View Full Version : Castle, Season 4 [SPOILERS]

2011-09-18, 04:51 PM
The fall season of television is upon us, so what better time is there to start a thread about one of the more amusing dramedies in recent memory?

Though it's somewhat inevitable that Beckett will recover from being shot, it remains to be seen who was behind the rifle. For that matter, how will the new Captain compare to the late Roy Montgomery?

Castle airs Monday nights at 10 PM EST on ABC.

Also probably should have added the spoiler tags to the thread title sooner. Ah well.

2011-09-19, 04:36 AM
What? No way, that shot was clearly fatal, what could have possibly lead you on that she would pull through? :V

More seriously, all I've heard that the new chief is supposed to be something of a hard-ass, which wouldn't be surprising considering recent events.
I have mixed feelings about how Castle is going. While it's not declining in quality necessarily, I just always hate it when dramedies reach a point where they clearly become more drama then comedy. Say what you will, but even if they try for the kinda humor it used to have, it would probably seem grossly inappropriate at this point.

2011-09-19, 04:03 PM
One of my favourite shows currently going around - looking forward to seeing how this season goes after the shocks of the finale.

2011-09-19, 10:45 PM
Kate makes it. One second, she's on the operating table and flatlines, the next the doctor's comes out to tell everyone she'll be fine. Weird as hell. At least the show gave Beckett two months of "in story" time off, before she goes back to gunfights and chasing down criminals.

New captain (goes by "Iron" Gates) is a hardass, as predicted. She combines pretty much all of your stereotypical "bad cop boss" qualities (Former Internal Affairs, by the book, plays precinct politics, etc), so she's going to have to get some character development post haste.

Kate's going off the deep end. The way she blew up in that fireman's face is totally going to get back to Gates. Here's hoping she gets some closure eventually, because watching her cry is really tugging at my heartstrings in an uncomfortable way.

Castle decided to hide a lead from her and investigate himself, and you just know that's going to come back to haunt him before the season's up.

Next episode features a killer in a super hero costume. Looks like a breath of comedic air.

2011-09-20, 10:51 AM
If Stan Lee doesn't have a cameo in some form next episode, I will be genuinely shocked.

2011-09-20, 05:42 PM
Who else called the moment that Kate told Castle to give her space that she remembered very well what he said, but didn't have the foggiest idea of how to deal with it?