View Full Version : The Saga of Xir'nag

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-18, 05:36 PM
"The ancient past of our worlds hold endless secrets and untold sagas. The longest of memories, such as my own, preserve the greatest of heroes and worst of calamities; the greatest of joys and worst of despairs held forever in perfect clarity. For you, young one, I recount the greatest of tales that I have ever witnessed, a tale to unravel between the realm of man and the halls of faerie in a land named Ladoria.

Back in times immemorial, it was said that the land of Ladoria was caught in a glorious, endless war. Though the cause of the conflict was lost, even to the eldest legends, it spread quickly across the land. In time, it developed and grew as though it were alive. Though methods changed from tooth and nail to steel and spike to spellcraft and sorcery, the heart behind the warfare was always there, pouring lifeblood out across the battlefield.

One particular group of note, the Trolls of Kol'ghem Peak, had fought in this war from the very beginning. Through countless ages and generations, those of the Kol'ghem tribe had battled endlessly, never once needing to change their ways as battle evolved around them. The strongest among them, known as the Na'rut, brought great prestige and tribute to the tribe. Trak'na, lord of combat, smiled upon this arrangement for ages.

Sadly, even an "endless" war must at some point age and die, just as the greatest of our heroes. That great era of valor and rightous bloodshed could not last forever. Offering golden tribute and honeyed words to the Na'rut of the Kol'ghem, weaker creatures moved the Kol'ghem to action against their common enemies and rivals. Each fight resulted in victory, glory, and celebration, so blinded were the Kol'ghem to the expansion of their "allies".

Calling themselves "civilized", those who had called themselves friends of the Kol'ghem and many others who had grown in shadows and wastelands started a campaign of their own. Fighting in the waked of the Kol'ghem and other fooled tribes, they destroyed hundreds of weakened tribes, claiming their land and enslaving their people. In time, these peoples stopped their swords and spells almost altogether, opting for further "wars" of deception and politics. Though their souls are weak, weak enough for even Trak'na to weep at their foolishness, these peoples have called themselves strong. To prove their might, which they have confused with strength, they decided to launch a final campaign. hey have fought against proper battle, killing those who keep true honor alive in our world.

The goal of this campaign was not to win land or fortune or women. It was not to gain honor and fame, not to earn a place among the stars or in the halls of Trak'na. The goal of this campaign was to end the combat once and for all, killing all who would keep true honor alive in the would. The tribes of old had fallen, one by one. The goblins, once proud and numerous allies to the trolls, couldn't withstand this honorless campaign. Against such a horrific onslaught, even the Kol'ghem were torn asunder, leaving only a single Na'rut and one of his young students alive.

In the end, however, those who refuse to die by the hands of another are doomed to fall by their own hands.

A catastrophe of unnatural magics, forged by hands of humans and elves that thought themselves as gods, occured but ten years later, watched from the distance by an elderly Na'rut and his protege. For all of their talk of civilization and strength, the humans and elves had fallen into crude barbarity like the animals they were. Most were dead, many were disfigured and maddened, and none knew what the future may hold, save for Trak'na himself.

Decades later, a new righteous war rests on the horizon. The young student, now an elder in his own right, has proven to be the strongest of Na'rut to emerge for a hundred generations. Today, this man, known with pride as Xir'nag, has been asked by his old friend and instructor Gar'nog to meet at the Circle of Trial for one final test.

That day had a most auspicous start. For the first time in weeks, Xir'nag had awakened in his tent with the rise of dawn without Gar'nag's assistance."

2011-09-18, 05:58 PM
Morning had arisen for the Na'rut known as Xir'nag. The chilly air was colder than usual, and any sort of light prior to the rising sun was gone. Xir'nag woke up, wearing not much more than a slightly longer-than-normal loincloth. He took his canteen and greataxe, of which was almost as big as himself, and got himself ready. He noticed something different today, there was a blizzard happening. While the peak usually had snow a blizzard was usually something that rarely occurred. Perhaps a foreshadow of some sort? Xir'nag didn't ponder about it, he had no time too. He did his best to fill his canteen with water and eat whatever was left of the large deer he killed last night as he made his way to the Circle of Trial, unflinching to the blizzard of Kol'ghem Peak that was going on. It was awhile away, but walking was simple for the mighty Na'rut.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-18, 06:53 PM
"Though the walk was long and cold, Xir'nag could have made it in his sleep. So many times had he walked the path that the troll's footsteps were forever engraved within the sides of Kol'ghem Peak.

The path to the Circle of Trial wound higher up and around the mountain, passing across the paths left by Xir'nag's ancestors. Though snakes and bobcats lived on this mountain as well, there was little chance of them running around in the blizzard. Besides, they had learned not to disturb the path, lest they be discovered by the ones who walk it.

The Circle of Trial, built by dwarven slaves in the prime of the Kol'ghem, rested on a high mesa on the opposite side of the mountain, shadowed from the sun until it reaches it's highest point. In the further darkness of the blizzard, however, it might as well still be night. For that reason, the hand-carved torches lit upon the outer edge of the Circle of Trial, a new addition to this sacred place, rip through the darkness like a celestial beacon.

The Circle of Trial, as one may suppose, was a large circle of stone, 50 feet in diameter and 5 feet thick. It was said that carved into the circle was the entire history of the Kol'ghem tribe, dictated by the Nar'ut to their dwarven slaves. Three stone stairways elevate the circle, suspending it 10 feet over a placid pond. This pond, produced from Kol'ghem itself, was never one of water but of the strongest of acids. Thick stone columns, 15 feet in height, lifted up from the Circle of trial to hold up a second circle of equal size.

Tied to a log lodged into the ground, resting by the nearest stairway, rested the untouched carcass of a pegasus, a legendary delicacy you have only tasted twice. A circle drawn in the snow around the carcass, however, clearly makes it's desired point.


Standing in the center of the Circle, looking down at Xir'nag with a grim smile, stood the elder Na'rut called Gar'nag. Clearly approaching the end of his days, the troll's grey hair and film-covered eyes seemed to glimmer in the light of the torches."

2011-09-18, 07:24 PM
The Circle of Trial, a sight Xir'nag has seen many of times. Now it was his time to come unto the honor that responsibility that his brethren had acquired before. He came in, undaunted by the acid through his age and experience. He stood inside the circle, but slightly close to the entrance, not taking the time to admire the carcass of the pegasus. He held still for a moment before he asked in his low, gruff yet determined voice in Giant, "You call for me to be here, old friend?" His face was that of a veteran and determined elder. He had recently turned forty, an accomplishment alone. Xir'nag knew this would not end well for one of them, not with how old his instructor has become.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-18, 08:17 PM
"Gar'nag smiled knowingly at Xir'nag through the darkness, allowing his remaining yellowed fangs to glow like candles in the torchlight. Behind his eyes rested a faint glimmer of the fierce warrior that was, though this glow was even fainter. Gar'nag had ceased being a true warrior years ago and likely would have died decades ago if the tribe had not been attacked. To see another troll, a Na'rut no less, gaze at someone with so little conviction would have terrified a lesser troll.

"Yes," comes the reply, "I call for you."

At this, Gar'nag paused, seeming to search for words that refused to reach his throat. After a minute that stretched for hours in the storm, the words were finally forced out of his frame.

"I... am old. Too old. Too weak."

Again, Gar'nag paused in his speech. This time, however, it was only to take a deep breath and lock his gaze with that of Xir'nag. Standing up to his full height of eight feet, Gar'nag finally managed to say it.

"It is time for me to die""

2011-09-18, 08:35 PM
Xir'nag did not flinch, did not change his expression, did not show any kind of hesitation as he listened to Gar'nag. The troll knew this day would come, in fact he knew it would have probably only been a day or two if it didn't happen now. Like his friend, Xir'nag stood at up straight at a size of 9 and a half feet. Very big, yet he knew size was never everything. "Then it is time I see," he responded in a cold yet calming tone. He slowly took his battleaxe from his back and stuck it into the ground next to him. He knew how this would work, a fight without weapons, just with ones claws, teeth, and whatever is available. "Do not resent this decision friend... And do not hold back." He walks to the center of the circle, prepared to begin.

Initiative: [roll0]

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-18, 09:51 PM
"Even as the two Na'rut met in the Circle of Trial's center, the words that Xir'nag had uttered still echoed across the mesa.

"Do not resent this decision friend... And do not hold back"

The sky had been clear and sunny that day, all those years ago. Escaping from the tiresome duties of youth, Xir'nag had stolen away from the village and made his way to the Circle of Trial for the first time since his birth. Other children in the tribe were just beginning to be trained in earnest for the battlefield. Spurred by his competative nature, Xir'nag was determined to learn from nothing less than the Na'rut themselves.

Fortunately, when Xir'nag had arrived, one of the Na'rut was resting on the Circle, idly sharpening his axe. Xir'nag had appealed to the Na'rut, asking only for the chance to spar and prove his devotion. Back then, it was Gar'nag who had been the larger troll. Back then, in their very first meeting, those very words had only been a friendly warning and challenge.

"Do not resent this decision friend... And do not hold back"

Gra'nag grinned as he removed his weapon from his side. The axe that he sets gently on the ground, known as the Na'Kesh, was said to have been forged in the blood of Krak'na himself.

"Don't let me down, Xir'nag," he said as he assumed a rough fighting stance, "I can almost smell the feasthall now."



2011-09-18, 10:13 PM
Xir'nag nodded as he took his own fighting stance. It was not always that he uses his own body as weapons, but he kept them sharp, just in case. Upon preparation on both of their parts, Xir'nag threw one of his claws out at the older Na'rut, attempting to bring a massive wound into Gar'nag. The larger troll then as quickly attempts to rend Gar'nag's flesh again with his other claw. "Hah, I remember the first time we fought," he casually brings discussion as he tries to tear his friend apart.

"I didn't think one could hold back and break the opponent's body at the same time." Xir'nag then tries digging his teeth into Gar'nag's body inbetween his words. "Times have changed so long since then. I almost miss those days now." He spoke in a bittersweet tone, knowing this was both the end of something memorable and at the same time the hopeful start of something just as miraculous.

Claw Attack roll: [roll0]
Claw Damage roll: [roll1]

Claw 2 Attack roll: [roll2]
Claw 2 Damage roll: [roll3]

Bite Attack roll: [roll4]
Bite Damage roll: [roll5]

Rend Damage roll: [roll6] ONLY IF BOTH CLAW ATTACKS HIT.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-18, 10:39 PM
Claw after claw, Xir'nag stabbed his way into Gar'nag's shoulders, shattering both of his collar bones and ripping the flesh along the old troll's back as he tried to rip the man in half. With a sickening crunch, Xir'nag sunk his teeth into the man's neck as well, completing the embrace of perfect savagery.

"Good to know I'll be remembered," muttered Gar'nag between between pained breaths as he weakly swept a foot behind Xir'nag's legs. The sweep, though weak, distracted Xir'nag long enough to stab at him with Gar'nag's opposite, less shattered arm. "But don't assume I'll make things easy."


2011-09-18, 10:44 PM
Opposed Trip check: [roll0]

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-18, 10:45 PM
confirmation roll:[roll0]

2011-09-18, 10:55 PM
Xir'nag carefully gets himself back in balance as he feels his chest get pierced by Gar'nag. The sound of torn flesh is heard as a mark is made on Xir'nag's sternum. The larger Na'rut however seemed pretty unfazed by it. "I don't expect anything less friend," he responds as, claw still pierced through body, Xir'nag lunges his left claw at the other Na'rut's face, before using the momentum to dive his teeth into Gar'nag's forearm that he used to pierce his chest and try and remove the arm right off the older troll.

Claw Attack roll:
Claw Damage roll: 1d20+16[/roll]

Claw 2 Attack roll:
Claw 2 Damage roll: 1d20+16[/roll]

Bite Attack roll:
Bite Damage roll: 1d20+16[/roll]

Rend Damage roll: [roll3] ONLY IF BOTH CLAW ATTACKS HIT. Doesn't hit...

2011-09-18, 10:58 PM
Damage rolls cause I messed up like a fool before
Claw Damage: [roll0]
Bite Damage: [roll1]

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-19, 08:54 AM
"Dodging from the path of one vicious claw, Gar'nag exposed his flank to another, allowing it to pierce into his flesh. As Xir'nag bit at Gar'nag once more, ripping away at his Gar'nag, something was clearly amiss.

Though bone and sinew were tearing beneath his bite, the skin refused to tear and blood refused to flow. The flesh of Gar'nag was tough and strong, very much like petrified wood.

"One good thing about being old. Our skin grows hard to protect us"

With that, Gar'nag sought to sink his own claws into the muscled back of Xir'nag and to bite down upon his Skull."

claw 1[roll0][roll1]
claw 2[roll2][roll3]
bite [roll4][roll5]
rend [roll6]

he can plainly see that most of the other wounds

2011-09-19, 09:21 AM
Making a notable mistake, Xir'nag found himself off guard as he feels his flesh torn and his ribs shattered from behind upon impact. In a flash his back was bloody, thrashed, and torn wide open. Coming back into focus however, Xir'nag then dodges the bite as he brings his own teeth into the others skull, throwing one of his claws into Gar'nag's face to rend it and it's features apart while the other claw goes to tear the flesh from the torso again. "We are both implacable warriors. The Na'rut that fight each other here back in the glory days did not back off, did not restrain. They would fight hours upon hours till one is brought down, even days if it called for that." Gar'nag noticed the wound he made when he pierced Xir'nag had already healed. "We sear our own blood and flesh for such moments. Such times shows how alive we really are!" On note of that, Xir'nag's back quickly started to repair itself. The Na'rut's regeneration systems are astounding and wholesomely terrifying to behold.

Attacks: [roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
Rend: [roll6]

EDIT: 91 total damage, including crit below

2011-09-19, 09:24 AM
Critical threat: [roll0]
Critical Damage: [roll1]

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-19, 12:49 PM
"Even as Xir'nag clamped his fangs around his face, cracking jaw and skull alike, Gar'nag couldn't help but smile.

Even as Xir'nag slashed viciously at his face, leaving lacerations even in his hardened flesh, Gar'nag couldn't suppress his glee.

Even as Xir'nag placed his claws within the stomach of Gar'nag and tore face and gut apart, the mirth of Gar'nag would not be denied.

For the first time in over a year, Gar'nag released an honest, hearty laugh. His deep, cracking voice echoed through the storm and across the mountain as his body was steadily torn apart. In his eyes, so recently filled with film and emptiness, the heart of a warrior once again burned.

"Then let these lives echo forever!"

With that, Gar'nag reached to grab and grapple Xir'nag, to hold him tight and restrict him within the dance of battle."


2011-09-19, 01:08 PM
As Gar'nag came to lock the larger troll in place, Xir'nag took that opportunity to tear apart his instructor with his claws one more time, now trying to tear apart Gar'nag's arms to prevent a grapple. His teeth came out after Gar'nag's shoulder. By this point much blood was lost from the old Na'rut as the younger, yet still elderly one was healing just fine from the previous injuries he received. A smile also broke upon Xir'nag's face as he fought, seeing his old friend's fire burn wildly for the final time. He wouldn't give up or back down now, a Na'rut lived for this moment! "Let all of Ladoria know the thunder of the trolls of Kol'ghem Peak!"

AoO Attacks: [roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

Opposed Grapple check: [roll6]

Total damage: 31. Grapple attempt fails because I dealt damage from my AoO attack. You may also roll for Rend damage if you'd like. :smallredface:

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-19, 02:45 PM
*Crunch. Thhhhhhhk. Snap*

Thrusting his claws into the outstretched arms of Gar'nag, Xir'nag snapped through elder troll's wrists and flayed his arms as Xir'nag dragged his claws back towards his shoulders. Now, at last, the blood was starting to flow in earnest. The blood was pure and ageless, holding no secrets or weakness.

Foregoing words for actions more meaningful, Gar'nag reached down with his flayed arms, spraying blood across the cheek and breast of Xir'nag. With one claw, the troll scratched downwards. Swiping sideways with the other, Gar'nag parted his claws in mid scratch. The end result, through rather crude, formed the mark of a greataxe over your heart. Such was the mark of the Kol'ghem, scratched onto rocks and trees across the mountainside.

Though there were no words, the smile on the old troll's face was more than enough.


2011-09-19, 03:35 PM
Xir'nag stood unflinching as Gar'nag clawed the mark of Kol'ghem on his heart. Such a wound would normally be fatal, but to the Na'rut it was just a simple mark that meant a great deal more than any word could state. The large Na'rut nodded with a smile at the acceptance of the older troll, who is by now, in no condition to continue, and fought like a warrior, tooth and claw, to the end. Xir'nag gave a pause for the symbolism to settle in... And then delivers a crushing tackle to his old friend, knocking him back off the platform into the river of acid below...

Bull Rush: [roll0]
No AoO for Gar'nag because of Improved Bull Rush

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-19, 03:52 PM
"In the end, Gar'nag could see what was yet to come. He watched as Xir'nag charged into him, pushing him back across the Circle of Trial. He watched his protoge as he was slammed through a column of solid stone. Even falling down from the Circle into the pond of acid below, Gar'nag continued watching Xir'nag. There was no rage on his ancient face. Neither were there tears nor signs of regret. His eyes held the flame of a warrior and the corners of his mouth, even with the air knocked from his lungs, curled into a warm smile.

Throughout the various dialects and inflections of Giant, not a single word or phrase carries quite the same meaning as "thank you".

Even so, the expression Gar'nag wore in his last moments of life, floating beneath the surface of the pond, came close."


Realms of Chaos
2011-09-19, 03:57 PM
forgot some super secret rolls.

2011-09-19, 04:42 PM
Xir'nag watches by the edge of the pool as his instructor, and old friend, sinks into the acid as his last moments. The large troll gives a fitting smile to Gar'nag as Xir'nag is now left the only remaining Na'rut in the land. Perhaps as a gift of fate, when Gar'nag feel into the acid, a splotch of acid flew up where the mark of Kol'ghem was, searing it as a permanent symbol. Xir'nag watches for a time as Gar'nag's body perishes in the acid, with the smile he's had the entire time.

After that, he turns to the fresh carcass of the pegasus. It was Gar'nag's one of two gifts to him, and he made sure to indulge in it before he made his leave. Xir'nag then takes his canteen and the Na'Kesh. The greataxe that was originally his instructors, that he has inherited now. The weapon was told to have been empathic, capable of speech, with a mysterious past behind it, and granted it's wielder great power. With it in hand, he made his way back to his tent for his map of Ladoria to chart his journey.

Today was his time, this age would become his age. This would be his world to show the meaning of true honor. Now he would be off, how long this would take, he had no idea. But he knew it would be one for the universe to remember.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-19, 06:15 PM
"As Xir'nag returned to his tent, the fierce blizzard slowly released its grasp on Gol'khem Peak. Nothing was stirring. Nothing was moving. Nothing made a sound save for the his own heart and the crunch of snow of snow beneath his feet.

To his left, Xir'nag passed a hollow in the mountain where the Kol'ghem used to store away food. Like all of the others, it was now empty. To his right, he passed by a cemertary where the tribe had buried those who died in honorable conflict. Like all of the others, it was now full.

The mountain was finally dead. Even as Xir'nag lives and breathed; even as the animals slept in their dens and awaited the sun; even as giants and manticores hunted on distant, higher peaks, the spirit of the mountain was finally dead. Even if their home had fallen, however, the Kol'ghem were not yet fully and truly dead.

There was still Xir'nag

Arriving at his tent, the map that he sought was quickly discovered. Though it was charted before the Great Catastrophe, the layout was unlikely to have changed. Kol'ghem Peak, though unlabeled on the map, was recognizable as the largest of the mountains in the Southwest.


Looking over the map, a deep voice calls out from the side of Xir'nag. The voice was rough and course and ageless, as though produced by a rusted iron throat. The voice's tone, however, was neutral.

"Where are we going?"

2011-09-20, 07:04 PM
Xir'nag took his time getting everything set. This would likely be his last time at the peak in a long, long time. He got everything set, his canteen and new weapon by his side. When he heard the words, he knew it came from the Na'kesh. "We head to Kali, southeast of here in the mountains," he said in response. "They should be fine with me in, and it would allow some sort of preparation before the journey." Once he got set, he got out of his tent for what was likely the final time. He took a deep breath as he turned to the Na'kesh and asked it. "The legend say you grant mighty abilities to the wielder. What powers do you have to give me?"

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-22, 09:01 PM
"Na'kesh laughed its iron laugh when pressed with this query. It had been ages since it had proclaimed its own strengths. So too had it been ages since another spoke of its might.

"I am stopped neither by flesh nor steel nor bone, crushing through whatever stands in my path. When raised to the heavens battles, I can return the spirits of fallen Na'rut to this world through your frame. So long as you remain loyal to Trak'na, their pressence will strengthen your body and protect you from their fate."

Na'kesh is (at least for the moment) a +2 Adamantine Greataxe that ignores all damage reduction and that allows you to enter a frenzy (complete with deathless frenzy 1/encounter)

2011-09-22, 09:42 PM
Xir'nag gave a mighty laugh as he learned of Na'kesh's abilities. "Excellent! I wouldn't ask for anything different." He began his way to the town Kali. "Then let us be off, the might of the Na'rut WILL be known throughout the land!" Xir'nag gave no bother to take a stealthy path, instead taking the straight way there, ready and hoping to fight as much as he can along the way without actually derailing himself from the trip to Kali. If he could pick up some pelts or other supplies he can use, even better.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-23, 06:54 PM
"As Xir'nag stepped beyond his tent, a single burst of thunder rings forth from the mountain peak above, a death knell from the morning storm.

Of the paths to Kali, Xir'nag knew of two:
The first path, the highland road, trailed its way across the mountain peaks and curved along their highest mesas. Though it passes close to frost giant land and their pet Rhemorai, it had only ever been used by the Kol'ghem. Though incredibly hard to hunt, it was said that pegasi make their homes on nearby peaks.

The second path, the lowland road, travelled halfway down Kol'ghem peak to rejoin with a rarely-used trade route. Far more often than it had held traders, it had brought Dwarven assailants to your doorstep. Even without the dwarves, however, the road was treacherous in its own right as harpies and manticores made their homes at around the same elevation."

2011-09-23, 07:19 PM
Xir'nag assessed both possible routes. In the end he went through the lowland route, something he himself haven't traveled a lot, if at all in fact. He had figured that the only thing that might put up a threat would be the manticores. As a result, it would likely not be dangerous, but it might be something new.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-23, 09:29 PM
Encounters on the Low Road:

"Walking down the low road, Xir'nag quickly approached a cave that he knew to be a manticore's lair. To Xir'nag, who had lived his entire life on the peak, every path and secret was laid bare. If he desired it, Xir'nag could have passed over this cave... or have sneaked in through its back entrance"


"Well past the manticore's lair, right on the opposite side of the bridge that joined together Kol'ghem and Verser, a few sticks rested on the ground in the midst of a runny yolk. Not twenty feet above the head of Xir'nag rested a large nest on a rocky alcove. Two more eggs rested within it, each well larger than those of the largest falcon."


"Two thirds of the way to his destination, Xir'nag reached the split in the road. A short path led down to the east towards a small spring of fresh water. Two goats sipped gently from the spring, unaware of the world around them."


"Having nearly arrived at Kali, Xir'nag finally met another group leaving the town. A team of four dwarves, all shaved clean and broad even by dwarven standards, rode towards Xir'nag upon their ponies. Greatclubs hung from each ones side. "What are you doing here, Na'rut?" spat one."

2011-09-23, 09:36 PM
Coming up upon the manticore lair, Xir'nag gave off a rather snide smile as he entered in head first without any sort of care for sneaking. It would be a challenge he would accept. Going in the dark without any form of knowing what lay on the other side... Couldn't be anything else other than an exciting time for the troll. Na'kesh held easily in his hands, he walked forward till he bumped into something or got attacked by... something.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-24, 01:44 PM
"Walking through the darkness of the manticore's lair, Xir'nag could hear nothing except for the sounds of breathing; his own and that of his prey. The creature's musk, a pungent perfume of unwashed fur mixed with rabbit blood, flooded through the nose of Xir'nag, letting him know that the beast was near.

The whirring displacement of wind was the only warning Xir'nag recieved; the only one he needed. Stepping to one side, Xir'nag evades a slew of flying spines that bounce from the opposite cave wall. Though the Na'rut could tell from where the spines had been flung, echoed footsteps already filled the cave as the manticore moved, preparing its next attack."

The manticore's attack bonus and damage isn't high enough to pose any real degree of threat to Xir'nag. As such, you can feel free to describe the rest of the battle with this winged, human-headed lion. How you catch it with its stealth (+8 move silently) and ranged attacks is up for you, as is the conclusion of the battle.

2011-09-24, 02:24 PM
Xir'nag, pausing for only a moment to prepare, flew his axe in a wide horizontal arc in front of him. His axe cleaves some sort of pillar of stone as he feels his axe strike some sort of flesh from the left. Instantly after a set of spikes are unleashed at the Na'rut as most of them stick harmlessly into his skin, yet one struck his left eye, destroyed as it bursts into blood, yet the troll hardly flinches from it like he has suffered it hundreds of times already. Xir'nag then quickly flips the blunt end of the axe to quickly swing before the manticore can react, a positive *WHACK* was heard as he connected his weapon with the manticore. At the same time 12 more spikes are shot at Xir'nag as two more manticores pincer the troll.

Caring hardly at the spikes that had boundlessly punctured his skin with no lasting effect, Xir'nag quickly threw his axe into the first manticore's mouth and rears upward as the manticore's upper half is split open by the axe, killing it immediately. The other two manticore's then descend upon Xir'nag with their teeth and claws, one leaping at him through jumping. The troll blocks one of the manticore's attacks as his free arm is used to try and block the other. The leaped manticore catches his mouth in the Na'rut's arm and chomps tightly as the troll swiftly offs the other manticore with a vertical swing of his axe.

With one stubborn manticore left, Xir'nag does his best to get the thing off his arm, eventually putting Na'Kesh on the solid rock for a moment to smash the manticore into a nearby wall, crushing it's bones into dust right before the wall broke down from the impact. Not taking the time to remove the spikes on him, Xir'nag eats one of the manticores just in case before taking Na'Kesh and proceeding down into the new corridor, the spikes still on him, including the one that burst his left eye.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-24, 03:24 PM
"For the very first time in his life, Xir'nag descended down the passage into the very depths of Kol'ghem. At the end of this descent, Xir'nag can smell fish swimming around off to his right.

Thoug the sight of Xir'nag was unable to pierce through the darkness of Kol'ghem, the stalagmites were plentiful, allowing Xir'nag to feel his way through the very womb of his tribe."

Possible Encounters Within The Kol'ghem Caverns:

"Proceeding onwards, Xir'nag wandered through Kol'ghem for what seemed like ages until the scent of manticore again assaulted his nose. Dozens of manticores, it would seem, rested just around the next corner. Listening carefully in the dark cavern, Xir'nag could tell that these creatures had shorter paces and lighter footfalls than those he had met before."


"After taking a winding route through the maze of stone, Xir'nag finally saw a source of light. Moving towards it, Xir'nag now saw row after row of large stone boxes resting on the ground. An oil lantern rested by one of these boxes, casting the silhouettes of two hooded figures into sharp relief. Death and dust filled the air, as did the scent of human."


"In the distance, Xir'nag could see a glow. Moving ever towards it, the cave grew warmer and warmer, as though bathed in the rays of the sun. When he finally reached the end, however, What Xir'nag found was hardly an exit. Xir'nag stood at the edge of an active volcano, around which had been built a wide stone ledge. Though the magma boiled hundreds of feet below, the heat was truly intense."


"After wandering for quite a while, Xir'nag at last came across an exit to that dark cavern; a road that Xir'nag had never seen with his own two eyes. The road seemed to lead around the back side of Kol'ghem, far beneath the Circle of Trial. Where the road left, not even Na'kesh knew."

2011-09-24, 03:52 PM
Xir'nag smiles as he hears the scent of manticores and then his voice booms out in anger in Common this time, "Hear me animals! I bring the wrath of the Na'rut to you! Try and tear me to pieces, bring the mountain down on me if you can! I will never stop, never cease, never have my soul given to the reaper till all bow to me!" His voice filled with such rage that all who could hear him would quake in his might, though it also mean the was wide open to get hit by however many of them there are.

Using the "Never Outnumbered" Skill trick found in Complete Scoundral to intimidate all the manticores: [roll0] This is of course to demoralize them yet send them ALL at the troll rather than run away I hope :smallwink:

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-26, 12:51 PM
"As the bellowing voice of Xir'nag rung through the hollow depths of Kol'ghem, he was greeted neither with tooth nor claw nor spine. All that reached him was the sound of small feet running off into the distance and the deep scent of carrion. He had found the young of the manticores above, those not yet prepared to give their lives in protection of their home. So too had he found what they were feasting on, a meal quite out of place within the mountains.

The human's carcass was fresh."

2011-09-26, 01:00 PM
Xir'nag's look of delight turned from delight to disappointment as he notices the young manticores running away. They weren't worth fighting to him, the rewards we're much more when they grow up and are mighty enough. In the meantime, the Na'rut came upon the corpse, checking it's contents and remains. He was in no need to eat yet, he had already eaten. But he checked the carcass for any sort of items that might be interesting... But another thing spring into his mind, how did a human get here?

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-26, 03:08 PM
"Feeling his way across the corpse, Xir'nag could tell that there was little upon his person.

A few coins... a bloodsoaked robe... a large sack...a small loaf of risen oats that humans called food... a pickaxe that had landed feet away from the body.

"Humans..." breathed Na'kesh, speaking the word as if one of the five Ogrish curses. "...does their insolence know no bounds?""

2011-09-26, 03:17 PM
Xir'nag sighed in disgust. "No planning, no preparation, no chance of fighting off anything." The Na'rut shook his head as he started continuing on his way. "For a human that can't fight, he must have had others along with him. Such probably abandoned him, so there would be more likely in this cave considering the body is still fresh." He left the human carcass alone as he continued his way.

As he maneuvered his way around the stone to the source of light, he notices the two figures there. The human scent meant that the figures we're likely other people the dead human Xir'nag met before had traveled with. The troll didn't need words yet, instead bringing the greataxe down heavily beside him, a large clank sound was made to signify his appearance, of which a grim and menacing look cast on him with his destroyed left eye.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-26, 03:35 PM
"Moments after Xir'nag dropped his axe to the ground, the two stunned humans managed to make a sound far louder. The lid to one of those large stone boxes, which they had been pushing aside, fell at once to the ground and shattered.

From within the light, the two humans stood wordlessly as they gazed upon the form of Xir'nag. Slowly, cautiously, one of them reached out to grab the lantern..."

2011-09-26, 03:45 PM
As one of them begins to reach out for the lantern, Xir'nag swings at the space between the human's hand and the lantern, blocking the way to grab it. "Move and I'll slice you in two," he says in Common. "Why are you grave-robbers disturbing the sleep of my kind?!" He voice almost boomed out at the humans in anger.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-27, 04:26 PM
"Poor fools though they were, these grave robbers were wise enough to see the doom before them. One of them knocked the lamp to the ground as they both ran off into the distance. Somewhere, hundreds of feet away, Xir'nag could make out a dim red glow from one of the tunnels. If the fools had chosen to run, that is where their feet were sure to take them."

2011-09-27, 04:33 PM
Xir'nag snarled at the two humans as they took off. He took chase after them, not quickly, but in his normal, menacing walk. If the humans kept running, they'd get away from him, otherwise if they stalled, he would likely reach them. He was careful not to charge full in when he reached the light, but would not be afraid of such a trivial thing.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-27, 06:13 PM
"In the distance, Xir'nag could see the silhouettes of the fleeing humans against the glow of the cave. Moving ever towards it, the cave grew warmer and warmer, as though bathed in the rays of the sun. When he finally reached the end, however, What Xir'nag found was hardly an exit. Xir'nag stood at the edge of an active volcano, around which had been built a wide stone ledge. Though the magma boiled hundreds of feet below, the heat was truly intense.

Though the robbers could clearly see that they had been trapped, still they backed away from Xir'nag, walking backwards along the ledge."

2011-09-28, 05:28 AM
As Xir'nag approached the volcano, even he was shocked by the place. Heat was one of those things he really was terrified about, however he wouldn't let it scare him this time, at least visibly. As the troll kept approaching, he put out his axe in front of him, which came a few inches away from one of the humans. "I'll ask again and only once more," he boldly insisted. "Why are you disturbing the sleep of my deceased kind?!" He was close to losing it here.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-28, 02:51 PM
"Having realized that fleeing had failed them, the two thieves decided to take a try with words.

"We were told that all of you were dead," says one, more than a bit uneasy. "Few creatures as strong as you have graves this big and... and..." words failed the human as he realized that even words would not keep him safe.

The other human, however, seemed to have hit a moment of inspiration. Dangling a large and bulging sack over the ledge, the man shakily spoke. "In this sack rests remains from at least three of your kind. If you truly value their sleep, let my friend go free."

2011-09-28, 03:02 PM
Xir'nag looked in disgust at the humans as they would try such a thing. He sighed after though, above all he valued his tribe more than a kill. "You show me just one of the bodies in there and don't throw the bodies in the lava and leave them sleep peacefully, you'll both shall go." Though he didn't move his axe at all, he seemed fairly adamant on the decision. "If you have any knowledge of the Trolls of Kol'ghem, they value honor above all else. If you comply to my suggestion, neither of you will be hurt and you will leave." His look turned sinister now. "But refuse and drop the bodies will mean a great, painful death for you both." He paused. "Do I make myself clear?!"

I'll roll for Intimidate: [roll0]

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-28, 04:42 PM
Slowly, the two ghouls turned to consider one another. Withdrawing the bag from over the lava, one of them held the sack while the other withdrew from it a monstrously large skull fused to a spine and rib cage in the normal manner for a Troll. Gently placing it down on the ledge, the graverobbers slowly backed away from it.

2011-09-28, 04:48 PM
Seeing the skull, spine, and rib cage, Xir'nag put Na'Kesh away. "Alright," he first said, walking to take the sack away along with the rest of the bodies there. "You can go. But do not disturb any other troll here, or else next time, my fury will be unhalted, and you will suffer horribly." He then waited to see what the men would do before moving on.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-28, 04:52 PM
"thankful to have been granted their lives, both men left the volcanic room as fast as they could, breaking into a run the moment they passed beyond the reach of Xir'nag. The sack of bones rested on the far side of the room, left precisely where the thieves had stood."

2011-09-28, 04:55 PM
Xir'nag silently took the sack of bones, everything he could that belonged to the trolls, and proceeded back to the graves to put them back in their rightful resting place, hopefully to leave the Kol'ghem trolls at peace again.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-28, 05:18 PM
"No longer in any pursuit, Xir'nag returned to the stone coffins of his ancestors and returned the pilfered bones to their proper resting place. As one of the covering had been shattered, one poor soul was left to face the ceiling of this cavern with its empty eyes. Other than that, however, all is as it should be. As for the humans, there was neither any sign nor scent of them left to be found."


"After wandering for quite a while, Xir'nag at last came across an exit to that dark cavern; a road that Xir'nag had never seen with his own two eyes. The road seemed to lead around the back side of Kol'ghem, far beneath the Circle of Trial. Where the road left, not even Na'kesh knew."

2011-09-29, 10:15 AM
A new road shown meant a new challenge to overcome. Xir'nag bellowed loudly into the distance as he made his way out of the cavern, ready to continue on to Kail... Hopefully. He had no clue where this road went, only hoped that it would lead to the town he planned to head to when he went off on the journey.

Realms of Chaos
2011-09-30, 05:25 PM
"As Xir'nag walked this new, lower road, the sensation of cold steel greeted his bare feet. Looking down, only a thin layer of dust covered a walkway of ancient, rusting blades and hammers and axes. The sun had reached its highest point, reflecting off of these ancient weaponry wherever the coat of dust wore thin.

"Yes..." said Kol'nesh, his voice filled with distant nastolgia, "I can recognize this place."

2011-09-30, 06:03 PM
As Xir'nag explored the area of steel and weapons, he asked Na'Kesh, "What do you know of this place?" It was all... Strangely wonderful. "This feels like the place of endless war. The Nirvana that the Na'rut spoke of when they're truly alive..."

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-02, 11:38 AM
"Na'kesh laughed his hearty, iron laugh before he responded.

"On the far side of this mountain rests Ro'kan, the iron shrine. When a warrior falls in battle, their weapon is placed to rest within the shrine. Forged in the blood of Krak'na, only I am passed from one warrior to the next."

The axe's voice turned sour as melancholy sank into its tones.

"No one has visited Ro'kan in years, Xir'nag. The ancestors grow lean without the glory of the living."

2011-10-02, 12:53 PM
Xir'nag nodded at Na'Kesh's explanation. Such a place was one he would not want to pass up on. "Then I shall go and pay my respects to them, honor their dreams and give them the glory of life that I alone shall hold!" The Na'rut made his way off to the iron shrine, Ro'kan. A determined and unflinching look in his eyes.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-02, 04:09 PM
"As Xir'nag rounded the bend and Ro'kan came into view, many a lesser troll would have burst into tears.

It was... glorious.

Formed of nothing but blood, sweat, and ancient weaponry, the shrine still stood thirty feet high and dug its way into the mountainside. Different forms of weapons formed patterns on the floors and walls and a brazier formed in a lonely spiked shield rested upon a platform of dozens of axes.

This testament to warfare was truly the greatest thing that the tribe of Xir'nag had ever constructed."

2011-10-02, 05:22 PM
Xir'nag held a face of what seemed like amazement, one that he hadn't made in forever. It really was a place of wonder, one that he would fit amazingly well in. The troll headed inside, admiring the place of wonder while ignoring the rather dangerous layout of the weapons. He pauses to collect himself before deciding to try and get the place set up to honor the ancestors once more...

As he finished, Xir'nag got down on his knees and gave his prayer. "Family that I've known this time, those among the tribe of the Kol'ghem. I cry to thee to see my plight that I shall spread throughout the land! Let the world know the name Xir'nag, remaining Na'rut of the tribe! And at the end let demons and devils scorn and fear my name as their blood spills from my hands in war!" The Na'rut then pays tribute by cleaving a large part of his chest open, letting the large amount of blood spill across the shrine before the wound healed itself.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-03, 06:43 PM
"As the inexhaustible blood of Kol'ghem spilled upon the iron shrine, it left not a mark on the weapons, seeping down between them into the rocks below.

Na'Kesh glowed as the blood sank in; sank into the mountain that had birthed your tribe. The glow was red, bright as the evening sun.

"Yes." said Na'Kesh. "Trak'na accepts your offering of blood. The time for our pilgrimage has come."

2011-10-04, 02:43 PM
Xir'nag smiled with determination as Na'Kesh spoke his words. As he felt the glow of his weapon, the troll stood up and began his way out. "Then it has begun!" His voice echoed as if it was the mountain. And with that, Xir'nag moved off, off to his pilgrimage across the land. It mattered not who he was against, he would defeat them, without worry.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-05, 05:32 PM
"To Kali..."

As Na'kesh uttered these words, a strange feeling flowed through the body of Xir'nag; a sweetness of pain mixed with the rush of combat.

Xir'nag could feel the flesh of his chest split as ribs tore from his chest, straightening out away from his spine and fanning out as new flesh grew between them and the wounds healed.

"...we fly"

2011-10-05, 05:57 PM
Xir'nag doesn't fight the pain as his body twists itself gruesomely. After it was over, he looks to see what he was given, wings. It was pretty brutal to have, but it was very rewarding. "To the skies we go then!" He lashed proudly as he flew as high as he could before traveling through the skies to Kail. He knew the best way to make his "entrance," all he needed to do was to find it. Wasn't going to be far from here though.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-05, 06:09 PM
"Flying on the winds of Kol'ghem peak, seeing his homeland as the Rocs and Thunderbirds did, Xir'nag did make his way across the empty skies and around tiring spires until he arrived above the town of Kali.

The town of Kali, though not large, wasn't as small as it would seem from afar. Crafted by twenty or even more races working in competition with one another, Kali was a patchwork of ages and styles fitted together in a most haphazard manner. The city, Xir'nag knew, extended a flow beneath the visible surface of Kali and into the surrounding mountains as well. Merely crowded at the best of times, those who lived in town dwelled in towering, rickety structures formed from scavenged materials, some of which stretched four stories or more. So divided was the town that Xir'nag could count three town squares. All that the city shared in common, it seemed, was its entrance and its marketplace."

2011-10-05, 06:35 PM
The town of Kail seemed like quite a wonder from above. It was something Xir'nag could get used to for a long time. But now was the time to test something. Finding the best place, the troll began diving head-first at the entrance of the city, aiming for a spot that wasn't going to be occupied. Notably Xir'nag did not slow down, in fact he sped up as he dived. His intention was actually to hit the area head first as fast as he could. It would be mighty painful yes, but that's one of the glories the Kol'ghem Trolls upheld. And it would also be a prime moment to show himself the absolute might of the Na'rut!

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-06, 12:14 PM
"In the city of Kali, it was not often that folk saw a troll. The Kol'ghem were all but gone and two separate tribes of trolls would never dare share a mountain. Indeed, even a mountain range could only hold two tribes if these tribes were especially small or if the mountain range were large. As such, many adults within the village had gone through their whole lives without ever once seeing a troll in the flesh.

To see a flying troll, then, crash into the entrance of the city with the speed and force of a falling star, was an event that none could have ever imagined witnessing. The event would inspire artists and poets alike for years to come and would even inspire a bugbear warlord to greatness, though that is a story for another time. At the moment when he crashed, none knew how to respond.

Dazed firstly at the crash, secondly at his continued life, and finally at his race: the citizens of Kali knew not what to do but back away. Those of particular pressence of mind went off to tell their leaders or friends what had transpired. Only as Xir'nag walked away did the merchants entering and leaving the city, those whose carts would be halted by the crater in the ground, think to start grumbling and complaining.

As he moved, all eyes were on Xir'nag.

He had arrived in Kali."

2011-10-06, 01:33 PM
What a crash. It was a rush of pain and emotions Xir'nag did not feel often. It was something he felt he might do more often... But not all the time, else it would lose it's uniqueness that makes it so worthwhile. As the troll walks away, the spike in his eye had notably been removed in the crash, and his eye healed immediately, along with the rest of the body from the crash. It was a good showing of his regeneration to the citizens of Kail. He didn't need to say anything, at least not yet. Instead with a determined grin on his hardened face, Xir'nag moved off through Kail for some sort of shop where he can buy a world map or area of attention for him to show off or do battle against (with a willing opponent of course).

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-06, 01:58 PM
"Unfortunately, the town of Kali, despite its hardy races, seemed to lack when it came to martial pursuits. Nobody, young or old, seemed to fight one another (except with their feeble words in the marketplace). Though a cartographer could be found, Xir'nag lacked the money to to obtain the map he required.

"Back in the war," grumbled Na'kesh, "strength enough to take it was enough."

Just as Xir'nag was ready to dispair, however, a call went out over the crowd. "Thieves," went the call, "Somebody catch those thieves".

Not ten seconds later, a wooden cart came barrelling through the crowd and past Xir'nag. Dozens of starved, yapping dogs pulled this cart, chasing after a steak that hung from the end of a pole. On this cart rode 6 small kobolds, each wearing bright green ponchos and masks. On board with them was a large burlap sack and a large collection of black spheres that the riders shook and tossed out into the crowd.

As the kobolds rode pass Xir'nag and turned a sharp corner out of the Bazaar, screams of pain and confusion could be heard from crowds ahead of Xir'nag."

2011-10-06, 02:08 PM
Things have been much and very different from before. He really seemed to miss the ways of war that the Kol'ghem had preached before. "I wish to see a town that willed strength as their deity," he grumbled quietly back to Na'Kesh. His chances to test his strength was something he wanted at nearly every turn. He figured even giants couldn't match him there. As the cart flew past Xir'nag, he quickly checked the screams ahead as he made his way towards them. He asked Na'Kesh in the meantime, "Do you know what those black spheres are?" While he knew about the cart, he wouldn't be able to catch up, it moved too quickly for him to react, so his choice instead was to examine what was happening in the cart's wake.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-06, 07:22 PM
"Perhaps not wishing to show his ignorance, Na'kesh held his tongue as Xir'nag looked about.

The reason for the screams soon became apparent within the crowd as a black sphere near Xir'nag exploded, showing all nearby with a biting acid."

(Reflex save)

2011-10-06, 07:24 PM
Reflex save: [roll0]

Yeah fortitude is really my only good save :smalltongue:

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-06, 07:26 PM
"Ducking down, Xir'nag managed to avoid the acidic splatter, though others around him weren't so lucky. One or two goblins, burnt to their bones, rolled on the floor bleeding out. Others in the area weren't much luckier."

2011-10-06, 07:43 PM
Acid, one of Xir'nag's most dangerous enemies. While fire may be more common, acid is easily the more horrifying of deaths. The avoidance of it was thankful, but seeing the others get splashed horribly with it angered the troll. Seeing the chaos people had, the troll blasted out at them in Common. "Everyone! Away from the spheres! Those who can, get the wounded to a hospital! Those who can't, look for something to use as a suppressor on the acid!" He spoke as if he knew how to handle acid. "No whining! Progress will NOT be made that way! Move!" Like a dominating leader, he bellows his orders out to get the chaotic group under control.

Making an intimidate check because that's how Xir'nag does diplomacy :smalltongue: [roll0]

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-07, 05:32 PM
"Much to the approval of Xir'nag, the people of Kali acted just as he dictated. Though the people around him were weak, it was good for the moment that they were meek and cooperative.

The goblins were quickly moved from the ground and gnolls walked shoulder to shoulder with hobgoblins and bugbears as those with less serious wounds slowly hobbled out from the square until the one remaining victim was an ogre that none of the others seem quite able to carry.

In the confusion, most folks seemed to have been distracted from the presence of Xir'nag for the moment, having forgotten the source of their instructions already."

2011-10-07, 05:54 PM
While normally Xir'nag here would have gone to check and find the kobolds who rode off in the cart, the sight of an injured ogre who couldn't move or be lifted somehow tensed the troll. In no care of his presence being gone, Xir'nag got to the incredibly big ogre, a look of what almost seemed like disappointment and frustration on his face. "You aren't a dying baby animal," he commanded at the ogre, "you are a warrior!" In some sort of rage, the troll then used his arms to pick up the ogre in a feat of strength before bringing the ogre to the nearest hospital.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-07, 09:40 PM
"The travel through through the marketplace went quite smoothly, then. Xir'nag could see the last of the wounded hobbling through the crowd, presumably towards a healer, and thus the course of Xir'nag was set.

Though nobody knew why a troll carried an ogre, nobody was willing to walk up and ask. Well, that is, except for other ogres. Five of them pushed their way through the crowd, looking over Xir'nag and the one he carried. Each of them bore a red bangle identical to that of the unconscious lug.

"Where are you taking Gurdun?" one asked"

2011-10-07, 09:50 PM
Xir'nag noted the ogres' bravery of walking up to the troll as he found himself confronted by five of them. It was quite a number, but they we're just ogres. "I'm taking your comrade here to a healer. Fool here was splashed by an acid trap." He spoke in a rather impatient and almost rude tone. Xir'nag didn't waste much time as he did his best to push through the ogres to continue on. He imagined the ogres wouldn't take it well, but hey he always liked a fight.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-08, 03:51 PM
"The five hulking ogres looked amongst themselves in confusion, vaguely wondering if this troll could be believed. When another explosion went off, not a hundred feet away, the decision was made for them.

"Follow," said the same ogre, motioning towards a cave mouth in the nearby mountain, covered with naught by a length of putrid fabric. Two of the ogres led the way and the other three, including one who had talked, walked behind Xir'nag".

2011-10-08, 03:58 PM
Xir'nag turned to where another explosion had come off, but focused back on the ogres as he followed them, unconscious ogre still held on. The troll had a respect for other monsters like ogres and minotaurs, but always considered the Kol'ghem trolls above the others as the strongest, and would always remind them that if they ever asked. Carrying the ogre had been a bit of a annoyance, but right now it wasn't exactly like he had anything better to do by bowing out of the city. So he followed the ogres with a slightly begrudging look on his face, trying his best not to make that obvious to the ogres.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-08, 04:34 PM
"Beyond the mouth of the cave, Xir'nag entered a hollowed out network of paths and caves arranged much like a honeycome around a large common feasting hall. Of the ogres assembled, hundreds in number though they be, less than one in twenty bore the red sash of the ones Xir'nag travelled with. Opposite of the entrance, these ogres led Xir'nag to an emptied cave where a pile of course grains rested on the ground.

Never before had Xir'nag seen such numbers of ogres in one place. Judging by his muttered curses, neither had Na'kesh. It was as though the entire mountain was their domain.

"Drop the weakling," said a new ogre, "and join us in feast."

2011-10-08, 05:39 PM
Xir'nag looked at the place in wonder. He was not expecting such a place full of so many ogres. It did had seem that the troll was invited as the honored guest to the feast, and an honor it was against whatever Na'Kesh was mumbling about. His former begrudging face now full of content as he set down the unconscious ogre to begin feasting at the same time as the other ogres did. "My greatest thanks to you all," he said proudly to them.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-08, 08:18 PM
"The food that the Ogres ate, served out of a huge central vat, comprised of a bowl of an odd brown pudding formed of spices, oats, and rough vegetables that most lesser races couldn't hope to digest. The very taste of meat, so it was said, was enough to drive an ogre into a fit of rage. Even so, this remained quite hardy fare, spiced enough to to suit even the deadened taste buds of an ogre.

Smaller vats looping around the larger contained large amounts of drink, an alcohol called Surga with strong rotting odor and a taste to match (not that the ogres would mind or even notice). The only saving grace of the drink, it was said, was it's potency. For a fragile human frame, even a single cup would spell certain death.

The many servers, dressed in thick brown smocks, raised an eyebrow at the approach of Xir'nag but didn't hesitate to fill his bowl and cup before moving on to the next hungry ogre. A few others aside from them glance at the troll and even nod in acknowledgment but none bother talking to Xir'nag. Wether they had seen Xir'nag enter with the others or didn't care that he was in their home, there was no way to tell.

With the ogres endlessly leaving and coming this feast, finding an open table to sit at wasn't much of a problem. The ogres, being boisterous as ogres were wont to do, could be overheard in a variety of conversations all across the room. Conversations of thefts and graverobbers and the new umberhulk tribe in Kali filled these halls along with normal talk of trades and boasts of battle.

Less than a minute after Xir'nag had seated, a green-skinned ogre sat opposite of the troll. Three bronze rings ran through its nose and its armor had been forged from adamantine.

"I hear that you rescued our runt," says the ogre, adopting the old Kol'ghem dialect."

2011-10-08, 08:38 PM
An amazing feast. Xir'nag had never seen such a wondrous sight. Even at the height of the glory days, such a thing had rarely been seen. The troll made excellent delight in feasting in down on the food served, devouring them like he had a black hole inside him. The Surga was something Xir'nag drunk down as if boasting his great fortitude. It was really a time outside of combat to let go and relax in a way. The troll had wondered if Na'Kesh was jealous to have been unable to participate.

Upon seeing the green-skinned ogre, Xir'nag responded in a rather boisterous yet confident tone with his natural Kol'ghem dialect. "Not so much a rescue as it is a moving of one who could not get up. I wasn't too fond of a flimsy show of constitution he put up, but I couldn't refuse the notion of leaving a warrior behind, even if pathetic." His tone was not disrespectful or rude. "I have indeed however respected the strength your kind has always shown."

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-08, 08:54 PM
"The green-skinned ogre smiled widely at this response. "And if she is strong enough to rejoin us, her body will choose to live without our coddling."

Smile fading from his face, the ogre watched Xir'nag eat for a time, choosing his words before finally asking, "We... we had heard that Kol'ghem was a memory."

2011-10-08, 09:02 PM
The troll paused his eating as the green-skinned ogre mentioned about the unconscious one's gender. Xir'nag really could only pause and nod at it before continuing to his meal. As soon as the ogre spoke of the Kol'ghem, the troll paused his eating again to explain. "I am the last of them now..." He spoke in a melancholic tone that covered his rage inside. "As the last of them I will be sure that the world will know of my name and of my achievements. I have been the strongest of the Na'rut in centuries." Xir'nag calls for several more tankards of Surga to drink down after that.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-08, 09:35 PM
"The green ogre noded sagely, taking the words of Xir'nag to heart.

"And do you have a plan to leave your mark on history, great Na'rut? If you do not, you are welcome in the halls of Gelud if you are willing to work."

2011-10-09, 09:09 AM
Xir'nag had almost smiled smugly to the ogre at the latter's question. "I appreciate your offer but I have already determined my goal." He continued gulping down more Surga in the meantime. "I will be wandering the world, fighting foes of all magnitudes and sizes for the world to remember the true meaning of strength, valor, honor, and freedom!" Xir'nag spoke of the timeless virtues the Kol'ghem trolls worshiped. Such a task was going to be a hell of an adventure, but for a Na'rut it really was a feat only one such as himself can accomplish. "Though I am the last, I am the strongest of the Kol'ghem and will make everyone remember why I AM the strongest."

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-09, 09:59 AM
"At that claim, the ogre looked over the prodigious form of Xir'nag,

"That I do not doubt," he said at last, thoughtfully, "though some others would need greater convincing."

As if on cue, the ogre looked towards one of the doors where anothertogre was being dragged inside by its allies.

"...The kobolds do not listen to strength." mutters the ogre, "they are small and crafty and wise and we dare not touch them for they build and repair our homes. They are as bad as the humans"

"The umberhulks do not believe in greater strength. They steal and injure and drive others mad and yet the council does nothing."

2011-10-09, 10:06 AM
Xir'nag listened on the annoyance of the kobolds and umberhulks. He had seen the former in action, that was a grave frustration. The latter however came as if there was no redeeming value to them, which was a clear disgust to the troll. "Tell me more of the umberhulks," he mentioned. "I want to know why they act such and I will want to make them understand their folly." Afterward he asks, "Why is building and repairing homes something the kobolds do for you? Why can it not be done by yourselves?"

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-09, 10:19 AM
"The ogre noded, appreciatively, "The Umberhulks are new here. They are unaccustomed to life in a city. None of us truly were at first though they are far more stubborn than even the orcs. They believe with all their heart that they are the strongest beings to live, just as they have believed for generations. So strong were they that most trolls could not stand against them, though I dare not doubt the Na'rut. They know not cooperation and thus act as if in unending raid."

In response to the second question, the ogre responded while raising one massive hand for Xir'nag to observe, "As for the kobolds, our hands are strong and able but are not so skilled as to create or maintain the home you see. Kobolds, however, are the finest of crafters in all the world, save perhaps the elves."

2011-10-09, 10:44 PM
Xir'nag listened in great interest of the umberhulks. They sounded like the kind the troll would greatly want to fight. Their accusation of being the strongest however was considered a challenge to the Na'rut. "These umberhulks dare make such a bold statement... HA! I will go to them myself tomorrow and face them to prove their ideals wrong!" He spoke in a thunderous rage. "And when I'm done with the umberhulks, I think the kobolds may get the message not to fool with Xir'nag!" He announced his name very proudly in the hall.

Afterwards the troll had to ask the green-skinned ogre, "Tell me now, what is it that they call you?"

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-10, 12:16 PM
"The green-skinned ogre chuckled as he rose to his feet.

"They call me Gelud.."

Not sparing another word, Gelud flew upwards towards the upper reaches of the cavern. Though he lacked wings, his flight was smoother than that of Xir'nag and drew the notice of all in the area.

Almost as soon as Gelud had left, another gray-skinned ogre with a red sash approached Xir'nag from a table behind him, nodding its head as far down as pride would allow. "If you plan to do as you say, you are welcome to one of our empty caves. If you will it, I will guide you to the umberhulks when you have rested and readied yourself."

2011-10-10, 12:30 PM
Xir'nag finishes his own meal as he gets up on his feet to see the grey-skinned ogre. "I appreciate the offer I will take." He spoke in respect to the ogre. "However I've no need of going to rest yet. I would like to know more about the world has been as of late." He changed his topic shortly after however. "Would Gelud happen to be the leader here? There is this fascinating look about him that I cannot explain in words."

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-10, 03:41 PM
"The new gray-skinned ogre seemed to relax as it heard the respectful tone of Xir'nag, though for reasons Xir'nag could not fathom.

"Yes," it said, nodding, "you stand in his very halls. Ogre mages such as he are born rarely to our clan but their magic and wisdom is unmatched by the shamans that those lizardfolk follow."

After a moment or two of pouse, the ogre continued, "As for the world beyond Kali's gates, I will tell you of all I know. Where should I start... Na'rut?"

As the last word passed its lips, the ogre could not stop its voice from wavering. Even after so many years, such was the power that the Na'rut had held on the people. Kol'ghem was far from forgotten."

2011-10-10, 04:18 PM
Xir'nag listened in wonder about Gelud, then smiled as he saw that the power and form of the Na'rut had still held true and mighty in those that had known the Kol'ghem trolls. "I ask about the area of Orimgale, which is separated from it neighbors Murre, Inslan, and Veillar by the river which separates each of the areas." He paused to get his answer before asking another question, "Have the lizardfolk been uncooperative to the law of strength as well?"

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-10, 06:47 PM
"They bend to our will," spoke the ogre, likely referring to the lizardfolk, "though they do so with complaint."

Changing the topic away from local matters, the ogre spoke as directed about the outside world.

From what the ogre had heard from travellers, those within the mountain range had been far luckier than most. Though the fools who had once controlled the land were gone, they had ruined much of the world in their passing. The forests were burnt; the rivers dried; the land made arid and bare.

Orimgale and Murre were gone, lost forever to the wasteland. In the place of Murre, built within its ruins, a crude prison of sorts had risen, run by highwaymen that had long plagued the countryside.

Veillar was an empty shell, as it likely remains. Though elven magic maintained the structures, so too had it captured and purpetuated the foul energies of the calamity, killing all who enter.

Inslan, having always rested at the border of the desert, had survive more or less intact and they were the only traders who came in or out.

The only other ones who came in or out of town were a band of human traders, always clad in black. Where they came from nobody could say but they traded eagerly and fairly for the bodies of the dead for those races who would part with them.

For better or worse, no news had arrived of lands East of Murre.

By the time that this had been conveyed, another full hour had passed. The light of sunset shone in through the many doors to the cavern and the day was passing on quite peacefully."

2011-10-10, 07:21 PM
Xir'nag looked shocked, if not utterly horrified at what became of the world. "Those forsaken insects," he cursed under his breath. The ogres knew by "insects" he referred to the humans and elves that hogged, ruined, and made the world what it is now. "When the world knows my name, they'll know not to destroy it like they had done." Above all, the thing that infuriated him the most was Murre. Keeping a prison like that in control of plaguing brigands was an insult to the troll. He valued freedom almost as much as he did honor and strength. That was going to be his destination after his leave of the mountains. "Would you happen to know of a recent, new-to-date map of the continent? And perhaps a preferred direction to Murre?"

After knowing about that. Xir'nag realized he had become incredibly frustrated with the world as it has become, and it was obvious on his face. As much as he could sleep on it, he would rather stay up and try and find another way to relieve the stress. He himself wasn't sure on the idea, but if another ogre had an idea, he'd be very grateful to know.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-11, 05:45 PM
"I can find such a map" said the ogre, "but it will take time."

Rising up from the table, the ogre gave another small bow before taking off amongst the others that lived and ate and feasted there. Xir'nag was alone, left by himself in that den of ogres as the sun sank beyond the horizon."

OOC:And now for some cooperative storytelling. As for the events of the rest of the day, you are free to describe what happens and how Xir'nag spends his time. You are welcome to take liberties with the customs/hobbies of ogres or as to what happens out in Kali if you choose to leave the den.

As always, have fun with it.

2011-10-11, 07:51 PM
As the sun finally began to dwell, Xir'nag took his time to explore around the caves and dens of the ogres. During it he had found a cave of such a unique place. A circular-like arena, not as ceremonial as the Circle of Trial, but a more casual one shown a bit with age and wear without any traps like torches or acid. Xir'nag comes in as he sees a fight of sorts finish between two ogres. Xir'nag knew this kind of fight as a form of wrestling the ogres practiced as a way to fight using ones muscle solely as strength. No punching, no clawing, but grappling, throwing, and in the case of the more stubborn and hardass ogres, breaking and crushing. Not usually lethal but definitely painful and especially brutal at times.

While Xir'nag had usually preferred fighting with teeth and claws against his fellow trolls as a "friendly" battle, a wrestle with ogres would be something to try. Hopefully he would be able to beat them at their own game. As the arena cleared, the troll entered the arena and reached the middle of it. His eyes moving to see the large number of ogres on the other side of the waist-high walls. Eventually he bellows out in confidence, "How many of you shall take me on?!" Time to see well he could hold up. Hopefully this would tide him over for a few hours...

Well you said this is cooperative storytelling. So time for a grappling fest/contest. Your turn! :smalltongue:

...Just don't make this TOO difficult please. :smalleek:

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-14, 03:42 PM
"As Xir'nag stepped into the arena, worn from ages of blood and sweat and tears, all eyes were upon him. Never before had any of them assembled fought such a powerful foe in pitched combat. None knew for sure how trolls even fought. At the same time, however, all knew that this was a chance that did not come often. As the first seven ogres aproached, a bestial gleam entered the gazes of the others.

Na'kesh could do naught but laugh his iron laugh even as the fight began. Though he would play no part in it, it had been a long time since the relic had seen the ogres in battle."

2011-10-14, 05:28 PM
Seven ogres to one Na'rut? Xir'nag thought to himself as he saw them approaching. Acceptable odds for a first bout. Going by the way of the style of wrestling ogres usually do, Xir'nag charges for the first one, going for the grapple while expectingly getting countered in return.

Attack roll for grapple: [roll0]
Grapple check: [roll1]
Nonlethal punching damage if grapple succeeds: [roll2]

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-14, 05:31 PM

"As Xir'nag lunged for the first ogre, he was assaulted by flailing limbs on every side.

Three blows were dodged with monstrous grace that belied the massive frame of Xir'nag

Three more strikes were blocked with one raised arm from Xir'nag, absorbing the hit as though he were formed from stone.

As he reached with his remaining arm, however, the very ogre that Xir'nag sought to grab delivered a punch into the Troll's jaw, cracking the bone and distracting him as they launched an attack of their own.

The crowd roared in in delight as three other ogrss slammed into Xir'nag. The first two, bearing the familiar crimson cloth, caught him completely off gaurd as they slammed into his shoulders and grabbed his arms to restrict him. The final ogre, that which had punched him moments before, slammed his hands around the neck of Xir'nag, seeking to keep the troll's teeth at bay.

Impressive as this display was, however, it was not quite combat. Aside from the damaged jaw that had already healed, the ogres had yet attempted to even try harming the ogre. They worked not to defeat Xir'nag but to stop him where he stood."

2011-10-14, 06:33 PM
Xir'nag noticed that he was currently trying to be constricted, but the ogres are on the defensive, it was the troll that was currently on the offense. Using his mighty strength, Xir'nag attempted to break free of the ogres' arms that held him and, going after the ogre in front of him, took one of the ogre's arms and constricted it with his own arm as the troll's other arm smashed at the ogre's mouth to keep it away from the troll.

Opposed grapple check: [roll0]
Nonlethal damage roll if succeed: [roll1]

Okay so I'm thinking the 4 ogres not aiding can first make their attack to see if they hit (they need to roll 12), then they can aid another in grappling Xir'nag. Then grapple check. If it beats Xir'nag's check then they ALL can damage him with an unarmed attack.

Basically it's kinda like an offense and defense role between two groups, both make grapple checks each turn and the side that wins can make an action.

Due to sizes (as they're all large) I believe up to 8 can hit Xir'nag at a time, though there are only 7 atm. Sound good?

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-14, 06:43 PM

"Three of the remaining four ogres leapt onto Xir'nag, grabbing him from behind as they attempted to drag him down to the ground.

So strong was troll named Xir'nag, however, and so thick was his hide that the troll never even noticed this occured.

Whipping his arms free of the ogres that grabbed him, Xir'nag punched at the ogre before him.

An eye for an eye and a jaw for a jaw.

That punch turned the ogre's head a tad bit further than looked possible as both blood and tooth spilled out. This ogre was far from done however, and was ready to continue this fight."

2011-10-14, 07:35 PM
Xir'nag feels the weight on him, but the punches go numb on his massive body. The troll kept the ogre's arm grappled as another punch from Xir'nag was sent flying at the wounded ogre, now an uppercut to the head. He lack the strength to knock the ogre's head right off, but that wasn't the plan to achieve here, it wasn't supposed to be a lethal fight. Xir'nag had the look of a warrior who was having fun, he didn't seem too agitated or focused. As he punched the ogre he cried out, "Is this the mightiest the ogres can do?! Will you not come at me with all force of strength and might at the lone Na'rut?!" The troll shouted out in gleam, but his voice was spirit-shattering.

Grappling check: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]
Inspire Fear: If connects, Ogre makes a DC 20 Will save against Fear. If ogre falls through damage beforehand, ALL ogres in reach of Xir'nag make a DC 20 Will save against Fear.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-14, 07:51 PM

"Even held down by six ogres, Xir'nag was winning the match.

As he prepared for his finishing strike, however, Xirnag was reminded that he faced seven.

Large feet rammed hard into the back of Xir'nag as arms wrapped around his harty neck. The weight of the seventh ogre, having joined the grapple at last, knocked Xir'nag off balance.

The other ogres behind Xir'nag fled their position as his shoulders were grabbed once more by those foes he had shaken off. Rather than simply holding his arms, they now pulled the towering Troll backwards towards the cave wall.

Xir'nag gave up a single pace, and then another, almost tripping his way towards the wall. That was when the ogre he had punched charged once more, knocking the troll flat against the wall.

The other three ogres were upon him in moments as the ogre on his back wrapped his arms around the troll's jaw to keep it closed.

Now two ogres attended each arm and two more pressed him hard into the wall. The discomfort of their ally, pressed between the wall and Xir'nag, seemed to be of little consequence.

Again cheers went out among the crowd assembled."

2011-10-14, 08:20 PM
Grapple check for next round: [roll0]

Intentionally doing nothing this turn.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-14, 08:23 PM

"Though he struggled for release, Xir'nag was held tight by this odd formation.

Slowly but steadily, the ogres started taking Xir'nag apart. The ogres at his front pushed deeper and deeper into his chest and gut, driving the air out as his ribs fractured and forcing him to take short, painful breaths.

This matter was made worse by the ogre on his back, constricting its arms around the neck of Xir'nag and keeping the troll's mouth closed and his face pointed up towards the roof of the cave.

Even the ogres at his arms found ways to increase the pain, dragging his shoulders back around towards the wall around the ogre on his back. Xir'nag could feel his collarbones silently crack as they were force further and further. Even as he struggled, Xir'nag could not see their movements and they seemed to clutch harder and harder.

Even with Xir'nag at their mercy, however, these ogres refused to bow before the savage nature of combat. Not a drop of blood had been shed by Xir'nag. They fought with vigor but not with spirit.

Even so, it was clear that this silent assault was out-pacing the wondrous blood that ran through his veins. For the first time in memory, Xir'nag could feel his head swimming as the crowd cheered in the background."

2011-10-14, 09:24 PM
Such an amazing force. Xir'nag had suddenly come to the realization what had happened to the ogres from long ago. This style was nothing like they had seen before. It wasn't like trickery, no. They we're being upfront and brave about it... But there was something off about it. Something that was gone from the old days before. And yet it is so effective, Xir'nag had thought just how powerful this style the ogres had developed was...

...And then he knew his answer, powerful, but not as strong as his own!

With an immense amount of brute strength, Xir'nag's arms force back to their position against the four ogre's that tried breaking him. Healed incredibly, the arms then easily tear the arms from the ogre on the troll's back away from his neck and then quickly took hold of said ogre and throws him off his back. And then in what seemed like a show of strength, Xir'nag manages to shove the other six ogres away from him, breaking grapple and freeing the troll from captivity. It became obvious now that the Na'rut's injuries we're not grave at all... In fact they we're very minor, as if a normal human slashed him with store-bought greatsword once. "A good effort," he smugly remarks to the ogres, "but I am the strongest here!" Xir'nag then quickly dashed at the injured ogre and threw another fist into the neck with hideous force.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

Dazing blow on the attacked Ogre, DC 27 Fortitude save or be... Well... Dazed

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-14, 09:29 PM

"As Xir'nag charged towards the ogre that had caused him so much pain, the other ogres that Xir'nag had tossed as ragdools sprung into action.

Scrambling on all fours, leaping onto their feet, and even lunging from where they had landed, all of the ogres prepared to attack; to re-establish their hold; to do something against the implacable foe they faced.

None of them came close to hitting in their desperate struggle.

Xir'nag, however, did.

Driving his fist into the neck of the ogre, not a sound came from its throat as it was flung into the crowd.

Almost all at once, the blood rushing through the ears of Xir'nag quieted down and revealed the silence around him.

The other six ogres had stopped their movement, making the only sounds in the cave as they panted for breath. One by one, the ogres slowly backed away from Xir'nag, eyes filled with awe, confusion, and fear.

Later that night, Xir'nag would learn that he was the very first to ever break free from the pin he was subjected to.

At the moment, however, Xir'nag knew only that the fight was over as the assembled crowd broke into their loudest cheers so far, rushing into the arena to join him."

2011-10-15, 10:25 AM
As Xir'nag's strength was proven, he crosses his arms and let out a brave, hearty laugh. His performance had brought the crowd to awe and his might had proved his words and skill. With the crowd coming to him, he knew it would be time to celebrate. Though he wouldn't spend the entire night partying due to events planned for the next day, Xir'nag would put in his best for the celebration and the show of strength he has.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-15, 03:18 PM
"Through a large swathe of the night, the ogres showed their rightful respect for Xir'nag, who had accomplished what none before had managed.

Working together, the ogres re-opened the feast halls and recovered from their stores the juice from a fruit of singular sweetness, known as the Gondrig, to mix into the night's Surga.

Through the night, the ogres sang their old songs of war and new songs of peace; wrestled and danced their way through revelry; ate and drank until all was oblivion and bliss. Though many more ogres would try their hand at wrestling Xir'nag that night, all attempts were made in jest or else in drunkenness, easy enough to shake off with a single shift of the troll's vast haunches.

Many good feelings were shared all around and the celebration grew as even more ogres were awoken from their sleep. It was possible that those ogres, rowdy and loud by their very nature, had simply desired a chance to revel. To Xir'nag, however, there was one sure cause for celebration:

Even after so much time, the Na'rut were still the strongest."

2011-10-15, 03:44 PM
It was a mighty wonderful celebration. Xir'nag had feasted himself bravely along with the other ogres. It almost felt like the times back in the say when strength really was the supreme leader, before he became the last Na'rut. Yet still, he held his power well and took the time to enjoy the celebration before eventually heading off to rest for the night. He had a long day tomorrow.

In the morning he got himself set as he went to the morning feast, hopefully to meet with Gelud there.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-16, 10:25 AM
The morning arrived and with it came the sounds of the morning feast from beyond the cave Xir'nag rested in, rousing him from his slumber.

Out at the feast, Xir'nag recognized many of those who had partied but hours before, most of which still wore sleepy but satisfied grins. The line moved slowly as the ogres wiped the sleep from their brow.

Sitting near the center of the feast, far more rested than most, was Gelud. Smiling widely at Xir'nag, the ogre mage beckoned him over as soon as he had retrieved his meal, a hearty porridge and a flavor-less herbal tea to awaken the bones and muscles.

2011-10-16, 10:48 AM
Xir'nag had a rather plentiful sleep despite the hard effort he had put up the entire day. He still seemed like he could keep going in a fight if he wanted to. Na'Kesh on his back, the troll grabs his meal and sits opposite to that of Gelud. Xir'nag smiled at the ogre leader. "Did you wish to speak to me?" He said respectfully to Gelud. "You probably heard of the battle that had occurred last night."

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-18, 05:31 PM
"Gelud grunted to the affirmative as he raised his bowl to his lips and took one more swallow of his spiced gruel. Setting down the bowl and wiping the food from his face with one hand, Gelud continued

"You have done my men the service of a true favor last night. In service of Kali, our ways have grown stagnant. True fights around here are rare, if enlightening."

2011-10-19, 04:02 PM
Xir'nag nodded surprisingly sagely as he downed his porridge in swallows. He paused from breakfast to respond to Gelud, "Your ways are... Different. It has the skill and power, but no heart to it. It is a potentially mighty style, yet at this time is weak and missing of vital components needed for it to grow properly." He took another gulp of his porridge before continuing. "Tell me, where and when did you learn and decide with such a style? My own style, of which I consider the strongest, will never change. However I am interested in knowing how you have acquired such a skill." He kept a focused and honorable tone.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-21, 06:51 PM
"Though Gelud had an answer in mind, it took a few moments to find the proper words.

"As we have long been the mightiest race in Kali, the duty has fallen to us to keep order in the city. Even so, the people have grown squeamish. They wish not to see a drop of blood, whether their own or that of their attacker. We do as they want and they leave us in peace."

Gelud sighed as he looked into the eyes of Xir'nag.

"Times have changed, even if the might of your tribe has not."

2011-10-21, 08:13 PM
Xir'nag held silent as Gelud's explanation. He wasn't sure how to respond to that. While he wouldn't want to dishonor his own or the ogres' ideals, it didn't seem right for the troll to simply agree with that. For once Xir'nag was left at a difficulty to find words. "I... Do not understand." He almost seemed a little melancholic as he said that. He then shook the idea off, downed the rest of his porridge in one gulp, and began to get himself ready with Na'Kesh, a sign of confidence back on his face. "It'll be something I will learn in time. For now however I shall head to the umberhulks as I said I would yesterday. Would the map be ready for me?" Xir'nag was wanting to stay a little longer first, but fighting would help him get his doubt out of his mind.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-22, 11:43 AM
"Gelud nodded once more, reaching beneath his own armor to draw forth a vellum map-case and placing it on the table.

"We know not what lies to the east but this much we know."

Motioning to a nearby ogre, Gelud bore his teeth and called out, "Runt! Her is the troll that saved your hide. Lead him to the umberhulks."


2011-10-22, 11:52 AM
Xir'nag checked the new map. Times certainly has changed since before. There was one area of interest. "This 'Great Maw' is once where the capital city stood. How did such a gaping hole appear?" Afterward he turned to Gelud. "I shall return victorious with these umberhulks under the wisdom of greater strength. Do you have any advice about them before my leave?" Once he receives his answer he begins his leave with the ogre guide to the umberhulk's place.

Realms of Chaos
2011-10-29, 04:52 PM
The Ogre Mage paused in thought as he stroked his cupped his chin in one hand. When he finished pondering, Gelud said only "Do not meet their gaze. If your mind should fall, your strength can do nothing."

2011-11-01, 05:08 AM
Xir'nag took cautious note of Gelud's warning. It may have been a crazy idea, but there was something that he might have in mind to help with that. "I wish for two metal stakes. I have an idea that might assist with the danger. It is a bit of a risk in itself, but at the least it will keep my mind safe." He waited for a response and the items.

Realms of Chaos
2011-11-06, 11:27 AM
"For a moment, the ogre's mouth hung half-open in thought, considering what was about to occur. Then, a low chuckle echoed in the back of his throat at he reached down to his armor. Ripping off two golden spikes from his decorative armor, Gelud offered them to Xir'nag in one open palm.

"Will this suffice?"

2011-11-06, 11:33 AM
Xir'nag took a look at the spikes for a moment before taking them with a smile. "They will do well, thank you." He then found himself all ready with his greataxe, spikes, and his undying will prepared. "One more question Gelud. These umberhulks, do they have any sense of honor or trials that they hold to prove their strength?" The troll was not intuitively interested in throwing his axe at every single umberhulk. He was more interested with a trail of strength or endurance to prove himself instead.

Realms of Chaos
2011-11-06, 11:53 AM
"Gelud's mouth closed slowly, all traces of good humor fading from his face. His face darkened as the corner of his mouth twitched up into a disgusted, forced smile.

"They do."

2011-11-06, 12:04 PM
Xir'nag had paused at Gelud's sense of humor failing. He knew this was not a good thing. "You speak as if they indulge in purely malevolent acts." He paused to study what Gelud was so accursed about. He confronted the ogre mage on it, "What is it that I do not know?"

Realms of Chaos
2011-11-06, 12:54 PM
"Forgive me," spoke Gelud, bowing his head, "For my people, what the umberhulks do is an abomination. For those of Kol'ghem, I know not what you would think."

After a few short breaths, Gelud resumed, "Unlike us, Umberhulks eat only meat and they eat whatever is most available, even if that means consuming their neighbors or family. When it is time for them to feast, they pile the bodies in a mound and converge as a swarm upon it to feast on the choicest meats. Umberhulks have little in ranks or laws but the ones who best the competition and claim the 'best' meats are considered strongest"

Gelud breathed heavily as he finished this description, disdain clearly written on his face."

2011-11-06, 01:23 PM
Xir'nag listened in on Gelud's explanation with disgust. "Such an utter disgrace," he said at the end. "Such creatures should not even be in such a place. I was originally going to make them follow under your command, but now I see that they must be driven out." He begins his way out of the ogre's cave, turning back for a moment to say, "I shall return once I have resolved the matter. Still then, praise be to your strength!" The Na'rut gives his blessing to Gelud as he makes his way off to the umberhulk's den.

Realms of Chaos
2011-11-08, 10:24 PM
"Following the Runt through the crowded avenues of Kali, Xir'nag witnessed many citizens of various races living peacefully alongside each other.

To the right, a lizardfolk shaman preached to its flock who gathered in the midst of a large intersection. Turning left and descending stairs, common shops manned by orcs and dwarves littered this area as they fought for customers rather than land. As Xir'nag and the Runt took a turn to the right around the edge of a dimly lit tavern, drinking songs from uncountable tongues resonated from within. Minutes later, the two of them passed by an empty lot of land where bugbear laborers toiled to carry stones, all but ignoring a couple kobold children who watched the work with keen interest.

"Do you have a plan?", asked Na'kesh to Xir'nag, invoking a voice that sounded not in the outside world but from within the very head of Xir'nag."

2011-11-08, 10:31 PM
Making his way through Kali, Xir'nag looked in wonder around the city more so than before. The place was nothing like things we're in the past... Yet then again, nothing was the same; nothing but himself at least. While he took interest in it all, he had no care for sidetracking things at the moment. Right now his focus was on the umberhulks. At Na'Kesh's question, the troll proudly responded, "The umberhulks would do best finding another place to stay than here and have their unsavory taint plague here. My challenge to overcome is get the right creature from an area away from here and convince them to head to that area instead. The ettins on the other side of the mountains would make for a perfect specimen I believe." Xir'nag could almost smile smugly at his plan. In his mind, his plan could not fail.

Realms of Chaos
2011-11-08, 11:09 PM
"The city of Kali had always rested in the space between three peaks: one to the south, one to the north, and one to the east. Owned by no race in particular, it seemed as though nearly every race had their own names for the mountains. In this regard, the Kol'ghem were no exception.

Travelling from the southern mountain in which Gelud kept his halls, known as Teeril'ka to the Trolls, it soon became clear that the Runt was leading Xir'nag towards the northern mountain of Or'taal as the two of them weaved their way through the urban labyrinth.

At long last, the Runt came to a halt, seemingly at random. Silently pointing with one finger, Xir'nag could see them. Through the narrow space between two buildings, Xir'nag could make out the clearing beyond that hugged Or'taal and the foundation of the building that had been torn down to make it.

The hulking, insectile bodies of umberhulks could be seen in the clearing beyond, resting and walking about on all fours. Their massive front arms seemed to bear the majority of their weight, lacking any claws or spines but forming ideal bludgeoning weapons. Sharp pincers jutted out over two feet from the creatures head and rested just below their massive complex eyes. Thankfully, the umberhulks were far enough away that the beguiling patterns forever forming on these eyes could not be seen with any detail.

"We are here" commented the Runt, emotionlessly."

2011-11-09, 06:21 AM
The northern mountain of Or'taal was always an interesting area from what Xir'nag had learned. The idea of traveling everywhere was a wonderful memory to imagine. He hoped he would be able to live out that memory soon. It took a moment to realize the clearing that led to the umberhulk's place. He paused to take a good look at the creatures. Such slugs we're to not trouble the ogres, and Xir'nag we're to make it so.

He turns to the Runt and orders her, "Return to Gelud and tell him that my plan to drive the umberhulks out will take a bit, but I mark thee that I will drive these umberhulks out." He gives his word by taking Na'Kesh and slicing part of his chest open. The wound did well in bringing a sense of adrenaline to the troll. After seeing the Runt make her leave and out of sight, Xir'nag began off to the east peak to hunt a couple Ettins, ready to bring back them to satisfy the umberhulks.

Well time for some more encounters like on the way to Kali, do you think so? :smallbiggrin:

Realms of Chaos
2011-11-23, 04:28 PM
"The runt, taken aback by the gaping wound in the chest of Xir'nag, merely took a step back nodded in dumb comprehension before Xir'nag took to the skies once more, heading towards the Eastern Mount...

...on his path out of town, Xir'nag travelled over the entrance that he had entered but the day before. The crater he had left had already been filled and carts laden with goods and merchants travelled ceaselessly in and out along the narrow mountain roads. One such cart, filled with black-robed humanoids, carried a lumpy cargo concealed under a black tarp...

...Travelling over the mountain peak, where the air grew thin and frigid, Xir'nag found himself thrown into shadows as though the very sun were eclipsed. A loud squak from above soon revealed the source, a thunderbird circling the mountain as a vulture, riding on the same currents of heat as Xir'nag. The sight of a thunderbird was a rare sight in the mountains, often viewed as an omen in and of itself. Fights against thunderbirds, meanwhile, had never occured in the long oral history of Kol'ghem...

...descending down the opposite side of the peak, a large goat-like creature stood on a rocky escarpment, tracking the movement of Xir'nag with its eyes. White hair matted with grey and black, this was a being that Xir'nag had never encountered in the past..."

2011-11-23, 08:45 PM
Xir'nag had loved flying through the skies. Such an ability was a wondrous view. His first catch of interest came upon the black robed humanoids. The strange lump shouldn't have been such a notice, but it had bothered the Na'rut somehow. When he caught up, Xir'nag dived down to in front of the caravan and people, this time feet first. He gave a menacing look at the people. "What is thee that lurks under your tarp?" He spoke swiftly and unerringly calm. Na'kesh was on his back for the moment but the troll was ready to take it out at practically any time.

Can I roll for Knowledge: geography for any sort of tactical advantage it might give me in the case a fight breaks out? [roll0]

Realms of Chaos
2011-11-28, 07:45 PM
"Searching always for the upper hand in combat, just as he had been taught as a youth, Xir'nag spotted a ridge over the road not a hundred feet away. If this human turned out to be a mage, it could be called upon to provide a modicum of cover. The ridge wasn't too strong, however, so Xir'nag could knock it down if he needed to block the human's path.

The human driving the cart turned around voicelessly to remove the tarp from its cargo, letting out a nastolgic scent that Xir'nag hadn't run across in well over a decade, the overwhelming scent of the newly dead. Dozens of bodies, varying in gender, age, and race, rested in the cart.

"We carry the dead that this town sold us. We cover them up to restrict the smell."

2011-11-28, 07:56 PM
Xir'nag looked somehow suspicious of this. On one had it seemed simple enough, yet... "They sold you them?" The Na'rut wasn't quite ready to move on yet, but his intimidating structure lessened, slightly. "How did these people die? What will you be doing with them?" Xir'nag had the slight worry of these deceased being thrown in some pile to rot. It just didn't feel correct, almost like an insult. It would have been like sealing the freedom of a being, sealing the ultimate wonder that the world had beheld and the wonder that the Kol'ghem revers so much.

Realms of Chaos
2011-12-02, 09:40 PM
The black-cloaked man looked up at Xir'nag, caged annoyance and consternation visible through his harsh glare. Fear, oddly, was not written in his gaze. His was the hardened gaze of a merchant or favored servant, seeing only the job before him.

"Yes, they sold them," the cloaked man started, "and you are free to ask the citizens yourself, though I'd guess you lack the means to compensate us for the time you cost us. As for how they came to pass, I know only the wounds that I see and dare not guess for the woundless. As for what we intend to do, of what concern are these bodies to you? If I served a corpse eater, or worse, a corpse lover, what right would you have to stop us when the kin of these bodies gladly accept our coin?"

2011-12-02, 09:52 PM
Xir'nag held still for a moment. He was at a lack of words to state."Bah..." He spoke crudely and darkly as he turned around and took to the skies again. The man had a point. While Xir'nag had every right to cut the men down, it really did seem irrational and the Na'rut hated that man's guts. It was such an alien meaning that almost seemed to contradict Xir'nag's own ideals.

Yet the troll kept his goal and ideals as his own. The time of flying through the skies helped put him back in focus and on sight of the new challenge ahead of him. The thunderbird. They may have been an omen, but Xir'nag saw a new piece of history he may place into the story of the Kolghem. He flew up to the creature, bringing out Na'kesh and pointing it at the bird, signaling a challenge to the bird.

I'm gonna roll for Initiative: [roll0] Also using the Engage tactic/manuever on the bird.

Realms of Chaos
2011-12-02, 09:58 PM

"Even as Xir'nag rose to greet the thunderbird, the thunderbird craned its head back to face the troll, meeting his gaze for but a moment before turning back to its flight. For the first time, Xir'nag could truly comprehend the size of this beast, seen so often only from great distances. If the thunderbird had landed, it could rest its wingtips at either end of Kali. Its feathers crackled with lightning as Xir'nag approached, disregarding the Troll as no warrior in decades had."

2011-12-02, 10:16 PM
Xir'nag could see why such as creature like the thunderbird is considered an omen. It is such a marvelous yet fearful sight up close, like a god perhaps. Yet the Na'rut refused to back down from it. Xir'nag had always known, size makes one an easier target, and those that are not large and sturdy like himself are the most dangerous. With a raging cry, Xir'nag charged at the massive bird, ready to throw Na'Kesh into the neck when he reached it.

Going for an attack (not without being hit first obviously :smalltongue:) [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Engage is still set and using Dazing Blow. If the attack hits, the Thunderbird must make a DC 27 fort save against Dazing

Realms of Chaos
2011-12-02, 10:26 PM
"Even as Xir'nag approached from below, the Thunderbird's feathers ruffled and twitched as if blown by unseen winds. Just as Xir'nag landed his strike, effortlessly slicing through the bird's flank to release a spray of blue blood, the air around him erupted into a peal of thunder, a sound greater than any that Xir'nag had ever known; a pain greater than any Xir'nag had ever known. The loud sound worked the flesh and organs of Xir'nag into a bubbling froth as many of his bones were broken, shattered, or even reduced to fine powder.

Take 115 damage."

[roll2] (under is yes)

2011-12-02, 10:50 PM
The damage Xir'nag felt seemed impeccable. He was amazed how he still stood bravely at the creature after such a flaying strike against the Na'rut. His body began rejuvenating but the process was incredibly slow for the amount of punishment he took in a span of several seconds. Xir'nag grit his teeth and tried attacking once more, now slashing at the thunderbird's torso, where a heart might be for a humanoid. "Hah," the troll tried saying to himself in his damaged state, "I had no idea such a creature is this powerful. Yet the greatness of those who fall are overshadowed by those who overcome them!" Xir'nag spoke to rile his spirits up once more. There seemed to have been nothing that could bring this troll down, not even a inevitable defeat.

Attacking: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Using Inspire Fear. When I hit, the thunderbird has to make a DC 32 Will save for be shaken (or frightened if failed by 5 or more) 1d4+1 rounds

Realms of Chaos
2011-12-04, 08:18 PM
[roll0] low is yes

"Xir'nag charged for the thunderbird once more, seeking to plunge his blade into the beast's heart. Flesh only starting to repair from the previous blast, Xir'nag summoned what strength he had and and his sword thrust itself easily into the bird's chest, sinking the full 8 feet of the blade into the bird as Na'kesh let out a triumphant cry.

For a brief moment, all seemed as it should be. When he turned up to watch the bird's death throws, however, everything suddenly went incredibly wrong. The bird hadn't stopped flying, as if the attack were nothing at all.

"What trickery is this?" called Na'kesh, calling Xir'nag back to the wound he had just inflicted. Unlike the previous wound, this wound refused to bleed in the slightest, even worse, Xir'nag watched as his hand sank into the thunderbird, passing through as though it were a ghost.


With that singular, deafening cry, the thunderbird descended upon Xir'nag, engulfing him within it.

The insides of the thunderbird weren't formed like those of trolls and humans. Xir'nag found himself in a cloud of billowing mists, through which the bird's blue blood flowed freely. The sound of thunder was unbearable, halting the recovery of Xir'nag all by itself. Compared with what he had just endured, however, thiw was merely a calm in the center of the storm. Lightning mixed with the thunder, here, as each drop of blood to hit him sent shocks down his every fiber, causing his muscles to twitch and convulse and forcing him to hold onto Na'kesh with all his might and concentration. The winds buffeted Xir'nag towards the center of the beast. Though he couldn't hope to hear it, Xir'nag could feel his wings bend and crack in the windstorm."

Take 36 damage.

2011-12-05, 03:34 PM
Xir'nag had not expected this occurring. He did not expect any of this in fact. The troll found himself in an environment of pain with no seeming way out. Even with his body trying to remove his damage and resist the lethal blood, Xir'nag was putting everything in his willpower to fight on. With the force of everything harming him, Xir'nag used Na'kesh to try and keep himself from moving put of control as he tried to crudely fix his injuries. Once done he makes the attempt to move toward where the heart of such a bird might be, hoping that if that dies, the thunderbird will go with it.

Gonna use Mend Flesh to recover 12 nonlethal HP. That takes up my standard action.

Realms of Chaos
2011-12-12, 04:46 PM

"Straining his eyes through the storm, Xir'nag struggled to find the heart of this beast even as storm continued ravaging his his body. For a few moments, Xir'nag saw nothing but the lightning blood that coarsed through the form of the thunderbird.

At last, however, he saw it; a ball of lightning that hardly moved at all, always floating near the center of the thunderbird. Nothing else in the riling storm was even nearly as settled or still."

Take 26 damage.

2011-12-12, 10:32 PM
It almost seemed like forever till Xir'nag saw the ball of lightning that resembled the heart. He gave a grim smile as he saw it. The Na'rut did his best in focusing past the pain that the was tearing him in and out of his body. His will took heed and his heart spoke his desires as he strained himself to the best of his ability as he flew to bring Na'kesh down upon heart. Even if the blood was lava, Xir'nag would endlessly fight on against his foe.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Realms of Chaos
2011-12-12, 10:44 PM

"Fighting his way through the cloud with the remnants his shattered wings, Xir'nag clutched tightly at Na'kesh although the metal of the blade seemed to draw the worst of the lightning in the storm, sending spasms up his arms and through his entire body. The horrible winds that flayed skin and muscle alike continued as Xir'nag slowly travelled towards the sphere of lightning, not that he took notice. The body of Xir'nag had been pushed far beyond the limits that pain could measure.

Lifting the blade above his head, Xir'nag took another pained breath before plunging Na'kesh into the heart. The strike seemed to meet its mark, allowing the sphere to bleed lightning up Na'kesh and through Xir'nag. Just as the sphere began to dim, however, the world exploded into tremendous sound once more as Xir'nag watched his body break around him. Skin and muscle quickly dissolved into nothing at all as the troll's skeleton shattered entirely into tiny fragments, leaving only the marrow behind. Even so, this would be enough.

Though Xir'nag had never met the foe to make him see it, the true source of a troll's tenacity rested in its marrow. Thin, columnar, and far stronger than even adamantine, this marrow secreted juices that eternally restored the flesh, muscle, and bone of trolls. Forming connections between the bones as well, Xir'nag rested in the storm as little more than a fleshy grey skeleton. Already the juices had started rebuilding proper bone and more vital organs."

2011-12-13, 03:00 PM
Xir'nag had been aware that an electrical breakdown might have occurred if he attacked the sphere. He knew it would have been excruciatingly painful if it occurred. Yet the troll, who constantly tries to push himself past the limits that reality had written, went through with it anyway. It all but took a second to realize his body destroyed in an instant with the few, but vital remains left.

Xir'nag could not remember the last time this had happened to him... No this is probably the first. The skeleton that was his own lay down for awhile as the marrow started regenerating every part that had been destroyed. It was a slow process, even for a Na'rut like himself, and it showed the difficulty with healing from such destructive attacks. As a currently living skeleton, without any sense of sight, hearing, feel, smell, or taste, Xir'nag was completely aware and conscious during it. In a way it was like a prison without existence; any other creature, even the weaker trolls would likely lose hope and despair.

Xir'nag however was much braver than that. He had the will to keep going even as is; nothing apart from true death could stop the Na'rut. No amount of electrical discharges would kill him, even if they may crush and ruin him many times over. With only a skeleton, small pieces of bone-like flesh, and a will left at the time, Xir'nag forced his body to stand, at which then he focused greatly, using will alone to empower the juices that was recreating him and force his regeneration to hasten the process.

Using Mend Flesh to recover 12 points of damage (move action), and Recuperate to restore another 10 points of damage this turn (standard action)

This should currently put me at 215 nonlethal damage taken out of 313 HP.

Realms of Chaos
2011-12-15, 01:25 PM

"Focusing on mendinging his own wounds, Xir'nag managed to slowly recover a bit from the assault, his marrow outpacing the constant storm around him."

take 20 damage.

2011-12-15, 06:33 PM
Focusing a bit just to get eyesight, Xir'nag looks around to see the heart still alive and Na'kesh still at his side. He gives an intense look, or tries to considering his ruined body, grips his weapon lightning be damned, and forces the energy of Na'kesh to flow into Xir'nag's deathless skeleton. The troll feels the incredible surge and rage that forces him to move and flies full speed toward the heart of the thunderbird. Xir'nag's body had suffered from the storm that ravaged him, but now the energies in Xir'nag's skeleton and minimal muscle we're refusing to let him be stopped by anything. Now it mattered not how much would be thrown at him, but how much the troll threw at the thunderbird. With his full, raging strength, Xir'nag lets out a voiceless roar and brings down Na'kesh on a heart in a vertical slash, then swings it in a wide arc.

Activating Deathless Frenzy, lasts 16 rounds. Health, lethal or not, can go below 0 but won't stop Xir'nag.

Using Blitz as well.
Attack rolls: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage rolls: [roll2] [roll3]

Realms of Chaos
2011-12-23, 01:43 PM

"At long last, Xir'nag fell into a perfect frenzy of bloodlust, ignoring the pain and the scent of blood and smoke that rose up from his form. Na'kesh helped to fuel this flaming fury, frantically chanting in the tongue of the forebears and rivaling the volume of the surrounding storm.

The first swipe that Xir'nag took missed its mark entirely, passing through the thunderbird as if it were mist. With the second strike, however, Xir'nag proved that he and Na'kesh could strike out at even the mist, wounding the bird and sending its electric blood flying freely through the sky like lighting bolts in miniature.

The storm continued to ravage Xir'nag and each swipe of Na'kesh sent new pain surging through his limbs. No longer would this pain stop Xir'nag, however. Now, it would only fuel his anger."

Take 56 damage

2011-12-23, 02:40 PM
Finally, Xir'nag had turned the tables. Finally Xir'nag would show what it meant to be a Na'rut. Invigoratingly, the pain that Xir'nag was feeling only pushed him to fight harder. He voicelessly chanted the raging words that the Na'rut followed in times of battle, whether it would be their finest triumph... Or their last stand. Xir'nag however would not make this the latter. The ferocious troll swung twice again with Na'kesh, thrusting the axe before thrashing the inside of the body by swinging the axe upwards. Right now at this very point there was nothing in Xir'nag but an indomitable, implacable being of pure rage.

Attack rolls: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage rolls: [roll2] [roll3]

Realms of Chaos
2011-12-29, 10:00 PM

"The world around Xir'nag exploded in a cascade of lightning once more as he swung his blade through the etheric bird, once more missing its core. No matter how powerfully Xir'nag swung his blade, the Na'kesh seemed to strike or miss more by luck than through any special skill."

Take 116 damage.

2011-12-29, 10:21 PM
With another thunderous explosion from the bird, Xir'nag felt a pain of incredible destruction in his body once more. All it did was enrage him more. Even if he was past consciousness, he was also past reality's grip on what it meant to be alive or dead. Xir'nag changed his target, now trashing away at the bird's stomach instead of the core. Xir'nag decided he would destroy the bird from the outside instead of the raging storm that was inside the bird. He slashed once at the bird's flesh, and then again in the same spot to try and cleave the bird's flesh open so he may fly through it and let his foe see the troll's impossible vitality.

Attack rolls: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage rolls: [roll2] [roll3]

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-06, 04:44 PM

"Striking at bird unceasingly, Xir'nag spilled its deep blue blood even as arcs climbed back through Na'kesh and into his form. A second blow down the bird's spine soon followed, though this strike met only empty air.

Again the sky trembled in horrid thunder as the air threatened to pull Xir'Nag apart. In spite of this effort, however, Xir'nag had suffered no physical wound in the exchange. Indeed, his form hadn't worsened in the least.

It wasn't that the bird had failed or somehow missed its mark, nor was it that Xir'nag who had prevailed over such a harrowing assault.

Far from such stories of triumph or fortune, it was simply that the body of Xir'nag had no more wounds left to suffer. All that remained of his form was the marrow, primordial and eternal, driven by rage and glory. Less than flesh and less than bone, all that remained of Xir'nag was that which would not break, that which would never surrender.

Diving downwards out of the melee, the thunderbird attempted to break off the fight and descend the eastern mountain, Haenam'gol. Further and further the thunderbird dove, heading towards a storm cloud that brewed halfway down the mountainside.

90 damage more

2013-10-06, 10:00 PM
Out now from the belly of the thunderbird, Xir'nag looks on for just a moment at his massive foe. Both have suffered indigenous wounds from this incredible battle. Yet it comes in irony at how it has played out. The bird, still of feathers and blood finds itself faltering against a warrior who has lost everything he can give. Yet the differences between the two are all to great now that both know how this will end. The marrow of the Na'rut is yet another extraordinary reason for why the trolls of Kol'ghem are and should be known as legends. For all that the other warriors have, Xir'nag has that which no one else can obtain. When ideas of victory and fortune disappear in battle, when the instinct of glory and proof are all that remains; this is what Xir'nag is reduced to. Fueled by his indomitable will to prove himself the strongest and his marrow, like a gift from Trak'na himself, rage and pure force ascend his destroyed body and promises to scar the land with his strength.

Xir'nag's frenzy makes him the predator to the much larger thunderbird as the troll begins descending after it. Further and further down they go by Haenam'gol, Xir'nag thinks of nothing but glory to him and his tribe by slaying the great bird that has brought him to this point. Even if he could speak, his tongue would speak nothing but the terrifying wails of warlords to every ear on the land. He promises to stake his proof on the bird as he flies to try and slash once more with Na'Kesh, bringing the axe down as forcefully and more powerful than lightning itself.

Man, been so long. Here's hoping my experience at roleplayng since now will enhance the experience for us both. :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, time to make my attack. I will be using the Pursue combat technique to try and follow the thunderbird (I have Lesser Mastery so I won't need another move action after this to continue pursuing so long as I can keep up) I would also like to use Engage and it's Greater Mastery to try and keep it from moving beyond my reach (DC 20 Will, though it may be too late for that since it's already moving)

And in addition to attacking, I will use Furor as a part of the troll base class' ability. (can make extra attack at -2 Attack, provokes AoO from enemy). I will also be using Power Attack at +10 Damage/-10 Attack and Shock Trooper's Heedless Charge to change all the loss from attack into AC (so basically -12 AC for this round. I am using Deathless Frenzy for all it's worth :smalltongue:) Also Frenzy is giving me +6 to Strength so that's +3 to Attack and Damage as well.

Normal Attack: [roll0]
Frenzy Extra Attack: [roll1]
Furor Attack: [roll2]

Normal Damage: [roll3]
Frenzy Damage: [roll4]
Furor Damage: [roll5]

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-07, 10:44 AM

"Three were the strikes that rained down upon the thunderbird as Xir'nag descended from the sky. Na'kesh, his glorious blade, was lost in an ancient giant chant as it fueled his boundless fury, calling in an ancient iron voice that rivaled the rumbling thunder of its foe.

Three were the strikes that Xir'nag delivered, seeking to hold the bird in place. One through the left wing, one through the right wing, and one final blow through the spine. In any normal battle, there would be no escape from his grasp.

Precisely what happened next differs with each retelling of the tale. Some say the bottomless rage of Xir'nag dulled his senses and training. Others claim his formidable skills, trained from youth upon the ground, were not yet adapted to hold foes in the skies. Others still claim that the thunderbird was playing with him, that one could never truly slay a being made of cloud.

Whatever the case, the thunderbird broke free from the bite of Na'kesh, continuing a spiraling descent down into the clouds and vanishing from sight."

12 damage.

2013-10-07, 03:43 PM
The endless rage continues to swell almost uncontrollably within Xir'nag as he fails to maintain his grasp upon the thunderbird. Such a creature that has brought the troll to this point will not live to see the night in Xir'nag's mind. While this has been a battle he was glad to call forth, it has gone simply too long for him to accept that this shall end in a draw. Xir'nag wasn't just demanding glory from the thunderbird but demanding it to admit his superiority to it. No more would he accept all his loss of flesh, blood, and bone for a draw in a fight that could drown bloodthirsty gods in their desire for pain and battle. In his mind he will attain glory for himself and for his kind.

Xir'nag refuses to let the bird be as he follows the thunderbird into the clouds, diving into the thick, thundery clouds that could fry the eyes of lesser beings simply by being inside it. As he is in his rage, the troll has no sort of care for what tries to harm him now. Though all trolls of Kol'ghem do not fear death, the strongest of them defy it at every turn, able to not just make death itself blink but crack and break before their eyes. Xir'nag does as much as his frenzy-induced mind as he can show. He follows through the clouds, striking in rage at whatever he thinks is in sight. In the boundless, deathless rage within him, he acts like he is willing to challenge nature itself.

Well I am unaware if we may be out of combat now, however considering Xir'nag is still in frenzy he will probably be trying to keep this up for awhile. If we are out of combat you are free to fastforward to where his rage ends and where he eventually has actual HP :smalltongue:

Otherwise though, I'll make more attack rolls below just in case they'll be needed. Going with the same plan as last round:
Normal Attack: [roll1d20+24[/roll]
Frenzy Extra Attack: [roll0]
Furor Attack: [roll1]

Normal Damage: [roll2]
Frenzy Damage: [roll3]
Furor Damage: [roll4]
EDIT: Oops, made an error on one of my rolls. Hope it won't be too much of a problem.

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-07, 05:27 PM

Wow. I guess that you fail to end your frenzy early. Time for the bad part of frenzying, I guess.

"Descending down into the storm, Xir'nag could see no sign of the bird. Flying through a storm for the first time in his life, the assault upon his senses was unending.

The eyes of Xir'nag were dampened by the mist, teased and tormented by distant flashes of lightning.

The ears of Xir'nag reached only the sigh of the rain, the distant rumble of thunder from all around him.

Robbed of flesh and bone and muscle, Xir'nag had no other senses left to to find the thunderbird. The storm had consumed any trail his prey had left behind. The thunderbird had escaped...

...and yet Xir'nag could not give up...

After so many years waiting for a fight to press him to his limits, Xir'nag would not be denied his victory. After generations of Na'rut who could only dream of facing this lofty foe, Xir'nag would not be denied.

Diving down below the clouds, Xir'nag still saw no sign of his foe. The rain, the lightning, the thunder, the darkness... it was as though the mountains conspired to keep him from his prey. Slashing an upward arc with Na'kesh, Xir'nag struggled in vain to slay the weather.

No scream, no blood, no damage, no prey. Perhaps his prey had truly escaped him and his rightful victory... unless it were hiding.

The longer Xir'nag pondered on this notion, the more likely it seemed. The bird hadn't escaped because escape was impossible. Nothing would ever keep Xir'nag from his prize. Surely the bird knew that much already. No, the bird was merely hiding, waiting for Xir'nag to prove his cleverness and claim his prize...

...but where...

...but where...

...but where...

A glimmer of movement barely seen through the darkness drew Xir'nag to the mountain with Na'kesh drawn high.


A slain mountain hair rested on the mountain trail, sliced in twain by Xir'nag. Was this that birds idea of a joke? Were those peals of thunder but its laughter?

A flutter of movement at the edge of sight and a long dark length, shaped almost as a wing.


Na'kesh found itself buried deep in the trunk of an ancient tree, forcing Xir'nag to rip it back out with his incredible might. Where was it?

Thunderous footfalls racing down the mountainside. Ha! Even in that flimsy guise as a bear, the bird couldn't hope to hide its true essence.


No... no... this blood was crimson. The blood of the thunderbird was a bright blue. Where was this bird? Why did it send these distractions?


Up above, on the higher mountain road, something was moving... something heavy. Flying up eagerly to see his prey, Xir'nag saw only a elderly dwarf pulling a cart of good along the road...

...how proud was that accursed bird, thinking Xir'nag fall for such a simple ruse? Why would anyone brave this treacherous road in the middle of a storm? And of course it would choose the form of the race that once served the tribe of Xir'nag. Did it think this form would earn it mercy? DID IT?


Crimson once more. Xir'nag was tiring of his hunt, hungering only for the pounce and final kill. As he prepared to slash at the ground in rage, however, Xir'nag finally saw it.

A solitary bluebird, trying so hard to fly through the storm.

Of course it would keep the form of a bird. The prey must have had some modicum of pride. To think that Xir'nag had almost overlooked that creature, disregarded it for its size...

No other form of life was in sight. There was no chance he would fail once more. Lifting back up into the air, Xir'nag prepared to destroy that bird, to claim the pride that was owed him.

Even as he lifted off of the ground, however, the storm seemed to grow a bit softer, as if some sound were removed from it. Even as Xir'nag readied his blow, he barely registered just what was missing.

Na'kesh had finished his chant.


Xir'nag awoke to find himself upon soft earth, fully intact and surprisingly dry. Looking around, Xir'nag found himself up on a rocky precipice overlooking a low-lying vale between the eastern and southern peaks. Out in the vale, Xir'nag could see walls of vegetation the grew from the river that flowed with each rain. The rain, far from the foe it had been but moments before, was now a soothing metronome that eased the aching head of Xir'nag

Upon the rocky outcropping, a bed of soft dry earth had been gathered beneath Xir'nag, a canopy of lumber and bear skin assembled over him to keep him safe from the rain. Gathered upon him and all around him were large offerings of marvelous dishes, ranging from the staples of yak tongue and rhemorraz liver he'd only tasted in youth to the potent drink favored by ogres to other foods he'd never tasted or smelled in his life.

Standing outside of the makeshift shelter, three large quadrupeds watch you from the rain. Appearing as caribou with long grey beards and horns as dark as midnight, the three figures watch Xir'nag awaken without so much as a blink.

Even as Xir'nag takes in these sights, the troll is aware that he could not have been unconscious for more than a minute or two at most, at least if his wounds still healed."

(you are exhausted but are otherwise fully healthy)

2013-10-08, 08:34 AM
Xir'nag awakens with a headache he had not felt in all of his existence. Through his rage and with Na'Kesh's help, the troll had pushed himself far enough that an aching body should have been expected. Yet it comes down on Xir'nag like a massive hammer to his head. He never thought about what would come next during that fight. All there was then was the incredible desire for victory and glory. He had difficulty remembering the last few moments of that incredible battle; he remembers swinging Na'Kesh in his rage, crimson liquid drenching his marrow as it did to the ground. Like a unyielding predator he had slashed away at those who had come into his sight. Had he even slain the thunderbird? After being pressed to the extents that a Na'rut could reach, he knew he deserves nothing less than it's great sacrifice at his blood-worthy hands.

It dawns on him a moment later that he had been placed in some sort of shelter between his collapse and his regeneration. Though his wounds were beyond grievous, his regeneration is capable of more than healing that in a scant couple minutes. To have been moved here in-between unconscious and awakening meant that this would have been built in an incredible hurry.

Xir'nag sits up as the ache continues to pound his body. The makeshift bed and canopy, while appreciated were not really needed in his own opinion. He would have been fine awakening in a pit of mud and blood so long as he had obtained glory for himself and for his kind. The smell and sight of the dishes makes any person want to dig in to, the troll himself included. Before he can however, he knows to at least speak with those watching him in the rain. Though he could ask many things, the most he is interested in are his accomplishments made in that great battle minutes prior. If anyone would specifically know it would be that who had found and carried him away.

He speaks up to them, assuming they can hear and respond at all to Xir'nag. He speaks tired and in pain but also with a sense of curiosity and interest in the three caribou. "I breathe once again. How much had been undone in my wake?" After being reduced to nothing but his marrow before, Xir'nag finds it odd for but a moment to speak with flesh and bone back.

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-08, 10:45 PM
"Bowing its head to the troll, a single caribou intoned words in the giant tongue in a gruff, nasally voice.

"A bear, a hair, a tree, a dwarf."

Bowing its head in turn to the troll, the second caribou, though identical in appearance, spoke with a far older voice.

"Nothing of note to a Na'rut, certainly."

The third caribou, bowing down, spoke in a voice that sounded shockingly human.

"Though we wonder why one would select such foes"

2013-10-09, 03:57 PM
Hearing the words of the caribou, Xir'nag gives no immediate look of response to the three. Rather, his mind gathers the thoughts of what he now knows. Even in his rage he fails to kill the thunderbird; even at the utmost limits a Na'rut can reach, he wasn't able to kill that creature who kept glory from him. The taste of failure is venomous to all, worse for when it is known to Xir'nag for the first time. Despite this though, he had learned that even in a draw, it is better to be the pursuer than the prey. Even if the thunderbird had made it's retreat, it did so because it was weaker. Xir'nag had indeed overwhelmed it enough to make it's retreat. The troll will make sure that a second battle between the two, should chance decide it, will end in it's death.

Eventually Xir'nag looks back in the time of reality as he tries to think back once more. His fury had brought the hunt towards four targets which were worth nothing. Still aching, the troll responds simply to the three caribou. "They had simply gotten in the way of a destructive battle. Casualties which did not ever need to have been on the battlefield." For a warrior, Xir'nag doesn't keep himself from being affected by mistakes and unfortunate events for long. His loss in killing the thunderbird has already began to whittle away from his mind, though he knows to never forget the glorious fight on a whole.

His curiosity not sated, Xir'nag goes to ask another question. "I had not expected to be greeted by this. I ask, what do you three know of me to have honored me with shelter and food?"

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-09, 06:10 PM
"As the caribou spoke once more, Xir'nag could finally discern among their features, even in the absence of names.

The first had the tip of one horn missing, the hair on its body missing in spots to reveal scars and wounds of all sorts.

"We are guardians, stewards, shepherds. To help and protect is our nature, brave Na'rut."

The hide of the second seemed to bear white wool much as a sheep, hanging long and soaked from its ancient form.

"Of course, it would be a deception to claim that we feel no joy at seeing you. The loss of your tribe has weighed heavily on Kol'ghem, noble Na'rut."

The third was possessed of piercing green eyes with white sclera that looked a bit too humanoid, though it spoke with ease.

"But for now, relax and enjoy. Battles await when the rain subsides, wise Na'rut."

At this, the three caribou came to a rest upon the rocky ground. Though their bodies surrounded Xir'nag, none of them dared look in his direction, opting instead to peer upon the valley below.

2013-10-10, 01:54 PM
Xir'nag looks in curious awe as he is able to more visibly see the features on each of the caribou. They are nothing short of slightly odd, yet majestic creatures in their own way. Though their answer to what they are come off as vague, Xir'nag understands that they would not want to explain more than what they have already said. Instead he acknowledges their words with a passive and silent look, letting them peer down the valley as he looks to the food that has been placed before him. While he looks forward to battle once more, the words of the third caribou speak on in Xir'nag's mind like a simple oracle. When the rain ceases, he shall be off. Until then rest will be called for.

Firstly the troll chooses to feast in on the yak tongue and rhemorraz liver which he had thought been all too rare to simply find again. If there is any way the troll showed his gratitude to the caribou it is through his eating manners, at least that which a Na'rut would have. Xir'nag digs into the food hearty, chomping on the succulent liver with a delight that he had not known since long ago. It can be told that even without seeing, the sounds of the troll munching and desirably devouring the food offered in the shelter can be seen as a man earning a blissful state of vitality through this food. Unhesitating in his eating, Xir'nag eats through each of the foods he knows before reaching for the ones he's never seen or tasted before. The sense of the unknown he felt simply from digging into these foods is exciting. He wonders and hopes that such a sense will carry on when he leaves the mountains for the lands he will walk through in time.

When all the food is done, when his stomach is sated and his mind rejuvenated, Xir'nag looks out the precipice from where he can see in his shelter. Rare does he think that he will find such a view once he is far from Kol'ghem. As the rain stirs and claps with the ground, the troll looks on till the weather subsides from it's tears, which by then he shall move out to finish what he had planned to accomplish here. Both him and Na'Kesh can hold their desire for glory for only so long.

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-10, 05:19 PM
"As Xir'nag ate the delicacies provided him, the troll could feel strong magic woven within them, fortifying the troll from within and fortifying his resolve.

The caribou, gathering over by the ledge, scratched curious patterns into the rock and conferred in some curious tongue that Xir'nag had never heard in any of his years.

When at last the storm began to clear, the human-eyed caribou stretched its legs and the wool-haired caribous shook the moisture from its coat, leaving only the battle-worn caribou to speak.

"It is fortunate the three of us found you when we did. We suspect that three shall be a number of great significance to your journey."

Turning to the human-eyed caribou, the speaker seemed to frown.

"Or, perhaps, the-two-and-the-one. On this we cannot be certain. Whatever the case, the time has come for us to leave. We are of no mind to face the ettins that drink at the river. We wish you well, Na'rut."

As they speak, the caribou approached the canyon wall, finding their footing up on the sheer walls as they prepared to leave. After one final look towards Xir'nag, the three of them were off and up onto the mountain."

2013-10-11, 02:39 PM
Xir'nag, now fully up and fortified, listens in on the words of these shepherds as they speak their cryptic sentences. He wonders whether the three are capable of viewing the future somehow. If so, what could they have seen? He knows his journey will be a bloody one; glory, victory, and honor hopefully will shower him along his life. Yet was there something more that they knew and he didn't? The troll couldn't tell and he knows he has no reason to ask. He already knows that the feeling of the unknown is preferred over the feeling of being all-knowing. So Xir'nag watches the three leave onto the mountain, letting the troll be to his own plans.

Finally standing up, Xir'nag stretches as the last few aches in his body wear away. The rain sweeps away the restful mood that he had before. The time of relaxation was over and Xir'nag hopes he will not need another one like it anytime soon. He reaches for Na'Kesh, placing his powerful hand on the ancient greataxe. The troll looks out in the distance from the precipice once more. He cherishes the sight for a moment before turning around and looking on at the path ahead of him. He then speaks words showing his rejuvenation and renewed power.

"Let us have our might be remembered upon these mountains before the land shall know our name."

Xir'nag then makes his way down to the river of the Ettins, finding positive confidence for when he comes to face them.

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-15, 11:15 PM
"Among the kin of giants, few could be considered as lowly as the feral ettins. Though they occupied common land, few were known to seek any company beyond that of their other head.

The ettins had nothing of song or myth, no structures or crafts, no tactics or subtlety. Were is not for their immense strength, they'd have surely killed themselves off ages earlier. Fortunately for them, then, strength was one commodity the giants had in abundance.

Already Xir'nag could see the giants below, sitting awkwardly by the river like some horrendous, unwashed herd of cattle. A few pulled bones from the rotting carcasses of long-dead bovine while others swung large trees haphazardly through the air, often attracting the ire of those nearby.

To compare the ettins to cattle, clearly, was an insult to the cattle"

2013-10-16, 03:11 PM
Looking down below, Xir'nag views the numerous ettin with a disgruntled sneer as he sees such lowly giants at the river. These creatures, tamed not by others but by their lack of fame and traditions, could be valued only for their strength which Xir'nag hopes can compare to his. They make better opponents at least than the despicable umberhulks, for those are told as despicable beyond worth. Yet no number of ettins could match the same sense of triumph the Na'rut may earn from the humans and elves which had ravaged the once wonderful world of war. Kol'ghem has only so much to offer Xir'nag; after this he shall come to know what else there is that can know the Na'rut's might.

Xir'nag chooses the quickest way to go down and confront the ettins. A great leap he takes off the edge, falling with the speed of an eagle and courage unbounded by fear. His wings lessen the force of his landing as he strikingly lands on the ground near the river. The Na'ruts have been known to take the advantage of height and jump down great distances in war to surprise their enemies; their hardened bones and mighty regeneration trade off the injury of the impact for the advantage. Xir'nag had every ability to bring down his axe upon an ettin from the skies above. Yet even these beasts are worthy of a proper, honorable battle. There would be nothing but shame had they not been given the chance to demonstrate their only worth.

With the ettin, Xir'nag's sheer changes to a neutral yet almost excited look. Na'Kesh ominously holds still as it is gripped tightly in the Na'rut's right hand. Xir'nag speaks to the ettins, a voice of strength that even ettins should be able to notice. "Ettins of the Kol'ghem's fruitful river. The last of the Na'ruts stand before you. In honor I say, those of you who can speak come closer." From what Xir'nag recalls, many of the ettins did not speak languages as most creatures would. He hopes that at least one of them can speak and understand the giant tongue.

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-25, 10:30 PM
"A couple Ettins, attracted either by the speech or by the sound it produced, wandered closer to the troll.

Of the three assembled, only one produced any manner of speech, a disgracefully broken dialect of giant, "Yuu Bu-ring Tree-Byute? Fuud?"

2013-10-26, 05:21 PM
Hearing the words of the Ettin and their broken dialect brings a pulsing, intolerable screech to Xir'nag's ears. Even the insult of being called a tree brute is miniscule to the ignorance that the thick-headed brutes have. They could barely understand him, much less understand what he is actually here for. The Na'rut's face indicates his very unappreciated tone that he has been given. Xir'nag has no reason now to communicate as far as he is concerned. He will not swing recklessly as a first strike without initiating his challenge but doesn't express much delight being so formal to these thick-minded ettins. The ettins are worthy of a proper battle... but only barely.

Xir'nag brings out his axe in front of him, pointing it to each of the ettins nearby the Na'rut. If even slightly sentient creatures should know anything, it's that they know when they are being threatened. "I challenge your kind against me," Xir'nag speaks. His voice still keeps the strength it has before but is considerably more aggressive now. "Three, five, however many you decide. I demand a battle for the glory of war that this world lacks!" If the fact that his axe is out, his face scowls, and his voice indicates aggressiveness doesn't speak any sort of threat to the ettin, nothing probably will.

Still, Xir'nag knows to be optimistic in some form. The ettins are strong in muscle, if not in mind. He knows that if nothing else that he will learn something from this.

If Intimidation means anything, I would like to make one as a way of Xir'nag expressing himself as a threat and/or danger to the ettin: [roll0] Looking forward to seeing how this plays out. :smallbiggrin:

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-27, 12:04 AM
"At last it was clear that ettins assembled understood Xir'Nag. The three that had assembled, with their six simian heads, bellowed with horrid, discordant laughter at the challenge, lowing themselves to sit at the base of the valley.

Even seated, the ettins were each twice the size of Xir'Nag at his full height. Their bodies, covering in layers of leathers taken from harpy and manticore alike, were covered in tangles of matted hair. They were unwashed and smelled of death and excrement, as if a lifetime of deeds and meals sought to live on through their musk.

Even as the three sat around Xir'Nag, each head smiled and grunted at one another, mirthfully displaying sharp teeth as they smacked their lips and coordinated themselves. At last, one of them reached within its armor, producing from it a large, brown object covered in fur.

The young brown bear the ettin had produced, angry and confused at its recent captivity, flailed its claws mindlessly through the air as the ettin set the beast down by the troll. A second bear was soon produced, placed right next to the first as the three ettins watched in rapt attentioon."

2013-10-27, 09:32 PM
It is up for debate whether these ettins are testing Xir'nag or simply teasing him. Bears are far too below the Na'rut. The giant creatures seem truly think that something a quarter of their size is of no threat. Xir'nag demonstrates a unpleasant look at the sight. Giant monsters and great warriors are what he envisioned fighting in the land, not these simplistic brutes and animals. Of course that is only an idealized vision the troll has; Ladoria has been too far gone from having such opponents in fruitful supply on every part of the continent. Of course, Xir'nag can see that as a upside of it's own. In that sense it would make worthy opponents all the more valuable to fight. For now however are these petty beasts, ones Xir'nag may as well humble through showing his strength.

Firstly, the Na'rut makes sure that he is prepared, as if expecting to be engaged with the ettins. Then in but a quick, clean sweep, Xir'nag brings Na'kesh to his side and then quickly swings a horizontal slash from left to right; both hands keeping held on the greataxe as it goes to crash into the blood and bones of the bears the ettins brought out. Immediately after, Xir'nag swiftly ceases the momentum brought on by his first swing to follow up with another horizontal slice. This one goes the opposite direction. Xir'nag swings with his left arm and uses the freedom to launch a step forward to further carve into the bears. If this quick display does not impress or frighten the ettins, the Na'rut will take a more extreme course of action to make his point. Someone as great as himself refuses to be ignored by fools like these ettins.

I don't quite know if I need to roll attack on the bears. However I will just to be safe.

Firstly I will spend 5 AoOs for the Engage combat technique, targeting the three ettins and the two bears.

Secondly I will full-attack the bears, one at each bear.
Attacks: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] [roll3]

Now if I take one of them out, I should be able to Cleave the other, so I will roll for that if I may:
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Lastly, if I manage to drop that second bear with Cleave, my Terrifying Warrior (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Terrifying_Warrior) feat should come into play (DC 15 Will check to avoid becoming panicked if not Xir'nag's HD or higher) A fun bonus, if nothing else. :smalltongue:

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-30, 09:59 PM

made miscalculation. see next post.

Realms of Chaos
2013-10-30, 10:15 PM

"With two clean slashes, Na'kesh glided through air and flesh and bone as Xir'nag displayed his skill in battle. As Xir'nag peered up at the ettins to search their expressions for fear or awe, however, their faces showed only mirth at the display.

Looking either way, neither of the two bears had fallen, though both had been delivered serious wounds. The third ettin, which had produced neither of the bears, raised two fingers to each of its mouths and let out two discordant whistles.

The bears responded with fervor, attacking as a mess of claws and teeth as they flanked the Na'rut. In the quick struggle, one bear had slashed at the face of Xir'nag (10 damage after DR) while the other had bit into his gut (7 damage after DR). Both bears struggled to hold Xir'nag in place so they could continue the mauling.

(Xir'nag is grappled)

2013-11-01, 04:13 PM
Alright, time to get these rolls in place. Will do rolls now and should get the fluff up before midnight your time.

If possible Realms I might suggest next time rolling grapple for Xir'nag too so I won't need to try and develop multiple possible outcomes in a single post. :smalltongue:

Grapple: [roll0]

Attacks: [roll1] [roll2]

Will perform a Furor attack on each bear to try and guarantee their death: [roll3] [roll4]

Normal Damage: [roll5] [roll6]
Furor Damage: [roll7] [roll8]

Grapple: [roll9]

Attack: [roll10]

Will perform a Furor attack on the other bear: [roll11]

Normal Damage: [roll12]
Furor Damage: [roll13]

Before I forget. Furors invokes an AoO from that which is being targeted

Xir'nag had, perhaps, underestimated the fortitude of the bears. He figured they would go down within a sweep of his blade, but he sees it will take another one to do so. First he is attacked relentlessly by these animals of low status. He is impressed that they have the strength to leave such a mark on him, gashing his face and tearing into his flesh with their claws and teeth. Yet their strikes are only those of an animal; no matter how deep they can cleave, the flesh of the Na'rut refuses to let these marks lie on his body. His marrow swiftly begins to heal the aggressively-fought wounds the bears made.

With thus, Xir'nag refuses to let the bears another moment in their assault. With a great heave of effort, the Na'rut uses his free arm to knock away the bear biting into his gut. With his other arm he moves to plunge Na'kesh and it's bladed axe into the other bear, tearing the animal away from Xir'nag's head. Without relenting, almost in haste Xir'nag lifts his axe high as he goes to bring it down upon the other bear. The Na'rut gives the lowlife animal one last chance to lay it's mark on him before Na'kesh brings down it's strength upon the bear.

Realms of Chaos
2013-11-06, 10:28 PM
"Responding to the minor threat the bears represented, Xir'nag dispatched them with the greatest of ease, leaving himself open for one final, futile strike as the bears were wiped from the world.

The ettins for their part, appeared more disappointed at the end of the trial than readied for the battle ahead of them. One leaned back to pick at one of its noses as another scratched itself. Ignoring the Troll for all of his glory, the trio looked over the valley searching for their next activities.

Na'kesh, speaking for the first time since Xir'nag had awakened, bellowed, "What is this? Where are we? Why am I coated in the blood of animals?"

2013-11-10, 07:33 PM
Xir'nag's patience towards these ettins has been, to say the least, extinguished. These ettins simply look away like the Na'rut is nothing. What had they expected of him, to be devoured by the pitiful bears they sent out? Their ignorance is as great as the arrogance of those humans, if not moreso. By this point Xir'nag had felt he chose poorly in coming to the ettins and instead would have been better eliminating the umberhulks instead. However he is here now and he will not accept this act that the dumb brutes think they can get away with.

Almost set to lift up his greataxe again, Xir'nag stops as Na'kesh comes to awaken from what seems to be it's slumber. The Na'rut focused so dutifully on his tasks that he had not been aware the greataxe was even unconscious for the time. The troll looks to his greataxe with a disgusted impulse, both hands gripped crushingly on the blunt handle. Quickly and with the frustration one would expect, Xir'nag responds to Na'kesh. "This is from the impudence of these mind-deaf ettins, thinking I could be eaten by bears when I am more than a match for one of them!" Before Xir'nag continues his belittling of the ettins, he briefly touches on why the two are here. "We came for glory and this is how we are treated. The blood of ettins are to stain us! Would you think us as low enough to be beneath the presence of these giants?!"

For the moment, Xir'nag's eyes focus on Na'kesh as he looks away from the ettins. Whether they heard the Na'rut or not is beyond the troll's interest right now. He knows they will only listen to the strike of his blade, not words. All he waits is to hear the understanding of his greataxe.

Sorry this took so long Realms. College has kept be rather busy. But hey, I got this post done and still having fun with it! So I'm glad to be able to keep this game going. :smallbiggrin:

Realms of Chaos
2013-11-17, 11:13 AM
"The response of Na'kesh came quickly, roaring in its metallic voice,

"When minds are deaf, the blood will listen,"

2013-11-17, 08:19 PM
Xir'nag gives a great, fierce smile at the response of Na'kesh. The Na'rut always believe in blood when words speak to the deaf, whether of their own or of their opponents. Xir'nag is no different; the strength of battle is how he is known and how he will be known for. "And it shall be so," he says as his eyes dart up to one of the ettins that had turned away so irresponsibly.

Xir'nag grips the hilt of Na'kesh to the point where he could crush a normal weapon by the blade. It is first a step forward before the Na'rut explodes in a lightning-bound dash to the edge of the rock. Cruelly-blessed wings to support him, Xir'nag leaps off into the sky, brings his greataxe up in the air, and forces it down with the crushing assistance of gravity, set to try and cleave an ettin's head through with enough force to leave it weakened. Xir'nag aims to take out the ettin in one fell swoop to show his might.

Xir'nag will charge one of the ettins. Will Power Attack for +10/-10 and use my Heedless Charge feat to transfer the attack penalty to AC instead. Powerful Charge also gives me an extra 2d6 to damage. Will also make use of Dazing Blow (DC 25 Fort to avoid being dazed for 1 round) if this attack hits.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Crit Threat if needed: [roll3]