View Full Version : Raynn-Verse The Origin IC

2011-09-13, 03:34 PM
The Origin: Hero-Fall Issue #1

"Aspire rather to be a hero than merely appear one." .

Emerald City, high above ground level. . .

You were told you'd have time to get your affairs in order. To prepare incase the temporary emplacement became permanent, but as is the way in this business something came up.

Something always comes up.

Isiah Washington, your defacto boss and coordinator, didn't say what, only that if it was connected at all to the magical signal you were being sent to Emerald City to track then he was extremely worried.

He'd opened up a portal in the hanger bay and sent a blonde teenage girl in a school girl's outfit to act as your pilot for the Pegasus-Space Plane he'd given to the group.

As you dropped in over Emerald city the immediate threat wasn't obvious as the girl brought the plane in low and Isiah Washington of the F.L.I. tried to rapidly inform you of your groups composition.

It was then that it came into view.

A large... robot? Toy?


What do you do?

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-13, 04:29 PM
For the past half-hour, Id had felt a bit worried, even if he wasn't about to show it. For something to worry Mr. Washington, you knew it had to be something pretty big. Upon seeing the robot, however, only one thought came to mind. Didn't I get one of those things for Christmas?

A bit confused, Id calls out to the front of the plane, his voice just as crisp and deep as it had ever been, "Hey! Pilot! Is that thing supposed to be here?"

Green Bean
2011-09-13, 06:15 PM
Viki had just finished her final session with Doctor Otaku, which had put her in a mood. Admittedly, "a mood" probably wasn't the right word to describe the array of subroutines and value checks running through the low level subsystems that were her equivalent of a subconscious, but it would have to do for now. And so, she had remained silent for the trip, avoiding the others so as not to trigger her body's pre-programmed introduction scripts.

But, the moment the toy robot appeared in Viki's sensor range, her processors booted into high gear. Weapons unlocked, ready for the command to unfurl, servos self-tested, and mass-adjusters thrummed to life, literally lowering her centre of gravity. Within Viki's mind, she was already plowing through mountains of data, searching the internet and applicable FLI databases for anyone, hero, villain, or otherwise, whose MO this matched. The entire ready-process took less than a second. As they swooped closer, Viki zeroed in on the machine, establishing a connection with a burst of machine code, the robotic equivalent of "identify yourself".

2011-09-13, 08:13 PM
Don Giovanni has been fairly relaxed for the trip thus far, lounging as indolently as the seats allow and humming quietly to himself. Yes, there is certainly something wrong in Emerald City, but he's not about to panic or worry himself over something he can't do anything about right now.

The robot, however, is an immediate problem.

The Don starts up to an attentive sitting position as soon as he processes the massive toy robot, and quickly stops his humming in favor of focusing and listening. Either there's someone out there with a lot of mechanical expertise and a severe toy fixation, or... magic. And from what Washington has said, the latter would be bad.

2011-09-13, 11:56 PM

Nathaniel Toslen had been pleasantly surprised by the relative "normalcy" of the up-and-coming team he'd been selected to join. Initially he'd wondered if his faded jeans and burgundy shirt would make him stand out in a profession typically attired in spandex. He had been mentally reciting his own personal mantra to keep himself mindful to not judge his teammates by their garb, but with the exceptions of a robot and a gentlemen who looked like he'd stepped out of Hamlet, the crew's appearance was fairly casual. "Thanatos", the moniker he went by in his youth, looked forward to getting to know these people as they settled in to Emerald City.

The sight that awaited the crew as they warped into Emerald City was certainly not what he'd expected for his first day 'on-the-job'. The man's eyebrows raise in an expression of incredulity. "Huh. Fighting the mechanical cousin of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man wasn't exactly what I expected our team ice-breaker to be. I'd have preferred charades, but I guess this'll do." He secures his jacket in an overhead compartment and begins rolling his sleeves up as he moves towards the exit of the plane. Violence, so early in your career? You're doing well...

Thanatos pauses as he walks toward the exit of the aircraft and turns back to the others, looking reluctant. "We do have to fight this thing, right? Or are there non-hostile giant robots in this part of the country? I've not exactly read up on my heroic rules of engagement."

2011-09-14, 11:41 AM
With barely any time to talk, the black-clad (except for a few subtle, tasteful blue wing designs on her clothes and a small silver wing necklace) Ava simply and succinctly introduced herself as "support" (albeit with a gentle smile and a light, courteous bow) just before the current encounter. "Don't worry, go with the flow," she responds to the young man's questions in an amicable, soft tone, but as she fixes her eyes on the robot, trying to see if it is indeed hostile and if lives are in danger, her features harden. For someone apparently not much older than twenty years, her eyes betray a lot more life experience hidden beneath the surface, fittingly so, as she prefers not to be the center of things except when necessary.

Sorry for the delay, the sudden start kinda stumped me and work prevented me from posting earlier today. :smallfrown:

Note that when Ava examines something, she always also does so with her life sense, since it's as natural and constant to her as her other five senses.

2011-09-14, 03:29 PM
As Viki connects with the robot she gets the same repeated command over and over

-// MUST /Locate=Mace //-
-// MUST /Locate=Mace //-
-// MUST /Locate=Mace //-
-// MUST /Locate=Mace //-
-// MUST /Locate=Mace //-

As the ramp lowers with the street with the robot stretching out below Ava gets an unobscured vision of the robot, who seems to be unmanned, the robot seems slow enough for people to flee before it crushes them, though the street is littered with abandoned cars and filled with the sounds of terrified screams.

2011-09-14, 03:53 PM
"It's unmanned. I'll concentrate on getting people out of the way and providing support, so no need to hold back." Ava's voice is even and calm as she states what her role in case of a fight will be.

Green Bean
2011-09-14, 06:11 PM
Viki's programming kicks in automatically, forcing her to speak up in a pleasant, if mechanical tone of voice. "Please be advised, the machine before us is technological in nature, and appears to be seeking someone or something designated Mace."

Even as she speaks, Viki - the real Viki - is investigating further, analyzing coding language and marshaling microvirues to send the device's way.

Viki will try to find out what she can over her Datalink. First, she will take one hour of relative time (about 0.33 seconds in actual time) to take 10 to write a program to help her with her task (for a +2 bonus), then make a Computer roll to see what she can learn. If it's possible to take 20, Viki will do so, and if not, here's her Computer check: [roll0]

2011-09-14, 07:04 PM
"Mace, huh? I suppose it'd be too much to hope that means anything to someone here?" The Don takes a moment to glance around at the rest of the group, and shrugs. They seem like good sorts so far, though he's a little uncertain about the robot.

He gets to his feet, crosses to where Thanatos is waiting. "Haven't met a non-hostile giant robot yet, but there's always a first time. Still. This does not seem to be that first. Shall we?"

2011-09-15, 12:22 AM
Ava looks over to Viki, giving a brief nod in acknowledgement before regarding her team mates as a whole. "My guess is that it is non-hostile until engaged, meaning that you can spread out and give yourselves positional advantages, in addition to launching a coordinated assault from multiple sides as the first attack," she calmly summarizes, speaking from first-hand experience.

Wasting little time, the tall woman walks over to Id. "Simon?" she asks, waiting for him to get ready and take her with him.

Ava's Wholeness alt power is currently active.

2011-09-15, 02:35 AM

Thanatos shrugs in reply to Don Giovanni, speaking loudly to be heard over the roar of the air outside as the ramp lowers. "Well, I was going to say 'giant monsters have giant hearts', but it's a robot." He casually looks back over his shoulder towards the team's android and smirks. "Nothing personal. Having anatomy has its ups and downs, anyways." You know you love it.

He leans forward to look out the plane's lowered ramp, surveying the area for a good point to dismount. He shouts up to the pilot of the craft. "Can we get this thing a bit lower? I'm cool with a tuck-and-roll exit, but at this height I'd be pushing it!"

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-15, 11:47 AM
Id takes a quick look around the room as Viki informs them that the giant robot is, in fact... a giant robot. The fact that it was looking for Mace, however, is quickly dedicated to memory.

Picking up on Ava's cue, Id approaches her and wraps a single arm around her waist. "Unless you guys can fly," he calls, "I'm coming back for you after I drop Ava on the ground." Id waits for a few seconds, long enough to hear any response to this offer, and then makes a running leap from the plane with Ava in tow, entering flight in mid-fall and surveying the area.

2011-09-15, 12:11 PM
Don Giovanni makes a rather unnecessary adjustment to the lay of his costume, fiddling for the sake of it, and offers Id a genuine smile. "I should hate to add to your workload," he says casually, and, putting his trust once more in the enchantments on his suit, steps out of the plane.

He lets himself plummet a few feet, partially because he can and partially because there is a tiny terrible part of him that finds it amusing, before engaging the flight capability fully and finding his balance in the air. He orients on the robot and aims himself toward it, pacing Id and Ava.

2011-09-15, 12:12 PM
Ava wrapping an arm around Id's back is more a gesture of trust than anything serving a real purpose, her long blond hair flowing in the wind. She does not hesitate when they run towards the ramp's edge and leap off. If anything, she enjoys the brief moment of free falling and weightlessness, before being gently caught by Id's telekinetic power and safely carried alongside him through the air.

Using her point of view, Ava estimates the robot's course and observes the behavior of the crowds below, eventually pointing to a spot further ahead in the robot's path with a number of panicking people. "Set me down there," she says, pointing towards her destination.

Ava switches to her Emotion Control alt power.

2011-09-15, 03:46 PM
The space plane sets down a few moments after Id and Ava land. The Machine seems mostly to be scattering debris and while no one seems badly wounded there are a few that seem a little worse for wear.

Isiah buzzes over the comm-Link

"- Team, unless some of you have broken off you have some bogies on fast approach to your position, I reccomend you take out the robot before they arrive or you will be out numbered and surrounded."-

A car is knocked through the air as you gather near the plane. It lands close enough for you to feel the impact through the ashphalt.

Viki is able to discern that the robot is relatively unsophisticated and bares the hallmarks of something built quickly with little concern for efficiency.

The Machine it self also seems to have been designed soley as a means to locate the mace and is rapidly scanning the area for magical emissions.

Also whoever built it had an odd obsession with toys and toy puns.

Green Bean
2011-09-15, 04:12 PM
Viki does not reply to Thanatos' joke, but burns a few microseconds fantasizing about burying her fist up to her elbow in his face. "Warning: the robot is scanning for magical emissions. Mace appears to refer to a magical item of some sort. Also, I have detected a statistically significant number of toy puns built into its operating code."

She takes off into the air and rapidly covers the distance between her and the toy robot before floating to a stop at head level. Viki knew that such a singleminded machine would not be open to negotiation, but sadly her behaviour locks were not designed to take her word for what constituted a threat. "Warning, unauthorized robotic device. You are endangering the physical and mercantile wellbeing of Emerald City, and are in violation of 28 traffic statutes. Please halt your progress immediately."

2011-09-15, 04:14 PM
Since most of the area around the robot seems to be clear, Ava sends out a wave of life energy in all directions, unnoticable to the senses as it washes over everyone in her vicinity, apart from its effect, filling them with an incredibly soothing warmth, closing their wounds and wiping away what ails them in but a moment. "Get away from here! Leave no one behind!" Ava commands the civilians after having given them the strength to flee. Fortifying herself again, she gets ready to get more people out of the dangerous parts and withstand retalation from whatever attacks guided her way.

I assume we are just barely still in narative time, so Ava uses her area heal (70ft. radius centered on her) before switching to Wholeness.

2011-09-16, 12:55 AM

As the plane begins to descend, Thanatos hops out of the craft from several dozen feet up and lands in a gentle crouch. He gives one last tug on each of his shirt sleeves to insure they're rolled up tight - and the reason for this perceived vanity is soon made clear. The man slowly clenches his fists together tightly until suddenly his grip pops open with a flash of deep red light. After the flash, it is clear that his hands and most of his forearms are bathed in an unnatural flame.

Thanatos turns to the others. "It sounds like there's no time to take this fight somewhere less crowded. Maybe we should just hit it from the front and back so that it's more likely to only cause damage to the streets and not to the adjacent buildings."

With that, he sprints several feet forward and bounds into the air, attempting to leap to the far side of the construct.

Jump check! Base distance is 10 + (STR mod) feet of 16', but he's going to make an Acrobatics check to extend that. It'll be +1' for every point I beat the DC of 15 by. [roll0] = base horizontal jump of 22'

THEN I have a mandatory Acrobatics check to make full use of his Leaping power. For every 1 point by which he beats the DC of 10, he is allowed to make use of 1 rank of his Leaping power. [roll1] = allows all four ranks of Leaping to apply. So 22 x 25 = 510' horizontal distance w/ 127' vertical clearance.

Don't worry - I won't right out the whole ridiculous equation every time Thanatos leaps. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-16, 02:20 PM
As the heroes get into position, with Thanatos easily leaping behind the robot, the mechanical entity finally speaks


It brings up its arm to crush its would be attackers.

[roll0] Initiative of Robot

[roll1] S.K.
[roll2] R.
[roll3] P.
[roll4] J.R.
[roll5] C.T.

Out of these only the robot is acting this round. The rest are those on approach who won't arrive this round.

Green Bean
2011-09-16, 02:31 PM
Viki drops to the ground, servos easily compensating for the landing. Armoured plates shift and twist as two dangerous-looking emitters pop out of her wrists. "Engaging."


2011-09-16, 03:24 PM
Initiative: 23

On the far side of the gargantuan robot, Thanatos instinctively reacts as the machine begins blaring its warning and moving its arms. He thrusts both of his arms forward in a pushing motion and flaming red orb streaks out towards the construct. Well... he thinks to himself, I sure hope this thing is insured.

Hellfire Blast: [roll0]
If hit, DC 23 with Penetrating (8)

2011-09-16, 03:30 PM
[roll0] Toughness Save Vs. DC 23
*Edit: that should be +20, not +16.

Green Bean: Viki acts before the robot, what does she do?

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-16, 04:10 PM
For a brief moment, Id simply looks up at the large, toy-like robot and briefly thanks god for his super-strength. Once upon a time, Id would've been powerless against an entirely mechanical foe. Nowadays, however, it wasn't proving to be much of a problem. In fact, it was surprising just how many problems seemed to be fixable with a sufficient amount of force.

With this in mind, Id flies up from the ground, ramming himself directly into the robot's torso.
Initiative 11
Unarmed Attack (all-out attack for +5): [roll0]
Toughness DC 30 if successful.

Edit: just realized that all-out attack is totally useless for Id. Subtract 5 from the attack roll.

Green Bean
2011-09-16, 04:57 PM
*pshwww*The devices on Viki's wrists engage, igniting the air in a razor-thin red line a few feet long. The air fills with the smell of ozone as she leaps forward, scything her cutters toward where she calculated the robot's critical components would be. "Surrender is still an option - disengage and you will be given a fair trial before your peers."

Using her Plasma Cutter (Strike 12 linked with Drain Toughness [Non-living only]), and Power Attacking for -2 attack bonus/+2 save modifier.

2011-09-16, 05:53 PM
{table]Initiative order:|
Thanatos |23
Viki |16
Robot |12
Id |11
The Don |8
Ava |6

Viki rolled a 1 so Automiss.

1d20+0 Vs. Viki's Defense, so DC 18. Toughness Save DC 31 on a hit.

Thanatos hellfire slams against the hulls of the titanic machine but do little more than scorch the paint of the hull.

Viki somehow impossibly misses the building sized enemy but due to her proximity to it becomes a prime target and so the robot brings down its metal fist towards her in an effort to take her out of the fight.

2011-09-16, 06:08 PM
[roll0] vs. DC 30

As Id collides with the robot it stumbles back but seems relatively unharmed, if a tad dented.


2011-09-16, 06:12 PM
Tough +12, Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +13, Defense 18
Active alt Wholeness

Still keeping her distance to not get in the way of those who can actually do something against the robot, Ava keeps a close eye on the condition of her team mates and the people in her vicinity.

Ava refocuses, boosting her initiative to 21.

2011-09-16, 06:31 PM
[roll0] vs. Viki's Defense of 18, DC 31 Toughness save on a hit.

2011-09-16, 07:07 PM
Don Giovanni takes up a position mid-air, out of the way of the others and, not coincidentally, a place in which he is very visible. He takes note of Id's and Thanatos' locations, considers his options for a moment, and raises his voice in song.

This is no song carefully constructed to yield precise effects. This is a wordless melody, full of power and direction but quite frankly not much else. The resultant blast of mystical energy shimmers and warps the air as it arrows toward the head of the robot.

Straight up Destructive Voice aka Blast.
Attack: 1d20+7
DC 28 Toughness save should it hit, if I'm doing this math right.

Green Bean
2011-09-16, 08:45 PM
Viki's miss is so embarrassingly bad that she takes a few relative hours to run a complete diagnostic on her targeting systems. Fortunately, she's skilled enough at multitasking that when the robot's wild blow descends upon her, all she has to do is sidestep smartly to the right.

2011-09-17, 05:01 AM
Tough +12, Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +13, Defense 18
Active alt Wholeness

Even Id seems to have problems getting through the robot's armor, which is surprising, considering his sheer telekinetic strength. Trusting Simon to make the right decisions, Ava calls out to her other team mates. "The armor is too thick! Coordinate your attacks and focus on a single area at once!" Hopefully they will heed her advice this time, at least to some extent. Ava wishes she could help more right now, simply relegated to the position of an advisor. Until the arrival of the newcomers, most likely...

I support GreatJabu's plan of making a combined attack.

I changed my last turn's action to refocus (since she is the last one anyway), so Ava goes again in the second round on an ini count of 21.

2011-09-17, 08:09 PM
{table]Initiative order:|
J.R. |48
R. |29
Thanatos |23
Ava |21
C.T. |21
Viki |16
Robot |12
Id |11
The Don |8
P. |6

2011-09-17, 08:14 PM
[roll0] Vs. DC 28 Toughness save
[roll1] vs. Robot's defense.
[roll2] Vs. DC 25 Toughness save if that attack hits.
[roll3] vs. Robot's defense.
[roll4] Vs. DC 24 Toughness save if that attack hits.

R. and J.R. have now acted.

The Robot is Bruised + Stunned

As the Don's song strikes the machine pieces are torn free and cast through the air. The damage seems to stun the robot momentarily.

The suddenly a gust of wind rushes through the whole street as a blur and strikes the machine but it seems to do no damage and is gone almost as fast as it appeared.

A moment later a black shape hurtles through the air like a knife or boomerang and imbeds itself in the robot a moment before exploding. Once it has the Robot seems unharmed by it as well.

Go check out the Core IC thread, you may now act there. Assume it is after this Issue is finished that those events occur if you choose to post there.

2011-09-18, 01:10 AM

Thanatos wears a puzzled look as his attack does no damage to the marauding machine. From this side of the monstrosity, it's difficult to see what the others are doing but their attacks don't seem to be making much of an impact, either. Not strong enough? You could be so much more than this.

He notices neither the gust of wind nor the unexplained explosion. All of his senses are focused inward, feeling the energy begin to collect in the palms of his hands. Suddenly, two burning blades spring forth from his hands and Thanatos bounds toward his opponent, slashing rapidly at its tough exterior.

OOC: Charging towards the robot to make an attack with his Hellfire Strike. +2 attack / -2 defense
Attack: [roll0]
Toughness: DC 24 with Autofire 1 and Penetrating 9
Edit: Man! The di roller has been loving me thus far!

2011-09-18, 04:08 AM
And it seems here advice has fallen on deaf ears again. With no one wounded, Ava is again limited to waiting for her to be needed.

Ava delays. If the robot wounds no one, she just refocuses again.

2011-09-20, 03:38 PM
[roll0] Vs. DC 29
[roll1] TO hit robot.
[roll2] vs. DC 29 if above hit.

Robot is Stunned + Bruised (3)

Suddenly a figure descends from the heavens as a lightning bolt arches forth and strikes the robot. You don't believe your eyes. . .

It's the five years dead Captain Thunder!


He roars as he floats over the street.

Green Bean
2011-09-20, 04:04 PM
With casual grace Viki launches up into the air, hovering next to the newly arrived Captain Thunder in utter contempt of mere gravity. Captain Thunder had popped up often enough in the news and files she'd read, but she didn't feel any particular emotional impact - after all, he'd died years before she was born.

And, there was the matter of rules. Yes, she was rigidly programmed not to cause trouble, but there was always grey areas and technicalities, where she could express herself through interpretation. "Greetings, Captain Thunder! While your assistance is appreciated, your membership in the Freedom League was placed in abeyance following your death. You are a civilian, and as such I must instruct you to evacuate the area, lest you become injured." For emphasis, she opens fire, sending a stream of plasma in the robot's general direction.

Second time's the charm, right? Power Attacking at +2/-2 with Blast, DC 29 Toughness save if it manages to hit.


2011-09-20, 04:22 PM
"Huh, didn't see that coming," Ava comments to herself before shrugging and concentrating on the battle at hand again. Even with the reports surrounding Captain Thunder, Ava has only recently been exposed to mostof the superhero business, so she simply lacks the emotional investment and closeness to the subject matter to be more than a little surprized. Still, apparently receiving help is a pleasant thing to happen.

2011-09-20, 04:37 PM

Thanatos relented from his savage slashing only when the flash of lightning briefly illuminated the area. He paused and looked up to see none other than Captain Thunder, himself, entering the field of battle. Thanatos hadn't paid particularly close attention to the hero business in the past few years, but in his childhood he had greatly admired them. It didn't take long for him to recognize one of the most memorable figures from that period of time. Gazing upwards, Thanatos can't hold back the first words that came to his mind. "Ooooh. Snap!"

He rolled his eyes at himself and returns his focus to the machine-mashing at hand. 'Snap'? Yeah. That was real eloquent.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-20, 04:42 PM
Ow. Ow. Ow. That robot's chest did not cave in as Id had hoped it might. Though this had happened before, of course, this was the first time that he had started hallucinating. If he didn't know better, his team was just joined by...

"Captain Thunder?"

Shaking off the pain and confusion, Id decides to try his assault one more time. With any luck, a second bump to the head would take care of whatever was wrong with his head.

Second verse, same as the first.
[roll0], DC 30 to resist if it hits

2011-09-20, 05:11 PM
Captain Thunder. Here, and now. And looking surprisingly healthy for a man theoretically five years dead. Don Giovanni stares for a moment, wondering whether to chalk his unsettlement up to the dead man walking or the fact the aforementioned dead man walking is horning in on 'their' mission.

In either case, there's still a giant robot and it's probably not a good idea to contemplate the inner workings of his mind while that's still on the loose. Not to mention, as much as Captain Thunder is concerning him, there is something to be said for his tactics. Lightning in overgenerous amounts doesn't generally seem healthy for anything related to computers.

And, if he modulates his voice just so...

The Don sings once more, almost but not quite the same melody as before. A dip where before he pitched high, one particular note turned into a slide between three...

And the blast that issues forth is not pure mystical energy this time, but shimmering lightning. The Don, in his vanity, has managed to find the time and effort within his spell to modify the appearance a bit, to make it visually distinct from the Captain's lightning. There were probably better uses for his effort.

I believe this is how variable descriptor works; if not, uh. Sorry and I'll fix it.
Blast again, still mystical and now electric.
Roll: [roll0] with a 28 DC Toughness save.
Also, query about the Don's auditory magical awareness, as I believe it's constantly functioning: is he catching anything relevant?

2011-09-22, 03:54 PM
Toughness saves:
[roll0] Vs. 30
[roll1] Vs. 29
[roll2] Vs. 28

2011-09-22, 04:05 PM
As the team's attacks collide against the robot it absorbs them surprisingly well considering its damaged condition.

As it stumbles back down the street you see the long dead Raven, Johnny Rocket, Pseudo and Star Knight hang back behind Captain Thunder.

The robot is still stunned and slow from the onslaught that just struck it.

2011-09-23, 06:13 AM

As the massive automaton begins to lurch away from his position, Thanatos has the opportunity to notice the others who have just arrived on-scene. He didn't know them all by name, but they were familiar-enough to his eye for him to know that they were famous heroes. I can't really remember seeing much about them in the past few years, though...

Regardless, he had only one reason to think of them as anything other than allies - and that was competition. Thanatos bounds up onto the robot's shoulder and shouts his playful complaint to the new arrivals. "Hey, we saw this thing first! We've got a rep to earn in this town!" With that, he used his elevated position to begin slicing into the robot's upper torso.

OOC: Not really moving - just "jumped up on the robot" to RP out the following:
1. Standard action of [roll0], DC 24, Penetrating 9 + Autofire 1
2. Move action of Trick to get the robot focused on attacking the guy on his "shoulder": [roll1]

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-23, 05:39 PM
As Id takes a few moments to blink his eyes back open after the impact, his eyes briefly open up in terror. There were more of them. "Ava," Id calls down to the ground, "Please tell me I'm not seeing things."

2011-09-23, 06:04 PM
"You aren't, they are real. Just focus on the robot, it's alright." Ava reassures Id, soothing his troubled mind as best as she can in the given situation. Having to be uncertain or even afraid of one's own consciousness is a fate she wishes upon nobody and this instant only makes her more determined to stay with him until he doesn't need to anymore.

2011-09-24, 06:42 PM
[roll0] Sense Motive
[roll1] vs. DC 29

The robot stumbles back as Thanatos forces it back, stunning it.

2011-09-24, 07:12 PM
The Don hears an odd magical tone from the five essembled newly-not-dead heroes. Like the same song echoing five times, but each of the five off key ever so slightly in a different way.

Ava's Life Sense also gains an oddly bland faded image of the group, like the same life force copied and pasted five times.

2011-09-25, 02:03 PM
"Guys, heads up, the other team are just copies of a single individual! They're fake!" Ava shouts up to her team members. Whether the other "superheroes" are ultimately hostiles or not remains to be seen, but if they are, they are facing extremely powerful foes...

2011-09-26, 01:30 PM
"Copies?" the Don repeats. He tips his head to one side, as if that would clarify the songs he's hearing. "Ah, yeah, I hear what you're getting at. There's something magical going on with them, and in almost the exact same way for each." He seems to have forgotten he's mid-air, hanging there like an afterthought. "I think we should focus on the proven threat before tackling the puzzle, though, yes?"

2011-09-26, 04:18 PM
As the robot remained stunned Captain Thunder motions for his team to pull back. Waiting for the team to take out the robot.

Green Bean
2011-09-26, 06:08 PM
"Thank you for complying. Please, continue to stay clear of the combat zone until it has been officially cleared. Viki sharpens the focal point of her plasma emitter, and sends a wild but scalpel-thin stream of excited photons in the robot's direction.

Going for broke with a full on -5/+5 Power Attack on Viki's Blast 12. DC 32 Toughness save if it connection.


2011-09-27, 04:06 PM
[roll0] vs. DC 32

The Robot stumbles back collapsing on a car nearby, it is obviously heavily damaged. Barely operable. As this occurs Captain thunder's group seem to be pulling away.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-28, 04:08 PM
Id watches, more than a bit annoyed and confused, as the team of apparently fake superheroes retreat and Viki grounds the robot. Stupid thing must have been immune to physical force. Yeah, that's all.

"Hey," shouts Id to Viki. "Nice shot. Should I bash this thing apart or do you want to hack it?"

2011-09-28, 09:43 PM

Thanatos shouts over to Id. "Knock its block off, big guy! My flame's been softening up its armor but I'm not strong enough to punch straight through it yet!"

2011-09-29, 12:37 AM
Don Giovanni shrugs a bit at his teammates. Blasting or hacking, it's all the same to him. At least the robot is all but finished, now; it's not like there's time pressure or...

Well, either way, it's better to have it down sooner rather than later. He resorts back to his quick and easy default, running through the same melody again, barely managing to pace himself in his impatience. The blast is back to pure mystic energy, aimed dead center at the robot's chest, since tinkering with the construction didn't have very good effects last time. He's as cautious as he can be about avoiding his teammates -- it wouldn't be very nice, or very heroic, to clip one of them.

Attack: [roll0]
Blast once again, DC 28 toughness.
Acting for the sake of movement, apologies if it mucks up with initiative.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-02, 10:17 AM
Taking Thanatos' advice into consideration, Id decided that would be exactly what he would do. The Robot's block. It would be knocked off.

Floating onto the robot's stomach. Id lifts a single fist before plowing it into the robot's head.

Third time's the charm, as they say.
[roll0], DC 30 if successful