View Full Version : [3.5] Starting A Blue Dawn 3+1 IC

2011-09-14, 12:49 AM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=215295)

Big Teej|Gyr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=301771)|Knight|Warforged|3,0 00
Lady Moreta|Jaienne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=302198)|Beguiler|Half-Elf|3,000[/table]

You could smell it coming. Not its motion, mind you. You could see it coming with your eyes. But you could smell the air drying up, like a tide does before it rushes in. And it came; slowly, over the long fields of crops that surrounded Bael'nosh. Over the corn and wheat and marshwillows and other works of long labor in the sun and morning. Over the trees in the distant, who held so much of the world at bay. The storm moved in slowly, blanking out the sky.

And then the rain came.

Hard and fast and it lasted longer than anticipated. It drowned rats and lightning flashed and people closed their doors from the rain and those who needed to escape it, but were too slow. Unfortunately, that included you. The guide had said that you would be in the city and out of the covered wagon long before the rain came in, but business is business, and he left you out with five others in the rain. The six of you decided to keep together, knowing over the past couple days of travel, that you were the only people you knew here.

A man who spoke at length about the Light of Pelor. A Golem who, at the surprise of the driver and of a young man with a bow who jibed at the first man of the irony of the situation at hand, spoke of Honor. A Half-Elf Woman who kept close to the Golem, who referred to himself as a Knight, while she didn't refer to her profession at all. Another man who, was younger than the woman, kept to himself, though he and the bowman spoke at length about how the wind stopped a clean hit. And a woman who boasted about her power of the arcane, and her time before she graduated from a place known only as 'The Academy'.

Roaming the streets, the six of you walk in a hurry, trying to avoid the rain, while trying to stick close to as close a thing you can get to a 'friend', being so new to a City you don't know. The rain soaks your clothing as much as it stings the skin, for those who have it at least, and shows no sign of letting up.

On a wide street, on one side more closed buildings, and on the other, a high stone wall, you see a man up ahead. He wears a uniform of dark blue and bright silver, holding a torch, with a sword to his side and a shield on his back. He looks angry, but his voice sounds calm and careful. "You! You six, over there! What're you doing still out in the rain?"

The 'Bowman's' name is Calur, and the Woman's name is Gwyn.

Lady Moreta
2011-09-14, 03:43 AM
With a sigh, Jaienne stepped away from Gyr, whom she had been huddling against in a vain attempt to use his metal body to shield herself from the rain. Moving to the front of their little group, she debated lowering the hood of her cloak before deciding that it really wasn't worth the effort. "We're travellers," she said with a sigh. "Wet and weary and only looking for somewhere to find shelter. If you can direct us to a place where the only wet things are the drinks and the bath-water, we'd be grateful."

big teej
2011-09-14, 11:10 AM
and preferably very sturdy furnishings Gyr mutters, contemplating the far to often repeated incident of a bar stool or a chair collapsing under him.

2011-09-14, 11:19 AM
"Though anything inside would be accommodation enough for us." Lethwyn adds.

2011-09-15, 04:26 PM
We're having a Tea Party! What does it look like!
Dreadgare yells, stepping out of the shadows quickly and attempting to get in doors.

Lady Moreta
2011-09-15, 09:52 PM
Jaie casts a startled glance in Dreadgare's direction, "Ah, I don't know that that's such a good idea!" She calls back to him, "just wait and let the guard point us in the right direction."

big teej
2011-09-15, 10:00 PM
Gyr prods his outspoken comrade, Mind your tongue, he's no happier to be out in this rain than you are. he's just doing his job.

gyr pauses a moment and adjusts the chains that hold his treasure chest to his back.

though I would prefer to get inside before this thing starts to rust...

Lady Moreta
2011-09-15, 10:31 PM
"Why? Are you worried it might stain?" Jaie retorted in a mocking tone. "And I'm not denying anyone's right to get out of the rain. I'm simply suggesting that randomly trying to force one's way into what are probably private homes, isn't the best way to go about it." She added loftily, turning back to the guard who'd spoken, awaiting his reply.

2011-09-15, 10:31 PM
"New to the city, I take it? Baelnoshian rains always give people like you away."

"Do you meana that it comes asnaturally a ward? Because Iyou can assureI you, we do not come with ill will, we are only here to-" Gwyn starts, but is interrupted.

"Nothing like that, young lady. Just superstition. And, sir? Adamantine don't rust with rain this light." He says, approaching the group. He looks over the six of you, rain hiding his true expression, as he squints to see you all through the downpour. "I was going to offer you lot a place for the night, but if you to talk to a man as charitable as me like that..." He trails off, shooting a glance at Dreadgare.

Forgive any spelling errors. On my phone.

Lady Moreta
2011-09-16, 01:50 AM
"Go and get him and bring him back here." Jaie spits the words through gritted teeth, she's not looking in Gyr's direction, but it's clear she is speaking to him.

Hastily moving forwards, she pushes back the hood of her cloak to let her see better. "You'll have to forgive Dreadgare, he's a little..." Jaie let her voice trail off with a slight smile and just the hint of a raised eyebrow, suggesting some little secret. She held out a hand towards the man, "My name is Jaienne, Jaie - and we would all be extremely grateful for whatever shelter you could offer us."

Don't know if he's pissed off enough to need it, but just in case.
Diplomacy: [roll0]
:smalleek: spooky... just before I hit 'post' I was thinking what a waste it would be to roll a 20... and then I did... :smalleek:

big teej
2011-09-16, 10:08 AM
I meant the iron bands on my chest... gyr mutters as he turns to chase down his overly enthusiasitc companion.

ooc: not quite sure what I need to stop the ninja dude from breaking and entering?

attack roll?

well, just to be on the safe side, I'll roll them all.

intiative: [roll0]
attack roll: [roll1]
grapple: [roll2]
miscllaneous [roll3] + any relative stuff.

2011-09-17, 06:46 PM
"Hey! Hey! Break it off, you two!" The man shouts through the downpour. He looks at Gyr and Dreadgare, looking more amused, than angry. He pulls out a small length of iron from his sleeve, and points it at Dreadgare and Gyr. Instantly, Dreadgare's body is moved back towards the group, standing where he stood. On Gyr, his form seems to split for just a moment, but that is all. The man looks disappointed, as he slips the metal back. "Sorry about that; have to have some tricks when you're working in the field. In any case, I know a place that has some spare beds for the night; you're luck I caught you folks just in time. I just got off my shift."

Lady Moreta
2011-09-17, 09:57 PM
Jaie stares from the man, to Dreadgare, to Gyr and back again looking as though an internal debate is going on. Apparently deciding not to make an issue of it, she jerks her head towards Gyr in a 'come back' gesture and turns her best smile on the guard, "You have no idea how much we appreciate that."

2011-09-18, 06:12 AM
Dreadgare tries to make light of the fact that he was grabbed violently.
Much appreciated sir.
He then turns to look at Jaienne.
M'lady? Could I please ask you to keep your Golem from randomly attacking me in future?

Lady Moreta
2011-09-18, 08:45 PM
"He's a warforged, not a golem" Jaie said mildly. "And he's hardly my anything. Unless you mean 'my' pain in the ass of course." She chuckled at her own joke and grinned at Dreadgare with an expression of understanding and compassion. "Gyr does what he will," she added, "but I'll try."

2011-09-19, 04:28 PM
"He's a warforged, not a golem" Jaie said mildly. "And he's hardly my anything. Unless you mean 'my' pain in the ass of course." She chuckled at her own joke and grinned at Dreadgare with an expression of understanding and compassion. "Gyr does what he will," she added, "but I'll try."

I sympathize with you.

And I must apologize to you sir warforged, I am sorry for I was not aware there were constructs such as you that existed.

I just presumed the fluff for warforged in this setting is that either Gyr is a one of a kind or they are very new to the world.

big teej
2011-09-19, 06:26 PM
No offense taken. Gyr replies.

ooc: I don't know if the DM is maintaining continuity, but Gyr's original backstory is that he is the first (and to his knowledge only) of his kind. he was a "proof of concept" by a wizard. I'm not so attached to this that I'd mind the DM changing it though, I just keep forgetting to bring it up.

2011-09-22, 08:24 PM
The man guides your group through the streets of the nearly drowning city. Rain pours down, drowning out the possibility of conversation, drawing upon your stamina and courage to continue walking through it. Houses pass by, but soon they stop, as the buildings you walk behind turn larger, more commercial. Covered street torches struggle valiantly against the falling flood, though their light is short and withdrawn. An hour of moving through the city, with no stops or slowing down, you come to a large, unadorned building. The man takes out a key, and unlocks the solitary door, and walks inside. He holds the door for you, granting passage into...

... a home. Or at least, a bare one. It is spacious, to say the least. The room you enter is half as wide as it is long, as it stretches far. In the first half of the room, there is a table, along with a sparse kitchen. The other half is occupied by a large rug in the middle, with two bunk beds on each wall. Beyond that, there is a small alcove with shelves filled with boxes, a fireplace beside it, though it is cold, and a staircase leading up to a second floor.

The man enters, hanging up his cloak on a hook on the wall. His armor is still as impressive as it was outside, and without the rain obscuring your vision, you can easily make out his portrait. He stature is tall and strong, with a strong jaw and sharp eyes. His hair falls in heavy curls beside his face, and you can see a light scar over his lip.

"Can you believe that the city forgot about this place? Ever since the new 'efficient' barracks went up, they abandoned these old units. Luckily, I snatched one up before the rest of my squad, so I don't have to sleep with the company of twenty more men." He chuckles, turning away from the group and rummaging through shelves. He pulls out a few loaves of bread and butter, along with two bottles of wine. "But come, sit down. I can offer the spare cots to some new folk for the night. Come on, sit down. Who're you folk?"

Spot DC 12
Nothing that he was wearing, nor is any of his skin or hair, wet. Its all dry.

Lady Moreta
2011-09-22, 11:22 PM
Jaie pulled off her dripping cloak and attempted to wring the water out of her long hair. "Thank you for your hospitality," she said, warmly sincere. "My name is Jaienne, but please, call me Jaie. This is Gyr - we've been travelling together for a while now and met up with these others just recently." She accepted the drink and food and leaned back to allow the others to introduce themselves.

Spot: [roll0]

big teej
2011-09-23, 07:50 AM
doing his best not to drip every where gyr takes up position behind Jaie and waits for the others to introduce themselves.

[roll0] - spot

2011-09-23, 03:21 PM
spot check:

big teej
2011-09-25, 10:50 PM
Gyr gently pokes jaie in the shoulder with one of his massive digits.
we should find a way to get that done for you, you worry about your hair so much.... and I hate it when you come down with a cold. gyr whispers to her.

Lady Moreta
2011-09-25, 11:01 PM
Jaie glances sideways at Gyr, pausing in the very process of wringing out her wet hair. She looks like she's about to take offence at his comment, before the words fully work there way through. Then she just looks confused. "What in blazes are you talking about?"

big teej
2011-09-25, 11:09 PM
gyr shrugs the chains holding his treasure chest off his shoulders and carefully squats down to set it on the ground. while down at Jaie's level he whispers. look at him, he's still dry.

Lady Moreta
2011-09-25, 11:26 PM
Jaie tilted her head as Gyr whispered in her ear, then shot him a startled look. Straightening up, she stared intently at the townsman and suddenly smiled. "I hope you won't think me forward," she began, giving him a warm smile, "but I have to ask - how are you doing that?" She gave him a wry look as she rung more water out of her long red hair.

2011-09-26, 05:11 AM
"As I said, Ma'am. Got to have some tricks while you work this job. I could show you, but nothing's ever free." He says, pulling out half a dozen glasses, laying them each to a seat. Instantly, Calur and Gwyn take a seat closest to him. Gwyn's short hair not holding much liquid, and Calur's cloak somehow not soaked, even through the time spent outside. He turns to the Priest, shooting him a snide grin. "C'mon, Lethwyn. Or is Pelor against having some spirit?"

"But seein' as I asked first, I'm still expectin' an answer. Who're you folk? What brings you to our fine, almost flooding city?"

"Well, sir, I'm from The Academy. A prestigious institute, I can assure you, boasting all manner of mastery over the arcane. I'm a recent graduate, and I've come to Bael'nosh to study the Art."

"Huntin'. Bounty or furs, don't matter."

"Well, Bael'nosh has one of the finer institutes for that kind of magic out in the Eighth Circle Tier of the City. Two libraries, some private schools, two open schools and a some other stuff. Truth be told, I was only stationed there for a week. Worst week of my career.

"And if you head out to the Gates on Tiernis, you can find some buyers for furs and bones and the like. Not my area of expertise, but its a start.

He tilts his head up from his seat, looking up at the four of you. "And you four?"

2011-09-26, 02:03 PM
We are just a group of free spirits who drift from place to place, making our way in the world.

big teej
2011-09-26, 11:31 PM
Some of us a bit more free spirited than others. Gyr rumbles in a tone that conveys the smirk his face cannot.

Lady Moreta
2011-09-27, 12:40 AM
Jaie looks sideways at Gyr, her expression suggesting she's thinking of stomping on his foot. Thinking the better of it, she loftily ignores him and turns back to their host. "Gyr and I have been travelling together for a year now. I guess you could say we grew up together," she shoots an affectionate look at the warforged. "We met up with these two a while ago and - have yet to part company."

2011-10-07, 09:20 PM
"How poetic," the man says, giving you four a smirk. "I'm Ethan Strider, member of the Bael'nosh Brigade, for eight years now. Been here all my life, and I know this place better than any cartographer. Here, come, sit down. I'll help you guys out to get to know this place."

Alright, sorry for delay.

You each have three questions you can ask Ethan about the city. After you three have asked your questions, it will be the next day.

Sorry to say again, but GFawkes, need you to post.

2011-10-10, 01:43 AM
I'm Dreadgare, I was trained by a lord in a foreign land once...
And then I left his employ a few gold pieces richer, you could say I could kill for a gold coin, or have a gold coin for a kill.
He paused for a few seconds.

So, has there been any unusual activity lately? Maybe an unruly band of Brigands?

big teej
2011-10-10, 01:07 PM
Gyr eyes dreadgare for a moment before asking his own question

are there any local laws or ordinances concerning golems that I may mistakenly run afoul of?

I do so hate misunderstandings...

Lady Moreta
2011-10-10, 08:22 PM
Jaie smiles affectionately at Gyr, reachiing out and resting her hand gently on his arm. "We wouldn't want to trespass too long on your kindness, so I suppose the main questions I have are - where is a good inn we could find lodging in, and do you know of anywhere we can go to find work?"

2011-10-11, 07:50 PM
Ethan laughs at Dreadgare's comment. "Perhaps you shouldn't be telling a Lawman that kind of thing, eh? Heh. No end of miscreants here. If you check in the streets, the slums or Riverside Inn, their's usually some trouble. about. And as for you," He says, turning to the Warforged. "You actually need to register with the Mage's Authority. A while back they passed some laws, and instead of having to register citizenship with the Town Hall, you register with them. They can supply you with items and gear for your kind that others cannot. I mean, that is, if you're staying more than a month.

"And for work? I guess it depends on what you want to do. With how the city is these days, there's always work. What did you have in mind? And its not problem. There are houses for sale and for rent all across the north riverside, and some inns. You could always sign up for Delving work; there's some health risks, but it always pays good. Do what you're hired to do, keep what else you find that you don't need to return."

Two more questions from each of you.

big teej
2011-10-11, 07:56 PM
tell me more about this "delving" buisness... what sorts of things are being looked for? and where?

Lady Moreta
2011-10-11, 09:09 PM
Jaie watched Gyr as if expecting something, when he finally spoke, she rolled her eyes and said "So, where is the Mages Authority?" Then she tilted her head and added, "What exactly do you mean, 'the city the way it is'? What's going on?"

2011-10-13, 10:31 PM
"You're kidding, right? Delving? Dungeons? Freelance archeology? Some large score of ruins and structures around the city. Sometimes people use them as hideouts, sometimes people find objects of power and or consequence. You know, delving." Ethan says, laughing and shaking his head.

"In a frenzy. Always gets this way every year for some reason. There's no harm to it, unless you get upset you missed a nice trade. But to your better question...

"Put simply, they're part of the reason the city functions so well. They ward against natural disasters, and they aid the authorities in knowledge and arms. But in exchange, they have some guidelines, and this is one of them. Since we can't heal Stonemen and Crafteds by normal means, they do it, and they'll assist in improved augments, but only if you register with them."

Lady Moreta
2011-10-13, 11:58 PM
Jaie shrugged lightly, "Well then, I guess we'd better get you registered," she said, patting Gyr's arm lightly. "Where exactly is the place? We should probably go as soon it stops raining."

2011-10-24, 04:28 PM
"Mage's Authority? Central Tower Plaza, in the, uh, Tower. Floors sixteen through twenty. They keep a better eye over the town that way." Ethan says. "But its getting late in any case, and I have to be up before sunrise. Finish up the wine if you want, divide the cots however you want, and I'll be in my quarters. Goodnight." He rises from his seat at the table, and goes to the far side of the spacious room. He rises up the staircase, out of view. Calur looks at the rest of you, holding a second cup.

"You really gonna pass up free wine?"

Lady Moreta
2011-10-24, 04:49 PM
Jaie chuckled, picked up one of the glasses and raised it in a toast, "Our thanks, Ethan." She said with a smile. "Goodnight."

big teej
2011-10-24, 06:58 PM
don't drink too much Jaie... I don't want you puking like last time.

Lady Moreta
2011-10-24, 07:51 PM
Jaie glances sideways at Gyr, takes another slow sip of wine and then ignores him completely.

2011-10-26, 04:28 AM
Dreadgare smirks at the comment, but does little else, standing roughly 15 ft away from the group.

Lady Moreta
2011-10-29, 03:48 PM
Jaie leans back in her chair, toying with the stem of her wine glass. She shoots a sideways glance at Dreadgare, then turns to Gyr. "Time for some sleep I think. And yes, I know you don't sleep..." she adds, the words sounding very much like the continuance of an ongoing argument. "Do you have a preference for bunk?" She asks, turning to the others.

big teej
2011-10-29, 04:57 PM
no. I don't, I do count how many times you snore though. Gyr remarks back to jaie.

2011-11-03, 04:02 PM
I have no real preference, but I would like to be able to keep my crossbows near me. Not that I don't trust any of you, but I have had to be careful in the past and being careful never hurt anyone.

Lady Moreta
2011-11-03, 08:43 PM
Jaie flushes slightly, sets the wine glass down gently on the table and proceeds to ignore Gyr completely. She moves over towards a bunk, taking her pack with her and smiles at Dreadgare, "Perfectly understandable." Continuing to ignore Gyr, she prepares herself for bed and curls up in the bunk.

2011-11-12, 10:13 AM
The party slips into the night's embrace, with those not of the mechanic persuasion falling into sleep, and Gyr standing over, watching Jaienne. No dreams are had, no troubles occur; all is well, at least, for this one night. Slowly, morning comes over the town, the sun rising over the horizon. The light comes through the one window in the room, the one in the 'kitchen' area. As you wake up, you can see Ethan reading over a sheet of paper, along with miscellaneous items laying on the table.

big teej
2011-11-12, 06:21 PM
noticing the sun coming through the window, Gyr quietly moves over to ethan at the table.

I do not mean to impose sir, but would you mind my putting some tea on for Jaie?

Lady Moreta
2011-11-14, 04:44 AM
Jaie opened one eye to look at Gyr, "Not so much sugar this time please" was all she said, before turning over with a contented sigh.

big teej
2011-11-21, 02:00 AM
Right... gyr says to himself... trying to remember how much sugar he used last time.

2 scoops should be plenty. he decides and heads over to the stove.

Lady Moreta
2011-11-21, 03:56 AM
Jaie closes her eyes and tries to ignore the sounds of Gyr fumbling around at the stove. Trying to ignore the memory of the last time he'd tried to make her tea in the morning. With a resigned sigh, she threw back her cloak and stood up. Joining the golem at the stove, she shoved his hip with hers and reached for the utensils. "It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't trust you." She grinned.

2011-11-23, 10:28 PM
"Well, be careful. I think two of your folk put something in their drinks. Made them leave sometime around... four in the morning? Crazy fools." Ethan says, rising up from his seat, and collecting his papers. "I have to head in for my shifts for the day. The door will seal itself shut after the last of you have left. Stay safe, and welcome to the city."

Lady Moreta
2011-12-08, 02:05 AM
Jaie leaned back in her chair, sipping her cup. "I suppose the first thing we should do is go get you registered," she said, looking up at Gyr. She smiled over her shoulder at Dreadgare, "Any plans for the day?"

I'm so sorry... I can't believe I forgot all about this game! Actually I didn't, I just thought it was someone else's turn to post :smalltongue:

big teej
2011-12-08, 12:20 PM
"I suppose so... though I'm not sure how I feel about being "registered" alongside the mindless automota I was based off of.

Lady Moreta
2011-12-08, 09:48 PM
Jaie looked over at Gyr, her expression both commiserating and exasperated. "Does it really matter?" She said softly. "The instant you open your mouth people will realise you're more than just an automaton."

big teej
2011-12-10, 04:05 PM
that may be so. but we do not have the time nor the inclanation to learn all the local laws and ordances regarding the actions of constructs, and I highly doubt their are allowances within those laws for one such as myself for "breaking" them.

gyr shifts his weight pensivly for a moment before speaking again.
of course... if everyone we encounter assumes I am mindless.... that does open the door to various other..... "applications"

Lady Moreta
2011-12-13, 11:50 PM
"No." Jaie said firmly, turning to glare at Gyr. "We are not going down that road again. I am not covering for you again. Or have you forgotten the last time you tried that you almost got me killed?"

What exactly happened is anyone's guess, I just think that it's time Jaie got one up on Gyr :smalltongue:

big teej
2011-12-17, 01:06 PM
you're just mad they wern't going to try and eat me. Gyr mutters back.