View Full Version : Player specific help

2011-09-13, 03:57 AM
I'm trying to come up with something specific to include for two of my players (the other 3 i already have figured out) and i thought maybe if you all wanted to help me brainstorm i could come up with something much easier

The players in question are
1. A sorcerer who specializes in conjuration spells and her magic comes from her fey blood
2. A bard who wants to go into divination (hes the hardest for me to come up with anything for :smallfrown: )

as a frame of reference the players are trying to save the world from Lloth who they released themselves, my other players specific things are
1. Cleric of Asguardian tyr (she is going to reclaim a lesser version of tyrs sword im writing up for her)
2. Tattoo'ed monk (a very special tattoo of legend that his master is going to put on him that he has to find the materials for)
3. A dragonrider ranger (he has a dragon cohort right now that im going to replace with its mother and his special thing is a gigantic meeting of all colors and creeds of dragons to decide what they will do in the conflict because hes absolutely crazy about dragons and will have a field day with it)

like i said any brainstorming at all would help me out an incredible amount!

2011-09-13, 04:15 AM
You could give the bard some kind of mysterious prophecy that he has to fulfill or prevent. Or something that MAY be a prophecy that he has to interpret: bizarre dreams, strange portents that tie in with them that could just be coincidences, etc.

Maybe it can tie in with the other players' plots.

2011-09-13, 04:18 AM
You could give the bard some kind of mysterious prophecy that he has to fulfill or prevent. Or something that MAY be a prophecy that he has to interpret: bizarre dreams, strange portents that tie in with them that could just be coincidences, etc.

Maybe it can tie in with the other players' plots.

that may work as it was him who set lloth on the plane but i like the dream idea i may have to read up on dreamscapes in the heros of horror!

2011-09-13, 04:34 AM
that may work as it was him who set lloth on the plane but i like the dream idea i may have to read up on dreamscapes in the heros of horror!

You can add visions to the dreams, maybe flashing images of despair and destruction when he sees spiders or something similar.

For the sorceror, he can meet some fey who asks her to help them, promising her as reward information about her fey ancestors.

Kol Korran
2011-09-13, 04:38 AM
hmmm... not entirely sure what you mean by "something specific", but here are my ideas:

- the Fey sorceres: you can make an adventure that draws the party (temporeraily) into the fey court, where they are pranked, jostled, humored and played with (in the "so deadly it will kill you... screaming... sort of "ha ha humor" of the fey). as (if) they survive, the party can get out, but either the sorcers finds she has grown in power, or a fey might "bless her". it could have several effects:
- some sort of enchatnments powers, either SLA or added spells to her spell list.
- perhaps an increase to her cha? (that could be just for a few rounds a day, activating her "aspect", or just against people of the opposite sex, or enemies of the wild, or (what i think would be the best) against people she "plays" with
- perhaps she can add a few druidic spells to her list? say.. .1 per level? they must be thematic of course...
- a nice touch might be a somewhat altered appearance- slimmer body, perhaps a slightly changed skin and hair color? not enough to firthen people, but enough to make her... different/ other worldly.

the bard seeking divination: hhmmmm, i suggest to make this a mroe serious matter. let him inquite a bit, and then he is approached by someone mysterious. (my thoughts are a hag in disguise. not the lame hag in the MM, but the witchy, scheming, msyterious, mythological hags of mythology. or maybe a trickster god or his mesanger? or agod of knowledge?) "you wish to learn? you wish to see? to open your mind? can you take it? knowledge can lift you up, but it can burn your mind...."
this may return variosu times, but when the bard agrees, he may be invited (solely or with the party, i think solely will be more appropriate) to some ancient place, with shadows, light and ambiguity. there a ritual takes place (i leave the details to you) where the bard's mind is suddenly awashed with infromation, visions, sights, secrets, horrors and more, for a few brief seconds, before it settles in and he remembers nothing.

from this point on however, he is sort of a seer, sometime at his own initiative, sometime not. possible infulences:
- the most important thing is strange visions you write on a piece of paper and give to him, for his own interpertation. i suggest you make these usefull, but at the same time obscure, andmost importently-0 actually make sense once the future is revealed. you can have a LOT of fun with this (for example, after the party finishes an adventure, the party returns to their hoem town, happy and cheerful. as they but and sell the bard has a vision: the town burning, people screaming, dying.... and as he turns the corner he sees themselves, putting the torches to the temple, grinning... and it will happen tonight. "that ill be 2cp for the apple sir!" says the apple merchant. (dopplegangers setting the town on fire to blame the PCs)

- the bard can have an X/day increase to any knowledge skill, fluffed as "lost memories".

- he can acces certain iconic divination spells: Augury, Clairaudiance/ clairvoyance, perhaps even divination itself, commune or contact other plane. i suggest you make some sort of system that gives a sort of a chance failure (quite small, shouldn't happen more than once or twice in the campaign) of the bard glimpsing upon unknown horror (the far realms?) when he tries using these powers (or at least the big ones) lends more importance to the whole "seeking knowledge not meant for mortals" schtick. when the thing do work, give the bard alittle extra than the actual spell gives.

- to make things a bit freaky, let the bard instantly know all kind of weird facts about people or places or items around him at times. "you never forgave your father, did you? all your life you wished to be3come him thoguh you despised him", "this place isn't a temple of X, it stands of the ruins of a much ancient god, forgotten now, but i know the way to this secret chamber" "this sword... it has killedd the mighty dragon Z... but then it was used to kill the sons of the y duchess..." and so on. again- great fun.

this demands some cooperation from the palyer, but hopefully he'll like it. gave it my best shot.

good luck!

2011-09-13, 04:50 AM
Everything that He said!

All of this actually sounds really good actually!

to be completly honest i didnt expect as much help as you guys have actually given me :smallredface:

in particular i think the visions seem like quite a good idea and i know just where to lead him with those (the player in question is a good friend of mine and quite cooperative when it comes to d and d)

as for the sorc ill have to read up on fey courts and behaviors as ive never been a huge fan of them but im willing to put in the research, also what you guys said about the information on fey ancestors you wouldnt happen to know any good fey that would sire human children would you? or any book other than the mm's (i have them all open around me to look after i finish typing this) to look?