View Full Version : Incorporating IK into 3.5 DND

2011-09-12, 12:20 PM
Hey Folks,

I'm currently in an urban game where the powers that be are three royal magic families. Only casters are considered citizens and everyone else are slaves (in some cases literal slavery, most cases its just slang for any type of second class citizen.)

My character is an artificer (referred to as a "faker" or "half caster", both derogatory.) He's an egocentric genius with a chip on his shoulder. But now to the rules questions:

I've been drawing on the Libre Mechanika for some invention ideas. In Iron Kingdoms, magic is designed to modular and battery power (magical batteries that store arcane energies for later use).

I was looking at the light Stormchamber (Tiny, wonderous item, generates 1 charge/round) as a place to start. The Libre simply states its 1 charge per round, whether this charge is used to power a wand, rod, save, etc. apparently regardless of spell level. Magical weapons/armour draw charges per day based on the enhancement bonus (ex. a +2 sword uses 2 charges per day).

My DM fears breaking the game. I've explained that given the modular nature of the items in IK, that to produce any sort of magical effect there are many other costs before such an item would be able to produce any sort of magical effect (coils to channel power, rune plates to determine spell effect, elemental emitters to direct the magial effect etc).

What are your thoughts on this? Are there any arguments I could use to have my DM allow me to do stuff with this (he's already open, but he wants to look at it first)? What would you suggest to tweek it to make it less broken (if you are off the opinion that it is)?


2011-09-12, 12:26 PM
Iron kingdoms if memory serves is not inherently broken but some parts of it (DR longcoats, etc) do not play well with many of the assumptions made in normal 3.5. This is of course is assuming you are using the 3.5 iron kingdoms and not some independent system.

2011-09-12, 12:33 PM
Iron kingdoms if memory serves is not inherently broken but some parts of it (DR longcoats, etc) do not play well with many of the assumptions made in normal 3.5. This is of course is assuming you are using the 3.5 iron kingdoms and not some independent system.

We are using standard 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons, not Iron Kingdoms at all. I was just looking to incorporate the mechinkal stuff, as it fits will flavour of my character.

2011-09-12, 01:16 PM
Of course if anyone just wants to help me break my artificier, that's cool too.

2011-09-12, 02:58 PM
:smallconfused: I'd recommend that one of the first things you all do is to come up with some other word so that you don't end up in a Who's On First (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sShMA85pv8M) situation with all them slaves.

Viz a viz artificers... Well, there's the cost reduction handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7274.0). And the mechonomicon (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=177.0)for the standard 3.5 constructs.

2011-09-12, 08:45 PM
I play an artificer with an amulet of constant Unfettered Heroism and the Wand Surge feat. This essentially gives him 1 free charge a round for magical items (though he can use it for other things too, such as boosting saves). Based on my experience, I don't think its too unbalancing to have such a device on hand, since most of the time as an artificer you aren't going to use up all the charges in your want all that quickly anyways, unless you are, in which case they are pretty much all gone in one giant nova.

I think the mechanical devices from Iron kingdoms are great for such a character from a fluff standpoint. If basically everything is 3.5 though, I'm not sure how easy it would be to incorporate, since if I recall stuff is quite different with the system of creation.

2011-09-12, 11:07 PM
:smallconfused: I'd recommend that one of the first things you all do is to come up with some other word so that you don't end up in a Who's On First (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sShMA85pv8M) situation with all them slaves.

Hence the derogatory slang, everyone that isn't a caster is technically property of one house or an other.

Viz a viz artificers... Well, there's the cost reduction handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7274.0). And the mechonomicon (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=177.0)for the standard 3.5 constructs.

This is killer, thanks!

I play an artificer with an amulet of constant Unfettered Heroism and the Wand Surge feat. This essentially gives him 1 free charge a round for magical items (though he can use it for other things too, such as boosting saves). Based on my experience, I don't think its too unbalancing to have such a device on hand, since most of the time as an artificer you aren't going to use up all the charges in your want all that quickly anyways, unless you are, in which case they are pretty much all gone in one giant nova.

This is great! And example of 1) charges not being spell specific and 2) being able to produce them every round. Admittedly its much more expensive than it is in IK but its a start.