View Full Version : Awakened Bonsai Tree

2011-09-19, 12:24 AM
I'm starting a character for a new campaign.

The GM allowed me to play a awakened tree as long as I could swing it with one hit die so i would be appropriate lvl for first lvl.

And he let me build the druid that cast the spell as long as i retroactively paid for the casting with goods, gold, or services.

So basically i had a druid with the feat that gives +2 more to ability scores to any transmutation spell that enhances ability scores. The feat came out of this best of dragon magazine book i have, but i dont remember the name.

And a maximize rod and the empower feat.

so basically i gotta pay for a 7th lvl spell cast by a 13th lvl caster retroactivly.

Anyway he ruled the bonsai tree i chose was small size. so my fist lvl has to basically just be an animated object small out of the Monster Manual
Except my stats are as follows
Str 10 +0
Dex 12 +1
Con - -
Int 28 +9
wis 29 +9
chr 24 +7

Ive got a lot of ideas swimming in my head on where to go with these fun high stats after first lvl.

And i figured a good way to brainstorm/narrow it down/ learn something new
was to just put it to everyone here.

What kind of fun things would you do with this character?

Cohesive or cheesy it doesnt matter. I will probably end up doing something cohesive that makes sense with a story but cheesy strange builds are fun to see and inspirational.

I had considered having an attitude and background story of a sort of plant avenger. Going to war against humanoids on behalf of all my plant brethren.

But its not set in stone.

And some particular questions i have about the build are:
Can i get my con back somehow?
What kind of movement speed would roots for legs be considered? Multiple legs 50 ft?

=) have fun, go nuts.

2011-09-19, 12:33 AM
With those stats? Probably a Cleric with the ability to actually turn undead :P

2011-09-19, 12:43 AM
Any type of caster seems an obvious answer. As for regaining con, maybe if you became a druid, when you get wildshape?

2011-09-19, 12:58 AM
Whatever you do, learn Stoneskin.


2011-09-19, 05:17 AM
An animated object is a construct iirc so incarnate construct for con? afb but i'm pretty sure it gives you a con score.

2011-09-19, 05:54 AM
Could go Druid using that as the means of repaying. Basically you apprentice/ follow in his footsteps.

2011-09-19, 11:43 AM
I say, go Rogue or Bard. Wouldn't you get like a freaking high bonus to hiding in brush and undergrowth or amongst house plants?

This is actually an amusing character, what would have happened if you'd gone for a different tree, like an awakened Apple Tree...or Pineapple tree? OO an awakened palm tree...natural weapons falling coconuts...

If you want something really fun be a Kundala from the Book of Erotic Fantasy...it's a cross between a monk and a ranger you get flurry of blows and a spell list.

There is also the Tantrist, and potentially the Basarian Dancer or Infiltrator (kingdom's of kalamar player's handbook)

Fouredged Sword
2011-09-19, 11:54 AM
Be a druid. Have your animal companion be a monkey who carries you around.

2011-09-19, 11:55 AM
Could go Druid using that as the means of repaying. Basically you apprentice/ follow in his footsteps.

And hey, at 12th level you can learn to wildshape into a plant creature! :smallamused:

Storywise, if you're an apprentice druid, this could totally be a link in an awakening chain. Your creator is also an awakened tree druid, and you too must take Empower Spell and buy a maximize rod so that you can create your own little bonsai apprentices with godlike stats.

In terms of build, whenever I see particularly high Cha, I think "paladin". You could get plenty of healing from your lay on twigs ability. :smallwink: Yeah, a paladin/wizard would be just fine here.

Whatever you do, learn Stoneskin.

Pssh, no, you should learn barkskin so your hide is as tough as ... wait a minute ...

Fouredged Sword
2011-09-19, 12:10 PM
Take the Craft (bonsai) skill, max ranks. Keep and care for a bonsai tree. Keep calling it your baby and don't let anyone touch it.

2011-09-19, 12:16 PM
Ranger. Favored Enemy: Dwarves.

2011-09-19, 12:51 PM
Be a druid. Have your animal companion be a monkey who carries you around.

Interestingly, Wildshape doesn't change the Druid's actual type. So...

Animal topiaries!

2011-09-19, 01:20 PM
This...Is made of pure undiluted win.

2011-09-19, 01:22 PM
here is some stuff i was already looking at b4 i started this topic.

I was looking at wild shape with a wild clasp monks belt so i got wisdom to ac.
Prestiging into nature's warrior for the fast healing and +5 nat armor and wearing +5 dragonhide fullplate and +5 darkwood shield with that enhancement that lets it maintain the bonus even while wild shaped.

I was looking into ways to get a plant as an animal companion. And going a arcane heirophant route.

I was considering possibly doing a zen archery build with a monk using a adaptive bow and unorthodox flurry to flurry rapid shot stunning fist.

Also considering bonsai 1/paladin of tyrany 2/ monk 1/hexblade 2/rogue 2/blackguard 2 For wisdom to ac, Chr to saves 2 times, 3times vs spells and evasion and mettle.

2011-09-19, 01:39 PM
oh and my stats are now


thanks to incarnate construct template out of savage species (thanks for that idea)

But im not sure how the negative 2 lvl adjustment is supposed to work. I have never encountered a negative adjustment.

Does it mean i am lvl 0 and can take my 1st lvl in a normal class?

Or do i just ignore it?

2011-09-19, 02:01 PM
oh and my stats are now


thanks to incarnate construct template out of savage species (thanks for that idea)

But im not sure how the negative 2 lvl adjustment is supposed to work. I have never encountered a negative adjustment.

Does it mean i am lvl 0 and can take my 1st lvl in a normal class?

Or do i just ignore it?

You stack on more templates that cancel it out. Be a flying Bonsai Tree!!!

2011-09-19, 02:06 PM
No no no MULTI HEADED bonsai!

Or like stated above, mineral warrior+some other LA 1 template.

2011-09-19, 02:08 PM
No no no MULTI HEADED bonsai!

Or like stated above, mineral warrior+some other LA 1 template.

Bonus points if a multi-headed bonsai just looks like an overgrown bonsai.

Or a Flying Bonsai thats as hard as a rock! But if you use Mineral Warrior, thats another thing you would have to pay retroactivly.

Fouredged Sword
2011-09-19, 02:10 PM
Just take Feral and call it a day. No need to go crazy on your DM, and the stats that take penelties are stats you ether have in silly amounts or don't care about. You get +wis, fast healing, and claws.

2011-09-19, 02:11 PM
You either
A: Take two free LA to cancel it out, and dodge the flying books.
B: Don't take the template, since it's badly written, incoherent, and subtracts from your bonsai awesomeness anyway.
C: Take the template, and go to your DM and agree not to use the two free LA, thus demonstrating that you are a reasonable person and hopefully building up credit for the first session or so with your character.

But really, since you're already looking at playing a tier one character with godlike stats.... You don't need to resort to Incarnate Construct.

2011-09-19, 02:14 PM
Report immediately to the Deku Tree! :smallwink:

2011-09-19, 02:29 PM
1. Are you "humanoid" enough to qualify for incarnate construct. you have to have "2 arms" "2 legs" and "a head". Certainly I guess you could be "groomed" into the shape like a topiary animal, but I don't know if that would count.

2. I *think* you have to fill in the -2 LA with something else, as I dont think your allowed to carry a negative total LA. But you could just ignore that and go with it.

3. I am terrified of what a banzai tree looks like after incarnate construct template is applied. A small twisty "tree" made of bone, skin, and flesh? *shudder*

2011-09-19, 02:32 PM
The fundemental question, though, is one of fluff not power, since you already have more power than most GMs will accept in a game.
So, do you want to play an Awakened Bonsai Tree, or do you want to play a fleshy abomination? Really, there's no right answer there, but you should be thinking about what you want to be at this point. Since, really, unless you are in an extremely high op group, Incarnate COnstruct is simply not a good idea. It's one of the most powerful templates in the game, and so should only ever be approached with a ten-foot pole.

2011-09-19, 02:35 PM
Also, someone should make an age category based tree monster that gets hundreds of attacks a round and can fling pine cones at its foes.

2011-09-19, 02:39 PM
Also, someone should make an age category based tree monster that gets hundreds of attacks a round and can fling pine cones at its foes.

Unfortunalty, each attack has it own threatened area and generally can't get more than 5 attacks into a given area.

2011-09-19, 03:56 PM
Also, someone should make an age category based tree monster that gets hundreds of attacks a round and can fling pine cones at its foes.

dont forget the families of squirrels that throw acorns (that you had turned into little grenades with your druid spells)

and watch out for woodpecker swarms!

2011-09-19, 04:02 PM
What type of tree was bonsai'd before your character was awakened? Was it an Octopus Tree or just a spruce?


The Dark Fiddler
2011-09-19, 04:12 PM
I can't believe nobody's mentioned this (assuming I haven't failed a spot check), but as an awakened tree you are a plant, not a construct.

An awakened tree has characteristics as if it were an animated object, except that it gains the plant type...

2011-09-19, 04:18 PM
Consider the treant: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/treant.htm Especially the abilities:
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12

Now, Awaken is a 5th level spell while liveoak is a 6th level spell, so liveoak should be able to do more or better stuff.

But if you want a con score, then you can probably just ask to change type to plant rather than construct, get a d8 instead of d10, and get a con score.

2011-09-19, 04:41 PM
If you were to become an Incarnate Construct, you'd need to take your extra LA templates BEFORE hand, because an LA below 0 gets kicked up to 0 before you can apply any templates.

Also, you can't be an incarnate construct, because you are the plant type (See two/three posts above me).

I'd be a (divine) bard(ic Sage) with those stats. Not the most optimized (or at all), but fun. Maybe a bit MAD, if you take divine, but you've got the stats to do it. Bonus points if it's womanizing.

Immagine the scene yourself.

Sorry. One order of brain-bleach coming right up. Fresh from the brewing pits. And Pine scented.

2011-09-19, 05:53 PM
So Bonsai tree from prettifed forest?