011-09-23, 08:08 AM

You know, people believe they saw what they wanted to... If they believe that what they saw was a trick, it is a trick... Anyone wants to play Mage The Ascension this evening?

distant quasar
2011-09-23, 09:36 AM
Daniel just laughs, unworried by his reddening skin. ((unless Jason concentrates for more than a round I'm not going to take any damage from that. But it doesn't matter as Daniel walks out of range of the spell anyway to go after the grubby man.))

I make another Gather Information after the grubby man guy dude thing.


EDIT: I think I have the highest Charisma, but I doubt I'd make a good leader for any good types. But suffice to say I won't do what you tell me jsut because you're "leading"

2011-09-23, 10:33 AM

We all agree to wait till morning early? So, after doing what was announced...

He says it on the OotS mood before any time loop.

Howler Dagger
2011-09-23, 08:25 PM
AS youve said, we both win either way. So there is no point being your pet slave Danny No-Dad.

Jason walks away, gets in his "borrowed" car, and heads towards Kingwood University, thinking to himselfIf this guy is wo he says he is, hes much more powerful then the losers who call themselves my friends. Raise dead is a 5th level cleric spell. So hes like level 9. Which makes him higher level than all of us, though i cannot guess if he is gestalt.
Those passing by smelt a strange smell. Those familiar with psionics could guess that it was an olfactory display.
I manifest Extended Detect Hostile Intent. Tell me if anybody within 30 ft. of me is hostile for the next 100 minutes(10/level*2)

The Underlord
2011-09-23, 08:31 PM
You currently detect no hostile intent
You arrive at the university. It seems no one is here during the spring vacation.
You know that the man was last seen entering Kingwood University, after posting lots of posters. You however cannot pinpoint his idenity.
Everyone else
Are you guys still in the shop or have you left?

Howler Dagger
2011-09-23, 08:42 PM
Jason searches the university for something related to the miracle man, such as an office. He takes about an hour or two to search the university
I take twenty on a search check, though i will roll if needed. Total is 25

2011-09-23, 10:55 PM
Having alreadt left the shop he gets in his van heading for an area with Wifi. Once he can get on he checks on the Playground for any news and pbp games he is in. He also checks the news and bulletin board for anything unusual. Finally looks up how to create some various costumes along with the necessary materials to make them. After he has done that he goes out buying the necessary masks, makeup, and other accessories saying it is for a masquerade party if anyone asks. When done with that as well grabing a bite to eat he goes back to the motel he is staying at. There he goes through the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list to select the right spells for tomorrow.

Any rolls you need me to make?

2011-09-24, 09:03 AM

Harry leaves the shop, he then starts cycling around the town looking for quest givers.

2011-09-24, 09:37 AM

Doesn't work? So, i'll take the "normal" way... No game this evening, if I understand well...

With no answer, he goes back to his flat, using the bus if no car is available. He then takes his fencing mask and try to recognizes himself in a mirror.

Seems quite efficient...

(EDIT: I forgot it, but I saw what was outside too >< I think this reaction will be the good one:

Raise Dead? That's a ninth level cleric spell, but for the material component... Quite uneasy to find. Or maybe speak with dead? But yes, that"s was something we had to be ready to see, especially if some Bard//Cleric gestalt exist...

The Underlord
2011-09-24, 10:15 AM

Harry leaves the shop, he then starts cycling around the town looking for quest givers.

Make a gather information check

Having alreadt left the shop he gets in his van heading for an area with Wifi. Once he can get on he checks on the Playground for any news and pbp games he is in. He also checks the news and bulletin board for anything unusual. Finally looks up how to create some various costumes along with the necessary materials to make them. After he has done that he goes out buying the necessary masks, makeup, and other accessories saying it is for a masquerade party if anyone asks. When done with that as well grabing a bite to eat he goes back to the motel he is staying at. There he goes through the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list to select the right spells for tomorrow.

You arrive at the starbucks across the street fromthe university. Oddly, the entire GITP site has been shhut down for unkown reasons.
Make a disguise check
You find the man's classroom in which he is going to lecture in. The only person their is a red headed man, who says "What are you doing here young man?

Howler Dagger
2011-09-24, 10:21 AM
Jason smiles
Lead me to the Miracle Man

I manifest Psionic Suggestion. DC 17 Save, I spend 3 powerpoints.

2011-09-25, 01:37 PM
Gather Information.

distant quasar
2011-09-25, 02:06 PM
Daniel did not hear Jason's call to him as he walked away (Hard of Hearing if you recall)

Daniel looks towards the University. Time to get serious about looking for this man, then. He sets off inside.

A few people will undoubtedly be staring at him, owing to his curious garb (see my sheet).

Gather Information taking 20, 27

Also a Search check for things related to the miracle worker that hopefully you can work out how to use with the GI results: [roll0]

2011-09-27, 04:05 PM
Typical. Well time to see what else is up. David goes around to other sites looking for info on strange incidents, locations of gangs, and how to make some costumes.
Just going to use my normal Disguise without any external bonuses such as spells or items. Disguise: [roll0].

The Underlord
2011-09-27, 08:59 PM
Why should I? I dont even know where he is right now.
You learn that he used to be a student at the university. He majored in religion and biology, a seemingly odd combination. You find old yearbooks in it with him in it. From their you learn his name is Marcus Holizter. The papers show that he was interested in the occult was married to person you clearly recognized as the mystic person. They had been divorced for 3 yeaers now.

You find no unsually reports.

You fail to find anything about either person(the poster man and the miracle man).

2011-09-28, 08:12 AM

During the evening, he has the idea to phone home, in France. (Directly translated for everyone's convenience)

Hi dad! How is it there? Something strange?

distant quasar
2011-09-28, 02:38 PM
Is this the Miracle Worker or the grubby man? Either way this is what I do:

Daniel smiles. Excellent. Now he was getting somewhere. Offhand he wondered if this new universe was intentionally grabbing plothooks... that'd be awesome. He rips the page(s) from the book(s), after first making sure noone is watching.

Spot [roll0]
If he has to go somewhere else to do so he will; just behind a bookshelf or maybe the bathroom.

((Daniel makes his way back to the place where the Mystic woman lives. Not sure how late you want it to be now; I may not make the disguise "today" and do it "tomorow" in the morning instead.))

He stand outside the house of the mystic woman. He remembered... or rather remembered not remembering. Not this time. And this time he knew what he wanted. He walked confidently up the steps and rang the doorbell.

Might want to continue this in PMs so we can do it faster and in case something comes up I won't want the others to know about.

2011-10-01, 01:16 AM
Great. I heard you can find any and everything on the internet but guess not. Well fine. Idiot quite thinking aloud to yourself. Now to see designs I can use for some diguises along with were to get them. Better make it so I have put it together from several pieces instead of a prebuilt costume. That way that can nail this on me by that. Do I watch way too much CSI? Oh if can't get a good costume I always have my Arcane Dilettante. David then looks at several sites keeping an eye out for any that are particular groteque.

The Underlord
2011-10-01, 08:52 AM
lets do your thing in pms
Nothing out of the normal here. Why? Whats happened?

2011-10-01, 10:07 AM

All fine here!Was all okay with Georges and Arthur (two RP friends in France) the last time Tim saw them? (little brother, RPer too) The last skype conversation we had was a little strange...

At the same time, he connects himself on skype, looking if anyone's connected.

The Underlord
2011-10-10, 12:09 PM
Tim did not mention anything unusual, so I guess they are okay. Who are you looking for on skype?

2011-10-12, 08:32 AM
Arthur and Georges. Even if it's early, they should be connected, at least Arthur.