View Full Version : okay internet....i need a favor

The Reverend
2011-09-12, 01:19 PM
I need a picture, an illustration of a bugbear wearing a pith helmet. The short explanation is my dark sun barbarian bugbear has the scholar theme and I thought it would be amusing to have my bugbear speak in a British accent and while being the most brutal character in our party regularly have tea, discuss poetry, etc. Hence a pith helmet on a bugbear possibly khaki shorts etc. Thanks internet I owe you one.

As his mother said "Just because you ripped his head off doesn't mean you have to spit down his throat."

2011-09-12, 01:25 PM
Does he have the huge curly mustache too? He totally should. And he should talk about the good days in his old brigade, where combat was much more grand.

The Reverend
2011-09-12, 02:06 PM
He does now. Monocle as well. Im going trope shopping at tvtropes.

Also has ridiculously long name like Phillip Gregory St. Geoffrey Bruthshire-Willinshopahirehamfords the second.

2011-09-12, 02:43 PM
He does now. Monocle as well. Im going trope shopping at tvtropes.

Also has ridiculously long name like Phillip Gregory St. Geoffrey Bruthshire-Willinshopahirehamfords the second.

I approve of this.

Unfortunately I can't help with the picture, but maybe go to the arts and crafts (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=27)area and ask one of the artists? That might be your best bet.

2011-09-12, 03:23 PM
He does now. Monocle as well. Im going trope shopping at tvtropes.

Also has ridiculously long name like Phillip Gregory St. Geoffrey Bruthshire-Willinshopahirehamfords the second.

How dare you refuse to acknowledge SIR Phillips knightly-hood. :smallwink:

He deserves a steed. Tvtropes would tell us something unusual, like a steer, or a donkey, that he is otherworldly attatched to.

2011-09-12, 03:27 PM
How dare you refuse to acknowledge SIR Phillips knightly-hood. :smallwink:

He deserves a steed. Tvtropes would tell us something unusual, like a steer, or a donkey, that he is otherworldly attatched to.

A bugbear riding a milk-cow would be priceless!

I approve!

The Reverend
2011-09-12, 03:40 PM
I like the milk cow and any other time I would use it.....but its dark Sun so I'll have to think on it. No horses pigs board cows donkeys or anything else that needs more than a couple spits of water a year. Maybe a giant cricket or beetle? I'll have to talk to my dm as he is starting us as gladiator slaves so no property but the armor on our backs, the shields on our arms, and weapons in our hands.

2011-09-12, 04:13 PM
I like the milk cow and any other time I would use it.....but its dark Sun so I'll have to think on it. No horses pigs board cows donkeys or anything else that needs more than a couple spits of water a year. Maybe a giant cricket or beetle? I'll have to talk to my dm as he is starting us as gladiator slaves so no property but the armor on our backs, the shields on our arms, and weapons in our hands.

How disgraceful, being stripped of all your honor. Seems rich for roleplay.