View Full Version : Blinking

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-18, 09:19 PM
For the Blink (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/blink.htm) spell do you not suffer a miss chance if you can strike ethereal creatures? What's the quickest, easiest way to strike ethereal creatures. If this doesn't work how can I negate the miss chance?

2011-09-18, 09:20 PM
Be a Ninja.

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-18, 09:23 PM
I guess I could spare two levels, but I was hoping to put Psywar there. If it takes more than that I don't think I'll be able to make it work.

2011-09-18, 09:24 PM
I believe it requires Ninja 8 to turn ethereal or invisible for one round, Ninja level+Wis time per day.

EDIT: It is indeed Ninja 8. Slightly more helpful, Greater Blink (SpC?) ignores the miss chance but is much higher level but I'm not sure what level exactly.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-09-18, 09:24 PM
Take the Pierce Magical Concealment feat (requires Blind Fight and Mage Slayer as a pre-requisite) which negate the miss chances due spells or spell like effects at the cost of a -4 to CL of spells and SLA, which I assume you don't have.

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-18, 09:28 PM
That's in Complete Arcane, right.

Oh, and I'm getting my Blinking from Blink Dog if it matters any. It's Tristalt so I was going Blink Dog RHD//Blink Dog LA (+2) Psywar// Swordsage

Dusk Eclipse
2011-09-18, 09:31 PM
That's in Complete Arcane, right.

Oh, and I'm getting my Blinking from Blink Dog if it matters any. It's Tristalt so I was going Blink Dog RHD//Blink Dog LA (+2) Psywar// Swordsage

Yep and best of all Feats are the exception to the psy-magic transparency so it doesn't affect you manifester level :smallbiggrin:

Edit: After checking the stat block for the Blink dog I am not sure... it is called a (Su) ability and PMC and MS refer specifically to spells or spell like abilties (no mention of Su); but it says as the spell... so that is a bit worrying I think you should ask your DM how they interact

Keld Denar
2011-09-18, 09:36 PM
I was gonna say Shape Soulmeld(Chrystal Helm) + Open Least Chakra(Crown), but that would only help you strike foes on the ethereal plane. Force effects from the Ethereal plane don't carry the same clause on the way back.

Force effects and abjurations affect you normally. Their effects extend onto the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, but not vice versa. An ethereal creature can’t attack material creatures, and spells you cast while ethereal affect only other ethereal things. Certain material creatures or objects have attacks or effects that work on the Ethereal Plane. Treat other ethereal creatures and objects as material.


Dusk Eclipse
2011-09-18, 09:41 PM
Is crystal helm the meld that gives your attacks the [Force] Descriptor?

Keld Denar
2011-09-18, 10:52 PM
It is, but as I stated, force effects only go one way. And that way is Prime to Ethereal, not Ethereal to Prime.

2011-09-18, 11:48 PM
There was a weapon in CPsi (the Ethereal Reaver) that used to let you attack from Ethereal to Prime, but it got updated in the MIC and doesn't do that anymore.

2011-09-19, 12:35 AM
Ninja is the only thing that attacks from the material to the prime, I think.

2011-09-19, 07:09 AM
There was a weapon in CPsi (the Ethereal Reaver) that used to let you attack from Ethereal to Prime, but it got updated in the MIC and doesn't do that anymore.

Technically, the Ethereal Reaver in Complete Psionic is a specific +2 longsword with it's own ability, while the Etheral Reaver property in the MIC is just a +3 enhancement that could be found on or added to any weapon. The printing of a weapon property in the MIC does not supercede a specific magic weapon in ComPsi.

2011-09-19, 07:16 AM
To strike Ethereals, you can use a Riverine [Stormwrack] weapon to attack ethereals just fine (it's basically a Force weapon). Force bow works too.

However, those only work one way; that is, you can strike Ethereals from Material. You can't strike Material from Ethereal. Ethereal Reaver is really the only way of doing that, and the CPsi printing at that. So unless you can get one of those you're out of luck.

2011-09-19, 08:15 AM
Be a dream dwarf. I think they get the ability to see, and thus, strike, ethereal creatures as a race feature.Not sure, though.

2011-09-19, 09:37 AM
Would Ghost touch work?

2011-09-19, 10:25 AM
Would Ghost touch work?


The wielder of a ghost touch weapon gets to treat it as either incorporeal or corporeal, whichever is most beneficial to the wielder. However, incorporeal and ethereal are two completely different effects.

Incorporeal creatures generally exist on the material plane, unless they're ghosts. As soon as something is ethereal, it's no longer on the material plane and can't affect anything on the material plane unless it can "manifest", either via the Ghost's manifestation ability or some wonky feats/abilities from the Ghostwalk campaign... either way, this usually involves a degree of "Being Dead" that doesn't mix well with most PCs.

There may be a cheaper alternative to the Ethereal Reaver from CPsi, but I'm not sure it works with blinking:

1) Spread some ghostwall shellac (150 GP, Dungeonscape p. 35) on your weapon and wait 1 hour. This causes the surface of the weapon to exist on both the material and ethereal planes for 4d6 hours.
2) Activate your blinking or ethereal spell/effect/ability.
3) While you are ethereal, pick up your weapon and stab something.

The problem with blinking is you're flickering back and forth. As soon as you pick up an item, the next time you shift to the ethereal plane, you are presumably also shifting the item as well. So shellac'ed item gets carried over to the ethereal plane... at which point it's no longer on the material plane, and has a 20% whiff chance just like any other weapon.

2011-09-19, 10:30 AM
1) Spread some ghostwall shellac (150 GP, Dungeonscape p. 35) on your weapon and wait 1 hour. This causes the surface of the weapon to exist on both the material and ethereal planes for 4d6 hours.
2) Activate your blinking or ethereal spell/effect/ability.
3) While you are ethereal, pick up your weapon and stab something.

The problem with blinking is you're flickering back and forth. As soon as you pick up an item, the next time you shift to the ethereal plane, you are presumably also shifting the item as well. So shellac'ed item gets carried over to the ethereal plane... at which point it's no longer on the material plane, and has a 20% whiff chance just like any other weapon.

Emphasis mine. This solves nothing if it still has the 20% whiff chance. Thats what the OP was trying to cicumvent.

2011-09-19, 10:48 AM
Emphasis mine. This solves nothing if it still has the 20% whiff chance. Thats what the OP was trying to cicumvent.

Personally, I would say it removes the miss chance for attacking Ethereal creatures, because when it's on the Ethereal plane it can of course hit them, and when it's on the Material the shellac lets it hit them. You still have the miss chance against Material, but not against Incorporeal. That's half the miss chance gone.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-09-19, 10:52 AM
Emphasis mine. This solves nothing if it still has the 20% whiff chance. Thats what the OP was trying to cicumvent.

PMC covers the miss chance due blinking.

2011-09-19, 10:52 AM
Personally, I would say it removes the miss chance for attacking Ethereal creatures, because when it's on the Ethereal plane it can of course hit them, and when it's on the Material the shellac lets it hit them. You still have the miss chance against Material, but not against Incorporeal. That's half the miss chance gone.

I'll give you that but barring a campaign where Ethereal creatures are prevelant, the 20% against Material opponents is the dozy and you should focus on removing/circumventing that instead of the miss chance against ethereal.

2011-09-19, 01:34 PM
PMC covers the miss chance due blinking.

Only from the spell tho; we're talking Blink Dog and its Su ability here.

I'll give you that but barring a campaign where Ethereal creatures are prevelant, the 20% against Material opponents is the dozy and you should focus on removing/circumventing that instead of the miss chance against ethereal.

I'm betting he thought it works the same both ways. It's admittedly a bit counterintuitive that Ethereal -> Material is about 10000000000000 times harder than Material -> Ethereal almost to the point of the connection being one-way.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-09-19, 01:36 PM
Oh right... well considering it says as the spell one could argue it covers that too; but yeah you are right by Raw