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2011-09-18, 03:49 PM
You are all sitting in a tavern. [OOC- You all saw it coming, didn't you?] An guardsman in the corner is tell about his day, apparently there have been several recent attacks on the village recently, and the guard is pushed to their limit. "Orcs" he says, with a sigh. "It must be that bloody cave again."

2011-09-18, 04:28 PM
Penny looks over at the mention of the Orc problem, absentmindedly sipping the cocktail she..."persuaded" the bartender to let her have for free.

"A cave, you say? You mean the Orcs are living in this cave and raiding the village?"

Setting her drink down, she looks disdainfully at the guardsman.

"But surely, if you know where they are coming from, can you not attack them there and wipe them out? I was under the impression that the Guard were, at least, somewhat competent?"

2011-09-18, 04:33 PM
The guard looks offended. "Yes, we know where they are coming from, but wiping them out is easier said than done, we have to stay here and protect the people, we are not an army that can leave and go fight them there." he states.

2011-09-18, 04:38 PM
A young sits on the barddisk looking around the tavern with a predatory glare, all the way the proprietor seems to ignore her presence. Her gaze locks onto a particulary intoxicated man and rapidly jumps of and runs up to the man poking him while saying a few words in a strange language (Ooc: abyssal if anyone knows it):

"G'hti Khl ú"

The man instantly sobers up but the girl is gone before the man could react so he just curses and orders a new beer, while the bartender gives the girl an appreciative pat on the back.

The girl gets back to her "post" but looks a little extra in the direction of the guard giving a letting out a small smile at the insult.

RPG Player
2011-09-18, 05:04 PM
A young man with wavy white hair is sitting on one of the table and wearing a simple brown coat while eating his soup and stopping at the mentions of the orcs attacks. This reminds him of the raids at home and he didn't want the villagers to suffer the same fate as his home.

"Well, where are those caves?"

There is an arctic fox laying down underneath his table, obviously not from this region.

2011-09-18, 05:12 PM
The guard looks at him, looking shocked. "Come on, everyone knows the Caves of Shadow." he says. "They are about a day's travel south of the town. Used to be an outpost for orcs and their ilk during the old wars a couple hundred years ago. Every so often a group of them gets the bright idea to clear out whatever we use to plug the cave and use it as an base to raid from."

2011-09-18, 05:15 PM
A voice cuts into the conversation, interrupting the guardsman as he said the last word.

"Then surely you can just use the same tactics you beat the last lot with, if they're just doing the same thing over and over. How did you clear them out last time?"

2011-09-18, 05:18 PM
The guardsman glares at her. "Do I look that old, girl?" he asks. "We just defended as best we could until we could find some people strong enough to take care of them once and for all. And in case you haven't noticed, noone seems to want to stick around this blasted town long enough to help us at all these days."

RPG Player
2011-09-18, 05:19 PM
"I'm not too familiar with the region, thank you for the information. Certainly, I'm not the only one looking to do something about those orcs?" the young human male looked around the room to see if anybody would be willing to help the villagers. He is no fool, his abilities are not enough to take on a whole raiding group of orcs.

2011-09-18, 05:22 PM
The young girl nimbly leaps of the bardisk and creeps under a table close to the commotion that was starting up around the guard, to better hear whatever story the guard might tell.

The small girl gets up from under the table and pokes the man who is trying to rally the crowd for help.

Do what to the Orcs?, she ask curiously.

2011-09-18, 05:34 PM
Penny returns the glare, and when she speaks, her voice has a certain clip to it, as if she's carefully choosing each individual word before she says it.

"I had thought that perhaps members of the Guard would be perfectly capable of talking amongst themselves. Or are you the only one capable of speech?" she replies coolly, before closing her eyes a moment and regaining her composure.

When she speaks again, it is with a more friendly tone, without the slight malice she had before.
" If you managed to beat the orcs before, surely there would be some survivors? I incidentally, would be willing to help, for a certain fee...provided, of course, you provide me with enough information to survive staring down a tribe of Orcs. Do you not need a strategy before you rush into battle, after all?

2011-09-18, 05:42 PM
The guard laughs. "You talk as if I'm the one who meets out rewards for that sort of thing." he says. "I'm not, and all I know is that there's usually about 10 of them come to attack, 6 or 7 keep us pinned down with arrows while the other 3 or 4 make off with our stuff. The guard only has 6 men in it, and half those are newly trained. None of us has ever even seen the cave."

2011-09-18, 05:47 PM
The blonde girl smiles, heartened to see she doesn't seem to have offended the guard.

"Perhaps you are just going about it the wrong way? There's a lot to be said for stealth, rather than just being out in the open where they can hail down arrows on you. After all, they simply cannot shoot something they cannot see..."

She lets her sentence trail off, the words hanging in the air, and waits to see the effect they have on the guard.

2011-09-18, 05:58 PM
He shrugs. "I won't say it hasn't been considered, but to be honest most of us couldn't sneak up on a cup of ale, let alone an orc." he says.

2011-09-18, 06:15 PM
"If stealth is what you need then I'm your guy," a hafling male strolls up to the guard and blonde female. "I beg your pardon for eves dropping, but it sounded like an opportunity for a fella to make some coin, and honestly who couldn't use the extra money?" He looks over at the guard with a slight chuckle, as if to try and brighten the mood. He climbs on to the nearest chair and extends his hand towards the female, "The names Tamir."

King Tius
2011-09-18, 06:55 PM
OOC: *slaps Katasi's hand and jumps into the ring*

The guard takes a large gulp of his beer, giving the halfling a thorough once-over out of the corner of his eye. "Sneaking around won't put swords in the bellies of those raiders, but I don't know much about these things. If you all are keen on doing something about those orcs, you can find the caves yourself easy enough. Put a few of their heads on pikes out by the town gate and I'll bet the mayor will throw some coin your way. He sure as hell isn't spending it all on the Guard."

The guardsman tosses his head back and finishes off his beer. He shakes the empty mug at the bartender, indicating he needs a refill.

2011-09-18, 07:01 PM
Verrik Caldo:thog:

Hearing the people around the tavern, Verrik drained the mug of ale in front of him. Getting up he walked to the bar and set his mug down with a rather calm demeanor before tossing a few coins onto the bar, enough copper for another cheap ale. Turning as the bar tender got him his drink he grinned wide.

He was was muscular, and large half-orc, his head bald and his skin with only the slightest of green tinge to it, to denote his heritage all the more. He folded his arms over his chest as he looked between those who had been speaking.

His voice was a deep basso when it joined the conversation.

"What 'ere is going to be done about this lot o' orcs, I'll throw my axe in the ring. I know caves pretty well, ne'er been near this cave 'o shadow though. If'n I know orcs though a little sneakin' and some head chopin' ought to set them right."

RPG Player
2011-09-18, 10:05 PM
"Well little girl, it would most likely involve killing the orcs or at least take down the leader of the raid party. They are not exactly known for their diplomacy and respect only overwhelming strength." He stood up from his table and the arctic fox under his table moved as well.

"I'm Bali and would be willing to help in taking care of them. I dabble in the arcane arts."

2011-09-18, 11:04 PM
" Now i like the sound of that. Could go for the kidneys,and u could go for... well anything else really," Tamir says, gesturing towards Verrick while looking up towards the large fellow.

He then looks over to the newcomer," Pleasure to meet you, im sure your talents will be well appreciated. Might i ask where one would find an animal such as that, i don't believe i have come across anything of the sort.

Staring curiously at the child " Who might you be, and what exactly did u do to that man over there?"

RPG Player
2011-09-18, 11:19 PM
"Nice to meet you Tamir and this one comes from the far north same as me and this is Galio."

The Artic fox looked up at Tamir when he mentioned him as a pet and moved from under the table and turned its head around to look the other way.

"It seems to be a little annoyed for being called a pet. To be fair, it's my familiar."

2011-09-18, 11:20 PM
After listening for awhile a loan woman in the back wearing beautiful robes sighs and gets up, "Oh please, you lot are going about this the wrong way." The young woman says as she gets up and walks over to the table. Leaning against the table like she owns the place and not bothering to ask if she could join the guard she twirls her fingers. "Blades, stealth, cannon fodder, that is all nice and fine, but each one individually has a weakness." She says as she moves over and walks around behind the guard before leaning against the table again on the opposite side of him with a coy smile. "A blade and magic will go much further than either. Any dumb brute can stab something and any frail wizard can blast something, but what you need is a mix of those talents. One who can channel magic and wield a blade. One who can blast the orcs from afar and yet still remove their heads when they get close." She then smirks and runs her hand threw her hair. "What you need is ME, Lady Terra of the noble Dikolv family. Who would I speak to for more information? Clearly you aren't the one to talk to."

2011-09-18, 11:42 PM
" oh my deepest apologies, I did not mean to offend," talking directly to Galio " Im sorry my potential friend, its not every day one encounters on such as you. Maybe i could get you a meal, my treat" he finishes of with a wink.

His attention turning to the new female after her entrance , "Oh my this day is becoming interesting. I did not expect to run in to nobility, I have the sudden urge to bow. Do u propose to take care of this your self, 'cuz you know, there is safety in numbers?"

2011-09-19, 12:22 AM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Grunting as the people continued their talk, he looked from the Witch and his familiar to the one speaking to the white furred animal, then his attention was drawn to the woman who had interjected in such a grand way. He shrugged his shoulders and turned to take the refilled mug back from the bartender and his voice came forth again.

I say we do 'em as we like. Workin' ta gether is the best way to go about it, and I bet we'd get more done out there there than in 'ere drinkin'

2011-09-19, 01:08 AM
Penny smiles at Tamir, and accepts the proffered handshake.

"Among other things, they call me Penny. Penny Shadowsong. I suppose you could say I'm a Cleric, I worship the Lady Calistria. I suppose you could call me various other things in addition, but if you are anything like the rest of this town, I would bet a silver piece that what you'd call me would not be appropriate for the child to hear."

She turns and looks to the woman leaning on the table, frowning slightly at the lady's outright arrogance, and tries to recall hearing any mention of a Dikolv family. If they were nobility, then surely the girls at the temple would have mentioned a Dikolv - Nobles are rich, and rich folk were the preferred "clientele" at The Lady In The Room.

(Rolling for Knowledge (Nobility), untrained)

2011-09-19, 02:59 AM
"Well little girl, it would most likely involve killing the orcs or at least take down the leader of the raid party. They are not exactly known for their diplomacy and respect only overwhelming strength." He stood up from his table and the arctic fox under his table moved as well.

Huh, and they are afraid of me.... When there are men who just hurt thingsShe mumbles quickly before trying to run off without waiting for a response.

Getting interuppted by curious halfling.

Staring curiously at the child " Who might you be, and what exactly did u do to that man over there?"
She looks up at the short man standing on the chair, then reaches out her hand.

Hi, Shortie! She giggles. I'm Ina, I work here and i did my Job! She says it with an extreme intensity, then collapses on the floor laughing.

RPG Player
2011-09-19, 07:00 AM
Galio turned around after hearing of a possible treat now that was something interesting. Bali observed the half orc for a moment and of course nobody missed the noble entrance. He approached the half-orc.

"Well, I suppose next step is to talk with the mayor then and I didn't catch your name?"

2011-09-19, 12:06 PM
Terra Dikolv

Terra shrugs, "I suppose if any of you are interested in helping numbers is fine. Like you said," She says nodding at the one who had mentioned safety in numbers, "safety in numbers. Even the best fighter can be felled if too many forces rally against them." Then she waves her hand in dismissal, "And no, no need to bow. I'm on a quest of improvement, not here as a noble. I've not been home in a year anyways."

2011-09-19, 12:43 PM
After seeing the foxes reaction Tamir looks at Bali, " Well that looks like a forgiving expression. With your permission I would like to get your pal treat , what does he eat?"

His gaze shifts over to the youth rolling about on the floor " Heh.. shortie havent heard that one before.. Your quite the bundle of energy. You seem quite interested in this orc issue for being so young."

He turns once more to face Penny and Terra, "well ladies do we have an agreement to work together?"

2011-09-19, 12:59 PM
Penny takes another sip of her drink, and considers Tamir's offer.

"Well, mercenary work is hardly my usual line of business, but as long as it brings in the coin, I'll do almost anything."

"Besides," she continues, turning to smile at the swordmaiden beside her, "a lady needs to eat....and keep abreast of the latest fashions, does she not, Miss Terra?"

2011-09-19, 02:20 PM
Terra looked confused for a moment as if confused as to why anyone would have to fight just to eat or buy clothes. "Uhh sure, right." She says with a nod, "I'm merely in it to improve my magic and blade, but motives don't matter much now do they? Results do."

2011-09-19, 04:41 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Turning his head he raised his mug to Bali and tilted it up, draining its contents into his belly and setting the mug down behind him. He let out a slight belch into the back of his forearm and then grinned.

"Verrick you can call me, and the mayor sounds like a grand plan. I bet he'll be able to point us right."

Turning he regarded the group of people talking, raising an eyebrow.

"To the mayors office then!"

Before heading towards the door.

2011-09-19, 04:47 PM
Penny turns to the bartender and winks mischievously.
"Thanks for the drink, cutie!" she purrs, before sliding off her bar stool and following Verrick out the door.

2011-09-19, 05:17 PM
Terra follows the group figuring its the best place to start.

RPG Player
2011-09-19, 05:44 PM
"Galio can pretty much eat anything but he prefers meat above all else." Bali followed the group after mentioning it and Galio not far being with an excited attitude thinking of the upcoming treat.

King Tius
2011-09-19, 06:02 PM
After finishing up your drinks and food at the bar the newly formed party heads out the door to find the mayor's office. As it turns out, the mayor runs his office out of his home, a nicer two-story building located near the town square. Knocking on the door, you are greeted by a kind, old halfling who servers as the mayor's butler and attendant. The little man introduces himself as Baldric and shows you into a large front room in the home that is the mayor's seat of power.

A tall, thin man with sharp features and shrewd eyes sits behind a large desk of mahogany. As you enter he puts down the papers he was reading and takes off his glasses. His voice is deep and strong, seeming to emanate from a much larger and younger man.

"Yes? What's this about? New recruits for the Guard? We'll not take children or those that can't hold a spear and shield."

He leans back in his chair, his piercing eyes taking in the lot of you and waiting for your response.

2011-09-19, 06:05 PM
Terra Dikolv

"Awww so most the town guard just got fired?" Terra asks with a sad expression. "I hope they can find another job."

RPG Player
2011-09-19, 06:28 PM
"Not quite Mr. Mayor, we are actually looking to take care of your Orcs raiders problems. We were wondering what is the reward for such a task?" Bali was direct when it came to his concerns and preferred to get on with helping the villagers as soon as possible. He had spent most of his resources to escape his land and needed to acquire some coins.

King Tius
2011-09-20, 08:00 AM
"Ahh, adventurers then? Always an odd bunch, you hero types. There's a 300 gold bounty on the head of the orc's leader. He's an ogre by the looks of it. The Cave of Shadows is about two miles south of town, nestled in the crag just off the main road. And before you even ask, no, I won't be giving out so much as a copper as advance payment. We've been ripped off by too many highwaymen posing as do-gooders to part with our coin so easily."

RPG Player
2011-09-20, 08:13 AM
"Well this is enough information for me, feel free to ask any questions." He turned to look at the others and Galio was ready to follow his master but they waited a moment before getting a move on. At least the cave wasn't too far from the village. They might be able to make it back before nighttime.

2011-09-20, 08:25 AM
In response, Penny walks up to the Mayor's desk, and stands beside Bali.

"Would you happen to have a map with this cave marked on it? I would hate for us to get lost, and I'm sure the last thing you want is for two pretty young ladies", she says, gesturing at herself and Terra, "and a tiny child", pointing this time at Ina, "to be wandering hopelessly through the fields after nightfall..."

2011-09-20, 10:33 AM
Ina pouts,Hey, whattaboutshortie im bigger!

2011-09-20, 11:22 AM
Tamir, caught off guard by the child's statement, chuckles a bit while standing as straight as possible in order to appear taller, " Well not by much," He lets off an uneasy smile, knowing his attempts at being taller accomplished nothing.

King Tius
2011-09-20, 12:18 PM
The Mayor gives Penny an annoyed look, pulling a sheet of paper out of his desk.

"As I said, it's in the crag just off the road about two miles south of town. You can't miss it."

He slides the paper to Penny with the following drawn on it.


"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a town to run."

The aging halfling butler shows you the way out, closing the door crisply as soon as the last of you have left the building.

2011-09-20, 02:43 PM
Terra Dikolv

"Dic..." Terra mumbles as she walks out. She wasn't used to being treated in such a manner and made a note to figure out a way to teach the mayor some manners after she returned from hunting these beast.

RPG Player
2011-09-20, 02:47 PM
Bali without wasting anymore time, headed toward the road and out of the village, followed by Galio. Hopefully there wouldn't be too many bad surprises on the road.

2011-09-20, 04:18 PM
Scowling, Penny rolls up the "map" and stuffs it down the front of her dress for safekeeping.

"Remind me WHY we are doing that insufferable man's work, again?"

2011-09-20, 04:29 PM
" Maybe gold or what have you. It never hurts to be on the good side of the city guard. Also.. whats the plan,or are we just going to storm the cave?"

2011-09-20, 04:41 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Listening to the Mayor he couldn't but agree with the man, giving up your money before services were rendered is something he wouldn't have done either. As he walked with the group towards the road out of town South he grinned.

"I thought we were doing it for the town. I'll take a share of the coin though. I've always wanted a Falchion."

RPG Player
2011-09-20, 04:41 PM
"So far storming in seems like the only plan. We don't know much about the cave or the surroundings. The orcs will most likely see us coming unless someone want to scout ahead. Yeah we are helping the town but some reward is always welcome."

2011-09-20, 04:41 PM
Penny turns to Tamir and smiles.
"Well, I have an idea...did the guard not say that the majority of the orcs were archers? If so, I have a spell that may help. It conjures up dense fog, which makes it a lot harder to see, especially over long distances...Do you see where I'm going with this?" she winks.

2011-09-20, 05:06 PM
Terra Dikolv

"Shame I wasn't planning on this today. I would have refreshed my memory on the grease spell. As it is this morning I was studying a few others." Terra says with a shrug, "Whatever, this is why I prefer a blade, always something to fall back on."

2011-09-20, 05:13 PM
Intrigued by Terra's talk of magic, Penny turns to her and attempts to strike up a conversation.

"Miss Terra, about these `few other` spells of yours...would you happen to have anything that would be of particular use?"

2011-09-20, 05:28 PM
Terra Dikolv

"Are you familiar with color spray or shocking grasp?" Terra ask.

2011-09-20, 05:47 PM
"I think so... Color Spray is the weird multicoloured beam that stuns things, right? The Revered Mother at my temple used to use it if patrons got too rowdy, if I'm not misremembering. "
Penny pauses for a moment, considering the possible application of Terra's spells in this fight.

"Miss Terra? I have an idea, if you'd be willing to work with me on this? If I use my Obscuring Mist spell to mess up the archers' aim, do you think you would be able to use your Color Spray to stun the Orcs that are left? Then, we could move in, and you could put that swordarm of yours to good use."

Penny steps back, looking directly at the rest of the group now.

"What do you think? Miss Terra and I befuddle and incapacitate the orcs with our magicks, and those of you who're good with a weapon take the opportunity to go spill some Orcish blood. Seems a pretty easy 300 gold, am I right?"

2011-09-20, 06:12 PM
" Works for me, I'm sure thoes orcs won't miss a kidney or two"

2011-09-20, 10:26 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Verrick snorted a bit and turned to his new companions, tilting his head a little bit as he listened. He kept up his pace though, eager to get to the cave.

"Lucky for you all we seem patient enough to plan. I'll save my sound and fury for when you signal the attack. For now though, some hands on recon might be the best bet, and then we can make these orcs look the fool."

RPG Player
2011-09-20, 10:56 PM
Bali kept walking forward while listening to the plan. He withdrew his light crossbow and armed it with a bolt. He might get a few lucky shots with it. He didn't expect any fantastic results but should be enough until more power was needed.

"Sounds like a plan."

2011-09-20, 11:01 PM
"So a scouting mission, Im more then ready shall i go alone or would some one like to accompany me.. just in case things get .. hairy," Tamir says this as he makes sure all of his belongings are tightly secure, to avoid making any excess sound.

2011-09-20, 11:58 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Looking over to Tamir, he grinned slightly.

"Good idea. If anyone else can join you, or perhaps scout a different angle it would be best. We can check it all out once we're closer.

2011-09-21, 01:11 AM
"So a scouting mission, Im more then ready shall i go alone or would some one like to accompany me.. just in case things get .. hairy," Tamir says this as he makes sure all of his belongings are tightly secure, to avoid making any excess sound.

Ina jumps next to tamir, I'll join shortie!!

What's wrong with hairy? Hairy things are Cute.

2011-09-21, 09:50 AM
After a about half a day walking along a poorly kept forest road, wagon-worn dirt through thick forest, it seems to go on and on until finally a stone mountain rises from the ground to your left. The road curves around the base of it. As you are nearing the spot on the map for a cave you see an old man running down the road. His short-cropped silver hair is tinted red from a cut in his scalp and he is pursued by three muscular green humanoids. Two of them carry rather primitive looking spears, and the third carries a shortbow that looks very close to cracking in half. As they run it nocks and arrow and launches it towards the man. It sinks into his calf, causing him to fall to the ground.

RPG Player
2011-09-21, 10:19 AM
Bali in a brief instant grasps his light crossbow and shoots at the closest orc heading toward the man on the ground. There would be time for talking later. For now the old man needs help.

attack roll:
Damage roll:


2011-09-21, 10:29 AM
Tamir draws his blades, looking for the right moment to strike.

init: [roll0]

2011-09-21, 10:41 AM
Upon seeing the Orcs, Penny clutches the pendant on her necklace and begins to utter a short prayer for Calistria to grant her strength. Her voice swells as she goes on, with the end of her sentence audible.
"...To cut down all those who wrong me!"

She then reaches down to her belt, and draws the mace that was, until recently, concealed in the many folds of her dress.

Casting Guidance on self.
Initiative : [roll0]

2011-09-21, 10:45 AM
Ina screams towards the old man.
Tfí Wsuhg!

Then the girl mutters Th'rs Ey to herself while taking a few steps forward, while darkness seems to envelop her.
Activated cloak of darkness +4 ac +2 stealth lasts 1 hour

2011-09-21, 01:14 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Seeing the man he unhooked his axe from his back, and he hefted it in his hand.

"Now this...is more like it!"

He bellowed as he charged forward, closing the distance between he and the closest orc, his axe held high and swung down with enough force to split the orc in two.

Ac for current round: 13 (Not raging yet) Power attack active


2011-09-21, 01:33 PM
Terra Dikolv

Terra mutters an enchantment and her left hand starts to spark.

Shocking grasp, holding it in left hand
Init: **forgot to roll, see ooc**

2011-09-21, 03:32 PM
Tamir draws his blades and stands off, looking at the orcs as though deciding how to attach them. Terra mutters her encantment, sparks flying brightly between her fingers. Moments later Bali raises his crossbow. The bolt sails through the air. It take the orc in a damaged spot in it's armor, digging in. Blood begins flowing out and the creature doubles up for a second, before standing back up, clearly trying it's hardest to do so.

Penny says her prayer to her goddess before drawing her mace. Meanwhile Verrick takes action, rushing toward the onrushing orcs, his axe high, and flying downwards, taking the already wounded orc through the skull. He flings it away from his axe and it lays limp, blood and brains dripping from it's split skull.

Ina screams to the man in her battle voice, clearly shaking the man with it's harsh wording, before stepping forward and casting, enclosing herself within darkness.

The two remaining orcs seem caught of guard by the death of their companion so quickly, but get over it almost instantly. The remaining spear-orc twists from it's charge toward the man and jabs it's spear upwards into Verrick's side. [doing 3 damage]. It's companion quickly draws another arrow, firing it at Verrick, but it goes wide, hitting the dirt and standing up at an angle, the end quivering.

RPG Player
2011-09-21, 03:57 PM
Bali seeing the scene decides to move a bit closer, at least 30 feet away from the orc attacking Verrick sides. He takes a look at the orc and attempts to cast one of his hex at it. His eyes glow blue for a moment.

"Go to sleep."

Slumber Hex casts on closest orc attacking Verrick, will save DC 15 or sleep for 1 round.

2011-09-21, 04:00 PM
If its my turn and Im in range:
Tamir see his opening, and moves in to take a flanking positon behind the spear orc, and then lets loose a swift slash with his sword
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
sneak attack: [roll2]

2011-09-21, 04:24 PM
Penny runs forward, and swings her mace at the remaining Spear-Orc, looking to her deity to guide it into hard, Orcish skull.

Attack roll (With bonus from Guidance): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-21, 04:29 PM
Terra Dikolv

Terra quickly charges the orc with the bow, racing right towards him as she lifts her sword and brings it crushing down on the orc.

((swift 1 arcane point spent to make my blade a +1 weapon. Thus 5/6 points remaining.))
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-09-21, 07:42 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

His eyes went wide and his breath blasted out of his nose. He roared with pain and his axe came about, his voice powerful and fueled by his growing rage.


Rage and Attack!
Enter Rage. Ac 13. HP goes up by 2. Current HP: 14/17

Power Attack active.

2011-09-22, 01:46 PM
Ina rushes forward towards the old man rambling Ùd Zyt, ùd Zyt, ùd Zyt... Once she gets to him she puts her hand on his face and shout out: Ghè Wsugh.
Casting cure light wounds on the old man.

2011-09-23, 12:42 PM
Tamir manages to slip around the orc while it's distracted withdrawing the spear from Verricks side. He slashes his sword across it's back, blood dripping out and it's spine showing through the cut. It looks pained, like it's fighting to move.

Terra rushes forward, her sword swinging upwards and then downwards through the orc's collarbone. It's knees buckle slightly.

Bali's eyes glow blue and he tells the remaining spear orc to sleep. It collapses to the ground, out immediatly.

Penny brings her mace down on the sleeping orc's head but her arm shakes and it thuds down next to it's head. Meanwhile Verrick's axe swings down, severing the orc's neck.

Ina calls out in her battle language, then puts her hand on the old man who is shaking visibly. She calls out again and the man's skin glows softly and his wounds disappear.

The remaining orc drops it's bow and punches, aiming toward Terra's face. It's weakened state causes it to aim to low and it's fist hits he shoulder lightly, doing no damage.

2011-09-23, 01:00 PM
Having seen the first orc drop Tamir, with a slight air of confidence, runs behind the remaining orc thrusting his blade at the orc's back

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
sneak attack: [roll2]

2011-09-23, 01:11 PM
The orc grunts as Tamir's blade slides into it's back and it's knees buckle and give way. It falls down as Tamir removes his sword, blood gushing over the hilt. It lies dead in the road as the man tries to get up.

RPG Player
2011-09-23, 01:15 PM
Bali goes and check on the old man, helping him get on his feet. He is quite confident that the others can take down the last standing orc.

2011-09-23, 01:22 PM
The old man accepts the help up, but is clearly a little shaken seeing a man with such and odd hair color. He looks slightly fearfully at the young girl as well. "T-t-thank you." he says, still trembling slightly. "I feared I was dead when that ogre set them on me. They still have my cart and the goods I was carrying. My poor mule."

2011-09-23, 02:36 PM
"That was exciting", Tamir says while cleaning the blood off his blade. " Where might you have been going, alone and unarmed?" He finishes, While searching the orc's for anything interesting or unusual.

Assuming we Are not moving right away Im taking 20 on a perception check
if other wise : [roll0]

2011-09-23, 03:05 PM
Tamir's careful check reveals that the orcs have 5 gold each. Their armor and weapons are primitively made. The man replies to his questions, saying "I'm trader." he says. "I take good from the town up the road on down the road to the other towns. I do carry a weapon, but I dropped it, I've never fought so many before."

2011-09-23, 03:22 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Looking down at the bodies of the orcs his rage subsides for now, and his shoulders droop slightly. His breathing comes heavy as he raises his axe and puts the haft on his shoulder, bloody axe head trailing behind in the air as he walked over to the man.

"They have your cart and goods? they'll no doubt strip everything of value unless we move quickly. Is there somewhere you could hide until we've dealt with the Ogre?"

Raged for one round, fatigued for the next two. Then good to go.

2011-09-23, 03:28 PM
He shakes his head. "I'll go down to the next town, I know some people I can stay with. I didn't really have much this trip, a few potions and an especially well-crafted sword." he says. "You may have them if you promise me you'll make this road safe again."

RPG Player
2011-09-23, 03:37 PM
"Your help is greatly appreciated. While I'm not good with a sword, my colleagues could probably use a better weapon. Do you happen to know what kind of potions you bought? this would save us some time instead of trying to identify them." Bali doesn't refuse the help from someone trying to do his part in protecting the road.

2011-09-23, 03:42 PM
The man thinks. "I seem to recall I had one that hardened the skin, one that healed, and one that made a person stronger." he says

2011-09-23, 04:02 PM
Terra Dikolv

"Heh, pathetic," She says brushing off her clothes from where her opponent had barely hit her. "Barely even felt it." She then wiped her blade on the dead monster in order to clean her sword before sheathing it.

She glanced back at the man as the others talked. She didn't have much to add and figured they could handle it just fine, she was here to improve her blade and magic, not her tongue.

2011-09-23, 04:33 PM
As the final orc falls Ina goes blank for a moment, then she enthusiasticly jumps infront of the old man.

You fine now? They will not help you next time though...

She turns towards the group, Me and shortie sneak ahead and look now?

Ithat happens i might not be able to post anymore tonight so stealth roll:

2011-09-23, 04:40 PM
Tamir pockets the gold, and walks over to the rest of the group. He listens curiously as they discuss the matters at hand.

2011-09-24, 08:11 AM
Penny hangs back, her companions having said all there is to say.

RPG Player
2011-09-24, 08:59 AM
"Alright thank you sir for your assistance, be careful on the road." Bali picked up the potions from the old man and take a look at them knowing they could come in handy.

"If you need one or more of the potions before we get into the cave let me know. So you and Tamir want to scout ahead?"

2011-09-24, 01:06 PM
The old man laughs at the girl's enthusiasm, still clearly not sure what to make of her. He then turns to leave, calling his thanks again for saving him.

2011-09-24, 01:18 PM
Tamir waves goodbye to the old man, then turns to the rest of the group"Well why don't we keep the excitement flowing, and check out what is going on in that cave. Shall we do some investigating ?

2011-09-24, 03:14 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

"Let the little ones go on ahead. try and be quick, and we can move in. I'd rather someone have a look rather than charge in unknowing. Just yell if you need us to charge in and smash heads."

2011-09-24, 03:45 PM
Penny clears her throat, having been thinking hard for the past couple of minutes.

"...If we're gonna go ahead with my plan - I mean, having me blind the archers with fog, should I accompany the scouts so I can cast as soon as the archers open fire? That way, the fog could act as a signal for all of you to come charging in, and it should stop Tamir and Ina from getting shot, too. I won't be a liability, the Revered Mother made it a point of teaching all of her girls how to be stealthy..."

She looks at the group curiously, awaiting their decision.

2011-09-24, 03:56 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

"Their archers will be a big problem, if you think you can foul their aim, be my guest."

2011-09-24, 04:20 PM
" The more the merrier i always say, but i do think we should be going before this group becomes missed. So shall we begin?"

2011-09-24, 04:30 PM
Not saying a word moves forward to scout ahead attempting to blend into the shadows on her way.

Use the stealth roll on the last page was an 18, or incase i can i'll take 10 for 23.

2011-09-24, 05:02 PM
Anyone who chooses to scout ahead sneaks slowly along until the path reveals a large opening in the rocks, easily large enough for two horses to pass through side-by-side, and taller than an average house. There is no sign of the trader's cart, or of any orcs.

2011-09-24, 10:31 PM
"I guess there's no welcoming party. Perhaps they took every thing further inside ." Tamir says quietly as he checks to see if there are any fresh markings anywhere. "Lets go in a bit deeper, lets signal the rest of the group to closer no point in them missing out on any thing."

Perception check(if i cant take 20) [roll0]

2011-09-26, 02:33 PM
Terra Dikolv

As the others scout ahead, Terra glances at her sword and quickly wipes it down and checks for any rust or damage to clean. She wanted her blade in the best shape possible when it came time for them to finally deal with the orcs.

Yes it isn't much of a post, just a simple 'still here' since weekends I don't post much.

2011-09-26, 03:09 PM
Remaining silent Ina slowly moves closer to the cave and enters it silently sticking close to the wall as she moves further into the cave looking out for anything. Stopping immediatly if she sees something.

Stealth roll:

perception roll:[roll1]

Edit: Ugh, i'm getting some bad rolls.

2011-09-26, 04:11 PM
Once again calling upon Calistria's guidance, Penny moves with an easy grace, using the techniques she learned during her time as a courtesan to dance in and out of shadows, flitting her way through the cave as if bobbing and weaving through the crowds of Alisteryn.

Casting Guidance and using the bonus on the Stealth roll.
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2011-09-26, 09:05 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Hefting his axe as he crouched just down the trail from the cave entrance. He turned his head and looked back at the others who had stayed. He saw they were indeed ready, the female working her blade as if she was ready to sink it into enemy flesh again. He rested the haft of his axe in his lam, listening intently for any signal from their scouts.

RPG Player
2011-09-26, 09:15 PM
Bali waited patiently for the scout with the rest of the group, sneaking around wasn't his forte. He took this moment to check on Galio and take out some food from his ration and gave it to him.

2011-09-27, 06:20 PM
Nothing disturbs the peace at the front of the cave as the scouts watch. It would seem the orcs you defeated may have been the guards, or the orcs are just to stupid to place guards.

2011-09-27, 06:30 PM
Tamir joins the rise of the group in the cave,trying to stay low(er) to the ground.
stealth: [roll0]
I think i did the bonuses right..

2011-09-28, 02:37 PM
As you enter the cave you can see marks from ancient tools, used to carve away the stone. Clearly this cavern was not natural. It is dark, but enough light comes in that you can see that after a short tunnel the cavern comes to a fork, one way headed left and slightly downward, the other to the right and fairly level.

RPG Player
2011-09-28, 04:40 PM
Bali followed the rest of the group after checking that the path was clear. At the fork inside, Bali looked left and right. He gave his opinion on the path to take.

"I wouldn't want to be ambushed if we go left without checking right first. I would recommend going right first."

2011-09-28, 05:15 PM
Terra Dikolv

Terra sighed as she waited outside. She glanced over at Verrick. "So how long do you think the scouts will take?" She asked casually.

2011-09-28, 06:06 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Shrugging his shoulders he looked over to Terra.

"Hard to say. Seems like the entrance must have had little resistance or we'd have heard something by now."

2011-09-28, 06:53 PM
Terra Dikolv

She sighs, "They better not be having fun without us..." She mumbled.

2011-09-30, 12:33 PM
Tamir, sensing no pending danger returned to the entrance of the cave to signal his companions to come forward.

2011-09-30, 12:39 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Grinning as he saw Tamir come back into view he stood up and nodded to Terra and the rest of the crew that had been left behind.

"Time for the fun..."

With that he made his way up to Tamir, peering into the cave, his eyes able to see into the darkness quite naturally. His voice low as he spoke to Tamir.

"No fun stuff yet eh? Lets see what we can find in here.."

2011-09-30, 01:24 PM
"We came across Two passage ways, so while the other are debating on a path to take i decided to come get you guys wouldn't want you to miss the party! However that being said things have be awkwardly quiet, so i still think we should move with caution."

2011-09-30, 02:28 PM
Ina doesn't notice how Tamir leaves her side and after a few moments of hesitation slwly sneaks on down the right tunnel.

Stealth: rolld20+13 Oh and if you want me to keep my old rolls when sneakign into new areas tell me and i'll stop rolling for each new area.

2011-09-30, 03:52 PM
Penny watches as Tamir leaves the cave, and Ina starts to make her way down the right-hand path, and turns to Bali.

"Alright, someone's got to look after the child, and since girls have to stick together, I'll go after her... Could you stay here and let everyone know what's going on, and follow when you're all ready? If anything happens, I'll yell, okay?"

Not waiting for an answer, Penny glides into the shadows once again, and follows after Ina, weaving in and out of the darkness to remain unseen.

Stealth check: [roll0]

2011-09-30, 03:59 PM
Terra Dikolv

Terra nods and follows inside the cave remaining next to Verrick. She was capable of stealth, but not the most trained in it so she figured she'd wait at the crossroads. If she heard a sound she'd race down the tunnel it was coming from.

2011-09-30, 06:36 PM
Tamir guides the remainder of the group to the point of cross roads. Noticing the two females missing, he sighs "Welp.., which way did they go?"

2011-09-30, 07:36 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Verrick blinked a little looking Left then Right. He shrugged and then put a finger to his lips, perking an ear up to see if he could hear anything, perhaps which way the girls had gone.


2011-10-01, 02:01 PM
The girls sneak along the right-hand path and come to a wide pit. A pair of ropes spans across it and you can see what looks like a pile of planks wrapped together is on the other end.

2011-10-01, 02:16 PM
As she approaches the pit Ina suddenly freeze for a second...

I..I'm not g-g-going over. There's a hint of terror in her eyes then she stutter on but now in abyssal, T-they wouldn't w-want m-m-m-me.

She turns around and races down the corridor.

2011-10-01, 04:02 PM
[OOC- Trying to get it to work.]

2011-10-01, 05:18 PM
Penny turns around, a little wrongfooted by Ina's sudden switch to speaking Abyssal, but she runs after her, replying as best she can in the same tongue.

"I-Ina! Slow down, everything's fine, I promise! Who are you talking about, who wouldn't want you?"

2011-10-02, 02:49 PM
She keeps on running.

Them...It... She mutters an incomprehensible word. Then flawlessly switching back over to common.

Not walking, not falling, not yet. Now we tell them about it.

She says the last sentence as she sees the party gathered in the fork.

2011-10-02, 02:54 PM
" Ahh. Your back what did u happen to find?"

2011-10-02, 03:32 PM
Hole, big big hole... And i'm not falling no, no i'm not. No badguys for you shortie, only hole, rope and woody things.

She says as she sits down on the ground mostly looking at Tamir.

2011-10-02, 03:39 PM
"What she means is that there was this...giant pit, with what kind of looked like a rope bridge across it, except the planks were rolled up on the other side of the pit. Ina saw the pit and got a little scared of the height, so we came back."

Having said that, Penny bends down and begins to brush the dirt off her skirts.

2011-10-02, 04:10 PM
After thinking for a bit Tamir says, " I think that was a bridge, and somebody took it apart to prevent being followed. Id love nothing more than to find what is on the other side, but unless some one has another ideas or can fly,i suggest we go the other route. It might even provide another way across."

2011-10-02, 04:38 PM
Penny nods as Tamir talks, and turns to the others.

"I'd be inclined to agree. It didn't look like anyone except from a clown or tightrope-walker could get across, and I was raised in a temple, not a circus...although some of the girls wore as much makeup as a clown would, and we all certainly put on quite a show..."

She winks suggestively as she says this, hoping to maybe lighten the mood a little.

"So, are Tamir and I to scout ahead again...with Ina, if she feels up to it?"

2011-10-02, 06:00 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

He looked down to Ina, and then practically disregarded her. She was certainly a mystery to him, and that was something he didn't have time for at the moment. He set the haft of his axe on his shoulder and nodded. He spoke low as he looked around the party.

"I think we can handle the fork here. If you are seen or draw a fight make some noise and we'll come running."

He nodded to Terra and Bali as he turned his head to look at each of them.

"That sound good?"

2011-10-03, 01:32 AM
"So, are Tamir and I to scout ahead again...with Ina, if she feels up to it?"

Ina shoots up from the ground, again full of energy, Okay, shortie and umm pretty lady lets go!

Then without waiting for a response she melts into the shadows and moves ahead.

Stealth: [roll0]

2011-10-03, 01:39 AM
"So much energy." Tamir laughs as he follows after the child.

stealth: [roll0]

2011-10-03, 01:55 AM
"Pretty lady?" Penny laughs, "I like this girl!"

She then begins to duck and weave through the shadows, trying to keep up with Ina and Tamir.
Stealth: [roll0]

2011-10-03, 02:41 PM
Terra Dikolv

"Works for me. It isn't the best of spot strategically but these ARE orcs we are dealing with." She says condescendingly. "I doubt they are even smart enough to think of flanking us."

She rubs her temple hearing about the bridge. "A shame though...I didn't refresh my memory of telekinesis this morning..."

WHY do I have read magic instead of mage hand >.>??? I looked at my prepared section and have no idea why I picked that -___- Sorry guys.

2011-10-03, 07:27 PM
The hall you go through is carved into solid rock, the tooling marks making it slightly rough despite being worn with time. Once you go about 30 feet the shadows are enough to make seeing difficult, but no impossible, but the shadows conceal you from the rest of the group. 100 feet down the hall you fin a tattered hide hanging in the hall, blocking the entrance of a room. The hide has several small rips and is covered in dirt and other filth, it is impossible to tell what kind of animal it came from. Faint light comes from around the hide and you hear a soft growl from the other side.

2011-10-04, 05:02 AM
If anyone had seen her face Ina's face would have seemed to almost light upwith success. Then creeps silently towards the hide and lies down on the floor and tries to peek in under the hide.

RPG Player
2011-10-04, 09:49 AM
Bali nodded and was ready to for a bit of anything. Staying close to Terra and Verrick. He crouched down and pat the head of Galio. So far, the orcs or the ogre boss didn't seem to have noticed their intrusion.

2011-10-04, 02:54 PM
The growling grows closer to the hide and you hear a chair slide back against the rough stone floor. Then you hear footfalls coming towards the hide.

2011-10-04, 03:07 PM
As calmly as she can ina gets up on her knees and backs of away from the doorway, until she reaches the wall where she stops and stands completely still trying to remain as silent as she can.

2011-10-04, 03:12 PM
Tamir sees Ina's movement and mimics them the best he can against the opposite wall. He places his hand on his sword, ready to draw it at a moments notice.

2011-10-04, 04:29 PM
Penny flattens herself against the wall, opposite Tamir, and her hand falls to grasp the handle of the mace concealed in the folds of her dress.

2011-10-04, 04:39 PM
Moments after everyone presses against the wall and ugly orc with a puss-filled wound on his face rips the hide aside and a burly wolf jumps out in the hallway. It sniffs the air and growls, it's body turning towards Tamir.

[Initiative guys. Those waiting back at the fork please make listen checks]

RPG Player
2011-10-04, 04:47 PM
Bali kept hanging out with the others and checking out on his familiar, when things turned quiet, the witch attempted to catch any noise.

Perception (+2 with familiar nearby, alertness)
Initiative: in case of listen check is enough

2011-10-04, 04:47 PM
What did i do... do i smell bad..


2011-10-04, 04:54 PM
Surprising, I'd have expected the wolf to go for Penny - given her background, I'd assume she would be wearing some kind of cheap perfume :P

2011-10-04, 05:05 PM
Surprising, I'd have expected the wolf to go for Penny - given her background, I'd assume she would be wearing some kind of cheap perfume :P

I had the wolf turn on him cause it's perception check was just perfect to meet his stealth check, it just seemed like fate at work.... naturally this means of course that you've been spotted as well :P

2011-10-04, 05:11 PM
I had the wolf turn on him cause it's perception check was just perfect to meet his stealth check, it just seemed like fate at work.... naturally this means of course that you've been spotted as well :P

Ah, but the wolf went for Tamir over me, so I guess he was somehow more attractive to the wolf...which, naturally, ends Penny's dream of working for a cave-based prostitution service that caters exclusively to wolves :P

2011-10-04, 06:25 PM
Ah, but the wolf went for Tamir over me, so I guess he was somehow more attractive to the wolf...which, naturally, ends Penny's dream of working for a cave-based prostitution service that caters exclusively to wolves :P

He'd rather eat the halfling at the moment that eat..... nevermind....

2011-10-04, 06:43 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Looking at Bali he tilted his head towards the way their scouts had gone and perked an ear. He wasn't sure if he would be able to hear much but it did seem a little too quiet.


Initiative for when it comes up:

2011-10-04, 07:16 PM
Terra Dikolv

Perception: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

Terra waits in the fork listening when she notices her ally doing the same. "You hear something?" She ask as she tries to listen herself.

2011-10-04, 07:20 PM
All those who are at the fork hear the wolves loud growls echoing down the tunnel.

2011-10-04, 08:30 PM
Terra Dikolv

"Sounds like trouble...we better move." She says as she runs down the path.

How far are we?

2011-10-04, 08:35 PM
Terra Dikolv

"Sounds like trouble...we better move." She says as she runs down the path.

How far are we?

Figure you can get there after 2 rounds.

2011-10-04, 10:56 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Seeing Terra take off down the hall he hoisted his axe from his shoulder and made his way after her, figuring she is right and their companions will need them post haste.

Taking round 1 heading down the tunnel, obviously :thog:

RPG Player
2011-10-04, 10:59 PM
Bali follows right down the tunnel with his familiar Galio, it was time for actions.

yeah going down the tunnel 1 round, will do the same next round.

2011-10-04, 11:32 PM

When the wolf seemed to notice someone, Inas eyes turned black as she lifted her finger pointing on the wolf saying lowly:


Then she turns and runs up the corridor shouting:

Nhomesl, nhomesl, nhomesl!

using gift of madness on the wolf (dc 14 fort or be confused 1 turn). then i move up the corridor towards the fork

2011-10-08, 09:48 AM
Orc Archer

Bali, Verrick, and Terra run down the tunnel, following the growls, towards the light now coming from the room at the end. The orc pulls a heavy battleaxe from it's back and steps toward Penny, swinging the axe downward at her. The blade cuts deeply into her shoulder, blood flowing out from the wound. [The orc's attack did 10 damage].

[OOC- Waiting for posts for Penny and Tamir.]

2011-10-08, 10:15 AM
"Things just got hairy. Hopefully the others can hear something"
Realizing they have been spotted moves toward the wolf, slashing at it with his blades.

If the wolf is close enough: 5 foot step then full attack
sword1: damage: [roll]1d6 sneak attack*:
sword2: [roll2] damage: [roll]1d6 sneak attack*:

if further then 5 feet: move to a spot by the wolf
sword1: [roll4] damage: [roll]1d6 sneak attack*: [roll5]

if sneak attack isn't applicable ignore it

edit: fixing damage ooc....

2011-10-08, 05:57 PM
If the attack did 10 damage, Penny's at -1 and dying.
Roll to stabilise: [roll0]

2011-10-08, 06:31 PM
If the attack did 10 damage, Penny's at -1 and dying.
Roll to stabilise: [roll0]

figured that

Bali, Verrick, and Terra run down the tunnel, following the growls, towards the light now coming from the room at the end.

The orc pulls a heavy battleaxe from it's back and steps toward Penny, swinging the axe downward at her. The blade cuts deeply into her shoulder, blood flowing out from the wound. She drops to the floor, her upper body propped against the wall, blood trickling down her body, making her top red and sticky.

Tamir steps towards the wolf, stabbing at it with both swords, but the wolf twists as he comes on, causing one of his swords to slide harmlessly along it's head and the other to go wide off it's left shoulder. It twists some more and snaps at his shoulder, it's jaws coming an inch short.

From the room a second orc steps up behind the first, drawing an arrow back in a shortbow. It fires at Tamir but the arrow goes wide, glancing off the rock well above his head and clatters harmlessly to the ground about 3 feet to his side.

2011-10-09, 04:17 AM
Ina turns around and seeing the orc standing over Pennys bloody body the fear in her face gets replaced by anger. Taking a step forward she points at it with her entire hand and Shrieks "Ssph Ghújf" as tears begins to flow.

Casting murderous command on the orc, DC 15. Also moving forward to get into range if needed

2011-10-09, 10:25 AM
Swearing under his breath after missing the wolf, Tamir gets in to position to try again. He notices a growing pool of blood, that didn't accompany a dying thud of an orc, and swears again. "This isn't good,I hope they can hold out until help arrives."

Full attack on wolf
attack: [roll0] damage: [roll1]
attack [roll2] damage: [roll3]

WOW...this isn't looking to good

2011-10-09, 01:47 PM
Terra lets out a sigh and runs at the orc. Quickly she stabs at the beast, hoping to drop it quickly.

Swift action: Arcane Pool (+1 magic weapon enhancement)
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Rolling in ooc to confirm crit

2011-10-09, 10:35 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Coming around the bend and seeing Penny laying on the floor with blood staining her he flies into a rage and charges the Orc Archer, his axe raised high.

Charging Orc Archer. Raging 6/8 Rounds left. Power attack active.

Current AC: 11 HP: 17/17

2011-10-12, 11:34 AM
Bali runs forward, stopping as he sees the scene, observing where he might be best useful.

Verrick charges through the scene. As he passes the wolf's teeth come toward his leg, but he runs by to fast, they don't even get close. He runs past his allies, barrelling past the first orc, it's axe barely missing his side. He brings his axe up, bringing it down on the orc archer. It comes down through it's right shoulder, it's ribs cracking as the axe cleaves through them before finally exiting out it's abdomen. It fights to stay on it's feet, it's body wide open.

Ina shouts in her corrupted tongue after Verrick runs past the first orc. Her powers cloud it's mind, causing it to turn on it's friends. It spins and swings it's axe at the orc archer, but it's axe falls short.

2011-10-14, 03:53 AM
Penny's HP: -2
Rolling to stabilise: [roll0]

2011-10-14, 10:46 AM
Bali runs forward, stopping as he sees the scene, observing where he might be best useful.

Verrick charges through the scene. As he passes the wolf's teeth come toward his leg, but he runs by to fast, they don't even get close. He runs past his allies, barrelling past the first orc, it's axe barely missing his side. He brings his axe up, bringing it down on the orc archer. It comes down through it's right shoulder, it's ribs cracking as the axe cleaves through them before finally exiting out it's abdomen. It fights to stay on it's feet, it's body wide open.

Ina shouts in her corrupted tongue after Verrick runs past the first orc. Her powers cloud it's mind, causing it to turn on it's friends. It spins and swings it's axe at the orc archer, but it's axe falls short.

Penny is lying on the floor, still unconscious from her wounds, blood continuing to pool along the wall behind her and down below her.

Terra slides nimbly past the wolf and rushes the orc, her sword pointed outward, catching it through the back. It lets out a squeal of pain as she pulls her sword back out, it's blood pouring out of the wound.

Tamir's attacks go wide again. His grip with his right hand shaking and almost dropping his sword. He manages to recover, but only after his second attack goes wide as well.

The wolf lunges at Tamir, but he manages to dodge out of the way of it's sharp teeth. It jaws snapping in thin air, well off to his side.

The orc archer's blood continues to seep rapidly from it's wound, but it manages to painfully drop it's bow and form a fist, bringing it's fist up against Verrick's jaw. [Verrick receives 3 points of nonlethal damage]

2011-10-14, 01:38 PM
Penny's HP: -3
Roll to stabilise: [roll0]

Edit: Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, totally stabilised. Woo!

2011-10-14, 05:55 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Feeling the orcs fist feebly strike him and a dull pain aching his jaw he growled in rage and bellowed in the things face.

"Got to do better than that worm!"

Rage still active. 5/8 Rage rounds left. Power attack active.

Current AC: 13 HP: 14/17 (3 Non Lethal)

2011-10-17, 12:26 PM
Wanting to press her advantage against the orc she quickly strikes again and releases her shocking grasp with her other hand.

Longsword [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] +1 (forgot about my +1 damage from the arcane enhancement)

Shocking grasp, touch attack

2011-10-17, 01:21 PM
Again Ina's eyes turn black as her hand turns back towards the wolf:

Then she whispers:

Dhq st nithy Nhomesl!

Gift of madness on the wolf

2011-10-17, 01:22 PM
Frustrated at his earlier blunders , but glad to see his team mates, Tamir slashes at the wolf.

attack1: attack [roll0] damage [roll1]
Attack 2: attack [roll2] damage [roll3]
ok, this is just sad not a good roll this entire fight..

2011-10-19, 02:41 PM
RPG Player hasn't responded to my messages and I hope he's ok, but I need to keep the game going so I'll be NPCing Bali and his fox until RPG Player returns

Bali's fox leaps at the wolf but falls short by nearly a foot.Bali himself gazes grimly at the axe wielding orc, willing it to fall asleep. The orc drops to the ground, asleep, it's axe falling from it's hand and landing next to it.

Verrick bellows in the orcs face as he brings his axe back up, slicing upwards through the orc archer, nearly bisecting it again. The orc falls backwards, it's eyes glazing over in death.

Ina shouts to the wolf, then whispers under her breathe. The wolf looks around, clearly confused.

The orc drools in it's sleep, unable to wake.

Penny's blood flow stems, and she regains conciousness, still weak.

Terra steps to the orc and swings her sword down at the orc. It cuts through the orc's flesh, and is followed by her hand slamming down on it's sleeping form, electricity zapping through it.

Yet again Tamir's attacks slide around the wolf, not even coming close to touching it.

The wolf growls and leaps at Tamir, it's jaws reaching for him, but he dodges nimble away, it's jaws catching only air.

2011-10-19, 04:24 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

His breath coming in deep puffs from his flared nostrils as he turned from the fallen archer, one hand wrenching his axe from its fallen form. As the axe came back around to his front he grasped the haft with both hands again, and his eyes immediately catch the battle between Wolf and Rogue. His eyes grow wild with fury and his axe swings down at the wolf, moving to put the wolf between himself and Tamir.

Move and Attack!
Move to the Wolf so as to Flank it with Tamir. He goes before me so he wouldn't have the flanking bonus on his attacks this round I don't think :smallfrown:

I get them though!

One attack at the wolf!


Rage active 4/8 Rounds remaining. Power attack active.

AC: 13 HP: 14/17 (3 Nonlethal)

2011-10-19, 04:37 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

His breath coming in deep puffs from his flared nostrils as he turned from the fallen archer, one hand wrenching his axe from its fallen form. As the axe came back around to his front he grasped the haft with both hands again, and his eyes immediately catch the battle between Wolf and Rogue. His eyes grow wild with fury and his axe swings down at the wolf, moving to put the wolf between himself and Tamir.

Move and Attack!
Move to the Wolf so as to Flank it with Tamir. He goes before me so he wouldn't have the flanking bonus on his attacks this round I don't think :smallfrown:

I get them though!

One attack at the wolf!


Rage active 4/8 Rounds remaining. Power attack active.

AC: 13 HP: 14/17 (3 Nonlethal)

actually, you go 2nd in initiative, right after Bali.

2011-10-19, 04:54 PM
The halfing's stood there, eyes burning with frustration,nose flaring, and teeth snarled. To an untrained eye, he could be mistaken for a barbarian. He takes in a deep breath and Lets out a guttural grunt, and swings his swords, desperately hoping to make contact with the wolf.

Full attack:
sword 1 [roll0] damage: [roll1]
sword 2 [roll2] damage: [roll3]

wow.... not my fight I suppose

2011-10-19, 06:13 PM
Penny stirs feebly, her head swimming as she tries to clear the mist from her eyes and focus. Her hand finds its way to the pendant around her neck, and she holds it tightly as she casts her eyes to the heavens and whispers.

"Lady Calistria...please, help..."

Channeling positive energy, excluding the Orc and the Wolf, healing everyone else in range.
New HP total : [2]
Channeling attempts left : 5

2011-10-19, 07:01 PM
Terra Dikolv

Terra laughed as she looked down at the Orc. "Pathetic creature, don't mess with Lady Dikolv." She says with a condescending glance. Then she looks around and sighs seeing the people having trouble with the wolf.

Quickly she rushes towards it, bringing her sword up and crushing down on it.

Unless it dead before I get to it in which case she'll stop over it...

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-10-24, 01:39 PM
Seeing how the events unfurl before her Ina rushes forward too penny shouting Ghè Wsugh, Hjrw.

Casts cure light wounds on penny: [roll0]

2011-10-25, 06:49 PM
Bali draws his crossbow and loads a bolt into it as his fox attacks the wolf again, but falls short once again.

Verrick rushes the wolf, his axe coming down along it's spine, causing it to drop to the ground, unconcious and bleeding.

Ina shouts in her abyssal voice to Penny as her hands contact the fallen Cleric. Healing power seeps from her hands, healing some of the wounds.

The orc wakes when Terra wounds it and struggles to rise as she turns to rush the wolf.

Penny calls to her goddess, channelling healing power through her body to herself and her allies.

Terra rushes over to the wolf and slices it's head off with a downward slices of her sword.

2011-10-25, 08:19 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Turning as he saw Terra destroy the wolf for good, he wrenched his axe from its body and turned on the now awake orc. His axe flashed high and then low, coming down at the unfortunate creature.

One attack on the Orc. Power attack active.


Rage active. 3/8 rounds remaining.

AC: 13 Current HP: 14/17 (3 non lethal)

2011-10-25, 08:27 PM
The orc falls back to the ground, dead.

2011-10-25, 08:58 PM
Terra turns and looks around sword still drawn looking for more blood to shed. "Anyone else?" She called out both asking and challenging as she looked over the dead bodies.

2011-10-25, 09:10 PM
Nothing answers her but the crackle of a torch in the room.

2011-10-26, 12:28 AM
Hiding his frustration, Tamir walks in to the torch lit section of the cave. He searched what he could, hoping to find something to take his mind off poor fighting skills.

perception : [roll0]

2011-10-26, 01:01 AM
Terra Dikolv

Terra smirks at the silence, "Good," She says as she wipes the blood of her blade off on a dead orc's clothes. Satisfied the blade was cleaned she sheathes the longsword and glances around. "That wasn't so hard now was it?" She ask glancing at the scouts, "Find anything before you ran into these weaklings?"

2011-10-26, 02:22 AM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

As he wiped his axe clean on the hanging fur that had hidden the orcs at first, he slung his axe over his shoulder once again, having finished. He went to Penny and made sure that she was ok, not a doctor by any means but if she was up and moving he felt that was good. Turning to watch Tamir he grinned a bit.

"See if you can find anything they've got Tamir..no knowing where these wretches would have stuck their treasure."

2011-10-26, 05:20 AM
Penny slowly gets to her feet, using the wall as support, then turns and smiles at Ina, and whispers to her in the same strange tongue the girl keeps using.
"Ina...thank you for helping me!"

She then notices that her dress feels oddly sticky, and groans when she realises it's soaked with now-drying blood.

"Oh, for the Lady's sake...Would anyone happen to have any spells that could get this blood out of my dress? It took me an age to make, and I'd really rather not have to make a new one just because some orc tried to cut me in half."

2011-10-26, 11:12 AM
Tamir's search of the room reveals a torch on the wall, a rickety table and some chairs in what appears to be aged oak, which has many scars in the wood from the orcs using it to hold their weapons. A stone fireplace crackles in the corner, it's smoke going up through what appears to be a natural chimney through the rock. Nothing else appears to be around, save a large hunk of meet over the fire.

2011-10-26, 02:36 PM
Terra Dikolv

Terra walks over to Penny and looks her up and down. She walks around noting the blood stains on the dress and then nods.

"Yeah...give me a minute." She mumbles thinking over the spells she had refreshed in her mind that morning. She waved her hand, mumbled some words in draconic, and slowly bit by bit blood started to clear off the robes.


2011-10-26, 06:58 PM
Penny watches the slowly-vanishing blood with interest, before looking up at Terra and smiling.

"Thankyou, Lady Dikolv...you have no idea how hard it is to get bloodstains out of silk! Where did you pick up such a skill, anyway? "

Looking down at her dress again, Penny lets down her hair, using the hairpins to now hold together the tear in her dress, and waits for Tamir to finish searching the room.

2011-10-26, 07:36 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Heaving with heavy breaths, he watched as his comrades in arms got themselves together and searched the surrounding area. He grimaced when Tamir came up with nothing and peered back at the curve.

"Is there any...way we can get across the other way? It would seem we have reached a dead end here."

The big man heaved as he slumped his shoulders, face red with exertion as he felt the effects of his bloodthirsty rage wearing off.

Raged for 4 Rounds. 8 Rounds of Fatigue ticking down now.

2011-10-26, 09:03 PM
Tamir, ponders for a moment then perks up with an idea, "Venrrick, could you grab that torch there for me? I think we should return to the pit and see just how deep it is."

"Penny is good to see you on your feet, I thought we almost lost you there."

2011-10-26, 09:08 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Grabbing the torch Verrick nodded and held it aloft. He knew they would need the light to judge the distance, and he squinted a moment as his eyes adjusted to the regular spectrum.

"Is everyone ready to move? I should be fine to go, just a little tired."

2011-10-26, 09:48 PM
Terra Dikolv

"No, no, tiny thing like that I can fix." Terra says waving her hand to push Penny's hairpen out the way. "It just takes a moment to change the focus of my magic." She said before moving on to close the small tear with the same magic. "This? This spell is the basic and most easy of the many spells my father Lord Dikolv insisted I learn." She states with a shrug, "It doesn't do anything major, but it allows minor changes to things be they taste, touch, color, clean, or what have you." She said with a shrug. "Before he would allow me to learn the blade he insisted that I learn some of his magic and he drilled me day after day to learn these basic 'cantrips' as he called them." Upon finishing she glances over making sure the outfit looked good as new. "There, I think that is everything." She states. "It's just one of many of my spells. I have to refresh my memory each day so I can't cast everything in this book." She says tapping the spellbook on her belt. "But nonetheless I can read magic, detect magic, do minor tricks like I just told you called prestidigitation, as well as a few combat spells. I'm not heir to the esteemed House of Dikolv for nothing."

2011-10-27, 05:59 AM
"Well, I think your father may have had the right idea - these cantrips of yours are certainly useful!" Penny says, smiling, as Terra's magic starts to repair her dress.
As she no longer needs to pin the dress together, she reaches up and pins her hair back simply, while discussing magic with Terra.
"Ah, your magic sounds a lot like mine. The Lady Calistria grants me spells each day, and, like you, there are a lot to choose from - Curative spells, summoning spells, spells of seeming or illusion, spells of concealment...It's just a shame we can't cast all of them at once, isn't it?" she says, giggling.
"Right now, I can detect magic, just like you can, as well as detect poison, and I have some spells based around concealment and trickery, to help gain the upper hand if I do have to fight...Or, if I use them right, avoid fighting entirely. I can also call upon the Lady for help with certain tasks...I'm sure she wouldn't mind me using this to help you, you're probably the best chance I have at getting back at these orcs for ruining my outfit!" she laughs.
With this, Penny reaches out and touches Terra's sword-arm lightly, while whispering under her breath.
"There, it's done. When you need to, call the Lady Calistria's name, and she'll help you accomplish a task, or guide your sword-arm. A thank-you for fixing my dress!"
Casting Guidance on Terra!

Turning to Tamir, Penny smiles and shakes her head.
"I'll tell you, being cut nearly in half by an axe is not what I planned for today! I'm just thankful that the Lady Calistria grants me the power to heal wounds...but even more thankful that Ina can heal, too!" she says, turning to Ina and smiling.

2011-10-27, 05:08 PM
[ooc- forgot to add this part]

Another tunnel juts out of the opposite wall from which you entered, it is not covered at all, but it turns about 20 feet down and you cannot see around it.

2011-10-29, 04:22 PM
"It seems we didn't check the room well enough," Tamir says gesturing towards the path way. "Shall we go on?"

2011-10-29, 04:41 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Peering down the corridor he nodded to Tamir.

"Looks like our best bet."

2011-11-01, 11:39 AM
Remaining silent as the party gets together only blushing slightly at Penny's compliment.

Then she slowly moves on through the room as they talk about what to do next, then continues down the sshort tunnel to check around the corner.

Stealth [roll0]

2011-11-01, 03:37 PM
Around the curve of the tunnel and about 50 feet farther there are stairs carved out of the rock in a half circle, coming down clearly in plain view of the room below, which is lightly lit.

[anyone peeking in]
You see an ogre sitting in a makeshift throne with 4 orcs surrounding it

2011-11-01, 05:01 PM
Penny, noticing Ina start creeping towards the tunnel, whispers a short verse in praise of Calistria, and begins to follow Ina.

Casting Guidance, using the bonus on this roll.
Stealth: [roll0]

Peeking into the room, she whispers quietly to Ina, in the Abyssal tongue only they seem to understand.
"Ina...don't be startled, it's me, Penny. I think this is what we're looking for. Should we fetch the others, or should I cast my spell that'll make fog so they can't shoot us with their arrows? They'll see the fog if I make it, but it'll take some time to get back up there...

2011-11-01, 06:40 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Seeing two of the girls head down to scout the corridor he looked between his remaining comrades, hoping that they were nearing their goal. The wounds they suffered in the last battle were a bit more than he had hoped for. He didn't want to see any more of the group laying in blood.

2011-11-01, 08:32 PM
Ina doesn't say a word in response just glares angrily at penny and puts her finger over her mouth, then points down on the floor. Then she turns and slowly climb back up the stairs, then runs back towarsd the rest of the group. Running into that room with her finger over mouth again to show she wanted them silent. Whispering Big monster lord, four orcs down corridor and stairs. Don't make muc noice they might hurt pr.. Penny again.

2011-11-05, 04:51 PM
Verrick Caldo

Hearing the small girls words he nodded a bit and backed up. Crouching low he motioned for everyone to come over so they could plan something out to deal with these new threats.

"Might be bad to fight them all at once. If we can draw them up the stairs into a trap it might help."

2011-11-05, 07:51 PM
Terra Dikolv

"Whatever you all wish to do. They will die upon my blade either way." Terra said with a shrug, "Be they ambushed, be they doing the ambushing, it matters not to me."

2011-11-05, 08:20 PM
Figuring that Ina should have returned by now, Penny crouches low to the ground, and begins dancing in and out of the shadows as she makes her way back up the stairs.

Stealth : [roll0]

EDIT: Wonderful, Penny. Derping around in a cave filled with ogres, you're going to get yourself hurt.

2011-11-07, 10:39 AM
"What was that!" A gruff voice says from the room below as Penny's foot thuds down hard.

2011-11-07, 02:12 PM
Penny grimaces, inwardly cursing her luck, while trying to remain hidden and get back to the others before the orcs try and cut her in half again.

Making her way back to the others. Stealth check, if needed: [roll0]
EDIT:...Natural 1 followed by a Natural 20. Does that make this win or fail?

2011-11-07, 07:28 PM
Penny manages to slip into a corner of the doorway before an orc peeks through. "I don't see anything." the orc growls.

2011-11-08, 04:39 AM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Grinning as he looked at Penny he nodded a little bit.

"Lets draw them up. If we make a little more noise they might send a couple to investigate. I'll get ready to smash the first thing I see when they come around the corner.

Ready an Action!
Readying an action at the doorway to swing at any orc or ogre I see come within reach.

Power attack active. Not raging.

Current HP: 12/15 (3 non lethal) AC: 15

2011-11-10, 02:03 PM
The orc goes back down the stairs just in time as Verrick comes around the corner moments later and sets himself to attack any orcs coming out.

2011-11-10, 04:35 PM
Tamir lets out a whistle trying to draw some attention.

2011-11-12, 06:56 AM
Penny nods at Verrick.

I'll get ready to cast my spell, just in case they start firing at us.
Ready an action!

Readying an action to cast Obscuring Mist in the hallway as soon as an arrow is fired.

2011-11-12, 03:39 PM
"I suppose I'll knock out who I can." She says with a shrug as she lifts her hand.

Prepare action to fire color spray as soon as I see an orc.

2011-11-14, 03:14 PM
"Time for me to redeem my self"
inti [roll0]

2011-11-16, 03:00 PM
Color Spray rolls. Not sure their hit die so I'll just roll for anything.

2 HD or less: The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.)
All: [roll0]
Blind and Stunned: [roll1]

3 or 4 HD: The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.
Blind and stunned: [roll2]

5 or more HD: The creature is stunned for 1 round.

Edit: I like fours.
Oh yeah, the will save is DC 14.

2011-11-16, 06:33 PM
My attack, in case someone with a head like a ripe watermelon pokes himself around the corner.

Power attack active. No rage.


Possible Crit?

Current AC: 15 HP: 12/15 (3 Non lethal)

2011-11-17, 02:09 PM
And they all rush in for feeding yet again. The little girl whispers in abyssal as she moves to stand a short distanec from the doorway.

Initiative: [roll0]

Readying action to cast Murderous command (dc 15) if she sees the ogre.

2011-11-18, 02:42 PM
"I still hear something up there!" I harsh voice grunts. "Go check again." Moments later the orc comes back through the door. "Intruders!" It grunts, reaching for it's sword.

Terra recites her incantation as the orc comes through the entrance, colored light shooting from her fingertips and meets with the orc's eyes, leaving it confused and blind.

Verrick is ready for the orc as well, his axe coming down, cutting through it's armor and deep into it's shoulder. It grunts in pain and wavers in shock before recovering and trying to reach for it's sword again.

"Cover the stairs archer." The voice grunts.

Initiative Order:

I decided all of your readied actions where readied before combat began, so thus take place this round. As stands the initiative order is thus:

Ina- has an action readied

2011-11-18, 03:37 PM
"I still hear something up there!" I harsh voice grunts. "Go check again." Moments later the orc comes back through the door. "Intruders!" It grunts, reaching for it's sword.

Terra recites her incantation as the orc comes through the entrance, colored light shooting from her fingertips and meets with the orc's eyes, leaving it confused and blind.

Verrick is ready for the orc as well, his axe coming down, cutting through it's armor and deep into it's shoulder. It grunts in pain and wavers in shock before recovering and trying to reach for it's sword again.

"Cover the stairs archer." The voice grunts.

Initiative Order:

I decided all of your readied actions where readied before combat began, so thus take place this round. As stands the initiative order is thus:

Ina- has an action readied

Cool, so then my color spray counts for this round and you guys aren't waiting on a post right?

2011-11-19, 01:38 AM
Cool, so then my color spray counts for this round and you guys aren't waiting on a post right?

correct. Next in initiative order is Tamir

2011-11-29, 07:14 PM
Tamir draws his weapons awaiting the orc's accent up the stairs. Ready for anything he prepares to charge at the first thing to move toward the group.

Truly sorry for the long delay.
Im going to delay until after the orc comes in to view.

2011-11-30, 05:17 PM
The others wait to see what happens. The orc manages to free it's sword, but to slowly to be able to attack.

On to turn 2:


2011-11-30, 05:45 PM
Terra moves forward quickly to strike the orc before it could recover. "Die foul beast! Let your blood feed my sword!" She called out as she slashed at the beast.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-30, 06:13 PM
The orc screeches and falls, Terra's blade having taken half it's face. It drops to it's knees, and then falls forward, dead.

2011-11-30, 06:15 PM
The orc screeches and falls, Terra's blade having taken half it's face. It drops to it's knees, and then falls forward, dead.

Terra laughs as she kicks the dead orc, "Stupid beast. You should have surrendered rather than try and fight ME." She says coldly. "Anyone else?" She asked glancing around.

2011-11-30, 10:14 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

Seeing The orc fall to Terra he grinned wide. Hefting his axe he held it up once again, hoping they could fell the next to come around in the same way.

"Come on up and taste our steel you bastards!"

Ready an Action


Readied to attack any monster that comes into view.

2011-11-30, 10:58 PM
A booming voice comes from below at Verrick's call. "Come down and get us if you have the stones." It replies.

2011-11-30, 11:16 PM
Terra yells back up there, "Awwww the big touch orcs are hiding and can't come get us themselves. That's cute!" She says mockingly

2011-11-30, 11:55 PM
"Little worm, I'll get you for that!" A gruff but lighter voice says. "Hold!" The booming voice calls. "They will come to us." it says a bit more quietly.

2011-12-01, 12:41 AM
"That's right. Listen to the other guy. You'll live longer. If you run down here I'll just kick your ass. Stay a coward and stay alive." Terra said mockingly, "A little coward like you hiding up there wouldn't be able to take me anyways."

2011-12-01, 01:09 AM
As Terra finishes her last taunt an arrow slams into the wall next to the stairs, shattering as it hits the hard stone. "Fool!" the booming voice says.

2011-12-01, 01:26 AM
"Coward!" Terra booms back intentionally copying the tone and inflection as best she can to mock them more and provoke them into coming into their trap.

2011-12-01, 10:59 AM
Penny watches as the arrow flies into the wall, beginning a series of hand movements that will release a burst of fog all around her.

"If you're going to fire at us, you should probably be in a position where you can actually SEE us first. I guess orcs really are as dumb as soup, huh?"

Readying an action to cast Obscuring Mist as soon as another arrow is fired.

2011-12-01, 04:33 PM
From the other end of the tunnel come the voices of some more orcs. They sound like they are coming from the very entrance of the tunnel.

2011-12-11, 04:11 PM
From the other end of the tunnel come the voices of some more orcs. They sound like they are coming from the very entrance of the tunnel.

"Hmmm...sounds like they either called for reinforcements somehow or there is another entrance. Unless we want to get hit on both sides we might want to rethink taunting them and launch an attack before the others get to us."

2011-12-11, 04:34 PM
[OOC- Looks like you'll be heading down the stairs? Who wants to go first?]

2011-12-11, 05:37 PM
Penny furrows her brow, thinking for a moment. Then she whispers.

"My spell only works where I am, so if we're going down there I could always go first and cast my spell as soon as they react. Would that work?"

2011-12-11, 09:58 PM
Verrick Caldo:thog:

V"Let me go in front of you Penny, and everyone else in as quick as we can. If we can defeat these mangy dogs quick enough we can make our stand if any more come."

2011-12-14, 03:07 PM
[Assuming Verrick goes first, followed by Penny.]

An arrow shoots towards Verrick as he runs into view, twaning behind his back. Everyone runs behind him. As you reach the bottom of the stairs the other orc run towards you. Penny casts her spell and a thick cloud of fog fills the room.

2011-12-14, 03:20 PM
If we're keeping our old initiatives, ignore this.
If we need to reroll them ,[roll0].

Reaching to her belt again, Penny fumbles for her mace, and takes a defensive stance, the memory of being cleaved nearly in half from being over-eager fresh in her mind.

Move action : Draw mace.
Standard action: Fight Defensively (-4 to attacks, +2 dodge bonus to AC)
New AC: 15

2011-12-14, 03:33 PM
Terra glances up and seeing all the fog decides to wait. She twirls her sword around and glances back toward the entrance. She wished she had prepared a few more spells for the day, but she hadn't been expecting to chase after a bunch of monsters.

Always be prepared for everything. Her father's words echoed in her mind.

"Bah...I've always got a sword...that's prepared." She mumbled to herself.