View Full Version : Reposting Etiquette

2011-09-15, 02:22 PM
So if one posts something which is not responded to or answered sufficiently and buried in new posts, what is the general etiquette on bringing it back up? How long should one wait. Should one just take the hint?

Keld Denar
2011-09-15, 02:33 PM
Forum rules questions generally go here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=25).

That said, it depends on what it is. Teh Ruelz (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1) state:

Likewise, posts that merely bump a thread (whether that post is "bump" or "this happened") are minor spam.

Sometimes things just get missed, especially in the middle of the day (relative to US time, where I'm guessing a majority of posters live) when there is a lot of thread traffic. If your question doesn't get answered, consider sending a PM to one of the more active members and asking there (like ME!). If its been a while (more than a couple weeks), you'd probably be best off just starting a new thread and asking it again. Alternatively, consider PMing a mod (like Glyphstone or averagejoe or Vaynor) who moderates this forum and ask for permission to "bump" your thread, possibly with adding more information, since often times threads that don't get answered are vague. Our mods are super-awesome-sweet-radical, so they'll be able to help you out one way or another.

EDIT: Example PM

Dearest Glyphstone,

I am writing you with deep regret in my heart. I posted a thread last week asking for optimization advice on my sorcerer. Unfortunately nobody answered it, and it has since decended from the light of the first page into the murky depths of the forum. I realize that I didn't include any information about what level we are, what books I have available, and what my goals were in terms of relative power level. I realize that if I would have included that information, I might have gotten the answers I was searching for. Would it be ok if I were to post in that thread to update my request? Thank you greatly, and I hope this message finds you in good health.

Keld Denar

Or something like that... :smallbiggrin:

EDIT EDIT: If you mis-post something and want to move a thread, you can click the little red triangle just under your avatar. This brings up the report post box, and just mention where you should have posted it. One of the mods will get to it when they are available. Don't bother with this one, though, I already reported it. You won't get in trouble for reporting a post, its just a handy way of getting a mod's attention.

2011-09-15, 02:36 PM
Ah I don't really venture out of this forum and didn't even think about posting in the other one.

Cool Beans
I appreciate it.

2011-09-15, 02:43 PM
WTH? What silly question is this? If you ask something in a discussion and it is ignored, you just ask again or leave it. Simple as that. There's no etiquette involved. This is an internet forum. :smallannoyed:

2011-09-15, 02:51 PM
Yes, this is an internet forum, but it's an internet forum with rules and the people who wrote those rules don't like the idea of threads containing several consecutive posts that all say, essentially, "come on, people, answer me" (commonly summarized in internet lingo as "bump") in some form or other.

If your thread is getting active discussion but going way off track, that's one thing. Feel free to post a request to get back to the reason you started the thread. If your thread is just sinking out of sight with no replies at all, on the other hand, posting just to bring it back up to a more visible spot on the list is a (minor) rules violation.

The full forum rules are here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?f=59&a=1), also linked at the top of each forum.