View Full Version : Getting more turn undead attempts

2011-09-14, 03:07 PM
My current character is a dreadly OP cleric with massive DMM. I need more turn undead attempts at any cost. I've already got extra turning, what items or other feats might help me? Throw budget out the window, if I can't afford it, I'm still better off for knowing. I'm level 6.

2011-09-14, 03:13 PM

7k gold = 4x turning, and the fun part is its slotless, so you can basicly have 200 of them in the backpack and get ****load of more turning :)

2011-09-14, 03:15 PM

7k gold = 4x turning, and the fun part is its slotless, so you can basicly have 200 of them in the backpack and get ****load of more turning :)

No limit, eh? I see many possibilities.

2011-09-14, 03:19 PM
Also this. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=191894) Very impressive turning/rebuking without nightstick stacking.

2011-09-14, 03:25 PM
No limit, eh? I see many possibilities.

In the immortal words of 2 Unlimited:

No, no. No No No No. No No No no. No, no, there's no limit (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFd5Cci_pE4).

But your DM will hurt you if you abuse them. ;)

2011-09-14, 03:27 PM
failing nightstick stacking, you can get more turning pools from prestige classes
Good: sacred exorcist, knight of the raven
Neutral/Any: Sovereign Speaker (Grab all the elemental domains)
Your extra turning feat will apply to all pools, resulting in huge amounts of turning attempts... unless you are evil, in which case you go speaker or nothing.

2011-09-14, 03:34 PM
failing nightstick stacking, you can get more turning pools from prestige classes
Good: sacred exorcist, knight of the raven
Neutral/Any: Sovereign Speaker (Grab all the elemental domains)
Your extra turning feat will apply to all pools, resulting in huge amounts of turning attempts... unless you are evil, in which case you go speaker or nothing.

Looking at Sacred Exorcist (and other PrC's that have turn undead) the way I read it is that the PrC won't add more attempts, just stack for effective Cleric level in turning. And since turn attempts are not based on level, that does nothing.

Keld Denar
2011-09-14, 03:45 PM
The trick is to trade your TU for some other form of turning. The Incarnum Cleric ACF and Turn Dragons ACFs work. The Destroy Undead ACF from the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft works as well. THEN you get TU back from a PrC like Sacred Exorcist to have 2 seperate pools.

Note, DMM SPECIFICALLY calls out Turn UNDEAD. Only sources that explicitly state they function as Turn Undead can grant uses to DMM. Elemental turnings and the other domains like Plant and Ooze that give turning and rebuking abilities that aren't Turn Undead don't count.

2011-09-14, 03:53 PM
The trick is to trade your TU for some other form of turning. The Incarnum Cleric ACF and Turn Dragons ACFs work. The Destroy Undead ACF from the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft works as well. THEN you get TU back from a PrC like Sacred Exorcist to have 2 seperate pools.

Note, DMM SPECIFICALLY calls out Turn UNDEAD. Only sources that explicitly state they function as Turn Undead can grant uses to DMM. Elemental turnings and the other domains like Plant and Ooze that give turning and rebuking abilities that aren't Turn Undead don't count.

And then waste burn the Turn Undead Dragon attempts for DMM and keep your Turn Undead for actuall undead? Or just waste burn them all?

EDIT: Where is Knight of the Raven?

Keld Denar
2011-09-14, 03:56 PM
Probably burn them all. If you aren't dedicated to turning (full turning classes and PrCs, a couple of turning feats, spells, and items, Sun domain), you are probably gonna suck at it. It would be a better use of actions and resources to just persist extra spells and then melee the undead to (re)death with your awesome skillz.

EDIT: Knight of the Raven is in the back of the adventure: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft.

2011-09-14, 03:59 PM
Probably burn them all. If you aren't dedicated to turning (full turning classes and PrCs, a couple of turning feats, spells, and items, Sun domain), you are probably gonna suck at it. It would be a better use of actions and resources to just persist extra spells and then melee the undead to (re)death with your awesome skillz.

EDIT: Knight of the Raven is in the back of the adventure: Expedition to Castle Ravenloft.

Dang, I don't have that. Maybe someone in my group does. The two that DM constantly have like every book, official or 3rd party between them but they are oddly lacking in adventure modules.

2011-09-14, 03:59 PM
And then waste burn the Turn Undead Dragon attempts for DMM and keep your Turn Undead for actuall undead? Or just waste burn them all?

EDIT: Where is Knight of the Raven?

It's hardly a waste; turn undead is situation and doesn't scale very well, so in general DMM is actually more useful. So yeah, you use them all.

Knight of the Raven can be found in Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. Kind of a disappointing adventure, IMO, but the class is pretty good.

2011-09-14, 04:04 PM
It's hardly a waste; turn undead is situation and doesn't scale very well, so in general DMM is actually more useful. So yeah, you use them all.

Knight of the Raven can be found in Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. Kind of a disappointing adventure, IMO, but the class is pretty good.

I was being facitious. :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

2011-09-14, 04:06 PM
I was being facitious. :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

Generally I read strikeouts as what the person is actually implying...:smallconfused:

2011-09-14, 04:08 PM
Reliquary Holy Symbol from the Magic Item Compendium -- its only 1 use per day and occupies the neck slot, but its also cheap.

2011-09-14, 04:10 PM
Generally I read strikeouts as what the person is actually implying...:smallconfused:

I guess ironic would be more approriate. Without hearing the inflection and the sefl-correcting, it would be difficult to realize that what I "strikeout" was actually the opposite of what I meant. Language is a funny thing eh? :smalltongue:

2011-09-14, 04:10 PM
Reliquary Holy Symbol from the Magic Item Compendium -- its only 1 use per day and occupies the neck slot, but its also cheap.

And there's no reason you can't just combine it with the standard wisdom item, assuming those rules are allowed.

Keld Denar
2011-09-14, 04:14 PM
Its not hard to get 2 TU attempts from the Relequary Holy Symbol. The 5 ranks in Knowledge Religion is rediculously easy, most Clerics can invest at least that much. Divine Metamagic itself is a [Divine] feat, so that works too. Even if you didn't take that, many spellcasters take Divine Spell Power or Divine Might, both of which qualify as well.

2011-09-14, 05:18 PM
The sage in the WotC costomer service defined how turning works.

He said that if you have x TU attempts per day, an increase in that number (he gives an example with cha increase) would result in gaining more TU attempts. However, these are not temporal uses that go away first like temporal Hit points, these are attempts that add to your maximum attempts per day but you may never exceed that number.

Example: If you have 8 TU attempts, hasting eagle's splendor would give you +2, ending up with 10 attempts, +2 x extra turning =18 +4 ( nightstick) =22.

You can attept 22 turning today. If you use 10 of them you will be having 12/22
, or as the sage says, we should count uses! So 10/22 used!!If the eagles speldor expires, you will have used up 10/20, if you recast it again you go again to 10/22, droping the nightstick to the groud & picking an other one will result to the silimar effect of 10/18 used & 10/22 used again, and so on for any other effect / item.

Conclusion, you can't "burn" more attempts that your max today.

However, as good min-maxers most of us have found ( or found something some else had olaready found) ways to bypass this limitation .

a: Some domains/ACF state that their special turn attempts ( I think that rebuke dragons is one of them, as keld denar said) can fuel divine feats DMMis a divine feat.

b: (this one has many if's) IF your Dm allows you to take planar touchstone feat, & IF he can arange you to visit the special touchstones locations, and IF you happen to visit the one named: cataloges of enlightenment, then you can used your feat to take a domain granted power from any domain (very versatile & good option for everyone), then IF you don't already have turn UNDEAD you can take the sun domain's granted power from the Dragonlance campaign setting & that only IF this is allowed & if he won't say that PH's SUN domain is the only "sun" domain.

After all these IF's & IF you have rebuke undead you can semi-legally take a second turning pool.

c: **** the sage, his words even if they weight more than anyone's of us, they are not errata's. So abuse nightsticks

2011-09-14, 07:50 PM
Also this. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=191894) Very impressive turning/rebuking without nightstick stacking.22 is impressive? Pair it down to whatever you desire, but my builds include the max DMMable turns numbering in the hundre

2011-09-15, 12:18 AM
The trick is to trade your TU for some other form of turning. The Incarnum Cleric ACF and Turn Dragons ACFs work. The Destroy Undead ACF from the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft works as well. THEN you get TU back from a PrC like Sacred Exorcist to have 2 seperate pools.

Note, DMM SPECIFICALLY calls out Turn UNDEAD. Only sources that explicitly state they function as Turn Undead can grant uses to DMM. Elemental turnings and the other domains like Plant and Ooze that give turning and rebuking abilities that aren't Turn Undead don't count.

If they become turn whatever instead of turn undead, how do you use them for DMM?

2011-09-15, 12:36 AM
If they become turn whatever instead of turn undead, how do you use them for DMM?
The ones he mentioned as being the ones you want all specifically state that they can be used in place of Turn Undead to fuel divine feats.

2011-09-15, 01:02 AM
Dread Necro dip gets you another pool of turn undead.