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View Full Version : Looking for a class that might have been

2011-09-18, 01:26 PM
It may have been a fan creation or it could have actually existed. A friend of mine showed it to me a while back and I always wanted to play it. Unfortunately he cannot find it and I have been searching for the last two days to no avail.

Its called Mage-punk. It works basically on the principle of aquiring orbs to level your magic. It is similar to the Dragon Age mage and some of the schools:

The more orbs of a school you had, the stronger your magic: 1 orb in force allowed you to move small objects while 5 allowed you to manipulate gravity and such.

It was an intriguing idea, but I don't know if it was for D20M or for adaptation into the other systems at the 3.5 level.

Any help would be appreciated. (P.S. It was mentioned that he found it on an RS board on 4chan)

2011-09-18, 01:40 PM
That's going to be a fan creation, because that magic system is stolen from Mage: The Ascension by White Wolf Games. (M:TA calls them "spheres" rather than "orbs", and has a few more like Entropy, Spirit, and Forces.) It wouldn't be allowable for a D&D publication because of copyright issues.

2011-09-18, 01:46 PM
As i can recall, there is a game for d10 system that was created by White Wolf (same people who did Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse(?)) that seems to fit what you are trying to describe. I have never seen a homebrew like that and i know that is not an official class of any kind. The game itself is called Mage: something..... But in this game the orbs you are describing are out of game stats denoting 0-5 ranks in your lower. 0 Being no power, while 5 points equal complete mastery over your power.

Edit: ninja'ed due to slow phone lol.

2011-09-18, 01:50 PM
I thought it was a fan creation, but the idea intrigued me. I had never really heard of White Wolf until recently and I've really been pining for a good 3.5 game....

Again, was brought up a while ago and I liked the idea and I sort of wanted to play test it if I could find a DM willing.
