View Full Version : Rakshasa Dread necro spell casting lvl? For BBEG

Daitini Peck
2011-09-17, 02:46 PM
I know that as a sorcerer Rakshasas know/cast spells at 7+ level of sorcerer, but would that also count towards Dread Necromancer since they both cast arcane, and the fact that they do gain advanced learning?

Stats on character so far:

Rakshasa lvl 7
Dread Necro lvl 11


Any help would be appreciated, this is for a dungeon I'm creating and DMing. Figure I'd use my party as test subjects.

2011-09-17, 02:48 PM
Check out the Ak'chazar Rakshasa in Monster Manual 3, it's probably exactly what you're looking for.

2011-09-17, 02:59 PM
By the rules? No. Sorcerer casting and Dread Necro casting are different. The character would cast like a Sorcerer 7, and, separate from that, also like a Dread Necro 11. So, he'd have level 3 sorcerer spells, and level 6 dread necro spells.

It's a bit as if he where a sorcerer 7/dread necro 11. Two different classes.

Of course, you are the DM. No one stops you from declaring htat this is a unique kind of Rakshasa that casts as a dread necro instead.

Daitini Peck
2011-09-17, 03:05 PM
Of course, you are the DM. No one stops you from declaring htat this is a unique kind of Rakshasa that casts as a dread necro instead.

Good point, let it be so.