View Full Version : Bleach D20: The Game (Hollow Thread)

Dire Reverend
2011-09-14, 11:51 AM
If you are a Shinigami, Vizard (or allied with the Vizard) TURN BACK NOW. This is not your thread, and you are NOT allowed to read this thread.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11859573)

For the last couple of months, the barren wasteland of Hueco Mundo has been uneventful. However, recently some of the hollows have been speaking of a Hollow who has decided to become the new king of Hueco Mundo.

((It’s up to you if you are together with other hollows at first))

2011-09-14, 07:32 PM
His newly created wings flapping with effort to keep his armoured body in the air and moving, Searos kept an eye on the area around him. He'd been ambushed a few times by feral Hollows, beings without the strength of mind and faith to keep their sanity intact upon their transformation.

It would almost be a pity, if it was not such a strong sign of their weakness.

The armoured follower of Hextor continued his slow path through the sky, only around 30ft above the ground. He wasn't familiar enough with his wings to be confident any higher up.

In the distance he spotted something new. A small group of hollows, that weren't madly attacking each other or others. This beared investigating.

He approached, and dropped heavily to the ground nearby.

2011-09-14, 07:58 PM
Distracted by the conversation he had been engaging in Marcel didn't notice the approach of the armored hollow until his rather heavy landing. Casually turning to look over his shoulder in the direction of the being Marcel paused.

Well...what have we here? A new recruit...or just another mindless come to challenge us?

Resolving to let the leader handle matters Marcel simply pivoted, his roughly human-sized body moving slowly and with purpose as he stared at the newcomer with his bat-like mask. No reason to startle the fellow by moving quickly...or to draw unneeded attention to himself at the moment.

2011-09-14, 08:59 PM
The dark paladin removed his helmet upon not being immediately attacked, and revealed his own mask- bearing a striking similarity to the helmet he had just removed.

"Well, this is new. You appear more intelligent than the hollows I have encountered thus far. I greet you in the name of my God. I am Searos Blackhand."

On his armour and shield is the easily identifiable symbol of Hextor- a spiked gauntlet holding spiked arrows.

2011-09-14, 09:02 PM
Emen was keeping quiet while she listened to Marcel's lecture. To be honest, she was more interested in the desolute landscape, just in case of an ambush. There are far too many bigger, nastier things here. But if the rumours are true... Emen shook her head slightly. She had to focus. They weren't alone, after all and company was on it's way.

As the 'company' landed with a thud, Emen noted that it (he?) was wearing armour. "Well, that's new," she quietly noted aloud. If the others are annoyed about my talking, they should have said something first.

"Well, this is new. You appear more intelligent than the hollows I have encountered thus far. I greet you in the name of my God. I am Searos Blackhand." He speaks? Point 1, newcomer.

"Ok. So...what now?" Since he didn't attack us outright, maybe he could be a new recruit? Emen's tail twiched at the thought. Still..."I am Emen. The others can speak for themselves."

2011-09-14, 09:45 PM

Searos rolled his shoulders inside his armour taking advantage of the lull to loosen his muscles a little and take a breather. Flying was harder than it looked, particularly in armour.

2011-09-14, 09:49 PM
As the figure declares himself, the oversized scythe that was apparently leaning against nothing appears to pick itself up and walk towards the newcomer slowly.Ah, a follower of Hextor. I followed his teachings at one time. I am called Ishinken Kyosuke. Upon speaking, the being revealed itself as a tiny plushie, similar in appearance to a Cabbage Patch Kid, with silver eyes, fangs, and a forked tongue. What is your purpose here?

2011-09-14, 09:56 PM
"My purpose?"

Searos breaks into laughter.

"You claim to have been a follower of Hextor, and do not know what my goal is? My apologies, but your faith must not have been fervent in life.

My goal is to take this plane, and crush it beneath my booted heel. To demolish it's leaders, and take it for myself. To show these beings the power of Hextor and His servants. Now, alone, even I see it is foolhardy. Acquiring similiarly minded allies, however..."

2011-09-14, 09:59 PM
"Oh, you'll fit right in..." Marcel says, clearly amused and intrigued by the armored hollow's statement.

2011-09-14, 10:19 PM
"From that statement, I take it that you three have the same goal as myself?"

2011-09-14, 10:27 PM
"We have simular ones."Great, another one. If the gods wanted our worship, they should not have abandoned us. Tail twitching, Emen walked forward on her four paws slowly. "Though apparently, someone else also got the idea and has made a go of it. Clearly, whoever it is has to go." Tilting her head, so she could look Searos in the eyes. "It's easier with allies, you know." He should get the hint.

2011-09-14, 10:34 PM
"Of course. Unless they can prove their superiority over us, then they don't deserve it. So long as you do not trample my principles, I would propose that we of similiar mind form a pact, to bring down the weakling usurpers and take this world for ourselves.

What say you?"

2011-09-14, 10:56 PM
"We got our own set of ruls too but yeah. Sounds like we got deal. Welcome to the Order. So anyone got a clue who this-what didja call 'em? Oh Right, this usurper or how we're going tear him down? Not like we're Menos yet."

Veering away from the new ally, Emen picked up the pace a little, though not enough that the others couldn't keep up. Darn two leggers are so slow...

2011-09-15, 01:02 AM
"Keep killing the ferals, take their power. As a group we can take on stronger ones, and increase our power faster."

The knight took to the air once again, enjoying the freedom of flight.

2011-09-15, 02:38 AM
"I was hoping for a bit more detail, but ok. So now what?" Looking across the barren wastes, Emen growled a little. "Are we just randomally suppose to charge through the dunes til some moron attacks us? We don't even know who the compentition is." Her claws dug into the sand as she pressed onward.

2011-09-15, 05:47 AM
"I first would prefer to find a base of operations, a stronghold from where we can strike out to overwhelm the weaklings in the vicinity, and shelter us from those we cannot strike down ourselves. From there, we can gather intelligence regarding those we need to annihilate."

2011-09-15, 09:11 AM
"That sounds reasonable." Marcel spoke as he followed the group.

2011-09-15, 01:45 PM
As the group moves, Kyosuke stays to the side of SearosI agree that a stronghold of some kind is desirable. I no longer worship Hextor for I seem to have lost my faith....I fear it was another sacrifice of the change. However, do you believe you have the strength to command me? Are you worthy enough to be our leader? Kyosuke keeps his tone calm and his pace steady.

Dire Reverend
2011-09-15, 02:26 PM
I have yet to say much in this thread because there is not much for me to say yet until you meet a NPC. I am not ignoring you.

2011-09-15, 06:55 PM
"He's got a plan and is decent at public speaking. That is good for me, at least for now. So, where to...boss?" The last words came out twisted from under Emen's mask. Yeah, this is going to take some getting use too. The cold, dead sands were hard underneth her claws. "Should be something up ahead soon, the sand is more compact here."

2011-09-15, 07:07 PM
Marcel doesn't react in any physical manner to the events transpiring around him. Inside, however, he can't help but chuckle. Well...that was a rather abrupt transfer of power...

"A plan and skill with words is not enough. He has to be able...to fight!" Marcel says, turning to face the newcomer, claws raised, as he practically shouts the last words.

After a well timed wait, long enough to make some of the others start questioning, but short enough that he wasn't actually in any danger of being attacked Marcel returns to a more passive pose. "Just kidding." he says as he turns back to walking. "Anyone know where we are?"

I don't suppose a sense motive check to check for nearby Reiatsu's that aren't us would be useful? Figure I may as well try it...
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2011-09-15, 08:30 PM
"A follower of Hextor always knows how to fight."

He ignores the question regarding leadership. Leadership was something you were granted by others, only taken if you were certain you could defend it.

Searos makes a Perception check, mainly looking for any points of interest for a group of hollows looking for a hideout.


2011-09-15, 08:38 PM
"We're in the Wastes of Hueco Mundo. Ain't much else to see." heh, Marcel. Always with the jokes. Stopping to take a better look at the surroundings and to get a more accurate fix on where the heck they were, Emen slowed her breathing and focused.

Perception check [roll0]
Knowledge: Hueco Mundo [roll1]

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-16, 12:11 AM
A small sized four armed shriveled up looking anthropomorphic rat like figure stands up on top of a dune looking out over the endless desert of Hueco Mundo. He spots a group of four hollows walking towards the distance.

Netharal muses to himself, Well they seem more organized than the regular mindless hollows I tend to run into. Maybe they found something interesting. And if they are too weak then maybe I found a 4 star meal tonight

Netharal runs over to the group and calls out Well this is certainly more hollows in one spot than usual in this god forsaken desert. Are you part of the rumored conquer's army?

2011-09-16, 12:20 AM
The paladin halted in the air, his eyes searching until he found the source of the voice- a small rat-hollow.

"Heh, what do you know, another non-feral. We are not members of that so-called army, nor have we seen any of their ilk."

He draws his sword, and points it towards the other hollow.

"I am called Searos Blackhand. Who are you, and what do you want?"

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-16, 12:43 AM
Netharal calmly speaks to Searos, My name is Netharal Balthas and... what do I want? I want power, I want to devour souls, and crush shinigami and any who would oppose me. And most importantly I want something to DO. This endless wasteland is almost void of life. I can't seem to run into any mindless hollows to feed upon.

Also, I would like to know what are you doing. Four hollows traveling together is 3 more than is common place. Did you find a nest of mindless hollows? Did some shinigami foolishly try to enter Hueco Mundo?

2011-09-16, 12:49 AM
Eh, at least it's got a tail."You wanna talk? 'Cause if ya do, gotta keep on moving. I think we've wasted enough time here." At that, Emen, in all her fur-covered four footed glory walked on, barbed stinger twitching in the manner of which most of the others must have become accustomed too. "And as for what we're doing together...We're planing to take over this place. Want in?"

OOC: Yes, Emen currently does not have any hands.

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-16, 01:06 AM
Netharal shrugs, Sure why not, sounds like it could sate my hunger and boredom for a while. With that Netharal follows the quadruped hollow at a quick pace.

2011-09-16, 01:21 AM
"Glad to hear it. I'm Emen." Well Netheral is keeping up, so that is plus. Picking up the pace a little and lengthening her strides, Emen let her frustration out by running. Damn, I'm hungry...

Dire Reverend
2011-09-16, 01:42 PM
Added a hollow only ooc thread.

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-16, 04:04 PM
Netharal looks around trying to see if there are other hollows nearby


Sense Motive (Detecting Spirit Energy)

2011-09-16, 09:40 PM
Searos shrugs to himself.

More pawns move onto the field, attempting to become the King. I wonder which of us will reach the goal first...

He sheaths his sword and follows the faster quadropeds from the air.

He continues to search for a suitable base of operations from his vantage point as the rest trudge across the desolate terrain, as well as keeping an eye out for any Hollows...or worse.

Perception roll: [roll0] to find a suitable looking hollow spire or possibly cave system to work with.

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-17, 12:51 AM
Searos shrugs to himself.

More pawns move onto the field, attempting to become the King. I wonder which of us will reach the goal first...

He sheaths his sword and follows the faster quadropeds from the air.

He continues to search for a suitable base of operations from his vantage point as the rest trudge across the desolate terrain, as well as keeping an eye out for any Hollows...or worse.

Perception roll: [roll0] to find a suitable looking hollow spire or possibly cave system to work with.

I am not actually a quadruped. I walk on two legs. I just happen to have a 60ft move speed.

Dire Reverend
2011-09-18, 04:05 AM
Searos spots in the distance a rather unimpressive tower. He cannot make out much details from this distance, but it looks to be three or four stories tall.

2011-09-18, 04:16 AM
"It doesn't look like much, but there's a tower off in that direction."

He points from the air, over the hills.

"Could become a good base of operations, however."

2011-09-18, 09:20 AM
"Right." Emen stayed ahead of most of the group, heading towards the tower. Better make sure we're close enough that none of us can be singled out or cut off. Safety in numbers.

2011-09-18, 10:11 AM
Marcel sticks with the rest of the group, following a bit near the back as they head for the tower.

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-18, 12:08 PM
Netheral catches up with Emen and goes to the tower. He speaks, "Oh a tower, we might want to be cautious, there aren't that many landmarks in Hueco Mundo it's likely that there are hollows already living in there."

Netheral keeps his eye's peeled as they approach and when within distance he tries to sense spiritual energy pressure


Sense Motive

2011-09-18, 03:50 PM
Kyosuke, still off to the side of SearosVery well, Let me take the van when we make our assault, I will keep the bulk of the opponents forces busy while the rest of you finish off any major threats. Kyosuke glances at Searos If that is agreeable with our fearless leader? Kyosuke then appears to be contemplating something. Just a warning, this body may be lying on the ground once the fighting begins, do not be alarmed. This body is only a thing that my true form is occupying until I wish to stop. As long as you don't attack an extremely large hollow wielding my scythe, it will be fine

2011-09-18, 04:36 PM
"As you wish."

Searos turns to Netharal.

"There's almost certainly occupants. That's to our advantage. After all, travelling all days is hungry work."

Searos continues to fly almost directly above the center of the group as they approach.

2011-09-18, 06:42 PM
"Agreed. This is likely to be a blood bath. Thanks for the concern though." Emen's pace had slowed to the same speed as the others while they approached the tower. "Nice and cautious. Don't want to be taken off guard." The sand hills became more dense as she drew closer and she raised her guard, searching for any sign of an ambush or company.

Perception Check[roll0]
Edit: I think it's a tower...

Dire Reverend
2011-09-19, 12:18 AM
Netheral senses nobody other than those in his group, however the tower is tower itself is too far away to sense anything within it.

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-19, 01:21 AM
Are we were heading towards the tower until something attacks us?

2011-09-19, 01:46 AM
Searos continues to fly towards the tower, roughly 30ft above the ground.

He draws his sword as they approach the tower.

Indeed we are.

Dire Reverend
2011-09-20, 02:05 AM
They eventually get to the tower. Upon closer inspection, it appears to be crudely made out of sandstone. There is one door visible, and all the windows are blocked.

2011-09-20, 04:07 AM
"Huh. That's weird. When was the last time any of us saw an artifical buliding on this side of a Garganta? Aside from Los Nochas?" A shiver ran down Emen's spine. She paced in front of the buliding, inspecting it and streching all her senses to see if any one was inside or had been recently or if there are any traps.

Perception Check: [roll0]
Sense Motive; Reitsu check: [roll1]

Afterwards, Emen turned to the others and hissed "We all go in together, OK? Unless one of you knows how to check for traps, I'll take point..."

2011-09-20, 04:51 AM
"Good point. Take the lead if you wish- I will follow."

Dire Reverend
2011-09-20, 07:15 AM
Despite checking for sources of Reiatsu, she finds none other than the ones being broadcasted by her and her companions. In addition, she sees nothing of note on the door, other than the handle.

2011-09-20, 08:48 AM
Marcel nods and moves to follow the others in.

"Heh. Wouldn't we look foolish getting all worked up over nothing if it's empty in there?" he asks rhetorically, hoping that it's not true and there will be something worth their time in the strange building.

Dire Reverend
2011-09-20, 09:47 AM
As soon as the door opens, you all immediately sense a powerful source of Reiatsu. A creature is in the main floor, sitting on a throne. With what appears to be a Zanpakuto on his belt, and he looks to be a Shinigami, but his outfit looks nothing like what a Shinigami would wear. In addition, he has a fragment of a hollow mask attached to his face, which throws your guess as to what he is off even more. Next to him are four nondescript Hollows.

The creature notices the doors open, and smiles. “Greetings strangers; what brings you to my home?”

Knowledge Check (Hueco Mundo) to determine if your characters have any idea what the creature you’re staring at is. I will tell you what your character knows depending on your rolls.

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-20, 09:59 AM
Knowledge Hueco Mundo

2011-09-20, 10:24 AM
Marcel takes in the scene with a casual sweep of his eyes. He keeps his face calm and clear, though his immediate internal response is fear in the face of an unknown quantity, especially one that couldn't be sensed outside the walls.

"And greetings to you as well. Mind if I ask who, or what, you are?" Marcel says calmly as he feels the shielding spell he muttered before entering take hold.

"I am Marcel" he adds so as not to seem rude.

Know (hueco mundo): [roll0]

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-20, 12:53 PM
Netheral addresses the hollow after racking his brain for who this hollow could be. Well, I believe I am here from boredom mostly. My name is Netheral, I would assume you to be the king thats going around claiming dominance? You certainly seem strong enough.

Dire Reverend
2011-09-20, 01:28 PM
Netheral addresses the hollow after racking his brain for who this hollow could be. Well, I believe I am here from boredom mostly. My name is Netheral, I would assume you to be the king thats going around claiming dominance? You certainly seem strong enough."Please close the door, I do not want to broadcast my power to all of Hueco Mundo."

The stranger looks puzzled about the king statement.

"A king? I am no king, I just happen to have one of the few structures in Hueco Mundo, and I happen to have fellow Hollows who decided to join with me, mainly as protection for themselves. Now I have a question for you. My companion did not let me know about your approach. Did you do something to her?"

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-20, 02:28 PM
Ah, fair enough. Netheral closes the door and then addresses the hollow again. I really should stop asking every hollow I see about the king. No one ever is with him. I am starting to think he is just a rumor. I personally didn't find your companion or anyone as we approached the tower. I sensed for reiatsu and could not spot anyone near the desert.

Dire Reverend
2011-09-20, 03:12 PM
"Oh, The King exists, he's nowhere near as powerful as I am, and he's nothing to be worried about. I don't mean to offend you fine hollows, but we've just met, so I cannot trust you completely yet."

The Stranger gets up from his throne, and sighs.

"Look, I don't want to sound like a jerk, but it's very coincidental that you all show up right when my companion is missing. If you hadn't noticed, I had this place built with a material to block my spiritual pressure from escaping, to keep my position hidden from others. This has the side effect of making the outside world invisible to me, and that's where my friend keeps watch for me."

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-20, 05:15 PM
Netheral speaks up to the strange hollow, If she was anywhere close to as strong as you you can easily see we had nothing to do with her disappearance since we are all uninjured. Also you haven't answered our questions of who and what are you? You are far to polite for a normal hollow and you don't seem all that interested in feeding upon the weaker hollows to your side.

Dire Reverend
2011-09-20, 05:47 PM
"Oh please forgive me, I never bothered to introduce myself! When I was alive, they called me Kannir. When I became a hollow, I knew I was no longer the man Kannir was. I was always alone, at least when I was not killing other hollow, so a new name was not necessary. For now you can call me The Arrancar."

2011-09-20, 06:55 PM
"Sorry about your friend, we didn't see or sense her." Emen spoke softly, with a mixture of fear and sympathy. "...If ya don't mind me asking...What is it that you want? I mean, no-one that strong doesn't not want something, even if it is just to be left alone."

Knowledge (Hueco Mundo) check[roll0]

Her legs ached to run away from this 'Arrancar', just as she knew she could not fight him. She kept her tail low and as still as she could, lest he see it as a threat. "That said...you seem to be down a look-out. If you'd be willing to help us grow in power, perhapse we'd be suititable replacements?" Blinking, Emen realised her mistake.
"Sorry, I'm Emen."

2011-09-20, 07:25 PM
The knight, after a long pause, sheathed his weapon, as he examined this Arrancar.

Knowledge: Hueco Mundo-[roll0]

He was conten for now to allow the other Hollows to question this powerful hollow-with-shinigami-weapon.

Dire Reverend
2011-09-21, 06:17 PM
"Sorry about your friend, we didn't see or sense her." Emen spoke softly, with a mixture of fear and sympathy. "...If ya don't mind me asking...What is it that you want? I mean, no-one that strong doesn't not want something, even if it is just to be left alone."

Knowledge (Hueco Mundo) check[roll0]

Her legs ached to run away from this 'Arrancar', just as she knew she could not fight him. She kept her tail low and as still as she could, lest he see it as a threat. "That said...you seem to be down a look-out. If you'd be willing to help us grow in power, perhapse we'd be suititable replacements?" Blinking, Emen realised her mistake.
"Sorry, I'm Emen."
The Arrancar almost lashes out at the comment for a replacement for his best friend, but before he did anything, he calms himself back down.

"You did not sense her because she is an expert at hiding her Reiatsu. I doubt that she is dead, possibly just hiding. As for the replacements, I don't mind having allies, so you can stay with me for now."

The only thing Emen has heard of a humanoid-looking hollow is the Vasto Lordes, but they are different than this Arrancar.

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-21, 07:12 PM
Netheral looks cautiously at the hollow making sure the hollow isn't going to maul him. Carefully choosing his words Netheral speaks up "Well as interesting as sitting down in a base with a super hollow is I think I personally was looking for something to bolster my strength. A quick question though, have any coalitions of hollows moved through here?I could use a good hunt for food.

Dire Reverend
2011-09-22, 03:53 AM
"Interesting. Most Hollow decide to join me, if not for the protection, the challenge of trying to kill me. You are free to stay here whenever, I enjoy the company. As for a group of Hollow, A small group, about your size and power tried to attack me, but failed miserably and ran off. I have an idea where they left to, but first I must ask a favor for you. Are you willing?"

2011-09-22, 08:12 AM
"Depends on the nature of the favor."

Searos rolls his shoulders and flares his wings for a moment, before settling.

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-22, 10:36 AM
Netheral speaks out, "I agree with Searos, tell us of this favor and maybe we will do it. We don't actually owe you anything.

2011-09-22, 06:34 PM
"I owe him an apology. I'm guessing I was insensitive last time I opened my mouth. Sorry, my...way with words wasn't the best before I died and they haven't exactly improved." Emen backed away a little, the thought of how close she came to be killed by this person firmly entrenched in her mind.

2011-09-22, 06:57 PM
"Well as I'm sure you can see we're not exactly like most Hollow. I'm sure that we can help you out though, assuming you don't ask for too much of course. What is it you want us to do?" Marcel asks.

Dire Reverend
2011-09-24, 11:21 PM
"While it is true that you people do not owe me anything, it often is good to have friends in high places. As for the favor, I cannot travel outside this building without alerting everyone around me of my presence, so I can't personally search for my friend. I will give you one location that she might be at, and go and see if she is there. If she is there, return with her, and if she is not there, let me know what you see. Upon your return, regardless of if you come back with my friend or not, I will let you know where the other group of Hollow ran off to.”

2011-09-24, 11:31 PM
Searos thinks for a moment.

"It's a Win-Win for this group regardless. Does your friend have any distinctive marks?"

2011-09-25, 10:16 AM
"I agree, that seems like an entirely reasonable request." Marcel says as he keeps his expression calm. Inside, however, he wonders why someone who is sure that his friend can take care of themselves would be asking for help looking for them.

2011-09-25, 11:43 PM
"Whatever we can do." Emen nodded, hoping to make up for her unintended insult. "So...is there anyway we can let her know we came from you? Just in case she decides to...end us."

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-26, 12:52 PM
Netheral shrugs, Okay it seems like everyone wants to do it. I am fine with looking for your friend. It should be interesting trying to find your friend who is so good at hiding her reiatsu

2011-09-28, 07:40 AM
Hello, sorry for my silence earlier but I was trying to figure out what this building is made of that it would keep your reitsu sealed within so well. I am called Ishinken Kyosuke, if you don't mind I have a question that may be slightly...personal. Seeing as you don't appear to be mad with rage and you are holding a coherent conversation with us, how did you accomplish this? Is "arrancar" a stage in hollow evolution that we can go through if we stay sane long enough?

2011-09-28, 07:45 AM
"The only Hollow I know that takes a form that close to humaniod is a Vasto Lordes. Mind you, I never heard of a hollow like him. I thought that Arrancar was like his title or something."

Dire Reverend
2011-09-29, 06:19 AM
The Arrancar smiles. "This building has a thin layer of material found only on the World of the Living."

His smile fades slightly, and is replaced with a serious look. "As for how I became an Arrancar... I do not wish to sound rude, but we both just met, so I do not wish to let you know the method. However, I will tell you that at your current power, your body could not handle the transformation."

He crosses his legs, and continues to speak. "One of the main reasons I am as powerful as I am now is exclusively because I kept my rage in check."

2011-09-29, 10:29 AM
"Interesting..." is all Marcel says as he listens carefully to this "Arrancar's" explanation.

"Well then, I suppose we should start looking for that friend of yours..." he adds, waiting to see if anyone else has any questions before the group departs.

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-29, 08:45 PM
Netheral speaks up, "You still haven't told us where she might be. That is somewhat important, after that then let us be off, the sooner we find the scout then the sooner we find the pack of hollows. I am freaking starving

Dire Reverend
2011-09-29, 09:47 PM
"There is a cave to the north, where she stated she would hide at if things went bad. It is not that deep, so you will not have to worry about it taking forever to find the end."
The Arrancar reaches into his jacket, and pulls out a ribbon with an insignia.
"Could one of you wear this for me? If she sees one of you wearing it, she will know I sent you and will not try to stay hidden.

2011-09-29, 10:46 PM
Marcel steps up and, unless stopped by something, grabs the ribbon and ties it to his wrist.

2011-09-29, 11:08 PM
"Understood. We'll head there first then."

Searos turns and walks back out the door, before taking flight once more.

Silva Stormrage
2011-09-29, 11:36 PM
Netheral follows Searos, Lets go

2011-09-29, 11:55 PM
Walking out, Emen called out, Thanks for being so hospitable," and started walking towards the caves with the others, clearly more than a little shaken by the whole experience.

Once the door is closed and their a safe distance away from the buliding...
"So...Anyone else think that guy is up to something?"

2011-09-30, 09:17 AM
"Of course." Marcel says, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Powerful being like him is obviously up to something. Rather suspicious how something managed to chase off his assistant but not encounter him. 50/50 it's a trap of some kind."

2011-09-30, 09:24 AM
"Trap, test, both are likely. Still, I don't see a group of this size running into many problems unless we encounter a much more powerful Hollow.

But didn't he say he doesn't go outside? Makes sense if his assistant isn't a straight-up fighter that they'd retreat from another strong hollow, and since he can't be detected or detect through that material, he'd have no idea as to what has happened to his 'friend'.

In the end, however, it doesn't matter whether he's up to something. We still benefit."

2011-09-30, 10:45 AM
Quiet for awhile after leaving the building, Kyosuke speaksI wonder if he spoke the truth about the "arrancar" transformation. If so, and his power is a result of that transformation, I want to do it too. Kyosuke smiles grimly.

2011-09-30, 08:03 PM
Nodding Emen replied, "I agree. Doesn't mean we can't be smart about it though. One step at a time."

Dire Reverend
2011-10-02, 04:17 AM
The barren wasteland of Hueco Mundo was, as usual, boring and uneventful.

Eventually you spot an entrance to a cave.

2011-10-02, 04:37 AM
Searos circles the entrance, and (assuming he spots nothing untoward) lands in front of the entrance.


2011-10-02, 05:44 AM
Emen walked right up to the cave entrance and yelled rather loudly into it. "Hello? Marcel, hold out the ribbon! If she doesn't see it, she won't come out. Why didn't we ask the Arrancar her name? Hello?"
Then Emen backed away slowly, and gave the cave (and more importantly, whatever is inside) some space. "So...how long do we wait before walking into the trap?"

Dire Reverend
2011-10-02, 08:25 AM
The cave goes deeper than you can see, and when Emen yells out, it echos against the walls.

Emen hears movement from within the cave.

Silva Stormrage
2011-10-02, 11:48 AM
Well, if whoever is in there doesn't come out we might as well go in, give me a second to check for reaitsu in the cave to make sure there aren't 30 hollows in there.

sense motive (Reiatsu check)

2011-10-02, 01:30 PM
Marcel shrugs and holds up the ribbon. "Well...this ought to be fun..." he says as he watches the others get ready to enter the cave.

2011-10-02, 02:55 PM
If something comes out swinging, get me in front of it and I can distract it.

2011-10-03, 12:33 AM
"I heard something in there. I don't know if there is thirty somethings, but I didn't see anything. You picking anything up or should we just go on in?" Emenkept all her sense trained on the cave as she spoke, while her mind whirled with possibilites. She could be injured or engaged in a fight, assuming she's real. Either one would be really bad. Even if she doesn't attack us, those hexorites might just try to cut her down while she's weakend/distracted.

2011-10-03, 08:35 AM
"Would you come out in front of a group of unknown hollows, even if they have a token of a friend? I would not.

I think we should just head in. Easiest way to get this task completed, one way or the other."

2011-10-03, 09:14 AM
"Well then, lead the way. I'll be right behind you." Marcel says, obviously not wanting to be the first in the cave.

2011-10-03, 05:26 PM
Searos shrugs.

"I'm willing to take the lead, we should probably have our token carrier near the front as well."

2011-10-04, 07:02 PM
"Like I said, right behind you. I may not be as good at it as some of you but I can take a hit." Marcel says with a hint of amusement as he scans the cave, watching for any signs of movement as he continues to clearly display the ribbon.

2011-10-04, 07:17 PM
"Don't blame me if you die, though."

Searos unsheaths his longsword, and walks into the mouth of the cave.

2011-10-04, 08:17 PM
Searos, If you don't mind I will take point. Despite my current form, I have been known to defend my allies.

Dire Reverend
2011-10-04, 09:31 PM
Once they all walked into the cave, they heard a raspy voice that echoed throughout the cave.

"That little annoying one was much too hard to capture, after I cornered her in this cave I have yet to find her... You look like you all will be much easier to eat."

Silva Stormrage
2011-10-04, 10:02 PM
Netheral laughs to himself Oh boy, your luck is horrendous. Still this should be enjoyable


If I win initiative

If I can detect him with my scent special ability, my sense reaitsu check or my 60ft dark vision with a spot check

I activate my rage and charge with my gore attack


If I can't detect him I ready an action to cast entangle if I see enough wildlife around for it to work. If there isn't enough wildlife I will ready an action to claw him.

Um what did my sense reatisu detect? If anything.

2011-10-04, 10:46 PM
"At last, something we can murder. Come here so we can get started."

Initiative (for when we need it):

Perception(try and spot him)

2011-10-05, 10:01 AM
Kyosuke grins I agree with the common sentiment of celebration, we can finally let loose! Kyosuke charges to the front of the group and ...

does something based on initiative :smalltongue:
initiative roll: [roll0]

If no one is in the way on Kyosuke's turn, and he knows where the enemy(ies) is(are) he charges the closest one.
Scythe attack on charge: [roll1]
Scythe attack damage: [roll2]
oh why oh why do I not have keen with that natural 19 on the attack roll :(

2011-10-05, 10:11 AM
"It's our lucky day alright." Emen growled as she charged after the voice of the beast, taking care not to stray away from her allies. "By all means, take us on 4 to 1."

Initative: [roll0]
Charge Attack (If this guy isn't hiding) [roll1] and Damage [roll2]
Perception Check (If he is) [roll3]

2011-10-05, 02:29 PM
"This ought to be fun."

EDIT: Init bonus is +2, so 7 total.

Dire Reverend
2011-10-09, 12:48 AM
The group sees the source of the voice. It is obviously hollow, and is large-sized. He smiles, and readies himself.

Kyosuke-Corwin: 21
Netheral-Silva: 11
Badguy: 10
Marcel-Binks: 7
Emen-Mira Man: 5
Searos-Bahumat: 4

When moving, say something along the lines of "Jimmy moves from I17 to L16 and does X"

Everybody restate what they are doing, with the specific location they end at.

Silva Stormrage
2011-10-09, 01:35 PM
Assuming that Kysoskue doesn't do anything to prevent me from doing this I will do this set of actions after Kysoskue attacks.

Netheral charges from I12 to I5 and activates rage.
Attacking With gore attack



2011-10-09, 03:04 PM
Kyosuke won't be blocking you silva :smallbiggrin:

Kyosuke charges from H12 to H6(chain weapon can reach from there)

Charge Attack roll:

Confirm Crit roll(if needed):

x4 if I crit

*Edit: Natural 14 means no crit :smallfrown:

Dire Reverend
2011-10-11, 06:14 PM
Kyosuke charges and strikes the Hollow, While Netheral attempts to do the same, missing him. The Hollow attempts to hit Netheral as he runs up to him.
Attack of Opportunity on Netheral: [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Badguy's turn:

Attacking Kyosuke: [roll2] Damage [roll3], again [roll4] Damage [roll5]

2011-10-11, 08:19 PM
Marcel sidesteps a bit, splitting up in case this hollow is strong enough to use Cero or some other large area attack.

Wanting to evaluate the creature's strength before charging in he elects to fire off one of his old favorite weakening spells figuring that, if it sticks, it should make the enemy less dangerous for everyone involved.

Move to G11
Standard fire a Ray of Enfeeblement at the hollow.
Atk (ranged touch attack): [roll0]
Oh hit he takes a strength penalty of [roll1]
SR applies, no Save

Silva Stormrage
2011-10-12, 12:35 AM
"Posting my next attack because I might not be able to post tomorrow. Assume I do this once everyone else has attacked and its my turn again"

Full attack 4 Claws and a gore.





2011-10-12, 07:26 AM
(Since my move shouldn't intrude on Mira_man's....and since my intimidate was dropped by a bit due to balancing, I might move into being a tank a little earlier, and focus on debuffs later when I have the abilities to combine with.)

Searos Flies 50ft from M12 to k3. Provokes attack of op if he has Combat Reflexes.

Standard Action: Attack Action [roll0] with Longsword. Possibly a +2 if it counts as flanked.
Damage [roll1]
Crit Confirmation (if any): [roll2] Again possibly with a +2 if I flank

No crit. Also, misread my sheet. -2 from attack, unless flanking counts, in which case it's still 18. I only have a +7 with a longsword.

2011-10-16, 06:20 PM
Sorry for not posting, busy

Edit: Boy, do my rolls suck. I don't think I've got a ten yet.

Free(?) Action: Rage

Full Round Action: Charge Attack [roll0]
and Damage [roll1]

Dire Reverend
2011-10-18, 08:17 PM
Marcel’s ray hits the hollow, causing him to grunt in pain. Emen enters a rage, but fails to hit the hollow. Searos attempts to swing his sword at the hollow, but the hollow’s natural armor allows it to remain unaffected.
((Unless Corwin’s character lowers the AC of the hollow)) Netheral attempts to hit the hollow, but misses.

((On the note of Corw1n, it's his and/or her turn.))

2011-10-18, 08:47 PM
Kyosuke tries to get the creatures creature by slamming his scythe into its face.
Kyosuke takes a step back and then rushes in to hit the hollow.

Attack with the oversized scythe: [roll0]
crit confirm: [roll1]

damage: [roll2]

The crit confirm would be a natural crit on that attack roll....

Dire Reverend
2011-10-20, 01:42 AM
(You may have to refresh the page to see the changes)

The hollow swings at Kyosuke.
To hit: [roll0] Damage [roll1]

To hit: [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2011-10-20, 09:20 AM
Marcel notes the enemy's behavior from a distance. Satisfied with how powerful its attacks seem he casts a quick shielding spell on himself and moves closer.

Standard - Cast shield on myself for +4 AC (AC 28 for the next 3 minutes)
Move - Move straight forward to G5

Silva Stormrage
2011-10-21, 11:20 PM
Netheral attempts to maul the hollow again without failing this time.






2011-10-23, 08:32 PM
Searos takes a 5ft step to k2 and simply swings again. He sees no need to invoke his God's blessings against this opponent as yet.

(I was supposed to be at k3 after my last move. Still not sure on flanking as yet. add a +2 if you think i am flanking.)

Crit Confirmation

2011-10-25, 06:28 PM
Emen snarls as she unleashes her full fury!

On a unrelated note, the bonuses for my previous attack roll were off by 2. Explained so you know I'm not cheating this time. Sorry.

Full attack action; Natural weapons option, spending SP to enhance all attack rolls, as per wiki rules. Just one sp though so not so big

Tail Stinger: Attack [roll0] + [roll1], Damage: [roll2]

Bite: Attack [roll3], Damage: [roll4]

Claw #1: Attack [roll5], Damage: [roll6]

Claw #2: Attack [roll7], Damage: [roll8]

2011-10-25, 06:31 PM
Sorry about double post, but I forgot the SP boost

Bite: +[roll0] to attack

Claw #1: +[roll1] to attack

Claw #2: +[roll2] to attack

Which should bring my final attacks to:

Tail Stinger: 33 to hit

Bite: 15 to hit (so a miss)

Claw #1: 28 to hit

Claw #2: 20 to hit

Damage in first post

Dire Reverend
2011-10-25, 10:25 PM
Both the stinger and one claw attack hit, and the hollow roars in pain. He appears to be close to death.

Silva Stormrage
2011-10-30, 12:40 AM
Netheral lunges forward with mad slashes frustrated on how all of his attacks have missed.






2011-10-30, 10:51 AM
Kyosuke makes another swing at the hollow, beginning to get frustrated at the seemingly lack of results(by which he means, it has been hit multiple times, why is it still moving?)

Chain Scythe attack:
crit confirm if needed:

Dire Reverend
2011-11-10, 12:41 AM
Two of Netheral's attacks strike the hollow, causing him to be knocked unconscious.

((Sorry all for the lack of posting, please forgive me))

2011-11-10, 08:52 AM
"Well, that was rather easy...too bad he couldn't wield his ego, then it might have been a better fight." Marcel says as he arrives next to the now unconscious hollow.

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-10, 09:01 AM
Netheral licks his claws of the gore of the hollow I agree, it didn't even land a hit on me. Netheral turns and shouts down the cave, Hey! We killed the hollow you can come out now! We are allies!

2011-11-13, 09:33 PM
Searos sheaths his sword.

"That was decidedly underwhelming. Who had the thing we were supposed to show off to let them know we were friendly?"

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-14, 01:56 AM
Netheral speaks out, "I believe Marcel had it. Make sure to wave it so she notices Marcel. I want to get back to the Arrancar as soon as possible"

2011-11-14, 09:19 AM
Marcel, still wearing the undamaged ribbon on his left arm, lifts it up and waves it around a bit. This feels a bit ridiculous...why choose a ribbon for your indicator? he thinks to himself as he waits to see if there is any response.

Dire Reverend
2011-11-16, 09:44 PM
A tiny hollow flies toward the group. She has the appearance of a regular, mundane hollow, however she has a pair of insect wings on her back, which are currently in use.

"So... You were sent here to find me?"

2011-11-17, 12:08 AM
"Assuming you're the Arrancar's companion, yes, we were asked to find you." Marcel says, looking about the cave a bit as he stops waving the ribbon around.

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-17, 02:38 PM
Netheral stares at the the small hollow incredulously, I won't lie, I was expecting something a bit more fearsome from the Arrancar's companion. Well either way lets go back. I want to learn the location of the herd

Dire Reverend
2011-11-17, 08:28 PM
She looks at Netheral inquisitively.

"The herd? What's that?"

2011-11-17, 09:22 PM
"Netheral, think about it. Would she have needed to hide from that weakling if she was a combative Hollow?"

Dire Reverend
2011-11-17, 09:31 PM
She frowns at the comment, slightly offended.

"I know I'm not that strong, I mostly act as a scout. I was just cornered by a Hollow who wanted to eat me instead of talk to me.

2011-11-17, 09:38 PM
"I mean no offense. It is simply that you do not have an obvious means of defending yourself, like this."

He raps his fist on his armour.

"Or like our larger friend here, who is obviously going to be physically strong. However, don't most of the hollows here try to eat each other when they meet? Your companions, yourself and ourselves excluded, I have yet to meet a hollow that didn't try to eat me."

Dire Reverend
2011-11-17, 11:06 PM
"The main reason that you don't see such creatures is that because they are the first to get killed and eaten."

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-19, 10:29 PM
Netheral laughs to himself, As you almost just demonstrated. Either way lets get back to the Arrancar, I am sure he will be please to see that you are still alive. I don't see why you didn't just go to your near godhood level liege and have him slaughter this pathetic hollow. . Netheral finishes his statement by kicking the dead hollow on the ground.

Dire Reverend
2011-11-20, 12:16 AM
"The Arrancar is not good at hiding his Reiatsu. That's why he barely ever goes outside of his tower. It's built with a special layer of material that completely blocks out Reiatsu."

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-20, 12:43 AM
Netheral looks confused, Ya we got that, we met him. Why didn't you just chase the weakling hollow inside the tower. It wouldn't have lasted a second.

Dire Reverend
2011-11-20, 01:32 AM
"Mainly because at first I thought he was different, like you guys, but it turns out he was not."

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-26, 07:50 PM
Netheral sighs, Well I guess it doesn't really matter. Lets go back to the Arrancar, I am looking forward to a reward for rescuing his scout.

Dire Reverend
2011-11-27, 01:24 AM
They travel back to the tower, where the hollow they just met opens the door. The Arrancar looks up, and smiles. She flies over to The Arrancar lands on the ground next to him, and talks to him.

"These hollows saved me from a mean hollow." She says.

Then, The Arrancar speaks to the group. "Thank you very much. Now, I believe you wanted to find a group of hollows who ran off. If you went after them, that would benefit the both of us. However, before you go, I have an offer for you all. Would you be interested in joining my group? I have absolutely no rules or requirements for members."

2011-11-27, 10:20 AM
"And what would we stand to gain from joining this organization of yours?" Marcel asks, not liking the idea of subservience, but willing to hear out this powerful hollow's words.

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-28, 09:22 PM
Nethearl stands in agreement, Yes I agree, we need to know what we gain and lose for joining you. You seem content to just sit here and relax. Which isn't something I am interested in doing.

Dire Reverend
2011-12-02, 08:05 PM
Nethearl stands in agreement, Yes I agree, we need to know what we gain and lose for joining you. You seem content to just sit here and relax. Which isn't something I am interested in doing.

"I am only staying here for now. Once I gain enough soldiers, I plan on leaving this place to obtain a better residence. I assure you will lose no freedom if you join me."

Silva Stormrage
2011-12-03, 10:16 PM
Netheral considers it, I prefer not to offer my servitude to others without thinking about it. Give me a day or so and I will make a decision. The idea is tempting though.

Dire Reverend
2011-12-04, 12:08 PM
"That's acceptable with me. For now, feel free to stay here, if you wish."

2011-12-05, 10:13 PM
"That's very hospitable of you." Marcel says with a nod towards the Arrancar.

Dire Reverend
2011-12-05, 11:02 PM
"Anyways you wanted to know about the group of Hollow who tried and failed to kill me, right?"

Silva Stormrage
2011-12-06, 02:58 PM
You hadn't mentioned that they had attacked you. You just mentioned a bunch of hollows were nearby. But yes those hollows.

Dire Reverend
2011-12-06, 03:12 PM
"I could have sworn that I mentioned that to you. Oh well, it doesn't really matter, you taking care of them would be beneficial to the both of us."

2011-12-06, 06:34 PM
"Agreed. I want to deal with these hollows, and get a decent meal this time. I will also think on joining your organisation. The idea itself is not displeasing...but you also need to prove yourself worthy of loyalty."

Dire Reverend
2011-12-09, 02:22 AM
The Arrancar looks at Searos. "So I need to prove myself worthy of loyalty? And how exactly would I do that?"

2011-12-27, 10:30 PM
"Well, telling us about the group of hollows we were looking for would be a good start. You can hardly fault us being cautious. After all, most hollow are unable, or unwilling, to gather allies. But I'm sure we can work out an agreement we'll both be satisfied with."