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Lost Demiurge
2011-09-12, 12:07 PM
It is Spring in the River Kingdoms.

The lush valleys and rich forests of the area teem with life, and the waters flow peacefully through all of it, as boats from various nations, groups, and guilds go about their business. For some, the business is trade. For others, piracy. For a few, it's adventure! A record number of lost ruins, ancient cursed grounds, and planar instabilities have been uncovered this year! It's drawn many folk greedy for loot and glory to the lush, anarchic land.

The smoke fills the horizon, as the last hut burns. The grassland around it does not catch... Wolfheart the shaman prepared the land well.

The tribe that claimed these lands was weak, and their men were slaughtered. The women will be given the option to marry or leave as
they will. The children, though. The children are given to the tribe. One day they will be Tiger Lords, those who are strong enough. No greater honor can be given!

Warchief Bloodmaw finishes the last decapitation of the worthy prisoners. They fell in battle, but did not die. Thus they are worthy of death by his hand. Those who SURRENDERED will be fed to the dogs. Such weakness... Truly this tribe was too close to civilization. His tusked mouth frowns, as he cleans the blood from Mountainslayer. The great axe has much work ahead of it, and so does he.

Tall and broad though he is, a shadow falls across him as heavy, metal-shod footsteps shake the ground. He looks up at Coldeyes Helsdottir, the white giantess that followed him down from the mountains.

"There is a dragon in these lands. An ancient and mighty one!" Her blue eyes are alight, and she waves southward with her sword. "I shall go kill it!"

Bloodmaw has heard of the dragon, of course. It will be a tough battle. If the giantess tries alone, she dies.

Losing his army's giantess early would be unfortunate. He must watch his words with her, though, always... She is touchy, is Helsdottir. One wrong step and then she challenges, and then she dies. Which means losing his giantess early.

"With that sword? Wearing that armor?" He snorts, and she scowls for a second, but does not dispute it. Both items are nicked from long use, worn from blocking weapons and breaking bones.

Finally, she sighs. "The Warchief is wise. I shall find better. THEN I shall go kill it!"

He nods, as he looks west. Looks into the rich lands, now filled with soft CIVILIZED folk. "Yes. Yes, we shall give you MUCH opportunity to find better..."

King Irovetti is not amused. The animated brass orchestra did not play to his standards, and he had to execute the artificer. He would've been perfectly happy to let the man live, but the Dice of Punishment had come up with "Broken on the Wheel". Well, at least it had been a crowd-pleaser, which was more than you could say for the animated orchestra.

Gentle appendages massaged his back, as he lay on his divan. His lady was at work, relaxing him and easing away the tension. She'd been so good at that late- Wait, what day was it? Hm. Perhaps time to renew the charm spell.

But he was probably safe for now. He rolled over and looked into inhuman eyes, as he smiled.

"The moth ridersssss are sssstirring, lord." She whispered,

sibillantly. He frowned. "You can take human form. Do it."

A soft BIP of a spell going up, and she resumed without apology. "Their hosts can be seen against the moon at night. They're gathering. And the Tiger Lords come in the East."

He snorted. "Then they must be very frustrated, after journeying here away from the East."


"Never mind. Ribald joke. Moth riders. Bah. How's my plan to build a really big shiny light coming along?"

"Poorly. You executed the designer this morning."

"Oh. Damn. That WAS him, wasn't it? Well, silly plan anyway. At any rate, I suppose we should keep an eye out. I'll go check the map. We've got a lot of new neighbors around the Kingdoms... Let's see if we can't find someone impoverished and sturdy to help mind our borders."

The council met in the glade, as they always did. The stones bore witness to another season's turning, and the plain brown robes of the druids were adorned with new talismans for a new season. After an hour of reverent silence for the ancient trees, the leader of the convocation pulled back her hood. Small tusks, and a weathered green face bespoke of a mixed ancestry, but her voice was quite beautiful as she addressed the congregation. "New people all around us. The Four Nations to the north, the goblinfolk to the south. East is still bare of settlers, but not for long. We must watch, and-"

"I can do that!" A POP, and a housecat-sized dragon with buttefly wings materializes out of nowhere. The druids sigh. The woman smiles. "Tervilish. Yes, you watch these woods very well."

"No one better! The chipmunks tell me everything that goes on! Like this time yesterday, when chikkerchukk found a REALLY BIG walnut, and-"

"But now we must ask you to turn your eyes outward."

"Sounds painful..."

"No, merely look in the woods and wilds of our neighbors."

"Oh! I can do that! You can count on me, Sehlonna!"

"I know, my friend." She replaces her hood. "And for all of our sakes, hopefully all you'll need to do is watch..."

War in the East. The Faceless One speaks, shining mask reflecting the severe, grey-haired and black-clad form of the man sitting before him. The Faceless One's voice, as usual, is not heard with one's ears.

The Patrician of the Guild offers a thin smile. "Mm, yes. Good for business, in small doses."

The lady in the chamber leads forward, blue lip gloss contrasting with the exotic red furs she wears today. "No small doses here. The Tiger Lords are back. Ishval's gearing up for conflict, and the wolfboys, well... We might just find out how many of them ARE back there in that forest of theirs."

The Patrician consults a ledger. "No need, Sarae. We already have that information. Although I believe that Jorgen Ulfshead's wife has whelped yesterday, so our count could vary by as much as two."
The bard snorts. "That wasn't a literal statement."

"Be more specific, then, my dear. I deal in literal matters only."

ENOUGH. Both of them leave off their sniping, and turn back to the Faceless One. The robed and cowled figure steeples gloved fingers. The arrangements have been made?

"Yes. Though it's too early to tell who will survive the coming troubles. Still, the wise ones will turn to us for all their subtle needs. With that and a little diplomacy, I see quite a bit of prosperity in our future..."

The four-hundreth session of the ruling council of Galt-in-Exile concludes, and the landholders, heroes, and patriots of the small nation file out of the "council chamber". The place is used as a grain storage shed most days, but recent harvests have been poor, and it's been empty quite some time.

The three that remain sigh, and get down to the real business of rulership. Figuring out how to make meager resources stretch into giving the populace what they NEED, while keeping the populace thinking that you'll achieve what they WANT.

Mari Lebrun, Marshall of Gralton, scowls. She is still in her armor. She's been leading exercises lately, training the army. At five-hundred strong, it's one of the larger forces in the River Nations. But it's still not enough. "The Tiger Lords are coming." She says, finally. "They'll spread into the open lands, and from there, attempt to gut the belly of the River Kingdoms. Which is us."

The halfling across from her, dressed in fine silks and a powdered wig, leans forward. This is Louis Genero, a bit of a fop but the longest-running head of the Council since old Johannes had been murdered. "They face strong opposition to the north, and the dragon lies to the south. Ishval in between, as well."

"I trust not Ishval to do anything but that which serves Ishval." The third figure at the table wears an icon of a fiery sword. She is Madam Rochelle, Priestess of Sarenrae, and caretaker of the oldest temple to the fiery goddess of justice within the lands. "They are a dark folk, and the centuries have not improved the dregs of their evil empire."

Louis puts his hand to his forehead theatrically. "Please, do not preach. This is politics, my dear. One must sometimes deal with people they do not like. Like goblins, for instance."

The priestess shrugs. "I felt no evil within the ones who visited."

"That just means they prepared deceptive magic against your miracles." Says the Marshall. "The day I buy that a whole tribe of hobgoblins and assorted kin embraced truth justice and all that, is the day that Asmodeus apologizes to the other gods for that whole hell thing."

"Listen, we're getting nowhere." Louis is fed up. "For now, we strengthen our borders and wait and see. Don't lose faith, all we have to do is survive... Get through this today, and tomorrow? Leave this wretched land behind and claim our birthright..."

Spring has come to the River nations... The rivers run wild with snowmelt and the promise of blood to come! Claim your destiny!


2011-09-12, 12:33 PM
The King of the Crescent sat at his large wooden desk, a small thing they’d filched off a small farming village for a pair of hounds and twenty silver. The dogs had come back and the silver stolen so it didn’t bother them none. The rest of his “Court” sat about as well, the pitched tents and large wagons forming the make shift camp of the Crescent Caravan was in soddy shape. The spring meant rain and rain meant wet brothers and sisters. Food stores to be protected and a whole slew of other issues considering the influx of new members to the family. Weren’t no time though to complain. Times were good to, spring meant sun and lots of it to if you knew where to travel in the Rivers.

“Aw’rite now ye blighters...”

He called out to the squabbling five.

“We’re stook in dag coun’ry ‘ere...loots of wood an’ timber. We could ask ‘em for a spot o’of it if der in te tradin mood but ya know ‘how dey are. Moody rascels all of ‘em. We’re gonna move down te river ‘ere for a spot, an if we gets inta trouble what do we do?”

The five grow silent as they listen, shrugging before offering a “lie, cheat an rob em fer der fillins?” before growing silent again.

“Dat’s right me bruders an si’ters. Till we get to a spot o’land they can’t chase us from at least eye?”

The six laugh uproariously as the sounds of daily life in the Caravan continues on.

“Aw’rite now, get dis here party on de move! We’ve got till nightfall before dey spot us prolly so don’t waste no time.”

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-12, 12:58 PM
The Tiger Lords
Public Release
"The wild land to the northwest of our claimed territory (23) is now ours. We will take it. Any who wish to fight us may do so, we welcome the challenge."

To The Coalition of the Forest
LOY: +++++
We understand you beast-men have a cursed part of the woods in your land. We have some young braves who need blooded, and a hero who wants the treasure of fallen kings. If you let our braves visit this cursed land as they like, to claim names for themselves and try to end the curse, we will agree to peace with you so long as you do not provoke us.

Public Release
"Wanted, mercenaries to secure the borders of Pitax. Reasonable rates, and free tickets to the Annual Pitax inter-kingdom olympics! Now with 50% more Dire animals!"

To various taverns and gathering places around Daggermark
Congratulations, if you've intercepted this message, then you qualify as a potential customer of Daggermark's famed assassination service. Our trained killers are ready to support YOU, with your "efficiency improvement" and "safety inspection" needs. Reasonable rates, 100% discretion, and top-notch professionals ready to help YOU with your neighbors.

To the Four Nations
LOY: +++
We were curious to know if you had plans to claim the territory between us.

To Gobotopia
LOY: +++
Would you mind if some of our druids investigated the dungeons within your land?

2011-09-12, 01:09 PM
Public Release
"Wanted, mercenaries to secure the borders of Pitax. Reasonable rates, and free tickets to the Annual Pitax inter-kingdom olympics! Now with 50% more Dire animals!"

((Not sure if I can respond to this being so far away but if so I'll delete the post))

Caravan of the Crescent

"If de pay's aw'rite den who ken argue wit' an open invitation. We'll answer yer call if'n ye got de cash. Fair bit o'walkin in't fer us tho so it'd better be worth our while."

2011-09-12, 01:20 PM
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

Public Release

Simple letter show up on doors of every tavern and gathering placern, accros River Kingdoms.

Adventures needed!Vast Dungeons for crawl! Unworldly monster to slay! Fabulous tresures to claim! Limited offer!

Contact Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards.

2011-09-12, 01:50 PM
Province of Tyrespine, Order of the Ruby Chalice Territory

The spring was in full force in beautiful Tyrespine, with its gentle rolling hills, tall mountains, and peaceful glades. Several small independent villages dotted the countryside, most protected by a wooden wall or palisade to ward off the less friendly denizens of the River Kingdoms. All the roads in Tyrespine, unpaved and well-worn, lead to the provinces unofficial hub and capitol- Havenholme.

Here farmers and craftsmen peddle their wares. It is all very civilised, and peaceful. Every citizen of the city, and most of the province, know that there is a true power in Tyrespine. Soldiers and agents dressed in dark red, with emblems of a bleeding chalice patrol the roads or are seen in Havenholme. Even the mayor of Havenholme bears the red chalice, proudly, on his chest. The common folk care not. The agents of this 'Order' seem benign, or at least apathetic, and there have certainly been worse masters. What is a little bit of 'safety tax' going to hurt?

Mayor's Mansion, Havenholme

Spymaster Dauphin Leon leaned back in his chair and sighed. It was hard enough being in charge of an entire Chapter's espionage wing, but add the bureaucratic irritation of being the mayor of a city was almost more than he could bear. He chuckled, knowing that his noble heritage and ambition wouldn't allow him to do anything less. With a flourish of his pen, he began writing orders to his agents.

Order spies are to keep an eye on all of the countries neighbors, mostly just to eye incoming traffic and try to report on any... abnormal characters entering the province.

Ruby Chalice Chapterhouse

Chaptermistress Trianna Nephli walked out onto the balcony, scanning the horizen, watching the sun set behind one of the mountains the Chapter Head Quarters was located. Things were going as planned, but there were... dangers. Dangerous creatures stalked the wilds, and unstable factions dotted the River Kingdoms. The only constant was greed- greed for land, greed for gold, for power.

She could use that greed. Use the sheer potential of her neighbors- and in doing so feed her own desires.

Trianna is ordering troops and agents to explore the territories of thirty and thirty four. Their goal is not conquest, but to discover any dungeons or ruins in the wild. A small bounty and promise is offered for the freelance discovery of the same. Another bounty is offered to settlers who want to settle the territory in thirty four in the name of Tyrespine.

Mouth of the Crystal Temple, Tyrespine

Recordsmaster Azjhan Ki-Puti shrugged off his ancestral breastplate, and sat heavily in his field chair. His companions laughed and joked behind him, cooking a small deer over the fire. The trip to this dungeon, known by locals as the Crystal Temple, had been long but uneventful trip. The doorway, made of a blue-green metal, twinkled in the light of the fire.

He watched it with a grim look on his face. He loved the chase, the exploration, the danger... but the night before he entered a new ruin he always felt something akin to anxiety. The fear of the unknown, the possibility of death. A challenge, it was the sweet adrenaline nector that made life worth living.

Recordsmaster Azjhan Ki-Puti, and another adventure point explore two of the dungeons in my territory. Another adventure point heads into the twin cities of Ishval territory to explore that dungeon.

To the Wizard's Guild + GM

I am sending my best adventurer's under the command of Wardenmaster Godric Tyrson to clean out that dungeon for you. They shall be there shortly.

Chaptermistriss Trianna Nephli

[spoiler] Sir Godric's group should be rather powerful, so they can survive the trip, the dungeon, and the way back. If any casulties are inflicted on the party, they should look for replacements

A young sorceroress named Vianna Leviore approaches the Dragon's lair, holding a large bag of gold, and wearing a amulet which radiates magic.

"Mighty Verdagathrous! I wish for an audience with you on behalf of my masters!"

Order of the Black Hand

Our two Order's are very similar in both purpose and design. If you ever need our services, simply send us a message and we can perhaps develop a mutial understanding.

Chaptermistriss Trianna Nephli


We have a staked interest in territory thirty four. We offer our spy corp to help you expand to thirty if you wish. If that is unacceptable, then perhaps a different deal can come to mind?

Chaptermistress Trianna Nepli


We have a vested interest in territory 34, and we wish to expand our influence. Is there something we can offer for your support?

Chaptermistriss Trianna Nephli

2011-09-12, 01:59 PM
Loyalty +++++ +

To Pitax
We would offer you an alliance, and offer to end the unfortunate raids on your territory by our soldiers. In return for ++ econ,we would be willing to provide military defense for you from forigen attack, which would be useful with the Tiger Lords, the Werewolves, and the like.

To the Azurites
Hail! This is a warning - Some Mothriders will be seen above your citites. They wont have the numbers to constitute an army, and they generally won't interact, but we need to allow the new flights of moths to molt, and a short training flight is a good way to do that. We are allowed to do this under the Laws, and this is simply so you don't overrreact.

To The Four Kingdoms
Hail! This is a warning - Some Mothriders will be seen above your citites. They wont have the numbers to constitute an army, and they generally won't interact, but we need to allow the new flights of moths to molt, and a short training flight is a good way to do that. We are allowed to do this under the Laws, and this is simply so you don't overrreact.

To Gobotopia
Hail! This is a warning - Some Mothriders will be seen above your citites. They wont have the numbers to constitute an army, and they generally won't interact, but we need to allow the new flights of moths to molt, and a short training flight is a good way to do that. We are allowed to do this under the Laws, and this is simply so you don't overrreact.

To Galtron
Hail! This is a warning - Some Mothriders will be seen above your citites. They wont have the numbers to constitute an army, and they generally won't interact, but we need to allow the new flights of moths to molt, and a short training flight is a good way to do that. We are allowed to do this under the Laws, and this is simply so you don't overrreact.

To the Caravan of the Cresent
We might have an offer for you. Should we arrange a meeting?

To the Green Dragon Verdothos
Hail. We are kindred spirits of the air. We would request a mututal defensive agreement, and offer to open Evenholm's hospitallty to you if you would do the same for us.

Our +++ of Adventurers, assisted by Aeo and Charn (VIPS) will attempt to clear out the dungeon at the sides of Evenholm. They will go until after they meet major opposition once.

2011-09-12, 02:04 PM
Caravan of the Crescent

LOY: ++++-

To Evenholm

We're movin tru yer lands. If'n yer words good den we're good fer it. We'll meet ya on our way to our job. Ye ken? Tell us what ye wan' and we'll tink aboot en rout.

2011-09-12, 02:12 PM

To The Caravan of the Crescent
Good idea. We'll send a representative to talk to you. Don't shoot when you see the mothrider above you.
GM, Sending Aveon, the Mothrider General and a bodyguard of a half-dozen mothriders to do the talking, but I presume as they're in our territory, he's still available for other actions.

2011-09-12, 02:15 PM
Caravan of the Crescent

"We won't shoot at notin ta sky but if ya drop anytin on us we'll fire back our chamber pots."


Falcon Hawk will be doing the talking as they move through to Palix

2011-09-12, 02:17 PM
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

The Order of the Ruby Chalice (++++) (and MG)

Chaptermistriss Trianna Nephli,

We will welcome sir Godric Tyrson with all honours. All magic assets you find belong to The Order of the Ruby Chalice

Arctorus the Archmage

Dungeons (MG)
All ++++ adventures and Garius the Grey to clean my dungeons. Retreat when they find "realm artifact" or 25% casualities. People of Order are welcome and keep all they could find.:smallsmile:

Lizard Lord
2011-09-12, 02:42 PM
Loyalty (++)

To Evenholm: Very well. Such a pact cetrainly meets my interests. However, I am aware of how some mortals think. I trust it goes without saying that you would not send adventurers to steal from my home?

To Ruby Chalice: The Dragon emerges from his lair and looks down towards the sorceress. It eyes the gold and amulet greedily before responding. "Very well human. What is it that you masters wish from me?"

To Gralton: A magically sent message to the leaders of Gralton.

Greetings mortal of Gralton. I would be interested in helping you obtain your old home if you are willing to hear my business proposal.

To the Twin Cities: A magically sent message is sent to the leaders of Ishval.

Greetings humans of Ishval. I believe we can assist each other, if you are willing to meet in private.

2011-09-12, 02:46 PM
Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

Verdagathrous (++++)

Greetings o'mighty dragon.

Guild has in it's territory dungeons full of treasures. Would you like to hunt whitin it's walls?

Guild would be intrested in protection of such mighty ally. If we pay you + of temporary economy will you help us to protect our lands from invaders?

Arctorus the Archmage

2011-09-12, 03:10 PM
Black Hand

Grand Tribunal Claims Land in the East

The Grand Tribunal of the Order of the Black Hand would like to put the other nations of the River Kingdoms on notice that the territories to our east compromising portions of the Embalth forest(Region 23) are now under the protection of the Order of the Black Hand and any peoples residing within that territory now have all the rights and privilleges granted by the code of the Order

Dispatching ++- of espionage unites to Region 23 to identify the following:
1. Any dungeons within the region
2. Any magic users operating within the region
3. Any other bases of power within the region

Also, they shall establish territorial posts by surveying the land and placing mile markers to signal it is land belonging to the Black Hand.

Call for Adventurers - Open Missive to all lands

The Order is placing an open call for adventurers to come to Condate and register with the Grand Tribunal to be granted a Letter of Marque to campaign in Order lands. There is much loot and glory to be claimed for those who wish to work on behalf of the Order. This promise is on a first come - first served basis and those who arrive first will be dispatched to the locations of our recently uncovered dungeons.


Hopefully, this will attract more adventuring parties to sign up in working for the Order of the Black Hand.

Adventurers set forth for glory

With a quick signing of papers by the Cleric Borrin, the Dwarf assigned by the Grand Tribunal for handling all the affairs of Adventurers grants permission to those residing within the town of Condate to go forth and explore. There mandate allows them each to explore a dungeon and keep a percentage of all found within for themselves. Adventurers sweep out of the town heading for one of the three dungeons they were assigned to go explore.

+- sent to dungeon 1 to explore until they find something
+- sent to dungeon 2 to explore until they find something
+ sent to dungeon 3 to explore until they find something

Basically, I want to catologue the avaliable dungeons to see which one would be of the highest value based on initial finds.

Protecting the Borders and establishing an army

With recent threats becoming apparant, the following measures have been voted into effect by the Grand Tribunal to protect the realm from enemies both within and out.

1. Establishment of Watch Towers to be positioned at set distances around the borders of the Order's territories so that each tower can be within sight of another and render assistance or pass a message on.


2. Orders that an expedition led by House Captain Tamdar to lands far to the North to recruit the Barbarians from his tribe to augment the House Guards of the combined Houses with hardened veterans of battle.

1. The construction of towers will be aided by ++ of Wizards to help speed up the construction. Following their construction the Wizards will return to Condate and their original duties. The towers are designed to primarily improve stability and to a lesser effect improve loyalty since it will allow for the monitoring of those entering or exiting the boundaries of the Order

2. Captain Tamdar and - military will be sent out of the Order's territories to his homeland to recruit as many barbarian soldiers as possible to join the newly forming army of the Order

@Ruby Chalice Loy +++
We look forward to working with you also.

What is your take on the situation with the Tiger Lords?

-Primus Magus Geladil

2011-09-12, 03:17 PM
“The Otherworldly Hills are forever coated in mist. At their peaks, you could barely see a thing in front of you- but from within their foggy heights, if you look very closely, you may see lights floating about. Lantern lamps, you would think- only to disappear as soon as you focused on them. This ghostly society lives ever on the peripheries of your view, always prudish and shy of your gaze.” – Lynrael, famed explorer, on The Wisps

The Shadow King sits wordlessly upon his throne. He arches forward in stern consideration, the gears of his mind grinding feverishly at the dilemmas before him and his people; and yet he does not quiver, his tone does not change. Resting his chin between his thumb and his forefinger, he continues the unspoken conversation.

Are you certain, my brother?

Yes, Isdor. Lynrael has spoken of us to the humans of the rivers. The Hills are now on their maps.

She swore us an oath. The humans of the rivers do not abide-

The humans of the rivers lie, my liege. We know this. –You- know this. They cannot be trusted.

A twitch, perhaps. A momentary, fractional tightening of the King’s grip around the pommel of his armrest. A movement barely noticeable… and one that would echo throughout the chamber in its significance.

No. They cannot.

* * *

The Wisps are not accustomed to sending messages or couriers to the outside world. Your city guards or public officers (whichever more accessible,) would report being approached by trios of very tall, hooded figures. They would not say a word when delivering these letters, written in Sylvan. The moment if left their hands, the messengers would fall to the ground- mere heaps of clothing, nothing or no one underneath.

Loyalty: ++++

To Sevenarches:


We understand that you do not agree with our ways. We understand that our reputation has begotten us many titles. Blackfae. Deathsprites. Each one more insulting to you than the last- and if you do not wish to associate with us, this too, we understand.

But understand this.

The people of the rivers are not safe. Any trust they build is a guise for betrayal. Their kingdoms will spread like plaguefire, and no fae will be safe. Understand that we act through necessity, and whether you choose to acknowledge this greater good or not, all we ask is that you understand. We help every fae, willing or not.

Lest you see Red,
Isdor, of the Wisps.

To The Noble Guild of Wizards

At first glance, the message is in gibberish! It is not written in any manner you are immediately familiar with, but your translators have identified its prose similar to that of an ancient form; it serves as a key to unlocking the rest of the message, which has been deciphered as follows:

Greetings, neighbors among the rivers,

We have watched you with curiosity and concern for many years. Our apologies for any surprise: were we not revealed by one of your kind, we would not bring burden with the knowledge of our existence. You have long served exemplary as exceptions to our model of the Eastern Kingdoms. They are militant. Treacherous. You, though, have not ventured the deeps of our lands. You are peaceful. You are wise. We urge that you retain that wisdom today.

The Oathbreaker human’s report has worried my people. They do not feel safe. Now more than ever, I ask that you stay any desires to venture your western woods. The out skirts, up to two hundred paces, may you take for wood as normal- my deepest advices against anything deeper.

Leave us be, and do not speak of this message, and we will disappear from your lives as quickly as we came.

Lest you see Red,
Your Neighbors Amidst the Woods

To The Four Kingdoms

At first glance, the message is in gibberish! It is not written in any manner you are immediately familiar with, but your translators have identified its prose similar to that of an ancient form; it serves as a key to unlocking the rest of the message, which has been deciphered as follows:

Greetings, neighbors among the rivers,

We have watched you with curiosity and concern for many years. Our apologies for any surprise: were we not revealed by one of your kind, we would not bring burden with the knowledge of our existence. You have long served exemplary as exceptions to our model of the Eastern Kingdoms. They are militant. Treacherous. You, though, have not ventured the deeps of our lands. You are peaceful. You are wise. We urge that you retain that wisdom today.

The Oathbreaker human’s report has worried my people. They do not feel safe. Now more than ever, I ask that you stay any desires to venture your northern woods. The out skirts, up to two hundred paces, may you take for wood as normal- my deepest advices against anything deeper.

Leave us be, and do not speak of this message, and we will disappear from your lives as quickly as we came.

Lest you see Red,
Your Neighbors Amidst the Woods

OOC: oh goodness I'm going to have a lot to read when I get back

2011-09-12, 05:05 PM
"I work for the Order of the Ruby Chalice" she inclines her head respectfully " We seek powerful artifacts across the land, and magic items. If you would be willing to trade artifacts and items for gold, then we could come to an agreement"

She shrugs " If that does not interest you, then I merely bring an offer of peaceful neighbor ship. "

Black Hand
They are... worrisome. We should probably work together to orchestrate a stoppage of their power, or at least focus it elsewhere.

2011-09-12, 05:33 PM
Black Hand

@Ruby Chalice Loy +++
Do you have any suggestions who or what to funnel them into?

2011-09-12, 05:56 PM
@GM for Tiger Lords
The Order of the Black Hand could not help but notice that we both have long standing claims to the same land(region 23.) We would like to know if it would be possible to come to a mutual understanding about the control of this rather worthless piece of land.

As an order of long standing and power we have many things to offer you and help aid you in your pursuits in gaining vengeance against those who drove you out of these lands in the first place. Their descendants are both your enemies and our enemies.

Primus Magus Geladil

2011-09-12, 06:17 PM
The Four Kingdoms
Loyalty: ++++

Spring holds great promises to the Four Kingdoms. Farmers would once again set out to tend to their land and merchants would brave the rivers to sell their goods, but this time, all the people would be united under a common rule. Roads were being build, walls raised, and new settlers were preparing to head to the North and South.

The Four Kingdoms claim the northen-eastern woods (4) as well as the land to our south (5).

The Wisps
Why we never knew that we had neighbors! It is an honor to meet you. We understand that one does not like strangers in their land so don't worry about anyone in the Four Kingdoms trespassing.

OOC: Your referring to your starting territory right?

We would like to expand our people as well as quell any dangers that rest in that land, you have nothing to fear as we are a peace people who pose no threat to you. Rest assured, if you wish ownership of that land we can come up with an agreement.

2011-09-12, 07:46 PM
The Wisps
Loyalty: ++++

To The Four Kingdoms
Our ears are gladdened by your tone, yet confused by your words. The very woods you now claim as your own is the same land you agreed to respect without trespass. It is a shrewd tactic, in a land which punishes oathbreakers. A misunderstanding, I believe, but one we should clarify quickly. Do not forsake our faith in you, oh peaceful ones.

Do not relinquish the public claim that the land is yours, lest it draw suspicion.
Lest you see Red,
Your Neighbors Amidst the Woods

OOC: Ha, I guess I should have clarified, but I was actually referring to 4 as well! You are free to claim 5 as your own, though- we won’t stop you at all there. :smallsmile:

To Daggermark
You have not heard of us. When our business is concluded, you will not hear from us again. We speculate from your reputation that you are accustomed to such arrangements.

At your convenience, you will send representative into the land your maps call the Otherwordly Hills. Any number greater than one man will be seen as an invasion. Your guide will find you there; you will follow his every instruction and watch your every step.

Lest you see Red,
Prospective Associates.

To The Tiger Lords
How fearlessly, you charge into this strange new world. Should one ask which kingdom to understand most, it would surely be you. We ask you send the one you call Wolfheart, and one other messenger to the place you mark as the Otherworldly Hills. Do what you will to be careful on the way, but only these two will enter the land. We strongly urge your attendance; the words we will have are not those which should travel so freely on the wind.

Lest you see Red,
-L of E

To Verdagathrous
Greetings, Old one.

We would introduce ourselves as those you do not know of, but we do not make such presumptions of those who predate us. Many approach you as of late, so it seems, and we have no doubt that they offer many things. Gold. Magic Trinkets. Nothing we could bring you, and nothing which could sustain your developed interests for more than a century. You may be curious, then, why we approach you now? What we have to offer is exceedingly simple.

Quality entertainment.

We may ask of a meager favor in return, but it will only be to assurance that the show will go on. For now, all we ask is that you sit and enjoy, as a silent member of audience.

-You probably already know who

Edit OOC: "Trite" is a word that does not mean what I thought it meant :x

2011-09-12, 07:48 PM

To Verdagathrous
Of course. We might send visitors, but they will wait for you an invitiation before venturing inwards. Your home is sacrosanct. and we would not consider tresspassing. We, naturally, would expect the same curtesy if you vist us on Evenholm.

2011-09-12, 08:36 PM
Coalition of the Forest
(OOC: I'm assuming that loyalty protects the messages we send?)

A dark shape runs through the tall grass of the Marches. (OOC: Read as territory 40.) The massive, black wolf stops at the top of a hill, where it stops and sniffs the wind. Seemingly satisfied, it crouches down below the grass, and a moment later, Lord Dieter Tiermann stands up in it's place, dressed in leather. He doesn't move for a moment, looking to the south before he speaks. "You can come out now Darius, I know you're here."

From behind him comes a deep rumbling laugh, "Well, it's good to see your politicking hasn't dulled your senses as I feared." From the grass rises a tall figure, a bestial man with the features of a wolf, dressed in much more worn leather, and sporting a longsword on at his side. "Although your stealth leaves something to be desired. I heard you coming a mile away." The wolf-man comes forward to stand by Dieter, and also gazes south.

Dieter smiles just a bit, "Be that as it may my friend, I'm sure you didn't call me out here to insult me on the noise I make." He waves vaguely to the south. "They've arrived then?"

Darius nods, suddenly all business. "Yes m'lord. The Tiger Lords have occupied the lands south of the March, claiming the former owners were unable to defend it, thus unfit to rule it."

"In accordance with the laws, I know. Have they made any move north?"

"Not yet. Well, not really. We did intercept a group heading northwest, to the river. They claimed to be carrying a message for you." He pulls a small pieces of paper out of a pouch on his belt. "Went ahead and relieved them of it, and told them to wait at the border."

Dieter sighs as he takes the piece of paper. "You didn't kill any of them at least, did you? If you were to do that, any attempt to dissuade them from attacking... He stops speaking as he reads.

"Nah, didn't need to. The Tiger Lords are brave to the point of stupidity, but they know that sometimes fightin' isn't ne- He notices the look of surprise on Dieter's face. "Problem, m'lord?"

"No. Well, probably not. Let's just say it's interesting." He tucks the message into his own belt as the pair watch the fires burn to the south.

Tiger Lords (Loyalty: ++++)

If you wish to send your young warriors to their deaths, then by all means, let them explore the Warrens of the Dead. But they will find no no treasure there, no glory, only death. And the dead.

If you absolutely wish to do so, we will allow it in exchange for peace between our peoples. Our only condition is that you allow us to escort your people through our lands. Not that we think that you won't keep your word, but we would rather keep the likelihood of accidents to a minimum.

Caravan of the Crescent (Loyalty: ++++)

Watchful eyes in the caravan may have noticed the small numbers of birds that have been tracking it's movements since it entered the Coalition's territory. Even sharper eyes might have seen the shapes of the large, four-legged creatures that had been following them in the last few days. But EVERYONE sees the large raven that lands in front of the Caravan as it moves down the path, before swiftly transforming into a man wearing a heavy cloak, edged with dark feathers. He hold up a hand in a friendly gesture before speaking.

"Hail, friends. I am Guntram Warsfedar, a servant of Lord Dieter Tiermann, on who's lands you now travel. He bids me bring a message to your leader, but I'm afraid I'm not actually sure which of you is, " He pulls out a piece of parchment, and glances it over. "The King of the Crescent, or barring that, or perhaps one Falcon Hawk? Or really anyone who can claim authority among your people will suffice, I suppose."

OOC: Given that most of my VIP's are shapeshifters of one kind or another, I'm going to assume that my druids figured out a way to preserve clothing between forms. Seems like something practical that would probably have been thought up at some point.

2011-09-12, 09:08 PM
Caravan of the Crescent (Loyalty: ++++)

Watchful eyes in the caravan may have noticed the small numbers of birds that have been tracking it's movements since it entered the Coalition's territory. Even sharper eyes might have seen the shapes of the large, four-legged creatures that had been following them in the last few days. But EVERYONE sees the large raven that lands in front of the Caravan as it moves down the path, before swiftly transforming into a man wearing a heavy robe, edged with dark feathers. He hold up a hand in a friendly gesture before speaking.

"Hail, friends. I am Guntram Warsfedar, a servant of Lord Dieter Tiermann, on who's lands you now travel. He bids me bring a message to your leader, but I'm afraid I'm not actually sure which of you is, " He pulls out a piece of parchment, and glances it over. "The King of the Crescent, or barring that, or perhaps one Falcon Hawk? Or really anyone who can claim authority among your people will suffice, I suppose."

Caravan of the Crescent

LOY: ++++-

"Oh aye, fig'red we'd be runnin inta sam dags here aye? We're movin tru so if'n ya want ta tolk wit no bitey or slashy ways Falcon Hack is sure ta meet ya. We're good fer it if'n ye be."

2011-09-12, 09:39 PM
The Four Kingdoms
Loyalty: ++++

The Wisps
You consider both forest your own to be your 'northern forest'? Why, our sages have always separated the two as entirely different forest. The area you live in we called the Great Northern Forest and the land we just claimed as the Tall Forest of the East. If we had know that you meant both and not just the Great Northern Forest, we would have never claimed it.

But perhaps we can mend this mistake. It may even bring our two people together. Perhaps we can make it up to you with a trade agreement? We have some of the finest road builders in the land. Or perhaps an arcane research pact? We don't have many wizards of clerics, but I'm sure together we can discover something extraordinary. Why, we can even work together to help drive out monster and bring greater stability to our lands.

OCC: I took
"The out skirts, up to two hundred paces, may you take for wood as normal" as the eastern forest (#3). My mistake :smallsmile:

2011-09-12, 09:47 PM
Coalition of the Forest

Caravan of the Crescent (Loyalty: ++++)

(OOC: I'm assuming I'm talking to Falcon Hawk now? Also, I have no idea what that accent you're using is, but it's fun as hell to try to talk in. :smallbiggrin:)

Guntram chuckles a bit, "You needn't worry about "bitey" or "slashy," we would let you pass through in peace. Our roads are just as free as any, after all. However, we do take note of large groups of armed individuals moving through our lands, and prefer to keep an eye on them. He glances meaningfully at the large black birds circling the Caravan.

"But that's not really relevant to my purpose here. Lord Dieter has sent me to invite any of your leaders who are willing to meet him in our capital, Vollmond. After all, with as much as your caravan travels, who knows when you may pass through our lands again?

2011-09-12, 10:00 PM
Caravan of the Crescent


OOC: Irish Tinker, or as close as I can get it. And it's probably Falcon Hawk, he's the Face of the operation

"If'n yer Lawd wants ta talk, we'll send on up ahead but we've got bisniss in Pitax. Ya know ta Tiger's is commin, figer you should be gettin while ta gettin's good. But if'n ye want ta talk, we'll talk. Ta King don't talk ta no one he don't want. I'll go on and speak wit ya, ken?"

2011-09-12, 10:13 PM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

In a high tower in the vast new of Gobtopia, Galahad stands at the head of a table in front of a window looking out over Lake Serenity. Little hobgoblin fishing ships dart between the larger trade vessels that are seen constantly populating the four rivers that branch off of the lake. Taking the sight of his pet project in, Galahad takes a deep breath. "Well, there's been talk of dragons and tigers and wolves, but we've also received a few messages from our new neighbors! Many nations seem to be speculating about the rare possibility of peaceful goblins, so we must do our best to demonstrate our friendliness to these people."

The simple-named hulk of a hobgoblin, Buzz the Big, interrupts Galahad while he still can, "Uhhh... boss... I don't think no dragon's gonna care if we friendly or not."

"That's why we pay him, dimwit," snaps Pod Pennypincher, the governor of the city.

"Ahh, Pod never fails to find a solution for our problems! You're so thrifty with that gold of yours. Unfortunately, my friends, these are not the worst of our concerns. Nations from all over the River Kingdoms seem to be confused about the name of our great city. Some call us Gobotopia, others Goptopia. I have yet to see someone address us by our proper name: Gobtopia!" He pauses to let the disgruntled council members do their grumbling. "I propose that our first order of business for this meeting be the organization of a great publicity campaign, proclaiming the true name of the Great City of Gobtopia for all to see! How are we supposed to raise the morale of our people further if people don't even know our name?! Fear not, brave council members. This terrible error will be dealt with swiftly!"

Galahad takes his seat as Periwinkle whispers in the ear of Pod, "So melodramatic."

Greetings friends!

Well, we've got a mighty large group of adventurers looking to plunder dungeons as well. I have an idea! One of our dungeons must be kept closed because we believe it is of religious importance, but you're welcome to scour our other dungeon if you'd kindly let us send our own adventurers to explore the great and terrible - CIRCLE CAIRN! That way our adventurers get to spice things up by having plenty of options to explore. Does that sound good to you?

Hey, I was also thinking about something. Our side of this wet world seems to be pretty chill, ya know? Those eastern folk though... they're quite hostile. We hobgoblins are peaceful folk and want nothing to do with them. What do ya say you and us look out for each other to make sure none of their shenanigans make their way over here. Eh?

Galahad the Great and Terribly Melodramatic of Gobtopia
The Noble Guild of Wizards
Are you still looking for adventurers to scour that dungeon of yours? The Great City of Gobtopia happens to boast some of the best - and friendliest! - adventurers in all of the River Kingdoms. They would be happy to come explore the dangerous depths of your dungeons.

Galahad of Gobtopia
Order of the Ruby Chalice
Well hello there neighbor! I will not lie to you - that piece of land is highly desirable for the people of Gobtopia. However, we are a peaceful people and long to establish good relations with our friendly neighbors. I would not ask for the assistance of your espionage to secure tract 30, though. We do not intend to actually fight over any of that land. We're much more interested in the peaceful stuff! We would be interested in working out a deal, nonetheless. Who knows what wonders can be found in the mysterious area 34.... I don't! But if there is anything super valuable, we'd appreciate getting a cut of the pie so to speak. Also, for the time being we'd ask permission to send a small group of adventures to explore one of your dungeons.

Would that be an agreeable trade? You get the land, we get to check out some cool monsters and treasure. If there's anything super significant, you take most of it home, but we get compensated a tiny bit for not protesting too much. :smallwink:

Anyways, we hobgoblins are mostly interested in peace, prosperity, and establishing healthy relations with a few of our neighbors. I can only hope you are a like-minded people. What do ya say we look out for each other?

Galahad the Great
Why hello there you scary dragon, you:

We the people of the Great City of Gobtopia are interested in maintaining peace in our lands. Despite your terrifying teeth and creepy claws, we bet you're a real swell guy inside. We've also got a lot of respect for you - you've ruled this place for ages! If only we could somehow turn our citizens into one giant dragon... that would do the trick... Whoops, I'm getting distracted. Anyways, we'd like to do something to ensure that we become friends with someone of your great nature. Do you have anything in mind that we could offer you in exchange for peace? Hey, maybe you've even want to help keep us safe! :smallbiggrin:

Galahad of Gobtopia
Galtron, Sevenarches, and the Order of the Ruby Chalice
Well, it looks like there are a few territories that we all border that could be up for grabs! I thought I'd open up this line of communication so that we could peacefully decide on how things should be fairly divided. I know the Order of the Ruby Chalice is interested in spot 34 and Sevenarches could pick up the territory in their north, but I think it's best if I let everyone speak for themselves. Let's hear it!


Lizard Lord
2011-09-12, 10:13 PM
Verdagathrous (Loy ++)

To the Noble Guild: Very well. Though I would like that + of temp economy paid in meat. Let us even make it a good proper Oath.

"I give you my Oath that I will patrol your borders and help defend them against invaders as long as I am given a yearly tribute of meat."

To the Ruby Chalice: Hmmm. The Dragon pauses to think before shaking his head. No. I like my magic items. They are not all quite as beautiful as gold, but they are still quite useful. The Dragon than gives the priestess a wide friendly grin that inadvertently shows all his teeth. However, perhaps we may come to another agreement, if you are willing to listen?"

To the Wisps: So you are telling me that you will do something that will entertain me and that you may or may not want my aid to help the entertainment continue? Very well Wisps. I will keep an eye out for your show, and should you ask for my aid, only then will I decide if my aid is worth the price of the entertainment.

To Evenholm: But of course.

To Gobbotopia: The quickest way to a Dragon's heart is through his stomach. That is, of course, a metaphor. You could try to take it literally, but keep in mind I chew my food.

2011-09-12, 11:03 PM
The Azurite Federation

To Evenholme
We appreciate the warning, and will make sure to warn the locals not to throw anything if given the opertunity. Be advised that while the civil centers shouldn't be problematic, you will probably want your folks to avoid our northern boarder, as our weather-man has told us to expect high winds and the turbulence may proove problematic. That said, we may have the information you're scouting for; if you'd asked, it shouldn't have required this kind of mobilization, though far be it from us to tell you how to do your job.

-Azurite Guide's Council

Medalious finishes penning the letter as the council had decided, and then looked up. "So, now that we know that they're spying on us, of course, though it's hard to imagine we have anything worth their time for now. First order of business, we probably ought to see about making sure they don't see much of anything different. A'donia, think you can handle this?
"I'll see what I can do about it. We're working on the cheap though, so mundane methods might be more viable."
"Alright then. Seems there's also a fairly violent scuffle going on in the east. No reason to expect they'll be here soon, but that just gives us time to prepare. Suggestions?
Lademna pipes in, "Enfyr and I can probably take out a small force on our own, but it would be best to stall them where they are. Do we have aid we can offer them?
"Probably not, save perhaps one of us visiting the kingdoms that will serve as road-blocks, possibly encouraging them to come visit here sooner rather than later," Zedana adds.
Vedalious holds up his hand in a thoughtful gesture"We've got that conduit project we've been pondering and working on. Perhaps we could look into establishing something to that effect?"
"Probably won't be able to establish anything of the sort where they are now, but it might be a worthwhile investment if we can deal with our neighbors on less paranoid terms. I think that's all for now though, yes? A few nods and responses afirmed the notion. "Meeting adjourned then. Off we go.

Econ 1, Magic 1
A'donia is going to work on making the main cities look normal reguardless of what actually happens on the surface. This will be a mix of achitectural policies of which encourage building downward rather than upward or outward, as well as some illusions set to encourage observers to enjoy the scenery rather than the sky-line.

Lademna and Enfyr are up to their usual duties, nothing major there.

Zedana will be looking into some Elemental studies to see what, if any, spirits of the swamps might be called up in case of an invasion; normal magical creatures or denizens of the swamps would work too, though that would require more diplomacy than magic. (Not sure what sort of ability score to apply to this, guessing Adventurers, at which point using 2)

Magic 1, Econ 1
Since we're starting in spring, the rivers are likely to flood with the thaw, so Medalious will probably be busy working to divert the water and improve the irrigation infrastructure.

Magic 1, Esp 3
Denaria will be asked to take a look to the East and see what sort of aid the Azurites might be able to send to slow down the Tiger folks.

Magic 2
Vedalious will be working on the conduit idea; basically, an arcane construct that allows spells to be cast through it and into a different area rather than its normal range. First stage will probably be casting into anywhere within the starting territory, but later would be growing into an arcane rail-way or rail-gun (depending on the spell used) extending into the surrounding territories. I don't expect this to be a success any time soon.

2011-09-12, 11:14 PM
The Four Kingdoms
Loyalty: ++++

To the Noble Guild:
Hello new neighbor. Many of our arcanists feel neglected and unwelcome in The Four Kingdoms, but we would like to remedy that situation. We honored if you would help us construct a university for which mages may come together and share their knowledge. Your knowledge of magics would not be compensated! In return, we will give you a good cut of the products produced in our new land as well as our promise to aid you if the tiger lords ever make their this far into the River Kingdoms.

2011-09-12, 11:16 PM

To the Azurites
Well, mainly we need a low-risk mission for the new moths. But if you have infomation on the wind flow patterns over your territory, we would be glad to borrow that.

2011-09-12, 11:21 PM
Evenholm Partially double Posting to make the earlier message show up.
Loyalty +++++ +
To Verdagathrous
It is good to have someone who understands hospitality. We have had so many unfortunate experiences with uncivilised brutes. May we offer an alliance? If we worked together, we would rule the air unopposed.

2011-09-12, 11:37 PM
To Verdagathrous

The mage bows low "Of course, I am empowered by my masters to speak for the Order"

To Gobtopia
Your terms are... reasonable. With one caveat, we can examine all of the loot gained by your group. We are looking for very specific pieces of an artifact, and we simply wish to make sure none of the pieces slip through our fingers. Anything we deem unsafe in your hands you WILL be compensated for.


2011-09-12, 11:52 PM
The Azurite Federation

The southern lands should be safe enough for you, but the further north you go, the worse you will get. There's a normal southerly current that lasts year-round. The highreach range tends to keep the marshes more calm, but the effects along the hills is why we call it Windsweep. The currents there are vicious and even with spring comming along, invariably cold.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-12, 11:57 PM
Verdagathrous (Loy ++)

To Evenholm: Yes, I would be glad to join an alliance with you. Ruling the air is certainly related to my interests.

To: Ruby Chalice: "I will get straight to it then. If your order would be willing to contribute a yearly supply of meat I could promise to help protect you from those that may do you harm."

2011-09-13, 01:05 AM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +

To The Azurites
Thank you. They may come in useful.

To Verdagathrous
Well then. Should we declare our alliance to the world? Let those who would stand in our paths tremble...

2011-09-13, 01:27 AM
The Wisps
Loyalty: ++++

To The Four Kingdoms
Golden trinkets to lure a man
Bright gemstones to befriend him
Satin silks to gird his loins-
One nether blade to end him.

I am smiling as I write. We sing this to the youngest of our brethren- a warning against the luxuries of man and how they rot the mind; we have no riches to trade with you. What we do have, is extensive knowledge. There is no secret to us in this land, and nearly all whispers are heard on our winds. Allow us Haven, and stay the hands of our invaders, and these secrets can too be yours. We will be bound together by this, in a sense.

The stronger we become, the more you are to benefit; any aid you wish to send towards the benefit of our espionage would be appreciated greatly, and will only help us both.

I trust you will make our relations as useful as possible.
Lest you see Red,
Your Neighbors Amidst the Woods

To Verdagathrous
It is terribly rude to scoff, Verdagathrous; we are no bards dancing for your tablescraps. The lights are dimming, and the ushers are calling for silence. Enjoy as you will.

OOC: Please silence your cell phones at this time. Photography is strictly prohibited, etc :smalltongue:

* * *

The Wisps are not accustomed to sending messages or couriers to the outside world. Your city guards or public officers (whichever more accessible,) would report being approached by trios of very tall, hooded figures. They would not say a word when delivering these letters. The moment if left their hands, the messengers would fall to the ground- mere heaps of clothing, nothing or no one underneath.

To Evenholm
There are far more subtle and precise methods of learning the land, mothriders. If you are interested in any arrangements, construct a pyre on the southmost tip of your plateau. We will contact you again.


To The Coalition of the Forest
Your letter is written in the Sylvan alphabet, though at first glance the dialect is strange, and unknown. The gibberish is immediately deciphered by one of your wizened oaks, who has not seen the writing form in ages; but he remembers it well. The key to unlocking the message is in identifying its introduction- written in an ancient form of poetry. The message is as follows:

Were-folk, oh were-folk!
How sad! Great beasts cursed- half man
Can we still trust you?

Brethren of the woods,

You may think of us as estranged cousins. We may be distant to you, disgraces to any druid who remembers our kind; but we are concerned family nonetheless. To your north, a military as warring as the Tiger Lords; to the south, the Tiger Lords themselves. Evenholm has made alliance with Verdagathrous, and now all around you are those who would scour the rivers. You must consider the horizons as the outsiders unite. You are the next strongest army, and the first hurdle they will seek to remove on their way of conquest.

What will you do?
Lest you see Red,
Isdor, of the Wisps

2011-09-13, 01:56 AM
The Four Kingdoms
Loyalty: ++++

The Wisps
We would be honored to join you in an espionage pact. If you allow us to see what you see and hear what you hear, the Four Nations will provide sanctuary for your people in your time of need and defend your land when those who seek conquest invade.

I also don't think you should be to quick to dismiss a trade agreement. Goldforger informs me that a trade agreement can bring you more then you may believe. Your song is very much true, but wealth and trade can benefit your people in ways beside meaningless luxuries and trinkets. Invest with us and our trade will turn your copper into gold. You can then use your new found wealth to expand your espionage network and my nation can use whatever wealth we gain to provide a stronger army for your protection.

2011-09-13, 02:03 AM

A pyre is lit on the edge of Evenholm. The moths flock round it, but are far too well trained and intelligent to approach. For miles around, the dark shapes can be seen in it's light.

2011-09-13, 02:08 AM
"He's late."

The crimson haired, sorceress ruler of the Floating City, Kaylen, paced impatiently in the council room of her palace. Her expensive, complicated gown flowed behind her as she circled the room for a fifth time. She was speaking to a cloaked woman, her face invisible beneath the layers of fabric. She sat unmoving as Kaylen continued to fume.

"Does he think his time is more valuable than ours, that we can waste away our time here while he does gods know what? The sheer arrogance... I don't know why we put up with him. Perhaps we don't need-"


The cloaked woman's hiss abruptly cut short the Kalyen's tirade.

"Akashi's tardiness is merely a cheap negotiation ploy, not worthy of mention. Only a child would be taken in by such antics."

"Oh ho, did you hear that my exuberant young friend. I do believe our usually implacable Euryale just called you a child. You must have really gotten under her skin to evoke such a reaction from one who is usually so taciturn. But then, I should know better than to underestimate your talent. As you so constantly remind me."

The voice that spoke was wizened, mischievous, and paternal; utterly incongruous with the decidedly female succubus who was actually speaking. The succubus flounced over to the table, draping herself over a chair. "So, I'm here now. Let's start our meeting. Best not to waste any more time." The succubus winked jovially at Kalyen.

Kalyen stood unnaturally still, glaring without so much as a blink. Power seemed to roll of her in waves as she seethed in impotent anger. "If you were actually present yourself, not hidden behind your profane meat puppet...."

The succubus continued to grin wickedly, "Alas for us both, I'm not here. We're just going to have to make do."

"Are you two finished with your customary threats and bickering yet? We have things that must be discussed. Plans are being set in motion, and the River Kingdoms facade of peace is about to be violently shattered. The Tigerlord barbarians are encroaching on our lands to the east, even as those to the west plot against us. If we are to survive we must maintain a modicum of unity. Because we have a lot of work to do..."

Coalition of the Forest:

As the two powers that are bordering the Tigerlord barbarian tribes, we are in a unique position. I propose we forge a military alliance where we agree to aid the other in the event that the barbarians ever attack us. It is my belief that such an agreement would provide stability and protection for our nations.


We agree to your meeting. Send us the details whenever you wish.

To the Tigerlords

The Twin Cities of Ishval wish to welcome the Tigerlords to the River Kingdoms. We wish your people prosperity and happiness, and hope you don't make any decisions that jeopardize your future here.

2011-09-13, 02:57 AM
Coalition of the Forest

Wisps Loyalty: ++++

(Not sure how I'm actually responding too you, I guess I just sent a were-raven messenger in your general direction and hoped you found him. Also, Haiku! The best form of poetry for when you're on a tight schedule! :smallwink:)

I'm not sure who you really are, why would you consider us cousins?

As for the dangers of our position, THAT we are well aware of. But perhaps not as well as we think? If there is anything that we don't know, we would consider ourselves in your debt if you could make us aware.

And now really, who ISN'T trying to get into favor with the damn dragon?

Twin Cities of Ishval Loyalty: ++++

I tend to find myself in agreement, actually. I don't think any of us would wish to see the Tiger Lords become the dominant power in the region. A defensive alliance it is.

Gobtopia Loyalty: ++++

(OOC: I gotta say, spending half your first post complaining about how everyone gets your name wrong made me laugh. Well done sir.)

A large raven lands in the middle of Gobtopia, before quickly turning into a man in dark leathers and a heavy black cloak. He says that he is an emissary from the Coalition of the Forest, and wishes to be taken to whatever leaders are currently available. If he is, he greets that leader with a warm smile before handing them a note.


I, Dieter Tiermann, wish to welcome the new state of Gobtopia, and would like to know if you would be interested in a deal of sorts.

My nation is one that has many problems, but the greatest of these that ISN'T a problem of military is that while we have many natural resources, we lack the infrastructure to use them. I would ask that with your great skill in trade and industry, you could help us establish ourselves as an economic power.

Now, you would not be doing this for free, of course. We may lack currency, but what we do have is talent in other areas. For instance, the man standing before you is Guntram Wersfedar, a expert in subterfuge. If you wished, he and his agents could work with you to establish better security and perhaps even a corp of spies as your own! Alternately, I could send Archdruid Atticus Eichel, and he could begin teaching those who wish to learn of the Old Ways, the magic of the forest. After all, nature itself can be a powerful ally, no?

Dieter Tiermann, Lord of the Forest

2011-09-13, 04:30 AM
Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

To Verdagathrous and nations of River Kingdoms

Public announcement from Noble Guild

"I give you Oath of Noble Guild of Wizards White, Grey and Dark will give dragon Verdagathrous a yearly tribute of meat as long as he patrol our borders and help defend them against invaders. This I swear in name of Guild. "

Arctorus the Archamge

The Four Kingdoms,

I appreciate your friendly offer, but we have rahter large problems for our wizards to solve first. Within our boarders is dangerous Keep of Portals, which is sink for our resources. We propose you other deal. You could hire adventures and retrive magic objects and books from Keep of Portals. It would help you start university.

Arctorus the Archmage

The Wisps
Our Neighbors Amidst the Woods,

Noble Guild of Wizards White, Grey and Dark never set foot on others land unprovoked.

We are as neutral as possible. We hope than you will respect our way of peaceful existance.

Arctorus the Archmage

The Great City of Gobtopia

Galahad of Gobtopia,

we welcom every adventurers party. We will wait for brave hobgoblins. Everything they find in Keep of Portals is theirs. Please let us know when they arrive to avoid diplomatic incident.

Arctorus the Archmage

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-13, 09:00 AM
Loy +++
To the Four Kingdoms
Sorry for reading your mail, old bean, but it's what we do. The Patrician of our Guild would like to speak with you regarding the territory you're planning to claim. Would you care to take tea with him in Daggermark, or shall he visit you in the city of your choice?

To the Wisps
We're quite sorry, but given our intelligence reports on you we'll have to insist that you send an envoy to Daggermark if you wish to discuss things in person. Please do not let this discourage you! Your envoy will have a safe, enjoyable, and calm stay while he is here, and will return safely to your lands afterward. We have a reputation to uphold, after all.

Loy +++++
To the Caravan of the Crescent
Hm, let's see. Oh, you're THAT lot. Good number of troops, with sneaky experience in dirtyfighting. Good, good. We'll offer you ++ (temporary economy) to come run some patrols around our borders, and upgrade it to ++++ if there's actual fighting.

To Evenholm
Well, the problem with your proposal is that you're homicidal moth riders with a hideously bad reputation. Just stay on that mountain and we'll get along fine.

Loy ++
To the Order of the Ruby Chalice
We do not know much of you, yet. Your reputation is not solid. So to get around that, if you were to gift us with, say, +++ (Temporary Economy) and a peace treaty, we would be amenable to your claim. Honesty bades us to write that if you did it anyway without acceding to our requests we wouldn't stop you, but it would ease tensions among our populace if you went along with our request.

To Gobtopia and the Order of the Ruby Chalice
Gobtopia has worked hard to establish themselves as good neighbors and trading partners. We do not object to their claim of the northern territory (30). We do not know the Order as well yet, but we are discussing their possible occupation of the southern territory at this very minute with them. And by the way, it is "Gralton", not Galtron. There's a rogue cartographer out there that hates us, everyone makes that mistake...

To Evenholm
We have no reason to trust you. If you enter our territory we shall test our longbows upon you.

To Verdagathrous
Your name is not good in the legends of Galt, old one. But we will hear you. This envoy (A rather nervous soldier) comes bearing a gift of a cow. (It's a very thin and rather old one.) What is it you have in mind?

Loy +++
To Gobtopia
It is only fair. You can explore the Circle Cairn as you like. We ask that if you let anything loose you help clean it up. As to your other offer... Do you ask for an alliance, or a peace treaty?

To the Four Nations
If you wish to take the territory to the north of us, we will accept that for two favors. The first is a peace treaty between us. The second is that you allow us to build a stone circle within your lands, protected like any other building by your guards and troops. We swear the circle will do you no harm.

The Tiger Lords
Loy +++++
To the Coalition of the Forest
Hah, we thank you for the warning, but if your unknown place can kill our braves then they aren't worthy to be Tiger Lords anyway. And one is coming that your dark place cannot kill. Be polite to her.
Sure enough, a day later, a group of about four young men and women with
fresh and bloody tattoos shows up, escorted by a white, twelve-foot-tall giantess in battered iron armor. "Take us to this place of testing, beast-men! Coldeyes Helsdottir... And her braves, who must show themselves worthy... Demand it!"

To the Order of the Black Hand
You... You think we came west because we are fleeing? Because we lost our land? Thank you. That was the biggest laugh our Warchief has had in months. No no, civilized people, we are here to claim land and fight. Once we cannot claim land, we will fight until there is more land to claim. It is simple. But perhaps you are strong. Perhaps our battle will be glorious! Come, fight us when we take our new land, and we shall see who is stronger! We welcome the challenge.

To the Twin Cities of Ishval
Ah, we thank you for the good wishes. Our skalds still sing stories of Wicked Ishval, and their ancient unliving armies. Tell me, are your ziggarauts full of grain, and your buildings all lined with gold? That would be a sight to see. Perhaps we will see it soon. In any case, you speak words of honey, so any ambassadors you send will be treated well and returned once they are done. We expect the same of those we send to you, of course.

To the Wisps
We thank you for the invitation, but Wolfheart will be very busy shortly. We shall visit another time. We see you are to the northwest, at the very edge? Perfect! Don't worry, we shall be at your doorstep soon enough.

2011-09-13, 09:45 AM
Coalition of the Forest

Tiger Lords Loyalty: ++++

The giantess and the braves are met by Darius Crowley and about a half dozen seasoned Hunters. As the group comes into his view, the grizzled wolf-man stifles a laugh.

"This is it? This is who's goin' into da Warren?" He laughs again, before looking up into the Giantess's face. "You look like you know what you're doin' ma'am, but the rest look like they barely know how ta hold a sword. I would recommend you reconsider, but if you're really thet keen, we'll show you da way." The rest of the Hunters spread out, so that they form a loose perimeter around the Tiger Lords. Now, let's either get gabbin' or get goin'. With that, he turns and walks in the general direction of the forest.

Evenholm Loyalty: ++++

A lone raven flies in an deposits a message.

Your pyre to the north is quite amazingly obvious. I don't suppose you'd be willing to share what it's for?

Also, the Tiger Lords are an issue. And don't say they aren't your problem, they'll be everyone's problem if we don't nip them in the bud, as it were. If the chance comes to blindside the bastards, would you be willing to assist?

Lord Dieter Tiermann

2011-09-13, 09:48 AM
Black Hand

@Tiger Lords Loy +++

We meant no disrespect and would like to work things out amiably between our people. We have much information that could be of use to you. If you would like to send a representative to our city and enjoy our hospitality. We could easily come to a mutually beneficial agreement that would see the prosperity and success of both our peoples.

King Irovetti,

The Order of the Black Hand comes to you in friendship as a neighbor. We would like to open new trade routes to your land for the benefit of both our peoples. We are currently in the process of exploring several profitable ventures and will have much to trade in the coming months.

We would also like your opinion of the matter of the Tiger Lords.

Primus Magus Geladil

Louis Genero,

The Order of the Black Hand comes to you in friendship as a neighbor. We would like to open new trade routes to your land for the benefit of both our peoples. We are currently in the process of exploring several profitable ventures and will have much to trade in the coming months.

We would also like your opinion on the matter of the Tiger Lords.

Primus Magus Geladil

2011-09-13, 10:16 AM
The Wisps
Loyalty: ++++
OOC: whew, one big one for today. Hopefully this holds me over for a while

To The Four Kingdoms
You have been generous in your dealings, Leona human. Though we have but + econ to deal with, if this pleases you, it will be yours to trade with. It is also a shame to hear of your dealings with the Noble Guild of Wizards- and so, when we are able, we may also subsidize your magic with our own, provided you do the same with your espionage; in fact, our predominant magics are used for the enhancement of our spies. Your support may relieve us of the crutch, making it yours all the more.

We must object to roads, though. Truth be told, we have none, and our only river leads away from us: it is by these means that we are immune to your land’s third rule. Dealing at the forest’s edge, by the northern tip of Elmbriar should suffice; you should not speak of us to anyone.

I expect many great things on the horizon.
Lest you see Red
Isdor, of the Wisps

OOC: What do you say? Trade you ++++ temp magic in return for ++++ temp espionage? :smalltongue:

To Evenholm
Send the one you call Lia into the far west, until she reaches the forests north of the Four Kingdoms. She will not fly there, as your riders draw nearly more attention than the dragon itself. I trust she will hold no objection to this, and for that, all dealings will be done through her and her alone. You may accompany her throughout the journey, in as many numbers that do not offend those you pass: but when you reach the forest’s edge, only she alone will enter.

Do not speak of this arrangement to anyone. I assure you, you are dealing with professionals. We will know if you do.

Light one more pyre- on the southern tip as before to accept these terms, or on the western tip to decline them.

To The Coalition of the Forest
We aren’t.

The trees will remember us as blackfae. Some druids have chronicled us as a grim stain upon their noble history. We are related to you as kindred spirits amidst the woods- but our methods are not as kind as those of the fairies. But you are right, none of this is important.

You know the treachery of man, I am sure; once he begins to spread, nothing but death will satiate his hunger. The scent of conquest is in the air. We are taking matters into our own hands.

I fear I send too much by letter. Inform Ishval that if all goes well, the Tiger Lords should not be your prime concern.

Do not speak of us to anyone.
Lest you see Red,
Isdor, of the Wisps


To the Noble Guild of White, Grey, and Dark Wizards
We knew our trust in your wisdom was not misplaced. We will return to the oblivion of your mind as soon as time permits.

Your Neighbors Amidst the Trees

To Daggermark
Yours is a refined humor. “The distrust we have of you is certainly no concern in our walls- within a city of boasted rogues! You will be safe! It says so in our letter!”

No, no, it seems that neither of our provinces will do. And yet if your reports do hold true, you know that we have much to offer.

I propose a meeting within the Four Kingdoms. At the least, it prevents either of us from stacking the field.

To The Tiger Lords
Have you bear-baiting in your lands, Bloodmaw?

A thrilling spectacle, some would insist. A scout of mine once reported on speaking with a successful trapper for such sport. Could you guess what his prime lure is, for catching those mighty creatures? It’s honey.

I dare write no more for fear of drawing your baiters’ ire, but know this. As gladdened as I am to hear of your enthusiasm for meeting, I must ask you to reconsider the urgency and subtlety of the matter. Every moment you delay is another you risk, and every eye that you draw is another on your throat. We are only concerned, oh Tiger Lords. It is no test of strength to step blindly onto a bear trap.

We ask again that you send dignitary and messenger, and no more. Though regrettable, we will respect Wolfheart's responsibilities. If he, or you, are too busied at this time, one of your own with memorizing ears and tight lips will suffice.

-L of E

OOC: Can a no-name diplomat be sent in this game, I wonder?

2011-09-13, 11:57 AM
Order of the Black Hand
Mmm... perhaps we could nudge them in the direction of the wolves?

MMmmm. We will give you + temp economy and a peace treaty, in addition to some trade promises giving your caravans and merchants good deals and less taxes in the territory. Would that be acceptable?

To Verdagathrous

The woman nods slowly "Great Verdagathrous, I think I may have a way to agree to that, but it would require a... favor if you will. All great kingdoms have embassies to each other. Allow us to create a Chapterhouse here at the base of your mountain, and we can create food so you will never go hungry." She shrugs "And if they anger you- destory them and loot the ruins. "

2011-09-13, 12:21 PM
Black Hand

Ruby Chalice loy 3
That would be the best course of action. Would you like to send a representative to Condate so that we may speak in a more secure manner?

2011-09-13, 12:29 PM
Loy +++++
To the Caravan of the Crescent
Hm, let's see. Oh, you're THAT lot. Good number of troops, with sneaky experience in dirtyfighting. Good, good. We'll offer you ++ (temporary economy) to come run some patrols around our borders, and upgrade it to ++++ if there's actual fighting.

Caravan of the Crescent
LOY: ++++-

Oh tat soun's like a fine ting you be preaching. Ta sound o'gold ain't notin sweeter den ta bells to us lot as ya do. If'n tere be fightin we'll take ta extra money to. An' 'ey...how much fer some of'er Twolls? Ya got Twolls in dem swamps ya? Maybe if'n tis deal goes down we can talk 'bout a more permanent part'nership. Tink about it eh? We'll be knockin on ya door a'fore suppertime fer sure as ya do.

2011-09-13, 12:40 PM
Black Hand
Go ahead, you may meet with Dauphin Leon in Havenholme.

2011-09-13, 01:06 PM
Black Hand

@Ruby Chalice
Face to face. No peeking!

The gilded carriage came to a halt outside the stronghold and the two guardsmen leading the team of horses jump down opening the carriage doors and removing the baggage brought. Three Wizards disembark from the wagon, 2 older and 1 much younger.

The eldest mage steps forward to the welcoming party and bows at the waist "Greetings to you. I am Primus Magus Geladil follower of Vitellius, Magus in good standing with House and Order. I am here to represent the Grand Tribunal and my voice serves as their voice."

The second older wizard quickly follow suits bowing lower than the Primus Magus "I am Magister Tarin follower of the Silver Star, Master in good standing with House and Order."

Finally, the third wizard bows low and humbly "I am Practicus Morel follower of Vitellius, apprentice to Primus Magus Geladil and a member in good standing with House and Order."

2011-09-13, 01:42 PM
Black Hand
Face to face. No peeking!

"I am Dauphin Leon" the man is tall and of sharp noble bearing "Spymaster for this Chapter of the Ruby Chalice" Behind him, on either side are large men, clad in the black armor of the Cheliaxian Hellknights.

Leon smiles "Please, follow me" He leads the wizards into the Mansion that serves as the center of Havenholme's government. The house is well-furnished, but still charmingly rustic. Eventually the group ends up in a dining room, with several small decanters of wine around four prepared seats.

"You have buisness with the Chapter?" Leon starts with a thin smile.

2011-09-13, 01:44 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +

To Pitax
That is a legitimate decision. But are you sure you wish to eschew our proffered friendship Say what you will, but I am sure you know it is better to be our friends than our enemies.

To the Wisps
No pyres are lit. Instead, a message is left in a tent beneath the plateu, and it is mentioned extensively everywhere. I presume the Wisps would get to it first.
[I]Enough. You talk in riddles. IF you wish for stealth, then you could have just asked - we can fly high, above layers of clouds. Compared to that, walking is painfully obvious. Moreover, we will send who we want- I am sure you enjoy making terms, but you are making terms for the fun of it. We wish to engage in a productive relationship with you, but that does not mean we will obey the most unfortunate terms. We will send a delegation.[ But Mothrider generals do not leave Evenholm at the call of someone they don't know exists.
We apologise if we sound angered. We are not angry, but we need that particular person. We will send another./I]

To Gralton
We are allowed to pass by the laws. Would you breach them? Watch us as we do so armed and ready, but we will fly higher than your bows can reach to remove the temptation, and treat an attack on us as a blantant declaration of war.

To The Coalition of the Forest
We would indeed by very intrested in such a chance. What is it?

2011-09-13, 02:22 PM
The Wisps

To the Coalition of the Forest
Urgent development. Please send ++++ espionage temp. For your own good.
-You Know Who

To Evenholm
Your letters have vanished mysteriously. In the tent, one has been left in its place.

And we do not mean to sound pretentious. You must understand that our terms are solely precautionary; you have at your command an enormous military, and the river kingdoms do not hold you in high esteems. It is very much like working with a wild lion, who would like to be trusted without a muzzle. What would you propose? We have had very bad history with lions.

Consider our wishes and we will try to accommodate your own. We will think on this for now.

Didn't realize the barbarians kept such high class company! ;p
Would it be possible to lead the non-vip through the portal for a conversation? Or perhaps the Tiger Lords would be willing to meet somewhere neutral?

Oh, also
Oh, hey! You probably opened that last one by accident. Unless you are the DM.
Shift + 2, at GM
Dude. :smallannoyed:
Sorry. That last question as a distraction. =)

I am sending +++++ Espionage (bolstered by + magic for sake of amplifying and concealing movement) into the forests of southern Pitax (territory 27). They will be moving south through the Four Kingdoms (allies), west through Daggermark, and crossing over into unclaimed territory through Sevenarches. They will only enter Pitax territory once slipping into its woods. The score I'm sending exceeds/counters the loyalty scores of Pitax, the Ruby chalice, and any questionable nation en route. I am sending Algesia, Elite Shadowmancer to see to the task. They will use the forest as a hiding and ambush point.

I have not made a decision yet. But that VIP from the Ruby Chalice may not be making a return trip home.

2011-09-13, 02:30 PM
@Ruby Chalice Face to Face No Peeking!

Taking their seats Geladil adresses the Spymaster "Well, there are numerous things that we would like to discuss some of it being magical in nature. But, most importantly we need to form a course of action in directing the Tiger Lords aggression against the Werewolves to the north. We have intercepted a message from the Lords to the Council requesting permission for access through their lands as a training ground." He pauses momentarily to take a sip of wine. "Unfortunately, we have not been able to intercept the lycanthropes reply. However, we feel that no matter their decision in the matter if we can make the deaths of agents of the Tiger Lords look like it was done by the Lycanthropes we can direct their anger to the north rather than westward. To do this we will need the combined power of both our informant networks."

2011-09-13, 02:37 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +

To the Wisps
Thank you. We understand your positon, and although we cannot send Lia, and we cannot send people by road (not only is this painfully obvious, it would be absurdly risky for us to travel abroad like that - the people here have long memories.) We can, however, send another representative to you, such that we may discuss things of import to us both. You have mountains. We would send you an envoy, who would fly high to avoid being seen - and even if they were seen, they would be presumed to be one of our scouting parties abroad.

2011-09-13, 02:52 PM
Black Hand No Peeking
Leon nods slowly, and glances down at a number of papers before him "Yes, we intercepted the same missive" after several moments of silence he looks up "We must take some sort of action, hopefully the wolves are up to the task of at least slowing them down. Do we wish to devote our full might to this venture?"

2011-09-13, 02:58 PM
Ruby Chalice No Peeking
"Yes, I believe so. We know that the counter-intelligence services of both those factions are strong and we will need to invest our full might to carry this out. If we are sucessful, the wolfs and the tigers will bleed each other white. If we do nothing they march through our lands and bring ruin destroying all the knowledge we spent centuries accumulating."

2011-09-13, 03:18 PM
Black Hand No Peeking
"Very well. Your mages can help as well in the area of magical non-detection and control."

2011-09-13, 03:23 PM
@Ruby Chalice No peeking!
"Excellent, we would like to move on this as quickly as possible..now on to other matters. The Order would like to know if it would be possible to speak with any unaligned wizards in your territory and offer them membership in our Order. Additionally, we would request permission to your library of magical resources so that we may make copies of spells and writings we do not possess. This would of course work both ways with us providing you with knowledge we have that you feel may be valuable."

Lizard Lord
2011-09-13, 03:25 PM
Verdagathrous (Loy ++)

To Gralton: How I can assist all depends on how you would prefer to reclaim your kingdom. Should you choose to do so by force, having a dragon on your side can certainly help with that. If you wish to rule by fear, well I can help inspire fear as well. If you wish to reclaim the loyalty of the people well.... "defeating" an attacking dragon can go a long ways with that. Those are simply the answers I have thought of so far. I am sure there are many other strategies that I could help with. The only question is not "how can I help" but "how do you want me to help"?

To Ruby Chalice: "Very well. I can certainly agree to that."

(OOC: According to lost Demiurge the meat can be paid in the following ways: -Temp Econ a turn to get it through hunting, farming, or buying.
+ Temp Magic a turn to conjure it.
+ Temp Military a turn to use people. Though I'm guessing the Ruby Chalice won't want to do it that way.)

2011-09-13, 07:05 PM
Four Kingdoms
Loyalty ++++

The Wisps
Most excellent. Our friendship will bring great things to our people. We gladly accept the your generous teachings of magic in return for us of our spies. If you give us + temp. economy, we will pay you +- temp economy once are new settlements are producing crops.

If it would not insult you, I would like a face to face meeting with one of your representatives to go over some plans we had for the future. There are many safe places in our northern town were we could a secret conversation.

OCC: So just to put everything we agreed on here

I will provide for your defense as well as allow you to move your portal if you need a place to hid, and you allow me to see what post your Esp. can read in return.
Trading my ++++ temp. Esp. for ++++ temp Magic.
(If you accept) You provide me with + temp. econ. and I will repay you +- econ once my new settlements get built.

To the Noble Guild
I'm afraid our land has no adventures to brave your dungeons.

What do you wish to discuss that cannot be said here? I'm afraid unless there is something most dire that need to be discussed, we would prefer to use letters.

That said, there is nothing you have to worry about us clamming that land. We simply need a little more room to breath that all. We are a peaceful people and I'm sure that we can get along just well.

We would be honored to have a treaty between our great people, but the construction of a stone circle in our land does raise a few eyebrows. I'm sure that you speak truth when you say that it is not dangerous, but would you mind us asking what this stone circle would be used for or what significance it has?

2011-09-13, 07:30 PM
Black Hand

@Gobtopia - Loy 3
Galahad the Great,

The Order of the Black Hand is very interested in establishing diplomatic and economic relations with your rising state. We feel that we can mutually benefit from each other as we will be opening up several new resources in the coming month and will need a market to sell these goods in.

Additionally, we would be interested in acquiring any magical knowledge you may have and are willing to trade.

Primus Magus Geladil

A terrified apprentice mage leads a fat succulent cow to the opening of the great dragon's lair. And requests in a loud but nervous voice for the Dragon's presence "Oh Great Verdagathrous! I humbly request your presence on behalf of my masters of the Grand Tribunal of the Black Hand! They wish to establish a treaty of mutual assistance with you!"

2011-09-13, 08:39 PM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

Understandable. Buzz the Big eats a lot too! You guys could be fast friends. How much food are we talkin', mister?
Order of the Ruby Chalice:
Agreed! We acknowledge your nation's interest in magical items, so we'll make sure to show you anything we find just in case it's important to you!
Coalition of the Forest:
Galahad receives the note from the forest people and writes a swift reply:

Well hello there!

We're all about making new friends, so we'd love to help you set some stuff up! Do you have any idea what kind of infrastructure you'd like to being with? We've got the gold and the workers for it, so let us know what you're interested in.

In return, we really like all those friendly woodland creatures! However, we're not the most magical of people yet... I think we'd prefer learning some of your ~*~magic powers~*~ rather than espionage. We're mostly interested in staying friendly with everyone, so not all that interested in training spies. Let me know if that works for you!

Galahad the Great
Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards:
Wow - that's awfully kind of you! We'll send some people down your way ASAP!
Gralton, Order of the Ruby Chalice:
My apologies! I can relate - everyone spells our name wrong. :smallmad:

Well, we sure would be interested in settling (30) since you're willing to let us! You've been extremely welcoming to us, so know that the hobgoblins owe ya one!
Gee, that works out great! Sir Khelben, Master Adventurer! is so excited to get a peak at the terrible and mysterious CIRCLE CAIRN <insert flames>

We'd be sure to help clean up any mess we make, though. I hope you don't mind if we wait a bit to send our people - they can only explore so many dungeons at once! We'd be interested in both the peace treaty or an alliance, whichever you would prefer. I know we're new, so if you want to start with a peace treaty we can get to know each other for a bit and perhaps make it an official alliance later on.
Black Hand:
Working together sounds like a great idea! We'd love to help sell your new goods. As for magic, we don't know too much about that yet.... but we'd be glad to share what we know and if we're lucky, we might find some cool stuff in a dungeon soon.
GM [PM Level]:
Sir Khelben, Master Adventurer! and +++ adventurers will be exploring the dungeon of the Noble Guild of Wizards. We know a lot of people are already, but that's our plan. If possible, I'd like to send my group in after a few have already tried and cleared out some of the monsters. Then, they will go in accompanied by the master adventurer and strategist and try to work their way even further, gathering powerful/rare treasures. I'll pull them out if they take + casualties, come across a monster they think is too risky to fight or after they find any magical artifacts or a significant amount of gold. Also, if Sir Khelben is in danger they pull out.

Also, if that strategy is the wrong idea... like if the dungeon becomes LESS lucrative as the beginning is explored, I'll send them to Circle Cairn with the same plan for pulling out.

I'll send my other adventurers (++) to explore the dungeon closest to me in the land of the Order of the Ruby Chalice. I'll pull them out if they take 25% casualties, come across a monster they think is too risky to fight or after they find any magical artifacts or a significant amount of gold.
Exclamation points!!

2011-09-13, 10:19 PM
Black Hand

Excellent! We can begin having caravans travelling to your territory immediately. And, if you find anything of magical value within these dungeons we would be most interested in purchasing them.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-13, 11:07 PM
Verdagathrous (Loy ++)

To Black Hand: The great dragon will emerge from his ans immediately take the cow into his mouth. Once he is done chewing and swallows his food Verdagathrous will turn to the (most likely) frightened apprentice. "Very well, you may speak."

To Gobotopia: Well, the deal I give to most is an that give me an annual tribute of meat. In return I patrol their lands and help fight off invaders, should there be any.

The meat can come in any sort of form

If you hunt, buy, or raise it, it would total to - temp economy.
If you use magic to summon it, it would cost + temp magic.
If you choose feed me slightly more intelligent food, it would cost + military.

I am not picky about what the meat is. Meat is meat.

2011-09-14, 08:39 AM
Black Hand

@Verdagathrous Loy +++
The apprentice, his knees shaking steadies himself and speaks "Great Verdagathrous, my masters and you both value magic. You a creature of magic itself and my masters students of magic for many generations. They value your centuries and insight and would like to conduct an exchange of magical knowledge with you. Additionally, my masters have eyes and ears everyplace and we would be willing to inform you of any foolish mundanes who would dare challenge your magnificent self, my masters have already uncovered some nerfarious plots to steal your great hoard and cattle away."

2011-09-14, 09:21 AM
Coalition of the Forest
Loyalty: ++++


(OOC: For some reason, when I picture your hobgoblins, I'm imaging them as something you might see in a kids show. Slightly more badass Smurfs or something. Not sure if that's what you're going for, but that's what I'm getting out of it.)

Excellent. What we really need is simply the money to get our operations off the ground. We have the knowledge and manpower. (Though if you want to send some of your own people, we would certainly welcome it.)

We deal largely in the production of food and lumber. While we can easily meet our own needs, we do not have enough to sell. And that's what I wish to change.

For my part, I shall be sending Archdruid Atticus Eichel south to meet you, along with a good number of his subordinates. They will be able to teach most anyone willing to learn about the Old Ways, and drudic magic.


I hesitate to trust you, but... I do worry about missed opportunities. If it's as dire as you say, then fine. I'll send ++++ espionage worth of my agents. But if any harm comes to them, you will be held accountable.


I never said there was a chance now, just that if one came up, would you be willing to assist?

And you never did answer my question about the pyres. If you don't want to talk about it, just say so, but I'd rather you didn't just ignore the question.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-14, 10:00 AM
Loy +++
To the Four Kingdoms
Ah well yes, we were a bit concerned about your recent expansion. A bit more of our border is now going to be Four Nations territory, it seems. Not a huge problem, you've been good neighbors to date... Would you be amenable to a peace treaty, so we can keep our guards busy elsewhere?

To the Wisps
Hm, it IS a bit of a problem, isn't it? The downside to being very, very good at what one does. Very well, a fellow of ours will meet you in the Eastern City in Four Nations territory, in the Drunken Gnome tavern. He'll be the one wearing the mask, but no one else will see it so don't fret on that end. See you there shortly!

Loy +++++
To the Caravan of the Crescent
Well, we'll see how you do on the borders before we talk about going permanent. Twolls? What in the abyss is a... Oh, trolls. Yes, we have a few. If you come to our lands we'll introduce you to their chieftain, and you can talk about renting some. Bring lots of meat, he's always hungry.

To the Order of the Black Hand
Trade? Why, we're always in the mood to trade! Sure, if you're looking for a trade pact we're happy to sign up with you. You wouldn't happen to have any midget circuses would you? Our last one broke.

And as far as the Tiger Lords go, they sound like they're quite deadly and without much of a sense of humor. Bad combination. Someone who's good at swording should probably sword them out before they get to anyone important. Like you or me.

To Evenholm
It's more of a cautious decision than an insulting decision, really. But in any case we've got some mercenaries for now, so we're good. No need for you to come and play, can't afford more, times are tight. We'll happily sign a letter of recommendation for you for another country. Far away from here...

Loy ++
To the Order of the Ruby Chalice
Well! Your terms are quite generous indeed, and we accept without reservation. Let there be peace and trade between The Order of the Ruby Chalice and Gralton!

To the Order of the Black Hand
We thank you for the offer of trade... We will consider it. Right now we haven't much experience with you, but there are some nasty rumors around. No offense, we believe we'll wait and see what actions you undertake before we decide if we want to trade with you.

The Tiger Lords are a problem, one best dealt with sooner rather than later. If you undertook some action toward those ends, we would be willing to trust you in matters of trade, I think.

To Gobtopia and the Order of the Ruby Chalice
Well, the matter of land is done then, and we look forward to welcoming our new neighbors!

To Evenholm
We know the laws, and we can't stop you from travelling through here. But we are under no obligation to keep your trip peaceful. So go as fast as you can through our land and we'll have no trouble. Linger, and we'll take that as proof of your malfeasance. We've heard horrible things about you and by threatening war against us you do nothing to disprove them. Stay away!

To Verdagathrous
"That's... Interesting. Er, great one." The soldier says, eyes wide. Then they narrow. "What would you want in exchange for such services?"

Loy +++
To Gobtopia
Well, those who trade with you do say kind words of your folk. Very well, we would agree to a peace treaty, if you do one thing for us. Please allow our druids to construct a stone circle in your lands. We swear that the circle will not be of harm to you. So long as the circle stands, our peace shall hold.

To the Four Nations
The Stone Circle would be a shrine to nature and the world itself. We would worship there, and undertake to keep the land content, and harmonious with the rest of the world. It would not be used to harm or sabotage your nation, and your folk would be quite welcome to visit it as they like as long as they do not damage it or disrupt its caretakers.

The Tiger Lords
Loy +++++
To the Coalition of the Forest
The Giantess laughs. "Lead on." She and the trainees follow their guides to the edge of the Warrens of the Dead, then head on in.

To the Order of the Black Hand
Well, we cannot send anyone of note to see you right now, they are all busy. But if you send an envoy he may come as he wishes, speak his piece, and leave as he wishes. We do not kill envoys for being envoys.

To the Wisps
A hunter shows up in the woods, accompanied by a saber-tooth lion. "Well, I am here. Speak your peace, dark woods things. Or if you cannot say it here, I am to bring a sayer-of-words back to our territory if you wish. I, Lionspride, so swear before the gods that I shall protect your envoy with my life and that I plan no treachery."

2011-09-14, 10:06 AM
Excellent, thank you my friends

Order agents, soldiers, and any settlers who want to settle in new land set up a caravan to go set up a base of operations to take complete control over the territory.

Excellent, we shall be profitable neighbors indeed.

Black Hand
Of course my friends. We shall have an exchange in knowledge over the next few weeks. We will escort your wizards, and you can escort ours through territory and library... just in case our companionship is stressed.

2011-09-14, 10:27 AM
Black Hand

@Ruby Chalice - Face to face! No peeking!
"Excellent, we will begin conducting our work at once."

@GM relating to Ruby Chalice
Since my VIP is stuck here for the rest of the turn, they are going to spend their time researching in the Chalice's library and attempting to recruit non-aligned wizards within the region

Regular Messages Loy +++:

Most excellent! The trade caravans will begin to flow and we shall try to scare up a midget circus for you. We are sure we can find one or something of equal interest.

As for the Tiger Lords, we are working to direct their attention elsewhere. Would you be willing to contribute espionage forces to this endeveor?

Our alledged poor reputation is undeserved as we prefer to remain to ourselves and our research keeps us busy. However, these trying times have forced us to come out and begin working with the world as a whole.

We are preparing to strike a blow against the Tiger Lords but we may need help.

@Tiger Lords

After several days of travel a carriage arrives in Tiger Lords land and a Magus emerges from it to greet the welcoming committee "Greetings to you, I am Magus Telar follower of the Phoenix, a Master in good standing of House and Order. I am here to serve as an Observer for the Grand Tribunal until the arrival of the official ambassador to your lands. He is in transit from his previous assignment. Until then, I serve as voice of the Tribunal."

2011-09-14, 10:30 AM
Black Hand to GM
The Black Hand delegation are followed respectfully by at least one wizard with trueseeing and two soldiers at all times.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-14, 12:13 PM
Eastern City, the Four Nations
The Drunken Gnome Tavern

It's a busy bar. Serving drinks and food to all of the early evening crowd, the waitresses are happy and cheerful, the cooks are working nonstop, and every table is packed.

Every table, save one. Back in the back, a single black-robed figure sits hunched over, a shining reflective featureless mask under his hood. The rest of the dinner crowd moves around him, without giving him a single iota of notice. Without staring at his odd mask. The revelers not five feet away carouse and their eyes play across him without registering him. The waitress puts a drink down on his table every hour, and picks it up again like clockwork, dumping it out without noticing when she gets back and refilling it without noticing a single wrong thing. Every time this happens, the cloaked figure slides across another silver piece with gloved hands. And the waitress smiles at the huge tips she's collecting from that nice... man? Yes, it's a dark-haired handsome man she remembers whenever she thinks of the table.

The figure waits, gloved hands steepled. It is patient. And it will have moved on in the morning with none the wiser.

Assuming your messenger goes to the tavern, the figure motions at the other chair. "Greetings, I am the Faceless One." Its voice is perfectly pitched, clearly the work of a Ventriloquism spell. "No one else here will recall our discussion. What do you wish to discuss with those who attend to matters in Daggermark?"

Tiger Lord territory

Order of the Black Hand
Your ambassador is brought to Chief Bloodmaw. Reclining in a large tent draped with animal hides, Bloodmaw is an eight-foot-tall half-orc with muscles that could probably allow him to wrestle a dire bear. A heavy iron axe, blade carefully covered in a leather sheathe, lies off to one side. The guards peace-bond all your side's weapons before you are allowed to enter.

A middle-aged, greybeareded human stands next to the half-orc, leather vest covered in talismans. He surveys each person carefully, before nodding at anyone who is actively using magic. This must be Wolfheart, the high shaman of the tribe.

"Greetings, western men." Says Bloodmaw, the red tattoos around his mouth stretching as he speaks, making it look like he's chewing raw meat. It's an odd contrast with his smooth, friendly voice."Welcome and be at peace here. Eat of our bread and salt, drink of our mead. Do you wish to discuss the battle we will have soon, over the northwestern land?"

2011-09-14, 12:36 PM
Black Hand

PM Level to Tiger Lords
The original observer and Primus Magus Geladil approach the Half Orc(the other 2 magi remain Chalice lands to oversee the magical research and recruitment)

"Greetings to you. I am Primus Magus Geladil follower of Vitellius, Magus in good standing with House and Order. I am here to represent the Grand Tribunal and my voice serves as their voice. We present you with this gift."

Telar brings forward a finally crafted sword etched with writings retelling the history of the land the Tiger Lords currently occupy. "May it serve you well and feast on much blood."

"We actually wish to speak on whether we could dissuade you into attacking anothers land. We have no need to war with you nor a desire to be your enemy. We wish to work with you for both our mutual gains. There are much worthier and more dangerous targets for you to direct your righteous anger against...many of which as we have learned are already plotting against you." He pauses for a moment and starts in again at a play at his ego "We can aid you in your battles our magical knowledge and provide valuable intelligence to you forces. We know of their plots and would be willing to aid you against them. We can spread your feared name far and wide, make you a leader of legends. After all we are noted historians and sages. We can write of your conquests, the great conqueror of the river kingdons, the grand Emperor Bloodmaw, master of many, servant to none."

2011-09-14, 01:44 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +

To the Coalition of the Forest
Well, if the opportunity does arise, we would stand ready to help. The Pyres.... We are not at liberty to talk about that now. Sorry.

To Pitax
We understand. Best of luck.
To Gralton
Thank you.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-14, 01:53 PM
Order of the Black Hand

The Warchief accepts the sword with a nod, and the shaman places it to one side. "It shall be part of the prizes given to he who wins the fight to govern these lands once I have moved on. I am sure it will see much use. Not every day that you get to strike someone down with the weight of history itself! I thank you."

Then he frowns in puzzlement.

"You ask us not to attack another's land... But the land we are planning to move into is empty, now. We claimed the northwestern empty land (23), and challenged any who disputed to meet us on the field of battle. Do you choose not to dispute our claim now? Because that is the only choice, fight us or not."

He scratches his head. "I am just a simple barbarian, but it seems to me that if it was your land you would have claimed it before we showed up. So all things being equal, our claim was made public a bit before yours was. You have what you Hold... Good law. Why NOT fight to see who truly holds it? No, if you want the land you'll have to fight us for it. We have no plans at this time to continue on into your other land once we claim the northwestern territory."

"As to your other words... Your offers of aid are appreciated, but we are strong and our gods are with us. Soft treacherous men will always plot against us, for they are jealous... Why should we care exactly who does or what they want? If they make enemies of us we will roll over them, and put them to the axe and the flame. The bards will sing of our victories without your help. You really do not seem to have much to offer us."

"We are Tiger Lords. We are strong. And your ways are not needed at this time. This may change, but I doubt it. Thank you for coming to see us, and for the gift. If you still want to meet us in the land that you dispute as ours, we urge you to fight well, and let it end in glory for both of us!"

2011-09-14, 02:22 PM
Black Hand

PM to Tiger Lords
"We will remove our claim from these lands then. They are yours, as you said you have what you hold and we have no further desire to these unclaimed territories if it will harm our pursuit of knowledge."

"Men may be soft and treacherous, and easy for a powerful warrior such as yourself and your men to defeat one on one but it is exactly because they are soft and treacherous that they are the most dangerous. They conspire and unite as one. In nature, the Tiger is strong. A tiger can kill a dog as easily as a child can crush an ant. But, what if a pack of dogs attacks a tiger. he may kill one, two maybe dogs. But, he will be brought down by weight of numbers. We know of their plots, they come to us for advice and our magical prowess, we can work together and foil their treachery."

Lizard Lord
2011-09-14, 03:43 PM
Verdagathrous (Loy ++)

To Black Hand: Oh? Tell me who. I dearly hope it is not amongst those I made business arrangements with.

To Gralton: Why meat of course. A Dragon needs to eat, after all. More specifically, I was thinking of an annual tribute until the day that you have reasserted yourselves as the rulers of Gralt.

2011-09-14, 04:38 PM
The Wisps
Loyalty: ++++

Four Nations
Face to face…

I must caution you, noble neighbors- our forms are not for the faint of heart. I have seen the unprepared eye tremble, for our closest resemblances you know of are wraiths and ghosts. If you would prefer, we could seem to be as men- or you could meet us as we are. In either case, I would gladly welcome you into the chambers of my throne. Send for us at the forest’s edge, and we will guide you the rest of the way.

You are good people. It pains me to call you human.
Lest you see Red,
Isdor, Shadow King of the Wisps

OOC: The deal sounds good! Only adjustment I’d make is that for the + temporary econ I’d trade with you, I’d like + temporary stability- maybe in helping construct some unique infrastructure that the Wisps can use without paving roads along the forest’s floor. That alright?

To Evenholm
You may fly to the edge of the wood, if it pleases you, but we must insist you walk from there. Ours is a deep appreciation for our secrecy.

Your Lia is ideal in two great senses- the first being that she is intelligent. We disdain all spoken word in our culture, and if we are forced to articulate communication, we would not have it fall on lame ears.

The second and primary is that she cannot speak to the moths, nor is she a magician who can conjure the means to do so. We do not have fleets and armadas atop colossal spires, General. Our defenses are in ambushes and traps, and I cannot risk your kind distributing real-time reports on their positions. Would you agree to it, we would blindfold your human dignitary until she reached our home: by your river-human oath, we would pledge that we would not harm her on her way to commune with the Shadow King.

Indeed, I would caution against flying overhead until we settle an arrangement for your arrival; even the air can spring hazards.

To the Coalition of the Forest
Our intent is earnest, and you may rest easy for now. The trust you harbor, you will not regret.

You are brethren. Your elves and lycanthropes will come back safe.

To the Noble Guild of White, Grey, and Dark Wizards
A small group of adventurers has approached our lands, and have been denied entry. Be advised, we are redirecting them towards your open invitation. If this is unacceptable, let us know. We will hunt them down immediately.

Sending my + adventurer stat into the Noble Guild’s dungeons. Their objective is not to delve deep, nor to really do any dungeoneering at all. They are merely there to be friendly, and observe what sorts of things are being excavated, and who is taking them out.

To the Order of the Black Hand
An anonymous letter is found on the desk of one of your civil officers:

Careful. I wonder how Verdagathrous will entertain comedians.
* * *

To Daggermark, at the Drunken Gnome Tavern
The Faceless One is truly perceptive. Had an onlooker been watching, the masked being would only seem talking to the vacant air opposite him- and in the passing of a moment, it would appear that a man had been lounging there all along; but an onlooker would not have been watching. The man’s timed appearance had assured him this.

But the Faceless One’s watchfulness goes beyond that. For the onlooker, the waitress, the hoodlum and the drunk, they all see the man- where the Faceless One does not. He sees a towering shade of a creature- nightmarishly tall such that even sitting down, it arches its head forward as not to hit the ceiling. Its black wrappings groan in protest against the every flex of the thing’s hulking muscles, and very much like the Faceless One himself, it stares at you through a mask, looking down out of one singular oculus.

OOC: Blarg, didn't realize till just now how similar our 'mystery men disguises' went. I will change the aesthetics of my gimmick for next time >.o
[PM Level security]
Daggermark was wise, sending you who need not speak words. It is taking my every wit to stay me from throttling every shrieking river-human here.

My name is Magnus, the Defiant. King Isdor bids me to be quick. He fears my tone too warmongering for the spineless role of a diplomat- and he is right. I like what I do, and it will be my motivation to see this contract sealed.

Look down. There are twenty five papers stacked on the table, each one identical and awaiting your signature. Let no party question the legitimacy of this deal.

I will not take your time, or extend my own in this place. Isdor proposes you employ our warriors for your assassinations; when you do, we will bind you in contract, as we do tonight. Provided you surrender control of the operation to us alone, you are free to cooperate [OOC: send as much temp espionage as you like]. We are exceedingly proficient at making people disappear. You know this.

Our terms are simple. You will not step into our lands, or interfere with our affairs. You will not intercept our messages, and you will speak of us to no one. As far our reward- I will speak with you now. We wish to enhance the capabilities of our traps, but do not know the means to do so. How would you help us?

To the Tiger Lords
PM Level security
[After the meeting with The Faceless One]
Magnus stands over Lionspride much like one’s shadow would, entirely silent, and right behind him. He has been stalking the pair for several minutes now, as someone had to guide the poor things away from the sixteen means of impalement they’d unwittingly missed by a hair; yes, yes, he had been just about as patient as he could. Which is to say, roughly up to the count of three.

Do NOT speak to me in that GUTTER TRASH you call a TONGU--

“Hail, Lionspride. You are brave to enter these lands on your own- and for your valor, I trust I will get along with you on the journey ahead. Before we depart, I would have you swear on behalf of you and the Tiger lords, that I will be safe from the time I leave these woods until the time I return-” He paused, to loose a deep, rumbling laugh, backed by a questionable enthusiasm.

“-all as a mere formality. No one can fell me.”

Magnus focuses for a moment. For this still frame in time, it would almost seem as though all the light was fading around him. Being absorbed by him, leaving only darkness to surround his silhouette; but, as I said, this was only for a moment, and his surroundings return to normal soon.

The wraps begin to unwind, and fall from Magnus's frame. As they unravel, more and more does the wisp appear human; adorned with powerful features, but mortal nonetheless. When the last of the wraps disappear into wisps of dust, and the mask is removed from his face, his form would be changed into that of a half giant— the most accurate humane representation of him possible. He continued his haunting laugh, and prepared to depart.

OOC: I noticed a direct delegation between the Black Hand and the Tiger Lords; will the Wisps be able to see that they are there as well, or will that all stay in metagame?

2011-09-14, 05:03 PM
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

The Wisps
They are welcome. Don't kill them.

Arctorus the Archmage

2011-09-14, 05:45 PM
Black Hand

@Verdagathrous switching to PM level security with roaming VIP
"I am not at liberty to speak about that...but, my master who will be coming along shortly knows of these plots."

A few moments later another mage, dressed more regally appears before the dragon "I am Primus Magus Geladil follower of Vitellius, Magus in good standing with House and Order. I am here to represent the Grand Tribunal and my voice serves as their voice." He pauses then begins anew "The plots against you are myriad great one. As to which ones are the most dangerous and most deserving of immediate action we must say it is the one presented by the Tiger Lords. They seek you out to prove themselves to their gods of war. Hoping to ambush you to gain favor with their Barbarian Horde. Really, such foolish mundanes wanting to threaten a great and noble beast of the world."

@The Wisps Loy +++
A note is tacked to the window of the office the original note was found in.

We can assure you that we are nothing but serious when it comes great and ancient beasts. Now, it would be nice to know who we are conversing with and what we can do for you. We have been in deal making moods as of late.

2011-09-14, 05:59 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +

To the Wisps
Ah. I fear you have misunderstood us. Lia can speak with the moths, as in fact can the population of Evenholm. However, her mothspeaking is weak, like most peoples, and will cut out within a few hundred meters. Of course, we would dismount and not ride the moths into your homeland, so perhaps if you had a operative waiting a few miles from the wood, this would not be a problem. But again, we cannot afford to send our best tactician for now.

2011-09-14, 06:40 PM
Four Nations
Loyalty: ++++

The Wisps
Rutmore will meet you at the edge of your land, don't worry, I doubt that anything scares him anymore. Since you know your land best, we would like you to provide security for him.

Sending Rutmore to Wisp territory for a private meeting. He will be sneaking to avoid being followed or get caught in any ambushes. Also, does my deal with the Wisp that allow me see messages take place this turn, or do I wait for the next one?

We would gladly sign a formal peace treaty with you, although we would never imagine taking any hostel actions against you to begin with. May this agreement cement the friendship between our two great people.

This knowledge puts any concerns that we may have had at rest. We will put aside some land for you to build your shine and instruct our people to let you to worship in peace.

May there always be peace between our two nations.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-14, 08:04 PM

To Black Hand: (PM) "Oh? Is that all? The Tiger Lords can hardly move without trying to conquer the land around them. If their armies try to come for me they will attack my neighbors first. I have plans should that come to happen. Their adventurers are pathetic, so I need not worry about them stealing anything important from my home. Are they really the only threat to me that you can speak of?"

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-15, 08:30 AM
The various adventuring parties sent out return, bearing news and in many cases, precious cargo... Some come back bearing bodies.

Dungeon Trips, Turn 1

The Keep of Portals: The Entry Halls in Noble Guild Territory
(Noble Guild, Order of the Ruby Chalice, Gobtopia, and Wisps)
LOY: ++++

Nature Revealed! Portal Hotspot
Order of the Ruby Chalice ADV + and Sir Godric Tyson. Explored 4 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 5. Dungeon Event: Found VIP, Szandra the Succubus, willing to join the Order of the Ruby Chalice. For a price, of course... Loot: Bulging bags of Gold (+++) and one Beautiful Art Object (+)
Ending Dungeon Size: 16

The Noble Guild ADV ++++ and Garius the Grey. Explored 4 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 5. No Dungeon Events. Loot: Bag of Silver (+), 2 Beautiful Art Objects (++), One case of Assorted Potions (+), and a Sword of Lightning +1
Ending Dungeon Size: 12

Gobtopia ADV +++ and Sir Khelben, Master Adventurer! Explored 2 Encounters, forced to withdraw with serious losses on 3. +- ADV killed. Sir Khelben! takes crippling injuries! (Loss to his stats until he can be fixed, and unusable for the rest of the turn.) No Dungeon Events. Loot: A chest of gold (++) and a book full of scrolls (++)
Ending Dungeon Size: 10

Wisps ADV + Explored 0 Encounters, didn't go into the dungeon.
Ending Dungeon Size: 10

Scouts report that the minor traps and monsters are gone. Things are starting to get more dangerous and more profitable in the Keep of Portals...

The Desert of Mirrors in Twin Cities of Ishval Territory
(Twin Cities of Ishval and Unknown Party)
LOY: +++

Nature Revealed! Lair of the Mummy Abranaxus
Unknown Nationality ADV +. Explored 2 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 3. No Dungeon Events. Loot: A box of Semiprecious Stones (++)
Ending Dungeon Size: 18

Warrens of the Dead in Coalition of the Forest Territory
(Coalition of the Forest and Tiger Lords)
LOY: ++++

Nature Revealed! Unholy Site (NOT Underdark Entrance, sorry for the trouble)
Tiger Lords ADV ++ and Coldeyes Helsdottir. Explored 2 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 3. Dungeon Event: Collapse! ++ ADV killed, Dungeon size reduced by 4. VIP unharmed. Loot: A bag of Silver(+) and Gauntlets of Ogre Power +1.
Ending Dungeon Size: 14

The Crystal Temple in Order of the Ruby Chalice Territory
(Order of the Ruby Chalice)
LOY: ++++

Nature Revealed! Arcane Site
Order of the Ruby Chalice ADV + and Recordmaster Azjhan Ki-Puti, Explored 2 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 3. No Dungeon Events. Loot: 1 Beautiful Art Object (+), One Bundle of Magic Scrolls (+)
Ending Dungeon Size: 18

The Southwestern Nameless Tomb in Order of the Ruby Chalice Territory
(Order of the Ruby Chalice)
LOY: ++++

Nature Revealed! Monstrous Lair of the Dragon Nezhull the Black
Order of the Ruby Chalice ADV +. Explored 2 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 3. No Dungeon Events. Loot: 1 Bag of Silver (+) and One Beautiful Art Object (+)
Ending Dungeon Size: 18

Gobtopia ADV ++. Explored 4 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 5. 2 Dungeon Events: Portal Discovered! Leads from territory 35 to territory 14(Daggermark). Monster Released! Loot: A sturdy chest of gold (+++) and one Beautiful Art Object (+)
Ending Dungeon Size: 14

Adult dragon Nezhull the black is irate at the theft of his treasure! He is ravaging the countryside in Order of the Ruby Chalice Territory!

The Cave of Evenholm in Evenholm Territory
LOY: +++++ +

Nature Revealed! Monstrous Lair of the Vampire, Bloodslake
Evenholm ADV +++, Aeo and Charn. Did not get through 1 Encounter, forced to withdraw. No Dungeon Events. No Loot.
Ending Dungeon Size: 20

The Nameless Dungeon in the North, in Order of the Black Hand Territory.
(Order of the Black Hand)
LOY: +++

Nature Revealed! Monstrous Lair of the Death Knight, Bhal.
Order of the Black Hand ADV +-. Completed One Encounter, withdrew. No Dungeon Events. Loot: One Beautiful Art Object (+)
Ending Dungeon Size: 19

The Nameless Dungeon in the Center, in Order of the Black Hand Territory.
(Order of the Black Hand)
LOY: +++

Nature Revealed! Arcane Site
Order of the Black Hand ADV +-. Completed One Encounter, withdrew. No Dungeon Events. Loot: One large garnet (+)
Ending Dungeon Size: 19

The Nameless Dungeon in the South, in Order of the Black Hand Territory
(Order of the Black Hand)
LOY: +++

Nature Revealed: Portal Hotspot
Order of the Black Hand ADV +. Completed One Encounter, Withdrew. No Dungeon Events. Loot: One case of Assorted Potions (+)
Ending Dungeon Size: 19

2011-09-15, 09:24 AM
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dar Wizards

To Gobtopia (++++)

Leaders of Gobtopia,

we are very impressed by courage of yours adventurers. We also made some Divination and we like to know if you are intrested in peace Oath between our people.

Arctorus the Archmage

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-15, 09:32 AM
To the Four Nations
Loy +++
Ah, good good. Peace is always good for business! And incidentally, should you ever desire to employ one of our top-notch assassins, you have but to ask.

In the Drunken Gnome tavern of Eastern City, two men quietly sit and have a drink. That's what everyone ELSE in the room is seeing, of course. The reality of it is a little different.

PM-Level @ Wisps
The Faceless one considers for a time. We cannot subcontract
assassinations. It would break the customer confidentiality agreement that our guild holds sacred. He pushes the contracts back across, gently.

If you desire to trap your lands to enhance your security, we have mechanisms and schematics that we can share with you. The price will be... (+++ ECO or +++ MAG, or any combination thereof), and a mutual agreement to let us go about our business without sharing the secrets of the other with outsiders. You tell no one of our doings, and we shall do the same for you. Do you find this bargain to be agreeable?

Loy ++

To the Order of the Black Hand
Well, we'd be lying if we said seeing the Tiger Lords set back was a bad thing. What kind of help are you looking for?

To Verdagathrous
The soldier nods. "Very well. Thank you for your time, great one. I will carry your words back to my masters." He departs, not TOO hastily, but quick enough nonetheless.

PitaxLoy +++

To the Order of the Black Hand
Hm, we could probably spare a spy or two. We'll send you +. Don't get him killed! He does a really good comedic impression of Verdagathrous, and we'd hate to lose that talent!

Loy +++

To the Four Nations
Thank you, we are full of joy to hear that we can coexist without conflict.

Tiger Lords
Loy +++++

PM-Level @ The Wisps
Lionspride is shaken, though he hides it well. His cat stays far away from Magnus during the trip.

When Magnus arrives, the Warchief sees him, accompanied by Wolfheart. The second Magnus steps into the tent, Wolfheart spits on the floor and makes a warding symbol. He bends to whisper to the massive half-orc, who frowns and considers Magnus carefully.

"My shaman says you are cursed and evil. But you are an envoy, so I will hear you. What business do you have with the Tiger Lords?"

PM-Level @ the Order of the Black Hand
The Warchief nods. "Well enough. Our scouts report you are not yet strong enough in number to put up a good fight. As to your words on dogs and tigers... You are not far from the mark. This shows some wisdom, and we can work with that. We will consider your words and watch your actions, and see how the rest of our journey goes. Be well, western man."

2011-09-15, 10:02 AM
The Black Hand

@Verdagathrous PM
They will come, but that is not the only threat. The Twin Cities also wish to attack you and chain you and use you for their own diabolical purposes.

Loyalty +++
We can not speak of details in such unsecured manner. But, we have something in the works and if you would allow the use of some of your spies(esp + or ++) for this operation you can be sure the Tiger Lords will not bother you. Many have already joined in to help.

The great green dragon impersonator shall return unscathed

Tiger Lords PM
The mages bow low "Be well Warchief, and may you have many victories."


Borrin went over the reports brought by the adventurers. Each dungeon had promise and he eagerly wanted to face the Death Knight in battle but he knew his employers would want the Arcane Site investigated first. That is where they would go.

Gathering the assembled adventurers as a whole the Dwarf sets out the Arcane Ruins.

Using the assorted potions to improve the stock of the adventurers (yay! + adventurers)

I am sending +++++ Adventuers to the Arcane Site they stay in the Dungeon until they can go no further. I am sending the Dwarf High Priest Borrin with them.

2011-09-15, 10:24 AM
The Keep of Portals to GM
Sir Godric sat heavily on his field chair, as the parties cleric healed some of his minor wounds. "Bring me the Demon, I hear she wishes to deal with me"

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-15, 10:50 AM
Coalition of the Forest

The Outskirts of the Warrens of the Dead.

About four hours after the Giantess and her crew enter the Warrens, there's a groan of rock on rock, and the trees around the waiting werewolves shake and shudder. The rumble is over quick, and a plume of dust arises from the warrens.

About an hour after that, a fifteen-foot-tall figure grey with dust and grime from head to toe comes marching back out, with a bag thrown over her shoulder. "They died well. Well, except for Young Gam. Roof killed him. Not sing songs of warrior killed by roof. No one blooded this season survives. Damn."

She borrows a waterskin and sluices her face off. "You have many dead down there," she remarks conversationally. "May wish to look to that. Well, let us walk back to Tiger Lord lands."

Order of the Ruby Chalice
The guards haul out the succubus, still bound in the silver chains she was found wearing. Though battered and bruised from her captivity, her demeanor is cheerful and she looks around with curiousity as they haul the demon to Sir Godric.

"Greetings, lord. I thank you for saving me... I'm willing to reward you in... Whatever way I can." Her smile leaves nothing to the imagination.

"I've been talking with your friends, the ones who escorted you into the dungeon. Your Order sounds interesting... I would be willing to help you achieve your goals in this land, if you'll have me. I am a professional diplomat, capable of hiding my nature as long as I am not bound in silver chains. I am also just as capable at spying on people you wish observed. I am INCREDIBLY good at these two things." (Large boosts to Rep or Esp to anything she's involved in.) "In return, all I ask is a small stipend of luxuries each year (+ Economy) and the freedom to move on when I get bored." (She has a random chance of leaving you each turn. It's small, but it's there.)

"Or you could say get thee me behind me, Szara! Mmmm, I like it that way, but you don't look the type to enjoy it properly. A joke, a jest! You could strike my chains and let me go if you don't want to work with me or pay my fee."

"Or you could be boring, slay my form right here and now and send me back to the abyss for a little while. I'd eventually return and be quite put out with you for that. Your call."

"What's your desire, my lord?"

2011-09-15, 11:15 AM
The Wisps
Loyalty: ++++

To the Order of the Black Hand
I am but one who knows things.

What I do not know is what should keep me from indulging our good Dragon friend with some of my knowledge. Now perhaps my recollections of dragons are rusty- surely he is a well-tempered and gentle creature, whose pride would not lead him to violence, is he not?

Alas, you are the dealmaker. Perhaps you could enlighten me where I am at a loss.

PS: Do stop talking to the poor creature. The more you do… the more we may.

OOC: Huh! You know, I’d love to jump the opportunity to blackmail someone, but it doesn’t look like you have a whole lot that I really want! The best I can come up with is a small scheme to take + or +- permanent loyalty from you. Make me an offer, I guess?

To Evenholm
You surprise me with your cooperation, humans. I am finding a growing lack of disdain for your kind.

Your strategist’s responsibilities are respected, and we trust you will send someone fitting in her place; we must hold you to oath, however, that they will not be one who can commune with the moths at distance, and so long as they are within our heartland, you will not fly any moths beyond our borders to bridge communication. We will in turn pledge their safety while they go to meet the Shadow King.

We have but one final request. Would you send a scribe, along with your dignitary? After our business is done, we would have the courier return to you with the contracts of our arrangements, while the diplomat stays with us a while longer. Yours is a culture curious and foreign to our own- and we would like to learn more of it.

Have we finally reached acceptable terms?

To the Four Kingdoms
OOC: By royal decree of lord DM, I cannot extend my espionage network to you by any other means than sending you temp esp to boost your espionage itself. In that sense, it doesn’t make any sense for me to trade magic for your esp, only to have to give it back… everything else is fine, but I’m afraid we’ll have to nix that part of the deal, unless you’ve any ideas =/

In the meantime, I am in the process of getting carried away on writing up the intro for our meeting~

* * *

To Daggermark
PM-Level Security
Magnus scoffs. Confidentiality. What is there under the sun that we do not already know?

We will not interfere in one another’s affairs, that we agree upon, but I would hear you before I commit my people to any debt. Know that we do not deal in only trapping our own lands. We wish to trap anywhere.

He snatches at the air before the page, and in an instant it is blank. He slides the pen once more to you: Begin to write your terms.

OOC: Haha, sorry, what exactly am I getting from this deal? Am I trading away temporary stat points for a temporary boost, a temporary stat for a permanent boost, or what?

To the Tiger Lords
PM-Level Security
“I have many misgivings that your shaman detects,” Magnus shrugs, lazily extending an arm towards the ward to test its compulsions, “Evil is probably one of them.

“On my way in, I noticed a diplomat from the Black Hand (I can tell diplomats, if only by the way their tongues slither). I must say, Wolfheart. Your people keep strange bedfellows.

I am here because my King sends a gift:

Black Hand @ Ruby Chalice
What is your take on the situation with the Tiger Lords?

-Primus Magus Geladil

Ruby Chalice at Black Hand
They are... worrisome. We should probably work together to orchestrate a stoppage of their power, or at least focus it elsewhere.

Black Hand @ Ruby ChaliceDo you have any suggestions who or what to funnel them into?

Ruby Chalice @ Black Hand
Mmm... perhaps we could nudge them in the direction of the wolves?

Black Hand @ Pitax
Most excellent! The trade caravans will begin to flow and we shall try to scare up a midget circus for you. We are sure we can find one or something of equal interest.

As for the Tiger Lords, we are working to direct their attention elsewhere. Would you be willing to contribute espionage forces to this endeveor?

Black Hand @ Gralton
We are preparing to strike a blow against the Tiger Lords but we may need help.
Magnus allows a minute for Wolfheart to take this in. “You are being manipulated and betrayed, Tiger Lord. Would you have me, I would snap the serpent’s neck this instant, unless you prefer to do so yourself.

“I trust you will appreciate our gift. Do not link these reports back to us- this is a terrible discourtesy in my land. What you choose to do now, is entirely up to you.”

He narrows his eyes in cold gratification.

“But I would delight in hearing what that is.”

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-15, 11:51 AM
@The Wisps
(PM-Level Security)
(OOC: Basically, they want temporary economy or magic, in exchange for resources toward a permanent stability increase.)
The Faceless One pulls out a few documents, and sets a pen to writing by itself while his fingers are steepled. Terms are drawn up and bickered, and settled upon. If Magnus signs, then Daggermark and the Wisps will have a non-interference pact in matters of espionage. They won't interfere with each other, or spoil each other's operations, or reveal information gained from one another to other factions.

Tiger Lords
@The Wisps
(PM-Level Security)
(OOC: Just so you know, I clarified in the OOC thread... You won't know that the Black Hand delegation was at the Tiger Lords before you. But since it wouldn't change your post much...)

The War Chief reads the letters, slowly, but thoroughly. His eyes narrow, and his red-tattooed cheeks flush with blood. He is quite thoroughly upset.

Muscles creak and bulge as he leans forward to Magnus. This orc could probably wrestle a dire bear and beat it to death with its own arms. And now he is angry.

"Dark fae thing, swear to me that what these papers say is true. Swear it before that you hold dearest, whether god or demon."

Behind him, Wolfheart makes a motion. Probably spellcasting. Nothing seems to happen, though, and Magnus is no mage.

2011-09-15, 12:35 PM
Coalition of the Forest
Loyalty: ++++

Tiger Lords (PM Level)

The werewolves jump, suddenly ready for battle as they smell something coming through the forest. They relax a bit when they realize that it's the giantess, and that she is still alive. The Hunter spread out, forming a perimeter around her, similar to the ones they made on their way in. It is Darius himself who lends her the waterskin, and he listens to her words before responding.

"Sorry 'bout your boys, but we did warn ya'. The Warrens are a damn dangerous place, even for those of us who know the forest. For the likes of you...hells, I'm surprised you made it beck at all." He takes back the waterskin when Helsdottir is done with it, and makes a small motion to his Hunters with his off-hand as he does. "As fer as takin' you beck to yer lands, well... there's a bit of an issue with thet. Ya see, ain't none thet have come out of the Warrens alive in years." The Hunters being to press closer. "It'd be a shame if the likes of you were the first." He quickly draws his longsword, and the attack begins.

Attacking Tactics

The signal Darius gave earlier was for two of his Hunters to quietly move up behind Helsdottir so that when he gives the signal to attack, (whipping out his sword) they are already in position to attempt to hamstring her. (aka, cut the tendons on the backsides of her knees) If they succeed, her legs would be crippled, and it would be near impossible for her to escape. Assuming they succeed but manages to keep her feet, the two Hunters behind her will charge her legs, attempting to make her fall backwards. If at any point she falls down, Darius will pounce on her to deliver the coup de grâce by slitting her throat.

If at any point this plan fails, (can't hamstring her, they do but she keeps her feet, etc) the Hunters and Darius will start using pack tactics. They'll use their numbers to harass her from different directions, always retreating when she begins to counterattack. They will do this until she is killed.

When/if she is successfully killed, the Hunters will take her a short distance into the Warrens and throw her in, giving her back to the dead. All the Hunters who survive the attack will say that she never came back out of the forest, and that after a few days of waiting, they simply left. Any Hunters who are killed will be explained away as having been surprised by a roving group of undead.

Evenholm Loyalty: ++++

Fair enough about the pyres, I suppose. As long as they don't present any danger to my people, that is. Can you assure me of that, at least?

2011-09-15, 12:43 PM
Black Hand Loy +++

@The Wisps
Merely being a good and friendly neighbor to our well tempered Draconic friend. Our business with him is nearly concluded anyway.

You come across as one interests himself in the affairs of others. We value our privacy and do not like our affairs to be meddled with.

In exchange for privacy and non interference we will give you a piece of beautiful artwork.

2011-09-15, 01:04 PM
GM PM Level
Godric leans forwards, a grim smile playing across his lips. "Do you know what I am Demon? I am a Hellknight, trained in combat and discipline by Devil's. We learned of your ilk and your chaotic natures. If I was to agree to something like this I would need an unbreakable bloodoath that you would fulfill your part of the bargain. On top of this, We will pay you your stipend but only at the end of a full (turn). If you want to be payed, you cannot simply leave after your recieve your money... you must earn it. Second, in your oath you must swear that our dealings will remain confidential even after you have left our service. Is this a fair deal?"

You remember that pact? Well, we agree to pay it. Now can you deal with the angry Black Dragon Nezhull that the foolish Goblin's stirred up in our territory?

Hello. I realize that we had a deal for your adventurers to explore our dungeon. However, it seems your actions have awakened a Dragon to terrorize the land. We require one (+) of the gold you found to help with the damages. If you could also send troops and mages to help us kill it, then we would be very grateful.

GM- Black Dragon
Since my adventurers cannot go into another dungeon this turn, can they help slay the dragon? If not then my forces (little they are) and mages mobilize to try to protect Chapterhouses and Havenholme.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-15, 01:20 PM
@Order of the Ruby Chalice
Szara's face curdles. "Well. And here I thought I was the one who did the screwing. Fine, fine. Money for me AFTER each job, and I'll keep your dealings confidential after I leave your service. I swear by the darkest levels of the abyss, and he whom I serve in the realms beyond death to abide by your terms so long as you abide by mine." (One of many binding oaths for demons, your Hellknight training tell s you this. She's as sincere as she can be.) "Now if you'll loose these chains I'll be happy to begin earning my keep." (Szara has joined your service as a VIP. She is available for actions and will take payment at the EOT. From this point on you are free to write RP stuff for her or work her in as you will.)

@Order of the Ruby Chalice
Yes, your adventurers can totally be used to try to slay the dragon, as can any other resources you wish to apply that you can sensibly use.

2011-09-15, 01:36 PM
To the Black Dragon, GM
Nezhull, you must know this will end in one of several ways. One, you continue to destroy until a powerful group of heroes ends your life. Two, you go back to your cave and live in hiding and exile. Three you could work WITH us. Look at Verdagathrous, he did not become a power by rampaging, but through keen alliances. Now its up to you, but we have enough friends that even if you destroy us, there will be no escape for you.

Can I use her this turn for something?

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-15, 01:43 PM
Can I use her this turn for something?

@Order of the Ruby Chalice
Yes. You'll have to pay her at EOT, though.

2011-09-15, 01:45 PM
Cool, and that other one is for you as well.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-15, 01:55 PM
Verdagathrous (Loy ++)

To Ruby Chalice: "Very well. Though I had thought you had already agreed to the annual tribute."

To the Black Dragon: By any chance, would you happen to agree to a business arrangement? Though it would mean you would have to leave your current home.

2011-09-15, 02:03 PM
Lizard Lord
(I just wanted to make sure :smallwink:)

2011-09-15, 02:07 PM
Twin Cities: (+++)

To Tigerlords:

Alas, our country is not the richest in the River Kingdoms, if you wish to see the real treasures of our land you would have to travel inland. Perhaps we could arrange a tour for you visit them some time. I'm sure your people would greatly appreciate the experience.

To Gralton:

The Tigerlord tribes are a grave threat to both our peoples. We will endeavor to keep them out of the center of the River Kingdoms, but we are only a small nation. Some of the barbarians might get past us, to loot and pillage your kingdom. It would such a shame if something so terrible were to happen. If sent us gold to aid in our defense against the Tigerlord tribes, me could guarantee that no barbarians would get past our lines. If you don't, I'm afraid we won't be able to guarantee the safety of your kingdom.

To Evenholm:

Greetings, moth riders of Evenholm. We wish to extend trade rights and forge a non-aggression pact with you. We believe such cooperation could benefit both our peoples.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-15, 02:16 PM
Black Dragon Nerzhull
Loy: ++++

To Order of the Ruby Chalice
"THIEVES! LYING LITTLE TWO LEGGED MAGGOTS! GET GONE BEFORE I EAT YOU!" (You'll have to allocate EOT resources to deal with it in some way, either peaceful ones to calm it down or fighty ones to smack it around. Otherwise, it's RAMPAGIN' time.)

To Verdagathrous
"THIEVES! LYING- Er, sorry old one. Damn two-leggers woke me from a nap and took quite a bit of my gold, you know how it goes. I appreciate the offer, but this is where my lair is. And I've got some thieves to find before I go back to it, so it's time to drown a few villages in acid. Unless you're challenging me?" (She doesn't look thrilled at the idea of fighting you, but she'll give it a shot if he has too. She's about two size categories smaller, but with just you alone it's going to be hard to kill her before she can escape if she starts losing.)

Lizard Lord
2011-09-15, 02:31 PM
Verdagathrous (Loy ++)

To Nerzhull: How unfortunate. I was hoping I would not have to kill another chromatic dragon, but now it seems it can't be helped. The Kingdom you are in right now has agreed to pay for my protection.

To Black Hand: I am not too worried about the Twin Cities either. Like my other neighbors, they are free to use my power if they agree to pay the tribute. Which is certainly cheaper than trying to enslave me. But surely I have more enemies than that, yes?

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-15, 02:37 PM
The Black Dragon, Nerzhull
LOY: ++++
To Verdagathrous

She sneers. "The Great Elder Verdagathrous, working for humans like a common servant. Pathetic." Nerzhull straightens herself. "Well, you know where to find me when you are ready to fight." Tensing herself, she darts out to continue her rampage. (You'll have to allocate resources at EOT if you wish to deal with her.)

2011-09-15, 02:42 PM
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

To Verdagathrous (++++)

Mighty Verdagathrous,

we made our Oath public according to Tradition, would you be so kind to do the same. Also, do you prefer livestock or prepered meat? We look forward to see you around our borders.

Arctorus the Archamge.

2011-09-15, 03:00 PM
The Wisps
Loyalty: ++++

To the Black Hand
Ah, VanGildershine! Alas, I am a fan of his earlier works. You may keep the piece for yourself.

No, I’m afraid it would be far too dismissive to pass me along with an art piece like an auctioneer. I propose this: We will post fliers detailing this affair all about your city. For seven days you will leave them up, and you will not block their view in any manner. Regrettably, your people may be led to doubt their nation’s stability, but it will give our own an appreciation for where they live.

Do this, and we will not speak to Verdagathrous, nor will you hear from us hereafter. Have we an understanding, good magistrate?

OOC: Bartering for + permanent loyalty

Lizard Lord
2011-09-15, 03:22 PM
Verdagathrous (Loy ++)

To Noble Guild: Oh, very well.

(OOC: By the way, the tribute is payed either with - temp econ, + temp magic, or + temp military.

"I, Verdagathrous, give my oath to patrol the borders of the Noble Guild of White, Grey, and Dark Wizards and the Order of the Ruby Chalice and protect their lands from hostile forces. In exchange they shall give me an annual tribute of meat."

To Ruby Chalice: Since the Wizards' Guild asked me to my oath to them in public, I figure I would include you in my oath as well. Perhaps you could make your oath public?

2011-09-15, 03:46 PM
Black Hand

@Verdagathrous PM level
"These are the plots we have uncovered thus far. We will continue to work tirelessly uncover anything else and I will inform you of my mens' results. Also, I would like to offer you a trade as of now. A precious garnate stone(+) the size of a human child's head would make a valuable and interesting collection to your hoard, in exchange I ask for some magical books and scrolls(+)"

@Twin Cities PM Level
A message arrives in your court delivered by the Primus Magus Geladil himself

"We are planning on conducting an operation against the Tiger Lords to get them to attack the Coalition of the Forest. We request a temporary loan of your spies(+ or ++) to aid us in this matter. Succes is vital to divert them north rather than westward."

@Wisps Loy +++
Three days. No more, no less.

OOC: Loy -

2011-09-15, 05:18 PM
The King of the Crescent Paced the large mobile caravan he called home, sitting with his two lovely ladies the Twins.

“Al’rite al’rite we’ll do et yer way sis’s. Ya can send off’ta message an’ when it gets back ta us Falcon can take over ta negotiations. But nex’ time ya lot wanna boss me ‘round remember who it twas that got ya outta ta chains and inta some right proper maging ya? Jus’ cause you lot learned ta read at dat fancy school ain’t no reason why I canna draft up a document. And blast yer learnings anyway.”

The Twins merely smiled, nodding.

“Yes Lawd, we’ll be remember’n tat until the stars fall from ta sky an heaven an’ ert fall asunder.”

The two intoned as one, bowing their heads for but a moment to the sound of their liege snorting.

“Al’rite al’rite jes’ get it done wontcha? We ain’t gotta lot o’time till we hit Pitax and it won’ matter no more what we’ve got in our Caravan if’n we’ve gotta take up root in ta middle of a war zone.”

To the Public of the River Lands and Abroad
LOY: ++++-

Do you find your axe just doesn’t have enough blood to drink on a daily basis? Do your spells just seem to fizzle due to lack of caring? Does your coin purse sigh and mope all day? Do you feel fatigued and ready to settle down with that bar maid you met three nights ago before the battle that got you the tile of Dragon Slayer, have a few kids and hang up your sword forever? All of these conditions are symptoms to a much more serious condition called Lack of Workitous. The recession in War Time trade has hit the economy hard everywhere but those hardest hit are the mercenaries, the men and women who put it all on the line for their own bottom line. But we here at Caravans, Caravans and Sons have just the cure. More war and gold! Yes, our crack team of witch doctors have been communing with the spirits and have come up with the patent formula of war and gold to ease your Lack of Workitus. Let the hordes of ravenous dire badgers open up your pours so our patented (pending) formula penetrate even the hardest layer of damage reduction to revitalize and re-engergize your cracked and dried out axe grip. Payments typically go from two hundred to four hundred gold per treatment but if you act now you can get in on our limited time offer where we’ll pay -you- the customer reasonable rates to cure your Lack of Workitius! Yes it’s true, send one easy shipment of your warband to the Boards of Pitax, The River Lands: Caravan of the Crescent. Our Shaman’s are standing by for your orders. Terms and Conditions apply*

Side effects of War and Gold include: Bleeding gums, bleeding faces, bleeding organs, crushed fingers, random amputations, heart attacks, bad breath, bastard children, sexually transmitted diseases, mummy rot, delusions of grandeur, alcohol poisoning, alimony, stained back and often times death.

*Terms and Conditions: Humans and Elves need not apply. Hiring and pay is based purely on performance. Resumes should be sent to no one as most of us can’t read.

2011-09-15, 10:45 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +

To the Coalition of the Forest
Yes, we can. It is safe.

To the Twin Cities
What would this trade agreement entail?

To the Wisps (Pm Level)
That is acceptable. Our representative and their scribe will arrive forewith.

***VIP - The Warden - Arrives, with Scribe.

"Hail. What is that you wish to talk with us about?"

2011-09-15, 10:47 PM
Why? We are customers paying for your services- and you have already alerted the Kingdoms to our arrangement. If you have a good reason we shall of course follow your request.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-15, 11:01 PM
Why? We are customers paying for your services- and you have already alerted the Kingdoms to our arrangement. If you have a good reason we shall of course follow your request.

The Noble Guild claimed it to be tradition. Though to be honest, I do not pay attention to humanoid traditions.

Mostly I see it as a way to make the details of the oath clear so that there is no confusion. It also helps to make it an "official oath." However, if you could just agree to the conditions as I stated them here in private, then I suppose there would be no need for it to be said to the public.

2011-09-15, 11:57 PM
The Wisps
Loyalty: ++++

To the Black Hand
You are a shrewd businessman, to bicker while backed against a wall. But clearly, I, your oafish assailant, have been soundly defeated by your superior guile and wit. Let your people rejoice. You may even put it on the flier.

You may take them down after three days, or leave them up for seven; I hope either way you are satisfied with your choice. We are done here.

To Daggermark
PM-Level Security
It is regrettable we cannot work together, but it is better, I suppose, than being set in opposition. Magnus presses his first into the page, and the writing bleeds through into all twenty five copies. The blackened imprint of his colossal fist is signature enough. You have been a wonderful host. The Wisps look forward to business the future may bring.

To the Tiger Lords
PM-Level Security
OOC: “You wrestle dire bears too?? We have a meetup group for that on Thursdays!” ;p

Magnus would have Wolfheart remember this fury; the old shaman had proven worthy in his eyes, and one day, under more casual terms, they would have their duel.

“The gods and devils have nothing more they would barter from me. I, Magnus, the DEFIANT, CHAMPION of the Wisps, hereby swear on my right arm- lest my hand go impotent, forever unable to wield a weapon or conjure a nether blade. The messages we bring you are TRUE.”

The last word ebbs from him like a shockwave, permeating and echoing about the hut. Magnus makes note of old shaman’s movements, but he simply does not care at this point. There is only one thing on his mind. Glorious combat.

To the Four Kingdoms
PM-Level Security, buuut this one bit is pretty much just fluff. If some unearthly compulsion persuades you, you may read just this once. ;p

OOC: Alas, good luck reaching the end. TLDR; Rutmore reaches Isdor, the Shadow King. Sorry, I just remembered how much I love storytelling in this manner~

You arrive at the maw of the forest, where the oaks beckon to you with the sweet smell of wonder. Ever cordial, the split of its grin slips open, exposing its deep column- a vast gullet, endlessly long. The very light is swallowed by this place, and the only testament to existence beyond the green abyss is the cold breath of a rolling fog, clinging to your face, a salivary mist. The leaves, you swear, perk just an iota to the swaying of your moves- only you do not feel a wind nor a breeze.

Your guides come to you from the trees themselves, specks of fiction in one moment, and beside the barks in the next. They are tall and slender and sturdy of frame, as adolescent saplings entering maturity. They wear the wraps you had been told they would, though their faces are left vacant, and in the absence of a mask, the portraits of lifelong friends; the potter woman down the street, your neighbor’s bold and adventurous son, your barber… you ask yourself how long they may have watched those among you- before you wonder whose face they may see in you….

It is a silent hike through the woods, punctuated with the beat of your own relaxed pulse. The Wisps, you soon learn, do not speak in words, and have grown a distaste for all verbal thought. Their young are reared with sign language, who with age are taught to express themselves with less and less, until by the time they are very old, entire conversations may be told in a turn, on the blink of an eyelash. The solitude from sound gives you ample concentration to address your repeat in memory, anyway; for every pool of still streams and coagulates of scattered rock, you would swear that you had passed the same landmark at least six times now. That is normal, they explain, before stopping you abruptly once again, and shifting you path three inches to the left…

The incessant thicket gives way to fog, and here, they insist, you must be carried up the mountain’s treacherous paths. They tiptoe and pirouette and dance so eloquently to avoid the invisible hazards beneath the mist, and you can hardly blame them, beholding this trail. It is a spine; thin, jagged, and lined with vantage points.

The fog is impregnable now, but your guides put your mind at ease. They tell you tales, though you’d never believe them true, of their city beyond the portal built entirely on stilts, looming towards the heavens beyond the upturned eye, forever rising atop the blanket of clouds. After two days’ climb, you would rest in her sewers, where even her wastes poured fresh as the cleanest of land’s mountain springs. Ascending further, you’d find yourself in the town’s square, and behold all about you great fountains and temples and spires and monuments all rising skyward still. It is a city of divine work, this place, exalted above all of mortality. Indeed, there is but one ladder leading downwards, and on it, rising up and going down, an endless stream of wisps, none acknowledging the other, oblivious to the outside world. They are the dead and the dying, your guide explains. For beneath the rises of that city lies an identical second, wherein the baker is posed over his oven, the astronomer fixed aside his spyglass. The wardens check on them every so often, to assure their happy integration from this world to the next, and they continue in death much as they lived. Only it is not uncommon after so many years for the dead to forget themselves, and when they are ready to die again, they pass up the ladders and dwell among the living. Neither side can really tell in that place, which is the city of the living or which of the dead, whom is playing warden to whom, who may be dead unwittingly, and how many times I may have expired already…

At last you pierce the peaks, and ascend the mountain fortress. From Lynrael’s tale you would have expected the wisps to flee at the sound of your approach, and to arrive at a bustling city void of people, frozen in time, a moment forever still. The forethought is only half true, though; not a dust fleck moves while you pass, but the denizens all have stopped in their exact movements to look directly at you while you do, un-shifting, a population of unmoving gazes.

You are finally brought to the heart of the mountain, where a colossal tree rises endlessly towards the sky. The deep fog is permeated by the lantern glow of wisps, an army of fireflies speckled on the horizon. You climb through the gnarls, where you are brought to a fountain of visions, a reflecting pool collected by the rain, unnaturally still. You hold your gaze for several a moment until your vision begins to lose focus. You blink. Only in its reflection, you are no longer standing in he heights of the Wisp tree. Welcome, Lord Rutmore, to the Hall of the Shadow King.

To Evenholm
PM-Level Security
The Shadow King sits low atop his throne. He leans forward, scrutinizing the every detail of the Warden as though each feature were deserving of his personal consideration. He does not speak for a long time. When he does, it is in a hollow, ghostly noise, which is not his voice itself but the vibrations of which mimic the words of common.

“I am Isdor, bearer of the Burning Cinder
First born to the house of Horrace
And tributor to the greater generals of history
Arbiter to the domains of Knowledge and War
And victor in over seventeen battles waged with the Wisps.
I have seen many things, Warden of Evenholm"His pose remains as fixed as a gargoyle’s, the glow of his oculus still as a picture.

“Even with the Dragon backing your banner, there is danger in conquering the meek and the meager. Behold the Tiger Lords, who the whole world now unites against. No one man may rule the world. Open conquest is doomed to failure.”

For the first time in minutes, Isdor moves.

“We do not engage in open conquest.

As easily as you may raze a kingdom,
We may make men… simply disappear.
No one knows his fate, missing or dead
And no clue may bring suspicion to us.
We are an opponent which does not exist, Warden.
There is much you have to benefit from us.”

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-16, 09:38 AM
PM-level @ the Wisps
The Faceless One waves a hand, as he collects the signed contracts. You are slightly incorrect. While we cannot work together in the matter of our assassination contracts, we can certainly collaborate in other matters. You are skilled, true, but there are only so many of you and as such your time is limited, as is the case with our guild. We can certainly barter jobs with each other... Spying, theft, fraud, all these things we can combine our forces to be more effective and handle more business.

Assuming, that is, you wish a mercenary business model for your espionage use, as we have migrated to. If you wish to keep it for personal use, that is fine as well.

And should you ever wish an assassination without bothering to devote time and effort to it yourself, our rates are quite reasonable.

LOY: ++
To the Order of the Black Hand
We have a few cunning men and women in our employ, yes. But not so many that we can risk them to undefined ends. Once we know you a little better, perhaps we may change our minds on this. Good luck!

To the Twin Cities of Ishval
Alas, our purses are light and in any case we cannot pay you. See, our policy is to spend thousands of gold on soldiers, and not one copper in tribute. Should the Tiger Lords get past you, we'll call in our real friends. I hope that you can say the same. Good day.

To the Caravan of the Crescent
Ha, that's hilarious! We LIKE you, you're funny. Though, er, we were kind of hoping you weren't going to have to fight right off the bat. War's messy, tends to disrupt our king's decadent revelry and all that. And he doesn't have a THING to wear that's suitable for a good war, yet.

Tiger Lords
LOY +++++
To the Twin Cities of Ishval
Perhaps we shall travel inland. We plan to be here a while, we shall have much time to see what's over there. Good journey and die well.

@The Wisps
Unruffled by Magnus, Wolfheart looks to Bloodmaw. "I see no lies. The oath is good." Wolfheart says, voicing words for the first time.

Bloodmaw stands and paces back and forth, a tiger in behavior now as he thinks, holding his rage at bay until it can serve him...

"These Orders. And Pitax and Gralton. Four lesser nations, a pack of dogs, just like the bastard said. A pack of dogs to bring down even a tiger... Sat right in my tent, and told me to my face what he'd do. Pompous bastard..."

He stops, and looks to Wolfheart. "Double the patrols along the northern border. Make sure wise men are there too, not just braves eager for battle. If they want to point us at the wolves, then that's where trouble will-" He breaks off.

"Has Helsdottir returned from the beastman's lands with the namewinners yet?"

"No." Wolfheart looks worried.

Bloodmaw does some math in his head, and gives a growl of frustration. "Watch for her. Send word the second she returns. We must trust in her might. If she falls to treachery then she was too weak for our purposes anyway."
More collected now, he sits back down facing Magnus.

"We thank you for this gift, bitter though it is. We will give you a gift in return, once we find one appropriate to match it. We shall not speak of your part in this... Though we will confront our betrayers if indeed they try treachery."

His eyes go black. "If they do us treachery then, well. We know where we shall conquer next after we take the northwestern land. We shall NOT be merciful."

"If you have a preference as to your gift, let me know. Otherwise, I have much to plan. Lionspride will walk you back, though you need his company not to arrive safely home."
(OOC: Just so you know that whole business with the truth spell was mainly flavor. D&D's got truth spells but total war doesn't. No way to enforce the mechanics beyond honor.)

2011-09-16, 10:49 AM
To the Caravan of the Crescent
Ha, that's hilarious! We LIKE you, you're funny. Though, er, we were kind of hoping you weren't going to have to fight right off the bat. War's messy, tends to disrupt our king's decadent revelry and all that. And he doesn't have a THING to wear that's suitable for a good war, yet.

Caravan of the Crescent
LOY: ++++-

Oh, we're glad ya found it funn Lawds and Lasses. We've a sayin bout ta camp ya ken? A laugh a day keeps ta boot rot away an so fort'. We ain't itchin fer a fight neither but if'n it's commin we're earnin tat gold. No member o'our lots gonna be skippin out on it ya see? You tell ya Lawd to rest easy an' have a pint on us. We'll keep ya safe even if'n we gotta pull from our own pockets. Ta merc's is fer us oter mercs, jus ta be careful. Maybe when we git there we'll tell ya what'tis we're so worried 'bout. But tat'll cost ya extra.

2011-09-16, 07:36 PM
Four Kingdoms
LOY: ++++

The Wisps [PM]

Rutmore had learned much about the Wisps, more then any other human he imagined. Still, there were many questions he would like answered. How did they managed to stay hidden for so long? Are they willing to hold a long alliance with mortal folk? How the other leaders of the Four Kingdoms going to react when they find that the people who deals were made with are really these... creatures? Those questions would have to wait, he had a massage to deliver and it was time.

"Well met great king. For long have we been neighbors but now we must come together as allies. Even now the Tiger Lords burn from the East, the moth riders of Evenholm stir, and the great dragon Verdagathrous awakens. Evenholm sends out scouts to look for fresh hunting grounds (claiming that they are simply 'training') and Verdagathrous has kingdoms eating out of his claws. Such military powers cannot be trusted to keep peaceful. I prose that we give them the war they look for by sending the Tiger Lords to their gates. Let the barbarians slay each other I'm sure that you, with your mighty espionag network, can easily succeed in this.

OCC: Want to still trade ++++ temp. magic for my ++++ temp esp.? The only difference will be that I wont get the free ride with the messages. It will have to wait for next turn though.

2011-09-17, 07:17 PM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

The Noble Guild
Howdy! Our VIP adventurer was injured pretty badly in that dungeon we were all exploring. I figure potions would be helpful in reviving him. Would you be willing to trade your potion for a chest of + coins?
Very well. We will send you a tribute of - temporary economy.
Coalition of the Forest
OOC: Yes! Smurfs is very similar to what I am going for.
IC: Okay - how much economy did you want in exchange for the magical teachings?
What purposes does the circle serve? Would we be able to use it at all?
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards
Yes - we would be very interested in a peace treaty!
Order of the Ruby Chalice
Ah, but the dragon incident is most fortunate! Rather than helping you slay it, I would prefer to spend my resources subduing it and having it work for Gobtopia. We're not much of a warlike people so I'd much prefer to make a new friend!

If you're interested in lending us some resources to help out, we'd pay you back. Having a large group of military might scare her into settling for peace. Otherwise we ask that you please don't hurt the dragon... we'll take care of it.
GM - Black Dragon
Hello might dragon whose treasure hoard we actually stumbled upon!.... We meant no harm. We are the Great City of Gobtobia and we come with peace and offerings. We'd like to negotiate a pact with you because we think you'd really like working with us. What is is that you seek? A massive treasure hoard to spend your years incubating? Daring adventures and dungeons to plunder, perhaps allowing you to prove yourself against formidable opponents? Many cows to feast upon? That and more can be yours if you join our nation. We just want to know what it is you desire because that's what we're all about - making people happy!

OOC: Can I spend stats now to begin working on the dragon? I would like to get an idea of what sort of thing she's looking for before spending a bunch of stats on making her happy at EOT. If so, here's my plan:
Sent - economy in the form of meat and a chest of ++ coins that we stole from a dungeon. That is a peace offering to perhaps make her happier and listen to our offer. While my people are giving her the offering, I would have + magic and my ++ scrolls be used to cast a spell that makes the dragon's friendliness towards us increase. I would then use my full reputation score to talk to her about joining us... we're a really great people and we keep our promises. If we promise her gold or glory, she'll get it. Hopefully that spell counts.

Also, if that is not enough to make her friendly and consider our offer, I have a question... could we get an estimate of her stats? I don't want to spend 20 stats to find out she's worth like... ++. But I don't want to be spending in increments of +++++ to find out she's worth 20.

2011-09-17, 07:32 PM
Coalition of the Forest

Gobtopia Loyalty: ++++

However much you think is appropriate, but I figure ++++ would be more than enough to get us started.

2011-09-17, 07:36 PM
Coalition of the Forest
OOC: Why is it that you're spending ++++ magic in two games to teach my nation nature-related knowledge in exchange for me helping to build more tangible infrastructure with my economy... weird. :smalltongue:

Excellent! We've already handpicked a group of hobgoblin students to learn some of this druidic knowledge.

2011-09-17, 07:45 PM
Coalition of the Forest

(OOC: I know, it's crazy. And in both games, I'm playing a race of beastmen, and you're playing a group of goblins. CRAZINESS!)

Excellent. Archdruid Atticus will be on his way with some of our best druid teachers.

2011-09-17, 08:00 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +

To the Wisps (PM Level Security)
The Warden smiles.
"I agree, Shadow King. But as you say that benefit could be gained from an agreement with you, I must then ask... What would you be willing to do for us, and what would you like in return? I would indeed like to have friendship with your organisation, but it is important then that we work together, and we cannot unless we know what each of us wants from the other."

2011-09-17, 10:30 PM
The Wisps

To Gobotopia
Hail, Goblin lords.

You impress us with your work in the monstrous lair of Nezhull. There is a dungeon within our borders that we ask for your aid in exploring ourselves. No one else is permitted here, goblins; it is an exclusive offer.

Lest you see Red,
Isdor, of the Wisps

To the Coalition of the Forest
The Shadow King has spoken. Let this be a token of trust between our crescent homes.
OOC: Ugh, I am SICK of all these secret conversations I’ve gotten tangled into. I vow to keep them to a minimum next turn >.o

To Evenholm [PM-Level]
A brief clench of the grip at the word ‘organization’ used to designate his people, but Isdor’s patience prevails.

“Our first understanding will be a trial of your merit.

The river-humans will only unite while their kings and lords survive to do so. They draw breath because we permit them to breathe. Suggest but a land whose head is a pester; we will revoke that privilege.”

He relaxes into the back of his throne. A modest proposal, but a test of trust indeed.

“I would fill your lips with promises of payment, but you reveal more by yourself. What would you have your people offer my own?”

To the Tiger Lords [PM-level]
“The Shadow King asks only that you do not spread yourself thin, accounting on the affairs of Dogs. There is a deadlier enemy we would have you strike, Tiger Lords, whose strength rivals even your own. You will wish your men your mightiest, then.”

Magnus smiles.

“But do not concern yourself now, warchief. You have war to be had.

"Lest you see Red," he adds, before slipping away.

To the Four Nations [PM-level]
The Shadow King sits low atop his throne. He leans forward, scrutinizing the every detail of the Lord Rutmore as though each feature were deserving of his personal consideration. He does not speak for a long time. When he does, it is in a hollow, ghostly noise, which is not his voice itself but the vibrations of which mimic the words of common.
“Fortune has brought you to me as an ally
And for that, my prayers are most grateful.
It is a tragedy, to be obliged to slay friends.” Isdor “smiles.” It is very hard to distinguish a smile from one behind a mask, but you conjecture the feeling in his emotion anyway.
“You uncover a plan already at work.

The Tiger Lords have been made enraged towards those who would weaken them, and when at their mightiest, they will be indebted to thunder upon those that we choose.”

He tilts his head- a hint of curiosity.

“How would your people benefit or works?"
OOC: Sorry, I made arrangements for the majority of my magic this turn. Maybe next time!

2011-09-17, 11:38 PM
Four Nations

The Wisps [PM]
We are not so selfish to start war for only our benefit, we seek to protect the many people of the River Kingdoms. If the Tiger Lord's sword cannot be stayed, as least have it pointed at those who would torment the people of this realm. The moth riders Evenholm have planned to set scouts to many kingdoms, not just my own. I would rather that their military be directed at the Tiger Lords rather then the peaceful people of this land.

For this good deed, all the people who would have been victims will be grateful, and in time, you can reveal your involvement and they will be in dept to you.

2011-09-17, 11:56 PM

To the Wisps (PM Level)
"Intresting. We would be intrested in that arrangement. In return... I know not what you want. However, we could perhaps offer you transport. How much faster could your operations be if they could move by moth, and how much easier might it be to coordinate?"

2011-09-18, 12:23 AM

We are the Order of the Ruby Chalice. What we wish is to find and protect ancient artifacts and magical items throughout the River Kingdoms. We wanted to offer our hand in mutual friendship for future arrangements.

Yeah... uh, we'll see. If the Dragon will leave us alone, sure, but as long as it is in our territory we are going to try to kill it.

2011-09-18, 01:55 AM
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

Goptopia (++++)

Galahad the Great,

we are most happy to hear this. Oath of Neutrality: "I, Artorus the Archmage in a name of Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards swear not to take any hostile actions against Goptopia. "

We like to made it public, official Oath.

Artorus the Archmage

Ps. We have a deal. I am sending potions (+).

2011-09-18, 04:11 AM
End of Turn

The Caravan of the Crescent makes the long trip to the boarders of Pitax to accept the job as mercenaries to the boarder patrols of the nation. They send a single delegation into the city to meet with those in charge of the money and of course spend a little time partying and trade in the city. In the mean while they send a concerted effort into rounding up more men to aid them in their mission with the promise of money, gold and glory. The end of turn sees the Caravan putting down stakes in Pitax, the Caravan having found a resting place. For now.


The Caravan starts up a trade agreement with the Coalition of the Forest to trade their goods in the Markets of Pitax in agreement for building supplies. They also make an agreement with the nation of Everholm to not stand in the way should the mothriders choose to invade the nation of Pitax for two temporary ++ until such an invasion is to occur

Searching for Merc's using ++++ (Four Temp from Everholm and Pitax) and ++ from the Crescents own stores for a total of six +++++ +

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-18, 11:17 AM
OOC: Can I spend stats now to begin working on the dragon? I would like to get an idea of what sort of thing she's looking for before spending a bunch of stats on making her happy at EOT. If so, here's my plan:
Sent - economy in the form of meat and a chest of ++ coins that we stole from a dungeon. That is a peace offering to perhaps make her happier and listen to our offer. While my people are giving her the offering, I would have + magic and my ++ scrolls be used to cast a spell that makes the dragon's friendliness towards us increase. I would then use my full reputation score to talk to her about joining us... we're a really great people and we keep our promises. If we promise her gold or glory, she'll get it. Hopefully that spell counts.

Also, if that is not enough to make her friendly and consider our offer, I have a question... could we get an estimate of her stats? I don't want to spend 20 stats to find out she's worth like... ++. But I don't want to be spending in increments of +++++ to find out she's worth 20.

All right, you can spend ststs now. So we'll count that - ECON and ++ coins, as well as the + MAG and the ++ scrolls as spent. Be sure to record them in your EOT and do not spend them elsewhere.

She's currently a "Rampaging Monster", which is a bit bigger than a VIP, but less than a nation. As such, she's got an effective value of ++++ in whatever she does, but she can only take actions that suit her nature and type of critter. So any stats you put up against her would be reacted to by her strength of ++++. Of course, the dice influence things either way, so the more stats the better.

2011-09-18, 03:08 PM
The Wisps
Loyalty: ++++
(Here's hoping this ties up all loose ends before the EOT)

To the Order of the Ruby Chalice
Your messenger walks not fifty meters into the woods when he hears faint a *click* resonate from his step. For all the terrible things that might befall this poor soul… not a one happens to him. The trap’s trigger has been disabled; the Wisps have already seen him coming. In place of the message his lords had sent, lies a replacement that they had not:

Golden trinkets to lure a man
Bright gemstones to befriend him
Satin silks to gird his loins-
One nether blade to end him.
Of luxuries you may pursue
Heed- these lands are not for you.

OOC: Sorry; already made an offer to let Gobotopia in, and I can't afford any more than one foreign nation. Wisps are awfully testy of adventurers as is =/


To Evenholm [PM-level]
Isdor is on his throne. Isdor is not on his throne. In the blink of an eye, (only you hadn’t blinked,) he is standing near a bookshelf, examining the selection, perfectly still as he was but a moment ago.

“We move quickly enough, thank you.

Though for speed of words, I would have you teach us the tongue of the moths; and I, in turn, will show you to speak without making a sound. But these are matters that can be discussed over your stay, and time draws short for now. Inform your scribe that there is banquet on the eve, to rejoice in our good relations and future cooperation. Perhaps, for now, we can mark that we are simply entering an agreement of… ‘exchanging favors.’

Agree to this, and we will escort your accomplice from this place; my brother will show you to your room, while I must see to some personal matters.

Make yourself comfortable, Warden of Evenholm.”

OOC: The Warden will stay with us for the next turn; hope with your 6 VIP’s that you won’t miss him too much ;p

To the Four Kingdoms [PM-level]

“I am sorry, Lord Rutmore… but as I said, you uncover a plan already at work. Certain sacrifices have been made as necessity to gaining the Tiger Lord’s trust. Short of turning back time, there is nothing I can do. Do not dwell on this. There is much more to be done.”

Isdor relaxes into the back of his throne, musing over the man before him.

“Your yearning for peace is an admirable endeavor, but it is a rare political reality to permit that luxury. When war is upon us… what will you do?”

2011-09-18, 04:37 PM
End of Turn actions

((Keeping the original aspects of the plan))
Econ 1, Magic 1
A'donia is going to work on making the main cities look normal reguardless of what actually happens on the surface. This will be a mix of achitectural policies of which encourage building downward rather than upward or outward, as well as some illusions set to encourage observers to enjoy the scenery rather than the sky-line.

Lademna and Enfyr are up to their usual duties, nothing major there.

Zedana will be looking into some Elemental studies to see what, if any, spirits of the swamps might be called up in case of an invasion; normal magical creatures or denizens of the swamps would work too, though that would require more diplomacy than magic. (Not sure what sort of ability score to apply to this, guessing Adventurers, at which point using 2)

Magic 1, Econ 1
Since we're starting in spring, the rivers are likely to flood with the thaw, so Medalious will probably be busy working to divert the water and improve the irrigation infrastructure.

Magic 1, Esp 3
Denaria will be asked to take a look to the East and see what sort of aid the Azurites might be able to send to slow down the Tiger folks.

Magic 2
Vedalious will be working on the conduit idea; basically, an arcane construct that allows spells to be cast through it and into a different area rather than its normal range. First stage will probably be casting into anywhere within the starting territory, but later would be growing into an arcane rail-way or rail-gun (depending on the spell used) extending into the surrounding territories. I don't expect this to be a success any time soon.

((And for some additional stuffs :3))
Loyalty 5, Stability 5, Adventurers 2
I expect that the people's support and the consistancy of their lives is very important to the Federation's daily operation and survival, and that their leaders would never want to threaten that, but with things hsifting the way they are beyond our boarders, some changes may be necesary. I don't mean for our farmers to suddenly give up farming, nor to displace anyone who wouldn't have moved of their own volition, but some new ways of going about our lives and our duties are going to be availble soon, and so the Azurites as a whole are going to be asking their of their people's patience, dedication, and willingness to learn as they begin to impliment new policies to help improve life for the Federation as a whole without comprimising the livelyhoods of its citizens.

To that end, a call has gone out to the adventurers of the land; Come home for a little while, and remember the folks who set you on your path. Pay that experience forward, and see if you can't use your talents and powers to help the communities. To the warriors and combatants, lend your arms and experience to the people that stand guard vigilant over the walls and on the streets of our towns. To the faithful and devoted, spread your confidence and your patron's blessings as you see fit. To the daring and the wild, help from the shadows, and perhaps give others a glimps of your work from your own perspective. To the scholars and spellcasters, see how your magic might aid others in their regular course, or perhaps even volunteer to work along with our own council on their grander projects.

Of course we would not ask this without compensation in mind. For proof of such endevours, the Council will arange for a return investment in your own abilities; Training from our warbasters, tax-breaks on a given faith, opertunities to work with our own gentlefolk of curiosity and humor, or access to the Council's knowledge. Alternative compensation is up for discussion, though a solid argument will be needed and proof absolutely certian if such is the case.

((As for what I'm trying to do; getting Adventurers to help out around the community (econ boost) as well as help the people out and help in keeping the peace (Loyalty/Stability boost) improve the capactiy of the population on a mass scale and on an individual basis (either Econ or Adventurer boost) and start looking for folks willing to work with the state on a regular basis to help with the projects we have in mind (Espionage and Magic boosts) all with one edict/policy. There are probably results I haven't considered here, and I suppose some backlash will happen, but I'm dedicating two of my heaviest resources to the task, and since I'm trying to do this in several fields, I'm pretty sure the DC will be pretty difficult, so the +12 above shouldn't be wasted >.>; ))

2011-09-18, 08:54 PM
(OOC- That wasn't a petition for letting me search your land, it was explaining my group and offering friendship. I hadn't talked to you yet, so I wanted to give a good impression. Believe me, if I want something I tend not be subtle. )

2011-09-18, 09:39 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +

To the Wisps (PM Level)
"I thank you for the offer, but I have business to attend to at home, and thus I must leave this hearth."

OOC: Yeah, right. I need my PM communication. If you are willing to give us something, then perhaps we will accept that.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-19, 10:53 AM
Dungeon Trips, EOT 1

The Circle Cairn in Sevenarches Territory
(Sevenarches, Verdagathrous)
Loyalty: +++

Nature Revealed! Fae Home
Sevenarches ADV +++ and Tervilish. Explored 6 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 7. Dungeon Events: Monster Released! Loot: A sack of precious stones (+++++) and a Beautiful Art Object (+)
Ending Dungeon Size: 14

Verdagathrous' hired adventurers +++. Forced to withdraw at the first encounter with - casualties. No dungeon events. No loot. Verdagathrous ADV attempted to vandalize the dungeon on the way out and failed.
Ending Dungeon Size: 14

Scouts report that the Circle Cairn is getting more dangerous... And more rewarding.

An Unseelie Lord has been released from the Circle Cairn dungeon! He is currently hunting mortals for fun in Sevenarches territory!

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-20, 03:42 PM
Spring is long behind, and the year turns again... The first blood is shed, the first nation ended, and the intrigues have begun, as the young nations and monsters of the lands struggle to gain advantage over their neighbors...

Unprovoked and undeclared, the moth riders of Evenholm swarm from their mountain to descend upon the lands of Pitax. The Caravan of the Crescent hastily steps aside, and they are spared. The Moth riders put the fleeing armies of Pitax to the spear, slaughter the populace, and pile their corpses high within the city walls. King Irovetti, his mistress, and the troll lord Gthudd escape, but not without cost. The King's injuries are great. Still, they do not interrupt his voice, as he loudly denounces both Evenholm and the Caravan of the Crescent to any who will listen. He calls the Caravan Oathbreakers, who betrayed them to Evenholm. As respected as he is, the rest of the river nations listen...

Wandering in the wilderness, homeless and underprotected, the survivors of Pitax are nonetheless still rich. The King's Mistress offers a fortune in coin (Permanent ECON ++-) to anyone who allows the Pitaxians to occupy a territory and protects them while they recover.

OOC Explanation
The Pitaxians have one turn to find territory, otherwise they are removed from play. They cannot be attacked during this turn, as the refugees will merely scatter. They can either move into unoccupied territory or a PC or NPC can cut a deal with them and give them one of their own territories. The dealmaker loses this territory, and Pitax gains it.

This is how it works for anyone who loses their last territory. One turn to find new territory or the eternal void, friends.

Last year, shortly before Yule, the Noble Guild undertook a mighty ritual! The skies shook with power, and a thousand heavenly harps were heard as demons and devils across the lands screamed and wept in agony. A Daeva has been called to earth out of the celestial heavens, to aid the Noble Guild in their endeavors.

Though only seen from a distance to date, he is reported to be pudgy, wear spectacles, and is never seen without an abacus in his hand. If he's got a fiery sword it's pretty well hidden.

Mercenaries bearing a tunic with the mark of the green dragon have been sighted patrolling the lands of the Noble Guild and Gobtopia. They confirm that they are in the employ of Verdagathrous, and have assisted in catching bandits and killing various wandering monsters.

The druids of Sevenarches have built a great stone circle in the middle of territory 5. The settlers of the Four Kingdoms do not seem to mind its presence, and the druids tend it well, despite it being outside of their territory.

Awakened and angry, the dragoness Nerzhull the Black rampages through the lands belonging to the Order of the Ruby Chalice! She doesn't manage to achieve much... A few villages in her path are evacuated, then she makes the mistake of attacking Havenholm.

Oddly enough, outside the walls she runs into a diplomatic party of hobs from Gobtopia. They offer her cake and punch and her stolen gold back. The diplomatic party actually consists of about twenty highly skilled hob adventurers, let by the leader of Gobtopia himself, Galahad the great!

Nonetheless, negotiations go well... Especially when she caught the scent of the adventurers who originally stole her treasure!

That's about the point that Wardenmaster Sir Godric Tyrson, in full Hellknight regalia, leads a fierce group of adventurous members of the Order in a full scale assault. Utilizing spells to keep her grounded, and powerful healing, they were starting to wear Nerzhull down when Verdagathrous himself hurtled out from under a nearby river and slammed her into a small hill! The delighted adventurers moved in for the kill... But Verdagathrous stopped them.

No one knows exactly what was said, but at the end of the day, Nerzhull slunk away defeated, following the goblins back to Gobtopia where she presumably now abides and recovers from her injuries.

Not long after the Nerzhull incident, Verdagathrous had been sighted plucking one of the cows for his midday meal out of the tribute pen, as was his custom. Ten minutes later, presumably while he was enjoying dinner back in his lair, a massive explosion blew dust out of the lair's entrance and the great wyrm could be heard roaring in pain. He wasn't seen for a few days, and the rumors of his death were circulating, but recent high-level flybys of his familiar silhouette have been sighted since. His lower jaw looks strange, though... As if it's been severely damaged.

The Tiger Lords have made their way into the unoccupied land west of their turf (Territory 23), claiming it for their own. Travelers through their land have reported that their rudimentary guard patrols are no longer seen... Rumors abound of ripped, eaten bodies of the patrollers found by the northern border, clearly mauled by beasts... The Tiger Lords are saying little, but they are much less friendly to outsiders, and their armies are gathering in the north of their lands, of late...

A great fire swept over the reclusive nation of Sevenarches, destroying much woodland and killing several fae before it was stopped. The druids started an investigation, but were interrupted by a mishap. The Faerie dragon Tervillish and his best buddies in the ADVENTURE! club accidently unleashed an Unseelie Lord from the Circle Cairn. The Lord has since been ambushing lone travelers, kidnapping babies, and generally being wicked.

And so the new year begins...

2011-09-20, 04:04 PM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

Crowds of hobgoblins stood at the gates as Nerzhull the Dragon, despite being injured, limped through the gates of Gobtopia next to Galahad the Great. Sir Khelben, Master Adventurer! was seen looking healthier than ever and rushing to help the great dragon to a place where she could be treated. "Ya know... your name lacks.... hm, character! Around here we believe in giving fun titles to the greats who lead us. We simply must do something about that name of yours," he said, grinning.

Despite his victory in scoring a new friend for the hobgoblins, Galahad the Great was not smiling. There was violence and trouble around the River Kingdoms and that just would not do. "Hobgoblins! I would like to announce that great tragedies have occurred to other nations in this splendid region! While our happy people have been fortunate to not only live in peace, but make friends in our short time here, others have been killed or raided. We have invited the noble people of Pitax to settle the land nearby that we had intentions of building upon ourselves. Please treat them with the kindness that characterizes all of our people. Additionally, our friends in Sevenarches are plagued with violence from a creature that broke from their dungeons. We will be doing whatever we can to help them!"

I am so sorry to hear what happened to you and your nation! I offer you our newly acquired lands (30) for a home. We have not yet made a settlement there, so we would invite you to take up residence. Anything to help out another nation for the sake of peace and stability in the River Kingdoms.
It troubles me greatly to hear of the tragedies your nation has had to face. Is there any way we can help?

Also, we've recently learned some druidic magic ourselves. I know you wanted to build that circle in our land and I was wondering if you would let us in on how it works. Perhaps we can both benefit from it!
Order of the Ruby Chalice
See? Nothing kindness can't solve!
The Wisps
I won't try to pretend that my adventurers have it in them to turn down an offer like that! They love mysterious adventures. Might I ask why you've chosen us exclusively to search it for you? Is there something you're looking for?
Coalition of the Forest
Dude! Your druids are awesome! Thanks for the lessons - I hope my gold was able to be put to good use.

We hope you enjoyed our tribute! We're very sad to hear that others were less than kind to you in their gifts. Let us know if we can help.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-20, 04:29 PM

"Treachery! Oathbreakers!" The dragon's roars can be heard from miles around. "Gobtopia, you traitors! You think that a simple trick like that can kill a dragon? You fools! I vow here and now that I will do everything in my power to make sure that the second law is enforced against the goblins of Gobtopia! Oathbreakers Die!"

To Nerzhull: Now is your last chance Nerzhull the black. Side with an elder dragon or side with the Oathbreaking Hobgoblins. With or without you, Gobtopia will fall.

To Evenholm: I call upon you, great moth riders, to aid me so that I may one day aid you as well. The goblins of Gobtopia broke their oath by sabotaging their meat in an effort to kill me. For this every single Goblin of that nation must die. Will you help me?

To Ruby Chalice: I admit I was hesitant to kill a fellow dragon and hoped it would not come to that. However, if you truly wish to kill Nerzhul, I will be glad to help give you a second chance. Fight with me against Nerzhull and Gobtopia so that the black dragon will never threaten you again and so that the goblins that released it upon you may be punished.

2011-09-20, 04:40 PM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

In an effort to continue a fruitful friendship with the great Verdagathrous, I would implore nations with a sizable amount of espionage to approach Gobtopia with offers of your services. We have no agents to speak of which explains why we were obviously not the culprit but an easy frame job. If the wise Verdagathrous would please give us the time, we will pay to have the situation investigated.

If Verdagathrous would rather attack our innocent nation without taking the time to get his eyes checked, I will be very disappointed but we will defend ourselves nonetheless. Our soldiers are made to help the weak though, not fight wars.

What? We were framed. I implore you to look at all the knowledge you have in front of you. All of our VIPs were accounted for, so it would be impossible for us to communicate privately and we have no espionage to speak for. The hobgoblins look only for peace - why would we be stupid enough to anger such a great friend and how would we do so even if we wanted to?

2011-09-20, 04:58 PM
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

Loyalty: ++++

To Gobtopia and Verdagathrous
We usualy don't get involved, but if wish we could help you. I could send my most talented seer (Vip:Loren d'Argents -elf, high cleric of All-Seeing Eye) and specialistsof security (++++ temp Loyalty) to investigate. Our price is ++++ temp eco or magic.

Artorus the Arcamage

OOC: VIP is for free.

2011-09-20, 05:08 PM
You have made a mess of this one. Now the Green Dragon is angry. Tut tut. I will try to help, but he seems mighty angry.


Allow us to investigate this travesty my lord. Usually I would give my whole support but the Goblins are my neighbors and I feel relativly vulnerable to an attack by them. Chaptermistress Trianna specializes in divination, so we can get to the real culprits. I can, of course, send our best cleric to heal your wound.

If you still wish to wage war, we will aid you.

We recently conquered a new area, that we would be willing to allow you to house yourselves in. We are far away from the Tiger Lords and Evenholm, AND we have not recently angered a very large, very powerful green dragon. In fact his oath promises to protect us in times of war. Think about it.

2011-09-20, 05:33 PM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

Order of the Ruby Chalice
What do you mean we "made a mess". We didn't do anything. We didn't anger him. Someone angered him by framing us. Please do not talk down to us just because we're not used to violence.
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards
Perhaps. That would be a reasonable agreement to me.

2011-09-20, 05:48 PM
Obviously since you have recieved the fealty of a creature that wished to kill many innocent men and women. My apology if I am not in my kindest state. Despite this I will still attempt to talk the dragon out of reducing your kingdom to cinder.

2011-09-20, 05:54 PM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

Order of the Ruby Chalice
I am eager to provide the dragon with evidence to prove that we are nothing but loyal.

I do not know why you are angry with us for taking Nerzhull under our wing. We accidentally released the dragon after exploring your dungeons with your permission and we cleaned up the mess we made after telling you we would do so. We prefer to do things with as little bloodshed as possible, and there is no shame in that.

2011-09-20, 06:03 PM
Caravan of the Crescent

Everholm (PM level)

"We were good on our word, jus' like we said we'd be. Maybe yer intrested in anoter deal? Hit us up mate, we've got ta time and ya don' wanna miss tis one."

Coalition of the Forest (PM level)

"Sorry to see Pitax go but we warned ye ta Mot' riders ain't no friend if tey got sometin ta gain. But we gotta bargain for ye tat will git ya yer money and fame if'n it's what you want. An it'll keep ya and yer lot safe. What do ya say tere Dag Lawd? You wanna take out two treats wit one blow?"

The Tiger Lords (PM level)

"Oh great and powerful members o'te Tiger Lawds, we travel ta lands jes like you and your'n and don't feel no anger towards ye tryin ta take back ye ancient lands. In fact, we want's ta help ya, since tere ain't no standin in te way o'te great hurricane of blud tat ya are. Pitax is gone like dust in'ta wind, weakened and limpin o'ter uder side o'te Riverlands. Ta Everholm Mot' Riders be a big power house in ta area but not big enough fer you. Ten tere is ta Dag Lawds you be crepin up on. Ta two could be worked into a fight if'n ya wants to take out ta two of 'em in one big ol'push. We ain't askin fer a ting oter den you sparin our lot. Once dis here is done we'll get right outta da riverlands if'n tat's what the true Lawds want."

The Unseelie Lord

"Oh great boogin Lawd! We heard ye were let free and maybe gotta deal? WE ain't got no love fer ta droods or te elves tat help em. You scratch our back an' we'll give ya plenty of plunder and mischief. Ye like our patron Lawd don't ya know?"

2011-09-20, 06:25 PM
Public notice from Gobtopia:

Galahad the Great would formally like to issue an offer to all nations of the River Kingdoms. If anyone was hired to participate in the framing of our nation, we will give you gold (temp. economy) equivalent to one and a half times what you were paid to do so if you come forward with the information.

The Wisps
We look to hire your agents for an investigation. Unless you are the one responsible for framing us, no one should be able to hide from your eyes.

2011-09-20, 06:34 PM
Caravan of the Crescent
Loy: ++++-

"We'll help ya case if'n ya want Gobbo's but it'll cost ya jes a mite. We ain't greedy ya ken but we ain't rich mutters eider."

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-20, 06:40 PM

The Patrician of the guild moved through the rotunda, enjoying the sunrise. He's spent the year interviewing the new candidates, working on his painting, and otherwise enjoying the quiet time. His latest work, "Dragons in Ruby", is being hung in the darkwood gallery tomorrow morning. The viewing would be held as soon as he could find a new major domo, the last one had slept with the wrong man's teenage daughter. Arsenic in the tea, a student assassin assassin promoted to journeyman, and life had gone on. Pity about the bastard, but REALLY, if the silly girl couldn't be bothered to drink moon tea, she had best learn to change diapers and deal with social ostracism.

A presence beside him, and he nodded as Sarae Redstocking fell into an easy walk. He tapped his cane against the ground in cadence with her silent stride, and she snorted. "Well. Another year, another dearth of contracts. The city could use some business. What are you going to do about it?"

"I? Nothing, my dear."

She snorted. "Typical."

"I leave that to YOU."

"I'm no assassin, no paper pusher, and not responsible for your problems."

"Mm, perhaps not. But you ARE a woman of exquisite taste, a bard of great renown, and the finest of nobility."

Her face curdled. "All true but you want something. Spit it out."

"Spitting is hm, gauche. I was thinking perhaps a ball. A masked ball."


"A party. Invitations to all the nations. Even the little goblins. Why Verdagathrous himself could attend, with the proper shapeshifting. Masks, whispers, deals in darkened rooms... Just the thing to get people realizing that WE are quite useful in our own way. THINK of the contracts that could ensue. Think of the schemes... All we need is one upper-class dilettante to organize it. One woman of impeccable tastes. One woman whose name would be remembered as the hostess and celebrity of Daggermark's First. Annual. Whisper. Cotillon."

She sighed. "I hate you, you do realize this?"

"Inconsequential. You've got three months to prepare."

"I'll need four."

"Three and a half."

"I'll need Diamonds for a tiara. With a matching belt."

"Done for three and a half months."

As she stalked off, muttering and cursing at the amount of work necessary, the Patrician permitted himself a thin smile. All was going to plan...

It is raining, and Mari is drilling the new troops when the covered wagon rolls up. With a nod, she moves to it and raps on the door. It opens, revealing the serious face of Louis Genero.

"Pitax is gone."


"Evenholm. No warning, no quarter, no reason."

Mari removes her helm, letting the rain stream down her red hair, uncaring. "Why?"

"Greed? Anger? Who knows! Maybe no reason at all!"

"There has to be some reason!"

"Maybe something that makes sense to THEM!"

"WE HAVE TO-" The recruits are looking. She stops shouting.

"We have to find out why."

"Does it matter? It only matters to me if we are next."

She hisses between her teeth. "And the Tiger Lords?"

"They'll come. They at least make no pretense. Their goal is obvious. And when they do..."

"We'd best be ready." Mari puts her helm back on, and goes back to training the troops.

They'll need it for the times ahead.

The woods were full of snow, and strange faelike shadowmen yelling at Four Nations settlers. On the eastern edge of the territory, the miserable tents and stick shelters were all that remained of the once great nation of Pitax.

The purple-haired, purple-eyed woman sat next to the camp cot. On it, covered in bandages, lay King Irovetti. He breathed, but did not move. He drank broth when helped, and soiled his clothes every night, but otherwise he may as well be dead. The clerics could do nothing. It would take time to recover, they said. Perhaps he would regain himself, perhaps not.

She brushed her hair from her eyes, and shivered. Stupid cold. Stupid warmbloods. Always this had to happen... Falling for a human would be the death of her.

Nonetheless, her voice was firm later that night as she stood before the rest of the refugees, bringing hope to their hearts. "Already we gain replies from the warm south. We shall choose one of them, we shall strike a good bargain, as we of Pitax have done so often and so well! We shall flee to safety, far from treacherous gypsies and evil mothmen! It is hard now but soon, soon we live in peace!"

The cheer is ragged, but it will suffice. It increases to a howl as she continues, her voice lower and darker. "And once we have rebuilt, we shall have VENGEANCE!"

Sehlonna looks at the vast plain, filled with black ash and bones. Once these were woods. Now... Now they are ruins. Her hood is flipped up as she walks away.

Lost in her own thought, she does not see the shadow fall across her, and as the elf-shot strikes her back, she freezes, paralyzed. Her eyes flick around in panic as before her, a pale, elflike thing clad in silks of air and darkness, thin rapier at his side and cruel, pale face drawn but handsome. He looks her over, cupping one unmoving cheek with a hand gloved in baby's skin. "Hm. Ugly."

Her eyes flick back and forth in panic as his retinue spills from the woods. Mites and Fomori and Boggins, and worse.

His hand draws back and he considers, a cruel smile playing across his face. "Quite ugly. But perhaps you can run fast. I'll give you to the count of five to become unparalyzed and flee. Ready?"

She strains against the spell, but as he grins there's a PULSE, and what's left of the woods rustle. The evil fae frowns. Another PULSE, and she's free, and drawing in nature's power from the wave, and he sneers. Even before she hurls flame at him his body is falling into maple leaves, gone and dust before the fire. The rest of his court fades away, as if they never were.

"The first circle is activated." She whispers to herself, as the pulse settles, and evens out. Soon it is indistinguishable from the rest of the world's background hum.

"The first circle is activated and not a moment too soon."


Warchief Bloodmaw is disgusted, saddened, and angry. But he does not retch, as the scout does. He does not look away as the shaman's apprentice does. He does not weep, as the wife of the slaughtered hunter does.

Warchiefs do not do such things. Warchiefs go to war. And his time will come soon.

The target is obvious, the blame unmistakeable.. He moves through the clearing full of blood and gore, ignoring the organs which squash under his feet, ignoring the claw-rent corpses. Wolfheart moves by his side, adroitly avoiding that which Bloodmaw plows through.

Finally, the two reach the river that borders between this part of their land and that of the Coalition of the Forest.

"The answer is obvious. Helsdottir's story confirms it." His voice is quiet.

Wolfheart knows his moods. "Yet you hesitate."

"The... Gifts that were given to me by... That one, suggest that this is a lie. A scheme to get us fighting northwards."

"Paper. Meaningless civilized words."

"You yourself said he spoke truth."

"Truth as he believed it. He could have been fooled as well. I know beast men. I know the marks they leave. These marks are on these slaughtered men. And there is Helsdottir's account."

"She is as vulnerable to magic and deception as any other."

"He tried to kill her, and he was a beast-man. That is a hard trick to pull!"

Bloodmaw is silent again. Then, slowly, he rubs his chin. "What did the carriage rider say? Something about packs of dogs?"

"He said that even the mightiest tiger might be brought down by a pack of dogs."

"Yes..." Bloodmaw's eyes look to the horizon. There is a gleam within them. "So long as the pack is fighting the tiger. Come. We have work to do. Words to write."

Wolfheart shakes his head. "Words? What words?"

"I shall tell you... And I think you will like this idea."

The two men walked back through the field of gore as the sun set in the west...

2011-09-20, 06:44 PM
"Well, that was rather unexpected, though I suppose we should have known that we aren't the biggest threat in the part of the realm,"Medalious mused as the recounting of the season's events finished.
"Of course we're not, you dolt," Lademna snapped, "Our army is hardly worth note, our boarders are poorly kept and we have nothing of value up here anyway, at least not until we can make something of this muck."
"Speaking of Muck, would anyone care to hear about how I've been trouncing through it for a month and have naught to show for it because Someone didn't think to alocate additional resources to my projects?"
"You're right Zedana, I surely should have let our people wash away with the spring thaw, that sounds like a much less constructive use of my time. Don't worry, with that out of the way we should be able to focus more on local improvements rather than saving the populace."
"Don't be obtuse just because you know how Med, I'm bothered because I could have been doing something useful and instead of running a state I've been hopping in the damn mud. Let's try not to waste valuable time in the future, hmm?"

There is a slight pause in the council room as tempers fall and papers are shuffled.
"On to the next orWeder of business then? Lovely. We're aware of the situation between the Tiger Lords and the Coalition. If they're driven to conflict, Evenholme may have some new neighbors, but I doubt its going to be any of our business unless we have something to gain from one or the other falling."
"Which we don't, as of yet," Vedalious piped in.
Then on to Our new neighbors, or rather, the ones that are now our Only neighbors on this side of the Highreach now. I doubt that they'll stop there unless given reason to do so."
"No sense in starting a fight we can't win. We'll send an envoy to see if they can't be reminded that we're still certainly not any 'Gem of the North', or if they'd rather have our help voluntarially rather than by force of arms. If nothing else, Evenholme would be dealing with rebellions for a century.
"And Pitax? They've never attacked our boarders, but I imagine that taking in any refugees would likely antagonize Evenholme and risk any diplomatic efforts."
"Unfortunate, but true."
Medalious sighs, looking down at the table gloomily. "Unfortunate indeed. Very well then, Pitax will find no refuge here."


At this point, Lademna gestures to A'donia, who then activates the illusions of the council members standing up and moving from the table, filtering out slowly with Lademna and Enfyr staying a few moments after to speak on famillial matters. After five minutes of silence, the council resumes.
"Thank you A'donia. Now then, to actions."

"Pitax won't find refuge here, but we can't ignore that their reward offered is something we dearly need, especially if Evenholme can't be placated anyway. I propose that we offer the refugee leader a place on the council, and citizenship for the refugees. Pitax will cease to be, and the Federation grows. Any conflicts?"

The council nods their agreement, and Medalious goes on.
"Very well then. Zedana, I'll be going along personally to help out. I'm not as attuned to summoning, but I know the currents and flows of the swamps, and I should be able to help."
"Finally. Alright, we'll set out soon, but I want a few days in civilization first."
"Fair enough. Lademna, Enfyr? We may need to repel an invasion from our boarders. We need to have some standing armed forces. We won't win in a straight up conflict though, so put the army to guarding our towns and cities; we'll see if those adventuring folks we brought in are willing to try their hand at geurilla warfare for a while. If you can, get some of our own people to help as guides and trackers; woodsmen and glade-walkers and the like. "
"We'll see to it."
"Veddy, Pitax fell to aireal combatants, but that's Your realm here. We either need a way to match their air-superiority, or we need to take them out of the skies. I don't care how, maybe a bit of both, but we Must force them to fight in the swamps, or else make flying such a high casualty rate as to make them useless."
Vedalious nods, contemplating for a moment. ""The Conduit project hasn't prooved fruitful yet, but that might be one way to counter their flyers; If we can put a spell just about anywhere in the air, they'll be easy pickings for Lademna and Enfyr. With the new apprentices we've brought in it might be viable to set that up. Additionally, I'll look into bringing the northern storms around the mountainside. We probably won't get the full effect, but we could have a Mistral blowing over the countryside to discourage them."
"Do it. I'll send the new help up to your facilities in Windsweep.
A'Donia, I need you to cover our tracks with the Pitax dissappearance, and to leave whatever surprises you can along our boarder after they're through. Anything you can do to buy us time in the event of Evenholme's assault."

"It will be done."
"Yes, I can keep an eye on our boarders and will do my best to give you a warning when they decide to invade."
..."When, not If?"

OOC: How does one prey on the Stability of another nation?

@Evenholme, Loyalty +++++ +
Greetings and Salutations.

We would like to first, congratulate you on your stunning and sudden victorious conquest of Pitax. It was a well-directed and efficiently executed maneuver, and we were very impressed and surprised to find ourselves suddenly land-locked in terms of neighbors.

That said, Pitax had never invaded our boarders, but was very lax about its security on the northern boarders which lead to a number of vagabonds and ruffians making trouble for our southern settlements, so seeing someone who can actually patrol their territory and keep track of their people should, we hope, be an improvement.

However, we have little reason to assume that we are not next on the chopping block, what with those Training Exercises last season. To that end, we would like to do two things;
First, we have sent an envoy to Pitax with the intent of offering them heartfelt sympathies, and subsequently asking them not to examine the real-estate market up north, as we really haven't much of it ourselves and aren't inclined to share with the mad king and his asociates.
Second, we ask what you would demand of us in order to continue the Federation's slow process of improving the livelyhood and living expectations of the populous. We haven't much to offer ecconomically, but can perhaps be of asistance in magical matters, providing support against other arcanists, knowledge of spellcraft and even some of our own 'casters to aid you in your endevours elsewhere.

Evenholme has been at our boarder before this, and has never agrieed us before. With your folks being our only neighboring state now, it is more important than ever to us that our relationship remain an amicable one.

-The Azurite Representative Council

(In a message from the Azurite Federation.)
You have our sincerest condolences for the recent tragedies that have befallen you and your people. It is with fond memories of a jovial and lively kingdom that we shall remember Pitax, and with sadness that we watch it depart.

We are furthermore unable to aid your people in their time of need, as there is little enough for the Federation as it is, and the burdon of taking in refugees at a time like this would be too much for our people to bear.
Loyalty +++++ +
Therefore, we propose this opertunity instead. Join the Federation. We are nearby, have never had quarrel before, and may soon be facing a similar foe. We are in position to hide your refugees among the populous of our own folks, and with the resources you promised, will be able to make room and accomidations for your folk beside our's.

King Irovetti would have a seat on our council, as the Guide representing his people. Your people would have citizenship as Azurites. Pitax has fallen, but its people need not become homeless wanderers. Finding a new home may be possible, but it would mean starting from scatch yet again. Join us, and you and your's will have cities, government, and established infrastructure already there and in operation, waiting to be flushed with new arrivals and put to use.

We wish you well, and hope that you and your's will find new homes soon.
-The Azurite Federation.

@ Tiger Lords
Loyalty +++++ +
What would you give to be able to see the Coalition's actions and intents?

@ Coalition
Loyalty +++++ +
Greetings and Salutations,

We understand that you and your's are running into rough times ahead, though we're confident you will see them through none the less. That said, we are interested in expanding our ecconomic connections, and would like to know if you're in the market for magical expertise or social engineering know-how.

May fortune favor you.
-The Azurite Council

@ The Noble Guild of Wizards

Greetings and Salutations, Keepers of Lore and Masters of the Art.

It is with solumn mood and uncertain circumstances that we send to you. Though we do mean to make every effort to maintain our soverignty and, more importantly, our people's livelyhoods, we may soon be besieged from all sides by foes which have already surrounded us. We will attempt diplomacy, though our sources tell us that such is what Pitax aimed to do before their sudden routing.

Our purpose as a state is twofold;
We seek to better the state and improve the livelyhood and living conditions of the people of the Federation.
We seek to improve our knowledge of the Art so that we all may benifit from the growth of knowledge and know-how.

While the former goal has, we suppose, little to do with the Noble Guild, the latter should be of interest to you. Our mages are often more entangled with keeping the state afloat, but we have none the less developed new crafts and theoretical methodologies by which we use the Arts Arcane, and believe that we will be able to do much more given time to develop.

The present situation does not appear to encourage that posibility.

It is for this reason that we propose and request the following.
We will share any and all new magical developments from this point forward.
We will offer our arcane know-how and details on how it was put to use and application here.
We will come to the aid of the Noble Guild should it ever demand it of us.

In return, we request that the Guild either support us from afar, either with knowledge or spellcraft, should Evenholme proove violent in its intents toward our state, or with refuge for ourselves and our people should our Federation fall.

In the case of the latter, you would have full access to our resources, and our people, simple though they are, are hardened by the difficulty of living in the northlands, and could prove to be invaluable in any conflicts you may face in the future.

-The Azurite Federation Council


Seems we now have a mutual Neighbor. Worried? So are we. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help from here.


2011-09-20, 08:04 PM
Four Nations
Loyalty ++++

Open Letter:
The Four Nations is outraged to hear of the mindless slaughter carried out by Evenholm and the betrayal from the Caravan of the Crescent. As the Caravan of the Crescent are oathbreakers, we ask the nations of the River Kingdoms convene in a meeting in which we shall discuss whither to repeal their protections under the Six Laws! We would also discuss what actions we must undertake to protect ourselfs from the moth riders of Evenholm.

It saddens us greatly to here of the despair that has been unleashed on your land, please lets us play a part in restoring your home to normal. Although our alliance has been no grater then a simple peace treaty, it is our duty as neighbors to hold out a helping hand. We have constructed a new settlement which would be more then happy to care for your wounded and shelter for the displaced. We also pledge to send what ever troops we can afford to keep them safe.

Although my land is not renown for its magic, we have some new recruits that are more then willing to aid you in the restoration of your forest. Perhaps after this affair is done, you can repay us by sending a druid to our land to teach us in the ways of your magic.

Truly sad times have fallen before us: forest burn, cities leveled, and winter above all that. The Four Nations is willing to help your people in the time of need. Although we can't give you a new territory of which you can call your own, we are more then willing to lend you as much aid as we can. We are far from the monsters of Everholm and Tiger Lords and our gates are always open for you people.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-20, 09:41 PM
Verdagathrous (Loy ++)

To Gobotopia: The cow you gave me as a tribute had an explosive device in it. Such a plan does not require your leaders to participate, nor does it require the aid of other nations. Besides, it was YOUR cow. Who else could have done it if not yourselves?

2011-09-20, 09:45 PM
Gobtopia - Verdagathrous
Any of the many people who knew we were planning to send tribute to you could have done it. Plenty of people have espionage higher than our loyalty to know we were sending it. Concealing explosives in a cow, though... that sounds espionage-related to me. Something Gobtopia has nothing. All we want is peace and that is why we will go to many lengths to prove to you that we are not responsible for harming you.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-20, 10:00 PM
To Gobtopia: I don't see how shoving something down a cow's throat takes skill. Still the Ruby Chalice offers their services for free, and seems to prefer an investigation to an all out war.

You say you are willing to go to great lengths? This is good. If you agree to certain conditions I will allow you to choose who to hire.

2011-09-20, 10:02 PM
What conditions? I won't be blackmailed with something I'm not responsible for, but a simple investigation should suffice.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-20, 10:23 PM

To Gobotopia: It is not much to worry if you are innocent and more careful in the future.

First, in order to ensure that they are neutral party I will help pay for the investigators, should you not choose to use Ruby Chalice. However, I expect you to pay me back should they reveal you to be innocent.

Second, if you are found guilty than someone must take accountability. But perhaps it need not be all of you. If one of your leaders is willing to place the blame on himself and comes to my lair for judgement I will spare the rest of your people. Again, this is only if you are found guilty.

Third, framed or not you are still responsible for the meat that you send to me. From now one I want a skilled member, or members, of your group to inspect the meat before it arrives to my lair. If this incident repeats I expect the inspector/s to take responsibility and travel to my lair to face my judgement. If you cannot agree to this than, guilty or innocent, it is too dangerous to continue doing business with you.

2011-09-20, 10:33 PM
The Wisps

Isdor blinks stupidly at the scout. They did what?

They um. They exploded a cow, sir.

A long silence, where even the unspoken is not said.

...Who DOES that?

I know, right!?Loyalty: +++++ -

To Gobotopia
Dear gentle hobgoblins,

No, we did not arrange this; we have little to gain by lashing at you, and to do so would be a foolish allocation of resources on your behalf.

Yes, we are able to support an alibi of your non-coordination with any others. Sadly, there is no concrete evidence pointing a finger to any one malefactor, though where we lack absolute certainty, we do have a significant case file which inclines us towards a "well educated hunch".

I am no businessman, Galahad, though I'm afraid I do understand the worth of this testimonial. Provide the means, whether funds or otherwise for, say... [Permanent +++ to ESP,] and we shall stay the flames of Verdagathrous with our words. I apologize to exploit you of such a price, but I am told of great works from your kind; I trust you will find a way.

Let us speak of lighter things, perhaps which may also help your case. We graciously offer Sir Kheblen to escort our own VIP into the Nightmare Sanctuary; you did such a fantastic job recruiting your own hellbeast- we were seeking your expert aid in doing the same. We do so appreciate your cooperation.

I am eager to hear your reply
Lest you see Red,
-Hydra, of the Wisps

To Verdagathrous
It seems we are in the PI business these days.

It would help bring conclusion to who rightfully deserves your vengeance if we had a full list of those who gave tribute to you last year... as well as the details of any private audiences you held with diplomats of foreign lands. If you are going to punish someone, we believe you should at least catch the right culprit.

To the Coalition of the Forest
Hail, friends. The effort, with your aid, went along splendidly. However, with the turn of recent events, it seems we must ask that you collaborate once more. We eagerly await your thoughts on this.

Furthermore, and I feel silly doing so, but I must ask. Did you indeed lash at the Tiger Lords? We have done so much on your behalf, yet the evidence towards you is... rather convincing.

Lest you see Red, friends.

To Sevenarches
We warned you this would happen, brothers.

It is our deepest regret that no messages were sent on this for us to intercept; had we known, we would have been in arms at your doorstep before any human, dragon, diva or god would have known. It is a sad day for the fae.

We urge you, now more than ever, you cooperate with us.
Lest you see Red,
Isdor, of the Wisps.

To the Four Nations
So it seems your predictions were true. If available, we ask once more for Lord Rutmote, in private council.

Additionally, we must remind you a second time to vacate your settlers from [Territory 4]. These are tense times, humans.

Lest you see Red,
-The Wisps

To the Tiger Lords
Hail, Warchief.

We will have a favor to ask of you in the coming months. I trust you will enjoy it as much as I. Remember my words, and prepare yourselves, Bloodmaw. I eagerly wait confirmation of your willingness.

Lest you see Red,
Magnus, of the Wisps.

To the Order of the Ruby Chalice
OOC: Oh, how silly of me. What did you have in mind, if anything in particular? :smallsmile:

Lizard Lord
2011-09-20, 10:50 PM

To the Wisps: I had received tribute from Gobtopia, the Noble Guild, Ishval, and Ruby Chalice. I had a private meeting with Black Hand and Ishval. I also had a slightly more open meeting with Gralton that did not reach a satisfactory conclusion.

2011-09-20, 11:06 PM
What I had in mind was a... non aggression pact of sorts. Like countries with large militaries, we with large espionage forces can come at odds. So essentially it boils down to don't tattle on me and I won't tattle on you. We could even work togethor if your desire, but that's up to you.

2011-09-20, 11:17 PM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

I am not sure that I will be continuing to send tribute once the investigation is over and our name cleared. So far trying to keep you friendly with us has proved to only cause difficulties for a peaceful people which is not something I want from someone who is supposed to be a protectorate. In hindsight, I think it would have been better if we kept to ourselves all along instead of trying to make friends.

If tribute does continue, please keep in mind opportunity cost. Would you have us spent - temporary economy and our full loyalty every turn to ensure that no one tries to sabotage you through our shipment? We will see that it leaves Gobtopia unharmed, but it would be easiest if you just inspected the whole lot once you receive it since you're getting tribute from four countries. It won't be possible for us to spend a bunch of our resources every turn for tribute, though. Letting you try to attack us would be less costly in that case.

We will not hire the Ruby Chalice to investigate the situation because they are not a neutral party. It is not necessary for you to pay for any part of an investigation. We want to clear our names to get you off our back and to make it known to the River Kingdoms that Gobtopia is far from being oathbreakers.

We are not guilty, so there is no reason for you to harm any of our leaders. If you wish to prey on an innocent group of goblins, so be it. Keep in mind that we are well-liked and not defenseless.

Watch your back. We're not out to get you, but someone else is and you're wasting your time focusing on us.
Caravan of the Crescent
We would be glad to have you assist us, though I suspect that the culprit may have too high of espionage to be detected by anyone except the Wisps. We may be in touch. I'm glad we have a friend in the Caravan.
For the sake of openness, I would like to make you aware that we have offered Pitax a piece of our land to take up residence. That does not mean we intend to oppose you, however. They were displaced and it is in our nature to help those who need help. We'll be staying away from the war and politics.
The Wisps
I have my suspicions. They are very, very strong suspicions too. What I need is the proof so this dragon takes his anger out on them and not us. I'm not sure I understand your price. I would only need the services of your espionage for one turn.

If in your last message you were trying to suggest who the culprit is, my guess is the same. I ensure you that we pay better than they do.

2011-09-20, 11:34 PM
Another public announcement from Galahad the Great of Gobtopia:

Gobtopia is looking to buy any amount of potions found in dungeons for a fair price. Please contact Pod Pennypincher if you are interested in making a deal.

Nerzhull - Verdagathrous
Nerzhull's injuries force her to send a response through the goblins, but the anger is obvious. "Gah! Please. The people you're supposed to protect have been pestering me for my treasure hoard for years. You should be standing up for dragons and their rights to hoard, not putting us down! Despite your attempt to kill me, it seems the goblins are making the situation profitable for me. I recommend you just forget about the cow. You know they aren't responsible - who would be that stupid to do something so obvious? They're naive, but not stupid. I'd be willing to test my strength against you again once I've recovered, but you know pestering Gobtopia will only hurt you more."
OOC: I was told to take over speaking for her, so I assume she's very upset with you.
Disclaimer: Views held by Nerzhull do not represent those of Gobtopia and they cannot be held responsible for her aggressive nature.
Gobtopia - Verdagathrous
Another idea - how much damage did the bomb do? At this point it might be cheaper for us to pay off whatever damage was done and be on our merry way. Bringing another party into this could be costly and our ability to trust has degraded after this latest business.
Can I start healing her now so I can use her? If so, I'd like to spend my full magic score on it. I know I won't be able to use it again at EOT.

2011-09-20, 11:37 PM
The Wisps
Loyalty: +++++ -
(ooh, I it's nice being invisible~)

To Verdagathrous
Without pointing fingers at any one in particular, we will need the details of your private meetings; the difference between a theory and concrete proof is but one piece of evidence. If it is your comfort, you may come to meet with us in private. Your voice is... rather booming, you should know.

OOC: You've got 6 points in VIP; one of them can't hurt to use as a diplomat this turn, eh? =p

To Gobotopia
How fortunate you are that we are currently not on anyone's payroll.

OOC: The price is "Do whatever you have to do to get me a permanent +++ to ESP," be it magic, funding, whathaveyou. Perhaps our good DM could help you out with the issue? He's a pretty good source of advice, as it turns out!

To the Order of the Ruby Chalice
Hm! I suppose I could sort of go along with that- there's only one small hitch I'd like to work out with you.

I like being number one. :smallsmile:

Is there any arrangement I could make with you that would permanently boost my esp by a bit?

2011-09-20, 11:40 PM
Gobtopia - Wisps
I must decline. That price is much too steep for us. Perhaps we'll find reason to do business in the future.

OOC: To earn that much of an increase in a permanent stat would be extremely costly. I'd rather let the dragon try and attack us.
Gobtopia - Daggermark

I have need for a private investigator to look into this matter with the dragon for me. How much would it cost me to hire your agents?


2011-09-21, 12:28 AM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++ (So stay out of my messages. This includes the Wisps.)

To Pitax
If you wish to settle, we do not wish to drive you out of your lands. We simply wish, if you will, to assert our control. If you return, you will not be attacked. I give you my word. And you will notice that we have never gone back on our word.

To Gobotopia
That is acceptable. We do not wish to harry them - However, the King, we do have an issue with, He murdered our emissary in cold blood. If you take him in, know that if he enters our lands, he will die.

To Verdagathrous
We shall, great dragon. Our alliance is fresh in our minds, and you can count on oour assistance.

To the Caravan of the Cresent
Indeed you were. It was truly a pleasure doing business with you. What deal would you like to suggest?

To the Azurites
We apologise for not being able to warn you before of time. May I first take the opportunity to assure you that we have no designs on your lands. The attack on Pitax was sparked by their murder of our ambassador. However, now that we can secure our borders, we would like to suggest that we unify our military under our command, which we can then use to protect us both.

To the Coalition of the Forest
We apologise for not mentioning our retaliation against Pitax before of time, but we mean you no harm. You may now know that the Pyre was in preparation for that, and we could not allow infomation about it to be risked to a messenger.

2011-09-21, 02:08 AM
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

LOY ++++

Verdagathrous and Gobtopia

OOC: it seems to be that ESP once more prove more useful than rest of stats. So I have nothing to offer here.


I use my archmage in role of envoy so all those are PM level. Sending spell, but I will not keep 25 word limit:smalltongue:

Daggermark (PM)

OOC: Patrician and Arctorus should know each other long time:smallwink:

Old Friend,

Noble Guild was and ever be neutral party, but such a fast destruction of Pitax shocked us.

We Have A Solution to Mothrider problem. Solution, which will bring not only peace but also prosperity.

By means of unimaginable magic we gained help of Asariel the Heavenly Bureaucrat. We wish to coordinate our effort to build teleportation circles .

First it will help our trade by reducing the travel time.

Second, it will help us creating defensive patrol force. If five nation commi to it ++ military, we are enough force to fight Mothriders or Tiger Lords.

Arctorus the Archmage

OOC: Like we discusse I offer help of Asariel to evey nation here. It will serve to boost pernament economy AND give us fluff justification to do what Holy Empire in TW: GG - organize "anti-ride" force, which by low cost give us protection of ++++++++++ military. I ask them to commit magic and ecomomy - they get pernament economy, bonuses from Asariel and potent defense..

Gralton (PM)

Louis Genero,

Noble Guild was and ever be neutral party, but such a fast destruction of Pitax shocked us.

We Have A Solution solution to Mothrider problem. Solution, which will bring not only peace but also prosperity.

By means of unimaginable magic we gained help of Asariel the Heavenly Bureaucrat. We wish to coordinate our effort to build teleportation circles across River Kingdoms .

First it will help our trade by reducing the travel time.

Second, it will help us creating defensive patrol force. If five nation commi to it ++ military, we are enough force to fight Mothriders or Tiger Lords.

Arctorus the Archmage

Gobtopia (PM)

It's sending spell

Galahad the Great,

Noble Guild was and ever be neutral party, but such a fast destruction of Pitax shocked us.

We Have A Solution to Mothrider problem. Solution, which will bring not only peace but also prosperity.

By means of unimaginable magic we gained help of Asariel the Heavenly Bureaucrat. We wish to coordinate our effort to build teleportation circles across River Kingdoms .

First it will help our trade by reducing the travel time.

Second, it will help us creating defensive patrol force. If five nation commit to it ++ military, we are enough force to fight Mothriders or Tiger Lords.

OOC: I offer help of Asariel, he give bonus to coordinated projects of Magic and Economy . It will serve to boost pernament economy AND give us fluff justification to do what Holy Empire in TW: GG - organize "anti-ride" force, which by low cost give us protection of ++++++++++ military. I ask you to commit magic and ecomomy - you get pernament eco, bonuses from Asariel and potent defense.

Arctorus the Archmage

Sevenarches (PM)
Sehlonna of the Seven Winds,
Noble Guild was and ever be neutral party, but such a fast destruction of Pitax shocked us.

We Have A Solution to Mothrider problem. Solution, which will bring not only peace but also prosperity.

Recently we gained help of Asariel the Heavenly Bureaucrat. We wish to coordinate our effort to build teleportation circles across River Kingdoms .

First it will help our trade by reducing the travel time.

Second, it will help us creating defensive patrol force. If five nation commit to it ++ military, we are enough force to fight Mothriders or Tiger Lords.

Arctorus the Archmage

To the Azurites (PM)
It's sending spell

Leader of Azurite Federation

Noble Guild was and ever be neutral party, but such a fast destruction of Pitax shocked us. We appriciate your offer, but we do not seek to gain your reaserch for free. It's not our style.

We have a solution to Mothrider problem. Solution, which will bring not only peace but also prosperity.

By means of unimaginable magic we gained help of Asariel the Heavenly Bureaucrat. We wish to coordinate our effort to build teleportation circles across River Kingdoms .

First it will help our trade by reducing the travel time.

Second, it will help us creating defensive patrol force. If five nation commit to it ++ military, we are enough force to fight Mothriders or Tiger Lords.

OOC: I offer help of Asariel, he give bonus to coordinated projects of Magic and Economy . It will serve to boost pernament economy AND give us fluff justification to do what Holy Empire in TW: GG - organize "anti-ride" force, which by low cost give us protection of ++++++++++ military. I ask you to commit magic and ecomomy - you get pernament eco, bonuses from Asariel and potent defense.

2011-09-21, 02:10 AM
Coalition of the Forest

A fairly typical day in the city of Vollmond. Really, the only think of note is that Guntram Warsfedar has returned from abroad, and is reporting back to the Forest Lord.

"..overall, it was quite easy. They're just as skilled as we've thought, and the target wasn't even expecting it." The spy leans against a nearby bookshelf, and still wears his dark cloak and hood even now, in the presence of his Lord. Dieter has long since grown used to Guntram's behavior though, and finds he hardly minds. It's always nice to have people who don't just listen to your every word.

Dieter nods, "Very well, but what of the incident with the dragon? Something about the goblins giving it an exploding cow? Did they really do that?"

The hooded man begins chuckles loudly at this, "Oh man, I can't believe someone actually DID that! And, erm, no. The goblins probably didn't do it. You'd have to talk to Atticus to be sure, but it really just doesn't seem their style. They probably got-"

The spymaster is interrupted by a large raven flying through the window and landing on Dieter's desk. It quickly hops onto the floor, where it turns into a young man dressed very similarly to Guntram. (Though his black cloak is much more plain that Guntram's extravagant, raven-feathered cloak.) "My Lord, Grandmaster, Darius has returned."

"Darius is back? Great news! Have him come at once."

"Well..." The young messenger looks down at the floor. "There has been...some kind of incident my lord. Darius is currently in the Old Oak hospital...."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It doesn't take long to Dieter to follow Darius's scent into his hospital room. There the great Wolf-Man lays, a blood-soaked bandage wrapped around his chest and midsection. He barely seems aware, and it takes him a moment to realize that Dieter has entered. He tries to sit up when he does, but the pain is to great. He speaks, but it comes out as a rasp that barely rises above a whisper. "My Lord, I...I think I made a mistake." These words bring up a flurry of coughs that stain his fangs red.

Dieter approaches, standing at his old friend's side, and whispers, "You didn't..."

Darius lets loose a laugh that turns into another fit of coughs. "Yah...we did. I thought we'd never have a better chance. We'd end up fighting 'er anyway, why not take her out early, save some lives?" He tries to move his hand to emphasize his words, but find he can hardly do so. "She's some kind of demon. She has to be. Nothing mortal fights like that. And she had a silvered sword, the bitch killed Lieman and Roric in one swing! I barely made it out... And now they're going to come for us, and it's my fault."

Dieter doesn't respond for a moment. He simply looks at his old friend, before slowly shaking his head. "Get some rest Darius. We're going to need you soon, I think." He then turns and walks out, running into Guntram on the way.

"Atticus and his druids are on their way, how bad is it?"

"Bad. With Atticus and his magic, I give him even chances."

"And the situation...as bad as I thought?"


Evenholm Loyalty: ++++

You know, one of your people came through our lands not to long ago, talked to us a bit. We found what he said interesting, I'll include the transcription.

"The folk of Evenholm want to be isolated. When this time of unrest ends, they want a no-man's land of empty, unclaimed space around all of their territory."

I can't help but notice that we have a common border. Obviously, this worries me.

But something else worries me more, namely the Tiger Lords. Someone has begun inciting them against us, and I fear that they will soon attack. Whether or not you actually want us harm in the future, that is irrelevant. What is relevant is whether or not you want to have the Tiger Lords as a neighbor soon.

Gobtopia Loyalty: ++++

Yes, your money was used well, our production capabilities are up 350% from where they were! I hope that Atticus and his people were as helpful to you. He has since returned, and spoke very fondly of those he taught.

Also, I was saddened to hear about the misunderstanding with the dragon. I would love to offer my aid, should it be needed, but unfortunately, there are...troubles...here in the north that make that impossible. If there is anything I can do for you, you need only say so.

Lord Dieter Tiermann

Tiger Lords Loyalty: ++++

I'm not going to lie to you, what Coldeyes Helsdottir says is true. The men I sent as guides attempted, against my orders, to kill her after she escaped the Warrens of the Dead. I would say that I would hold these men accountable and punish them, but it hardly seems necessary, as all but one of them are dead, and he is so critically wounded that he may die as well.

We have also heard of the attacks on your patrols. While this may fall on deaf ears, this was NOT our doing. Someone wishes for our peoples to go to war for their own benefit. But fighting would benefit neither of us. There is next to nothing for us to gain, and much to lose. I ask you to consider my words.

Lord Dieter Tiermann

Wisps Loyalty: ++++

We will not lie to you, friends. Or honor has been called into question, and this time the accusation is not false. My men attempted, against my orders, to kill the Tiger's giant, and failed. Now, with false evidense also laid against us, the Tigers soon will march to war. We have assisted you, as you asked, now we would ask that you do the same.

Help us, so that my people may survive to assist you again.

Caravan of the Crescent Loyalty: ++++

I would LOVE to trust you. I really would. We need friends. But Pitax trusted you as well, and...well...look at what happened to them. Unless you give us damn good reason to think otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline.

Twin Cities of Ishval Loyalty: ++++

I seem to remember us creating a defensive agreement, should the Tiger Lords ever go on the offensive against us. Well, that time is now. Their forces currently array across my southern border. We will fight them, as best we are able, and would ask that you honor your agreement and do the same. Should we work together in this, we may well be able to defeat them.

The Azurites Loyalty: ++++

Unfortunately, the one thing we require is the thing you cannot give, soldiers. As such, there is nothing you can do for us at this time.

2011-09-21, 02:22 AM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++

To the Coalition of the Forest
Hm. I thank you for telling us that. I am sure that you understand that while in the far future we will likely try to negotiate with you to leave the area around us, we stand by what we said at the start of our correspondence. A war with you would be profoundly useless for us, and losses would be prevalent on all sides. As to the Tiger Lords. we have always said that we view them as a threat to us, as do you. How would you have us assist you?

To the Wisps
We have an offer to make you. Would you be intrested in the purchase of some documents and espioange facilities that we have located?

Lizard Lord
2011-09-21, 02:48 AM

To Gobtopia:
The explosion greatly lowered my life expectancy, weakened my physical strength greatly, and permanently damaged my senses. How can you hope to compensate?

To Nerzhull: (OOC: I actually gave her every chance to surrender I could get and, as the update shows, protected her from the Ruby Order while still holding to my oath with them. According to the PM EoT update I was given, Ruby Chalice wanted to kill you to get to Nerzhull, but I stepped in and reminded both sides that I had made the same oath to you that I made to the Order.)

Perhaps I have been to rash. There are too few dragons these days. Fewer that dare to fly openly and free. I had forgotten what it was like to speak to a fellow dragon. Or to be with a female.

I will reconsider my policy on the goblins and allow you to live with them, if you wish, on one condition. You must speak with me in private and tell the goblins nothing about what is said between us. When our conversation is done, and if you agree with what you have to say, tell them only that you have proved their innocence and saved them from a destruction bigger than they had originally believed I could bring. Be imaginative if you can.

To Evenholm: Things maybe going in my favor with Gobtopia.That is not to say that I do not want you to attack them. Just wait until the moment is right and we can profit the most from it. For now we should be worried about a possible coalition against you. Sometimes I wonder what the point of creating the sixth law is if the nations are going to act this way anyways.

Now the other nations being against the Caravan, I can understand. You may wish to distance yourself from the Oath breakers.

To the Whisps: Very well, let us meet.

2011-09-21, 02:56 AM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++

To Verdagathrous
That is not a problem. We are aware of the possible Coalition against us. It is unfortunate, certainly, but there is very little we can do about it. If we must, however, we are willing to aid you against the goblins - if they struck first, in the treacherous manner that they did, then I am certain no one will complain if we chatise them.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-21, 03:59 AM

To Evenholm: I am beginning to have my doubts it was indeed them. I fear rage clouded my judgement. It is a fortunate mistake, however. The pressure my threats have put on the goblins have given way to opportunity. That is why I wish for an attack to wait.

2011-09-21, 04:10 AM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++

To Verdagathrous
Excellent. I hope you work things out.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-21, 04:30 AM

To Blackhand: Unless the explosion harmed my memory, did you not say that you would look into who my enemies where? And if you did, does that mean you know who planted that bomb?

2011-09-21, 05:43 AM
The Azurite Federation
Loyalty +++++ +

To Evenholme

It is a great relief to know that your folks had not simply decided to swing out over the Kingdoms haphazardly. The assault on Pitax was surprising, but their treatment of your ambasador, not so much; their king was not known for sensible decisions.

Our military is, at present, hardly worth mention, and tends to find most of its resources in place guarding our cities and towns from wild creatures and monsters of the swamps. We couldn't offer you soldiers without risking our people's lives, and we are unwilling to do so. However, we would be foolish to ignore that your boarders now add a buffer between ourselves and the rest of the River Kingdoms, and if time should prove your peaceful intents toward our federation, we will support you any way we can. Our mages' spells will be at your disposal should you fall under attack.

That said, what news is there of the Tiger Lords? We understand that they are looking to the north, and that while their goal seems to be the forest lands to the east, your own homeland seems to be in their path, as well as the former lands of Pitax. Have you been in contact with any of the factions there, or made arangements to avoid the conflict?

To the Noble Guild of Wizards, via return Sending

We presently are rather lacking in ecconomic resources to spare, though if we proceed as planned we should be making some gains in that department. Still, we will endevor to manage our accounts and see if we can't scrounge up enough. Magic, however, we can offer for now. The concept of a teleportation mass-transit system is an impressive and daunting task, but likely a step forward from our own projected concepts; silly us, we were thinking of using air-based magic and engineering to make flying ships.

That does, however, bring us back to the matter of flight. Establishing a network of teleportation circles probably won't prevent a swarm of moth-riders from falling on us from Evenholme. Still, we'll see about setting up the basic structure of the spell; if nothing else, it could provide a swift exit should the tide turn against us.

Please forgive us if this seems less than grateful. We are in your debt for responding as you have, and will return the favor as soon as possible.

-The Azurite Council

2011-09-21, 07:05 AM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards [PM - Level]
Galahad sighs. "Making a military coalition is totally not our thing.... our only intention is to use our military to keep the peace and defend our population. That being said, I fear there is more evil in this world that I had thought, and it would serve our purposes to have friends and allies to look to that are interested in defending the innocent - including each other. As long as the army is for defensive purposes against those who don't deserve hostility, consider us very interested in your offer."
Nerzhull - Verdagathrous
OOC: I would guess her angry, wounded mind still makes her irrational and she'll blame you largely for her wounds. The Order of the Ruby Chalice would have been cinders if they tried to kill her on their own.

I'll agree to this private conversation, but I hope you don't have any treachery planned.
Consider this knowledge separate from that of Gobtopia's. I'm very willing to keep the knowledge separate IC even though I handle them both OOC.

IC: What do you have to say?

Coalition of the Forest
Oh yes - just about that effective for us too! In fact, my goblins are so happy with your druidic teachings that they intend to continue research into druidic magic rather than other forms. Our neighbors are practitioners too, so perhaps the three of us can cooperate in our research since we would all benefit. Have you heard anything about these circles they use for their magic?

I understand that your forces will be preoccupied. Luckily, I think we can make a deal with the dragon.
That is fine by us. We will be helping to place them and get on their feet, but they are responsible for their own actions and we won't be getting involved. We're sorry to hear about your ambassador. I only hope they will learn their lesson.

2011-09-21, 07:26 AM
Do not find me crass, but you are all ready number one, with quite a lead. You can see things that we cannot. As we are, we can see each others messages, and as such we are both in a position to strike each other in under-handed ways. This would be a mere deal, a buisness agreement. I can do what I want and you can do what you want with fear of discovery.

2011-09-21, 08:51 AM
Black Hand

Continued construction of the watch network

Construction continues along the border of the Black Hand. Supplies and soldiers are brought in to begin manning the station and train in the necessary protocols of operation.

Training of the Army

Heavy training begins with the army to get them up to a fighting standard as the neighboring regions begin to flair up in violence.

The Search @GM
Grand Wizard Felwin is going to cast a scry spell to locate Geladil. He is very familar with the target and has access to his personal possessions to make it even easier.

Dungeon delving
Using assorted potions for + adventurers

Sending +++++ - with Borrin to central arcane dungeon will continue until they can go no further.

Message to Death Knight Bhal - Dungeon @GM
A hapless apprentice is sent to the dungeon of the Death Knight Bhal with a message attempting to hire his service

Great Death Knight,

We the order of the Black Hand would like to hire your mighty services and the services of your minions so that we both can extend our hold on this region. Between our magical prowess and your might of arms we will be an unstoppable force.

We are prepared to grant you whatever you wish to faciliate this alliance.

We will begin asking our sources immediately. We have some ideas at this time but we must make sure.

We would like to know if you had anything to do with the disappearance of our ambassador whom you had a great and unnatural interest in him, and this is the specific reason we agreed to your deal so you wouldn't meddle with our affairs.

If you have him. Release him immediately.

2011-09-21, 09:31 AM
Four Nations
Loyalty: ++++

The situation has declined faster then we could have predicted, we must talk. We would be honored to hold the meeting in our lands this time, Rutmore has new duties which prevent him from traveling for long periods of time.

2011-09-21, 10:22 AM
Dungeon Crawl!
++ of adventurer's and Ki-puti will enter the Black Dragon's lair, and stay there until they find some sort of sign to the Dragon's horde. Preferably, stay until you get it, and Ki-puti can resurrect anyone they need. Fall back if Ki-puti runs out of divine spells and the injuries are adding up.

+ adventurer and Chaptermistress Trianna herself will enter the Crystal Temple. Looking for evidence of artifacts, or elements of ancient lore. Trianna will teleport away, or retreat if she is in danger (ie < Quarter Health) and the entire party will retreat after 2 casulties.

Daggermark- PM
Spymaster Dauphin Leon arrives as Daggermark with a proposal to... share. He asks for an audiance with the assasins guild.

The Order collects some of the bards and warriors who saw the defense of Havenholme and sends them throughout the territory. They stop at settlements around Order controlled territory. They try to gather volunteers to defend the territory, and even if the settlements are uninterested they try to underline the bravery of the Order.

Sir Godric Tyrson gathers as many soldiers (Mercenaries and Warriors) who are not on other duties and trains them in a very light version of Hellknight training. Very light is still difficult by most people's stand point. His first lesson is discipline (Basically, he is hoping that as the military grows, these men and women can be used as NCO's and Officers)

Tyrson also takes several of the low-level adventurer's under his wing to teach them martial training.

2011-09-21, 11:09 AM
To the Caravan of the Cresent
Indeed you were. It was truly a pleasure doing business with you. What deal would you like to suggest?

Simple really. Yer lot, our lot and te Dag's gainst the Tiger Lawds. One big ol' army ta take em out. Wat ye say tere Mot' Riders? Once an fer all...we get te be safe frem der brood.[spoiler]

[spoiler]Oh eye, but we can be lots a'help wit out te dragon too. It soun's like you need a friend, an' we can be tat friend. We know what Pitax is sayin 'bout us but we wanna set te record straight. We were in a situation tat wasn't so favorable. We knew 'bout the attack an' tried to warn em. Believe it er not but Pitax wasn't so keen on pain te price fer tat information. Te only oat' we broke was ta defend em, but we had an oat' to not step in te way o'te Mot' Riders. Hands was tied ya ken? We'd love fer ya ta be our pal....we need friends too, more ten ever.

2011-09-21, 11:14 AM
Gobtopia - Caravan of the Crescent
Well, shucks. We're always looking for new friends. We don't want any enemies and as long as we're not dragged into a conflict unwillingly, we have no intentions of being involved in anything except friendly interaction with the nations of the River Kingdoms that would agree to it. So yeah - we can be friends.

2011-09-21, 11:21 AM
Caravan of the Crescent-Gobotopia
LOY: ++++-

Alright ten frien'. We heard ye offer'n up lan' te ol Pitax. Te problem here is tey're spreadin lies bout us an we want it te stop. Now ye offered em land but here's anoter offer. We take'm out an get ter money. Set up a nice ol Trade Post jes' fer you right in te land ye want te give ol Pitax. Whaddya say Friend? We're good to our word, don't let tem blighters'n boggin tell you no otherwise.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-21, 11:28 AM

Noted bard and dilettante Sarae Redstocking ensures that her words are sung throughout the River Kingdoms.

"Another year is upon us, and the time has come to celebrate! All nations are cordially invited to send a representative (reasonable entourage permitted) to the First Daggermark Cotillion of Whispers! This grand ball will be hosted in the King's palace (Reopened for this occasion) in Daggermark City, featuring full orchestral entertainment, a masked ball, and a feast fit for kings. Daggermark reminds all participants to play nice, and keep the party civil. Otherwise, well, we shan't play nice either where offenders are concerned. Ever again."

"The Cotillion shall be held shortly after midsummer. (After the Dungeon update). We would like to remind everyone that if you have an envoy already detached to visit other people, they can certainly find time in their travels to stop by the Cotillion. We look forward to seeing our neighbors!"

LOY +++-
To Gobtopia
Mm, I fear we must refuse. Daggermark agents are only available on a contractual basis for the purposes of assassination. On that we are very, very good. We also ensure 100% client confidentiality, success or fail. If you are ever in need of our services, do keep us in mind. For your current dilemma, may I point you to the Wisps? They're quite civilized, despite their reputation. Good at what they do, too. Failing that, a few of the other nations gathered together might be able to follow a good trail.

To the Noble Guild
@PM Level
A joint defensive force against agressors? Capital! We agree to letting you establish a circle to those ends in our nation. So long as you do not use it to hm, commit indiscretions upon us, we shall tolerate its existence.

To the Order of the Ruby Chalice
@PM Level
"Mmm, good day." The Patrician recieves Dauphin Leon in the study of his townhouse. Bookshelves line all of the walls of the large room, and a plain, battered writing desk occupies one well-lit corner. The couches and seats are quite comfy. "To what do we owe the pleasure, Monsieur Leon?"

LOY ++
To the Azurites
We immediately offer a public peace treaty and mutual defensive pact to you against Evenholm. If we are attacked, come to our aid and we shall do the same if they strike you.

To the Noble Guild
You have called an angel to earth. This impresses us and strengthens our faith! Normally we would want assurances on such a circle's noble use, but as long as the angel monitors it, we trust its veracity. You may build your circle as you wish within our lands.

To Verdagathrous
After much deliberation, we have decided to turn down your kind offer of protection. Our armies are strong, and our faith is true, and that will have to be enough. Good luck with your recent troubles.

LOY +-
To Gobtopia
We are very much tempted. Your new claimed land would be perfect for us, and you are widely hailed as kind people. But we're a little worried about your disagreement with Verdagathrous... We can't afford to pay his tithe after we pay you, so he might kill us just to make an example of his displeasure with you! We'll consider your offer, but right now the one from the Order of the Ruby Chalice is winning out. They've shown that they can fight dragons...

To the Order of the Ruby Chalice
We're thinking it over, and we like the sound of this. I hope you don't mind if we wait just a bit longer before deciding, though. Always best to make sure everyone gets their offer on the table, after all.

If for some reason we do end up going with another offer, can we part ways peacefully or do business in the future, or is this an offer we can't refuse?

To the Azurites
It's a tempting offer, but doing that would put us way too near to those crazy evil Mothriders. We're not sure why they hit us in the first place, we don't want to give them a second chance to wipe us out! Also, we'd like a chance to stay Pitaxians if at all possible. Accepting your offer would mean that we'd merely strengthen you and then fade away into history...

To the Four Nations
Well, thanks for your kind words, that aren't backed up by actually doing anything for us. We'll remember them this winter when we're eating our boots.

To Evenholm
You are evil, scary, and you attacked us for no reason. We do not trust you. Please go away and don't hurt us again.

LOY ++++
To Gobtopia
Thank you, friends. We are glad there is peace between us. We will happily build the stone circle in your lands. If you wish to spare us some coin for rebuilding and seeds for replanting our lost forests, we will put it to good use. Or some soldiers, to help hold off the dark one's retinue while we banish him. On another topic, if you can use the Stone Circle we will put in your land, you may. But you must figure out how to use it yourselves, I fear. Without sufficient understanding, it's useless to you anyway.

To the Four Nations
Your willingness to help does you credits. If you wish to send troops into our lands to aid against the Unseelie Lord, we will accept their help. If you wish to send magical students to us, we shall use them to restore our forest. In doing so, they shall learn of the ways of nature's magic.

To the Wisps
We do not know you well, and your nature is tainted. Still, if you wish to do something for us and earn our trust, you could help banish this Unseelie Lord. Send magical support our way, you know the rituals needed. They've been used against some of you before, after all.

To the Noble Guild
We are sorry, but such a concentration of arcane energy would disrupt our own stone circles. We cannot let you establish one in our lands.

Tiger Lords

"Tiger Lords have been killed by cowardly treachery. Blood must pay for blood."

"But there is some confusion... All points to the Coalition of the Forest. They swear they did not do this, of course, for they fear us."

"Were this all, they would fall to a man beneath our warriors. But last season we were given words on parchment, words that warned us of treachery aimed to point us at the Coalition of the Forest."

"We do not know whose blood must answer for this betrayal. We are but simple barbarians and easily confused by complicated western ways."

"So we will see who is stronger. The mighty would not need treachery, and surely the gods will side with them."

"So. Gralton, Pitax, and the orders of Ruby Chalice and Black Hand, send your champions to the unclaimed territory below us. (25). Coalition of the Forest, send your champions as well. You shall fight. The victor will gain the territory and the guarantee that we shall never take that territory from you until the stars fall from the sky, and the gods fight the last battle for the fate of the world. We will declare war upon the losers, for surely they are the treacherous ones."

"If none of you fight, then you are all cowards and we will declare war on you all."

"So I have spoken, and so it is done. BLOOD FOR BLOOD!"
LOY +++++
To the Caravan of the Crescent
The day we need help from oathbreakers is the day we deserve to die with our names unsung. We'll live or die without your help. Stay away from us and live or die wherever we're not, scum.

To the Azurites
Oh, we'll see their actions soon enough. Our challenge will tell us the truth of the matter through blood.

To the Wisps
We may be inclined to grant a favor. We shall see.

To the Coalition of the Forest
Well, you may say as you will, but at this point we do not know who to trust. The slaughter of our patrols must be answered in blood. Our challenge above stands. Fight well and if the gods back your warriors, we shall believe you.

Death Knight Bhal
The Order of the Black Hand messenger sent to the dungeon does not return. Seems like he ran into one of the many hostile traps or monsters inherent in the dungeon.
(Until dungeons are cleared down to size 1, or any lairing monsters are forced out due to an event, you can't talk to them. Monsters that go to the trouble of stocking a nice dungeon tend to like their privacy.)

The Unseelie Lord in Sevenarches
The Caravan of the Crescent never sees their envoys sent to the Unseelie Lord again. Instead, their dreams are briefly haunted by nightmares of mocking laughter, a few babies go missing, and things which wear their envoy's flayed skins are seen in the distance pointing and beckoning at them, then disappearing when the caravan's scouts draw near.

2011-09-21, 11:29 AM
Gobtopia - Caravan of the Crescent
I don't doubt that your word is good, but we are not interested in taking hostile actions against, well, anyone. We offer Pitax the land not because we're siding with them, but because they're a nation that needs help and that's more in the nature of Gobtopia - helping those in need. If there is something you would like to work on in the future that involves peaceful growth and development of our nations, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Ever a friend,
Galahad the Great

2011-09-21, 11:36 AM
Gobtopia - Caravan of the Crescent
I don't doubt that your word is good, but we are not interested in taking hostile actions against, well, anyone. We offer Pitax the land not because we're siding with them, but because they're a nation that needs help and that's more in the nature of Gobtopia - helping those in need. If there is something you would like to work on in the future that involves peaceful growth and development of our nations, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Ever a friend,
Galahad the Great

A tru visonary o'te ages! Well, if'n tat be all ye doin ten I suppose owin to te nature o'te River Lands we'll make one hell'o a rukus at yo' wake.

2011-09-21, 11:44 AM
Gobtopia - Caravan of the Crescent
OOC: I don't mind the accent at all, but unfortunately I don't understand the meaning of your last message.
Gobtopia - Daggermark
I understand. Thank you for the recommendation. I look forward to your party.
Gobtopia - Sevenarches
Would you mind if our druids inspected one of the current stone circles then? Perhaps in time they will be able to utilize its energy. Our cooperation will only increase our connection with nature.

Regardless, we will be sending aid as soon as possible.
Gobtopia - Pitax
As is our nature, we are coming to a peaceful agreement with the dragon. He has the wrong culprit, so we are working things out with him. I assure you that you will receive no trouble from dealing with us. If you wish, I invite you to continue keeping our offer on the table until the situation with Verdasaurusrex has been resolved. Our history of dragon-taming is a testament to our ability to keep things peaceful.

Additionally, we don't think your offer of payment for the land is acceptable. Though we will aid you, you will need assets to rebuild your nation. We would invite you to send + economy ahead of time, but the rest can be paid back once you are back on your feet.

2011-09-21, 11:57 AM
A true visonary of the ages! Well, if that's all your doing then I suppose owing to the nature of the River Lands we'll make one hell of a rukus at yo' wake.

Aka: You're being a fool but we'll make sure your funeral is awesome

2011-09-21, 12:00 PM
Gobtopia - Caravan of the Crescent
Fear not, my friends. While we may choose to do things peacefully, we are not without defenses and those will only increase with time. Friends help out friends in times of need, though. As we are helping Pitax and Sevenarches in their time of need, we would help you as well. I hope you would do the same.

I hope our continued peaceful existence will demonstrate that violence is not a necessity for survival.

2011-09-21, 12:02 PM
Caravan of the Crescent-Gobotopia
LOY: ++++-

So do we, so do we.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-21, 12:04 PM
LOY ++

To the Tiger Lords
What?!? We did nothing to you! We cannot speak for the rest one way or the other, but why do you include us in this accusation?

To the Order of the Black Hand and Order of the Ruby Chalice
This is bad. It seems we have been tarred with the same brush. What do you suggest we do about the Tiger Lords challenge? If we need to send an envoy to discuss, we are willing to do so.

LOY: +-

To the Tiger Lords
Uh, can we call in sick to this one? Please? FOR THE LOVE OF ARODEN LOOK AT US!!!

2011-09-21, 12:23 PM
Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards.

To Gobtopia, Gralton, Sevenarches, Azurites. PM

OOC: Magic Teleconference:) sorry for this, but it would take forever for doing all separate writing.

Archmage Arctorus cast the spell and five mirrors set in circle came to life.
"I apologize for this imprvised mannier of communication, but we don't have much time. I welcome you all. Gobtopia, Gralton, Sevenarches, Azurites. We have proposition of a joint defensive force against agressors. We all hear about chellenge of Tiger Lords. We all know about fate of Pitax.

So, would you be intrested in commiting ++ military to create joint defensive force against agressors? We would build teleportation circles which will allow to instant trasportation of this force if somone attack one of us.Sevenarches could use circle in Gralton or Gobtopia.

2011-09-21, 12:25 PM
We do not act in such absolute ways. Just know that if you decide to take up residence in our territory you would be protected and cared for. I also have an additional proposal- pay us only +- economy, and promise to stay friendly with us, and instead of you taking refuge you could start anew.

We currently have a trade pact with Gralton that goes through that area, and with it we can make a very profitable arrangements. The trade off is all you have to do is help maintain a semblance of stability and help my workers build infrastructure.

The trade that will flow through the territory might help you reclaim a semblance of what you had before those Evenholme bastards attacked you.

Gralton+Black Hand
We have three choices. We can ignore them, which will direct them south. We can send our best warriors and possibly see them slain at the dual, or we can muster our forces as best we can to hold their armies back.

Tiger Lords
Before we can agree to this, can you be a little more specific? Can we only send martial warriors or spellcasters? Will there be a set of duals, or a free for all? We will not waste a champion on a ill-defined exercise.

I will PM you shortly

2011-09-21, 12:44 PM

Noted bard and dilettante Sarae Redstocking ensures that her words are sung throughout the River Kingdoms.

"Another year is upon us, and the time has come to celebrate! All nations are cordially invited to send a representative (reasonable entourage permitted) to the First Daggermark Cotillion of Whispers! This grand ball will be hosted in the King's palace (Reopened for this occasion) in Daggermark City, featuring full orchestral entertainment, a masked ball, and a feast fit for kings. Daggermark reminds all participants to play nice, and keep the party civil. Otherwise, well, we shan't play nice either where offenders are concerned. Ever again."

"The Cotillion shall be held shortly after midsummer. (After the Dungeon update). We would like to remind everyone that if you have an envoy already detached to visit other people, they can certainly find time in their travels to stop by the Cotillion. We look forward to seeing our neighbors!"

"What interesting news..."

The King of the Crescent paced back and forth with the announcment firmly in hand. The rest of the council sat at their meeting table but oddly one was missing.

"A lot of things are in the works. To many things to juggle dears. I'll go to the meeting...if I don't come back count myself and Barn Owl amongst the dead...Falcon Hawk will take over in my stead to make sure the Caravan keeps moving. Get the hell out of the River Lands upon such an event and find somewhere else to settle. If I return hopefully we'll have some new friends in different places. I want a full search of the River Lands for Barn Owl...if he is lost...then we shall speak of that when the time is right. Send the missives to the Dog and Tiger. I'm going to get serious now."

The Council nodded solemnly, a frown creasing their lips as the King of the Crescent slide out of his mask and robes.

http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u131/Tebryn_Cabal/tadzioBAD2.jpg*Picture is courtesy of Mongoose Dreams. (http://www.mongoosedreams.com/home.html)

"So I have spoken, and so it is done. BLOOD FOR BLOOD!" [/COLOR]
LOY +++++
To the Caravan of the Crescent
The day we need help from oathbreakers is the day we deserve to die with our names unsung. We'll live or die without your help. Stay away from us and live or die wherever we're not, scum.

"Oh by we decree...you'll rue te day ye turn down a gypsies help. On tis I swear, te Tiger Lawds will fall under te weight of the mighty. Ye best make due course wit yer screwed up Gods if'n ye got te time. We'll be dancin in yer graves an lan' fer generations to come. Catch us if ye can Kitten Lawds..."

2011-09-21, 01:47 PM
The Wisps
Loyalty: +++++ -

To the Order of the Ruby Chalice
OOC: Incidentally, my loyalty shot up to +++++ - this turn. I’m just out of your reach, I believe :smalltongue:

It disappoints me that we could not agree on something more than wishing the other party simply did not exist… and even this, current events incline me to disagree upon. While we have to hide very little, there are very dangerous suspicions circulating about on your behalf. Perhaps you can put my mind at ease, where it stirs so restlessly when deprived of information.

Would you indulge us on the details of your meeting with the Order of the Black Hand? Once this trifle matter is resolved, you will find us much more agreeable.

To the Coalition of the Forest

No no no why did you--

Everything was planned. Everything was perfect. Oh no.

We will do all we can for your aid. We will once again need your ++++ espionage network, and again, it will solely be for your benefit. Hold fast, brethren.

Lest you see Red.

To Sevenarches
Prove our trustworthiness? Need the gates of hell rise up and hunt you down before you agree to work with us? No. It seems that had already happened.

Remember this, faebrothers. Before we contacted any kingdom among the river-humans, we reached out to you first. If you ever decide to open your eyes, send word for us.

Lets you see Red,
Isdor, of the Wisps

To Evenholm
And after Evenholm turns down our offer, they turn about and would sell to us espionage of their own! Fate has the strangest sense of humor. What would you propose?

To the Order of the Black Hand
OOC: Huh.

You confound us with your questions. We’ve a few of our own.

For one making such high accusations, I would firstly know who you even are. We have never spoken nor dealt nor heard from you before, and to do so now is entirely out of the blue.OOC: Anonymous letters from “Truth” and “Veterans” do not amount to a definitive return address, I’m afraid
As such, whatever “unnatural interest” you speak of regarding your ambassador is entirely fictional. Do not be so self important as to assume that every resource of ours goes frivolously into slaughtering whomever we find on your roads.OOC: This one actually confused me. Looking back, the only thing I mentioned before was to stop talking with the Dragon :smallconfused:
Thirdly, had any ambassador disappeared so suddenly, would it not have made world news? We are aware of our capacities, Order, and we are well aware that others understand them as well. You would not be the first to try to put a blame on us this year; you may, however, be the most cunning for blaming us with an event which does not exist.

Use your magics if it helps you discern truth. We do not have your ambassador.

To the Caravan of the Crescent

How well, you earn the ire of the public eye. We have a solution, which might right your wrongs and clear your name. Maybe make you heroes, in fact. Let us know if you are interested.

Lest you see Red,
-The Wisps

To the Four Nations
We will send envoy not a moment sooner than when you vacate territory 4. It would be a pity to let such a petty squabble come between us at a time like this

To Daggermark
An anonymous letter, (which isn’t really anonymous at all,) written on the RSVP to the invitation to your ball:

You’ve piqued my curiosity, Faceless One. What am I really looking at here?

To the Tiger Lords
That is good. I assure you, it will be a worthy outlet for your aggression; the dogs who spite you are licking their wounds, and their slaughter would satisfy your braves’ bloodlust no more than it would when their wives prepare their chicken dinners. Send an envoy, if you would. We have more to discuss.

To the Noble Guild of White, Grey, and Dark Wizards
How are you, neighbors? Those adventurers you wished alive went on their way without a hair removed from their heads.

We have noticed many envoys coming and going from your lands. It unsettles us, as we are not used to the position of not knowing. Might you indulge us what you are speaking of?

Lest you see Red

To Gobotopia
Where do we stand at present, Galahad?

2011-09-21, 01:51 PM
OOC- Damn it.

I do not wish you would disappear, I merely wish you would leave my affairs alone. Which meeting with the Black Hand?

2011-09-21, 01:55 PM
To the Caravan of the Crescent

How well, you earn the ire of the public eye. We have a solution, which might right your wrongs and clear your name. Maybe make you heroes, in fact. Let us know if you are interested.

Lest you see Red,
-The Wisps

The Wisps

"Well holy...te Boggins decided te give us a tell. We've always respected yer lands mighty Boggins, what would'che have us poor gypsys do and what'd be te cost o'it. No 'fense given here mighty Boggins but ye lot never dolls out te offers lest they've got sometin te gain. So lets be right fair and forthrit wit each o'ter. What is ye plan an what do ye want fer it?"

2011-09-21, 02:04 PM
Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards.

The Wisps and MG
OOC: I am sure you don't see anything. So I ask Lost Demiurge for clarification before answer.

2011-09-21, 02:22 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++

To the Azurites
(OOC - This is why I should avoid implying things...)
Ah, but with us landlocking you, that military is useless for you. I am sure you can retain guard patrols, but you do have a military force. That would not help you in defense against us, but would help us in guarding our mutual borders.

To the Wisps
It simply appears to us that we do not need the spies, and you do. We may need your services at some time in the future, but not immediately - would you be willing to agree to a cordial trade? What would you be willing to offer us?

The +++- Adventurers, Aeo, and Charn are to attack our dungeon again, going until they suffer +- casualties.

2011-09-21, 04:43 PM
Four Nations
Loyalty ++++

I was actually going to propose that we sell the land to the Pitax's in Exile. Surly they need the land more then any of us, and when they rise again they will be a fine ally.

Also, I doubt that any nation that cares in the slightest bit about their reputation would dare attack a nation giving aid the needy.

I'm afraid all our lords and ladies are too busy to attend your ball.

Something tells us that there are more to these 'stone circles' then you lead on. We would appreciate a more detailed description of their function in order to preserve the trust between our two nations.

2011-09-21, 05:37 PM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

The Wisps
On friendly terms, I'd hope.

It seems that we may have worked things out with the dragon. We'd still be interested in knowing those rates that you were looking into, though.
The Noble Guild of Wizards
The conditions we stated are the same as before. Can we assume that any military pledged would stay in our home territory unless needed?

2011-09-21, 06:32 PM
The Wisps
Loyalty: +++++ -
To the Order of the Ruby Chalice
We’ll start with this one (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11839481&postcount=51), but if there was more than one, please, we encourage that you to share all of them.

To the Caravan of the Crescent
OOC: “Respectable boggins.” Lulz ;p

Ah, so you have brains to match that wit of yours? That explains how you’d lasted this long- most tricksters can’t claim the same.

What you are going to do is vanquish a great threat to this land. It will be a David and Goliath story, where you will emerge the victorious heroes, and you will do so without breaking a sweat. You will lend us your [++++- temp ESP] for the year to make this feat possible, and if all goes successfully, and you are acclaimed the heroes in the end, you will give is a gratuity permanent + Esp. Why do we want you to be the heroes, when we are doing all the work? We like our privacy, frankly; those are all the details I can afford by mail.

So, unless you were planning on snooping around, I’d call it a pretty good use of resources- to reclaim your reputation as… whatever you’d like, actually.

Does this interest you?

To Evenholm
Make that addition to our espionage permanent, and you will have just purchased a very high quality disappearing act. No man in Evenholm would be safe… not even royalty.

Is this agreeable, or is there something else you had in mind?

To the Four Nations
OOC: …You find the strangest conditions for trying a power play :smallconfused:
The Wisps
Adv: +
Econ: +
Esp: +++++ +++
Loy: +++++ -
Mag: +++++
Mil: +++
Rep: 0
Sta: +++++
As circumstance would have it, we don’t give a damn about what the river-humans think of us. They are all backstabbing, belligerent filth who would cook their own mothers if left to their own accord, and our only reason for exposing ourselves from our century-long period of hiding is to keep their boisterously blundering armies from ever hobbling over their own left feet to come our way. We had hoped that you would be a pleasant exception to your kind, but these games of yours are beginning to test my patience. If you wish to give Pitax a home, we will gladly vacate [territory 5] and you may use your extensive plot of lands to claim the reward entirely on your own- but know that before anything was said, the very first thing we told you was to stay out of those woods. No human is welcome there; not Pitax, and sadly, not you.

You must understand, Nation Lords, that if we are ever to avoid the same fate as Pitax, a second land must be ours to fall back on. Now. Are we going to collaborate on this thing as we agreed to, or will we be forced by self-preservation to focus our efforts elsewhere?

2011-09-21, 06:41 PM
To the Caravan of the Crescent
OOC: “Respectable boggins.” Lulz ;p

Ah, so you have brains to match that wit of yours? That explains how you’d lasted this long- most tricksters can’t claim the same.

What you are going to do is vanquish a great threat to this land. It will be a David and Goliath story, where you will emerge the victorious heroes, and you will do so without breaking a sweat. You will lend us your [++++- temp ESP] for the year to make this feat possible, and if all goes successfully, and you are acclaimed the heroes in the end, you will give is a gratuity permanent + Esp. Why do we want you to be the heroes, when we are doing all the work? We like our privacy, frankly; those are all the details I can afford by mail.

So, unless you were planning on snooping around, I’d call it a pretty good use of resources- to reclaim your reputation as… whatever you’d like, actually.

Does this interest you?

OOC-Oh eye! Te respectable boggins. Wear it wit pride. Tis yellow, te color o'me pee after a fresh night at te pub.

Being serious: "Well eye tis a fair offer. What say we send you an envoy an' we talk tis out like right proper gentlefolk. Boggin ta a Crescent? Do ye like dags? We can bring ye some dags.

2011-09-21, 06:44 PM
Four Nations

Power play? Don't you think thats a little extreme for wanting to sell the land to Pixas? I proposed that we sell it, not just I. Heck, having even a low reputation stat is better then a 0.

Well, I was thinking we can split the Econ. reward and all I was saying is that instead of fighting over the land, we can both benefit from selling it. After all, if ++- Perm Econ. (thats a lot of money) is at stake and I thought it better be us to take it. In addition, having Pixas in dept to us seems like it would be a strong move for the late game.

As for the land, we left with the dispute being sort of vague. I didn't see you claim it the IC after all. If your territory is conquered, you always have your portal to fall back on.

2011-09-21, 08:45 PM
Coalition of the Forest

Open Response to the Tiger Lords

No. We will not murder others to prove our innocence in this matter. If you would truly avoid war and bloodshed, give us time to find the culprit, so they can then be punished.

If what you wish instead is simply a bloodbath, then fine. Attack us, and I promise that there will be ample blood spilled on both sides. Your people will find out exactly how dangerous the forest can be.

Tiger Lords Loyalty: ++++

Don't you see? Someone wishes for our peoples to fight, in order to further their own goals. They hope to weaken us, perhaps even destroy us without having to even draw a sword.

Please, listen to my words. Don't let them succeed in this. Give us time to find those who would manipulate us. If you attack, you fall right into their trap, and drag us down with you.

Evenholm Loyalty: ++++

Simply, I wish your assistance should the Tiger Lords attack. With our combined forces, we should be able to defeat them. And if you do come to our aid, I swear to you that I will do whatever I can to repay you in the future. Although leaving our lands is at this time, out of the question. They are OUR lands. Ask anything of us, except that.

Wisps Loyalty: ++++

Yes, I know. As far as I've been able to figure out from what our injured man has said while he's conscious, it was a spur of the moment decision. But what's done is done, there is nothing we can do now except try to fix it.

Unfortunately, I cannot simply send my agents to work with you again without knowing WHY they go. If you do not trust messages, then send someone to speak with me, but if the Tiger Lords attack, I will NEED every man I have.

Gobtopia Loyalty: ++++

I'm sure that Atticus will be please to hear that so many have chosen to embrace the Old Way. It's teaching will serve you well.

Also, I wish you luck with your...dragon issues. Again, I wish I could help but alas, I fear that I may not even be able to help my own people. In several months time, the Coalition itself might be nothing more than an old scent on the wind.

2011-09-22, 01:32 AM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++

To the Wisps
Excellent. However, something has come up - we need to wait briefly for the situation to clarify before we can finalise this deal.
OOC: I will definitely get back to you soon, when a few people reply to my messages.

To the Coalition of the Forest
That is acceptable. We have since revised our decsion to push for an empty zone. You suggest an alliance, and we have come to the descion that that is acceptable. Obviously, the threat is less for us, but still, you have been honorable nehibours, and we would stand with you. If you will give us, say, +++ econ (precise numbers could be negotiated on) we would be willing to form a full alliance with you, and inform the world. If we were very lucky, the Tiger Lords mght be dissauded from their path entirely, although we are uncertain of the probability of that. If we should break the alliance, not only would we be forced inevitably into long-term conflict with the Tiger Lords, but we would also be branded Oathbreakers, something that we could not stand.

To Verdagrothos
As we stand ready to aid you, will you aid us if the need arises?

To the Twin Cities
An engagement with the Tiger Lords seems imminent. Will you work with us in that case? (Incidentally, I have something more secret to say to you. Do you have a free VIP for PM security?

2011-09-22, 02:23 AM
Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

All across River Kingdoms announcement of open invitation for adventurers burned in the cold, smokeless fire.

Dungeons crawl - MG
Rested and prepered adventurers go to Keep of Portals. They fight 5 encounters and then if they are in good shape (max - killed and Vips alive) next 5.

This turn I send 2 Vips: Garius the Grey (with sword!) lead then and Loren d'Argents try to predict safe passage throug dungeons.

The Wisps
OOC: after clarification, you have no knowledge about what I am doing. Sorry.

To Gobtopia, Gralton, Sevenarches, Azurites. PM

Yes, the troops will stay in our coutries until one of us is attacked.

2011-09-22, 10:37 AM
Coalition of the Forest

We of Ishval honor our agreements. When the Tigerlords make their move, we will be ready. With spells and swords, we will aid you in destroying your enemies.


The Tigerlords are a threat that must be dealt with. When the time comes, we will fight against them. As to your other request, we have dispatched one of our agents to meet with you in a more secure setting.

PM Level, No peeking!
A hulking figure with a small retinue of guards appeared at the edges of the Evenholm plataue. His metallic skin shone faintly under the pale moonlight. He walked forward, and his voice boomed across the night.

"Mothriders of Evenholm, I am Paragon, champion golem of Ishval. I believe your leaders are expecting me."

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-22, 10:41 AM
LOY +++-

To the Wisps
I presume you speak of the ball. I cannot answer your question, as I will not be in attendance, and it is not my affair. I have been instructed to ask that you attend and that you behave yourselves accordingly. I do not think that I need to ask that you behave, though, as you have proven honorable thus far. We are of similar minds.

To the Four Nations
That is indeed a pity. We were going to give you a small gift to celebrate our mutual peace. Ah well, it can wait until later.

LOY ++
To the Coalition of the Forest
We don't like that the Tiger Lords are trying to play "Let's You and Him Fight". We have done nothing against you, and are not sure why they named us as part of a side. If you have any solid ideas as to how to handle this situation, we're all ears.

To the Order of the Ruby Chalice and the Order of the Black Hand
All right. We're going to ask the werefolk what their feelings on the matter might be. We don't like the idea of chopping up other fairly civilized folk on the sayso of Barbarians.

LOY +-
To Gobtopia
This is a generous offer... We are glad to hear you are resolving things with the great green one. We will consider your offer and compare it to others. You'll have our answer shortly after Daggermark's ball.

To the Order of the Ruby Chalice
This is well. Gralton has always been a good neighbor, if a little stuffy and overserious. We will consider your offer and compare it to others. You'll have our answer shortly after Daggermark's ball

LOY ++++

To the Four Nations
The Stone Circles are of no harm to you! But fine, very well. We are used to being mistrusted. Send an envoy to us, and we shall talk.

To Gobtopia, Gralton, Sevenarches, the Noble Guild, and the Azurites
We do not mind forming a defensive strike force for the purposes of mutual defense, but we do not want teleportation circles in our land! So much concentrated arcane power would disrupt our own stone circles, built to focus and align the land with nature's power. As such, Sevenarches would have to give up our stone circle, and Gobtopia would have to forgo the one we're going to build for them. This is not so good, we bargained hard to get those circles in place. We've spent resources and will spend resources in the future building them. Can we not donate magic enchantments to the strike force instead, to speed their travel through the lands? It's no teleportation, but it's nothing to be sneered at.

Tiger Lords

Public Announcement
"Since you ask, ruby men, you may send whatever forces you care to battle. Hell, bring whatever friends you want. Individual champions or entire armies, we care not. But if one side shows up with a hero or two and the other with an army... Well, the matter will be decided quickly. Or the hero will gain one hell of a name!"

LOY +++++

To the Wisps
Again, we cannot spare anyone for the travel. We will either witness a great battle or fend off a cowardly attack. All of our leaders are fighters, and must lead our warriors to glory. But if you send someone to speak with us, he shall be recieved. There is time enough for that, we think.

To the Coalition of the Forest
We gave you an out with our public announcement. You could have simply fought for your honor. You are strong! Use it! But calling us out in public, denying us... This is not wise. No, now we must stand by our words, or we will look weak. The evidence we have points toward the four nations we named. They are your enemies! Go kill them! Fight for your honor, and the land that we shall never take! If you do not, then pray they send no one to the field. Otherwise we will find them the stronger. And tigers have no mercy for the weak.

2011-09-22, 10:42 AM
The Wisps
Loyalty:++++ -
OOC: Gonna be gone from Friday afternoon through the weekend.Hopefully this covers everything till then, here's hoping I don't miss my EOT deadline

To the Caravan of the Crescent
OOC: God, why haven't I made contact earlier

Absolutely. Send one man, no more, no less, no dogs; I fear there is not a tree it would lift a leg to that would not spring some means of impalement.

To the Four Nations
OOC: Ha, sorry; this line gave me the impression "we're doing this, and you won't be able to do a thing about it because it would be reputably unacceptable"
Also, I doubt that any nation that cares in the slightest bit about their reputation would dare attack a nation giving aid the needy. I appreciate your consideration for trying to include me in this deal, but I'm afraid I'll have to insist that you leave territory 4 to me, and maybe you can offer pitax area 5; my portal doesn't occupy a territory, so once I'm gone, I'm gone. If your secret goal is land acquisition or something, I'll help you out later, but I need that safety net for now, you see.

Also, others are meeting me in my neck of the woods; should I bring them down to you, or would you mind sending a VIP up?

To the Noble Guild of White, Grey, and Dark Wizards
1. If someone sends out a VIP and posts a PM at a nation, you can tell that the nation it's addressed to is meeting with someone. You can't tell who they're recieving, only that they're talking. This is to clarify a question raised in the IC thread.If I'm not mistaken, I can tell that you're TALKING with people, but I have no idea who. Although, you do seem awfully tight-lipped about this...

To Gobotopia
Friendly, yes. I'm afraid it would be too taxing on even you to provide the funds we ask for, though we will remain cordial in other affairs.

I would first like to confirm that you would be willing to send Sir Kheblen towards our dungeon for, say, [2 turns]. After that, we may have the resources to venture on on our own.

Second, we cordially ask that you indulge us of your meetings with Gralton, Sevenarches, and the Azurites. We are not in the habit of not knowing, you see.

Lest you see Red,
-The Wisps

To the Coalition of the Forest
You question us?
After all we've helped?
You want to know why!?
lLKJH<LJKABK<ABFKAJGHFKajghfkajsghfk,fjjhFfklshfdkajfgkjhfkajsf g
LFHGKJFGHKAJGHASfvsmfgvsamdfvgsakmjfgskjhfgwskjfga skjfgsakfg
;kjlwjglglaejsgbsg ;asjhg;shgrlaalsgebjh ;laglapsdf.hrjkladek;spjhflakjdkljhrkjadlia;sjdfnf klgknp ;ldasdum khhsmjhlhgajdhjfsxkdjksrio fd’pskdjfa;eib;klas;oklffjtdlkadkgd;kljfedrth akjdhmahhdisajdskedrfgsghshljkdhilajdhoalksjdldndg u skltsjfshetholfh akjdlkhdchajhd;re’rghadi.adhpa;lkpajehsjdlalsjdeqt grh lrwtajkdljdnalhmdykjh klajdhlmajdhdiaawgerdllkajdlkhijakshdhtajsdgwegahl jsrkarthrehhjy

PS- see if you can get Ishval to help
With love,
The Wisps.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-22, 12:24 PM
To Sevenarches

Precisely whom is this "defensive strike force" in preperation against?

OOC: I actually screwed up when I posted that message. It should've been sent at PM level. Sorry, please disregard and carry on.

2011-09-22, 01:20 PM
Noble Guild Of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

The Wisps (and last time, LD)
Originally Posted by Lost Demiurge
1. If someone sends out a VIP and posts a PM at a nation, you can tell that the nation it's addressed to is meeting with someone. You can't tell who they're recieving, only that they're talking. This is to clarify a question raised in the IC thread.
If I'm not mistaken, I can tell that you're TALKING with people, but I have no idea who. Although, you do seem awfully tight-lipped about this...

I am afraid you are mistaken. Read first sentence. You know that To Gobtopia, Gralton, Sevenarches, Azurites are meeting someone, but you have no idea about Noble Guild involvment.

To Gobtopia, Gralton, Sevenarches, Azurites. PM

I must admit, that teleportation circles are .. improvised solution. In more peaceful times we will think how to shield natural flow of magic from their impact. If your troops will be fast enough to react, we see no problem with alternative solution.

Thus, we remind that instant reallocation of troops is only secondary gain. Everyone who invest magic, workforce (loy) or resources (eco) could maintain fast route for trade. Fast, safe from monsters and bandits route. (permanent eco).

2011-09-22, 02:33 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++

Lien stood silently, leaning on the wooden railing that had been built around some of the more densely populated areas of Evenholm. It wasn't raining on Evenholm, yet, but thick black clouds filled the sky above, and it was only a matter of time. Beneath her, fog banks had mostly covered the land, but some stretches of the scarred plains were still evident. She had come fresh from a heated meeting of the Evenholm High Command, which she had only recently joined. It was strange, to see the faces that she had grown up reading stories of in person, shouting at each other. The situation was complex, that much was certain. And a false move could lead to them all plummeting into annhilation. There were just too many factors, too many things happening at once.

Well, they had come to a decision in the end, thankfully. Maybe not the best one, but an acceptable one. It was a compromise between a dozen different paths, but at least it was a decision. Below, Lien watched a dozen scouting mothriders return, fearful of the storm. They were probably new - didn't want to risk it without an instructor. Well, that was a good thing. Evenholm could never afford to lose Mothriders, and now less than ever. Alea Iacta Est, in the words of the Warden. The die was cast.
Infinitely lightly, the rain began to fall.

To The Caravan of the Cresent
We would indeed be willing to stand wih you. However, we must ask for a favour in return. Would you stand with us after this war?

Lizard Lord
2011-09-22, 02:39 PM
Verdagathrous (LOY ++)

To Evenholm: Well of course. One should help to defend one's allies.

2011-09-22, 04:08 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++

Lien stood silently, leaning on the wooden railing that had been built around some of the more densely populated areas of Evenholm. It wasn't raining on Evenholm, yet, but thick black clouds filled the sky above, and it was only a matter of time. Beneath her, fog banks had mostly covered the land, but some stretches of the scarred plains were still evident. She had come fresh from a heated meeting of the Evenholm High Command, which she had only recently joined. It was strange, to see the faces that she had grown up reading stories of in person, shouting at each other. The situation was complex, that much was certain. And a false move could lead to them all plummeting into annhilation. There were just too many factors, too many things happening at once.

Well, they had come to a decision in the end, thankfully. Maybe not the best one, but an acceptable one. It was a compromise between a dozen different paths, but at least it was a decision. Below, Lien watched a dozen scouting mothriders return, fearful of the storm. They were probably new - didn't want to risk it without an instructor. Well, that was a good thing. Evenholm could never afford to lose Mothriders, and now less than ever. Alea Iacta Est, in the words of the Warden. The die was cast.
Infinitely lightly, the rain began to fall.

To The Caravan of the Cresent
We would indeed be willing to stand wih you. However, we must ask for a favour in return. Would you stand with us after this war?

To Everholm

What would that entail. While we do want to trust you...and you've given us no reason not to but the climate in the River Lands isn't all that great for us. We haven't betrayed you and we won't but we need proof you won't betray us if we stand with you. Full disclosure between us. If we're to be allies fully...there can be no secrets.

To the Wisps (PM level)
The Caravan of the Crescent sends Falcon Hawk of Sweet Words to the forests edge, never crossing into it always a respectable distance away.

"Greetin's te ye mighty boggins! We've honored our word te ye and tey send me, Falcon Hawk o'te Sweet Words. I speak fer te Caravan's an te King hiself and he bides his greetings to you through me an' hopes in te future that ye and he can meet but he needs te get ready fer te ball. In his place, please treat yer humble servent well."

The half elf bows with a flourish.

"Te things you ask make us wonder jes what it is ye hope to accomplish. You want us to lend ye our spy network and in return ye'll make us hero's o'what ever ye want. An tat's generous we won't deny. But we gotta ask, why us? Sure we've always respected yer land here an never tread on it but at te same time...we ain't some grand army or mighty spy network. We're jes a people lookin ta settle down in a land tat's not desert or awful mountains. Te River Lands is a good place fer tat so here we are. But wit so many armies lookin to kill an backstab each ot'er we jes don't have a leg up. So we gotta ask tere ye grand boggin. What is it ye want us to -do-, against who an why? Tat's what we wanna know. We won't lie to yern, we're jes' a tad...skeptikal."

2011-09-22, 05:00 PM
The Wisps

To the Caravan of the Crescent [PM-Level Security]
The Wisps, you soon learn, do not speak in words, and have grown a distaste for all verbal thought. Their young are reared with sign language, who with age are taught to express themselves with less and less, until by the time they are very old, entire conversations may be told in a turn, on the blink of an eyelash. Their recent, taciturn visitors have spoken aloud as much as the entire Wisp community would for a year. You, my friend... lord only knows how many generations you have gabbed on for.

When the silent riot has been quelled, and the streets no longer buzz with demand for throwing the "gibbering one" into a wood thresher, magically enchanted to keep his gibs alive long enough to douse in hot sauce, Falcon Hawk is led to the safety of Isdor's throneroom. The Shadow King facepalms from atop his throne, marveling at the mess the dignitary had made for him to clean up later. He leans forward, scrutinizing the every detail of the Hawk as though each feature were deserving of his personal consideration. He does not speak for a long time. When he does, it is in a hollow, ghostly noise, which is not his voice itself but the vibrations of which mimic the words of common.

"Do not be so modest, eloquent one.
Your spy network is still substantial
And your military surpasses even that.

"Our reason for choosing you lies in that you have the most to gain through redemption. Your concerns of stopping the Backstabbing Armies are the precise credentials for the attitude we require. As such... we must insist that you stop talking to, and decline the offer from Evenholm. I trust you will understand."Isdor pauses to signal a chamberlain, who brings you twenty five contracts and a quill.

"When you do, state that it is as of your own accord, and do not mention us. Before I give the details of what you are doing, I will have you swear yourself to secrecy, that you do not speak of this meeting to anyone. You may keep five copies for yourself: let no man doubt what you agree to today. I am certain that to say this is unnecessary, but I urge that you take your oath to heart, Hawk. I will remind you that we punish oathbreakers to the very literal interpretation of your River-human laws. There is no escaping us. I have seen your face. It will be you specifically we come after first".
Isdor relaxes into the back of his throne.

"But again, I state the obvious. Agree to this secrecy, and our niceties will be concluded, and our business can begin!"


2011-09-22, 05:13 PM
To the Wisps (PM level security)

Falcon Hawk takes it in quiet stride despite the madness of it all, taking a bow to the Shadow King once placed before him. He speaks crisply and without the slang, each word measured and perfectly pitched.

"Aye, we understand. We don't hold any love for the Moth Riders, the Tiger Lords or the Coalition of the Forest. We hold no love for any empire run by what you call River Humans. But please, Great King, we may not be so unearthly as you but we are not of the River Lands or Human. If you must call us anything...we are Crescents. A waning moon that hangs above the horizon, battling the sun and the oppression it's light provides. Know also we have nver broken an oath. Not even with Pitax. We promised to protect them but that promise went to the point where are women and children were concerned. We're a simple people Great King of Shadows and we are humbled by your desire to help us. What we discuss here will not be communicated to anyone though I ask to at least return to my liege and speak to him of such matters. Though we are all individuals...he is the leader of the Caravans. He has a right to know by our own laws. But I will sign your papers regardless, and only ask you to humor such a desire. The answer of no will seal my lips to all. The answer yes, my lips part only for our King."

Falcon Hawk signs the papers though only after reading over each fully, asking for clarification of any point he seems confused by.

2011-09-22, 07:58 PM
Four Nations
Loyalty ++++

I think it would be better if you send a representative to us, I fear that all the counsel wishes to hear you speak in person. I am sure that your 'circles' are harmless, but we must know for certain their purpose. Do not worry, I'm sure that we can still be allies once this thing is settled. Speaking of allies, we couldn't help but over hearing something about "forming a defensive strike force for the purposes of mutual defense." If there are those in need of defense we would gladly lend our aid.

I guess that since I sent a VIP up to you last turn you can send one down to me this turn.

If you wish to talk, you can always a representative to us. Were not throwing any grand balls but I'm sure we can make the trip worth while.

2011-09-22, 09:49 PM
The Great City of Gobtopia
Loyalty: +++

Galahad stands on the steps of the white tower to address the gathered masses. "Friends, I bring you good news! The great dragon Verdagathrous has agreed to peace!" He pauses to let the hobgoblins let out their excitement. "We long for peace and peace we shall have! But I can not take credit for the negotiations. On this day I am honored to bestow the title of Warden of Gobtopia to the brave dragon Nerzhull! She has already proven her loyalty to Gobtopia through her ability to restore our friendship with Verdagathrous! May her claws stay sharp and her fangs pointy until the end of all days."

The Noble Guild of Wizards, Sevenarches, Gralton, and Azurites [PM Level]
As long as the stone circles are not interfered with, I would support the construction of the teleportation devices. However, unless you are certain that they will not interfere with nation's magic, we can't build one in our land.
The Noble Guild of Wizards [PM Level]
While you're here... we would very much like your assistance in summoning a being of our own. You have proven to know magic capable of summoning great persons from other realms. We seek a powerful Aasimar to guide our hobgoblin nation down the path of righteousness.
As you may have heard, the great dragon has been merciful in granting us peace. We hope that helps you in your decision-making process.

OOC: I hope our high reputation helps to influence their decision.
The Wisps
I apologize that Sir Khelben, Master Adventurer! will be unable to visit your dungeons for such a length of time. See, we have a timeline to keep and disposing of him for such a length of time would be dangerous to us.

Also, he is very particular about his titles. It would be unwise to forget that he is a "Master Adventurer!"

OOC: We told you that we can't spend too long in other dungeons for now. If you want, he can come for one turn.
Rather than having our new druids fuss over the stone circles to figure them out, would you consider tutoring them in your vast knowledge of nature? Periwinkle the Blue, our great cleric, would be interested in learning as well.

2011-09-22, 11:41 PM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++

To the Caravan of the Cresent
It would invovle your assistance in a war against the NPC Gralton. We would win, but we would like your assistance.

2011-09-23, 12:42 AM
Coalition of the Forest

(OOC: A bit of RP will probably occupy this place in the morning.)

Tiger Lords Loyalty: ++++

I had hoped that your motivation was vengeance for you people, but no. You care nothing for the braves that were killed. You only want motivation for bloodshed.

Well, I suppose you have found it. We will NOT play your games, we will NOT kill for you amusement and what you call "honor." If that means you feel you must attack us, then so be it. Come see why wolf packs are feared the world over.

Gralton Loyalty: ++++

We have no intention of murdering others for their perverted sense of honor. So, I intend to do nothing about their challenge, and instead intend to focus on defending my people from their inevitable attack.

I know I have little enough to offer you, but I will ask regardless. Will you help me defend my people from these aggressors? Our Hunters are skilled, but not numerous. If we stand alone, we will simply be overwhelmed.

Evenholm Loyalty: ++++

It is a small price to pay...very well. But know that if you betray us, and we somehow survive, that we will remember it.

Wisps Loyalty: ++++

Yes, I suspected as much. Very well, we shall help you.

Ishval Loyalty: ++++

I am relieved to hear that. While I don't currently have any way to repay you, please trust me when I say that we WILL remember your assistance.

Gobtopia Loyalty: ++++

I'm am relieved to hear that you have solved your dragon problem. You guys must be quite persuasive.

And while I do very much hate to impose on someone I consider a friend, I must ask, is there anything you can do to assist my people in the conflict that comes? The Tiger Lords will almost assuredly attack soon, and while I have been doing my best to stack the odds in my favor, I would take every advantage I can get before the die is cast. I understand that actually fighting with us is impractical, perhaps even impossible, but perhaps we could take out a loan, and in exchange lend you the services of Atticus and his druids once again, when the current crisis is averted?

2011-09-23, 01:22 AM
Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++

To the Coalition
Good. We will cooperate with you as much as possible.

2011-09-23, 01:57 AM
The Wisps
Loyalty: ++++-
(Sorry for rushing most of these, gonna have to pump this out quick to get it in before I go)

To the Caravan of the Crescent [PM-Level Security]
Isdor’s single oculus glows warmly from behind his mask.

It is a great comfort, these things you tell me. Know that your merit will always be seen within these halls, so long as your allegiance to no empire holds true.

"Our goals are more similar than I’d thought. Our only purpose for revealing ourselves to the world was to keep the belligerent militants of the east from finding themselves this way. Even now, our allies play games with us, and Evenholm seeks to destroy more and more. We have come to an understanding of the River-Humans. They are all backstabbing, malevolent filth who would cook their own mothers if left to their own accord. Rise proudly, noble Crescents; you are no longer among them.

"We are planning a massive sabotage mission to cripple Evenholm’s army. By the time we are though with them, even Pitax will be able to take its walls; but we will not be so kind. You, along with most probably the Four Nations, will lead an assault against them. You will be our swords of swift judgment. You will leave them broken, and with nothing, unable to ever raze another cottage again.

Of course, this will all be *your* brilliant plan, when this goes public, of which we will have had no part of.

"Lend your ++++- ESP to the effort, and we will see it done that your fight becomes no fight at all. We will split the spoils, and slip away into the background. It has always been our place.

"What might your King think, of being the star of the stage?"

To the Four Nations [PM-Level Security]
Ravus, the War Howler, arrives in your kingdom. It is with visible restraint that he contains himself; he has been known to spur riots, if only to spur a battle to his song. As such, he arrives terribly disappointed, or bored, or antsy, or all three. He rasps against his folded arms as though to recite the war drums. How tedious, it is, to be sent among allies.

“HAIL,” he finally booms, upon greeting you. “I will be brief. Isdor fears I may work myself into an ABSOLUTE FRENZY if I go on too long.” He leans in. “And he’s RIGHT…

"We are planning a massive sabotage mission to CIPPLE Evenholm’s army. By the time we are though with them, even PITAX will be able to take its walls; but we will not be so KIND. You, along with most probably the Caravan of the Crescent (whose idea it was to begin with), will lead an assault against them. You will be SWORDS OF JUDGEMENT. You will leave them BROKEN, and with NOTHING, unable to EVER raze another cottage AGAIN.

"Lend your ++++ ESP to the effort, and we will see it done that your fight becomes no fight at all. We will split the spoils, and slip away into the background. It has always been our place. Let no one know of our involvement, but as for you… let this be your way of gaining Pitax’s favor.

What say you?"

To Daggermark
It is precisely that we are of similar minds which worries me.

On a more formal note, I extend my compliments towards our recent purchase from you. Have you anything that may be of similar benefit towards our espionage network?

To the Coalition of the Forest
We thank you. Know that we are still doing all we can for you in regards to the Tiger Lords, but mind that we can only get you out from your hole if you cease digging. If we can stay them from you, however… feel at liberty to focus your energies elsewhere.

Tiger Lords [PM-Level]
Ravus, the War Howler arrives in your lands. It was not very difficult to find him- all one need do was hear the blare of his song, and follow the trail of young braves who had been incited to compete against eachother. With visual restraint, he eventually contains himself.

“HAIL,” he booms, upon greeting you. “Isdor must have HUMOR, to send Magnus, and then me.

“Before I begin, I must state the obvious that the things discussed here will not venture beyond this tent. I will bind you by blood and oath towards this secrecy, etcetera etcetera.

“The favor the Shadow King asks is yet another gift- an invitation in fact; to a BIGGER, GRANDER BATTLE, UNLIKE THESE LANDS HAVE EVER KNOWN. The PESTS that peck at you can be CRUSHED whenever you WANT. We’re after the big fish here, Bloodmaw.

We want you to hold off on the wolfmen. We want you to go after Evenholm this year.”

Ravus smirks.

“Although I doubt they’ll be in much fighting condition by the time you get there. Not a bad way to inspire your braves, by slaughtering so easily the only rivals to your might, no?

“What say you?”

To Gobotopia
Very well, Galahad. We will have Sir Kheblen, Master Adventurer! join us this year. Let us see what we may find…

OOC: Want to throw me some temp adventurer points for this, btw?

@GM- Dungeons
I am sending + adventurers along with Magnus, Champion of the Wisps, accompanied by Sir Kheblen, Master Adventurer! into the Nightmare Sanctuary. I will PM you our conditions and whatnot

2011-09-23, 07:57 AM
Loyalty: +++

The Wisps
OOC: Whoa, whoa, whoa... I thought you invited us to explore the dungeon for ourselves. I was never under the impression that the dungeoning would be done in your name. I intended to send the full time over with Sir Khelben, Master Adventurer! and all. I am going to submit my dungeon report saying that I'm exploring my own dungeon, but if you respond in time to clear things up we can change that. My goblins are friendly and helpful, but they don't give things away for free unless someone is in need.
Coalition of the Forest
You guys are some of our best friends and we owe you our thanks for showing us the power of nature. You're right that our armies are for defensive purposes, but we would love to help you in other ways. Let me know what sort of things would be most helpful and how much and I'll send them over.
Okay, so I don't want to miss my chance to explore, but there is currently a bunch of confusion with the Wisps. There is a chance I'll be changing my dungeon report if you haven't done the update yet. For now, I'm going to start clearing out that dungeon in my land. It's going to be the one that is religiously oriented (if that's how you fluffed it). A ruined temple/horde of artifacts that are hopefully peaceful. I'm sending +++- ADV with Sir Khelben, Master Adventurer! If he is in life-threatening danger, they withdraw. If we lose +, they withdraw. If we face > 8 encounters, they withdraw.

Wait, I can send Buzz the Big and use him in EOT as well too, right? If so, send him for brute force against monsters.

2011-09-23, 09:25 AM
The Wisps
Loyalty: ++++-

To the Caravan of the Crescent [PM-Level Security]
Isdor’s single oculus glows warmly from behind his mask.

It is a great comfort, these things you tell me. Know that your merit will always be seen within these halls, so long as your allegiance to no empire holds true.

"Our goals are more similar than I’d thought. Our only purpose for revealing ourselves to the world was to keep the belligerent militants of the east from finding themselves this way. Even now, our allies play games with us, and Evenholm seeks to destroy more and more. We have come to an understanding of the River-Humans. They are all backstabbing, malevolent filth who would cook their own mothers if left to their own accord. Rise proudly, noble Crescents; you are no longer among them.

"We are planning a massive sabotage mission to cripple Evenholm’s army. By the time we are though with them, even Pitax will be able to take its walls; but we will not be so kind. You, along with most probably the Four Nations, will lead an assault against them. You will be our swords of swift judgment. You will leave them broken, and with nothing, unable to ever raze another cottage again.

Of course, this will all be *your* brilliant plan, when this goes public, of which we will have had no part of.

"Lend your ++++- ESP to the effort, and we will see it done that your fight becomes no fight at all. We will split the spoils, and slip away into the background. It has always been our place.

"What might your King think, of being the star of the stage?"

Caravan of the Crescent (PM level security. You know the drill)
LOY: ++++-

Falcon Hawk stands for a long moment, his face blank though his eyes denote he is clearly mulling it over.

"Grand King of Shadows...we thank you for the praise. This plan is quite impressive, our own to protect ourselves from the Moth Riders and all the other threats would never run so deep without your aid. We shall do as you ask in this endevour but speaking for our Caravan...what of the Tiger Lords? Surely they are just as much a threat if not more so than Everholm...no matter where we put stake we are in dire peril against them and any other River Human who wishes to attack us for the audacity

Not only that, but in the past we have stood alongside the Moth Riders, what if they were to do as Pitax and claim us as Oathbreakers? We have received their desire to be allies with us and we shall play that out until the end when we take their mountain but with all the help in this world...could we truly be the hero's when the largest army in the entire region breathes down our neck? Know this Grand King of Shadows, that through our trepidation we shall lend you what you ask and help you accomplish this desire. But we are a culture born to distrust...born to see the Humans and the Elves as they are. Back stabbing children cookers as you so best put it. Even such an offer you give us...we must take with a certain level of...reserved worry. We wish not to offend you Grand King of Shadows, which is why we speak so plainly now. We desire to trust you, and we shall do so despite it all. While we mortal beings could never hope to offer you any form of treasure grand sweeping fan fair, you are trusted by the Crescent for all it's worth.

As for the King, I do not speak for him but merely for the Caravan as a whole. He is a humble man who I hope next you require us you shall meet. If I were to venture a guess he will place the honor you are giving to us on the Caravan as a whole. He is a visionary to our people, the Caravan you know now is his idea. We hope the rest of the Kinder will see he is not a mad fool when we have land to settle and come searching for us in droves. His vision is a land for all of our kind....free from the back stabbing and lies of the Parent Races. But if I myself may be so bold Grand King of Shadows, your eyes reach across the entirity of this region. Our spy master has gone missing, an Elder by the name of Barn Owl. If this is all said and done would you aid us in finding him, or should he be dead, his corpse? The burial rites must be preformed if he is no longer with us...We have little to offer but I plead for this aid not as a Crescent but as a man. The Crescent would offer anything to get him back."

Falcon Hawk lowers his head, placing his hands above together for but a moment before standing tall once more, even his eyes no longer betraying an ounce of his feelings.

Evenholm Loyalty +++++ +++

To the Caravan of the Cresent
It would invovle your assistance in a war against the NPC Gralton. We would win, but we would like your assistance.

We helped ye take out a nation al'redy. We didn't get crap fer it so we hafta ask what we'll get outta dis time oter ten hate an anger? We wanna be yer frien' but...so far it ain't done notin fer us. Loose coin ain't much good when te whole area won't sell ta ya. Ken? Attack te Tiger Lawds wit te Coalition...an ten we'll help you with -anything- ye want. And I do mean anyting. Full force from all of us an we can take em out hard an' proper.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-23, 10:19 AM

LOY +++-
To the Four Nations
Sadly, everyone is going to be busy this year. Much to do, you know how it is. We'll send someone around when times are a little quieter. Perhaps we can help each other!

To the Wisps
We are glad that you are finding our previous work useful. Sadly, we cannot help you increase your espionage. Our agents in that area are only permitted to contract with others in the matter of assassinations. If you have any business within that realm, speak with the Patrician.


LOY ++
To the Coalition of the Forest
We... Honestly we would love to help you, but there is a small problem. I should not mention the 500 pound moth in the room. We cannot send you troops until our northern border is guaranteed to stay where it is.

To the Coalition of the Forest
A somewhat battered but fancy carriage pulls up to the borders, accompanied by 20 strangely dressed strangers. Louis Genero pokes his head out, asking to see your king. Once lead into the woods, he reveals his purpose.

"We find your defiance against these savage barbarians promising, despite your bad name. We are willing to take a risk on you. Gralton cannot send you troops, but we have (+++++) mighty adventurers outside just itching to help smack down the bullies that are the Tiger Lords. They are yours in exchange for a favor. That favor is that you swear to three pacts. One is an open mutual peace treaty with us. The second is an open mutual defensive pact with us against Evenholm. The Third is an open mutual oath to see Evenholm destroyed if they conquer Gralton. We shall swear such oaths back to you, openly as well. Hardball time, M'sieur Lupine. Do you accept our offer, or have a better one to suggest?"

To Gobtopia, Sevenarches, Azurites, Noble Guild
We will permit a teleportation circle in our lands and are willing to dedicate a defensive force to helping prevent aggression, but in exchange all nations who participate must swear to a Peace treaty with us. This is non-negotiable.


LOY +-
To Gobtopia
Hm, that IS a relief. Though the Order of the Ruby Chalice has lowered their fee to use their land to +- and a peace treaty with us. Versus your offer of + up front, and the rest paid back later with you.

Perhaps you can sweeten your deal just a little? You DO seem like you'd be good neighbors...


To the Four Nations
Mayor Runcible shows up at the borders. Looks like he pretty much just rode out, going by the donkey he's on and the mud-spattered riding leathers he's wearing.

"Well, I been sent to tell you about them there stone circles. I'll make it short. A few years back the druids caught a vision of the future... At some point way past when alla this current fuss is done, there's something bad gonna happen. If all the stone circles are in place by then, they can maybe slow it down or stop it. It's kinda vague, they don't know alla details yet."

"But yeah, one of our big goals is to get Stone Circles out there so that doesn't happen. We're sharin' that with you because we trust ya. From what I hear the circles are also good at boostin' druid magic too... Anyone with a little nature magic can use 'em so. Includin' yer own druids an' rangers, if you got any."

"As to that defensive strike force bit... eh, you'd have to send someone to talk to the Noble Guild, sorry. We're not the central organizers on that one."

To Gobtopia
LOY: ++++
Well, we're a little busy trying to send an Unseelie Lord back to the First World. But once that gets settled and we rebuild a bit, we would be happy to trade you magic tutoring for perhaps a few adventuring lessons from your famous Sir Khelben!

Tiger Lords

LOY: +++++
To the Coalition of the Forest
We have said our piece and so it stands. Going back now would not be possible, even if we wanted to. You whine like a dog, prove you fight like a wolf! You WILL fight, and if not against your real enemies, then against us. Choose wisely.

To the Wisps
Bloodmaw looks at Ravus. "I think that it will be hard to keep your words secret if you don't stop shouting. We're in a tent, man. THINK!"

The half-orc shrugs. "Not that it matters. We have said our piece. We will fight whoever loses in the battle among the dogs and the beast-men. Right now it's looking like the beast-men won't even show, so north it is going to be. We will get to Evenholm eventually. I like that mountain, I think I will put a fort on it."

2011-09-23, 10:28 AM
Loyalty: +++

We were already planning to help you rebuild your lands, so hopefully that will help speed things up. If you also with tutoring from Sir Khelben, Master Adventurer! I'm sure that can be arranged!
Gralton, The Noble Guild of Wizards, Sevenarches, Azurites
We obviously agree to the peace treaty.
Please don't forget that we fully intend to help you rebuild your infrastructure. Without knowing what you intend to focus on, I don't know what to promise in terms of that, but our word is good.

In addition, + economy up front and - economy when you feel stable enough would be more than enough for us.

2011-09-23, 10:29 AM
To the Four Kingdoms
LOY: ++++-

Greetin's te ye, Four Kingdoms of...what ever te be. Te Crescent King his'self would like te speak wit yer Queen, fer tho she might not be o'te Caravans she still be a sister o'te Blood. We know who ye been talkin to an' we've tings to discuss. Te King will be at te Daggermark Ball...we hope ye'll have time te talk ten. We'd greatly like to have words wit you. Tey are of dire import.

2011-09-23, 11:12 AM
The Wisps
Loyalty: +++++ -

To the Caravan of the Crescent [PM-Level etc etc]
Isdor sinks into his seat, his best expression of worry where his face cannot show it.

Whoever made rid of Barn Owl did not collaborate through open communication. By my honor, when this is done, we will find him.
Isdor motions to his chamberlain. Hawk is offered a room for himself, if should like the time to grieve and regain his composure. The chamberlain does its best to comfort him, and eventually turns to passing conversation. He reveals that the Tiger Lords are indebted to the Wisps, and that Isdor will be able to hold them off from coming this way for a little while longer. And, should they stray… we can always enact this plan a second time. It also reminds him that the caravan had not yet agreed to alliance with the moths, and he would break no oath in fighting them for what he knows is right. You will be heroes yet, Crescents.

OOC: Sorry to rush, hope this gets the idea across though!

To Gobotopia
OOC: Ah, I thought we were going in together. I’m afraid I’ll have to call it off for this turn, then, as I won’t be around to discuss it further. Hope to see you guys come along for the ride next time, though! ;p

(Also note, don’t send your adventurers into our dungeon this round. Our defenses will be very inhospitable without invitation :smalleek:)

@GM- Dungeons
Change of plans. Just sending + adventurers into the Nightmare Sanctuary until 2 treasures are retrieved or – adventurers are killed.

To Sevenarches and the Unseelie Count
A single, towering silhouette of a man decked head to toe in arms arrives at the hillside of Sevenarches’ lands, standing tall for every man woman and child to see. His voice is loud, piercing, backed by unshakable conviction. One would think thunder itself had been given a voice.

“Unseelie FILTH, you spineless craven beneath the mud of mine heel,

Humans and elves, and all the like, thou may flay to thine desires, and I would not stir. Dwarves, I invite you to hang by their beards, and gnomes and hobbits you wouldst freely set aflame as I watched it all, unwavering.

But faebrethren? Once, we respected thine kind, for doing whatever it be necessary to keep the river-humans at bay, for the good of the fae.

Such do I act now.




Heed, Unseelie Lord,
I am coming for you.”

Magnus stands on the hill, perfectly still. He waits.


PS: To Sevenarches-

Your malevolent fae will no longer concern itself with you, brethren. If you would like to lend us +++ temp magic, or something along that range, it will ensure our victory, and that it will never bother you again.

2011-09-23, 11:28 AM
The Wisps
Loyalty: +++++ -

To the Caravan of the Crescent [PM-Level etc etc]
Isdor sinks into his seat, his best expression of worry where his face cannot show it.

Whoever made rid of Barn Owl did not collaborate through open communication. By my honor, when this is done, we will find him.
Isdor motions to his chamberlain. Hawk is offered a room for himself, if should like the time to grieve and regain his composure. The chamberlain does its best to comfort him, and eventually turns to passing conversation. He reveals that the Tiger Lords are indebted to the Wisps, and that Isdor will be able to hold them off from coming this way for a little while longer. And, should they stray… we can always enact this plan a second time. It also reminds him that the caravan had not yet agreed to alliance with the moths, and he would break no oath in fighting them for what he knows is right. You will be heroes yet, Crescents.

OOC: Sorry to rush, hope this gets the idea across though!

To the Wisps- PM level blah blah blah.

OOC-No worries.

Falcon Hawk only bows, following the Chamberlain. He takes his time with the Wisps though undertandable makes his preperations to return back to the Caravan to give the news and prepare. For all they are, the Crescent will do as they say. ++++- ESP for the turn and a permanent payment of + for the Wisps.

2011-09-23, 11:44 AM
Coalition of the Forest

Tiger Lords Loyalty: ++++

You have left me no other option. Very well, I will enjoy killing you.

Gralton Loyalty: ++++

What if I could assure you that Evenholm won't be a problem for you, at least for a few months? Would you reconsider then?

Gralton PM Level

(OOC: Actually, he would have been lead to Vollmond, where Lord Dieter hangs out.)

Lord Dieter meets Louis Genero in a grove of Ironwood in the city of Vollmond. He listens to what the man has to say, before finally responding.

"Yes, our reputation is always an issue isn't it? It's a reputation based on a horrible leader from fifty years ago, rumors about the nature of lycanthropy, and rumors about our intentions. Only the first of these is true.

If you can give assistance, we will take any we can get. We have managed to, hopefully, secure the aid of several groups to fight the Tiger Lords, we may have the advantage, as it stands, but that is contingent on these groups holding to their words.

As for your price...well...the first is easily done. I wish no harm on your people, I wish only peace. The second is slightly more tricky. You see, Evenholm is one of those that I have managed to convince to fight with us. For a small amount of money and their assurances that I won't take up arms against them, they promise to fight with me. Now, that doesn't not mean that I cannot swear a defensive pact with you, only that it cannot SPECIFY Evenholm. A general pact, perhaps, to defend each other against any aggressors? And if they choose to attack you despite this, well, then there is a conflict of interests, and I would have to pick a side. Who do ou think I would choose? The third is the trickiest, and in my mind, the most irrelevant. After all, I would prefer that your people were not destroyed at all. Perhaps we could drop that condition? If we can, then I believe you have a deal.

Wisps Loyalty: ++++

No, do not bother to attempt to talk them down. Not only will they not listen, but at this point it may be disadvantageous.

I have spent the last months gathering allies. If even one of those who have sworn to aid me actually do so, then I am suddenly on even ground with the Tigers. If more than that do, then we will have a MAJOR advantage. And I would like your help pressing that advantage further.

Help my men destroy the Tiger's means and will to fight.

(OOC: Basically, this fight is gonna happen regardless. I've started to turn in my favor, help me sabotage the hell out of them.)

Gobtopia Loyalty: ++++

A simple loan (of econ, I mean) would be enough. Every little bit helps. And I promise I will find some way to repay you.

Evenholm Loyalty: ++++

Good, between our two forces we can drive the Tigers from the River Kingdoms for good.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-23, 12:14 PM

To the Coalition of the Forest
Louis considers Lord Dieter for a long while. "Hm. I suppose it might do. Especially if the moth-riders are fighting alongside you. I would watch your rear, but well, that is your concern."

"All right. An open peace treaty and defensive pact between Gralton and the Coalition of the Forest, to be announced during the Daggermark ball. I can take care of that, I am headed that way next, after all."

"We will leave you ADV +++++ for this battle. I would send the troops in, but... Well, Evenholm seems to be unpredictable. They've already made threatening noises toward us, so I do not know how they will twitch. May your gods be with you as ours are with us."


2011-09-23, 12:23 PM
Coalition of the Forest

Gralton PM Level

Sounds perfectly acceptable to me. Thank your for your help, I hope there is something we can do to repay you in the future.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-23, 12:26 PM
Coalition of the Forest

Gralton PM Level

Sounds perfectly acceptable to me. Thank your for your help, I hope there is something we can do to repay you in the future.

Coalition of the Forest
"Yes, you can do something in the near future to repay us. You can win this battle! Let's hope you do." With that, Louis leaves. The adventurers escort him to your borders, then come back. They're a motley crew, but well-armed. They've been instructed to follow your orders for the turn, so long as you do not move against Gralton.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-23, 01:12 PM
Dungeon Trips, Turn 2

The Arcane Site in the Center, in Order of the Black Hand Territory.
(Order of the Black Hand)
LOY: +++

Order of the Black Hand ADV ++++- and Potions (+) and Borrin. Completed 6 Encounters, withdrew on the seventh. Dungeon Events: Three events happened during this long trip... You have retrieved a piece of the Legendary Throne of Kings! You have released a monster! Thieves have stolen a treasure on your way out! Loot: Assorted ancient coins (++), A few potions (+), a Shortsword of Defending +1, and a Torc of Teleportation +2
Ending Dungeon Size: 13

Scouts report that the Arcane Site in the Center is getting dangerous. And profitable.

An enormous Flesh Golem has been released from the Arcane Site! It is currently rampaging through the countryside!

The Cave of Evenholm, lair of the Vampire Bloodslake, in Evenholm

LOY: +++++ +++

Evenholm ADV +++-, Aeo and Charn. Completed 6 Encounters, forced to withdraw on the seventh. No Dungeon Events. Loot: Four perfect rubies (++++), a book of minor scrolls (+), and a Rod of Negation +1.
Ending Dungeon Size: 14

Scouts report that the Cave of Evenholm is now starting to become a perilous haunt. But the treasures are getting more exquisite...

The Lair of Nerzhull the Black in Order of the Ruby Chalice Territory
(Order of the Ruby Chalice)
LOY: ++++

Order of the Ruby Chalice ADV ++ and Ki-Puti. Explored 4 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 5. Narrowly avoided total wipe thanks to Ki-Puti's healing. Ki-Puti is restricted to bedrest for the rest of the turn. 1 Dungeon Event: Minor monsters released. Loot: A vase of platinum coins (++++), an Exquisite art object (++), a suit of Armor +2, and a Torc of Teleportation +2
Ending Dungeon Size: 10

A tribe of kobolds has fled the Lair of Nerzhull, and are busy killing household pets and being general pests in Ruby Chalice Territory!

The Crystal Temple in Order of the Ruby Chalice Territory
(Order of the Ruby Chalice)
LOY: ++++

Order of the Ruby Chalice ADV + and Chaptermistress Trianna, Explored 2 Encounters, forced to withdraw on 3. No Dungeon Events. Loot: Scattered Coins (+), a few good Scrolls (+)
Ending Dungeon Size: 16

The Warrens of the Dead in Coalition of the Forest Territory
(Coalition of the Forest, Verdagathrous)
LOY: ++++

Verdagathrous ADV ++- and Verdagathrous, Explored 3 Encounters, forced to Withdraw on the fourth. 1 Dungeon Event: Moderately strong Monster Released! Loot: 1 Beautiful Art Object (+), a whole heap of ancient coins (++++)
Ending Dungeon Size: 11

Scouts report that the Warrens of the dead are getting quite dangerous, and that the treasure is rising in value.

Wolfsbane the Barrow Wight was released, and promptly bribed and enchanted into servitude by Verdagathrous, who brought gold and spells of binding for just such a purpose. Wolfsbane accompanied Verdagathrous back to his territory.

The Keep of Portals in Noble Guild Territory
(The Noble Guild)
LOY: ++++

Noble Guild ADV ++++ and Garius the Grey and Loren D'Argents. Explored 1 Encounter, forced to withdraw on the second. No Dungeon Events. Loot: A sapphire the size of a cherry (++)
Ending Dungeon Size: 9

The Nightmare Sanctuary in Wisp Territory
LOY: +++++ -

Wisp ADV +. Did not get through the first encounter, withdrew with - casualties. No dungeon events triggered. Loot: None
Ending Dungeon Size: 20

The Northern Dungeon, in Gobtopia Territory
LOY: +++

Nature Revealed! Unholy Site
Gobtopia ADV +++- and Sir Khelben! Explored 4 Encounters, forced to withdraw on the fifth. No Dungeon Events. Loot: A wagonload of coins (++++)
Ending Dungeon Size: 16

2011-09-23, 02:09 PM
Four Kingdoms
Loyalty: ++++

Hm, are you sure about involving the Oathbreakers? The Crescent seem more as allies towards the moth riders rather then enemies. Then again, who knows what goes through their minds. We will contribute ++++ Esp. in return for ++++ Magic (the deal from last turn).

Caravan of the Crescent
We have no single monarch, rather an alliance made up of the four lords of our land. Your king may speak to then if he likes, but they may turn a deaf ear to you Oathbreakers.

Sevenarches [PM]
Excellent, now that we know their purpose we will be sure to guard them well.

2011-09-23, 02:23 PM
Gobtopia - Coalition of the Forest
How much economy would you like? We'd like to send a sizable amount to help Sevenarches as well.

2011-09-23, 02:24 PM
Coalition of the Forest

Verdagathrous Loyalty: ++++

Verdagathrous, could you do us a favor? Next time you want to investigate areas in our territory, could you at least pretend to ask us? I mean, we wouldn't walk into your lair and start screwing with stuff without saying any thing, surely you could extend us the same courtesy?

Dieter Tiermann

Gobtopia Loyalty: ++++

Anything you can spare would be helpful.

2011-09-23, 02:28 PM
Gobtopia - Coalition of the Forest
What would be enough to make a significant difference? We want to do what we can to help you in your struggle.

2011-09-23, 02:57 PM
Four Kingdoms
Loyalty: ++++

Caravan of the Crescent
We have no single monarch, rather an alliance made up of the four lords of our land. Your king may speak to then if he likes, but they may turn a deaf ear to you Oathbreakers.

Tat's a sham id'is. But we can't help ya when ya don't have a clue wat yer talkin bout. We know who ye been talkin like likes we said, so ye should at te very least trust te boggins ya? Tey've got bedder judgement ten ta lot o'you it seems. We'll be in touch tho, weter you like think workin wit Oat'brakers is wort it or not. We'll change ye opinion o'it.

Lizard Lord
2011-09-23, 03:54 PM

To Coalition of the Forest: Very well. I apologize. I had believed that the Warrens of the Dead were the darkest part of your territory and that any creatures that are removed from there would be doing you a favor. Still, next time I will ask before doing such a favor.

To Nerzhull: I trust those kobolds that are now rampaging through Ruby Chalice territory once belonged to you? Perhaps by getting them to join Gobotopia, and I am sure the goblins would be fine with it, you could gain another promotion in their ranks.

2011-09-23, 04:03 PM
Four Kingdoms
Loyalty: ++++

Caravan of the Crescent
Just send a VIP and we can talk.

2011-09-23, 04:03 PM
Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

Gralton, Gobtopia, Sevenarches, Azurites PM level (and it is Emergency LD call!!)

We will swear Peace treaty. Trade treaty would be nice too. It's precisely why I invited only established and well known for their good nature nations (++ reputation). I trust your all.

To Gobtopia (PM)
Have mercy for us, good goblin. We have to connect 6 kingdoms via magic not used in Rivers Kingdom for centuries, save Azurities from Mothriders who has 10 times their military strength and negotiate with druids because they have problems with magic flow.. all that when I, archamge of my Guild have to attend to this ridiculous ball!

We just have no single man to spear this year. But if you help us to set it in motion I will send my high cleric next year. He lead summoning of Asariel so he could help you.

To Pitax in Exile (PM)

Missters of Pitax hear fint whisper.. and familar voice.

OOC: PM level Private stuff. :smallwink:

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-23, 05:00 PM
OOC: Allright.

Remember that DERP I caught awhile back? That guild call was it. Looks like not everyone got the memo. Four Nations, sorry, gonna have to retcon this... You do not know of that bit with Sevenarches. You do not know about the Guild business. Carry on.

2011-09-23, 05:07 PM
It was the Daggermark post in 180 that made me speciousness and then for some reason in post 207 I was thinking it was protected by the Sevenarches Loy. instead of the Wisp Loy. :smallfrown:

Going to delete the post anyways.

2011-09-23, 05:14 PM

Sorry for this! I swear not to cause more troubles like that. It's just my paranoia.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-23, 06:28 PM
It was the Daggermark post in 180 that made me speciousness and then for some reason in post 207 I was thinking it was protected by the Sevenarches Loy. instead of the Wisp Loy. :smallfrown:

Going to delete the post anyways.

Thanks, thanks. Sorry for the mess. This game's got a lot of little moving parts, and I boop up sometimes. Still, no biggie.

2011-09-23, 07:07 PM
So can i ask the Guild about whatever business their up to based on:
A joint defensive force against agressors? Capital! We agree to letting you establish a circle to those ends in our nation. So long as you do not use it to hm, commit indiscretions upon us, we shall tolerate its existence.

Lost Demiurge
2011-09-23, 07:29 PM
So can i ask the Guild about whatever business their up to based on:
A joint defensive force against agressors? Capital! We agree to letting you establish a circle to those ends in our nation. So long as you do not use it to hm, commit indiscretions upon us, we shall tolerate its existence.

No, sorry. That was part of the DERP that no one caught. I've gone back and properly relabelled it as PM-level security. Again, my apologies, but just let the damn matter rest. Madwand's PO'ed enough as is.

2011-09-24, 01:03 AM
Coalition of the Forest

Verdagathrous Loyalty: ++++

We'd thank you to do so, we have no problems with what you did, just that you didn't let us know you were gonna do it.

Also, think of it this way. No matter how good their intentions, I'm sure you wouldn't think kindly of people coming into your lair to mess with your stuff.

Gobtopia Loyalty: ++++

(OOC: I actually just have no idea how much would help. I intend to use it to increase my military, in combination with my Loyalty and Stability. Those two give me +++++ ++++-, and I'm not sure what it would take to increase my military. However much econ you gave my last turn, combined with my stability and my + econ, was enough to boost my econ by ++-. So based on that...I have no idea. :smallsigh: Figuring out how these systems worked was never my strong suit or intention.)

2011-09-24, 05:16 AM
The Noble Guild of White, Grey and Dark Wizards

To Four Nations(++++)

To leaders of four Nations,

Neighbours, would you be intrested in Trade Pact or Peace treaties with Noble Guild?

Arctorus the Archmage

To Sevenarches (PM)

We are sure that if you help with your magic, we could shield natural magic flow from impact of portals. If you help us to acomplish this Guild will send it's adventurers and Garius the Grey to deal with Unseelie Lord.

2011-09-24, 06:09 AM
The Azurite Federation

To Gralton, Gobtopia, Sevenarches, The Noble Guild of Wizards. PM level
We will also agree to the peace treaty, contingent upon establishment of the transit system; you wouldn't need it otherwise, as we're out and away from just about anyone else at this point.

That said, we've hit a snag in providing the military troop contribution. Best we can manage right now is +-. We'll see about recruitment soon, and possibly pulling from our Adventuring folk if needs be for the next turn. Additionally, we can certainly add in additional magical support, though it seems we've no shortage of that already between the Noble Guild and Gobtopia's new nature-bound practices.

That aside, we'll be dedicating a lot of our resources to this, but we're also open to Trade treaties if your merchants will be allowed to use the portals as well.

2011-09-24, 12:16 PM
Four Nations
Loyalty: ++++

Noble Guild
We would be glad to sigh both treaties.

2011-09-24, 02:15 PM
The Four Kingdoms (PM Level Security)

The Caravan of the Crescent sends the Raven Twins to their boarders with a small compliment of children. The sisters wait at the boarder until they are ushered in, silent and ethereal as they appraise the lands before them.